Critique Paper

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Kent Clyde M.

Monteza December 13, 2019

XI-Service (STEM)

“How to Change Minds about Our Changing Climate”

By: Seth B. Darling and Douglas L. Sisterson

This book is good to those people have love science because the entire
book explains the climate change like what are the caused and etc. which
have correlation in science. This book is an example of nonfiction book. If
you can see the title you can already understand what the book all about is.
It is easy to understand what is all about climate change because the words
used in the book are generics.

This is very concise and surprisingly an accessible little book that

outlines and debunks nearly every argument that sceptics like to trot out
against climate change, providing the background and science necessary to
understand why the climate is changing, how we know what the causes
effects are. The authors have done a good job of condensing a huge amount
of information into this little book, and for someone curious about some
sceptics’ arguments, it’s certainly worth a read. This book is easy to read,
and clearly explained, the arguments of climate sceptics are debunked one
by one in this important book. I say this is important because this book is
related in climate change and climate change is related in our environment.
This can help us prevent doing bad effects in our environment. I had no idea
there was a difference in global warming and climate change are, but that is
explained here which is great. Definitely worth a read even I am not yet done
reading this book because it sets the facts straight and provides solutions
and a summary are included at the end of each chapter, also there are some
helpful “image summaries” throughout. An excellent read to help debunk the
entire climate change all myths that are so prevalent. The authors take us
through each myth; shows what the real deal is, scientifically and often in a
humorous manner. I definitely recommend this book for everyone, supporter
or denier should be on everyone’s must read list. This book is good because
it covers a lot of ground about climate change. You don’t need a degree in
science to understand the basic principles of climate change, but you do
need to have some facts, straight facts that we’re confident you’ll have at
hand after reading this book. The author which are Seth B. Darling and
Douglas L. Sisterson use clear and accessible explanations of what we do
and don’t know about the science specifically in climate change because the
main topic or focus is climate change. One reason why this book is good
because it starts swinging from the beginning, tackling the most common
myths about climate change that are perpetuated by sceptics, who quite
frankly, usually label themselves as “conservative”. There also many
question in you about climate change that can answer in this book. You can
also see in this book the ratio of record on high and low temperature of each
decade starting from 1950s-2000s. By reading this book I learn that the
growth of Antarctic sea ice cycle which is the open sea become sea ice forms
then the wind pushes ice apart and ocean circulation pushes ice apart then it
then goes back to become an open sea. That’s why I consider this book as
one of the best books. I also learn the Milankovitch cycle in page 108 which
is the first step is precession then the second step is obliquity and the third
step is eccentricity. I also like this book because even just by reading the
title of every chapter you already know what it is all about in that chapter. By
reading this book there are many things you learn like climate change is bad
or good, why we don’t need to worry, If climate change happen or not, If we
are the reason why there is climate change, If global warming is the result of
natural cycles or not, If scientists are split on whether humans are affecting
by the climate, if the renewable energy is too expensive to replace fossil
fuels. If you read this book there are so many things you learn like there is
no link between carbon dioxide and global temperature, more carbon dioxide
won’t make difference, there is no link between warming and extreme
weather, renewable energy is too expensive or too variable, Carbon taxes or
cap-and-trade system will destroys the economy, kill jobs, and hurt the poor.

The bad thing of this book it is that is just a little too smart for its own
good. Each response to climate change denial goes on for several dense
pages of scientific explanation and stats. Nuanced arguments with
supporting facts have no specific place, unfortunately, on cable and radio
news, and debate shows even newspaper, which have all the intelligence.
The deep disappointment in this book is that despite statements like
“Methane is a much more powerful greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide,”
the author refuses to acknowledge the major contributor of these nasty
greenhouse gasses. One thing can’t this discuss the author is the livestock
industry’s considerable impact upon our Earth and climate has been
mentioned before; in fact, an entire documentary film has been made about
it. Yet the author never mentions dietary choices and instead makes
statements. Also the bad thing in this book is they can’t focus the
environmental if what is the effect.

My first suggestion to the author is to discuss the livestock industry’s

considerable impact of climate change because for the people who find the
reason why the livestock is bad they find the reason because you discuss
what is the reason why the livestock is bad. My second suggestion to the
author is write the specific place for the people wants to know where the
problem happens about climate change. My third suggestion to the author in
this book is don’t despite statement. My fourth suggestion to the author is
mention dietary choices. Focus the environmental effect of Climate Change if
good or Bad to know the entire Environmentalist what will happen in the
environment if The Climate Change is bad and also this is advantage to the
Environmentalist to make or experiment what is the solution if Climate
Change happen. My fifth suggestion to the author is don’t despite the
statement. My sixth suggestion to the author is don’t denial the response of
climate change for several dense pages of scientific explanation and stats.

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