Hfile 69 C

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Child Nutrition Series - Number 69c

September 2018

Baby’s First Foods

Breastmilk is the only food your baby needs for the first 6 Make your baby’s first foods rich in iron.
months. Continue to offer breastmilk until your baby is 2
 Solid foods can be offered before or after breastmilk. You
years old or older. If you are not able to feed your baby
and your baby will decide what works better. This may
breastmilk, talk to your health care provider about feeding
change over time
your baby a store-bought infant formula.
 As your baby eats more solid foods, they will gradually
Does my baby need Vitamin D? begin to drink less breastmilk
If your baby is breastfed, or is breastfed and given some  Foods can be mixed and moistened with water
infant formula, they need a liquid vitamin D supplement of  Do not put cereal or other solid foods in a baby bottle
400 IU every day. Breastmilk has some vitamin D but not
enough to meet your baby needs.  Sit down and eat with your baby. Choose a time when
your baby is happy, interested and alert. Babies enjoy
Babies who are only fed store-bought infant formula do not company and learn about eating by watching you and
need extra vitamin D. others eat
 Let your baby explore food with their hands. Learning to
When do I start to feed my baby solid foods? eat can be messy
At about 6 months your baby can start to eat solid foods. By
this time, your baby needs more nutrients, especially iron. What do I feed my baby?
Your baby is also ready to learn to eat foods with different
Your baby can eat many of the same foods enjoyed by the
rest of the family. Offer family foods made with little or no
added salt or sugar.
Your baby is ready to start eating solid foods if they:
Your baby can eat soft foods and finger foods before they
 Can sit and hold their head up
have teeth.
 Can watch and open their mouth for the spoon
 Soft foods include minced, mashed, ground, lumpy,
 Don't push food out of their mouth with their tongue pureed and tender-cooked foods
 Finger foods include small pieces of cooked vegetables,
How much food does my baby need? moist boneless fish, egg, pasta, soft fruits without the
As a parent or caregiver you decide what foods are offered. skin, grated cheese, strips of toast or roti and ‘oat rings’
Your baby decides if they are hungry and how much they cereal
will eat.
At 6 to 8 months:
Trust your baby to let you know when they are hungry and  Continue to offer breastmilk.
 Offer iron-rich foods at least 2 times each day. Foods that
Your baby is hungry when they: are high in iron include:
 Open their mouth for food o Well-cooked, finely minced or shredded meat, poultry
and fish, including beef, pork, chicken, turkey, cod
 Get upset if the food is taken away and halibut
Your baby is full when they: o Mashed cooked egg, lentils, beans or cooked tofu; and

 Shut their mouth o Iron-fortified infant cereal

 Turn their head or push food away  Offer other healthy foods such as vegetables and fruits,
whole grains and milk products
How do I start to feed my baby solid foods?  You can introduce peanut, tree nuts, milk products and
Start by giving your baby small amounts of foods and sesame seed, as well as cooked egg, fish, wheat and soy.
gradually increase the amount based on their appetite.
The risk of a food allergy developing to these foods is clean your baby’s teeth 2 times each day using a soft baby
lowest when they are introduced at about 6 months of age toothbrush or wet face cloth with a smear of fluoride
toothpaste (the size of a grain of rice).
o Offer peanut and tree nut butters blended into infant
cereal or spread thinly on strips of toast
How do I keep my baby safe while eating?
o Offer milk products such as yogurt and grated cheese
 Always stay with your baby while they are eating or
o When your baby shows you they tolerate these foods drinking
continue to offer them regularly. This may help
prevent a food allergy from developing  Babies and young children are at higher risk of choking.
To prevent your baby from choking:
 Offer sips of water in an open cup, but do not let your
baby fill up on water o Offer cooked vegetables and fruit, like carrots and
apples, before trying them raw and grated
 Work towards feeding your baby solid foods at 2 to 3
meals and 1 to 2 snacks each day based on their appetite o Remove the pits from fruits
o Slice and chop round and rubbery foods, such as
At 9 to 12 months: grapes and cherry tomatoes, into small pieces
 Continue to offer breastmilk o Make sure fish does not have bones
 Offer solid foods at up to 3 meals and 1 to 2 snacks each o Do not offer foods that are choking hazards such as
day based on their appetite. By 12 months, aim to have popcorn, whole peanuts, tree nuts, whole sunflower
routine meals and snacks every 2 ½ to 3 hours seeds and pumpkin seeds, dried fruit like raisins, hard
 Continue to offer foods high in iron 2 or more times every
and gel candies, marshmallows, jellybeans or chunks
day of seed or nut butters, especially from a spoon. If hot
dogs are offered, slice and chop them into small
 Make sure the foods are soft and cut into small pieces pieces
 Offer water in an open cup  Only give your baby pasteurized milk products, juices
and soft cheeses (such as brie, camembert and feta). You
 Your baby does not need juice. If you do give juice, offer
can find this information on the label
no more than 125 mL (1/2 cup) per day of 100% fruit
juice in an open cup  Never feed honey to babies younger than 1 year. Honey
could give your baby a food-borne illness called botulism
 Do not give juice or other sugary drinks in a bottle
 Offer your baby fish that are lower in mercury. See
 Do not let your baby sip on milk or juice between meals
HealthLinkBC File #68m Food Safety: Mercury in Fish
or snacks. This can lead to tooth decay

When can I give my baby cow milk? For More Information

If you have questions about feeding your baby, vitamin D or
You can start offering small amounts of pasteurized whole
allergies, contact your health care provider. You can also
cow milk (3.25% milk fat) in an open cup when your baby
call 8-1-1 to speak to a registered dietitian or registered
 9 to 12 months of age
To learn more about feeding your baby, see:
 Eating a variety of foods that are high in iron
 HealthLinkBC File #19 Dental Care for Your Infant and
Pasteurized whole goat milk may be offered if vitamin D
and folic acid has been added to it.  HealthLinkBC File #69a Feeding Your Baby Formula:
Before You Start
Lower-fat milks (2%, 1% and skim) and fortified soy
 HealthLinkBC File #70 Breastfeeding
beverage are not recommended before 2 years of age due to
their reduced fat content. Do not give coconut, rice or nut  HealthLinkBC File #110b Preventing Choking in Babies
and seed beverages before 2 years of age. These drinks do and Young Children: For Child Care Providers
not have enough nutrients to meet your growing baby’s
needs. To learn about reducing risk of food allergy in your baby,
visit www.healthlinkbc.ca/healthy-eating/reducing-baby-
How do I brush my baby’s teeth? food-allergy-risk.
Babies start to get teeth at about 6 months of age. New teeth
are not very strong and need to be taken care of. Gently

For more HealthLinkBC File topics, visit www.HealthLinkBC.ca/healthfiles or your local public health unit. For non-
emergency health information and advice in B.C. visit www.HealthLinkBC.ca or call 8-1-1 (toll-free). For the deaf and
hard of hearing, call 7-1-1. Translation services are available in more than 130 languages on request.

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