COURSE OUTLINE English Phonetics and Phonollgy

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I. General information
Subject : English Phonetics and Phonology
Credit/status : 2 sks/Compulsory (MKK)
Faculty/Department : Tarbiyah/Tadris Bahasa Inggris
Instructor :
Name : Dr. Toyyibah, SS., M.Pd.
Addresss : Perum. BTN Rejomulyo II No. 254 Kota Kediri
Phone : 085854446060 (WA); 081234013891
E-mail : [email protected]/ [email protected]

II. Course Description

English Phonetics and Phonology is a compulsory course with 2 credit hours per week. The
significance of this course arises from the fact that pronunciation is considered to be one of
the most important aspects of language learning. This is because pronunciation errors may
lead to confusion and total misunderstanding. These errors may be avoided when students
learn the sounds of the language they are learning, which includes learning sounds in isolation
as well as in connected speech.

Besides dealing with the practical and theoretical study of speech sounds (Phonetics) and the
systematic use of such sounds in language (Phonology), this course also introduces the
students to some basic principles of linguistics such as the definition and properties of
language as well as sub-fields of linguistics (Introduction to Linguistics). Regarding with
phonetics, the course covers the vocal tract and its function in producing speech sounds,
besides the phonemic symbols for transcribing the spoken language. Consonants and vowels
are described in articulatory terms (i.e. places and manners of articulation). Attention is
especially drawn for English sounds that are not available in Bahasa Indonesia. With regard to
phonology, students study contrastive sounds of English –phonemes— as well as the
phonological processes whereby the pronunciation of such sounds is affected when grou ped
with other sounds.

III. Course Objectives

By the end of this course, the students are expected to:

1. Show their understanding of some introductory basic principles of “linguitics”, including

the definition and properties of “language” and sub-fields of “linguistics”(CP3.02)
2. Be aware of the importance of pronunciation in language teaching and learning (CP3.02)
3. Be able to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of (CP3.02):
a. The principles underlying the classification and description of speech sounds and
prosodic patterns;
b. The articulation of English sounds;
c. The distinction between phonemes and allophones;
d. The different connected speech processes, such as assimilation, deletion, insertion,
linking, etc.;
e. The principles of transcribing spoken language using IPA (International Phonetics
Alphabets) symbols.
4. Be able to demonstrate that they can (CP2.10):
a. Pronounce English sounds in isolation and in connected speech;
b. Transcribe spoken language using IPA symbols;
c. Read aloud phonemic transcriptions of spoken English;
d. Do phonemic analysis at the levels of elementary to intermediate.

IV. Activities

In order to achieve the course objetives, the teaching strategies apllied in this course are
lecturing, demonstration, students’ presentation, cooperative learning, small group
discussion, individual practice and exercises, and class discussion.

V. Recommended Refernces
1. Fromkin, Victoria. 2003. An Introduction to Language. 7th edition. Massachusetts:
2. McMahon, April. 2002. An Introduction to English Phonology. Edinburgh: Edinburgh
University Press.
3. Mihalicek, V. and Christin Wilson (eds.). 2011. Language Files: Materials for an
Introduction to Language and Linguistics. 11th edition. Columbus: The Ohio State
University Press.
4. O’Grady, William, etc. 1997. Contemporary Linguistics: an Introduction. Boston:
5. Roach, Peter. 1998. English Phonetics and Phonology, A Practical Course. Second edition.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
6. Yule, George. 1993. The Study of Language. George Yule. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.

VI. Topics/Sub-Topics

Meeting Topics/ Sub-Topics Recommended Strategies

1 1.1 Introduction to the Syllabus 1, 4 Lecture, Question-Answer
1.2 What is “language”
1.3 Basic Properties of Language
2 2.1 What is “Linguistics” 1, 4 Lecture, Question-Answer
2.2 Phonetics and Phonology as
sub-disciplines of linguitics
2.3 What is “Phonetics” and
3 3. The Production of Speech 1, 4 and 5 Students’ Presentation;
Sounds Teacher’s Clarification; Class
3.1 Organs of Speech Discussion: Individual
3.2 Places of Articulation:
bilabials, labiodentals,
alveolars, palatal, velar, and
4 4. English Vowels 1, 4 and 5 Students’ Presentation;
4.4 English Vowel Classification Teacher’s Clarification and
4.5 The pronunciation and demostration; Class
phonemic symbols of English
Discussion: Individual
Vowels (/a/, /æ/, /ʌ/ /ə/, Practice
/e/, /ɔ/ /i:/, /i/, /u:/, /u/).
5 5. English Diphthongs 1, 4 and 5 Students’ Presentation;
5.1 Centring Diphthongs (/ıə/, Teacher’s Clarification and
/ʊə/, /Ɛə/) demonstration; Class
5.2 Rising Diphthongs (/əʊ/,
Discussion: Individual
5.3 Falling Diphthongs
(/eı/,/ɔı/ /aı/).
6 English Plosives (/p/, /b/, /t/, 1, 4 and 5 Students’ Presentation;
/d/, /k/, and /g/) Teacher’s Clarification and
demostration; Class
Discussion: Individual
7 7.1 English Fricatives (/f/, /v/, 1, 4 and 5 Students’ Presentation;
/θ/, /ð/, /ʃ/, and /Ʒ/ Teacher’s Clarification and
7.2 English Affricates (/ʧ/, and demonstration; Class
Discussion: Individual
8 Midterm Test : Oral/ Written test
9 9.1 English Nasals (/m/, /n/, 1, 4 and 5 Students’ Presentation;
and /ŋ/) Teacher’s Clarification and
9.2 English Approximants (/r/ demonstration; Class
and /l/) Discussion: Individual
9.3 English Glides (/w/ and /j/) Practice
10 IPA System and Exercises o f Lecture, Demonstration,
Phonemic Transcription Question-Answer
11 Voiceless and Voiced English 1, 4 and 5 Students’ Presentation;
sounds Teacher’s Clarification and
demonstration; Class
Discussion: Individual
12 Phonemes, Phones and 1, 4 and 5 Students’ Presentation;
Allophones Teacher’s Clarification and
demonstration; Class
Discussion: Individual
13 Syllable and Consonant Cluster 3 and 5 Students’ Presentation;
Teacher’s Clarification and
demonstration; Class
Discussion: Individual
14 Connected Speech: Rhythm and 5 Students’ Presentation;
Assimilation Teacher’s Clarification and
demonstration; Class
Discussion: Individual
15 Connected Speech: Elision and 5 Students’ Presentation;
Linking Teacher’s Clarification and
demonstration; Class
Discussion: Individual
16 Review and Final Test

VII. Evaluation

The evaluation of the student’s achievement of this course will be based on some aspects, those
are assignment (20%), class performance (10%), midterm test (30%) and final test (40%).

The assignments include:

1. Group Assignment: Making summary of the assigned topic and presenting it in front of the
class. Each group has to submit the summary at the first presentation session.
2. Individual assignment: Making notes of each session and submit the notes at the following
meeting. Students do not need to submit their notes on the session when they make their
Group Topics/ Class D Class A Class C CLASS E
1 3 1. Fathur 1. M. Faiz 1. Desi
2. Cahya 2. Rida 2. Viola
3. Dana 3. Ulfa 3. Ulfa
4. Dewi 4. Yudi 4. Dimas
2 4 1. Riza 1. Kamil 1. Maida
2. Maya 2. Sari 2. Elis
3. Adelia 3. Nihayatul 3. Amel
4. Nadetia Khusna 4. Iva
3 5 1. Iga 1. Pandu 1. Yustika 4.
2. Nanda 2. Faradhilla 2. Irma
3. Nia 3. Anisa Pujiana 3. Atin
4. Ega
4 6 1. Farid 1. Amelia 1. Rani 4.
2. Indah 2. Ika 2. Ainun
3. Sofa 3. Kharisma 3. Ilham
5 7 1. Izza 1. Anisa 1. Nifa 4.
2. Ulfina 2. Zia 2. Ruhana
3. Laila 3. Siska 3. Rusyda
6 9 1. Ravinsky 1. Vivi 1. Ika 4.
2. Gita 2. Ifa 2. Firda
3. Ima 3. Eldis 3. Fausan
4. Rana
7 11 1. Ila 1. Erma 1. Maya 4.
2. Dyah 2. Putri 2. El
3. Desi 3. Rizqina 3. Aji
8 12 1. Bayu 1. Asmi 1. Devi 4.
2. April 2. Afrista 2. Gita
3. Vania 3. Najib 3. Yusril
9 13 1. Lita 1. Dian 1. Fany 4.
2. Erika 2. Hesti 2. Nur
3. Moya 3. Fedi 3. Refa
10 14 1. Rosa 1. Dona 1. Rida 4.
2. Army 2. Firdausi 2. Anggun
3. Fathan 3. Iqna 3. Edwin
11 15 1. Afifah 1. Afida 1. Genie 4.
2. Bunga 2. Bagus 2. Arum
3. Zurotul 3. Ria 3. Bachtiar

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