Review Article
1,2 2 2 2*
Barmi Hartesi , Sriwidodo , Marline Abdassah , Anis Yohana Chaerunisaa
Program Studi Farmasi, STIKES Harapan Ibu Jambi, Jalan Tarmizi Kadi No 71, Kota Jambi, Indonesia.
Pharmaceutical Technology Departement, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Padjadjaran, Jalan Raya Bandung-
Sumedang Km.21, Jatinangor 45363, Sumedang Indonesia.
*Corresponding author’s E-mail: [email protected]
glucose units between branch points are typical of products are usually differentiated based on the
amylopectin. About 70% of the mass of starch granule is manufacturing process to be used. Dry binders used for
regarded as amorphous and about 30% as crystalline. The direct compaction must exhibit cohesive and adhesive
amorphous regions contain the main amount of amylose, forces so that when compacted the particles
and a considerable part of the amylopectin. The agglomerate.
crystalline region consists primarily of the amylopectin.
Binders used for wet granulation are hydrophilic and
The corn plant (Zea mays) is a high-capacity, factory for soluble in water and are usually dissolved in water to
efficiently converting large amounts of radiant energy form a wet mass that is then granulated. Binders function
from the sun into stable chemical energy. This energy is as binder for both direct compression and wet
stored as cellulose, oil and starch in the corn plant and in granulation. As a dry binder, it compresses well,
the corn kernel. The corn plant is also one of nature's predominately deforming plastically. It has been shown to
greatest multipliers. Approximately four months after produce cohesive dry blends due to its granular
planting, a single kernel of corn weighing about one one- morphology and superior adhesive characteristics. As a
hundredth of an ounce will yield 800 kernels weighing result of its partial cold water solubility, starch functions
eight ounces. In comparison to this 800-fold seed exceptionally well in tablet manufactur by wet
multiplication in corn, wheat will produce a 50-fold yield granulation applications and performs dual functions of
per seed planted. Corn Starch is one of the traditional both a disintegrant and a binder. In capsule filling
excipients used in the manufacture of tablets. Depending processes, Starch and Star Cap Co-Processed Starch
on the application, specific starches are available for use Excipients function as effective binders improving the
as disintegrants, fillers or binders. tablet and capsule uniformity of the capsule fill as well as forming a stable
7,8 11
diluent; tablet and filler. capsule plug.
Starch has been investigated as an excipient in novel drug Binders are pharmaceutical excipients that are commonly
delivery systems for nasal, oral, periodontal, and other used in tablet formulation to impart cohesion on the
site-specific delivery systems. Starch is also used in topical powder mix 12,13. The resultant cohesiveness ensures that
preparations; for example, it is widely used in dusting the tablet remains intact after compression 14. Binders are
powders for its absorbency, and is used as a protective used either in solutions or dry form depending on the
covering in ointment formulations applied to the skin. other ingredients in the formulations and the method of
Starch mucilage has also been applied to the skin as an preparation especially in wet granulation 13,15. The
emollient, has formed the base of some enemas, and has quantity of binders used has a considerable influence on
been used in the treatment of iodine poisoning.9 the characteristics of the compressed tablets 8,16.
Increasing the binder concentration invariably raises the
Isolated starch is typically a dry, soft, white powder. It is
disintegration times. 17
insoluble in cold water, alcohol, ether and most organic
solvents. Starch, if kept dry, is stable in storage for In tablet formulations, freshly prepared corn starch paste
indefinite periods. Though starch granules are physically is used at a concentration of 5–25% w/w in tablet
durable, they can be disrupted quite easily. If granules in granulations as a binder. Selection of the quantity
water suspension are gradually heated, they begin to required in a given system is determined by optimization
absorb water. The granules hydrate, increase in size and studies, using parameters such as granule friability, tablet
finally lose their structural integrity. This results in loss of friability, hardness, disintegration rate, and drug
characteristic birefringence and opacity, an increase in dissolution rate.
viscosity, and the eventual formation of a paste or gel.
Classification of Binders
This process is referred to as starch pasting or
Solution binders are dissolved in a solvent (for example
gelatinization. The temperature at the which
water or alcohol can be used in wet granulation
gelatinization of a starch occurs — the gelatinization
processes). Examples Corn Strach.
temperature — is dependent upon such factors as starch
concentration, pH of the suspension, rate of heating, the Dry binders are added to the powder blend, either after a
wet granulation step, or as part of a direct powder
presence of certain salts, and the specific procedure being
compression (DC) formula. Examples include cellulose,
followed. Under well-defined conditions, starches can be
methyl cellulose, polyvinylpyrrolidone and polyethylene
classified using gelatinization temperature as a means for
differentiation. The properties of the starch granule are glycol. 11
dependent upon the arrangement of the bonds which link Oyi, et al (2009), conducted a research on “Comparative
glucose units to one-another within the starch molecule Binding Effects of Wheat, Rice and Maize Starches in
itself. 10 Chloroquine Phosphate Tablet Formulations” Formula
chloroquin tablets are made with various binder and with
Starch As Binder
various concentrations.
Binders are used in the formulation of solid oral dosage
forms to hold the active pharmaceutical ingredient and
inactive ingredients together in a cohesive mix. Binder
Table 1: Form ular for chloroquine phosphate granules formulated using the selected starch as binder.
Table 2: Granule properties of chloroquine phosphate formulated using the selected starches as binder
Table 3: Tablet properties of chloroquine phosphate tablets formulated using the selected starches as binder
Tablet hardness was observed to be higher with wheat paracetamol granules by wet massing. The granules
starch at all the concentrations employed compared to were compressed at different compression loads
those of rice and maize starches. This indicates that (arbitrary units on the load scale; 8, 9 and 9.5).7
lower concentration of wheat starch could be used to
Table 4: Effect of binder type and concentration on the
achieve the same level of bond strength and probably
tensile strength (T) and packing fraction (Pf) of the
granules made from wheat starch mucilage were more
readily deformed than those produced with either rice
or maize starch, but the corn starch can be used as a
Uhumwangho, et al (2006) conducted a research on
“Influence of some starch binders on the brittle fracture
tendency of paracetamol tablets”. The study was carried
out to compare the binder effects of cassava and
cocoyam starch with that of maize starch BP. The
parameters investigated were the brittle fracture index
(BFI), the tablet packing fraction (Pf), and tensile
strength (T). Mucilages of the starches of varying The results (Table 4) showed that cassava starch binder
concentrations; 15, 20, and 25% (w/v) were formed; produced harder and more compact tablets compared
their viscosities were determined and used to form with the cocoyam and the maize starch binders. Cassava
starch is therefore the more effective binder which is
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research
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Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res., 41(2), November - December 2016; Article No. 14, Pages: 59-64 ISSN 0976 – 044X
attributable to the higher gel strength of its mucilages. directionally to push apart the adjoining components,
Increase in binder concentration generally led to an thereby initiating the break-up of the tablet matrix.
increase in Pf and T values irrespective of the nature of
Disintegration leads to the breakup of the tablet into
the binder. It is known that binders promote plastic
the component granules, thereby presenting a greater
deformation of particles and thereby increase the area
surface area of the tablet to the dissolution medium
of contact for interparticulate bonding. Hence, an
before the active drug substance is finally released from
increase in T is invariably associated with an increase in
the tablet. An immediate release tablet formulation of a
Pf values of the tablets. The results (Table 4) thus
drug is usually not useful until it‘s active component is
showed that granules made with the cassava starch
made available for absorption hence the disintegrant
mucilage were more readily deformable than those
arguably become the most important excipient in a
produced with either cocoyam or maize starch, but the
tablet to facilitate immediate drug release. Although
corn starch can be used as a binder.7
modified release dosage forms is the focus of most
Table 5: Effect of compression load on the brittle research due to their benefits such as reduced dosing
fracture tendency of the tablets. frequency and attendant improved patient adherence,
reduced side effects and increased duration of
therapeutic action; immediate release dosage forms still
occupy a crucial space in drug delivery especially in
disease conditions that require rapid onset of action.
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