Business Spotlight Spezial - Nr.1 2019 PDF

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Business Spotlight Spezial ENGLISCH FUR DEN BERUF Testen und verbessern Sie Ihr Business-Englisch ies Ps — Small Talk Verhandlungen Marketing UNETSttssss9) Telefonieren Finanzen und vieles mehr Ne N Busnes Speight EDITORIAL Testing times! In this special Business Spotlight publication, wwe provide tests in 20 key areas of business English and tips for improving your communication skill Tat eeeecat2ZACO LLL LPECLLCLLLOOD \ YOURSEE/ NX ‘ow well doyou know the language of — ‘meetings,telephoning or negotiating? How confidentare you with idiomatic expressions orthe differences between UK and US English? How good is your knowledgeof the vocabulary of areas suchas finance, aw or marketing? Inthis special publication, we provide ‘estsin 20 key areas of business English. ‘The restsare divided into three sections: The Basics, Business Communication Skills and English for Specific Purposes. In each test, you can score a maximum of SO points, which ‘meansa toral possible score of 1,000 points, Acthe end ofeach of the three sections, there isatable for you to enter your scores. On page 129 you.can then calculate your total score. In addition to vesting yourself youcan also improve your communication skills with the help of the many tipsthat we provide. We hope you enjoy —and profit from —this special Busines Spotlight publication, We look forward.o receiving your feedback lan MVlase Gwe” 4 weMsTER, CS gor: tn-ier ca spotlighteuerlag.ce ; ‘ERGLSCHFOROEN BERUF a CONTENTS PART ONE: THE BASICS Getting started 8 Test-runyour business English EMA Preparing for language exams Politeness 14 Toputicpolitely... EMA Find out just how polite youare Confusing words 20 Don'tgetconfused! EM A Learn the right terms Idioms 24 WsallGreektome EMA What do they really mean? UKysUS 30 Divided byacommon language EMA Can you tell the difference? For advanced learners 36 Risingtothechallenge & Vocabulary. grammar, idioms, sentence structureand more Part One: The Basics Howdidyoudo? Enteryour score 4 ENGUSCH FOR DEN xO PART TWO: BUSINESS COMMUNICATION SKILLS Awock at work 44 Ataste of success EMA Startinganew job ‘Smalltalk 50 Talk tome! EM A Anessential part of international busi Telephoning 56 Callingtheshots EMA Phoning with confidence Writing 62 The rightmessages EM A How good are your writing skills? Meetings 68 Meeting yourneeds EMA Survivinga meeting in English Presentations 74 Makeitmemorable © Makingagoodimpression Negotiating 80 Agood deal EMA How to negotiate successfully Interpersonal si 86 Apersonofinfluence A Influencing others Part Two: Business Communication Skills 93 How did youdo? Enteryourscore Presentations. Do youmakea good impression? Tolephoning “My phone phoning skills PART THREE: ENGLISH FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES Porsonal finance 95 Money matters £m & Useful terms fordaily life Corporate finance 102 Ingoodcompany £ Dealing with business finance Marketing 108 Awake-up call EM The language of marketing Information technology 114 High up inthe cloud £ Keeping up with the latest trends Logal English 120 Getting your terms right A ‘The language of the aw ‘The onvironmont 124 Nogreenwash! EM How greenisyour business English? Part Three: English for ‘Specific Pur 129 How did you do? Enteryourscore and calculate yourtoral score is ringing off the today” Testyour ‘Theenvironment Practise the language of green issues Meetings How totake part with confidence Learning with Business Spotlight Business Spotight sa magazine for international business com- ‘munication for everyone who needs touse English at work vwunbusines polite! produts/magazine ~ Business Spotlight Audio | SE MoreshanOminesofens, Glalogues,exercises andinter- CREM views winmbusiness- spotlight. i de /protuctsutio. Business Spotlight Plus ‘aa Findlanguageexercisesand | Stit tests related to Busines Spotlight magazine in ourexercise work- book, wun business-spotlightde/ products/plus Business Spotlight inthe Classroom Toorder this sixpage supple- ment for teachersandtrainers, sendan emailto:schulmedien@ spotlight-verlag de Language levelsi Approximately Appeosinatey Approximately SRCEFleWIA2 2¢CEFleves 81-82 atCEFevelsC1-C2 (CE: European Framework of Referencefor Languages eRaUScRER Jo nEMREDAKTEUK Os oe (54) far omecTOR Miser CGESCHAFISIOWRENOREONCTEURN CenvemBe) Hasels Sion sors yen nh mom fpr Sted gusty eer IEDEKTION shite BUDRIDAON Seach letnlnstRaheboch Uknecreere oc bzecevenmansUe Cts On) aso (OH ZEEWS4) Daven nese orb amend Speigc gc ‘ulus often opie vg ahaa eFatpferrd Men Daspepe gate atone donee bre Ga Busnes Sport [ENGLISCH FOR DEN BERUT PART ONE THE BASICS Basins Spot Busnes Sport Getting started: Test-run your business English Politeness: To put it politely, Confusing words: Don't get confused! Mdioms:1c's all Greek to me UK vsUS: Divided by a common language? For ativanced learners: Rising to the challenge B/S) R/ sia [ENGLISCH FOR DEN BERUT 7 THE BASICS GETTING STARTED Test-run your business English Wer einen Nacheseis seiner Englischkenntnisse erbringen michte, macht am besten cinen Sprachtest. Zum Auftakt unseres Sonderheftes priisentieren wir Vinen ier Ubungen, die so oder dhnlich Teil eines Tests sein kénnten EXAMINATIONS, ASSESSMENTS AND TESTS An “examination”, or “exam’, is normally caken at school or university, or at the end ofa training course, An “assessment” evaluates a person's level of proficiency and skills overa period of time orat certain pointin time. Itcan be formal or informal A"test” is more standardized than an assessment, and the candidate gets a certificate showing the marks they received. You can fail an exam or test but notan assessment © ENGUSCHTORDEN BERUF Basins Spot 1. Onthe phone (6 points) Ifyou work at reception, asa PA or in customer service, you will probably need to make phone callsin English. Choose the appropriate responses to make this telephone conversation sound pro- fessional and polite. PA: Braun Leuchten GmbH, mein Name ist Karin ‘Mille; Was kann ich fir Sie tun? (Customer: Hello, Ms Maller-This is Tim Sawyer from Industrial Lighting Ltd in Bristol. Do you speak English? PA: (A-I) Yes, ofcourse, Whatdoyou want? (A-2) Yes, of course, How can Ihelp you? (Customer: May Ispeak to Mr Braun, please? PA: (B-1) afraid he's not in the office at the moment. (B-2) Sorry.he's out now. Customer: Do you know when he'llbe back? PA: (C-1) No Shall tellhim something? (C-2) afraid not. Would you like to leavea message? Customer: Couldyou askhim tocall me back? PA: (D-1) Yes,ofcourse. Could yougive me yournumber, please? (D-2)Yes,but Ineed yourmumber. Customer. ilgive you my mobile number les 0044-162.0333 PA: (E-1) Oh,I'm sorry. didn’t catch thenum- ber. Could you repeatit please? (E-2) That wastoo fast Please say the num- beragain, (Customer: 044-162-0333. And 'llbe in the office until7 PA: (F-1) OK MrSawyer Iftsee Mr Braun later, [ell him. (F-2) Thankyou, Mr Sawyer Ilask Me Braun tocallyouas soon ashe’ back. Customer: Thankyou, Ms Miller. Goodbye (WHAT LANGUAGE SKILLS ARE NEEDED? When applying fora job for which English is re- quired, you should find outexactly whatlanguage skillsare needed andatwhatlevel.Doyouhave to be ‘luentin English” or do you just need “a good knowledge of English"? Are writing skills more important than speaking competence, or vice versa? Also, does your employer want proof of yourlanguageskillsin the form ofa qualification ‘or certificate oris previousexperience workingin English more imporeane? 2A orarrives (6 points) i} Ifyou workat reception, you will also have to wel- ‘come visitors. Match the questions and answers to form short dialogues A. Howwasyour flight? B, Have you been to ourcompany before? C. Could youenteryour name inthis lise, please? D. Wouldyou mind takinga seat fora moment? E, Wouldyoulikesomething to drink? F._Justletmeknowifyou needanything else 1, OK,thanks. 2. Acappuccino would be great. 3. Yes, Lhave—ewo or three years ago. 4. Well, it was a bit rough because of the strong winds. 5. No.notatall. 6. Yes.ofcourse. ht Bad Cis De jE- jF- HOW TO PREPARE FOR A TEST To perform well in a test, you need to prepare ‘well. You can takea preparation course or use self- study books. Other options include listening to English-language radio, watching English films ortelevision,and reading English books, newspa- pers and websites. To practise your writing skills, Write cexts in English and asks teacher or native speaker to lookat them. To practise your speak- ing skills, meet regularly with English-speaking friends or colleagues. And remember: “less is more" Practise fora short time every day rather than foralongertime once aweek, 3. Abusiness etter (10 points) [* Mistakes in business correspondence do not ‘make good impression. The letter below is sup- posed to be in proper British English, Mark the ‘istakesand write in the corrections below. (A) Dear Mrs Sanders (B) Thankyou very much for the interesting informationsaboutyourlatest digital coffee ‘maker, (C) Ourshopsare selling your products foralmost ten years now. (D) This appliance is further proofthatyourcompany isthe most innovative manufacturer in your branch. (E) Its really great! (F) Wealso appreciate thatevery single partis produced in your own company, even though labor costs are much lower in Asia 6) Youoffered to make one of your new coffee ‘makersavailable to us sothat we can get some practise using it (H) Could you send one until theend of thismonth sothat we can test itdur- ing the summer campaign? (1) By the way. know you thar some customershave already expressed interestin it? () 'm sure they will the coffee ‘maker buy as soonas we have it on our shelves. Beseregards Anthony Scooper Sales Manager =r roma ENGUSCH FUR DEN ERO Hela pleased tomoet you 4. Ajob inte! points) Interviews at international companies are often held in English. Purche words in the correct order. HR manager: Mr Martins thanks forapplying for ‘our vacancy as head of sales for China, What can youtell me aboutyourself? ‘Martins: up in Beijing, / my father / where / atthe/ worked I grew / British embassy A HR: Whyareyou leaving yourcurrentjob? ‘Martins:discontinued / A/ took over/all/ with China /business /and /competitor B HR: Why do you think you are qualified for this position? ‘Martins: business /I can /back//on over/with Asia/ten years /look/ doing /of ic HR: Why should wehire you in particular? ‘Martins: well / Mandarin fluently /China and / speak /and know /the Chinese /1 D. HI: How can you bringadded value toour firm? Martins: great value /expertise/be of your com- pany / My intercultural / will /to E. HR: Whatare your salary expectations? ‘Martins: the basic / but would / sales bonus / like/1/salary / about /agree with /to talk /the FR HR: We candiscuss that. When could you start? ‘Martins: mean / Does thejob / that I/ this /got/ have 3 2 (WHICH TEST SHOULD YOU TAKE? Ifyou take a business English test, you should. choose one that is based on valid standards an ‘widely recognized. In 2001, the Council of Europe introduced the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEF or CEFR).In German, this, isthe Gemeinsamer europaischer Referenzrahomen fir Sprachen (GeR of GeRS). The aim ofthis frame- \workisto standardize the levels oflanguage learn- ingand exams across Europe. Itisapplied by lan- {guage schoolsand institutions of adult education, andis used by publishers in theircoursebooks and other learning materials. 6. Financial maters (8 points) a i 5. Whatdid you negotiate? (7 points) Ifyou have to negotiate terms and conditions, you need to getall the details right. In the dia- logue below. Thomas wants to make sure he has understood everything that his colleague negoti- ated. Ask questions that can be answered with the wwordsand phrasesin bold. ‘Thomas: Lisa,could you update me on your nego- tiations for the latest order of coffee makers? Lisa: Yes, of course. Here are the important de- We ordered (A) 200 digital coffee makers. ‘The unit price is €599, They have given us adis- count of ive percent (B) because wearea regular ‘customer The delivery date is (C) 30 November. If we require earlier delivery, the unit price will increase (D) by 15 per cent because of overtime payments to their production staf. IFthey are una- ble comet the delivery date,chey will have to pay (B)acontractual penalty of 20 percent of the or der value. For technical support, we can contact, (P) their technical staff any time. The company offers a five-year guarantee on all their products, ‘Thecoffee makers are produced (G) intheir facto- yin Dover, sotranspore will be by ship andtrain, ommuoeP Ifyou work in the financial department of an in- temnational company, you have tobe familiar with some key financial cerms in English. Choose the correct wordiin each case. In the third and fourth quarters ofthe last busi- ress year, our company strengthened its posi- tion in the market forhhousehold appliances. We (8) spent/saved more on marketing campaigns, and our (B) revenues/expenses increased by four per cent. The (C) profits/losses of the two preceding years could be turned into a plus, so our shareholders will receive a dividend once again. Afterdeductingall costs, wehad anaverage (D)gross/net margin on ll our products of eight per cent. This can be partly attributed to our de- cision to start selling our products directly to (F) retailers/wholesalers. However, asa resule of the technological challenges of the market, development costs (F) fel/rose by three percent. [As we had to invest more in technological re- search our R&D budget showsa sight (G) deficit/ surplus, But we are in the fortunate position of being able to offset this by drawing money from ‘our (H) debts/reserves, 7.Understanding information (6 points) Being able to read a text and understand it quickly so that youcan summarize its content for someone else isan important business skill. Read this short text onceand then —withoutlooking at itagain— decide whether the statements are true or false. ‘Manchester. In a press conference at "My Home Is, ‘my Castle’ the international trade fair forcontempo- rary living, Carl Knight, co-founderand former CEO of Homes,a company that has developed anew digi- tal coffee maker said that Homes has hadan excellent year on the domestic marketand now plans toexpand to Asiaand South America, Next June,the first Homes store will be opened in Buenos Aires. Two months later, another flagship store will follow in Brasilia, the capital of Brazil ‘With the new digital coffee maker, coffee can be ‘made from both whole beans and ground coffee, but not from instant coffee. The first SO buyers of the new coffee maker will rceivea free package of fair-trade coffee. And the first 1,000 buyers will ake partin a competition to wina weekend for twoataspa. A. Homes plans to expand to Asiaand South America Cy twe—Foe B, “My Home Is my Castle” is trade fairfor the domestic market. O tue—Fase 2) . The first South American Homes store will be opened next July. tue —Foe 1D. One of the first 1,000 buyers will wina weekend fortwoata spa 1 trve— Foe E. Only ground coffee and instant coffee can be used the new digital coffee maker. (CO twe—Foee F. The first Sbuyers ofthe coffee maker will wina package offairtradecoffee. (] Twe—Fake C] ANSWERS 1 onthe phone AZBLEDDLELED 2 Avior ates ADECCO SELET 2 estes eer ‘A.Mscuen aderesing a women in ines leer yousheuls use eles you know the person pees “mis Information iis unis a our able Wis used ol inthe singular) have been ling (vith Yo" (en, ‘he present erect seeded) 1. sectorfindstry This 62 fade ‘tend setornaurtry = Bronce, branch = Fle Neceiassin) ett = mire = ponneove Frencunisetermine abou This ira ter ten In ritieh Engh aberie US Each) 6. prctie (You etd Me noun “race er practi he spelingef the verb Bish Eratsh> 1H. by Co = spiestons is unl =e ‘ganze Zor b) 1. def you know? ves forms requir nally verb, such eae doe ore). 4 they wil buy the ctfee maker. ‘complexes not st by an ‘bec n Ena 4. Ajai Aloren opin Beiog where my faher werkedal he Brembo. B.A compet tok over oe “dsconinued al uses with Chin. lean inakbscken aver ten years doing business wth A ‘Tepes Mandarin ent and noe ‘Chna andthe Chineee wel Hono I-50 0-39 18-29 YOU DO? tyne experts walbe of ‘ges value you conga. Fare wth he base slr but ‘wouslte totale abou te eles one {6 Doo his mean tat have ot ho ia ‘5. What youneatie? ‘Hou many dtl alee makers i 1. Wyhave me been gen 2 decount? When he diver dae? 1B How mich wil teu pice increase we equre eer sain What he aver pay hey are unable fo meet he delivery ate F. Whocan we contact fenced tech suppor (6 Whee ae the cfs makers pesca? 6. ieancamaters Apert € lores Bret enet margin = Nertegennnseanne? tier, Fre 6 sere Hisense = Riker 1 Understandingintormatie Ate fae rican inertia rae ‘io fase witb opened nent ned Bie fale te ans and round ‘fle canbe used) Fr fase The fst 50 buyers wa wind Up tol? Noten order 1 be able Excllnt! Wott done! Good Could do better to compare your language Congatltions! Your Youd wall and with "Yuare able to deal with ou have abasic owedge owe across diferent aeas | Engishanguoge sila | somemore opportunities crtlnEngshlanguage of business Englsh but of busines Englshallusiess | areexcelent ond you ‘teprocise yout Engish-—_Sustons ia yourjob. You ‘hares ots from foe Spotighrtestshave amaxmum Kw how te apply language sats youl ShouldTake the est againin improvement Take every possible score of 30 pont. them in typkaltbusiness improve een futher forderfogsinmore confidence. opportumty you get 0m stuatons prove yourlanguage sie ENGUSCH FUR DEN ERO Basins Spot I can accept failure. Everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying” and former; player, 1963- THE BASICS POLITENESS To put it politely. Sie konnen etwas direkt und vehement fordern. Oder Sie bringen Ihre Bitte hisfich vor und kommen damit ebenso gut, wenn nicht sogar schneller und besser ans Ziel. Testen Sie mit diesen Ubungen, wie Sie sich mit den unterschiedlichen Facetten der Hiflichteit auskennen. EASY MEDIUM ADVANCED YOURSELF Brie THE SITUATION Your Politeness Goach isan insti- tute based in Truro, Cornwall in south-west England The institute offers workshops, each consisting MILDECARE RUDOLPH of several modules, in which par- Haineaeeltiedisuett eiseaeee ticipants can learn and practise dit {and book author. contact ferentaspects of politeness. Secteetorss@spotiight veri ao.ce ENGUSCH FUR DEN ERO Basins Spot 1. 'msorry (6points) [=| Inonemodule ofthe workshop, participants learn different words and phrases relating to theactof apologizing. Fillin each gap with the right word from thelist below. apologize mean regret sorry unfortunately A forbeing ate. I got stuck ina trafficjam. B, [hope you don't feel that I overlooked you. If so, didn't to, C. Imafaid my feelings got out of control there. D. the photocopier isn't working, So, please write your email addresson the list and 'llsendyouthe handout. E. We to inform you that thisaf ternoon’s workshophas been cancelled. Three ofour trainers areill. F. You don'thave to Tewas my fault Busnes Spot 2. Askinga favour (6 points) Akey aspect of politeness is learning how to ask someone for something, Choose the berter option from the words or phrasesin bold, A. 'mafraid I can’tunderstand whacyou're say- ing Would/Don'tyou mind speaking upa bit? B, 'mdazzled by the sun, whichis shining direct- lyonto the screen. Areyouable to/ Could you lower the blinds? G. This new multimedia device is really amazing, bucl've neverused one like itbefore, Who can/ doeshelp meto getitsetup? D. May/Could you do me favour, please? I left the extension cable in the meeting room on the first floor. Irwould be great if you could get it forme. E.I don't really understand what you mean. ‘Could/Can’tyou give me another example? F, Youll find snacks and coffee in the hall. How- cever.there's a workshop going on in the next room. So, please, will/could you help yourself ache buffecand then go to the lounge? [ENGLISCH FOR DEN BERUT 6 POLITENESS AND MANNERS. Being pole isalsoa question of having good manners. When dealing with people from different countries, youshouldtry toleam about theircustoms and practices. 3. Good manners (points) [= Another module in the course deals with good manners. What would you say in each of che fol- lowing situations? Unscramble the sentences. In each sentence, one of the words does not belong. A Allthe chairs are taken in the room where the presentation is being held. A colleague with a broken legenters the room. You say: offer /my /you/ would / may/1/seat B, Anemployee ofthe parcel service is about to enter the office building with oes of parcels on trolley. Yousay: the /just/me /et/ door / have / for / you/ open C. You seea colleague on her way to the meeting room. Sheiscarryinga bag ullof printed mate- rialsin one hand and alaptop in the other hand. Yousay: carry /bag/can/your/I/you D.A colleague is very busy. He has to finish a re- port by 3 p.m.and doesn’t have time to go for lunch, Yousay: you /the / anything / canteen /get/I/can/ from/want E, Youhave spilled coffee overa colleague's desk. ‘You wipe cup withatissueand apologize. You say: ‘what /make /up /do / because /can/1/to/for /my /carelessness F. Acolleagueis struggling with the new espresso ‘machine in the canteen. You know how to op- erate it You say: show/you/may /how /it/TIl/works NGUSCH FUR DEN ERO [ 4, That's very kind of you (8 points) I ‘Tom Martins, the coach of one of the modules, ‘meets Janet Baker,an assistant, in the insticute's hall. In the dialogue, the sentencesin bold are not ‘where they should be.Putthem in the right place. Coach: Excuse me. Gould you tell me where module Dis beingheld? Assistant: Yes, ofcourse. Ivsin room 205 on the second floor. (A) May Lask you a question? Coach: Thanks. Assistant: (B) IMl show you how to get there, Aren't you Mr Martins, the coach of this module? Coach: Yes,lam. Andyou're Janet Bakeraren’t ‘you? remember your photoon the in- scitute's website Assistant: Yes, 'm Ms Winter’sassistant. Ifyou need any help,justask me. Coach: (C) Fil getit foryou from my office. Ie’ the first time I've been here and Ym not familiar with the equipment. “Assistant: No problem. (D) You're welcome. Coach: and howeverything works! Assistant: (E) Oh, let me check this with the ca- ‘eres. Coach: By the way, do you have a list of par- ticipants? Ms Winter promised to send it to me by email, bue I haven't received ityet. ‘Assistant: The list should be in room 205. 1 not, (F) Fa-be glad-to show youwhere ceverythi Coach: And what about coffee and lunch breaks? “Assistant: (G) Thae’svery kind ofyou. Coach: Thanksalot,anet. Assistant: (1) Well, don't hesitate to ask me. LESS DIRECT Byusingindicect speech, questions, or softening words such as“quite”or“abit,youcanmake your language sound less direet:"Couldyouspeak abitlouder please?” 5, That's really quite difficult! (6 points) _ [=] Inanother module, participants learn about “language tools” that are useful for makinga statement or question less directand more polite. Transform the sentences, using the phrases in brackets. ‘A. Janet,can you help me with the projector? (wondi F/whether) B. You can listen to the sales dialogue again. (would like) C. Explain thacagain, please. could) D.Theinformat E, Weare having abreak now. (hewabout) in his lide is confusing. (seem;a bit) F, Speaktlouder sothat everyone can hear you. (might have) 6, Aselfassessment questionnaire (12 points) Acthe end of the workshop, participants have to assess themselves on different aspects oftheir politeness ‘onascale from 1 (very impolite) to (very polite). Fill in the missing vowels ofthese adjectives. HOW POLITE ARE YOU? lam. aA omy Baer |e cf ndly Dh Ip Eh mbl F mp mon ne come © | i fons v 1 we os } punzng ro L gmp thc Busnes Spot eeeoeeereeoeer oe e00000000000 O900000000000 9900900000000 O90000000000 [ENGLISCH FOR DEN BERUT ” 7. Sayitin syle (6 points) Barbara ger froma German company,sendsaletterto Janet Baker confirming the partcipaion ofhercompany’semploy- ANSWERS ces. Translate these standard German phrases (in brackets) into their English equivalents ce vaneaes Sy Eee est Ge Dear Ms Baker Tima em inp titer osc rca mana, ‘mewn psc ‘Thank you very much for sending us the registration forms. ton Gane Cee (A) (lehfrene mich, nen mitzutiten) Untrantaysde bean- © gaa thatalloursalesreps SEES OTE (12people) who took parcin the workshop in September will E foyetvegetedssm= _—& Howsbouhavg abn brcher on aumaser) nu . salgae = schensculdgen Yeu mighthaeYsesk also participate in your workshop in December. As you sid, there will bea maximum of 12 people ina group 2 hing tor see and ifthere are more people interested in the workshop, they Cayo 6 Asettasessent will be divided into several groups. cm ee eon (B) (Unsere Mitarbeiter{nmen) wirdenes scien) Renas © coon hth ifyoucould 2. Got mamers tena einen perhaps assign them to Mr Martins’ group, as they already Acnayltereumysea Bel tr now him from the first workshop. 1 me st open te dorler _Inerinen = ameehit «.Gntcaryyourbosyey 6 nae enna (©) (lehware tnen dankbar) Bconigeryeusnyaratom Relea = beeen ifyou could sendusa detailed agendas eT mm . soonas possible. Imyconeemert"ncne” 4 paonng = ourerd & Gate pies i fide= gb uaeh STcwcequmachay sympa ended (D) Darfich iecbenfals biter) Fer tosend your invoice co ourhead office in Frankfurt (P.. Box eee. ee oan 100303, D-60583 Frankfurt), o the attention of Wolfgang Atistonostowtogetere nomex Schmid, ourhead ofaccounting? era! BD idtegndmsmon yore 6 loud gael (©) (Rafen Sie micheinfch urzam ode schicken Sierir ine E-Mail) rece, hams if you need any further information from us. eee ate eee tees eee ReaiaT eae ote at rw eng ram se Seorlore vos. (F) (leithogfe bald von thnen zu horen.) Kind regards Barbara figer, head ofhuman resources ie 1-0 = 30-3 = 1-2 Upto Nate: n order tobe able Excelent Wel done! eed Could d porter to compare your languoge Congratulations! The In general you express Yougeneraly have ‘Although you dont mean to knowledge across ciffrent_ English you use when Your leas and wishes good manners, but youre rude, sme people might areasof business English all dealing withinernational_ politely. With some language i lacking 8 think hat you ace. Try the Business Sporigh estshave business partnersis very practice and mindfulness, litle politeness. those test again and practise a maximum possible score of; polite risaplessure youcould become even: exercses again where using polite words and 50 points doing business wih you | move polite, you dan score well phrases more often, ENGUSCH FUR DEN ERO Basins Spot I want minimum information given with maximum politeness” Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis former US First Lady, 1929-1994 THE BASICS CONFUSING WORDS Don’t get confused! Wenn das Verwechseln von Wortern Verwirrung stfte, ist es an der Leit, etwas dagegen su unternehmen. Die Chungen auf diesen vier Seiten werden Ihnen helfen, Verwechslungen in Zukunft 2u vermeiden Michele and Peter work in the proofreading deparement ofan agency that produces printed material for companies. They get the texts from customers, andi is their askto correct mistakes before the texts are printed, Michele and Peter are very goodat spotting mistakes Michele has o proofread translation from German into Englishabout a hotel. Unfortu- some sentences, he translatorhas ‘chosen the wrong English equivalent of the German word. Hereare some of the tipsshe will be passing on tothe German translator,Com- plete the words by filling in the missing vowels A. Inahotel,the Empfangis not the “receipe” butthe’r ¢ pt. on B_ Thedesignerarmchairs in che loungeare bequem. This doesn’t mean theyare ‘conven- ient’sitmeanstheyare"e mf rt bl” C The Erlaubnis you need rouse the hotels conference equipmentis nota “permit’ but'p mm sso! D Thetreesin thehotel garden provide some Schatten, but thisisnot a “shadow” itis’sh d E. Tosaveenergy,the windows and outer ‘walls of the hotel got new Isolation. Thisis not ‘isolation’,but* ns 1a. 20. ENGUSCHFURDEN px E ‘ebIUM RBVANCED 1s a certified translator and a freelance editor, teacher and book author. contact: bs. lektorata 2. Onelettermakes the difference (6 points) Peteris proofreading an advertisement from an insurance company. In each of the words in brackets, one letter is wrong. Find itand write thecorrect wordon theline, “Youarein a hurry to catch the busand forget totum offthe watertapinthekitchen, When you come home,yourflaisflaoded. Yourneigh- bourson the floor below arealso (A) (effected); wateris dippingfrom the celingof theirkitchen Thisis where wecome in. We @) (ensure) yourhomeagainstany kind of damage. even (C) (mayor) Smroreren een rts o) (advice) you on the best solution, Andyou can benefit from our © (currant) low (F) (prizes),” 3. Theysound the same but... (8 points) Michele is checking the answers toa quiz forthe ‘website ofa language school in Brighton. The two ‘missing wordsin each sentence sound the same but are spelled differently and havea different meaning. ‘We have provided the two words in brackets Fill in each gap with the appropriate choice A. Hownice! isa roofeerraceon new office building (their/there) B Inthe shop, bought some beautiful roses,and in the bakery, bought biscuits made with organic -(flour/flower) © Theemployeesareusually bythe speeches of the chairman of the (board/bored) D The efforcto stop the flooding was invain,as there wasa intheroof, (hole/whote) E_ Youcouldmake ‘with herby offering hera of cake. (peace/piece) F like to stay in hotels where lean the (sea/see) G The police wanted to know why he A stone hisneighbour’s window. (threw/through) H. Now Lunderstand howa solar can fly-The professorexplaineditin very language. (plain/plane) Busnes Spot 4. Similar, butnotthesame (8 points) * A family business that makes breakfast cerealsis celebrating its 50th anniversary. Michele notices that, in tsjubilee brochure, the author was, often nor sure which oftwo similar words to use, Choose the correct words to complete the text. “Graham Field (A) found/founded our company SO years ago. (B) Beside/Besides ‘makingcereals, wealso operate farm that grows the ingredients weneed.Thismakes our production very (C) economic/economical. From the beginning, we have produced the (D) classic/elassical breakfast cereals, such as cornflakes. Butouremployeessoon started to create new forms of muesli, whichare (E) sometime/sometimes rather exotic. al of this. Burthen he saw itasa (G) historie/ historical development: The founder's grand- son, who studied (F) economics/economy at the London Business School, joined the Acfirst,our founder was (F)critie/ci company last month.” AGONY 2 OF CHOICE hoc [5] Peter discovers thar the author ofthe texts below gor confused about singularand plural forms. Choose the correct form of the words inbold. (A) Interest is/Interestsare very low atthe moment. As result, the (B) saving/savings forourcompanyamounts/amountto more than £1,000a month, After finishing her (C) study/studies in industrial mathematics, she started work at an insurance company and is now head of the (D) damage/damages department. Every year, young (F) people/peoples from allover the world do voluntary workin ‘humanitarian projects in Africa Unforunately.the goods we had ordered didn carrive on time-They gotstuckat (F)custom/eustoms. FORMORE INFORMATION “Interactive vocabulary exercises ‘canbe found onour webster tunubusness-spotightte/ languages ENGUSCHFURDEN exUr 6. Theagony of choice (10 points) ‘The next documentisa translation from German into English. The translator was not sure which word to use and offered Michele several choices. Choose the correct English ‘word foreach German wordin brackersand puticintheappropriate form, verabschieden Polisi pas Pol aa aye Palites a abschreiben price fonts off verdienen cinstellen adjust deserve employ stop fata Verdienst Savesments achievensent vas income “Lastweek the government (A) (erabschieden) a significancchange toits taxation (B) (Politik) including ‘major tax cuts fr firms This had a positive impact on the financial situation of alot of companies. Their share (C) (Kurs) ‘went up.This particularly helped many banks thathad had to (D) {abschreiben) losses on bad loans Under the new rules,firms—and individuals—will beable ro (E) (verdienen) more before they have to pay tax ‘And firms that had had to (F) (cinstellen) the operation of some of their @ (Anlagen) in times of crisis, should now be ableto (H) (cinstel- len) staffagain.The recovery ofthe economy can beseenasan (I) (Werdienst) of the government’s()) (Petit) GGEacce’ nee ee 1 reception cece” Eating ones" Cea rch gece) Complete the gaps with the correct prepositions reerotio ec = Emo ones hrc ech eee ‘Michele:Here's the first one:“Jane Miller fell down, eaes ee the stairs and broke her leg Thanks goto Paul from rem mes aon HR who looked for her until the ambulance arrived 0 thos hadon = Goren) teeters = Ze ee a Pe Cee coe (a c ‘ordering Erperiesvngs seeing Y : sea Sens Se ‘Michele; Next one, “Staff geta ten percentdiscount ote bar beers : onall pizzasat Luigi’. Enjoy taking your partner 1 stnced Gest feh scn/ 9 damage Sates ange around the restaurant.” terface sh eter: Well, preferto be taken (B) 0 2 leare= Gcleer Vrskteang) F cetena = Zo Caaton = Se Luis, ‘ache or anette Barestie eerie eer ainire ben cheers a espe t ein lighting: “The new ceiling lights do not give up ‘Gnayor = Bargermeistrtn) ® poley Some kde been ance =a) © pect he pre = Atel) © ome Danco Peter: They “don'tgive (C) enough ight’ Goons lene eon Michele: OK. Next "Paul Simpsons bought moun- insert ec Tate tain hut near Interlaken and invites everybody to la ‘come across to his hut.” 2 They sound rhe same bet. i id Peter: How about “come (D) tohishut’? Seana = Michele: Great’ Listen to this one: “Renovation work toed geonawe, 2. ret oon, é fords senrond A tarts ater = chon oe ese tos te cet a atime, we wll have o put offlots of noise proce pice schon Peter:That sounds like we'll just delay the noise. bn clare eo eas 1 think he meant ‘we wil have to put (E) F plnpant plan guage = afore ae soon = rn. lots ofnoise Investanachereeo) ‘erumre ‘Michele: Next news item, More than £3,000 were oom G.reyot hope ~ Hothumgseeinmer Hizowd and out om the crowd = seh ‘on der Masse abheber) 1 tong story short Go make ong story shor = fare gesagt umes kuru machen) 2 grim picture (pinta grim picture =e ‘isteres Bid Zechnen) 2.trsalleight for yout (Quast te habrlecht eden) [shooting Cb ik shooting fin a bare lender sein) 8B, snowed under (be snowed under Sint arb relcich singedect sen) mule be as stubborn asa mule “porch wie ain Eel est) shook beringng ofthe nook nunterbochen kage) , neck be 2 pain inthe neck “auf den Geis geherd shine (come rain or shine was auch geschich) 3. Hal is at hand Rettang it in Sch [2-3 eed sth out = ew aussondern 1B cfarm sth out» er (nach auber> vergeben:€-4 (ath tl hal-baked = eh st och anausgegoren; 0-5 (at et ‘he gass grow under anes fet = le Sache eh auf de lange Bak schieben 2 (Ghevrting’s on the wall = das Problem st tunbersehba?. ‘They got the boot (Sie wurden rausgeschmisser) [Aceeam he cream ofthe crop = de Besten der Besten le creme dela creme) chaff Goparate the wheat rom the chat * ce Sreu vor Weizen trennen) wildest leat sie = wider Sire bone ork ones ger othe bone = Kochenabef stem) i-3) = (0-29 Wet done! Yau know ato of English iloms To stent native speakers of English and pay ‘arelulartenton tothe Ialoms they use remember You ike using English idioms, but you dent aways get them right Sorry the test again and write down those idioms that are cificut for you to |Greek to me (ch vestehe nur Bato”) Epil (sweeten the pil = de bite Pile ‘rersiber) needle ook fora neece na haystack = ‘he Nadel im euhauten suchen) S.Whats tall about? (Was ha es damit ath) ‘craig (baling in = im Geld ‘chwinmen) 'B. are pid ce paid peanuts einen ungeriahn bezaht betammen {cooked (cook he books = de Bicher ‘maniuteren) feather feather one oun nest = seine ‘Schifchen ins Teokene bringer) .ae ing Ge through one's teeth» das ‘isu vor Himmel herntelogen) F; stand not have ale stand on = Iriel Beweise hab) ‘have turned urna bad eyeto sth = be ‘eh uegechauen an Auge rudrcker) Hating Gre aking tea brick wal = sis al sprdche man gegen di Wand) 6. Aligh-butb moment Gin Ana Erebni) Acredietter B.Mat out Cosnag, Diseratch thinking cap Fimetion Gwreps T.Let's step on tt (ase/Laer une Gas gedond ‘A brng (ring sb. up te speed = jn, aut ‘den neuesten Stand bringend 1. feel el the pinch = ce scletne Lage (Gam eigenen Leb) zu sparen bekormen) tiahten igen oes Bet = den Girtel ‘engerschalen) put pur sth on the back burner = one Sufi legen, rrdcktallen) . drum (drum up business = Autrige an and siehen) Fell ike hoteakes = wie ware Semmeln wegneherd 1.90.0 the exami = noch ens raufeten einen zuztzichenEneat2 lest HL at he groune eunning = lrcstarten> Uptol? oul better “The use of he right English fom seems tobeamystery 10 you, But dont lose hope. Regular practice wil help you 12 Improve. Always try to use the language so as to make quite clear what you mean and make sure your sentence couldn't mean anything else” C.S.Lewis, British writer, 1898-1963 THE BASICS UKvs US Divided bya common language? * Schon an der Ausspracke kann man einen britischen und amerikanischen Muttersprachler erkennen. Dock nicht nur daran. Exfahren Sie in diesen Ubungen, worin sich die beiden englischen Varianten sonst noch unterscheiden, und testen Sie, wie gut Sie damit zurechtkommen. EASY MEDIUM ADVANCED IST YOURSELF! ‘THE SITUATION Cultures of the World isan organization with of- fices in Boston in the US and Bath in England. It offers intercultural workshops and exchanges for ‘young people. Helen R. Whealer and Bill J. Corby are the heads of the Boston branch, and Lynne Baker and Mark Holmes run the branch in Bath. ‘30 ENGUSCHFURDEN xu Basins petit o * UK vs US: DIFFERENT WORDS: ‘There are oftentwo different words forthe same thing, such as mobile phone (UK) and cell phone (US) or pavement (Un)and sidewalk (US). 1. We're on the first floor (10 points) Mark tells his colleague Lynne about his visit to the organization's offices in Boston. Put the ‘wordsin bold into the right category below," UK” or" US" Lynne: Hi, Mark. How was Boston? ‘Mark: Great! Theiroffices are amazing! Lynne:_ Yes, 1 know.They're on the (A) ground floor /first floor of one of those ultra ‘modern buildings (B) in the city centre / downtown. You just walk straight in from the street into.a majestic hall. ‘Mark: And you can get there quickly from the ainport. I just took the shuttle service to the central station and, from there, the (C) subway / underground to the station just opposite the building. The (D) single ticket / one-way ticket was, very cheap. Lynne: Did you have a look at the floors and ‘wallsin the (E) restrooms/ toilets? They are alln whice marble. ‘Mark: Amazing! Anda glass (F) lift/ elevator takesyou to that beautifal roof gardenat the top ofthe building. Lynne: Butl didn'tlike the large (G) parkinglot car parkfor the shopping mall behind the building, with all those (H) lorries / ‘trucks delivering goodsall day andalso the (I gas station / petrol station right next toit.And, depending on which way the wind was blowing, the noise from the (J) motorway / freeway was some- times horrible UK us vrmosmooeD Busnes Spot UK vs US:SPELLING ‘Thereare many speling differences. Some elatetotheend- ingofa word sichas-e-ourand-ence (UK) er, -orand -ense (US), for example centre/center, colour/color and detence/defense Others relate tondvidual words, such astyre (UK) tie (US) ot pr cent UK) /percent (US). 2. Couldyouspetthar please? Spoins) | # | Lynne and Mark are looking at some brochures they received from the Boston office that provide information on summer events Replace each US termin bold with its UK equivalent. Mark: Have you seen these brochures with some extracts from the new summer (A) catalog ( P Lynne: Yes,Tehink the (B) program ( ) ooks quite varied and interesting. The intercultural workshops, whichall take placeinaformer(C) theater ( are (D) organized ( ) togeth- er with the city council. Here's a photo in which the mayor is handing over a (©) check ( ) for $5,000 that was donated during the Boston Mar- athon to support these intercultural events. Could you do me a (F) favor ( )and check that chenamesof allthe people in the photoare correct? Mark: Sure, will do, And I'l also have a look ac the list of organizations that hold a (6) license ( ) forusing our logo. You know. the sessions thac interest ‘me mostare the ones on the differences in pronunciation between British and American English and between differ- entregions inthe countries themselves. Lynne: Me,too.And what's greats that you'llbe able to (H) practice ( these differences with people from those re- gions! UK vs US: SAYING NUMBERS. {nUK English, yousay “and” after hundred’; in US Engish “and? may be dropped 365 threehundredandsixey-ve (UK); threehundred (and) sixty-five (US) —=~O [ENGLISCH FOR DEN BERUT a ay iS ~ r f UK vs US: BUSINESS TERMS. ‘Anumber of key businesstermsare alsa dfferentin British and American English such as CV (curticlum vitae; UK)/ résumé (US); cashpoint (Uk) / ATM (automated eller machine; US). 3.What does that mean? (8 points) In the Boston office, Helen and Bill are talking about the meaning of some of the British En- glish terms they've comeactoss.Fillin the missing vowels in the words in bold, which are in Ameri- can English. Helen:_ Bill |ookaethise-mail that got from Mark yesterday. He attached some doc- ‘uments If didn’t know he was British, wouldn't have understood what he ‘meant First, he referred toa” profitand Joss account” and ‘value added tax.” Bill, Well thas whatwe call an (a) ne m_ st t m ntand (B)s 1 st x Whatelse? Helen: Hementioneda”pay rise’ as ofOc- tober, referring tothe “expiry date” of the existing wage agreement reached with the” trade union” and to the “small prin’ in ouremployment contracts Bill That's OK,asour American terms are similar()r s (D) xprt on dtl br a mand (fn pr nt Helen: But then heaskedabout the current figures of our”stocks.” Whatare those? Bill Ob,thoseare what we call (G) av me gy. Helen: Finally.he gives me the new numberof theircurrentaccount.” Doeshe mean their(H)ch ck ng ce nt? Bill Exactly’That's what we call thiskind of account. Helen: Well, thanks. Everythings clear now. ENGUSCH FUR DEN ERO UK vs US: IDIOMS (I) Insome idioms and phrases, justa single word makesthe dif- ference. Forexarplenot worth apenny (UK) vsnet worth (red) cent (US), 4.Gerting down to business (6 points) a Lynne and Mark are trying an activity on idioms from the summer workshops. The idioms are in British English, Complete the US idiom with the correct word from the box. barrelhead shoe horn stone ride wrench Mark: Lynne, didn’tyou tell me the other day that you like playing around with i ‘oms? I've come across.a nice sheet with some idioms and phrases in British and American English in which only one ‘word is different. Let's see ifyou know thedifferences. Lynne: OK.Go ahead, Mark: Well, British people pay “cash on the nail’, Lynne: _.whereas Americans put “cash on the “ 5 Mark: In Britain, you “blow your own trum- pet’, Lynne: andyourown(B)* “in Amer- Marke If you disrupt somebody's plans and make them fai, you “throwaspanner in the works" in London. Lynne: -and"a(C) inLa. Mark: Apersonin the UK can be stony broke” ‘whereas someone in California who doesn’ thave any money left. Lynne: is(D)" broke’ Marle Ifyou take someone to King's Cross in London, you ‘givethem lift” Lynne: If they want to go to Grand Central Station in New York, you “give them a © t Mark: And here's the lastone.Ifsomething ap- plies toa Brit,he or she shouldacceptre- ity forit So"ifthecap fits, wear in(to) the works” Lynne: Americans generally wear “hats” instead of “caps”. And in this situation, they say wo instead, Idolikeidioms! i 4 ee UK vs US:IDIOMS (11) ‘Some idioms nd phrases have different meanings in British and American English Others may exist onlyin British English lndhave to be described in American Engishand vice versa, UK vs US: EMAILS When writingemals, letters or other documents style and clarity are important Itisbest not tomix elements of British and American English, Note:email (UK) and e-mail(US) 5, What do they want to say? (6 points) 6.An email from Boston (7 points) a ‘The British and American teams are having a meeting to discuss a number of current issues. Remember:Lynneand Mark are from Bath, Hel- ‘en and Bill from Boston. Choose the appropriate ‘meaning of each phrase in bold. Bill, Hi.Mark (A) What'sup? (11 Whar’ the problem? (D2. Howare you? Mark: Hi Bill Have you heard about the out- come ofthe budget negotiations? (B) It ‘wasa real bom| (1 LThisisa positive statement. [2 Thisisanegative statement. Bilt It sure was! But before getting to the details, just let me make sure (C) we're in the same ballpark in verms of the budget. (11L-We are talking about nearly the ‘same amountof money. (112. Weare takingabout the same dead- line Helen: Sorry o interrupt I think I needa break Ym (D) feeling abit sick. 11.Sheis aboutto vomit. (2. she doesn’t feel wel Lynne! Tknow (E) youve hadaloton your plate recently. (1 shehaseaten alot (1 2.She has hada lot of work to do. Bill: Isuggestwe (F) tabletheissue.Istime for usall ogo home now. (FL Hewantsto postpone the issue. (71 2.Hewantsto deal with the issue now. Busnes Spot Helen asks Thomas, British intern, co draftan email for her to former senior manager of the organization. There are seven elements in this email that are in British English but should be in ‘American English. Correct them. Dear (A) Mr Fowler, ‘Thanks for your email of (B) 4/6/2019. 1 look forward to meeting you in Boston in June. Our offices are now (C) in Park Street, and office hours are (D) Monday to Friday, rom (E) 930am.to5.30p.m. You asked me how to get here:(F) don't worry! Just letme know yourtime ofarrival and ‘meet youat the station (G) Yours faithfully, Helen R Whealer emmoop> Pet ty, h w j s shut \ [ENGLISCH FORDEN BERUT x ANSWERS werente ister UKvsUS:GRAMMAR aes ees “Ther are also sometimes minor dferencesin grammar for © Ginocrycmre Soman exampleinthe user verbs and prepostions. lviough these S wrsrand ona do notusuallyaffectunderstanding getting your grammar a = Fighcmakesabetterimpression Pe co Score soins bes fra person gesiaton 1 noorer ‘oe 71s grammar t 2. ose at ese? cabo 1 ogame (han enen-pepan” Mark and Bill are having a phone conversation. oceania Bill, of course, uses American grammar. Replace eee BD ciatet Otte anise Spor «each word or phrase in bold with its British equiv- ‘Slow he Od Engh icon fae tang tn endoge ina tan ‘Sry wort ypc etd en Sa em Mark: Bill zhanks forsending the report 1 eee didn’texpectitsosoon paca ask = eer Bil —_Yes,communication (A) has gotten sincere so much faster nowadays 2. whats? Ccimtinspaeciran@his Meters SE) ‘sometimes works (B) onthe weekend Venurnecng andso Thad the report on € toe Coa taberthing my deskon Monday morning. 5 capri = anne MaTIRIReR ovoraeed nee rrey ana Sa Megis working ont right now. ao Bill: ‘That’sgreat! Well,she (C) doesn’t need. ec ceure fers eo to finish the analysis before ‘theend ofthe month. But! wasalready Giese See int ese US Sao ictal asa Sh eu oe tent « more than happy wid orate on) the results (E) Didyousee 1 fen oer fom = shea them yer? soon oon eo > Marke Ive only hada quick look butwill sudy ium Sandi Cee sro, them in more derailnext week So, well, 1 vein sr fon td that'll for today then. Thanksagain. {egies oe = jon no Bill: You'tewelcome. Bye, Mark Sn how, wr = dr “Poston en seaman or hm pas) ‘5 Wate thoy watt 7? Ava al ed oe eu eet scene) / Wo lah ‘ome OK: pose semen J (asnegatve sere ¢tbe inthe some bla US = en do saben Gerona mech the ‘presen ene om US Engh bt ‘Pa tao ow coranan n KEI tel a= teh ae hen Cou ‘8s 10/ soor Gln you e-zine pte UK =v an ‘de Oren Faber hs realy Bre ‘omis abo sein US Engh rom (Ustpengore one roar dt)! tin Tenaverengen Ok putan sit the apes) Anema rm Boston ‘A MicOnUS Engh ors sh 254 “Ms-O rete ha on) 18 iy tn Us Erle he oer “are montyrer) {© tora Set On US Er 800" fore 1. Nenday though Fiday Chis sare “mPa dining Foy) 1 $50 am te 530 pm nus Egon « (ol used wth egal nes nO Enlil topisusea) Dor Gy US Enloh word flowing ‘esinenert compete sees) 6 Sireeraly Cis sho you wel dose Slee nUS pik Misa cnmon ‘owe Yee ear rare ler ver oma “oust 1a wrap ee Engi “ny red when ano mame inte ‘Staion but at ea Seo "eae Soro Orie Shewely ‘your ok Best repo ten US Engh arenas aye ‘ea alte the tn ea Me Food) tne clsng Goin reads) UK Engh ‘he conmals enone, 1 Wegrammar tine Atocgot 1 sre weeana ate preposton) (Cea Cn UR Engh “reas ‘en ea, ut “rae may Seabee nS Engh ned = Be On US Eola sina vee {Sloe «calc ou UE Ege, 2 sng ad 9 pl ve may be Sse septnig oh wr he 90 rein bang tere) 1 Have you seen In Ue Engl you tt osen? ik vers thera) theses pret ee wth Yer) Note: n order 10 be able Excellent! Wet done! Good Could do better to compare your anguge Congratulations! You Somesubte ferences | Youareawareof the main You know that there are knowledge acrosscifferent are abe to speak between UKand US difecences between UK and differences beeen UK ‘rete of business Engieh all British English with English arestilsomewhat_- US English but sometimes and US English, bur you Business Spotlight estshave Bish people and ifiut for you-Listen;youmixthem up.Do those are offen not sure whichis ‘amaximum possible score of American Engish with | fonative speakers to | exercises again where you | which Try the test again 50 points Americans enhance yourknowledge. - edit score well, to build your confidence ENGUSCHFURDEN BRU Basins Spot England and America are two countries divided by a common language” Attributed to Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw, 1856-1950 THE BASICS FOR ADVANCED LEARNERS Rising to the challenge Wortschats, Grammatik, Wendungen, sprachlicke Strukturen, nicht suletst das Gespitr fiir die Spracke selbst — auf all das besieht sich advanced, wenn es um eine Fremdsprache geht. Testen Sie in diesen Ubungen, inwieweit Sie ein advanced learner* sind. i) eT ENGUSCH FOR DEN ERO i i i 2. Upsand downs (4 points) My Home Lxd,acompany that designs and produces home textiles, is planning to take over Interior Design Ltd,acompany that used to be its fiercest competitor but has recently got itself Into serious financial difficulties. 1. Thesame but different (8 points) ‘Tom Barnes, who is coordinating the takeover for My Home Led informs hiscolleaguesabout an email thatarrived from Interior Design. Fillin the missing letters to form words thathave the same meaningas those in brackets. “Hill, Today. I'dlike roinform you abouran emaill(A)(go)r i dfromInterior Design.1 hadasked them to (B) (give) sb etheirlatesefinancial figuresand detailsabout everything they (C) (make) mf © w eintheirfactories, Now, theyareasking us to (D) (putofi) Ps p__ ethemeeting until the endof ‘Mayand then (E) (takeupagain)r 8 € negotiations. Thave(F)(sen)f ad dtheemail and the attached figures to the finance depart- ‘ment sothattheycan(G) (check)r iw the figures. They have promised to (H) (give back)r —-u__neverything ome with their comments by Friday.” Variety is the spice of life In English,as in other languages, thereare many “synonyms” — words that have the same mean- ing You can give variery to your English by not always using the same words, When choosing between synonyms, one should always keep in mindissues of styleand appropriacy. Busnes Spot Jackie Myers from the finance department pro- vvides some comments on the competitor's latest figures. Which word from the box next to each paragraph does not have the same meaning as thewordsin bold? Jackie: Let's now have alook at the development of Interior Design’ssales volume, heir profit figures,the number of employees and their brand image. A. First,theirsales volume. Ineheirfirstyearofbusi- | Auetuared nesssalesfigureswentup | Jumped stronglyand they sold more | SO*" items than expected. Inthe ‘ge «wo following yeas, they also did extremely well. B. Now to profit Their profit A ifyoulookatthesefigues, | tee ‘you'll see that profitwent upcontinuously. tote! ©. Withregardrostafithe 3a numberhasbeengoing — | 9° casin down foraround ive years, | Gesrennins When theylaunehedthey | @9PPing hadsome400employees; | Te have a maximum possible weskinanewjeb Wel | competent at yourealy are. greatest weaknesses are. running an office. Try the score of 5 points one! Tryteimproveone areas | Do those exercises agoin | test agin fe buld your vwoek over thenext month. | where yout scorewell, | confidence ENGUSCH FUR DEN xO Basins Spot You don’t learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and by falling over” Richard Branson, British businessman, 1950- BUSINESS COMMUNICATION SKILLS SMALLTALK Talk to me! Bevor Geschiiftspartner sur Sacke kommen, unterhalten sie sich gerne sswanglos Jiber allgemeine Themen. So lernen sie sich besser kennen und schaffen eine gute Atmosphiire fitr ihre spaiteren Verhandlungen. Testen Sie Ihre Paihigheit sum Smatirale mit diesen Ubungen, die wir fr Sie susammengestellt haben. EASY MEDIUM PANCED IST YOURSELF! DEBORAN CAPRAS Deborah capra author, traine Communications special st, She's the author of Soa] TaTk, ‘deborancapras®i se-words. con 50 ENGUSCHFURDEN sx THE SITUATION Sue and Anna both work for TopTextTiles. ‘They are colleagues, but are based in diffe- rent offices. Anna is in Munich, and Sue isin London. They areattending aextilecrade fair in Hanover. As wellas finding outabout new trendsin the industry, chey willuse the oppor- tunity to connect ona personal level — with the help of small talk. They will also make small talk with people from other companies. 2. The problems oftraffic.tripsand the weather (6 points) ‘The weatheris oftena good topic of small talk. and so, too, are traffic and trips. Rearrange the words ‘to create questions to alk about these things. The firstword is correct. Sue: (A) Are/town/long/for/you/in Ron: Yes, forthe whole week. Sue: Me,too. We leave Friday. And you? Ron: Igobackto London on Saturday. 1 sarewitaninteduction pins) | Anna: (Is anver/p/fst/your/o/ ea a are : chatting when Sue spots an old friend. e's time for Ron: Yes.1'd like to see something ofthe city introductions. Unscramble the words in bold Sue: Ron,whatasmall (A)rwdol Thaven'tseen you in (B) gaes Ron: Sue! Hi! Long(C)emti Sue: Howare (D)gsnith Ron: Great fantastic, really. How have you (eben ? Good, really good. Oh, how rude of me. while 'mhere so I checked intoa hotel lose tothe central railway station. ‘Anna: Same here. We'te not far from the station either We're staying na boutique hotel I'scharming (C)What's/like / hotel / your ? Impersonal, butcomfortable.It’sone of ‘the majorinternational hotels.(D) How / this ‘the /was//trip /morning/to/fair/ out/ the /trade i Ron,thisismy colleague Anna Schwarz. ‘Anna: Not oo bad.Ittookabour20 minutes. ‘Anna, Ron Johnson. We were at univers. Ron: Ineededan hour. Acouple ofbuses were ty together cancelled. so Thadalong wait. Ron: Hi,Anna tt'sa(n) (Faurpseel ‘Anna: Theardabout thacon the radio,so we took tomeet you. acab Anna: Ie good to meetyouat (G)slae Ron: Smartmove My German's nocthat great, “Ron Suehastold me 0 missed that piece ofimportantinfor- allabout you. mation. Ron: Really? That's interesting Justthe good bits. hope Sue: Absolutely Ron: So,whatdoyoudo, Anna? ‘Anna: I'm responsible for purchasing Here,let me give you my (H) rade Anna: I¢'sbecause of the snow. There are often problems with the trains here in the win- tet-(E) What's /back/weather/home/ England /the/in/like Ron: Warmerthan in Germany! (F) How/ does /here /cold /get/it ‘Anna: Freezing! Thate the cold Pe: Ron: Sodol! Butatleastthe heating worksin ; STEN the hotel. That's notalways the casein f London. ‘Small talks nt just abou aking You need to use active listening techniques to build relationships. One tectnque is 12 ‘se poritive expressions fo show that you are listening, such a5 o “absolutely "eal" and tha’ interesting” Listening earefuly wil help you to CONNECT CONNECT ‘mal aki about making connections. People often connect ‘when they discover hat they have experienced similar things. Highlight what you hve in commen with expressions suchas “Same here’, "Me, 00" or “And you?’ Making connections is ‘esi when you RELAX! Busnes Sorin ENGUSCHFURDENBERUF 5 2 Enjoy ood drinkandestingout (pois) | When you're a guest of international business parcners, i's best to show interest in the local food. Ifyouare the host,try to make your guest feel wel- come by finding out about their preferences, too. Match the responses to the correct questions. Would you care to join us forlunch? Would you mind if we went somewhere that hhas vegetarian food? Would you like to sit by the fire? Shall we order the drinks frst? Doany of the wines appeal to you? What would you recommend? What do you fancy? Why don't we havea dessert? => momnmogo Yes, please. I need to warm up! 'mnorsureyet. Maybe something spicy! love to. How kind ofyou! Thankyou. Td rathernotdrink alcohol during the day. ‘Notatall.{ don't eat meateither,so that would suit me, oo. Yes, why not? The apple strudel sounds great. ‘The vegetable lasagne isa speciality here. 8, Good idea. I'm really thirsty. :B-|_|c- et be{ jel je ” RELAX Socializing in arelaed atmosphere after work can hep build Felaionships. Bu ths ean lok very diferent depending on where {you ae. In some national and company cultures, people may prefer fo keep ther personal fe private, Whi in some cuitures, ope wil enjoy a drnk anda burger in others, people may aved Seahol and meat. Fr smal ak to work, isin your interest 10 find ou what isthe norm You should always show RESPECT! ENGUSCH FUR DEN ERO 4, Be open tocultureand current affairs (points) Anna tries to talk aboutrecent events with Ron. How they both react to sensitive topics is impor- tant for their furure personal and working rela- tionship. Complete each sentence with the right ‘word from the box. There are two words that you. donot need. sanyway «mistake thoughts discussion «need. truth) lies “subject ‘Anna: Whatare your (A) on recent events? How do you think they will, affect the country? Ron: Totellyouthe (8) : really don’ know. ‘Anna: Ijustdon’t understand how itcould have happened.Doyou? Ron: Wow, where to start? It’s far too com- plicated to discuss during the coffee break! Do you mind if we change the © z Anna: [justfind ieincredible.Sucha shame! Ron: Well you know,1i rather not getintoa po- litical (©) with you on this. ‘Anna: 'msorry.Ididn't mean to beimpolice. My © Ishouldn't haveasked, Ron: No(F) toapol- ogize. Forget about it So, did you wanta coffee? “Anna: Let meget them, RESPECT Smal tak canbe a minefield. You can't be expected to ‘ow everything about your business partner's culture, so understandings happen Ideally you should be careful about ‘making any assumptions or judgements about cultural matters — In particular about family structures religian, adiions or polities 1 You think you may have said something offensive, you can use ) susan Thankyou. Receptionist: Susan (F) {ist in einer Besprechung) at the Receptionist: Oh.t'm sorry butheisn'tanswer moment. inghis phone. guess he's notin Pierre: Could 1(@) theofficeatthe moment (D) (cine Nachricht hinterlassen)? putyou through tohim.@) Susan (E)HoweantThelpyou? s) Receptionist: Yes,of couse. Mynumberis.. Pierre: Please(H) i (ihr ausrichten) that I called about ce jp{ fet] the Guernsey meeting and it would be greacifshecould 0 (nich zurickrufen) tomorrow morning in the Lyons branch, on exten- sion 705. Receptionist: I'msorry,1 (J) (nicht verstanden) that. Could you repeat, please? [ENGLISCHFOROEN aERUF 59 (es feenrer eee amy hry Sen 1 you getanunexpected phone callin English, you ‘couldsay: “Can leall you backin ive minutes?” and ‘thenuse the time to prepare yourselfandrelearn 7. Calling back (7 points) some key phrases, Charles Miller,the manager of the Victor Hugo hotel, calls Susan. Put the sentences in the right onder. (A) Speaking. Hello, Mr Miller It’s very kind of @rataataswnincaingrcicn ANSWERS confirm that the rooms areavailable. @ veneer = enerere pen (D) Moming Mtns town pou? eee cee ae (E) Hello, this is Charles Miller from the Victor nana reaereety ee ree ease E. Could you ask Carla to call me back? (G) Oh, that's great. Many thanks, Mr Miller. We rhea re ere eee eet ce ee 2 tect pete ee ET oe sO} eae eee Feld hese beet) Diba Se /bleb am Apparat 1 onli = besten 1 ring get rang Amyrames 2. Wow oe ork? ines Acer = Hiver speak /spesk ith 1. oxonson = Cura Nobnstle BL sie derk inthe fee 6 cenference cal putmethroogh Konfrenzschahung E itnancctng Bical deeson = Ruiharg Gleave menage EE callsceserie~ Rlckusenst_— atelier Fall ine eniieaon eoeated La me bck SD)" Rutmummeransnige 4 St oetesteindertand tars ree oyster = Fresprechnlage 1 Caing nck 1H. aroeing machine te TAmulbeantwrter 2A 4 Aeanterocn at a Avroeall= Auten der Namen alr 5-8 ‘anezeen| 6 1. feconference ¢ fo M-50 3-38 0-2 yo? Noten order to be able Excelent Wattdone! Good Could beter i tocompareyourlnguage Congratulations You know alot of Yousre normaly abieto | Yeuareabletotakegertin = krowledge across iferet—-Youkow he key Ielphoning phrases, make youself understoed_— phone cals about simple sree of busines: Engen tetephoning phrases When phoning ith nthe phone. Butpracte matters Butyoureedto§ © all Business Spothght tests | andvecabuary very people Engh ston sig ey telephoning pricisemoremorierto | Tow have amximum possible | wrllandaeo know how | fer new ones and add. piratessotharyouscund | _becomemor confide ‘ore of 50 pint fouse them them oyout vocabulary. more professionel. “ry doing the tet again: ENGLISCH FOR DEN BERUF Busnes Stent The telephone is a good way to talk to people without having to offer them a drink” Fran Lebowitz, US author, 1950- BUSINESS COMMUNICATION SKILLS WRITING The right messages Schreiben ist nach wie vor ein wichtiger Bestandteil der heutigen Kommunikation. Doch haben inaawischen andere Medien den traditionellen Brief weitgehend verdriingt. Testen Sie in diesen Ubungen, wie gut Sie sich auch auf Englisch bei WhatsApp & Co. auskennen. HELDEGARD RUDOLPH is a certified translator anda freelance editor, teacher fand book author. Contact: bs. lektorat@spotght-ver!ag. de — THE SITUATION | Vanessa Riley,head of her town’s cultural office, is in charge of organizing the cultural events and | entertainment programme, including thecoming New Year's Eve party. 1. Lotstodo (10 points) = Vanessa and her colleagues have been planning the coming New Year's Eve party. Vanessa has summarized what has to be done (and by whom) ina “Notes” file on hersmartphone. Unscramble the verbs in bold. [ooee onan one | [ANotes | new vearsEve party 2019 | | Dace Sghaltadoringroomsand foyer | 1 Catering |" tee | Err ticketsales EMD erorimganaboxetce) dane) | coffers fromthree caterers. (Chis) | Fortablesand chairs. (Janet) | b, Technical equipment Stro tou lighting acoustics ete. | | S32SStiaraar Gate, || eed the bands who played in | {2EGaS yeas avons) | fae ; anemaiiothearss 2966) nsed enema emagiianho | i and ewe jeaagn Cerro) Cleaning sothecleaningcorpary. || (Chis) | Oe the local press about the | | Sem Glanesy | Busnes Spotght 2. Who's doing what? (7 points) Mike has received Vanessa's “Notes” file and enters the information into the office's intranet. Complete the sentences with the phrases from thebox. deal with takecare goingtoralk takeon incharge we'llneed make sure Hiall ‘The next New Year's Eve will be upon us all 100 soon, So, what needs tobe done to make ourparty ‘a success? Ler’s start with Vanessa, Asin the pre vious years she'llbe (A) ofall PR activities, Weall know that Chris likes good food and drink So,he can (B) thecater ersagain, which means that hell gt three offers, compare them and choose the best — and not nec- essatily the cheapest —one. Andaafterthe buffet. © acleaner to come in.So, Chris isalso (D) Janetagreed to (E) the jobs of or- ¢ganizing ticket sales and providing chairs and ta- bles. And who should (F) ofartists, musicand other entertainment but oursocialite Charlotte? Finally. il (G) there ‘won't be any technical problems.So,arewe ready toget started? tothe cleaning company. Mike * eno Memo" is short for"memerandu’ On your smaripone this could bea "Notes" fe which {yousummatze important decsons that have ‘Been aken na meeting. Youcan sen this fe, for ‘example, fo your ema aderes or roth peeple * INTRANET ‘An organizaton private computer network that {ees sae stra fe internet Users get Informed bout everthing they need to know ‘hin the organsation [ENGLISCH FOR DEN BERUF Charlotte has sent the magician a text message on her smartphone, using some emojis. Choose ‘the appropriate ones from the box o replace the ‘wordsin bold, ® O89 2O®8 Hi Mr Magic ‘You were so (A) brilliant at our New Years Eve party two yeats ago, People (B) loved your tricks! So, weld be (C) happy to have you with usat our nextparty We are (D) extremely sorry that we hadn't stalled a new lighting system for your lastappear- ance, which meant that one of your tricks almost (E) failed. But you'll be pleased to know that we now havea new system! Could we have your answerby the end of month? You canalso (F) phone me. (G)Bighug Charlotte at fet je{ jot bel tet tof | ” TEXT MESSAGES / TEXTS Mezzage sent via te Sort Message Service (GWS):n Engh these messages ae generaly fefered oats or text messages no! at “SSC” a hey ae German. [cmrca was fl Put the following WhatsApp conversation be- ‘tween Vanessa and her colleague Harry in the right order The first one has been done for you. A. HiVanessa. Can wetalk later? H. B, 10’sfinewithme. . Inameeting until 1, then lunch wit mayor. Back by 5. Tomorrow? V. D.OK.v. E, Leaving at 11. Sosee youin the office Thursday? F. Harry, forgot conference callwith Dublin. Will callyou after G. Sorry, day off tomorrow. Could call you fromhome, Around10? H. rajo{ bf ef ts{ ef jz] * WHATSAPP [Aninstant messaging app fr smartphones toexchange messages. mages videos and ‘Socumets You can se up groups to sare information, The servic i at of Facebook ln, Busnes Stent 5. Every picture ellsa story (6 points) a ‘To promote this year's New Year's Eve party, Va- nessa is going to post some photos of the previous year’s party on Instagram. Complete the captions, your meal! we dance? E dreams! F.Long nosee! Busines Spoteit 6. Party feedback (7 points) a Vanessa is rereading the tweets that guests from Germany postedafter the last New Years Eve par ty: However, they mixed up some words. Replace the incorrect word in each tweet with one from thebox. appointment bored delicious fantastic mayor party relaxed > Great party! Good music, nice people delicate food, dancedall night. The best magician ever? Sorry, lwas totally boring by his old-fashioned tricks! C. Thanksto the major Brian Smith, forringing in the New Year with his excellene speech! He'sthe kind of boss the town hall deserves! D. Locker,entertaining—the best party lever ‘went o, Thanks to the organizers! E, Theband was awful! Includea dave with the ear doctorin the ticket price next time. Absolutely toll! Can't wait fornextyear's party! G. Whatan amazing fire that was. Unbeatable! Anonine soil networking sevice sat op by Twitter ne Users post and interact with metespe cle “races which elimi 00 * INSTAGRAM Jnanline servic for sharing photos and videos. ‘The service part of Facebook Ine. [ENGLISCH FOR DEN BERUF 8 * Not soformal! (7 poines) a aes ‘The mast radtona tol fe elecrenc ommanistion sil commonly ued or business Charlotte is writing an email to her good friend sonmmmate icoraeety se ‘Meg. Make the phrases in bold shorter and less fmariphene formal (Bibeaemeg 1 taeote Storey 1 Ofpanze Zum Wal A eiveverine (8) Pm writing youthis email to inform you oisshentaa ooo Bop Cn yor net thaeweecurnl panera gerne at a a Year'sEve party, Westilneed someone for seater terete sehor ten gneve the breaks, when there will beno live music. eta Shall cShal we dance? (Cmayiisnay rewilbene Fema, mm nate siblefor youto indus woor three artis? hs Bram Goce (©) We'd appreciate having something 2 Whos dog iar? ee different, nottheusual kind of entertainment nse eee eer resort tutweareadyhaveamapens oem Soe cas (©)inndon Fic ase te oppor Solan nity toinform youthat we're hosting the next ficon beach volleyballchampionship Do yeuhave aos ‘hate semi hte ‘any suggestions for who we couldhire for the Cmccae Greet deus = leer, dla) operingand closing events? Sry nwa eawee i ed mn if youneed any furtherinformation,(F) donot Gs Cearec moe ogemese3 hesitate to contact me. et acer = Schlebach,Spind cal Gent hae ()Younsincasy oy Oe : Coes Charlotte Ea fet hal Gare ate S keconetsw 4. tment? 1 tate Pi timanumineea’ et ‘Sime aut y= Coiyoutndus.? oe ie eee a aera caivortomrore:hrsedtae & "tuebend ne au 0 nd i eee ‘68 stra wine Ghee oe faba £F Limpogecoremescotwn Roars toncqndsin Maca” (Ofer aes epee) (6 Leaving at So ste youn the fe Tar? in 1-50 30-39 = 0-20 Wyte? Noten order to beable Excell! Wot dono! Good Could do better to compare yourlanguage Congratulations! You Youarea good Youknowthe basics ofhow You stilaave quite alot inowedge across diferent areanexcelent commu | communicator but there Yocommunicate in wring, toleatn about writing areas of business English caterinwiing using tsstilrcom toimprove | butstilmake quite few effectively n English Go ll Business Sporight tests the diferent electronic | your wing sls Keep mistakes. Dothe exercises back and practise some nowhave amaximum possible | media But ry to avoid: practisinganéyouwil againtoincrease your basic vocabulary and ‘core of 50 point Your errors in the future. become even bette. confidence phrases ENGUISCH FOR DEN BERUF Email has some magical ability to turn off the politeness gene in a human being” Jeff Bezos, CEO, Amazon, 1964- BUSINESS COMMUNICATION SKILLS MEETINGS. Meeting your needs Kaum jemand kommt im beraflichen Alltag um Siteungen und Besprechungen herum. Und vor, withrend und nach einem solchen Treffen hat man es mit vielen verschiedenen Dingen su tun, Testen Sie mit diesen Ubungen sie Sie sich in diesen Bereichen auskennen. ana’a freelan fand book auth bs-lektorataspot! — THE SITUATION Jones & Baker are an agency based in Liverpool, ‘with branchesin Belgium and Germany: They de sign, produce and sell advertising material suchas giveaways and items displaying company logos. Every year in December,the heads of the various departments meetat the agency's headquarters in Liverpool to discuss past and future activites, 1. Getting ready (7 points) lz Kathie Jones and Tom Baker, who run the agen. cy.are making sure that everything is ready for the annual meeting. Match Kathie's questions to ‘Tom’sanswers, ‘A. Which rooms have you booked? B, How about thelist of participants? C. Have you talked to the technicians? D. Did the cleaners agree to come in after the meeting? E, Howabourcoffeeand lunch breaks? F. Can we agreeonthe final agenda? G. And lastbut not least, who will welcome the participants? 1. They promised to check the projectors, micro phones and other devices today. 2 I'm in couch with our usual catering service. ‘They said they d take care of everything 3, The loungeand rooms 4nd Son the top floor. 4, will. 've already arranged for name badges, lists for signing in, ec. 5. When people have sent back their reply, I'll make up the list. 6, They will be sending some people over thenext ‘morningataround 7am. 7. Ithinko,as we now haveall the information weneed, at_|at_| {I E|_ |r Busnes Spot 2. Sorry, wecan't come (8 points) a" Maren Bergerand Klaus Dorner from the Ger- ‘man branch in Bonn are tied up with othercom mitments. Choose the correct words (in bold) in theiremail to Kathie and Tom, Dear Kathie and Tom Thank you for your emailof 10 October letting usknow thatthe annualmeeting oftheheads of department has had tobe (A) postponed/relegated from Thursday, 5 December tothe new (B) date/data of Wednesday, 11 December. Unfortunately neither of us will now beableto (C)attend participate the meeting. | (Maren) am on holiday from 10 December,and klaus hasbeen (0) advised/invitedtoakeycustomer's productlaunch (©party/circle. We believe that our (F) attention/attendance at the meetingis important for the future development of the company. We'dtherefore like to askifit wouldbe Possible o (C) bring/raise the meeting forwardto Friday, 7 December. ‘Another option would be toholda (H) virtuous /virtual meeting, suchas a videoconference, aswe have done successfullyinthe past. Please letus know what youthink about our suggestions, Bestregards,also from Klaus Maren ‘ENGLISCH FOROEN BERUF « THE AGENDA Having aclear agendais importantfor a successful meeting asithelpstokeep participants ontrack tts importante” ‘endooutthe agenda to participants before the meeting so thatthey can prepare properlyorclaiyissues, 3. Checking theagenda (8 points) 4, Following the rules (6 points) George Cook suggests some rules that should be followed by al participants. Translate the German phrases in brackets to complete the sentences. ‘A. Lecother participants (auseden) 1B (Unterbrechen) others only ifieis ‘After checking with the other participants, Kathie absolutely necessary. and Tom decide that the meeting will indeed ©. Einalten) theagenda. have to take place on 11 December, Kathile asks D.Don't(uberschreiten) the time al- George to lead the meeting and has a final look lowed foryourcontribution atthe agenda before sending icout. The wordsin EB. Please speak Geweilsmur einer) boldare in the wrong place. Pur them where they F. Don't (ausdehnen) ecoccendd should be. lunch breaks, JONES & BAKER Agenda Annual heads-of department meeting. 111 December 2019 8am~7pm. (A) Fining George Cook (@) Facilitator allheads of department (©) Action point MarenBerger Klaus Dorner (0) ttem Tom Baker polis oom [Time | (¢)Responible | (6) Minter _| 1) aa fae |e [eectomin ome TevewofCarrantrnch fa [esa [Seles taues, Pr co feyaceunspcets Reaenet = [am [oe eniner [smn Aeganbranh Tet 7 [oasam [ote Geametiok [smn compere gop Cofebrsk Toange [seam aes fern Feahsscinae ds [am —_[Pesenaionawedby |liasmity [ahs and sates escusson ook Lune Geen fipm Tiler | car of company ens apm Foner _|2ks uy yes Cece Tome [om ations [erin Perpete re fesopr | Regtegrew asa: |? sin Cemaroch Coroner rewtecnloges Fespeive ip faasom [Ro Tenis —_fesnin Belo ranch epee from oo eapetonk | smn ‘orp = Cosing T [een Tans [i ‘iparcpansweinsteduohave drat The igs Ars 9p. Business Spotien cy ‘TYPES OF MEETING ‘Ameetingis an occasion at which people come together for ‘common purpose, Dependingon where or whytheymeet, ifferentcerms are used, For example, youhave a"session”™ tyourpsychologis',asiting”in parliament or spiritual “seance”, Aninformal meeting with fiends called a"get- together". And abiggerformalbusiness event sa“confer- cence” or convention”. 6. What does that mean? (6 points) a 5, Meetings, met igs.meetings.. (Spoints) | During coffee break, the department heads ex- change information about the different kinds of ‘meetings they have at their branches. Fill inthe missing vowels of the words in bold. Busnes Spotieht In meetings, you'll often hear the following sen- tences. Which ithe correct meaning ofeach sen- tence? A. Letshavea roll cal. 1. Each participant should say their name. 2. Each participant should log in to the telecon- ference. B. Can I makea point here? 1. Can takea shore break? 2. Can | putforward an argumenc? C. Howdo you feelabour thar? 1. Whatis your opinion? 2. Iseverything OK with you? D. That slightly offtopic. 1. That's not really the subject ofthis tem of the agenda 2. You're not giving enough information about thisitem of theagenda. E, Canwe havea quickshow ofhands? 1. Couldyoutaise your hand ifyou agree? 2. Could you shake hands and introduce your- self? F, Areyouallwith mehere? 1. Doyouallagree with me? 2. Have youall understood what I have said so far? 7. Following up (7 points) Kathie sendsa follow-up email o the participants. Put the paragraphs of her email in the right order. = ANSWERS A. Please find attached the minutes,so that you can review ourdiscussions and the 1. Getting ready ‘5, Mowtings,mootings,mostings.. ‘outcomes of the meeting, DG EZETG-4 Astand-up (stand-up meeting = Stehteffe,kurzes Treffen im : 2. samy wecantcome Siehen B. First of al, would like to thank you pier eae oy verymuch foryourattendanceand your thu. Caut spire) verecieben)_Teamstzung.“besprechng) fruitful contributions Baste .onedtorone (one-to-one Catendcatendsth = anew. mesing UC= perskches ast but not least, if you have any sug- eee) ae eee ane pc y se ne D.invited = eingeladen Augen) gestions for that meeting — organiza eee 5 oe eee tion, topics, ee. — please get in touch Snksieh der Marelfutrung = Mirbeterten with me atany time. tines Proud ee! f.atendane = Teahme emergency ee cee D. Talking of which, may Lask you to pay re cs} Deingichetseitzuna) special attention to the action points recat Reacleeneaas listed inthe minutes foreach branchand ‘shoe tung) department? 2: checking tn agen teat ckoff meting = ‘A.Faciitator= Sitzungseiter(n)___Sitzung zum Auftakt eines B.Attendees= Teinehmertnnen Projekt) E. Wishing you now all the best for the up- Apologies = hier: Entschuldigt H.conference calls coming holidays and the New Year. Di Minutes = Prototot erecneresin Eliem=Tagungsordnungspunkt _Telekonferenz) F, AsIgatherfrom the feedback that Ihave F. Action point = Aktionspunkt received so fa, this year's annual meet- Sepa ee een ed 3 H.Timing = her eingeplante Zeit A: B-2:C-1: D-t ing was.agreat opportunity to exchange ees information on pastand current projects 4. Foti the des andon plans forthe furure. ‘Anish speaking 1. Fotowing wp B interrupt rat {Stic Keep to SG6CTE G. Finally, the next annual meeting is cee scheduled for 3 December 2020. Please sicacrenee save tis dae. Further details will follow. F extend Best regards Kathie Jones lb (0-50 0-8-2 Upto ote:So that you en relat Wl done! E Good Could do better ‘compare your language: Congratulations! Meetings Youarevery confident in. You probably donot Meetings are not really knowedge arose diferent _ afe nothing out ofthe mosraspectsofmestings _reallyerjoy meetings, but your cupat tea Honever, areas of business English, | ordinary for you You ‘and aregeneralyablet0 _youknow that they are they are animpertant part ilBisiness Sporlight ests know howto prepare performuellin them When: important fr the progress of dally business. Ty the havea maximum possible = ther. hw to run them, attending your next meeting.’ of your work, Have another {test again fo become more score of 50 points howtoattend them and Take particular care touse ”;lookat those exercises familia withthe language how ofellow tem up, the corret tems. where you aida score well, of meetings, ENGUISCH FOR DEN BERUF Busnes Spotient Meetings are a great trap ... However, they are indispensable when you don’t want to do anything” John Kenneth Galbraith, Canadian-US economist, 1908-2006 BUSINESS COMMUNICATION SKILLS PRESENTATIONS Make it memorable Prasentationen sind cin wichtiger Bestandteil des Geschifftsalltags. Dock nicht immer ist es leicht, sie auf Englisch xu halten. Damit Sie Uhre Fahigheiten auf diesem Gebier testen kisnnen, haben sir die fogenden Ubungen firr Sie zusammengestellt, EASY MEDIUM ABVANEED ‘THE SITUATION Ben Fischeris the new HR manageratan interna: tional company thatemploys 3,500 people world- wide. The company is thinking about changing their holiday policy. The idea isto introduce flexi (ae ble holidays for Ben's responsibility Deborah Capras 1s 2 freelance topresentthe advantages of sucha policy to staff ‘author, trainer ond corporate ‘eathe annie loeadces Communications special ist. She's the author of mai? TaTk, published by Collins. Contact: eborahcaprastl 7A ENGUSCHTOR DEN BERUF sucen: present Thea pratessonal Busnes Stent Erecontacis Important ok prnot down 1, Practise more (7 points) | i Ben practises with a coach, In the feedback below, the words in bold are not where they should be. Purthem where they belong, A, Keep eyecontact with the prompts B, Dontelookatthe aids C. Learn yourintroduction by audience D. Writesome bullet consmall cards E, Make the visual sereen simpler, F, Grab theaudience’s heart ‘with a personal story. G. Reduce the number ofattention points on each slide —or choose just one dramatic image,oneimpres- sive number or one inspiring quote on each slideinstead.Lessis more! Busnes Spoteit 2. Pack your tools (9 po rs) ‘Complete these technology tips from Ben'scol leagues with che missing nouns. We've given you the first three leters © Anintemnational travel (a) plu adaprerisessential. Thave one with three (B) soe Iealso hasan extralong extension (heor solcanplacemy laptop where I wane! 9 Don't forgetyourlaptop (D) cha ‘As lusea Mac, always take my own VGA adapter forthe (E) pro 100. 6S ‘The sound systems in conference rooms aren'talwaysgreat.S0,ifyou plano show a video or pay audio, take your own external F) spe 9 ‘And takeyour own presentation remote (eon too. have one witha laser pointet. Be sure to pack extra batteries. 6 Iwouldsave your slide (dec asaPDFonathumb Wari andonthecloud—justin «ase you have to use somebody else'scomputer. od ry DO YOULOOK AND SOUND PROFESSIONAL? ‘Ask fr feedback from clleagues, attend a seminar or ire 2 personal coach fe give you professional suppor If you dont have time to work with other, you should try to work more effectively ‘on your own. Record yourself on vdeo or audio — and be honest when you wach or Isten fo your presentation, Practise to professional. bet [ENGLISCH FOR DEN BERUF 18 Beopen nd engeged ed CAN YOU SHARE SOMETHING PERSONAL? What personal deta might be interesting tothe people inthe ‘oon? I's important to include information about who you are, ‘what you do and why you are giving a presentation. But your Contact deals are not enough. Adé something that will help ‘people remember who you are. Get personal tobe memorable, Introduce yourself (6 Ben has planned two kinds of presentations cone formal ealk for management, and an in- formal one for people who know him already. Match the more formal options (A-F) to the informal ones with a similarmeaning (1-6) ‘A, Good morning, ladiesand gentlemen. Isa pleasure to welcome youll here today. . Tappreciate you taking the time to attend my presentation. D. Letmestartby introducing mysel ‘My name is Ben Fischer. E, I'mthenew HR managerat the UKheadguareers. F, The topic of my presentation today is our new policy 4, Engage witheveryone (5 points) Ymresponsible for HR and'm based in the UK Thanks forjoining me today. Hijeveryone. Tmhere today to give you policy update [As believe you already know I'm Ben. Ben Fischer. Iesgreacto see youallagain today. Rearrange the words o form questionsand ‘statements for Ben's presentation A. you /right/rather /be/now / would /where Not here, right? Onabeach? Upamountain? Downacave? With your family? Weall have dream destination, Lookingat the rain outside, 'd be quite happy ona Greekisland today! B. Imagine if we could goon holiday whenever ‘wewanted—andcould stllearn thesame salary? could /1/if/you/that/told/what/we ©. Nobody likes managing holidays — especially ‘other people's. Weall hate doingit, don't we? ‘me /agree /all/you'll/ with /sure/1'm ‘D. Even with thebest system in the world! +t00/know /all/well/you/ as E. Did you know that people who take more holidays are much more productive through- ‘ourthe year? That's what happened when we introduced flexible holidaysatfour of our locations. about/like/learn /how /would /it /you/ t0/we/went rf CAN YOU INVOLVE EVERYONE? Inctusive statements and questions — even rhetorical ones — ‘an help create interest in your presentation and stimulate people’ curosty Show that you understand the problems people are experiencing Show interest in thers. Busnes Sten Whar your Dbigiee? Keepitsimpe ” WHATISTHE KEY REASON FOR YOUR PRESENTATION? Ideal here shouldbe one “big idea that you want people te hear — and that they wil want fo her. toa Prepare your presentation around your idea ntroduce it eo clearly ond imply. Explain why itis important and relevant fo the people in ‘he room. Connect your iea fo them — 0 you can personally connect with them Yon Be lear to connect. [ S. Strucrure ic well(9 points) iG ——— give | interrupt | look | move | outline | say | show | spend | take The purpose of my presentation is to @ ‘you whatan incredible difference a change in the company holiday policy can make. Tvedivided my presentation into three parts. First ofall, Ill give youa shorehistory of our pre~ vious holiday policy, before I (B) onto the specifics of the new programme. Secondly, 'l (©) atthe teams where ‘we have introduced the system already. Il also ©) ‘you an overview of the feedback ‘we've had — from managers and employees. We'll ® about five minutes on this section. Finally.1l(F) afew words aboutourle- galobligationsand will (G) ‘thereasons ‘why this policy isperfect across the company —in every single location. ‘The presentation shouldn't (H) more than 1S minutes. Atthe end, there will betime for your questions, but feel free to (1) meat any time ifyou havea question. In toral, wehave 30 minutes,soler’sget started! Busnes Spotgit ] Maximizeand emphasize (6 poines) a Ben uses a number of techniques to make his message memorable. Unscramble theletters to create the missing words. Use threes: ‘Since introducing this system, our employees are uemh, ‘more motivated, eenv more engaged and fa more focused They are hap- pier healthier and more productive. Use intensifiers: ‘Wesgotrnly recommend that you introduce the new policy. While we yflul appreciate thatit will take time,weeholysen believeit willincrease productivity andimprove our company culture. Emphasize yourarguments: ‘The janm shingis thatchis system works, What's peaesilley importantis its simplicity. This system in tiplarreau doesn’tneedany special training to implement or use ‘Add arguments and examples: So.veabo all, this policy shows that we truscour employees. In tiondiad -ithelpsteam. ‘members to trust each other. They discuss ‘openly when everyone needs tobe inthe office —foritnsneae ‘when there isan important deadline Use visuals: Cantwdra yourattention to thenextslide? As this graph clearly whoss ‘most people stil take rno more than 30days holiday year You'll ctieno that feweremployees have been offsick since weintroduced the system, Now, that’s amazing. Focus on contrasts: ‘Onthe one nhda eamsare often nervous about introducing this system, Onthehoter hand, theyare also excited You might worry that your team won't be motivated o work On the ‘tryarcon ‘weave found that teams workbetcer together In return for our flexibility they are more engaged [ENGLISCH FOR DEN BERUF 7 7 7. Beprepared (8 points) ‘Ben uses certain phrases throughout his talk to organize and keep control ofhis presentation ‘and the people in the room — right vill the end. Complete his favourite phrases with the cor rect forms of the verbs in brackets. A (move) on o ourlegal obliga tions now I'll stare witha few important facts B Lets (curm) now tothe feed- back from ourmanagers ic (Go)back foramomenttothe results on ourgraph, like to focuson the significance of one number: 30 D.Wouldyou mind (repeat) the question? E. CanI (Come) back to chacat theend? F. Before (alk) you through the results, {like roaskyou allaquestion. G. Ifyou don't mind. 4 prefer (eal) with thac question later. H.So,that (bring) meto the end of my presentation. Any other questions? mo at: S0 that you cn Excelent! ‘compare you language ‘Thats. fanastic recut! nowedge acroscferent You ceay know which sfeasof business English. techniques and praes ‘i BushessSpotight tests = touse emake good faveamavimum possible impression on your audience oro 50 pnts Yov'ea profesional ENGUISCH FOR DEN BERUF ANSWERS A.auiience = Zuhsrertinnen) A show B. screen Bldschirm: Leinwand — B. move © heart by heart = auswendio) © look 1. prompts = Stktwérter Dive EE. sds Gieual aid = Anschawngs- ©. spend ‘material grafiche Darstelung) Fs say 1. Practice more 5. Structure it well F. attention grab sbi attention 6. outline = kurz) darstllen ifm = mds. Aufmerksamkeit ——skizzeren ‘erregerd Hake = Pir dauern . bullet ult point « 1 interupt Gilederangspunk 1 (6. Maximize and emphatize 2. Pack your tools ‘A. much, ever, fr 4 ‘A. pug (lug adapter 2B. strongly fly honesty = Adapterstecker) {& main, especialy, particular 1B. sockets = Steckbuchsen,-dosen B. above addin, instance cord (extension cord draw shows, notice = Verangerungskabe) FF. hand, other contrary 1B. charger = Ladegerat projector = Beamer 7 Be prepared FF. speakers = Lautsprecher- As Moving (moveon to sth Gooxend = wet dbergeherd contol remote contol turn Guin ost, = Fernbedienung) sich enw zumenden) deck (de deck Going = Prasentanonstoln) 1B. repeating 1 drive thumb eve E come = USe:Stick) F. taking al sb. through sth. = ew mit mam. durcbgehen> 1. introduce yourself rode ASBGC2DSE-TES HL brings A. Engage with everyone ‘A. Where would you rather be right row? 1B. Whatif tla you that we coula? Frmsure youl alagree with me. 1B. As you know ll 100 wel, Would you tke to earn how we went about i? * HOW LONG DO YOUNEED? Keep your presentations short rather than too long. Never a information just toll me Everything you say shouldbe interesting, relevant and perfectly timed No one wil complain you finish early. Gat the ing right. 1-4 = t-4 Wel doe! ood "Your knowledge ofthe Not co bad but yeu need Tanguage of presentations | Topactsemore.Do the rest ‘every good For your nest again tohep you learn the presentation, wy dont tectniques an improve your our ouse sme of the | vocabulary. ‘oeabuiry and fechniguet weve presented here? Upto 7 (Could dobettor Maybe you dont have to give presentations in Englshon @ Fegulr basis but isa usta business tl fo have. Ty the test ain nex week 1 Seif {you ean get ahigher sore Busnes Stent Eloquence is the essential thing in a speech, not information” Mark Twain, US author, 1835-1910 90 ENGUISCH FOR DEN BERUF BUSINESS SOMMUNICATION SKILLS NEGOTIATING A good deal Gut gefihrte Verhandlungen sind fiir den erfolgreichen Abschluss eines Geschifts mitentscheidend. Mit den folgenden Ubungen testen Sie Tire Kenntnisse, um auch auf Englisch geschickt verhandeln au kinnen, EASY MEDIUM ABVANEED THE SITUATION Caroline Pierron,a French designe: ner, Stefi Kohl, una company together in Paris that produces high: quality scarves for the younger female market. Until now, they have sold their products exclusively in France, but they were approached recently by a British distributor who is interested in selling their scarvesin the UK. They have been invited to meet the CEO, Joe Hall, and the director of purchasing, Amy Patel,in London to discussa deal id her German business part Busnes Sten : ced 1 ‘Think about your negotiationinterms ofthe four Ps Preparation. Good preparation s critical to negotiating successfully Purpose. Be very clear about your objectives: What do you wantto accomplish? What doyou think you can realistically “achieve? And whats the minimum thatyou are prepared to accept? People. Define thecifferentrolesof the negotiators on your side’ If possible, establish what the role ofthe people on the other sideare too Process. Time spentat the beginning of anegotiation defining procedures cansave lot oftimelater on Itisalso useful ‘oreview proceduresat different stagesthroughoutthe negotiation 1 What shall we negotiate? (7 points) 4 ‘Before their visit, Caroline and Steffi discuss what ‘the negotiation should Focus on. Unscramble the wordsin bold Steffi: Well, the two essential issues are (a)creip and (B)nautytiq Can youtell me by tomor- row how much more the factory can ‘supplyand by when? Caroline: Will do. So, we'll also need to discuss (©\veelyrid dates Steffi; And they'll probably want a(n) (D)yantlep clausein case the orders arrive late The really ough one willbehow much ofa(n)(E) utdosine were willing to give. They're certain toask forabig percentage. Steffi; IMlaskaroundand try to find outwhae osher companies are paying, What Caroline: Will they want (F) vyluxtiscie for the UK market to avoid competition? Steffi; 'mnotsure Wecould usethatasabar- sgaining chip. Caroline: We'll also have to watch our cash flow, so we need to get the best (Gmaynepe terms possible Steffi: There's lots to prepare. Let's both do ‘our homework and then talk tomor- row when we have more information. Caroline: OK,nine o'clock sharp. See you then! Car Busnes Spotigit 2. Preparing the ground (7 points) Amy writesan email to Caroline and Steffi witha suggested agenda for their meeting, Put the sug- {gestions she makes (A~G) in the rightorder, ns Hello Carolineand Steffi We're looking forward to meeting you in our officesat ten o'clock next Wednesday. ‘Tmwriting to youin advance with our ide- as about how we can make optimal use of our time, with theaim of reaching an agree- ‘ment before you take the evening train back to Paris. We suggest working to the following agenda: A. Define and summarize the terms of, agreement, B, Discussion: proposals and counterpro- posals. (We suggest continuing overa ‘working lunch in the office ifthisis OK with you) Identify next steps. Close and (we hope!) celebrate, (We'd like to inviteyou toa nice bar justround the corner from here and a short taxi ride From the station) E, State opening positions. Establish ob- jectives, and identify and prioritize the mainissues. F. Agree on the agenda, procedures and timetable G, Personal introductions over coffee. ga We hope this will be acceptable to you, but if you have another preferred way of work- ing orif you have any questions, please let meknow. Looking forward to fruitful discussions with you next week, Best wishes Amy. hohe st_fel_ fr [ENGLISCH FOROEN BERUF 4. Proposals and counterproposals (4 po! ) Caroline and Steffi are negotiating in London os ‘with the British distributor. The two sides are try- ee ing to work towards an agreement, Check your knowledge of he conditional formsin English by estotngor| eugutintor srreparnticn |smitcrsting wie ‘completing the sentences with the correct form of ‘theother side's goingto say. Brainstormthiswiththe others ce hth form of onyourteam welbeforeyoustatthe negotiation. Youll the verbsin brackets. thentesstikelybetakenby suprise and wllappear more potent Steffi: Ifyou (A) (agree) toa lower discount, we would have more flexibil: ityon price, 3.Defininga strategy (8 points) jor: Tf we (B) (be) t0 moveabie oncreditterms, what could you offer Caroline and Steffi have prepared and rehearsed in return? thoroughly for their negotiation. Here are someof Caroline: Ifwe (C) (know) you were thethings they have practised. Choose thecorrect interested in the spring designs, we definition for each of the following verbs. would have brought some samples with us A. bargain, Amy: Ifyou (D) (be) OK with this, negotiate then we'll move on tothe next point. 2.geragood deal B. concede 1 give up yourposition allowing your negotiation partnerto prevail 5.Getting toyes (6 points) 2.withdraw from the negotiation Here are some more extracts from the negoti C. compromise tion, Choose the correct word to complete each 1 takeadvantage of the other side's weakness sentence, the other sidehalfway A. Weld like co make an alternative/alternate D. bluff proposal. Lpretendordeceive B. I'm sorry but we're not wanting/willing todo 2.makea mistake this, C. What exact/exaetly do you mean by “annual B. reject review"? try somethingagain 2.refuseto agree on something How flexible/flexile can you beon that? How doesthat sound/hear? {'mjust going osee/run over the main points F. prioritize again 1 putinorder ofimportance 2refuseto discuss mmo G. goover Cag 2.check,re H, come up with LLintroduce other people into the negotiation 2 suggest Exchongng dese opet ENGLISCH FOR DEN BERUF Busnes Sten ‘The two sides have made progress. Use the ap- propriate verb from the box to complete the sen tences, sagreedon, shave overcome -drawup. made reach ind. «make sreview Joe: Let’s(A) ‘our progress. We've been able to (B) common ground on a number of issues, but we still need to (C) consensus on the question ofa bulk discount. Ifwe could (D) this obstacle, Ihink we would be nearly there Steffi: But we feel that we've already © plenty ofconcessions. We thinkit’syourturn to (F) us anoffer that we can considerseriously Amy: OK. What ifwe agreed toa two per cent decrease in the discount in exchange for Steffi: In that case, I think we would @ adeal! Joe: [later] That's great! So, now that we've cH) a time scale, we'll oO aadrafe contract by Monday. Let's go celebrate over some drinks! J 11? ‘Twobbig challenges for non-native speakers canbemanaging the technical vocabulary relatingto the negotiation and ‘indingthe right words whenunder pressure. Mastery of technical vocabulary requires preparation, practice and seek- ingthe help and advice of experienced colleagues. Finding the right words requires trainingyourselfnotto panic, and boeingready toimprovise —for example using your hands, = Grama buted verze ih esavend E-2erec sh, - ew alee) 7 Gedung = Ablentungs (printing Geverl ting) ‘manive) ~liebvere Ding nach PortitB-2GHeing pit = Knackounkt trae) enroerse” Punk 2G over sth = ern crchgehen, ES (salen = fester berber) ‘Stuson) He2(emeupwthsh =zchem ——_F-9(Good cop bad cop fl = gute ‘fallen sre) Bul bser Bale Arsen aut ‘den US-amenkanachen Acre 44 Propels andcountergropesss Gra Cop, 8300p) Acareed 5. Getting to yen 18 ve shardbagain = har Asteratine verhanaen) 8 wing HOW M50 0-39-29 pt \ YOU DO? i ee ee = a | ENGUISCH FOR DEN BERUF Busnes Spotient Everything is negotiable. Whether or not the negotiation is easy is another thing” Carrie Fisher, US actress, 1956-2016 BUSINESS COMMUNICATION SKILLS INTERPERSONAL SKILLS. Aperson of influence ‘Teamleiter brauchen fiir ein Projekt nicht nur fachliche Kompetens, sondern mitssen durch ihre Persinlichkeit auch das Vertrauen und Engagement der Mitarbeiter gewinnen. Mit unseren Cbungen kinnen Sie Lire emotionalen Fahigheiten testen. 1 Lina Danling isthe Swedish head of production ata design agency in London. Sauna She leads several teams of intemational web designers and programmers. Sue Pervren Contes: 1sc4.frestancs Schrédera German web designetand Mike Freeman.a British programmer are author, treiner and corporate ‘working on an important project together, However, the project isnot going well ices ae eeeeepecialee ea ‘Lina needs co use all her interpersonal skills to influence both the team and the published by Collins. Contact client to complete the projecton time. eborancapras@i se-words..con DesnesSrotiont Deyou ve power ane postion? v 1 ‘We say yes te power, passion and persuasive personalities. ifyouave earned a “bigger til, influence often comes _utomatically and naturally Even without a tile, however, you can ‘exercise influence. Show passion for your ideas and learn how to ‘communicate them cleaey pe Tz] ‘A. Beagood listenerand show interestin other people's needs and feelings. 1. Payattention when someone is talking about something important. 2. Ask questionsand check everyone's under standing regularly. B, Show thatshe is person of integrity and principles. 1, Beconsistent.Ifshe promises to do some- thing, she has to doit. 2. Insiston her position, resist change and push backhard ifshe meets resistance. Build trust by reacting appropriately ina crisis. 1, Admicany mistakes and commictofindinga solution. 2. Makea good excuse when things go wrong. D.Showauthority and credibility. 1. Highlight other people's weaknesses and poor track record, 2, Make appropriate use of real social proof refer to references and recommendations from people who have worked with her before. E, Show the client that whatsheis offering is truly unique and the best optionavailable. 1. Exaggerate the company’s exclusivity. 2, Highlight the company's strengths, valuesand reputation. Busnes Spotieit 2. Beopenoall viewpoints (8 points) Linaarrangesa meeting with Sueand Mikeodis- uss the project. She wants to create a cooperative atmosphere, Complete these sentences with the missing nouns, We've given you the first chree lerters. Lina: So,what (A) iss to discusstoday? Sue: The client till hasn't chosena final design, bucthey wanteverything by Sep- tember. ‘Mike: We already have less time for program- ming. Its just not possible. Lina: We'll need to figure outa (B)sol that meetsall ofour needsand the client's interests. Sue, what's your would youlike (C)per onthis? Sue: We need to get the client to change the deadline. Lina: Mike,are there any other (D) ave you'd like to explore? ‘Mike: We could meet the original deadline if we hhad more programmers. Lina: OK, that’san option. Isthere anything else that we should take ineo (eon 2 ‘Mike: I've already spoken to the otherteams, Ifthe client pays,we can have two more programmers on this project next week. Lina: So,what's your (F) pre Sue? More time,or more people? Sue: More people. That's good idea, Mike. We're starting another big project in October, soitwould make ourlifea lot easier if we finished this one on time. Lina: Great Iltalk to the clientabout the addi nal costs.Is everyone happy with this? ‘Are we in (G)agr : Absolutely im OK with that, too, Remember if youneed any (A) sup come and talk tome. My doors always open, mH ‘We say yes to people we trust eng consistently honest, open and kind to other team members helps us to bull trust. you are arenas a cooperative member of 86m, people wl often trust you moce and, aa result allow you to influence them more easy. ‘Generally you can persuade people that there is good reason ‘odo something if they believe the work you do sin their interests, 100 [ENGLISCH FOROEN BERUF a Areyoursking ‘ime olsen andar? P ‘We say yes to people who show an interest in us. Soi you wah influence others you fist need Yolsten fo their concerns By faking ther needs seriously you show that ther feelings are Important. At the sometime, this technique gives you the chance 1a lars more about what's important to them. That way, you can ‘adap! your inlvencing acti and your focus to thelr needs and feelings | 3. Show empathy, get input (8 poines) Before Sue meets the client, she thinks about how she will show empathy and find out more about their needs, Rearrange the words to create statements and questions she might use, The first ‘word isin the correct position, A. I'd/your/ hear /of /view /like /10/ point B, Tell/mind /on/what's/me/your C. How you /this /see /do .1/you/how /imagine /feel/ can E, You/have/a/there/point/may F, 1/concerns/your/ understand, G.To/feel/same/honest,/I/the/ way /be H.1/ must/it/ realize / difficult / have / how / been 4. Show strength (8 points) * Lina presents her recommendations to Nick Bates, who is the project head on the client side. Unscramble the letters to form the missing adjec- A. Ourown ni-thdep research ‘with consumers clearly shows that people prefer the red design. think that’s the one thatwill be more effective B. Tidalso like to share with you some uavalble insights I gained from ‘working ona project that was very similarto thisone. . [feel thereisa rasidconeble danger that we could miss your final dead- line. D. Evenifyou decide this week,my stifr-dahn ‘experience ofsuch projects tells me we won't finish in time. BE rd ke vo make one uetstrivecon suggestion. We should increase the programming budget. F. Itsadafuntalmen change, buta necessary one G. Theowinghelmver advantage of these programmers isthat they haveall worked with youin the past. They knowyour company H. Ifyouwant o be ready in September, thereis simply no other blviae alternative, ca TP ‘We say yes tonice experts. You can persuade someone with ‘expertise and relevant facts if you present them ina pleasant way You need to show that you stongly believe in your ‘apabiies and knowledge. This influencing technique works best with strong language. So, become a strong and persuasive communicator af expert knowledge. Busnes Spotient .» the most influential people in my life are probably not even aware of the things they've taught me” Scott Adams, US cartoonist, 1957 Butaing relationship bole rut eed 71 ‘We sy yes to people well. How do you get people othe you? One way is fo show that you ike the person you are rving foinfluence. When people fee! tha heya liked and respecte, they might ike you back — and be more apen To persuasion. they sense you don respec them i's ukely tha they ill be Influenced by your words or your actions 5. Great job! (8 points) ‘The right compliments show that you respect someone — and like them, Match the sentence halvesto create compliments and positive state- ‘ments that Lina can use when talking toher team and the client, ‘To theclient: A. 'mlooking forward B. Ie’sbeena pleasure. C. I genuinely enjoyed this meeting Thankyou. D. It’sbeengreatco. ‘Toteammembe I really appreciate how.. F, Yourcontribution to G. Isee you've puta lo of. H. You've made huge progress. Keep up_ 1. the design is vial 2. the good work! 3, talking toyou today. 4. work into making thisa success. 5, workwith youagain. 6. formeeting us today. 7. coworking with you, 8, hardyouhave worked, a{_}e{}e{}o{} e{ br{ }e{ bul] 6. Makeconnections (7 points) Lina takes time to make small talk with the client. ‘The words in bold are nor where they should be. Purthem where they belong, Nick: Well its beena hard week Lina: You can say that (A) more! Nick: Personally, can’twait for the weekend. Lina: Me (B) here. Are you going anywhere special? ‘Nick: Stockholm. Lina: No(C) again! You know that’s where [grew up,don’t you? = Ithought so,but wasn't certain, My wife thinks it'sa beautiful city Lina: couldn't agree (D) neither. That's interesting. try to go back asoften as can, ‘Nick: Iprefericin winter though, Lina: Really? Same (E) what! ‘This might seem like acrazy question, but doyoulike meat? Nick: Ofcourse Ido, Why? Lina: ‘Then you should booka table in Jureskog I'ssotrendy And ithas incredible burgers. Nick: That's funny youshould say (F) ‘way. We're going there on Saturday with friends. Lina: (G) ‘thata coincidence. Well, hope you have a greattime. Niele Thanks.1'm sure we will cf TP ‘We say yes to people who are lke us. Weare mor likely Yo be peteuaded by people we see a being similar to ourselves. This ‘hy smal tak can pay an important ole in building relationships and trust. Business Spotient 7. Getcommitment (6 points) a ry Lina confirms some of her points in an email to the team. Complete the text with the correct forms of the verbs below. Also, decide which in- fluencing technique — or combination of tech niques — she is using with each scacement- commitment, scarcity, expertise, empathy or compliment. + count + miss kick + put rss Subject: Good news and celebration today! Hi everyone The client has officially (A) off on the extra programmers and the design, As expected, they chose the red design. | think we all fel i's the best option, asit realy (B) out. ‘There's nothing like it online right now. Congratulations everyone! Id lke to thank you al for (C) in such long hours. know it hasn't been easy. We don't want to CD) ‘out on this opportunity to show Nick and his team what we are capable of | know I can CE) ‘on you ‘to meet the deadlines. And you know you can call me if you ever need any support. Lets ( off the next stage of the project with a glass of Prosecco at 4.30 pm, today in the lounge. ‘See you there! Lina Busnes Spotieht TIP ‘We say yes for many reasons. You vill ned io combine diffrent fechriques to develop your influencing skis. For instance, f you can make people fea that what you are fering rare special oraffelt fo get they are more ly to want ro be persuaded. This is called the “scary Principle" you can get someone to say or write that they are ‘committed 1 doing what you ask, they wil also be more ly to follow trough. Combine both “emmitment™ and “sear” ‘echniques and youll be extremely persuasive, amp OS > Were special and poner vite tesog ENGLISCHFUROENBERUF 9 ANSWERS ‘Apersonot influence (Eine Dz canimagine how you feel. 7 Get commitment cinflussreiche Persénichket) . Youmay havea point A. signed commitment) 1 Trust me there. B. stands scarcity, expertise, A-2¢R good listener asks. Lunderstand your compliment) ‘questions B71 (sisting concerns. €. puting (compliment, ‘onyour own views does not G. To be honest fel the expertise) incicate integrity. i's more same way. 1. miss carciy) foffenasign that you are. Irealzehow dficutit_. count (commitment, inflenbie3;€-1 Everyone must have been empathy, expertise, rakes mistakes. Admit compliment) ‘them and.ifappropriate, Show strength kick commitment, apeloite):D-2 Taking AL in-depth = eingehend, empathy) negatively about others is orundlich Whohass notagaed way toll your valuable pein nance ideas),E-2 (Dont lie When considerable onthe team? people discoveries they wil. fsthand ever trust you again. Focus constructive ‘onwhat you genuinely do. fundamental weld . overwhelming = abenaatigend 2. Beopento all viewpoints H. viable = gangbar Aissues B.sclution 5. Great job . perspective = hier Sich ABR 6-6; 0-5; (er Dinge) 4H? B. avenues = Wege: ier Mélchteiten |, Make commectons consideration ‘A. again Cu can say that F. preference again = Das kannst du 6. agreement cbein wohl sagen’ agreement = hier sich B.neither nig seid . way (No way! = Nein, as Ht suppor 1b doch cha 1. more (I coulda agree : 3. Show empathy, ‘more. Dem kann ch nur ‘et input zustimmen) ‘A Tdlke fe hear yourpoint here (Same here! oF view = So geht es mir auch | 1B Tellmewhatsonyour that rind. . wnat cumat a coincidence {6 How do you see this? = Was fr ein Zufal) ne M-30 0-9-2) Upto? Notes that you can ‘Excelent! Wet done! Good ‘could dobettor compare yeurlinquage !Congyatultions! YYoucan influence mest Not bad, but you need to Being a persuasive i nowdge sro ciferent | Youvrestready persuaded people tsee your pant of warkanyoutinerpersonal | eammunictor ss practical aresof business English | usthat youre spersonof view, But you could benefit skis Could we persuade you sil tohave whatever you: i Business Spotigh tris lnuenee! from mote pace Focus totrythelestagnm? Make profsuonerjabiteanbe tive ecu posse onthesrerciseswhereyou | noteatanynew vocabulary | taeflinyour phate toa. ‘ove of 50 pints Radaifeuties and capt the | and expressions. Sythe est agin nent week SSouoge 9 yourpeoana foie you an imorove ENGLISCH FOR DEN BERUF Busnes Stent PART TWO: BUSINESS Could do better Test (40-50) (30-39) (18-29) (0-17) ‘Aweek at work 40) ‘Small talk (p.50) Telephoning 9.58) Writing (7.6) Meetings (p.68) Presentations 7 Negotiating (p.80) Interpersonal skills (7.86) | NOW ENTER YOUR SCORE FOR ) ALLEIGHT TESTS INTHE BOX HERE: Dasnes Satin IENGUSCHFURDENBERUF 99 PART THREE ENGLISH FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES Basins Spot ‘Basins Sport Personal finance: Money matters Corporate finance: In good company Marketing: A wake-up call Information tech logy: High up in the cloud Logal English: Gecting your terms right The environment: No greenwash! 102 14 124 ‘NGUSCHFimDEN BERT 95 ENGLISH FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES PERSONAL FINANCE Money matters Mit Geldgeschaften hat jeder in seinem Alltag su tun. Ainnen Sie testen, swie gut Sie damit 2urechtkommen, ob Sie nun Ihren Kinkauf an der Kasse zahlen oder Uhren Kontoaussug tiberpritfen, Mit unseren U EASY HS) TN 98. __ ENGLISCH FOR DEN RUF ‘THE SITUATION Diane deals with the money matters in her fami- ly of four Her husband, Robert, works fora civil- ‘engineering company, their two children go to school and she has part-time job ata dentist's. Diane and Robert are from Oxford, where they ‘owna house, but they have lived ina rented prop- ‘erty near Hamburg for the past two years. 1. Howto pay (6 poi ) e Diane makes most ofthe family payments. There are different ways to do so. The terms in bold are not where they should be. Put them in the right place. In thesupermarket, Diane usually pays ‘online (A) «thatisto say. with coins and banknotes.She uses biteoins @ only forlargeramounts. She remembers that many years ago, when they bought their first cat she issued bank transfer © topay forit. And to pay invoices, she used to gotothe bank fillina formand make the payment by cash © Now, she makesall kinds Cf payments eheque (E) And she believes thatsome day, people will pay for everything digitaly,forexample,by usingeredit cards (F) Busnes Sport 2. Making your living (10 points) Every month, Diane checksal the itemson Rob- ‘ertsand herpay sips to make sure that the correct amounts have been deducted. A German friend helpsher todo this. Fillin the missing vowels in the wordsin bold. ‘The first amount that is shown on their pay slips is the (A) gr ss 5 I ry.Itwould benice if this sum were the ‘money that the family could spend! However, from this amount, several deductions are made. A certain percentage of their income goes to (B) n mpl ym nt ns r ne andtothe (p ns on ns r ne f nd.As a result, if they should one day lose their jobs, they would receive (D) mn mpl ym nt bon Ff ts.Andwhen they retire, they will get paida(E)p ns — n Another deduction is for (hth ns r ne ‘As Diane and Robert are employees, all these deductions are split into the (G) mpl yr andthe (H) mpl y contributions. And, of course, Diane and Robert have to pay () ne mt. x Thelast figure onthe pay slips is the most important one: the (JJ nt 5 I ry—theamountofmoney available to them tospendorsave [ENGLISCH FOR DEN BERUT 7 3. Easycome...(7 points) 4 5. Moneyin the bank (8 points) a Apart from their salaries, Diane and Robert have other sources of Diane and Robert have hadalookat their income. Choose the right option from the words in bold ‘monthly bank statemene Itshows anover- ‘view ofall the transactions carried outduring + The couple receives (A) child benefiv/income foreach oftheir that month. Unscramble the words in bold, two children. Diane: Robert,I've downloaded this, + Diane has (B) additional/addedincome fromajob inthe oer ee ee emergency service ofa dental clinic, where she works one elconereriarerenel ‘weekend per month. 5 Could we have alookatit together? Robert: Sure. don’tthink there have been any changes to our regular commit- + Theyalso earn (C) rental/housing income from their house in Oxford. + Robertholds shares in his company and gers ‘ments, have there? paidan (D) annual dividend/deposi ee Diane: No.There are the (B) kanb geshare forthe + Theyalso receive the (E) proceeds/processes from their account, payments for our capital investments. [Gv esorcgena Gn the house in Oxford andall the usual (D) singndta dorser for coursubscriptions, the children’s tennisandballetclasses,etc Robert: Whataboutthe phoneand inter + Andone day, when theyre retired, they willbothreceivea (F) state pension/rent. Robert will also receive money from his company's (G) occupational/ operational pension scheme. 4. ..easygo (6 points) 8] Diane: The provider takes the money each a month by (E) edirte tebid Diane keeps a careful record of the family’s expenditure. Alot of hie ‘money is spent on fixed costs every month, Match the terms to. saa wicca manera their definitions. last month, so the bank charged us intereston the (F) veroftdra A rent ‘D. insurance B, additional/ancillarycosts _E. instalments Robert: Butwhyistheincerestso high? C. subscriptions F. membership fees thought ie was much lower. eee ae Serer mn Diane: Yes,but only up toour 1. the regular payments that you make for something that you (© fovertard ich ‘bough buc have noc yet paid forin full ‘And we went over this 2. payments made for media, either princ or digital, chat you re- Gace Cee eas vertu ae (H)ceanlab isstill 3. the money you pay usually on a monthly basis, olive ina flat Ene SHRTOR ‘orhouse that you do not own 4, payments made toan association ororganization to which you belong ‘Aasing up S, the extra money (apart from rent) that you pay forliving ina theses house or lat — such as for waste disposal, water, che cleaning. ofthe staircase.ete 6. payments made for policies taken out to protect you against certain risks A-_;B-_|ic- ENGUSCH FUR DEN BRU Basins Spot 6.Where toinvest your money (7 points) Diane and Robert do not spendall the money they earn. Anadviseratthe bank gives them tips on how best to invest their surplus funds, Choose the right definition of each type of investment, A. “Firstofall, thereis the traditional savings account. Thisis. 1. adepositaccountin which you save ‘money thatyou donotneedat the ‘moment. 2. anaccount free of charge from which ‘you doall your banking transactions to save fees. ‘Theinterest is very low atthe moment, buryou have the money availableimme- diately when you need it” B, “Analternativeisa fixed-term deposit account Thisis. 1. anaccountinto which you regularly payanamount of money. 2. anaccount that is setup fora specif period of ime and that provides you witha higherrate ofincerest thana regular savings account. fixed-term deposicaccountisa safe formofinvestmentand, therefore, pre~ ferred by people who wanttoavoidany risk” ©, “Togetahigheryield,a lotofourcus- tomers ike toinvest their money inan. investment fund. This is 1. afund that invests in different compa- nies. 2. afund thacinvests in developing coun- tries, ‘The level of riskof investment funds ranges from ow to very high.” D. “You couldalsoinvestyourmoney inthe ‘commodities market.This involves.. 1. investingin goods such asagricultural products or natural resources, 2. investingin firms that distribute prod- ucts worldwide. However, this type of investment canbe very volatile. Depending on the market, you may enjoy big gainsbut also suffer ‘considerable losses.” ‘orporate bonds are another option, ‘Theseare bonds. 1. issued by private companies in orderto finance theiractivities suchas build- ing anew factory. 2, isstued by the government to raise ‘money forsupporting companies that have gone bankrupt. Here,the level of risk dependson the companies involved” ‘We canalso offerinvestments in real-estate investmenttrusts. This means that. 1. you buy buildings froma real-estate agency andrentthem out. 2. you invest money ina company that does business on the real-estate ‘market — buying, selling or managing buildings, ‘This tends to bea longer-terminvest- mentand isnot suitable ifyou will need quickaccess toyourmoney” “Finally, have you ever considered microcredits asa form of investment? ‘Theseare. 1, small loans provided to individuals in developing countriesby alending company —usuallyan NGO —to start their own business,forexample 2, small loans given to the municipalad- ‘ministration to improve the infrastruc- tureinyourtown, Many peoplelike the idea of microcredits because they feel theyare doing some- thing good as wellas eamninga return on. their investment.” ‘Anouee andes good eee Oncea year the public utilities companies send, bills for electricity and gas. Fill n the gaps with ‘the appropriate expression ftom the list below. additional payment ANSWERS dvancepayments basic charge cae ad iste cocci refund 1. ced cards 1B bank charges seo ema a Soe eee ee Ba Scene eee Diane: Roberelookaths bi Tissreally ray Deere uae poiner re a Robert: You mean we won'thavero make A omrtcy- Sutera Soeaitien another) ais Eceoceitee STE ‘year? G. persion insurance fund fees cateeineteceres Pes ee ba aco oa esas Seen Robert: Really? Wow! So we consumed less |E. pension » Rante: Pension C-1Uinvestmentfands) Soe pe ___electricityand gas, assume. eve eee ea sate. a Diane: Yes, because we installed energy-saving {6 employer (employer contribution F-2.Ummobiteninvesiment- bulbs,and both the new dishwasher ret poeeneee Seer secs ps2 ee Eanes Sec cs to eas or aero ee Robert: But didn’t they increase the cost of gas coe eee forthe ean? poe Secures pees cave. aa eee pat pee eee otal thesame time. they offered special honcme ormarahnar)—& aebed be ees eee ee Se ee ay pe ao cee new heating system, like we did So, all ee ey ae egress A inall, we paid more for electricity and fates eae 5 gasinour(D) than We ‘eee Arve i actually used. 4 mny 90 Peete cea eee rer uaa a eet © from ouraccount, ie set chinkchey wil) Somes Perera rar Robert Gre! fie M-50 30-39 = 10-20 yt? Noten ores robe ble Excellent! Wel dono! Good Could do better te compare your language Congratulations! Your Youll burifyou :Youare able to rake care People cane! bank on nouledgs acct diferent Enolahlanguage stile | have dealwithmost_ | ofsomebasiemaney you with money matters fees of busines English all inmmoney mattersare of your money matte’ in. matersin English. Oo the In nga Oo te eet, Business Spotlight tests have | excellent and noboty _|-Englsh ry to practise your exercises tha you got, again improve your ‘maximum posible score tall ever be abe fo Englahcanguage skileto | wrong apainin order fo Tanguage skis in he area S150 points cence you. Improve even further ghinmorecontience of pve finance. ENGUSCH FUR DEN ERO Basins Spot Money is like manure; it’s not worth a thing unless it’s spread around” Brooke Astor, New York socialiteand philanthropist, 1902-2007 po LeSuScho isa family-owned chocolate makerthat ‘was founded in the ate 19¢h century: Thecompa- ny ishaving some problems,soa team of manage- ‘ment consultants has been brought in to look at ‘ways of cutting costsand raising more money so ‘that the business can grow in the future. 1. Inthe money (6 points) ‘The frst thing the consultants do is to dete the company's mostimportant sources of income. Fillin the missing vowels. ‘The most important source of income is the (As 1 sr vm s—themoneyLesu- Scho receives from sellingits chocolate products. ‘The company also allows other products, such as children’s toys and games, to use its name and logo. This brings in money, in the form of Be mm ss nsand(C)l c ne fs ‘The founder of LeSuScho invented several unique processes thatare still used today. So the company earns money from(D) pt ntsthatit has registered. LeSuScho also sells its products in special shops. These are run by independent business people, with LeSuScho keeping overall controlof products, quality and store design. Itmakesmon- ey from this byway of(B)ft nch s fs Last but not least, the company earns © nv stm nt ne m_ through itshold- ings of shares, commodities,real estate, et. Busnes Sport Wat are yourseuresot 2. Getting more (9 points) LeSuScho's owners want to raise additional funds. Complete the text using the words in the box. corporatebond ‘rowdfunding dividend floating gopublic shareholders One way of raising money isto (8) ‘This means offering (B) to inves- tors, whe would then become (C) in the company. In return for their investment, they would receive an annual (D) However, (F) ‘the company on the © isa very expensive process so the ‘owners could consider other, more modem forms of raising capital, suchas (G) ‘The firm mightalso choose to issue a (H) effectively asking investors to lend it money in ‘exchange fora guaranteed return. Alternatively, ifthe firmopensanew plantina region with high unemployment, they might qualify for govern- ‘ment assistance in the formoo (1) youraise more [NGUISCHFORDENBERIT 109, 3, Where the money goes (8 points) ‘The consultantsare now looking atthecompany’s expenses. The terms in bold are not where they should be, Puteach one in the right place. ‘Wages and salaries paid tothe staff —also called production costs |) — represent some of the company’s biggest expenses: Therearealso the senior managers’ pay benefitsand bonuses, otherwise referred to © corporntesocint responsibility ®) ‘The company also has high personnetcosts © ,asitusesa lot ‘of machines to make the chocolate.Ithasto aside money forexeeutiveremuneration © the decrease in the value ofits factoriesand equipment. The ownershave chosen tofleet © ‘most oftheir profits into the depreciation (F) Because it has to deliver its products nationwide, ‘LeSuScho also keeps and maintains a plough: back (G) oflorries and vans. Finally.inanattempe to create goodwill among itscustomersand boostits image, the company has decided to invest in business: operations iH) initiatives such as sponsorship, charity workand supporting other good causes. 4. Keeping control (10 points) 4 Carol Lynch worksasacreditcontroller for LeSu- Scho. Sheis taking one of the consultants through atypical day at work. Choose the correct words “First ofall,Laccessall ourbank accounts tocheck ‘what payments we have received overnight from individuals and companies. Ifthe paymentshave been made as expected, I (A) allocate / transfer the money to the appropriate account and inform ‘my colleagues elsewhere in the finance depart- ‘mencabout chese (B) transitions transactions. Next, espond toany correspondence. When itcomes to inquiries from suppliers or new cus- tomers, | have to check their (C) credibility / creditworthiness before I can authorize setting ‘upany new accounts. also have to chase up cli- cents who haven'tsettled their (D) debts / orders. Imake sure that the team in the operations and sales departments know about any clients we need to take action against because of consistent (©)wrong payment ‘non-payment We all these people (F) failures /defaulters However, we like co maintain good relations ‘with all our business partners, so before taking anyaction, we firstsend out polite (G) reminders/ remains if accounts are (H) overhead / over- due or (1) outstanding /outdated. Bucif worst comes to worst, [have to hand the debt overtoa () cteditinstitution /collectionagency and they “will chase itup.” 5, Makinga statement (4 points) a Before LeSuScho can report its resules, the ac- countantsin the finance division have to prepare ‘theannual financial statements, Choose the right definition for each document. A. Firstofall, the accountants prepare the income statement. This is. 1. theaccountin which the annual net profirand loss of a businessis presented 2. the accountofall the company’s revenues B. Then they have to prepare the balance sheet. ‘This documentis.. 1 asummary of the success or failure of strategies adopted by the company in the preceding business year. 2. astatementofwhata business owns ts assets”) and whatit owes (its liabilities”) on a particular date. C. The third document thatis preparedis the statement of eash flows. Thisis.. 1. asummary of the inward and outward. movement of cash ina business during the period covered by the income statement 2. anoverviewof invoices paidin cash during the period covered by the income statement. D, LeSuScho's financial starementshave tobe audited by external auditors: They issue their opinion ofthe financial statementsand include an auditor's letter-This.. 1. documents the independent verification of the figures inthe financial statements. 2. commentson the successor failure of the company to meet its financial targets. Busnes Spot LeSuScho's balance sheet includes the following positions. Assign them to the correct side of the balance sheet:assets oribilities accounts payable accrued wages goodwill inventory property, plantand equipment retained earnings Assets 7. The endof the road (7 points) ” LeSuScho’s owners are keen to avoid the fate of SweetTooth, one of their competitors who went bankrupt. Choose the right option from the words inbold, Some years ago, SweetTooth ended up so far (A) in the red / in red figures that it had to (8) Ieave/ cease tradingand could nolonger op- ‘erate asa (C) going concern / working business. For years, it had been living beyond ics means. Consequently it (D) went bust /bump and had co call in the (E) administrators / debtors. Its ( creditors /supplierslost most oftheirmoney when the company’s assets were eventually sold ‘offacavery low pricein a (G) bargain/ ire ale. [ENGUSCH FOR DEN BERUT ‘05 HOW O10 YOU DO? Noten order to be able to compare your language knowledge across different areas of Business Enlieh all Business Sporigh ests {0-50 Excell! Congratulations! Your Engisilanguage sil inthe ares of corporate finance are excellent, hhave amaximum posible Youteceaiy on top of score of 5 points financial matters ENGUSCH FUR DEN ERO ANSWERS 1. tthe money ‘ale rovenr = Uneaterlee 1 commision = Provzaren 6 licence ees = Lienzpeb0ren 1B. pstnts= Pater ‘gebutren 1 vest income» Vermgen- crease 2 Getng mre ‘A. gopuble = an de Base gehen b.aiicena £.foating Coat a company on ‘hestck exchange = mere Unsenahmen ane Bare geen) sack enchange = lien 858 .coudteding Wecoyerie bond Usterncfeeans: 1 Ssiies = Subveanonen 2. Where themeny gee ‘A personel ose =Pesonalosten 8. bxecateremunerstion = Engst 1. depreciaton = Abscvaburg EE pnughbark = renesteren F basiness operations = Geschits: bern 6. taet = Fatreng- Fete, utvpark A. coparate sacl esparsblty Sonate Verantwerung de” Unenehnen 4 Kaen cml ‘Aclcste= zeien 8. ranacrens = Traneatonen, Vvorginge 6 cediwortiness = Ket wordt a detts= Schien ren payment = Meaning caesar et ‘Sehutrernnen) 0-3) (8-29 Wet done! Fair You have a good general command of financial English Continue practising your language ils in order t improve even further more confidence. ‘There is alot esponsibity. Involvedin dealing with corporate finance, Do the exercises that you got wrong again in order to gain 6 reminders = Mohmungen abncoreten Hoven = abel 4 clean agency 45. Makinga statomet (och au shies Gone ened nig: Chesnut Genie, oaiager) 1 Theendot thereat ‘Aine red = Ger oer Zaen intima 1B. cee tray = ds Gescat augebon sng concer = oprsves Uneaten ‘a ent but Go bust Hm plete gered 1 Sdmintator = Kant: ‘eoatennen) edo = lubigerinnen) feestle = Noterkaut Up to 17 Could do better Youhave quite afew aps En your knowiedge. Ty the fst again in order to improve your language killin the area of corporate finance 5 i i i Basins Spent The stock market is a device for transferring money from the impatient to the patient” ENGLISH FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES MARKETING A wake-up call t die Vermarktung von Produbten und Dienstleist IST WN business online and make use of both modern and tradi- ‘ting tools to promote their products. Nadia,a marketing consultant, with some options. (02 ENGUSCH FUR DEX BERUF Basins Spot ” SWOT ANALYSIS ‘A good “SWOT” analysis can help identity a companys internal Strengths and Weaknesses aswell ait external Opportunites and Threats. 1. Yourstrengths (6 points) ‘To start, Nadia talks to Paul and Maeve abour the recent SWOT analysis they did together. Com- plete each sentence with the right word from the box. audience | buzz | competitors | gap | start-ups | touchpoints Nadia: You have a quality product. But you're not sellingas well as you were two years ago. Pauk Weare under threat from a number of @ in this business. Our parents didn't understand tha, chanks to the internet, we now havea lot more, ®) Nadia: You need a good digital marketing strategy on top of traditional marketing one thatgets people more emotional aboutyourmattresses. Paul Dopeople getemotionalabout mattress- ‘es —apart from when they're having sex con them? And even then.. i's not che mattress we get emotional about. Will sweuse sex then? Maeve: Paul! Go on, Nadia, Nadia: Using sex after the #MeToo pro- tests might have a negative effect ‘We should focus more on consumer fears about plastic, health and well ness. And rest and sleep! There is a(n) © inthe market for more eco-friendly mattresses and bedding ‘This is the area where we can create a(n) © around your products. Paul: Iwantto elievethaccould work Butl'm still not sure how we can do this inthe case of mattresses Maeve: How would we even find people who are interested in such products? ‘Nadia: 1esmy responsibilty o identify the best €) where we can reach sucha target(F) Busnes Spot 2. Yourmarket (6 points) | Nadia presents the results of her market research, ‘which helped her to create buyer persona. She's been looking at what inspires, motivates and ex- cites people about mattressesand bedding, Com- plete the sentences with the missing verbs. We've given you the firstewo lerters. Let me explain how we have been working over the past six weeks, We (A) ca outin- depth research into the mattress industry across the whole ofthe EU. We (B) ga sta tistical dataon sales, We (C) mi an incredible amount of online data from your ‘websites and third parties. Big data doesn't lie — especially in marketing! Using modern ma- chine-learning tools, we (D) de per sonas and market segments for your products Butwealso got personal. We (E) ra six different focus ‘groups in three Irish cities. The result was clear. Most people don't really know the difference between the different mattress brands. But they do worry about what materials are used in the manufacturing of the mattresses. Your brand is one of the most eco friendly mattresses on the market. By focusing on this, we have already (di your brand fromall other brands out there Let me shaw you just how many people are pre- pared to spend more on a quality mattress. These people could be your customers! * DATA-DRIVEN BUYER PERSONA, “The marketing team creates buyer personas. or customer personas, which are descriptions of potential customers. Tis recess locks at who the buyers ar, what they want todo, how ‘hey think, how they buy and why they buy. Today personas ae created using big ata, nclading for example, data about visto ‘and actions on websites and socal media [ENGLISCH FOR DEN BERUT 09 3, The basics of brands (8 points) Nadia introduces Paul and Maeve to some ideas on brand marketing, The words in bold are not ‘where they should be. Puc them where they be: long, Green SleepOverwill become the (A) awareness brand of the industry — the leading premium brand, Weare noteven going to try to compete with theless expensive (B) leyalty brands. Ifyou compereon price, you willlose. ‘This will beour brand (C) values for thelong term, In our new marketing campaign, we will high- light the eco-friendly nature ofall your products: the fact that you use eco-friendly materials from ‘eco-friendly suppliers. And that your stores pro- vvide a personal service — but that you can also ‘order easily online, These are justa few of your brand (D) positioning thatwe will focus on inthe campaign. Using digital and traditional marketing tools, we «will build brand (E) economy More people will connect your brand to eco-friendly ‘mattressesand bedding. ‘The resule will be customers who will buy mat- tresses from you, but who will also return to ‘you for all their bedroom extras, We will create a ‘special range of pillows, duvetsand covers.Such brand (F) lagship isimportant It makes customers return to you again and again. ‘This will create the kind of brand (G) advocates that will help increase yoursalesin the furureand in the longterm, Most importantly, people will talk positive ly about your products, write great reviews, blogs and social media posts and even make funny videos. These people will be your brand (H) extension ‘So,do you wanto see how we can get people ex- cited about mattresses? ” MARKETING CHANNELS Consumers move very quickly beween ther mobiles, het ‘computers, socal media platforms, events and shops. Ths is why marketers often have problems deccing where, when or how to reach them with the right message about the ight product atthe fight time 4. Makinguse ofoldandnew Spoins) | Nadia suggests using a variety of channels toad: vertise the products. Match the correct type of ‘media toherscatement about it. A. Broadcast media: TV and radio commercials, product placement B. Print media: newspapers, magazines,classified ads C. Out-of home media: billboards signage, bus- stopads ‘D, Social media: Facebook Instagram, hashtags E. Online media: pop-ups, landing pages, web banners 1. Here,we focus on the opportunities of poten- tial customers seeing our products. The im- ages mustalsobe placed high up. And we won't ‘book something in the middle of nowhere! 2 We need to analyse the audience share first, before we can make a final decision on where toadvertise 3. The most important criterion here is the en- ‘gagement rate. The more people like, share and ‘comment on posts, the better for us. Wealso have to make sure thefollowersare realand not fake, of course 4. The key criterion is site trafic. If there aren't ‘many visitors, we won't consider advertising here. '. We focus here on circulation. Ithas tobe high and our consumers have to read them. a ‘hanna ore ‘they wig? Basins Spotont PESO Market 19 often concentrates on four types of meek Paid medias content that you have pal fr, suchas adverts or sponsored posts on social media. Earned medias content about your company and products or services that someone else has crested. could be anywhere in newspapers. on TV or on the intemet. You dont pay fr Shared media's content that pearson socal media. ‘Owned medias content that appears on your own websites and ppubscations suchas customer magazines or in whitepapers 5, Searching forsleep (8 points) An online content marketing strategy will be im- portant for the new business and e-commerce Nadia uses a lot of abbreviations and acro- nyms when she talks about this topicand "PESO" (Gee box). Add the missing word to completeeach expression, A We're not just selling mattresses: we are cre- atingastory together with the customer. And itwill focus on your USP. We will use story- telling to communicate your unique selling Any changes we make to your website will,of course, meet GDPR standards. The EU gener aldata protection forcesusto be more transparent with the data we collect ‘The result will be a SEO-friendly web design, ‘Weareexpertsatsearch engine And your content will rank higher on SERP. Iewill also now appear on the search engine pages with images and video. ‘We will optimize the content of your web- pages. which will help maximize the CTR ‘This salso rue of youremail campaigns. The “through rare onall these cam- paigns will be high More importantly, welll introduce you to a number of techniques to improve CRO — that'sthe rate optimization. We «will gecthe customers to buy your products ‘This means,at the end of the day, we will look atthe mostimportant KPI ofall. What is this key performance ‘its sales,of ‘course. How much have you sold? ‘We promise youa level of ROT that you have never seen before. Yes, the on investment will be high. Busnes Spot 6. Howto influence people (9 points) Nadia suggests working with some Instagram influencers to create a more modern marketing strategy. Choose the correctnoun. Nadia: Milly: Milly: Nadia: Milly: Nadia: ‘Theideaiisto get people tothinkas much about their sleep and rest as they do about their workouts. Milly ishere o tell ‘usabour the work she does in chis areaas aninfluencer on Instagram.She can help usincrease your social (A) fingerprint/ footprint. I'ma lifestyle, wellness and designer blogger. So, tell me how that gets us the media (B) conduct coverage we need Every day. people post millions of pic- tureson Instagram, Most just disappear My postsare seen by my followers —all 300,000 of them. Ihave a strong Insta- gram (C) presentation / presence. So, you gecimmediate (D) access /adi sion to potential customers. My follow- ers are real, and they interact with my posts. Ican help you to build personal and emotional relationship with poten- tial customers. That'show Ican increase your (F) reach stretch, Her Instagram (F) food /feed hasa very feminine touch. How would it work? You pay me for (G) leads /heads, thats, for each of my followers who showsan incerest in your company. And you also pay me every time I write about your company —and foreach (H) motion / ‘mention, too, don't know. All this talk about Insta- gram and wellness worries me. Aren't Insta-celebrties making people unwell? ‘They only show people whoare having anamazing ime ‘That's basically all chat marketing is about, Maeve. I think it's more complicated than that! With social media, we can make sure that your brand isalways front of (®) mind /face [ENGLISCH FOR DEN BERUT 7. We're green, greatand growing (8 points) | # After only six months, i's already clear that the ‘new marketing campaign has been a success. Un- scramble the words tocteate adjectivesabout the results. The first rwollettersare correct. A. The marketing campaign shows we're totally wowhtrsuyt ‘Thecontentisbuzothzywr ‘Thepostsareey¢-ecaingth ‘Thevideos always govilra ‘Theblogsaremeleabmor ‘Themessagesare in pnsaliratio mmooe 2 ; They show how paoisnates |we are about our company and services. Green SleepOverlooks orally geinenu ke, sare, ie werkng! SLOGANS AND TAGLINES Remember the basis clever slogan or tagline should be part oF every marketing campaign. Here ae afew modern classics. ‘ike: Just Doi ‘Aud “Vorsprung durch Technik ‘Apple: “Think Diteren” Sena re 5 searing tr step cova ine comma ANSWERS “etugnept ion poping lng = Batanga foftemntedcareenate — rpoaton 03 con ee sce cee cee Avalon ct EaWecknt oe 1 ong ct pre Tenregunionecoom 1 Yee sna 1 Tn batt rade ‘onnctngerdocnng> —~ erechen aren Riwpttes= ieee, ~nonnGemeinnd G. optimization (search engine F. feed = Einspeisung (von Daten) Ca wet. Terre. tapiarte) opment) Gs = ands seen re ee ie eco = Bitgmarke) Duress earch engine ruts mind be font of ming = le Com aa soya. €bitenna@orndpestionna "gape ERR)" Sutmacinen Enesin cn Stone) ae e |= Markenpositionierung) ergebnisseite) Oe Doles nd vaue cick aceteugh te (CTR) ~ 7. Weve green, peat and gro- F audience target audience = eee pee — ee cavuencsGrandowreress— Reomesen anvetsen cate Aa =errteovdy at SMinenbstomet sre: "opinion n0)= Comers busty US mings ndttepininng) lr reed eee Feceraon randetenon @indeorOayperomarce —Geyecteng = alg ees = Markenenweitenung) Indicator (CPD Leistungskenn- vag val = shresend B.onthered (gather sth ace cone ae ae ere oo . Takers yas) sunt oninsinent__ mora = piss eum Madera Grandsoocte "GOD “Napoca Rproenl-pheed Ceeirccten = Meetrorechtn) cpus psn shut = Doesied ‘Howto intuaeapropin ahs acta to anne A.makingunotsidandnew tnt cncl tpt = ule haba) Aneserw ses thiwctindesecaerhede) gene tetch HOW DID You no? Noten order tbe able to compare your language noaledge actoss ferent seesel busines English Si Business Spotgh tests hive a maximom posse scoreot SO pints 4-50 Excelent! ‘Congatulations! You are ‘dea ateady an expert in the language of digital and rradsional marketing 12 ENGUSCHFORDEN xu Wet done! ood Could do betor ; Yosrenot far fom the ley, you aeiteresedin Marketing i hot i topscorellyouwantto | thebuninessofmarketng. | specalzedvocabuary and Deanespert on the tole ny readng mee bout ‘marketing developmen English when you get he opportunity but your vocabulary en Up rospeed, Check your rests toseewhere you went wrong, Do thas eerises 3gaintohelp you broacen yourkronedge “pressions andi ean be andre remamber then Allon worry. Try the Test again vo see you can improve yourresuts Basins potent Marketing is the generous act of helping others become who they seek to become” Seth Godin, US authorand businessman, 1960- ENGLISH FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY High up in| the cloud Was in unserem digitalisierten Umfeld heute neu ist, kann morgen schon veraltet sein Ob Sie mit den Innovationen bisker Schritt gekalten haben und auch fiir die Zukunft gewappuet sind, kinnen Sie in diesen Ubungen testen See “THE CLOUD: Wht kinds of systems does a oud administrator configure? People hoping 12 ‘work includ compuring should know that the HILDEGARD RUDOL FEAMOWN FITZGERALD 1s a certifies translator was Business Spot}ight *s tech tats cooatsares Be tespaad eet and 2 freelance editor, teacher nology editor from 2001 to 2019, many companies oer talning and cetiaton and book author. contacts futhor of the English 4.0 section “Tipe The Amazon Web Services AWS) [email protected] and a soctal media expert aticaian programme s good pac start ENGUSCH FUR DEN BRUT Basins Spot ‘THE SITUATION Every year, the Irish Chamber of Industry and Commerce organizes a careers day for sschool-leavers. This year itis taking place in Dub- linn cooperation with major IT companies. The purpose of this day of talks and presentationsis to inform young people about the latest develop: ‘ments and job opportunities in the IT industry and tofindjuniorstaff 1. Changes everywhere (8 points) First, the young people talk about how the digital revolution has changed everyday life. Fill n the ‘missing vowels of the words in bold ‘A. "My grandfather said that, when he went to school, there was a bl. ckb rd inevery classroom.Now, nt f ct v wh tb rdsareusedinstead.” B, “My aunt, who was a translator,looked words upinpr nt ddictionaries. My sister, who is alsoatranslator,works with nln ones.” ©. “Tocommunicate with the media, many poli ciansnolongerwr t 1 tt rsinstead,they sndtw ts D."Inthenotsodistantpast drivers usedstr_ m_pstohelp them find their way in strange cities, Today, however, almost every cat has a GPsnv ger” E. "Products were traditionally assembled m n__ Ilybyworkers. Nowalotofmanufac- turingisdonebyr bts” F. "Peopleusedtogotod ne stofindaboy- friend or girlftiend. Nowadays, dating apps ike T nd rand OkCupidare used instead. G."Unlike my parents, who listened to musicon r ¢ rds,istr _mmyfavouritesongs.” H."Youused tohave tosee yourd et rfora ‘check-up. Nowadays, you can find out how fit youarewithawearable et v ty tr ck x” Busnes Spot “Wil arisans” tsa = Ineligent speedy. ist 2. Shortand sweet (7 points) a" ‘Many acronyms are used in IT,and everybody ‘who works in the industry has to understand what they mean. Choose the correct option in each sen- tence below. ‘A. SEO stands for search engine optimization / search engine organization This refers: the strategies and techniques used to get a top place on the results page ofa search engine. B, SEA is short for search engine analysis / search engine advertising. This is an online marketing tool with paid-for ads that are shown on the results pages of search engines. C. MAU isanacronym for monthly active users/ ‘mostly adult users. This measures the success of asocial network by counting the numberof users during a 30-day period. D.IoT, shore forthe Internetof Things /Internet of Tasks, is network of physical objects that uses technology to collect and transfer data. E, ARstandsforadded reality /augmented reali- ty, Users of AR are able ro interact with content —images and sounds—in the real world. F. VR is short for visualized reality / virtual reality. Users of VR interact with a completely digital world created by software and hardware. G.Alisanacronym for artificial internet /arti- ficial intelligence. Ali the science and engi- neering of making machines that are capable ofllearning, cf ‘The people needed for fue ae being called ‘Kansthanaverke). Te do the kindof work neste, ‘hey wilneed Yo be AR THAN whichis shor Ter autheticrelevar, transtormation minded ‘ne norconformis. [ENGLISCH FOR DEN BERUT is DATA: Business and goverment are now collecting so mich date ha here a huge ned fer people who can make Sense of ths daa. The job a he dat analysts Tohalperganizations make beter decsione Tipe Begin wth the bas of programming ond sais, 3, Experts needed (5p 5) Jackie Robertson, head of human resources ata software company, says she is hiring. Match the statements about various job openings (A-E) to the correct ob titles (1-5). ‘A.To integrate internet, intranet, LAN and WAN, we are looking for an experienced B, Wealsoneeda(n) wo evaluate how the new Datastax system can ‘make the best use of the available computer . Asall our computing infrastructure will bein thecloud by the end ofthe year,ourteam needs thesupporcofa(n) who knows languages such as Java, Ruby and Py- thon. D.To identify and manage risks, threats and vulnerabilities, we have an opening for a(n) E.In order to make our apps more interac- tive and attractive, we're seeking a creative information security manager databaseadministrator networkengineer user experience designer programmer 4, Ler'sbesociall (8 points) ‘Communication manager Dirk Sundarsays some social media sites and apps are best for connect ing with family and friends, while others are for careers, photos or music. The names of the sites in bold are in the wrong places; put them in the right ones. + Allofushereareon-¥ouFube(A) 3 the biggest social media network. Some day, ‘one of you might beas rich and famous asits Founder, Mark Zuckerberg. ‘+ When our teams discuss projecrsand rake action together they use Facebook ®) .asolution thatenables usto putallour notifications, be they from sales or tech suppor in one searchable place. * Weuse Fwitter (C) asourmobile messaging app because itenables usto ‘exchange text and images withouchaving to pay for text messages. * Today's most popular social site for professional networking is Snapehat oO -tcanhelp you find career ‘opportunities and build strong online reputation, * When we put videos online,our platform of choice is Whatspp (E) read somewhere that 300 hours of video are uploaded there every minute. + Re careful about using Spotify (F) ‘whichallows you to send videos and pictures, both of which self-destruct aftera few ‘seconds of a person viewing them.Ir’safun app. butnot safe for work! + Although posts are limited ro 280 characters, ‘Linkedin (G) isthe bestsocial network when you need to communicate company news instantly. + Finally, it's notall about work here,so for relaxing, Id recommend Slack (H) music streaming service that gives you access to millions of songs from artists all, ‘overthe world, ed ‘SECURITY Cyter security experts ofthe future will nee to ensure tht safety starsat company's ‘tub front door Ths means haung sateges and programs in place before the hackers arrve. “Tipe nom thediferences between routers and Severs, {and read about rie management. 6. Thenew money (6 points) 5. Firewalls (10 points) a “Be careful what you download,” says Kenneth ‘Oltermann, who is in charge of IT security ata bank Here, he s explaining the workof the Euro- pean Cybercrime Centre. Complete the text with ‘the words from the box. data | geeks | hacking | identity | networks | online | predators | research | secrets | web ‘The European Cybercrime Centre (EC3) helps protect European citizens, businesses and gov- ‘ernments from (A) crime. Who is behind chis erime? Everyone from spies and terrorists to computer (B) -com- panies trying to get an advantage in the market- place by (C) competitor websites and groups of criminals wanting to steal your personal (D) and sell it on the “Dark (E) *.Gyberattacks are becoming more commonplace, more dan- gerous and more sophisticated. Europe's critical infrastructure, vate and public sector (F) ing targeted. Companies are targeted for trade © and other sensitive corporate data, and universities for their (H) and development. Citizens are targeted by fraudsters and Q) thieves,and children are tar- sgeted by online (J) ‘The job of the EC3 isto fight this evolving cyber threat. Penelope Perry'sjobis to hire Generation Ztrain- «ees, which means people aged 1 t025. Her slogan: “You'll work hard but well pay you well, so le’s talkabout money.” Choose the correctoptionsto ‘complete the sentences, ‘The times ate changing, and the ways people make and spend money are really changing We're preparing fora (A) flexible/mobile payment revolution in which traditional banknotes will disappear. Future money will be phone money. Some of you will workon projects dealing with slobal currency (B) solutions /solvents and you might even develop Al technologies that offer new ways to manage investments, so-called (C) robo -advisers /finance-robots.Take a look at Robocoin, a US company that makes a (D) bytecoin/bitcoin ATM that enables people to exchange virtual money. I've just come back from Kenya, where everyone's talking about the (E) blockchain/chainblock and (F) micro- ‘entrepreneurs /enterprises have created a cur- rency called Banglapesa. By the time you become ‘managers,you mighthave your own bankin your pocket! cd ROBOTS: Many companies are now planning foramen the fatre when most "manufacturing willbe doe by robots. Ths ‘means new jabs for those wh can manage "bos fo improve product and ommunicat with engineers THe Learn "bout automaton and mechanics 7. Intheyear 2020 (6 points) Derek Lane isa futurologist. I's his job to tell us ‘where he thinks technology is going. Here's his, vision of the year 2020. Unscramble the words inbold. «The forecastsof when (A) matotedau vehicles will fillthestreets vary dramatically, but2020 has been marked asthe year BMW's self driving cars will begin transporting peoplearound Munich. There arestill huge numberof legal and safety hurdles to overcome, however. + Some scientists suggest that same-day cancer treatment could bea reality by 2020,This would requirea major change in the way health datais (B)edshra by doctors hospitalsand insurers, + Thesoldiers of 2020 willbe coveredin ()sorsesn and equipped ‘with smart glasses,all running froma power supply buileinto their uniform, according to the UK's Ministry of Defence. ‘+ Fourbillion people online wasthe UN target for2015,butthe global organization doesn’ texpect that number of users to get (D)tedneceno until 2020. NASA willlaunch the successorto the Curiosity (E) botoeri rover 2020, bringing us never-before-collected dataabout Mars. Itwill usea range of improved instruments codetect minerals on ‘the red planet. + Aquarter ofthe world’s energy needs will be metby (F) newlesreab by 2020,according toa report by the International Energy Agency. HOW DID - YOU D0? va Noten order to beable Exell! tocempare yourlanguage Congratulations! knowledge across diferent anyone needs infr- areas of Business Enlieh maton on the atest IT il Bisiness Sporight tests developments, they can ‘now have a maximum possible | ask you You are sre 10 score of 5 points know the answer ENGUSCH FUR DEN ERO ANSWERS 1 changes reryre ‘A. ackbeard = ord fe inferactve whiteboards 1. printed = puck Buco: — rte letters snc tweets ‘weet = Twitter Nach) 1 street map = Siraenarien, havgator = Nawgatonsper) mma robots = manuel van Han dances Tine ecards = Shalttn, cream doctor atvy akon = Fimessombons ‘A. search engine optimization vrata = iron Resi 6. ric! ineigence stich Itetigenz ‘3. apors mood ASB RCED EES 4 Lersnesci ‘A Facebook Sick Whatsapp 1 Unkeain E YouTobe FF Srapchat 1-39 Wot done! You only just missed “Excelent To reach the highest score go on absorbing information about developments in the incostry. ‘l-0 c twiter 4H. Spotiy 5. Frew A enine (nine cine = Onine- Finan 1B. geeks compute gts = amputees) hacéng Ddata Web ator = Netware 6 secrete rade secrete = Geschatsgehernsse) 1H remarch esse ad ‘Gemopment = Forschung und Ennwektng) 1 deny A. predators = scheche Menschon™ Gmiterned 1 Then Amebie 8 soitions = Lesungen roboadveers DB bitcoin bockchaln F.mleo-entrepreneurs = Flonenntemehmeronon) 1 theyoar 2020 ‘A. sutomated = her vol automate? shares sonore = Srsoren 1 comected bones oboterf Rotor renewables emeverbare Energion Upto 7 eed Could do better ‘You ate interestedin Perhaps you feel abit what isheppeningin the overwhelmed by anything dligal word, but arent new No reason to despair completely upto date Try dothe est again and peating the exercises that get more points on your ‘caused you problems. second go. Basins Spot Geeks are people who love something so much that all the details matter” ENGLISH FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES LEGAL ENGLISH Getting your terms right Nicht nur-vor Gericht, sondern schon in einem Arbeitsvertrag oder einer Reiseriickirinsversicherung werden wir mit juristischer Fachspracke konfrontiert Testen Sie hier, wie verstiindlich dieses ,legalese* fir Sie ist ‘EDIUM ADVANCED WATT FIRTH 5 co-author oF Introd to Internationa! Lega) English (CUP) He is girectar of production at TransLegal and teaches Legal énglish at the University of St. Gallen: Contact: natthey.firthauni sa, ch ee 2. Oneword,twomeanings (6 points) Many common words havea very different fas meaningina legal context. Match each word or TEST phrase to its everyday meaning (A-F) andits definition in contract law (G ~1). YOURSELE Everyday meaning ‘THE siTuarion A. Something thatcuresanillness. B. combination of words, letters or symbols Moore, Miller & Dini isa global law firm based in Lon- used to transmit messages secretly. don with offices in several major cities.It isa commercial G. Anobjectthatyou play to make music. practice, and deals with issues of both privacelaw and D. Whatyou dowith your ears. publiclaw.The firm also takes on some work in the area E. Apiece of writing, for example, ina magazine. of white-collar crime. F. Theaction of giving something careful thought. Definitionin contractlaw G, Anumbered section ofalaw,contract or other legal document, H, Acollection oflaws, rules or regulations. A formaldocument ‘Tolisten to evidence in acourt oflaw,especially ina trial before a judge. K. Thepayment made in exchange for the perfor- 1. From stuffy t0 plain (10 points) ‘Tomake texts easier to understand for thetrcli- e ents, Moore, Miller & Dini has issued amemo to J alllegal tafflisting words that should not be used and suggestingalternatives. Match the stuffy rds (A-J.)with their plain-language equivalents: SE aE for loss, damage or injury, especially through a ‘A. concerning the matter of 1. showing oe Sone eee E, demonstrate 5. when; where ‘Everyday Definition in eee ae race J. procure 10. nextto suusty article hear code 2) ENGLISCH FOR DEN BERUF Basins Spot 3. Missing properties (5 points) Gordon is talking to his boss, Barbara.aboutacli- ent’s property purchase. Fillin the vowels in Bar bara’ statements to make terms that correspond tothe wordsin bold in Gordon's responses. A. Barbara: Could you runme through the whole trons ct mzimnorvery clear on the details. Gordon: Ofcourse. It involves the acquisition (ofa small hotel in London Theelient is based in Hamburg. B. Barbara: Isee.Andare we handlingall aspects of thee mv y ne ? Gordon: Yes,we'edealing withthe entire transfer The clienthascounselin Germany, burshe'shanded the whole purchase to us ©. Barbara: Isee you've already run thettitle checks, Werethereanyeh rg s registered against the property? Gordon: No, there were noclaimsagainst the land. And we didn't findany other encumbrances that are cause for alarm. D. Barbara: Great. OK,can takea lookat the draft purchasee ner et? Gordon: Sure Ihaveacopy ofthe agreement here. E, Barbara: Thanks.Sohow farare we from compl tn Gordon: Very close. he clienthas transferred the money to theescrow accountand title should be transferred in undera week. ‘Busnes Sport AL LE Grama about two Now York Taw partners with a secret 4. The business ofcrime (5 points) a | Moore, Miller & Dini takes on occasional defence ‘workin the area of white-collarcrime,also called “business crime” or “corporate crime” Match the crimes (A~E) to heir definitions (1-5). bribery embezzlement insider trading corruption fraud ronsP ‘The illegal buying or selling of shares with the help of corporate information thatis not available tothe public. ‘The crime of getting money or some other person- algainbyabusinga position of power orauthority. The crime of givingor offering paymentor something valuable to person, usually to per- suade them todo something thatis dishonest. ‘The crime of acting dishonestly to get money orto hhave some other personal gain. ‘The act of stealing money chat has been entrusted. to youor that belongs to your employer. NGUSCHFORDENBERUF 21 FOR MORE i INFORMATION. 5. Fillingthe gaps (8 points) + fyerwanets prone yourlegalergioh youl Selinaisalaw student from Augsburg ona Tdaaeaiae six-month internshipat Moore. Mille& Dini. ogee ‘Complete the following sentences with the correct words from the box. Doyouteachlepa English? Ifso, youmight_ Wietojinee European Uegatengish teachers attending | consultancy | court | division | justices | Peociaton (CULETA), ind registry | website | workplace harassment which promotes effective Serres : Aeaching networkingand thesharingofexperence andinformaton Goto Selina: Hello, Mr Dent. [wanted toask if you'll be smear formore a“ the @) hearing tomor- row You're instructing the barristerin the fraud case,aren’tyou? Dent: Bruceisnowhandling the fraud case. Iwill be in courr,though,asit’squite an interest- ingappeal. Selina: The Courtof Appeal? Which © ? Dent: Civil 1e’sanemploymentease We'resuing fortinfar dis risa. Another boride boss Donages stars Oscar Selina: Thatwouldbe quis ivcresing 1 wo‘e may Siete Clete disserttionon () feectoaicte enter reer area aaa taken by different African countries atu- & Intlletual problems (8 points) x ally attended one case in Nigeria. twas an appeal from the decision of the High Court piensa mies Rend ‘The intellectual property pages on Moore, Miller & Dini's website have been hitby a virus Some of ©) the keywordsare now unincellgible. Unscramble Dent: Really? thought your area was property the words in bold to complete the sentences. law, Selina: Pa ae re aera ‘Ourextensive IP department deals with all aspects shadowing one of the conveyancing teams. eri miseaain pa But tobe honest, Ifind sifting through the rights thacapply toartstic works, inventionsand © extremely dull designs,and other creative works. When person I suppose it involved more detective work eisies auethig they ANY TEE ‘when everything was paper-based. But now, ae ich ‘everything's on the government the right vo (©) hiitprob © sandal cree ‘unauthorized use of the work, with cereain really dd was enter search terms. g exceptions (eg.therightoF(D) afir Dent: Right. Well much of whatwe do here is "use, which is recognized in many jurisdictions) fairly tedious Burthenalong comes really you belicvs ar soreuerrtal WIGPSTT Tene interesting case that shakes everyone up. Reece aguas a Yes Like the (H) may have recourse to legal action, Remediesinclude that washired to look into cost-cutting. That anaward for (F) sdgmaae and should certainly shake things up! earner (ccna Dent: Quite to prevent theinfringing (H) riapy from committing Further infringements, (22 ENGLISCH DEN BERUF Basins petit 7. Legal personnel (8 points) Selma Loeb isa lawyerat the London office. In cocemmesacamee BNOWEE ‘word to complete the sentences. 1. Fromstufyto plain = teigga rt 6 83,C105; jumces= Rr) ELSA: What opportunities can you offer graduates? Fea MIO )7 land ity =Crandhach Loeb: ‘They joinusas (A) associates legal secreta- kotoer ries clerks. Afterseven or eigh years, they'll 2 Onewordtwomeanings 6. wabte then have the opportunity tomake (B tig ant Succ rene, fas ener /partner/ cohort. ee See a es Sere « metres Loeb: We have anumber of secretaries, but we remedy A (Areemite), {Greangbe propery hes areictesingy locking na peopleas "Gen Seam) (© paralegals /ausiliaries/ agents. They do Fe Oo ea ane ‘much ofthe legal work that doesn’t requitea heand.(hrn) Mohr), far igo aire =Rek der qualified lawyer-Thishelps us keep costs down, code. (Cour .(Ceezbct) eet Ner) ‘The (D) practice / corporation /outfitalso.em- Infinged (sing aight ploys accountantsand ancillary staff Ee oa ea ELSA: Doyouhaveallgaton department? eee (ase ese Loeb: No, mostof ourworkis () non-contentious cere ee /nowantagonistic/non-belligerentand we chares=(ngohe)Beagen—H.pary=Pares eee at etree eects (crembrance ne) tion /advocacy work Epes 2 Legalpersonnet ceontact 1 ssocies Aso ELSA: Soyourlawyers never have toattend court” competion = Ashes Gorne soichrngecei) Loeb: Only to (G) instruet/ direct /lead barristers. ‘oat Ans) ELSA: Ishould probably explain to non-UK students, 4. Mebusinessofcime 2 poe ates 3 (ee rem vse) thatEnglandiasbamer eal sytem enn geen) Solicitorsdothe out-of-court work, baristers es arr ae ea representclientsin cour 2 practices ae Tete velleacaaiereretta tiv iag cing E-4(lem) Cee ie Solicitors have alwayshad the right of F. advoeagy(socacy work ee 5. Filingshe gaps Fete) Vrvctogor (H) attendance / participation /audiencein Be cere Cerne sere eee certain courts Barristers can appear beforeany {eicmes) 6. inet tren court in England and Wales. That said, most B. court (outthearng eerie eed ae solicitors do litle or no court wor Geisha) Rechte chr) Ponce I . division «Kamer 1, weriplaceharasirent THe 40-50 = 30-39 = 1-29 Upto? rein ordertobe able Exelon! Wel done! 0d oui do etter focompareyourlanquage Youteatnuelegslcaple, _:Youllbefin against junior Youhavethebsscs covered: Atthe moment we would Inowieage acess diferent Yaureally do know your counsel bur youray want to but find vome of the more adie your hens fo get 8 freascf business Englsh | terms!Wetchcutfornen | brushupyou'legalEngish comphcated terms. itie Second opinion before toking ‘Business Spoight fests legal terms when reading or before appearing before the ficult Wat aweck and you onascoursl But wth haveamaxinum possible Ietening¥ Engich Supreme Cou then ry the test again Freche, you cn inprove score of 80 paints Siontearty ‘Bese Sotight ENGLISCH FURDENBERUF 125 ENGLISH FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES THEENVIRONMENT No greenwash! Der Klimawandel und seine Folgen lassen auch Unternehmen immer mekr iiber nachkaltige und umsweltcertriiglicke Produkte und Verfahren nackdenken. Testen Sie in den folgenden Ubungen, sie gut Sie auf Englisch mit diesen Themen klarkomamen. EASY MEDIUM ADVANCED TEST a THE SITUATION PLAYgreen is global manufacturer of toys that are safe and do rot harm the environment. It presents itselfas a green company. But can PLAYgreen do even more to improve the way it runs its business? John, the owner believesie can. (26 ENGUSCH FUR DEX BERUF Basins Spot 1, Decarbonize now! (8 points) " John hasa meeting with his op managers to look ac what PLAYgreen can do to reduce the amount of carbon released in their manufacturing pro cesses, In one word:decarbonize, Unscramble the ‘words to create useful related expressions John: ‘This year. we want tobecomea toy manu- facturer that, as a whole, removes more ‘carbon (A) oddexii from the air than we produce. This is about reaching carbon (B) tralnetyui Iwantto see (C)erz0 -carbon productsas the result, ‘Ann: It’s a fantastic goal, but 1 don’t think it’s possible overnight. I've tried to ‘alculatethetotalearbon (D) prooftint ofeach of our products and offices. My reportlooksat terials and transport. [honestly can'tsee how wecan achieve this easily. John: Inever said it would be easy. Tell meabout ‘one of the problems. ‘Ann: Wella small one would be the 100 farms from which we buy the wool For our toys ‘Theyallalso have cows that produce huge amounts of methane. We may have to ‘change farms in the long term, but we can't do thatthis year. Mark: We could introduce an initiative toreduce ‘the climate impact of each product by buy- ing carbon (B) etsoffs J ‘You know, we say we will plant a tree — right next to those smelly cows — every time we sell 100 toys John: That's one option, And we could use that inmarketing. Whataboutthe bigger prob- lems? I want to know how we can reduce the carbon (F) misioesns in the first place. What's happening with the olderfactories? ‘Ann: We've been looking into carbon (G) reapctu and sequestra- ton technology Ietraps CO, atthe factory and then transports it roa location below ‘ground —where it stays. Shall I tell you how ieworks? John: No,justtell me how much iecouldcoscus. It’s possible that the government will i ‘crease the carbon (H) xat next year and I'd rather invest the money in a climate-ftiendly production facility than giveit othe government. ‘Mark: As the price of carbon increases, so does the incentive for low-carbon solutions! Busnes Sport ecydng is 2. The warning signs (6 points) a During the meeting, John talks about climate change, Match its effects to the correct terms. coastalerosion global deforestation intense hearwaves mass extinction severe droughts ‘widespread flooding mmooee> Many European and US cities have experi enced record-breaking high temperatures. 2. Shipscan no longer travel on some rivers. as the waterlevels have reached record low. 3. The infrastructure of many citiesand regions cannot cope with heavy rainfall 4. Toomany trees have been cut down to create palm oll for our cosmetiesand food Land next tothe sea hasbeen wornaway. ‘6. The numberof tigers in the wild has dropped toalmost3,000 worldwide a{ tet fet o{ tet be| | ” SUSTAINABILITY something is “wstinablet mee the needs ofthe present ‘aout destroying the chances for future generatans fo meet thelr teed as wel Something thats sustainable can contre fora Jong ie. A company tha wants fo be green should be ook at Sstarable seluton fo reduce greenhouse gases — andro conserve fafuralesaurces We ik about ‘nvronmental sustainability or “Sustainable development [ENGLISCHFORDENBERUT 125 3. The energy options (8 points) " Could the most efficient solution involve the transition to sustainable energy? Ann has pre- pared.a short report on the topic. Complete the ‘sentences from the report with the words from the box » combined © photovoltaic © fossil » renewable » geothermal va » hydrocarbons » wind ‘Weare pioneersin using modern technologies in ‘our manufacturing processes. Its ourbeliefthat @) should stay in the ground. None of our factories is coal-fired, so the only @) fuel we bum is gas. Asour factories are not close tothe sea,we clear- ly can’ use (C) energy. For the ‘same reason, we also don’t benefit from offshore © farms, but we can use energy from highly efficiencturbines on top ofhhills. ‘Where possible, we have put (E) panels on top of ll the buildings. The resulting solar energy generates enough (F) ‘energy to power sections ofthe Factories, In some areas where hot dry steam is available ‘underground, we have started to make use of © energy. In Finland, we have one of the most modern ® coolingand heating plants in ‘the world, This system takes any extra heat from the production processand tursitinto energy to use in the factory. * ‘THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY “Today, the de iso move away from the Enea “ake-make waste ‘mode! of business and consumerism foward a “orl economy ‘thereby companies minmize Ine ute of pew materia ae avo ‘esting rubbish waste, athe end ofthe lie eet predact by ‘aking recy ‘Consumers know what they want —and many are looking for products that are green. The words and prefixes in bold are not where they should be. Put them where they belong, Generally,we are targeting (A) ‘non-conscious consumers. They know what they ‘wane to buy. Not just the millennials. This means ‘we have to go further than just symbolic mea- People arelooking for (B) eco-based products, especially when they are buying chil- dren’stoys. ‘We need to highlight the fact chat we use © food-toxicand(D) battery-free paints inall our toys And that we mainly use (E) planthand materials. We're one of the few toy manufacturers to offer © solvent grade toys. Ifchildren do put them in their mouths, they won't make them sick Of course,it goes without saying that you won't findany (G) single friendly plas- ticanywhere near our toys, Even our packaging isgreen ‘We should also highlight that we don't sell any w socially-powered products. ‘That means that there are no heavy metalsin any of ourtoys. ‘We need to look into (1) thirc-use certification labels. If an independent organi- zation says that we use the best material, that would show we are serious about this. All our ‘wooden toys already have the PEFC (Program forthe Endorsementof Forest Certification) label, ‘which means that they are made with wood from sustainable forests. Butare there otherlabels we should have? OF course, the best solution for our planet ‘would be to tell people co buy (|) second-party toys —but that wouldn’tbe good forbusiness. 5. Greener transport and more (6 points) Decarbonization doesn’t endat the production. line-Thereare other options to make the company _greener,as well. Complete the sentences. We've given you three letters of the missing words. | iL) Subject: How can we all go greener? Dear team. ‘As you know, we recently looked into ways we can make our company and products ‘greener. We will not only look at how we can ‘make significant changes to our production sites, but also to the way we all work. list here a few ideas that | have received from the group. We should discuss them at the next monthly meeting in March, ‘A. Replace company cars with electric veh . 8. Install cha stations in the carpark for these cars. 6. Reduce, reuse, recycle 7 points C. Introduce a cycle hire sch oe z so employees can ride a bike to work for Wsimporane thatthe employeesat PLAYgreen free are honest about their own behaviour. Choose the D, Subsidize pub transport correct option ro complete each sentence forall employees. E. Starta car-sha initiative A. Luserechargeable /refilable batteries wher- at each location. ever possible F. Dis from carbon-heavy industries and put our money into clean B. Ineverturn on the airconditioning / climate. energy. C. T unplug /deplugall my electrical equipment Please send me your ideas by the end of when I leave the office. this week. D. Tuse recycled / recycling paper. Kind regards son E, Iwork remotely /removed ewo daysa week F. Ineveruse dispensable / disposable coffee cups. G. Ino longertake short-haul /short-distance fights. goby rain, Busnes Sorin [ENGLISCHFURDENBERUF 127 Towards o-« fs dee ANSWERS = ‘No greenwasht 1B. fenly(eco-iendy eine Gintrberei) = unwelfeundich vert) nontron-toxie= schoo) 1. Decarbonnaton now! 1. solver (slvent-fee ‘A. dioxide Carbon dose = taungaminated = Kohlendd CO) based lan-based neutrality Carbon seurealty = plnsieh) “kimaneiraits) food od grade 1 zero ero-arbon product = in ebensmielquaira =Produktotne CO;Emissioner) 6, use(single-use = Eiweg> “7 Ahefwewre(spoins) | | 1. footprint (earbon footprint {ar den Eimatrouc) =C0-Bilna) Hater attenrpowered John decides that they need to create new posi E oss carbon offset = barenebereben) tions atthe company to focus on green ideas B= eptoronetin) estos Complete the job titles using five ofthe sixwords. =C0,Emiesoner) hand 6. captine(earbon capture scoach + gardener officer 0, Abscheiding) 5 Greener ranspert and more ent eter aT eemreer Scie 1H. tax arbon a ‘Aves lect vehicle elkrofarzeug) 2. The warning 1. charging charging statin A. Anurban is someone who Aes Ciebreton Stadesaten) grows fruitand vegetablesin cityareas. = Abbosung Roding) C1 scheme cle ite scheme B. Achief sustainability isthe Oro eee ee = (Gusyrerben E-2 Gught publ (pbb rarsport execuivein ar enpaniationwhosejob isco osetia eaaes pas cabhs ware ensurethatthe companys green. F 5 (uidespreod flooding sharing ©. Anin-vitro meat issomeone = grolchige Uterschwem- Dives Csivest rom sth who researches how to create food products mune sch Cnansiel) au tw suchas burgersinthe laboratory. athe richaiehen) energy options eco PN cha eco ‘A hycrocarbons 6, Reduce, reuse, recy ‘who has the responsibility to coordinate ac- sided peer erey tivitiesacross the whole production cycleand 2B. foss! conditioning Cairconitining ‘who ensures thateverything runsas smoothly & tical = Gezeiten- = Klimasniage) Re arnivc cere 1. wind wind farm = Windpark) unplug = ausstcken 5 E photowoitaic@phorovotae Breed E. Afuel-cell designs devices pana Photwatal erly Gea ree that generate energy from chemical reactions, Seren ran aaa Staten not from burning oil orgas. renewable = emeverbar F diposabe = Enweo- 6. geothermal Geeeral 6. short-haul Ghor-hau fight ‘energy = Geothermie) = Kurestrectenfn) 4 combined 2 Thefutore ‘6 Material matter ‘gardener: Bote ‘A-soclyocly-conscous scents manager, ovavrontworleh) Eenginer nie 40-50 = 30-39 8-29 Upto? ‘Note: So that you can Excellent! ‘Well done! Good Could do better ¢ Compare your ngage | Congratulations! Youre some ness very; Whthalitle mee pracice, | Maybe you shouldrends oweedgeacroscierent | Yourearihr green wellbutnotersyouneed | youcoudmove upto the itemoreon he fopieat MeuclbuinesEngich | ervronmentaeiAndyou | morepracee Nakearefe | necleval Dothe st again | clnate change Tiyite fl Bsness Soorighr isis hayecnclen knowledge fl he neds you hist telpyoummproveyour — Testagan mex werk a see aveamnumum possible ofhespecalstveeabusey. knowsndir foleam them. _ vecbulny fyoucanimprove yt {oreo 0 pom wes (29 ENGLSCHFUR DEX BERUF Basins Spot PART THREE: ENGLISH HOW DID YOU DO? Enter your score for each of the tests in the relevant column below TEST (40-50) (30-39) (8-29) 0 Legal English 120) The environment (1%) NOW ENTER YOUR SCORE FOR ALL SIX TESTS IN THE BOX HERE: — TOTAL SCORE Part One PartTwo Part Three TOTAL (9.129) NOW exTeRvounscmneseOR RTE YOUR TO stn DasnesSotiht ENGLISCHFURDENBERUF 123, + Just try new things. Don’t be afraid. Step out of your comfort zones and soar, all right?” Michelle Obama, former US First Lady, 1964- BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT ZUM KENNENLERNEN: 1 AUSGABE GRATIS Pec SCT Cetiss press for success? BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT SPRACHMAGAZIN Mit Business hen, verstehen und schreiben Sie Business Eng! Cee cae === = SPOTLIGHT. Sessile Spotlight Verlag

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