Toxoplasmosis is caused by the Toxoplasma gondii parasite. Cats can excrete millions of Toxoplasma oocysts in their feces each day for up to two weeks after initial infection. These oocysts can remain infectious, persisting in the environment for months. While cats rarely show symptoms, Toxoplasmosis has been associated with pneumonia, liver damage, and vision loss in some infected cats. To help prevent infection, people should not allow cats to hunt, feed cats only cooked or processed food, and properly dispose of litter daily.
Toxoplasmosis is caused by the Toxoplasma gondii parasite. Cats can excrete millions of Toxoplasma oocysts in their feces each day for up to two weeks after initial infection. These oocysts can remain infectious, persisting in the environment for months. While cats rarely show symptoms, Toxoplasmosis has been associated with pneumonia, liver damage, and vision loss in some infected cats. To help prevent infection, people should not allow cats to hunt, feed cats only cooked or processed food, and properly dispose of litter daily.
Toxoplasmosis is caused by the Toxoplasma gondii parasite. Cats can excrete millions of Toxoplasma oocysts in their feces each day for up to two weeks after initial infection. These oocysts can remain infectious, persisting in the environment for months. While cats rarely show symptoms, Toxoplasmosis has been associated with pneumonia, liver damage, and vision loss in some infected cats. To help prevent infection, people should not allow cats to hunt, feed cats only cooked or processed food, and properly dispose of litter daily.
Toxoplasmosis is caused by the Toxoplasma gondii parasite. Cats can excrete millions of Toxoplasma oocysts in their feces each day for up to two weeks after initial infection. These oocysts can remain infectious, persisting in the environment for months. While cats rarely show symptoms, Toxoplasmosis has been associated with pneumonia, liver damage, and vision loss in some infected cats. To help prevent infection, people should not allow cats to hunt, feed cats only cooked or processed food, and properly dispose of litter daily.
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through the consumption of infected meat or tissues,
they can excrete millions of Toxoplasma oocysts in
their feces each day. This release of oocysts can continue for up to two weeks. And Now A Note On Your Pet’s Oocysts in feces become infectious (reach Stage F) after one or two days. Since most cats do not leave feces on their fur for two days, it is unlikely that humans General Good Health A healthy pet is a happy companion. Your pet’s daily well- become infected from direct contact with cats themselves. being requires regular care and close attention to any hint of Because cats usually exhibit no signs of illness while ill health. The American Veterinary Medical Association suggests that you consult your veterinarian if your pet shows any of the passing oocysts, it is difficult to determine when a following signs: particular cat’s feces may be infectious to people or • Abnormal discharges from the nose, eyes or other body other mammals. Most adult cats will not pass oocysts openings. ever again after recovering from an initial exposure to • Abnormal behavior such as sudden viciousness or excessive Toxoplasma; but again, regardless of when Toxoplasma sleepiness. oocysts were initially passed through the cat’s feces, the • Abnormal lumps, limping or difficulty getting up or lying oocysts themselves can remain infectious and persist down. in the environment for months. • Loss of appetite, marked weight loss or gain or excessive water consumption. • Difficult, abnormal or uncontrolled waste elimination. Can Toxoplasmosis • Excessive head shaking, scratching, and licking or biting any part of the body. make my cat sick? • Dandruff, loss of hair, open sores or a ragged or dull coat. Although cats infected with Toxoplasma rarely show • Foul breath or excessive tartar deposits on teeth. symptoms of Toxoplasmosis, there have been cases in cats associating Toxoplasmosis with pneumonia, liver damage, and loss of vision. Why some cats show symptoms and other cats do not is not known. Concurrent infection with other diseases (feline leukemia, FIV can aggravate Toxoplasmosis in cats. Treatment can be effective if the disease is diagnosed early. A blood test for Toxoplasma antibodies helps in diagnosis of Toxoplasmosis in sick cats.
To help prevent Toxoplasma
infection in cats, follow these steps: SM
• Do not allow cats to hunt rodents and birds—
keep pets indoors. • Feed cats only cooked meat or processed food from commercial sources. American Veterinary Medical Association • At present there is no vaccine for Toxoplasmosis 1931 North Meacham Road, Suite 100 in cats. Efforts are, however, underway to market Schaumburg, Illinois 60173 - 4360 a vaccine to prevent Toxoplasma oocyst shedding Phone: 847-925-8070•Fax: 847 925-1329 by cats. Internet: Revised 10/00 Pigs, sheep, goats and poultry are sources of meat What is Toxoplasmosis? commonly infected with Toxoplasma. Toxoplasma in Follow these easy steps to Pronounced (Tocks-oh-plahz-moh-sis) Toxoplasmosis is a disease caused by a microscopic meat can be killed by cooking at 152˚F (66˚C) or higher or freezing for a day in a household freezer. Cats are the prevent exposure to parasite called Toxoplasma gondii. It is not a new definitive host for the production of the infectious and Toxoplasma: disease, having first been discovered in 1908. Since its resistant Toxoplasma oocysts. The oocyst, released • Change litter daily before Toxoplasma oocysts can discovery, Toxoplasmosis has been found in virtually from the intestine of cats in their feces, is very hardy “ripen” and become infectious (Stage F). Dispose all warm-blooded animals including most pets,livestock and can survive freezing — even several months of of used litter safely, preferably in a sealed plastic and people. Nearly one-third of all adults in the U.S. and extreme heat and dehydration. Moreover, oocysts can be bag. If pregnant or immune compromised, avoid in Europe have antibodies to Toxoplasma, which means changing the litter box or use rubber gloves when carried long distances in wind and water. they have been exposed to the parasite. doing so. How do people become infected with • Wash vegetables thoroughly before eating, especially Toxoplasmosis? those grown in backyard gardens. Boil water from There are 3 principal ways Toxoplasmosis ponds and streams when camping/hiking. is transmitted: 1. Ingestion of infectious oocysts (pronounced o-o- Dangers of Toxoplasmosis • Cover sand boxes when not in use to discourage cysts) from dirt in which cats have defecated or by in people... cats from defecating in them. ingestion of infective oocysts in food or water There are two populations at high risk for disease with • Wash hands with soap and water after working with contaminated with feline feces. soil or after handling raw or undercooked meat. Toxoplasma — pregnant mothers and immuno-deficient individuals. In the United States it is estimated that 2. Consumption of undercooked or raw meat from • Cutting boards, knives, sinks and counters animals with tissue cysts. approximately 3,000 children are born infected with should be washed well and disinfected after cutting Toxoplasmosis every year. Although the majority of meats. 3. Directly from pregnant mother to unborn child infected infants show no symptoms of Toxoplasmosis when the mother becomes infected with at birth, many are likely to develop signs of infection • When cooking, avoid tasting meat before it is later in life. fully cooked. Toxoplasma during pregnancy. • Cook meat thoroughly until the internal temperature Children congenitally infected with Toxoplasma may reaches 152˚F (66˚C) in a conventional oven. Also, Figure 1: The Life Cycle of Toxoplasma suffer from loss of vision, mental retardation, loss of be aware that microwaving is not a sure way to kill hearing, and death in severe cases. Ideally, women who Toxoplasma in meat. The Cat is the have frequent contact with cats should be serologically Definitive Host Unsporulated oocysts tested for Toxoplasma gondii before becoming pregnant, because if they are already seropositive, they How do cats Cysts ingested passed in feces are not at risk of acquiring a primary infection. become infected with by cat Ingests cysts in Usually, people suffering from both Acquired Immune Toxoplasma? Tachyzoites infected Intermediate Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and Toxoplasmosis have Although cats can be infected by the same means as transmitted meat through host ingests been exposed to the Toxoplasma parasite earlier in people, the most likely sources of Toxoplasma in cats placenta oocyst life, and the HIV infection simply allowed the Toxoplasma is from eating infected mice, birds, and other small Contamination in feed parasite to grow unchecked. These patients develop animals. or of food & water water neurologic diseases and can experience convulsions, or soil paralysis, coma or even die from Toxoplasmosis even For indoor cats, the most likely source is uncooked Intermediate Hosts Sporulated oocyst Infection of fetus after treatment is administered. meat scraps. When a cat is exposed to Toxoplasma