Lab Report 1
Lab Report 1
Lab Report 1
Level of organisations
2. The epidermis layer is placed in the center of the glass slide and 2 to 3 drops of water
is added on the sample and the slide is covered with a slide cover .
3. The prepared slide is being observed under microscope beginning with low to high
magnification .
4. Then, the prepared slide is removed from the microscope and 2 to 3 drops of iodine
solution is added near the cover slip at any side and at the meantime , the filter paper is
placed at another end of the cover slip to remove any excess of solution .
5. The prepared slides is observed under microscope beginning with low to high
magnification .
2. The prepared slide is observed under the microscope beginning with low to high
2. A clean toothpick were taken and gently scrape inside our mouth.
4. A drop of methylene blue is added and a cover slip is placed on the top.
5. Any excess solution is removed by allowing a filter paper to touch on one side of the
cover slip.
6. The prepared slide is observed under the microscope beginning with low to high
V. Disscussion
Microscopes are one of scientific instrument that used to see tiny images in which the normal
eyes cannot see. Microscope from the Greek word, mikros represented small and skopein
represented to look or see. Meaning is, the combination of mikros and skopein is to look at a
small image. Microscopy is the scientific investigating small objects by using microscopes.
There are many types of microscopes used, the simplest microscope is magnifying glass but it
only enlarged the object for ten times (10X) magnification. The simplest microscope used in
the laboratory is a light microscope. This kind of microscope can investigate the small object
for a hundred times (100X) magnification. This microscope is used to see certain cells like
plants or animal cells. The compound microscope has two lenses which are ocular lens or also
be called eyepiece lens that one look into, and the other lens is objective lens or lens closest to
the objects. For compound microscopes, there are four types of objective lens represent four
magnification (4X, 10X, 40X and 100X). The more magnifying numbers are adjusted, the
clearer the image will be seen.
In this experiment, we use a light microscope to observe three cells which are cheek cell
(animal cell), onion epidermis (plant cell) and Elodea cell. Before observing the cell using a
microscope, the most important is the preparation of wet mounts of sample. Each sample is
prepared using the same technique but different solutions are used to stain the cells. Cell
staining is a technique used for the main purpose of increasing contrast through changing the
color of some of the parts of the structure being observed thus allowing for a clearer view.
There are a variety of microscopic stains that can be used in microscopy.
We are using iodine solution to stain onion epidermis because iodine will bind with starch
granules inside the cytoplasm. The reaction between iodine and starch will form a blue black
colour where it makes the part of cells more visible and easy to identify. The layers of an
onion contain simple sugars which are stored as starch. Although onions may not have as
much starch as potato and other plants, the stain allows for the little starch molecules to be
visible under the microscope. This method resulting in the image of cells shows cell wall,
cytoplasm and nucleus are identified on 4X,10X and 40X magnification. On 4X
magnification, three parts in cells are already observed but by using 40X magnification, the
image of the cell wall is more clear and the position of the nucleus also detected. Although
onions are plants, but we did not see any chloroplasts in the slides.This is because of the fact
that the chloroplast necessary for photosynthesis is largely present in the leafy part of the
onion, which is exposed to the sun and absent in the bulb which is below ground and away
from sunlight.
Cheek cells are eukaryotic cells that are easily shed from the mouth lining. To observe
cheek cells, we took samples from our own cheek by gently scraping the inner lining of cheek
and transfer it to the glass slide. The inner lining of the mouth is composed of the basal
mucosa which has the squamous epithelial cells. These cheek cells replicate every day and the
dead cells are shed from the body. As for the stain,methylene blue is used due to its affinity
for DNA and RNA that can produce the darker stain in the area where those components are
produced. So that, in the cheek cell, methylene blue is responsible to cause nucleus look
clearer because of the DNA of nucleus is stand out when the methylene blue is added. The
method shows the irregular shape image with large cytoplasm and nucleus on the center are
visible on microscope lens. With 4X magnification, the cheek cells looked like small
deformed shapes with the nucleus visible. This image is enlarged with 10X and 40X where
we can clearly see the nucleus of the cell. Although the entire cell appears light blue in color,
the nucleus at the central part of the cell is much darker, which allows it to be identified.
Differ with Elodea cell, only a drop of distilled water is needed to observe the part in
cells. The thick green of the leaf represented the abundance of chloroplast contained in the
leaf. With 4X magnification, the line of cell wall is seen but there is no nucleus detected due
to thick pigment of chlorophyll in chloroplast that seems to conceal it. This image is enlarged
with 40X, we can see thick cell wall, cytoplasm (not to see clearly) and chlorophyll pigment
in chloroplasts. We also noticed that the chloroplasts are located along the inner cell wall.
This is because a large vacuole occupies the central portion of the cell and tightly presses the
cytoplasm against the cell wall. We also noticed that the chloroplasts in the cells are moving.
This happens because of the movement of the cytoplasm. As the cytoplasm flows, the
chloroplasts move along with it.
In this experiment , we can conclude that the higher magnification of lenses that we use on the
microscope , the more clearer organelles that we cloud seen. There are four types of objective
lens represent four magnification (4X, 10X, 40X and 100X). We can conclude that , the higher
magnifying numbers are adjusted, the clearer the image will be seen.
Moreover , the most important is the preparation in this experiment are the wet mounts of
sample. Each sample is prepared using the same technique but different solutions are used to
stain the cells. Wet mounts can be used to prepare a specimen on a slide which can be viewed
with a compound light microscopes to produce an enlarged image. Although we using the light
microscope, there a few organelles that are visible to detect even though we already put dye to
them. Thus, Cell staining is an important technique used for the main purpose of increasing
contrast through changing the colour of some of the parts of the structure being observed thus
allowing for a clearer view. Staining help us to identify the organelles structure .
In this experiments, we can conclude that animal cell and plant cell are differ as animal
cell contain plasma membrane while plant cell have plasma membrane and cell wall on its
structure . Animal cells also does not have chloroplast while plant cell have chloroplast .
Observation of the human cheek cells. (2020). Retrieved 3 March 2020, from
Cell Staining in Microscopy - Types, Techniques, Preparations and Procedures. (2020). Retrieved
3 March 2020, from
Anderson H. (nd). Cheek Cell Under Microscope. Retrieved from
Gayatri (2018). Elodea Plant Cell: BIOLOGY, NATURE. Retrieved from
Microscopy4Kids.(nd). Red onion cells. Retrieved from