Critique Paper
Critique Paper
Critique Paper
XI-Service (STEM)
This book is good to those people have love science because the entire
book explains the climate change like what are the caused and etc. which
have correlation in science. This book is an example of nonfiction book. If
you can see the title you can already understand what the book all about is.
It is easy to understand what is all about climate change because the words
used in the book are generics.
The bad thing of this book it is that is just a little too smart for its own
good. Each response to climate change denial goes on for several dense
pages of scientific explanation and stats. Nuanced arguments with
supporting facts have no specific place, unfortunately, on cable and radio
news, and debate shows even newspaper, which have all the intelligence.
The deep disappointment in this book is that despite statements like
“Methane is a much more powerful greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide,”
the author refuses to acknowledge the major contributor of these nasty
greenhouse gasses. One thing can’t this discuss the author is the livestock
industry’s considerable impact upon our Earth and climate has been
mentioned before; in fact, an entire documentary film has been made about
it. Yet the author never mentions dietary choices and instead makes
statements. Also the bad thing in this book is they can’t focus the
environmental if what is the effect.