Witte de With
Witte de With
Witte de With
A few weeks ago on a Wednesday, we went to the Witte the With centre for contemporary art. I
can’t remember the exact date. There was an exhibition of Cosima von Bonin in here. Before I went
to the Witte the With, I never heard of her name or her art. She was totally unknown for me. Now I
know some things, but a lot of things I just can’t figure out. One thing that I can’t figure out is her art,
what is the meaning? Why does she make this kind of art? Who is she?
I will try to answer this questions in this report, I can’t say that I know all of the answers but I can tell
what I think of it.
There were a few objects that I saw more than once in her exhibition.
One thing was a silver/grey lobster. There was for example a lobster on the wall and on her art
pieces. There was a tree house with a stuffed bunny on it, the bunny listed to music. When I listened
to the music I thought it was relaxing, but it reminded me of stoned people. A few meters away of
the tree house there was a little stairs. You’d to walk on this and look on the roof from the tree
house. What did you see? Yes, again, a lobster. What is the meaning of a lobster on a roof? I don’t
know, but it was a thing that you could find a few times in de exhibition.
Another thing that I saw a few times was the word PRIVATO. I saw it on the wall and on a few of her
art pieces. I don’t know what private is, so I can’t tell a lot about it.
If you look close you can also see on this two art pieces a lobster. At the right picture you can see one
on the roof and the left one just in the middle of the art piece.
A few of her art pieces.
I will tell something about a few of the art pieces that I saw in there. I will give my opinion.
Remember it’s only MY opinion and from no one else.
My opinion.
I guess it was interesting to see this kind of art for one time. But I will not go to it again. It was fun,
but boring. I think this art wasn’t that hard to make, maybe she didn’t even make it herself. Some
things looked like they were not finished to me. It was too much color in such a boring grey room.
The space was too big for one object and that makes the art look like it’s small and not interesting to
watch. The idea’s from the art were good. Like the one from the animals that were thrown out of
drama school. The theme of the whole exhibition was original. Laziness isn’t a theme that you see
every day. All with all it was original but in my eyes not interesting enough.