Experiment 2 - Jet Reaction: ME 310 Fluid Mechanics

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ME 310 Fluid Mechanics

Experiment 2 -Jet Reaction


This experiment is designed to help you understand the momentum equation for an
inertial control volume.


• To experimentally determine the force required to keep a flat plate at a datum level
while it is subjected to the impact of a water jet.

• To compare the experimentally measured force with the analytically calculated force
from the control volume form of the linear momentum equation.

Reference: Sections 4-3 and 4-4 in Introduction to Fluid Mechanics; Fox, McDonald,
and Pritchard; 6th edition.

Description of the apparatus:

The apparatus consists of an upward discharging jet contained within a clear Plexiglas
cylinder. There are leveling screws on the bottom surface of the apparatus. The weight
pan atop the apparatus is attached to the top of a spindle that passes through the lid of the
cylinder and down to a flat plate located just above the exit of the water jet. Water is
supplied from the lab faucet to the inlet of the apparatus via a hose. Water flowing
through the nozzle strikes the flat plate and deflects downward to the base of the clear
Plexiglas cylinder, where it exits and drains in the sink.

Figure 2.1 Jet impact apparatus

Experimental Procedure:
1. Use the level at the top of the apparatus and the leveling screws at the base of the
apparatus to level the apparatus.
2. Connect the hose attached to the inlet of the apparatus to the faucet.
3. Record the weights of the container used to collect water exiting the apparatus
and the weight pan used to hold the buckshot at the top of the apparatus.
4. Verify that the reference mark on the weight pan lines up with the mark on the
adjustable collar when the pan is in the equilibrium position (no water jet
impinging on the flat plate).
5. Turn on the faucet and set it to a constant flow rate, allowing water to flow to the
apparatus. Note the upward movement of the flat plate caused by the water jet.
6. While rotating the weight pan to reduce the frictional error add lead shot until the
reference mark on the weight pan returns to its original equilibrium position. The
force applied by the water jet is now counterbalanced by the weight added.
7. When the system has reached equilibrium, measure the mass flow rate of the
exiting water by placing a container in the sink under the exit of the apparatus.
Simultaneously, begin timing using the supplied stopwatch. Collect water for as
long as you possibly can (more mass + more time = less error). At high mass
flow rates, you will have to decrease your time due to the size of available pans.
8. Record the weight of the buckshot used to return the system to equilibrium, as
well as the weight of the collected water.
9. Change the water flow rate via the supply valve and repeat steps 6, 7, and 8. Do
not allow the water flow rate to become so great that water bounces off the side
walls and goes up and comes back down on the upper side of the flat plate.
10. Repeat the above procedure for eight different flow rates.

Figure 2.2 Top view of the jet impact apparatus.

Assumptions and Formulation:


1. Steady flow
2. Incompressible flow
3. Uniform flow
4. Frictionless flow
5. Negligible body force


(1) Momentum equation in the control form:

ρ * V * d∀ + ∫ V ( ρ * V * dA)
∂t cv∫
F = Fs + Fb = (2.1)

In equation 2.1, F represents the total force acting on the control volume (CV), Fs is the
surface force acting on the CV, and Fb is the body force acting on the CV.

(2) Volumetric flow rate Q (m3/s):

Q = A ⋅V = (2.2)

Q denotes the volumetric flow rate, A is the area normal to the direction of the flow, and
V is the flow velocity. Volumetric flow rate can also be expressed as a function of the
mass flow rate and the density of the working fluid, taken to be 996 kg/m3.

(3) Theoretical (expected) force Ftheoretical (N):

Ftheoretical = ρ Q 2 A (2.3)

In equation 2.3, Q, ρ, and A are as described above.

& (kg/s):
(4) Mass flow rate m

m& = (2.4)

In this equation, the mass and time are those pertaining to the water collection in step 7 of
the experimental procedure outlined above.

(5) Measured (experimental) force Fexperimental (N):

Fexp erimental = m ⋅ g (2.5)

The mass of the buckshot is given in equation 2.5 by m, while g is the gravitational
acceleration, taken to be 9.81 m/s2.

(6) Percentage of error:

⎛ Ftheoretical − Fexp erimental ⎞

% Error = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⋅ 100 (2.6)
⎝ Ftheoretical ⎠

Report requirement:
1. Starting with the momentum equation in control volume form, show that the force
imparted to the plate by the water jet is given by equation 2.3 in the Theory
2. Knowing that the nozzle diameter is 0.375 inches, use the above equations and the
data collected from the experiment to compute the following:
ƒ The measured force (also called actual applied force, using the weight of
lead shots)
ƒ The theoretical (expected) force
ƒ The percentage of error
3. Make a graph of Force (y-axis) vs. Volumetric Flow Rate (x-axis). The graph
should have two curves, one for Theoretical Force and one for Experimental
Force both vs. the same set of volumetric flow rates. The data should be sorted
from minimum flow rate to maximum flow rate.
4. In the results section, discuss the experimental data, results, and sources of error.

Answer the following question(s) in the conclusion of the report:

Is the relationship between force and volumetric flow rate parabolic?

Is this expected? Why or why not?

Also discuss suggestions and recommendations in the conclusion.

The report should include a sample calculation; compile collected data and calculated
results in tabular form with column headings.

Experiment #2 Data Sheet

Mass of
Weight Pan
Mass of
Water Pan

Mass of Mass of
Lead and Water
Trial # Pan and Pan Time


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