En Iso 16228

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EN ISO 16228

CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels

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SS-EN ISO 16228:2018 (E)

Contents Page

oreword ......................................................................................................................................................................................................iv
1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
..................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
4 Inspection .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
................................................................................................................. 2
............................................................................................................................................ 3
............................................................................................................ 3
........................................................................................................................ 3
............................................................................................................... 3
4.3.1 General...................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
4.3.2 Fastener declaration of compliance F2.1 .................................................................................................... 3
4.3.3 Fastener test report F2.2........................................................................................................................................... 4
4.3.4 Fastener test report F3.1........................................................................................................................................... 4
4.3.5 Fastener test report F3.2........................................................................................................................................... 4
5 Requirements for fastener inspection documents ........................................................................................................... 4
5.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
5.2 Maintenance of data for inspection documents ......................................................................................................... 5
................................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
5.4 Inspection document sources .................................................................................................................................................... 5
5.5 Subcontracted tests and/or inspection ............................................................................................................................. 6
5.6 Sampling ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
5.7 Reporting of test/inspection results .................................................................................................................................... 6
............................................................................. 7
5.9 Validation of the inspection document .............................................................................................................................. 9
6 Required content for each type of fastener inspection document ................................................................... 9
6.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
6.2 Content of the fastener declaration of compliance F2.1................................................................................... 10
6.3 Content of the fastener test report F2.2 ......................................................................................................................... 10
6.4 Content of the fastener test report F3.1 ......................................................................................................................... 11
6.5 Content of the fastener test report F3.2 ......................................................................................................................... 12
7 Amendment to inspection documents ........................................................................................................................................13
8 Transmission of inspection documents.....................................................................................................................................13
Annex A (informative) Examples of inspection documents .......................................................................................................14
Annex B (informative) Code numbers applicable to fasteners...............................................................................................18
Bibliography .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................26

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SS-EN ISO 16228:2018 (E)

European foreword

Endorsement notice
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SS-EN ISO 16228:2018 (E)


the time of the order.

Before publication of this document, inspection documents according to ISO 10474 or EN 10204 were

alternative to ISO 10474 or EN 10204.

the most reliable information about conformance of the fasteners (for more information regarding

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SS-EN ISO 16228:2018 (E)

Fasteners — Types of inspection documents

1 Scope

purchaser at the time of the order.

— declaration of compliance (F2.1);
— test reports (F2.2, F3.1 and F3.2).

rivets, etc. made of steel, stainless steel, non-ferrous metal or non-metallic material.

Examples of inspection documents are given in Annex A

sections in fastener inspection documents is given in Annex B.

2 Normative references

ISO 898-1, Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbon steel and alloy steel — Part 1: Bolts, screws

ISO 898-2, Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbon steel and alloy steel — Part 2: Nuts with

ISO 898-3,1)Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbon steel and alloy steel — Part 3: Flat washers

ISO 898-5, Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbon steel and alloy steel — Part 5: Set screws and

ISO 1891-4:2017,
ISO 2320,
ISO 2702, Heat-treated steel tapping screws — Mechanical properties
ISO 3269, Fasteners — Acceptance inspection
ISO 3506-1, Mechanical properties of corrosion-resistant stainless steel fasteners — Part 1: Bolts, screws
and studs

1) Under preparation.

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ISO 3506-2, Mechanical properties of corrosion-resistant stainless steel fasteners — Part 2: Nuts
ISO 3506-3, Mechanical properties of corrosion-resistant stainless steel fasteners — Part 3: Set screws and
similar fasteners not under tensile stress
ISO 3506-4, Mechanical properties of corrosion-resistant stainless steel fasteners — Part 4: Tapping screws
ISO 10666, Drilling screws with tapping screw thread — Mechanical and functional properties

ISO 1891-4
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— IEC Electropedia: available at http://www.electropedia.org/
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at http://www.iso.org/obp
authorized representative

documents on behalf of the supplier or the purchaser

external authorized representative

(3.1) or the (3.2) of the

pass-through distributor

fasteners or the packages

[SOURCE: ISO 1891-4:2017, 3.6.4]
alteration distributor

[SOURCE: ISO 1891-4:2017, 3.6.6]

4 Inspection

4.1 Types of inspection documents for material

For material inspection documents 2.1, 2.2, 3.1 and 3.2, see ISO 10474 or other relevant technical

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4.2 Types of inspection for fasteners

— are manufactured from the same material designation,

— are manufactured with the same manufacturing sequences and under same conditions,
— have the same shape, and
— have similar dimensions, where the differences do not impact the test results.

4.3 Types of inspection documents for fasteners

4.3.1 General
Table 1.

Table 1 — Inspection documents for fasteners

Type and name of
fastener inspection When Content Validation
F2.1 Fastener Declaration of conformance The manufacturer or
declaration of purchaser at the time for the delivered fasteners, distributor authorized
compliance of the order without results representative
F2.2 Fastener test Declaration of conformance The manufacturer
report purchaser at the time for the delivered fasteners, authorized representa-
of the order with results based on tive
F3.1 Fastener test Declaration of conformance The manufacturer or
report the purchaser and agreed for the delivered fasteners, distributor authorized
at the time of the order with results from representative
F3.2 Fastener test Declaration of conformance The manufacturer or
report the purchaser and agreed for the delivered fasteners, distributor authorized
at the time of the order with results from representative and ei-
inspection ther the purchaser
authorized representa-
tive or the external au-
thorized representative

4.3.2 Fastener declaration of compliance F2.1


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the distributer’s authorized representative.

4.3.3 Fastener test report F2.2

inspection document and the delivered fasteners in order to demonstrate conformance.

4.3.4 Fastener test report F3.1

4.3.5 Fastener test report F3.2

3.2) or from the fastener inspection.

both the manufacturer’s or distributor’s authorized
representative and either the purchaser’s authorized representative or the external authorized

5 Requirements for fastener inspection documents

5.1 General

all the applicable requirements, regardless of which controls are performed during manufacturing

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Even when receiving an inspection document, the purchaser is responsible for the approval of
ISO 3269 unless
otherwise agreed.
The inspection documents F2.1 and F2.2 should include the fastener manufacturing lot number of the

number. The inspection documents F3.1 and F3.2 shall include the fastener manufacturing lot number
of the delivered fasteners.

5.2 Maintenance of data for inspection documents

5.3 Traceability

The purchaser who receives the fastener inspection document is responsible for maintaining

records related to the manufacturing lot number (or trace lot number).

5.4 Inspection document sources

The fastener manufacturer is allowed to
— generate F2.1, F2.2, F3.1 or F3.2 inspection documents, and
— transfer the original data from suppliers into the manufacturer inspection document, provided that

The pass-through distributor and repackaging distributor are allowed to

— generate F3.1 or F3.2 inspection documents,

— transfer the original data from F3.1 of the manufacturer into the distributor F3.1 inspection

The alteration distributor is allowed to

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SS-EN ISO 16228:2018 (E)

his own test results,

— generate F2.1, F3.1 or F3.2 inspection documents, and
— transfer the original data from F3.1 of the manufacturer into the distributor F3.1 inspection

The alteration distributor shall test and/or inspect the properties which have been altered.

the data from the external source.

inspection document is not allowed.

5.5 Subcontracted tests and/or inspection

included as an attached complete report or transferred into the inspection document under the

The subcontracted tests and/or inspection from external source shall be traceable. The test sample(s)
shall be traceable using manufacturing lot number (or trace lot number). The subcontracted tests
and/or inspection report shall reference the manufacturing lot number (or trace lot number).

5.6 Sampling

included in the inspection document are representative of the manufacturing lot. For test reports F2.2,

except when all test results are reported.

shall be agreed at the time of the order.

representative or the external authorized representative.

5.7 Reporting of test/inspection results

The control methods are left to the choice of the supplier, unless otherwise requested in a standard or

Table 2

external authorized representative issuing the inspection document, e.g. all individual values, mean
value, dispersion, etc.

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Table 2 — Minimum requirements for reporting test/inspection results

Type of requirement Type of inspection document
Method of control limit(s) F2.1 F2.2 F3.1 F3.2
expressed as:
Minimum value Minimum value
measured measured
Maximum value Maximum value All individual
Measurement measured measured values
Minimum and Minimum and measured
min/max maximum value maximum value
Not applicable measured measured
Attribute Conform/
No-Go Conform Conform
(gauge, proof load …) Non-conform
Inspection Conform/
– Conform Conform
(visual inspection …) Non-conform

accordance with the following:

— S result from the Supplier (material, component, coating, etc.);
— M result from the fastener M
— D result from the fastener D
— L result from external L

5.8 Minimum results to be included for each type of fasteners

Table 3

Table 3 in

details shall be agreed between the purchaser and the supplier at the time of the order.
For fasteners not listed in Table 3
the time of the order.

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