Smart Leaf Infection Identification and Fertilizer
Smart Leaf Infection Identification and Fertilizer
Smart Leaf Infection Identification and Fertilizer
Abstract: In this paper an automated system has been proposed system is to detect plant diseases using IoT.
developed to determine whether the plant is normal or Hence, in the proposed work we have considered detection
diseased. The normal growth of the plants, yield and of plant disease present on leaves. The discrimination of
quality of agricultural products is seriously affected by normal and affected plant leaf can be measured based on
plant disease. This paper attempts to develop an variation in temperature, humidity and colour. Image
automated system that detects the presence of disease in processing module (called as IP-module) with robotic setup
the plants. An automated disease detection system is will move over the land. First the camera is enabled then its
developed using sensors like temperature, humidity and start to capturing the plant leafs. Then these images are
colour based on variation in plant leaf health condition. processed in order to Pre-processing, Feature Extraction,
Here, IOT comes into picture to supply semi-automated
Segmentation and Classification. The ip-modules details
or fully-automated frameworks to supply superior
further forward through internet to end-users for analysis if
comes about.
any. After completing the identification process, a spray
Keywords: Internet of Things (IoT), Image fertilizer module will spray & alert the end-user if disease
Processing, Disease Diagnosis, Arduino, Robotic Setup identified otherwise it moves to another plants.
978-1-5386-9533-3/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE
2019 5th International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Systems (ICACCS 2019)
2019 5th International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Systems (ICACCS 2019)
programming. It consists of power jack, reset button, flash be identified at the severe stages only. The main objective of
memory of 32 kb, SRAM and EEPROM, clock speed the paper is to automatically detect and cure the plant
(16MHz) and it operates on 7 to 12 V. disease by providing medicine through IoT. In agricultural
field, the plant disease plays a vital role to cause loss
economically. The plant disease is identified by image
processing using the concept of histogram of gradients. The
histogram of gradients concept is used to zoom the image
and identified the affected part with more accuracy. Then
the severity of the disease is identified by comparing value
with the trained dataset and provides medicine accordingly.
In this proposed system the detection and curing of plant
disease will be done automatically. The medicine will be
providing through the ARDUINO microcontroller. The
microcontroller is serially connected with the system. The
proposed system will reduce the manual work and used to
increase the yield by identifying the disease in earlier stage.
Hence saving the loss and helps in agricultural field
Fig: Arduino
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