Sentence Transformation
Sentence Transformation
Sentence Transformation
1) Mark couldn't lift the suitcase, he was too weak.
As you can see, ‘facebook’ is a pretty versatile word, and you could say the same about
‘myspace’, which you will find being used in much the same way all over the Net. LinkedIn
(being a more adult, professional community) has not been used in the same way. While
you’re ‘facebooking’ or ‘myspacing’ you may also find yourself ‘commenting’ (writing a
comment on someone’s Facebook or MySpace page), as in this example: ‘I commented Mary
that she should come to the pub on Saturday and she commented me that she couldn’t
because she was going away for the weekend’.
1. People who use Myspace are generally not as old as people who use Facebook. T/F
3. Sites like these have given new words such as adverbs and adjectives to the language. T/F
5. All three of the sites mentioned have provided some new words. T/F
6. In this Internet context, ‘to comment’ means to leave a message for someone on their
site. T/F
8. The new terms have been in use for ten years. T/F
10. You need someone’s authorisation to add their name to your facebook page. T/F
5. Facebook: 1) T 2) T 3) F 4) F 5) F 6) T 7) T 8) F 9) T 10) T.