Insurance Qualifications Framework
Insurance Qualifications Framework
Insurance Qualifications Framework
They are grouped according to their difficulty, from level 2 through to level 7.
Unit framework Depending on the qualification you want to achieve, you’ll need to study a number of
these units. Some of our qualifications require just one unit while others require several.
Study and assessment key
Non RQF RQF level: 2 RQF level: 3 RQF level: 4 RQF level: 6 RQF level: 7
CII credit level: CII credit level: CII credit level: CII credit level: CII credit level: Assessment methods vary depending
on the unit’s level and subject matter.
Award Certificate Diploma Advanced Diploma Advanced Diploma
Each unit within the framework has
been assigned an icon, to identify
the assessment method from the
options below.
The following units (FIT) Foundation (IF1) Insurance, legal (I11) Introduction to (M05) Insurance law (M94) Motor insurance (530) Economics (993) Advances
are not registered Insurance Test and regulatory risk management 25 credits 25 credits and business in strategic risk
as part of the UK’s 6 credits 15 credits 15 credits 120 study hours 100 study hours 30 credits management in
Regulated Qualifications 40 study hours 60 study hours 60 study hours 150 study hours insurance
Framework (RQF).
(M96) Liability 50 credits Multiple choice question (MCQ) exam
(M21) Commercial
(PL1) Introduction to (IF2) General insurance (LM1) London market insurance contract wording insurances (820) Advanced claims 180 study hours Study is based on a specified enrolment period,
(W01) Award in Motor Insurance9 business insurance essentials 25 credits from 01 January–31 December for UK exams, and
General Insurance1, 3 20 credits 30 credits
0 credits 100 study hours 01 May–30 April for non-UK exams. MCQ exams
15 credits 10 credits 100 study hours 150 study hours
15 credits 20 study hours are available weekly at UK and selected
50 study hours 60 study hours 40 study hours international online exam centres, or twice-yearly
(M66) Delegated authority (M97) Reinsurance (930) Advanced
(PL2) Introduction to in April and October at international paper-based
(IF3) Insurance (LM2) London market 25 credits 30 credits insurance broking exam centres. Head to your unit webpage to see
(WH1) Award in Travel Insurance9 120 study hours
General Insurance underwriting process5 insurance principles 100 study hours 30 credits (991) London market if remote invigilation is available for your exam.
0 credits and practices insurance specialisation
(Hong Kong)2 15 credits 150 study hours
20 study hours 15 credits (M98) Marine hull and 50 credits
15 credits 60 study hours (M67) Fundamentals
50 study hours 60 study hours of risk management associated liabilities 180 study hours
(PL3) Introduction to (945) Marketing
(IF4) Insurance claims 25 credits 30 credits insurance products
Home Insurance9 100 study hours Written exam
(W04) Award in handling process6 (LM3) London 100 study hours and services (994) Insurance
0 credits market underwriting market specialisation Study is based on a 12 month enrolment period
Customer Service 15 credits 30 credits
20 study hours principles 50 credits from the date of purchase. Written exams are
in Insurance1 60 study hours (M80) Underwriting 150 study hours
15 credits held twice-yearly in April and October at UK
15 credits practice 180 study hours
(PL4) Introduction to 60 study hours and international exam centres.
50 study hours (IF5) Motor insurance 20 credits (960) Advanced
Pet Insurance9
products 80 study hours underwriting
0 credits (P61) Life, critical
20 study hours 15 credits 30 credits
60 study hours illness and disability 150 study hours
(M81) Insurance underwriting7
broking practice Mixed assessment
30 credits Study is based on an 18 month enrolment period
(IF6) Household 20 credits (990) Insurance
insurance products 80 study hours corporate management from the date of purchase. Candidates must pass
80 study hours
15 credits 30 credits a coursework assignment within the first 6
(P62) Life, critical months and a MCQ exam within 18 months.
60 study hours (M85) Claims practice 150 study hours
illness and disability
20 credits claims7
(IF7) Healthcare 80 study hours 30 credits (992) Risk
insurance products8 management
120 study hours in insurance Coursework assignments
15 credits (M86) Personal insurances
60 study hours 30 credits Study is based on a 12 month enrolment period
20 credits (P63) Long term
Notes 150 study hours from the date of purchase. Candidates must pass
80 study hours insurance business7
(IF8) Packaged three written assignments, each typically
1. Available to non-UK candidates only 25 credits 2,000-3,000 words.
commercial insurances (995) Strategic
(M90) Cargo and goods 100 study hours underwriting
2. Available to candidates in Hong Kong only 15 credits
in transit insurances 30 credits
60 study hours
3. Unit W01 is also available in Arabic, 25 credits (P64) Private medical 150 study hours
(W02) Award in general insurance; and 100 study hours insurance practice7
in simplified Chinese, (WM1) Award in (IF9) Customer service 25 credits
general insurance in insurance (996) Strategic Study is based on an 18 month enrolment period
(M91) Aviation and space 100 study hours claims management
15 credits from the date of purchase. Candidates must
insurance 30 credits
4. Unit 590 is also available in Arabic, (595) 60 study hours submit a dissertation, typically 10,000-11,000
Principles of Takaful 30 credits 150 study hours words, on an agreed subject.
120 study hours
5. Also available for non-UK candidates (WUE); (I10) Insurance broking
fundamentals (997) Advanced risk
and in Arabic (WUA) (M92) Insurance
15 credits financing and transfer
business and finance 30 credits
6. Also available for non-UK candidates (WCE); 60 study hours
and in Arabic (WCA) 25 credits, 150 study hours
100 study hours
7. Unit soon to be withdrawn. Final exam
session will be April 2020 (M93) Commercial
property & business
8. Also available to candidates in India; (IN7) interruption insurances (590) Principles
of Takaful4
9. Available January 2020 25 credits
30 credits
100 study hours
120 study hours