Cenacle Guide

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The following are offered to accompany us in

living our consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Please take part in these activities. CENACLE
Every Thursday Evening IMMACULATE HEART
Please tune in to "Yes, Father" OF MARY
DWAD 1098 khz AM Band
Time: 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM


Every Last Tuesday of the Month “Cenacle” is a word for the “upper room” where
“Make it; renew it often, live this consecration of Venue: Shrine of Nuestra Senora de Guia the Last Supper took place and where the apostles
yours!" (86 k) M.H. del Pilar cor. A. Flores St., Ermita, Manila gathered after the Ascension in prayer with Mary, in
expectation of the Holy Spirit. It was during this
Time: 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
“Live out each day, with love and faithfulness, the original Pentecost, when the power of the Holy
Spirit manifested upon them, that the Catholic
consecration which you have made. Allow yourselves
to be always carried in my arms, leaving everything to
your heavenly Mother, that for each one of you also the 4th Quarter Formation: November 8, 2014 NOW, after more than 2000 years, Our Lady renews
plan of the Father may be fulfilled” (220 m-n). Venue: Chancery Building, Diocese of Cubao the call for ALL her children to gather together with her
Lantana St. near New York St. Cubao, QC in the cenacle of her Immaculate Heart in anticipation
of the new Pentecost.
"Gently I will lead you to that perfection which is Quarterly Formation for 2015
pleasing to my heart and little by little I will trans- First Quarter - February 21, 2015 “The whole Church must now enter into the cenacle
form you into a very faithful image of my Son Jesus. I of my Immaculate Heart” (355 b) . . .“the new and
Second Quarter - May 9, 2015
will give you a new way of seeing things: you will see spiritual cenacle . . . in order to obtain the gift of the
with my own eyes. I will give you a new way of Third Quarter - August 15, 2015 new Pentecost” (404 c, 428 c) .
feeling: you will feel according to my Heart. I will Fourth Quarter - November 14, 2015
“I urge you to multiply everywhere cenacles of
also give you a new way of thinking: you will think prayer . . . in incessant prayer with your heavenly
according to the Heart of Jesus and my motherly WEEKLY REFLECTION Mother” (426 l).
Heart, seeing everything in God and as God sees,
according to the spirit of Wisdom" (22 e, f, h, k). On the Word of the Lord & the Message of Our Lady
Guide on Living Our Consecration to the Immaculate WHY IS THE CENACLE IMPORTANT?
Heart of Mary
"Thus you grow, O flowers cultivated by me in my Because, the second Pentecost can only be realized
Given through email, please send your request to:
garden, because you receive the beauty and the after the pattern of the first Pentecost, i.e., Mary and
[email protected]
perfume of your Mother. The Father will rejoice to the apostles in the cenacle. Our Lady said: “Only in
see the design of his creation perfectly realized in it. the cenacle of my Immaculate Heart, when the whole
The Son will dwell with you, into whose midst the CONTACT US: Church will have entered in, will the prodigy of the
reign of the Father has already come. The Holy Spirit second Pentecost take place” (355 b).
will be Life Itself, in a world reconsecrated to the Phone: 0916-4350392; 505-7825
She cautions us, too: “The period of the purification
glory of God. This will be the triumph of my Immacu- Email: [email protected]
and the great tribulation in which you are living
late Heart" (133 j, m, n). Website: www.mmppriest.com
must be for you the time of the cenacle” (573 j).
1. It is a powerful tool in Our Ladyʼs hands to lead many
to salvation.
2. It prepares us spiritually for the Lordʼs second coming. I. INVOCATION TO THE HOLY SPIRIT IV. READING AND MEDITATION

3. It brings us security, peace, consolation and hope. “Come, Holy Spirit, come by the means of the Reading a message from the book “To the Priests
powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Our Lady’s Beloved Sons” is an essential part of the
4. It is our protection against confusion and apostasy. Mary, your well-beloved Spouse” (226 k, 426 a, 604 w). cenacle. It teaches us “to live our consecration to her
5. It is our protection from the evils that threaten the Immaculate Heart” (604 i), accustoming us to her “way
families of today. of seeing, thinking, praying and loving” (86 m).
II. RECITATION OF THE HOLY ROSARY “Read it; meditate on it; live it! Have no doubt; I am
6. It acts as a “lighting rod” that will protect us from the
chastisement. After the Fatima Prayer at the end of each decade, speaking to you. Through these words, I am present in
add: it and manifest myself. Only tomorrow will you
7. It will be our safe haven in the hour of the great trial. understand the importance of this maternal message
O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine;
8. It helps us to understand “the whole and entire truth.” All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment of mine” (284 j). If a priest is present, he may give a
Thine. brief reflection on the message.
9. It prepares us to become “apostles of these last times.”
10. The Holy Spirit will come down to lead us to the “When you recite the rosary, you invite me to pray V. SHARING
second Pentecost. with you, and each time, I truly join in your
prayer” (148 p). In this portion, we share insights or inspirations from
11. Childrenʼs cenacles, in particular, give great spiritual
our meditation. We give witness to the glory of God in
power to Our Lady. “The prayer of my predilection is the Rosary” (275 c). our lives. Sharing the joys of living in Christ, through
12. It is the spiritual force that will enable Our Lady to “Your entire rosary, which you recite in the cenacle Mary, strengthens our faith, gives a healthy spiritual
crush the head of Satan. in accordance with the urgent request of your disposition and deepens the hope and expectation of
Mother, is like an immense chain of love and each participant.
salvation with which you are able to encircle persons
OUR LADYʼS PROMISES TO FAMILIES and situations, and even to influence all the events of VI. ACT OF CONSECRATION
your time. Continue to recite it, and multiply your
Any formula of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart
1. She will help them live the sanctity of marriage, principally cenacles of prayer, thus responding to the invitation
may be used. Our Lady said: “This complete offering
by enabling them to remain united and faithful in living which the first of my beloved sons, the Vicar of Jesus,
the sacramental character of the family union. has so urgently made to you” (184 d, e). of yours is the only thing I ask of you” (84 f). By this
act, we put our life into her hands, completely and
2. She desires to look after the children of these families. without reserve, so that she may transform us into the
3. She will always be near and attentive to their spiritual III. FOR THE HOLY FATHERʼS INTENTION image and likeness of her Son Jesus.
as well as their material needs. “This act has been taken seriously by me, and it has
With the recitation of the rosary, it is customary to pray
4. During this period of difficulties, she will protect them one Our Father, one Hail Mary, and one Glory Be for in itself the capacity of truly changing and trans-
and shelter them under her mantle. Thus, she invites the Popeʼs intentions. These fully satisfy the conditions forming your whole life. With the act of consecration,
families to multiply these cenacles of prayer. for obtaining the indulgence attached to the rosary. We you have put your life in my hands. Gently will I lead
suggest praying another Our Father, Hail Mary and you to that perfection which is pleasing to my Heart,
“If you all walk along the road which I have traced out and little by little I will transform you into a very
for you, if you listen to and put into practice what I have Glory Be for the Bishop and the priests of the Diocese
where the cenacle is prayed. faithful image of my Son Jesus” (22 c-e).
said to you today, your families will be the first buds of my
triumph: small, hidden, quiet buds, which are already “You must support him with prayer, with your love VII. HYMN / PRAYER TO OUR LADY
sprouting in every part of the earth, as though to anticipate and with your fidelity. You must follow him, carrying
the new era and the new times which are even now at out to perfection whatever he determines for the As the cenacle begins with the invocation to the Holy
your doors.” (358 s) good of the Church” (162 e). Spirit, it ends with any hymn or prayer to Our Lady.

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