Dfat Org Chart Executive

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Frances Adamson

Organisational Structure Executive Branch

Strategic Policy, Contestability and Futures Branch
(PLB) Internal Audit Branch
(EXB) Assistant Secretary – Keith Scott – Strategic Policy
December 2019 Assistant Secretary – Suzanne McCourt / Angela Robinson Assistant Secretary – Nigel Stanier – Contestability, Futures and Chief Auditor – Rachel Harris

Global Cooperation, Trade, Investment and International Security,

Development Business Office of the Pacific Indo-Pacific Group Humanitarian Services Delivery Group
and Partnerships Group Engagement Group (OTP) (IPG) and Consular Group (SDG)
(GPG) (TBG) Head Deputy Secretary (ISG) Deputy Secretary
Deputy Secretary Deputy Secretary Ewen McDonald Richard Maude Deputy Secretary Penny Williams
Clare Walsh Christopher Langman Tony Sheehan

Trade, Information
Soft Power, Investment and Consular Humanitarian, Middle East
Human Economic Office Regional Europe US & Management & Contracting
Communications Business Pacific Pacific Southeast North South and International & NGOs Legal & Australian Overseas
Development Growth and Multilateral Office of the of Trade and Pacific Indo-Pacific People Division Technology & Aid
and Engagement Strategy Operations and Asia Asia West Asia Security Crisis & Division Africa Passport Office Property Office &
and Governance Sustainability Policy Division Chief Economist Trade Agreements Latin America Bilateral Strategy (PPD) Division Management
Scholarships Division (PSD) Development Division Division Division Division Management Partnerships (LGD) Division (APO) Services
Division Division (MPD) (OCE) Negotiations Division Division (PBD) Division Chief People (IMD) Division
Division (TID) Deputy Head (POD) (SED) (NAD) (SWD) (ISD) Division Division FAS / Chief Legal (MAD) Executive Director (OPO)
(HGD) (ESD) FAS Chief Economist (OTN) (RTD) (ELD) FAS (AMD) Officer Chief (ACD)
(SCD) FAS & FAS FAS FAS FAS FAS FAS (CCD) (HPD) Officer FAS FAS Executive Director
FAS FAS Justin Lee Jenny Gordon FAS FAS FAS James Gilling FAS Daniel Sloper Information FAS
FAS Ambassador for Kathy Klugman Danielle Heinecke Julie Heckscher Elly Lawson Rod Brazier Amanda Gorely FAS FAS James Larsen Angela Bridget Brill Kevin Nixon
Elizabeth Peak Jamie Isbister George Mina James Baxter Cathy Raper A/g Lauren Bain Officer Beth Delaney
John Geering APEC Andrew Todd A/g Steve Scott Macdonald
Tim Spackman
Simon Newnham

Development Pacific
Chief Europe Trade, New Zealand, Arms Control Humanitarian ICT Strategic Passport Policy,
Policy, Sustainability Soft Power, Trade and Investment Chief Partnerships & Southeast Asia India & Indian Consular International Overseas Project
Multilateral Negotiator United Kingdom Pacific Strategic Polynesia and East Asia US & Canada & Counter Response, Risk Middle East Planning & Integrity and Aid Business
Governance and and Climate Partnerships and Investment Branch Negotiator Human Maritime Ocean Operations Law Operations & Management
Order EU FTA and Ireland Branch Micronesia Branch Branch Proliferation & Recovery Branch Governance Technology Branch
Conflict Change Research Economics (IVB) Elizabeth Ward Development Branch Branch Branch Branch Services Branch Branch
Branch Alison Burrows Branch (SEB) Branch (EAB) (USB) Branch Branch (MEB) Branch Branch (ABB)
Prevention Branch Branch Branch AS Branch (SMB) (IBB) (CNB) (ILB) (OVB) (PPB)
Branch (CCB) (WPB) (TRB) A/g Meg Reid (PHB) AS AS AS AS AS AS
AS AS John Williams AS Michael Sadleir Peter Heyward AS AS Ralph King AS AS Darren Sharp
(DGB) AS AS AS AS David Nethery James Wiblin Mat Kimberley Ben Milton Sarah Sullivan Greg Hammond
Adam McCarthy Dougal McInnes Fleur Davies Jeff Robinson Paul Kelly Magda Gibbons A/g Troy Kaizik
AS Julia Feeney Damien Miller Alan Copeland Charlotte Blundell
EU FTA Branch FTA Goods
Cate Rogers (EFB) Branch
Competitiveness Aid Risk
Deputy Chief (FGB) Latin America Pacific ASEAN and Pakistan, Crisis Humanitarian &
and Business Pacific National Security Transnational Business Passport Client Strategy & Management &
Human Communications Negotiator AS and Eastern Operations & Melanesia Indonesia North East Asia Regional Afghanistan & Preparedness Refugee Policy Africa
Agriculture, Banks and Engagement Infrastructure & Intelligence and Sea Law Staffing Branch Capability Services Property Fraud Control
Global Health Rights Policy and Jan Hutton A/g Brendan Europe Branch Performance Branch Branch Branch Architecture Central Asia & Management Branch Branch
Infrastructure Development Branch Branch Branch Branch (SFB) Branch Branch Services Branch Branch
Policy and Social Parliamentary Peace (ELB) Branch (MLB) (INB) (NEB) Branch Branch Branch (HUB) (AFB)
and Water Economics (CEB) (IFB) (SIB) (TSB) AS (BCB) (PCB) (SPB) (FRB)
Branch Inclusion Branch AS (POB) AS AS AS (ARB) (PAB) (CPB) AS AS
Branch Branch AS AS AS AS Rachel Moseley AS AS AS AS
(HPB) Branch (CMB) Steven AS Jeff Roach Tom Connor Nancy Gordon AS AS AS A/g Rachael Andrew Collins
(IWB) (BDB) Agriculture and Julianne Merriman A/g Cherie Russell Robert McKinnon Justin Whyatt Watson Blaikie Michael Lynch Bina Chandra Juliette
AS (HRB) AS Special Adviser Barraclough Anita Dwyer Lauren Bain Ian Biggs Fiona Webster Moore
AS AS Food Trade Brassington
Kate Wallace AS A/g Teena Simon Twisk
Hannah Birdsey John Larkin Branch
Ruth Stone Browning (AGB) Pacific Security, Indo-Pacific
Multilateral Pacific Labour Southeast Asia Aid
AS EU Political and Maritime and Papua New China Economic Strategy and South Asia NGOs and People, Cyber Security Portfolio
Economic Mobility and Mainland Corporate Law Management &
A/g Tiffany Strategy Climate Change Guinea and Engagement Regional Branch Volunteers Performance & & ICT Risk Management
Education, Gender Branch FTA Services Economic Branch Branch Performance
Private Sector Scholarships McDonald Branch Branch Branch Branch Maritime (SAB) Branch Support Branch Branch Branch
Social Protection Equality (AMB) Branch Growth Branch (SBB) Ambassador (LLB) Branch
Finance and and Alumni (ESB) (SUB) (PNB) (CHB) Branch AS (NVB) (WSB) (CRB) (PFB)
and Human Branch AS (RSB) (LMB) AS for People AS (MPB)
Partnerships Branch AS AS AS AS (IMB) Paul AS AS AS AS
Development (GEB) Edwina Stevens AS AS Lynda Smuggling & Guy O’Brien AS
Branch (SCB) Lucienne Manton Belinda Bassim Blazey Alice Cawte AS Wojciechowski Cheryl Johnson Stacey Nation Chantelle Taylor Michael Hassett
Finance Branch AS Services, Jeremy Green A/g Rachel Jolly Worthaisong Human Mark Tattersall
(PXB) AS McNamara Will Nankervis
(EHB) A/g Priya Powell/ Investment and Trafficking
AS A/g Michael Intellectual
AS Annemarie (Amb PST)
Octavia Borthwick Bergmann Property Branch Southeast Asia Infrastructure
Sarah Goulding Reerink Bryce Hutchesson
(SSB) FTA Investment Regional Services
AS and Digital Engagement Branch
Jonathan Kenna Branch Branch (ISB)
(REB) People Australian Diplomatic AS Protocol
Centre for AS Smuggling & Safeguards & Academy Darren Branch
Health Security Sophia McIntyre Human Non-Proliferation (DAC) Beauchamp (PRB)
(CHS) Dubai Multilateral Trafficking Office Executive Director Chief of Protocol
Amb Regional Expo 2020 Trade Policy Taskforce (ASNO) Paula Ganly Kate Logan
Health Security Task Force Branch (PSTF) Director General
(DETF) (MTB) AS Robert Floyd
AS FTA Policy and
AS Patrick Lawless
Justin McGowan Implementation
Amy Guihot Branch
Head of Centre (FPB)
Robin Davies AS AS
A/g Shannon John Kalish Finance Division
Trade and White (FND)
Investment Law Chief Finance
Branch Ambassador Officer
(TLB) Trade and for Murali Venugopal
AS Investment Cyber Affairs
Office of Elisabeth Bowes Advocacy (Amb CYA)
Development Branch Tobias Feakin
Effectiveness (TAB) Financial
(ODE) AS Management
AS Goods and A/g Michael Dean Branch
Robert Christie Market Access (FMB)
Branch AS
(GMB) Cyber Affairs David Lawrence
AS Branch
Andrew Martin (CYB)
Cameron Archer Finance &
innovation Strategy
Xchange Disputes Task
Force Branch
(iXc) (FSB)
Chief Innovation (DSTF)
Officer & Chief A/g Angelyn
Scientist Ravi Kewalram
Sarah Pearson Ambassador
State & Territory Offices for
Directors Counter-
AS Adelaide Elizabeth Day (Amb CT) Budget Branch
Lisa Wright Brisbane Derek Brown Paul Foley (BGB)
Darwin Cecilia Brennan AS
Hobart Tim Ault Leanne Blackley
Melbourne Andrew Cumpston
Perth Kate Longhurst Counter-
Sydney Trudy Witbreuk Terrorism
Benjamin Hayes Diplomatic Security
Security Division Enhancements
(DSD) Program
Chief Security (SEP)
Officer AS
Luke Williams Catherine Dobbin

Security Policy
Minoli Perera

Security Branch
Mauro Kolobaric
First Assistant Secretary (FAS)
Assistant Secretary (AS)

* Office of the Pacific is also responsible for

enhancing whole of Government
coordination in the Pacific

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