First Quarter English 10

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Department of Education

San Miguel National High School

San Miguel, San Remigio, Cebu
S.Y 2019-2020

1st Periodical Test in ENGLISH 10

Name: Date: Score:

I. TRUE OR FALSE (Gods and Goddesses and Myths). Write TRUE if the statement is true. Otherwise, Write the
correct answer if the statement is wrong.
_________________1. Medusa is the wife of Hades.
_________________2. Apollo is the God of music and healing.
_________________3. Zeus is just an ordinary God.
_________________4. Athena was said to be the sister and wife of Zeus.
_________________5. Myth is a folklore genre consisting compiled true stories and documentaries in a society.
_________________6. The main characters of myths are usually Batman, Wonderman, and all the superheroes.
_________________7. Poseidon with his trident rules over the sea.
_________________8. Ares was known as the God of war.
_________________9. Hades is known for his winged sandals.
_________________10. Aphrodite is the goddess of love and beauty.
II. IDENTIFICATION (The Gorgon’s Head, Daedalus and Icarus). Choose the correct answer from the box and
write on the space provided before the number.

Minotaur Polydectes King Minos

Perdix Samos Magic Wallet

Medusa Ephinoe Helmet of Invisibility

Gorgon Ariadne Merope

Acropolis Sicily Alcippe

Labyrinth Argos Phineas

Andromeda Delos Cepheus

Danae Sardinia Acrisius

Dictys Cocalus Gray Women

___________________1. The mother of Perseus

___________________2. A gift received by Perseus where he placed the Gorgon’s head
___________________3. A confusing passage
___________________4. The wife of Perseus
___________________5. King of Argos
___________________6. Three islands where Daedalus and Icarus passed
___________________7. Nephew of Daedalus
___________________8. Who gave the useful things Perseus could use on his journey.
___________________9. The king who wanted to revenge because of the loss of his son.
___________________10. Andromeda’s uncle
___________________11. The fisherman who saw the chest bobbing on the wave.
___________________12. The mother of Daedalus
___________________13. The king of Camicus
___________________14. Stepfather of Perseus
___________________15. Half man, half bull beast
___________________16. Winged monsters that with snakes in the head.

III. WORD ANALOGY (PRONOUNS). Supply the missing information of the blank.
1. Possession:___________________:: ___________________: relative pronoun
2. Possessive pronouns:___________________:: Possessive adjective : ours, his, hers, theirs
3. _____________________: replace names of people:: ___________________: questions
4. Relative pronoun: _______________________:: Interrogative pronoun: what, when, where
5. Emphatic pronoun:_____________________:: __________________:: used to demonstrate
6. Personal pronoun: _____________________::Possessive Pronoun: your, her, his
7. _____________________:possessions:: __________________: reciprocated actions or feelings

IV. MATCHING TYPE (VOCABULARIES). Match the words from Column A with their meanings from column B.
Write the letter on the space provided.

___________1. Perilous a. to cause someone become sleepy
___________2. Hurled b. very ugly or disgusting
___________3. Riotous c. very serious
___________4. Writhing d. very angry
___________5. Apt e. feeling or showing anger because of something unjust
___________6. Sternly f.skill /cleverness that allows someone to solve problems
___________7. Perish die or be killed
___________8. Lament h. a group of people behaving in a violent way
___________9. Ingenuity i. made to feel embarrassed
___________10. Infamous j. causing horror or fear
___________11. Furiously k. well-known for being bad
___________12.venomous l. quick to learn
__________13. Thrust m. feeling or showing a lot of fear or worry
__________14. Grisly n. dangerous
___________15. Frantic o. to make someone less angry
___________16. Abashed p. containing venom
___________17.indignant q. to twist your body from side to side
___________18. Hideous r. to throw something with force
___________19.lulled s. to push someone or something with force
___________20. Appease t. to express sorrow or regret about something

V. CLOZE TEST (Bullying) . Give what is asked.

_______________(1) refers to any severe, or repeated use by one or more students of a written,
_______________(2), or electronic expression, or a physical at directed at another student that has cause
damage. ___________________(3) is the one who commits bullying and ________________(4) is the one
who experiences the bullying. Physical bullying involves ________________(5), _________________(6),
____________________(7) and the use of weapons. ____________________(8) is another form of bullying
that involves the use of technology and social media. ________________(9) is a type of bullying intended to
hurt others by individual or a group. _______________________(10) is an act of bullying that involves sexual

“Happiness is a choice so as CHEATING. Pick your choice” -Yohen

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