FRP Product PDF
FRP Product PDF
FRP Product PDF
Type Carbon Fibre Sheet Glass Fibre Sheet Carbon Fibre Laminate
Fibre Direction Uni-directional Uni-directional & Bi-directional Uni-directional
Columns Confinement • ••
Flexure • • •°
Axial Load • •• •°
Ductility ••
Durability ••
Beams Flexure • • ••
Shear ••
Walls Flexure •• •
Shear •• •
Slabs Flexure • •
Durability Enhancement • ••
Facade Restoration •°
• Suitable •• Preferred •° Special Application
FRP Strengthening Systems
Strengthening Applications
Axial load enhancement (without increase in vertical stiffness), confinement, increased
ductility and if required, increased flexural strength are all advantages offered by FRP.
Treatment of deficient lap splices in some cases can be accommodated.
Beam applications address flexural and shear deficiencies required for structural
upgrading or seismic strengthening.
Applied to concrete and masonry walls to provide additional resistance to both in-
plane and out-of-plane forces. Applications include concrete and masonry walls,
web elements of concrete box structures, abutment walls and shear walls.
Additional flexural capacity and deflection control. This may be required due to a
change of use, introduction of an opening or repair of some structural deficiency.
Durability Enhancement
The durability of some concrete elements can sometimes be enhanced by
containment with an FRP wrap. Depending on the application, FRP can enhance
structural capacity and protect the element from further degradation.
Facade Restoration
FRP can be utilised in this special application to contain unsound facade material
such as cementitious plaster, masonry, ceramic tiles or concrete panels. The
solution is typically non-disruptive, quick to apply and easily disguised with
some form of coating. Each situation is subject to specific design.
Carbon Laminate
A factory produced, pull-truded strip of compressed resin bound
carbon fibres. Carbon fibres are straight and held in tension during
the manufacturing process. Carbon fibre laminate is bonded onto
the structural element with an an epoxy adhesive paste.
Laminate has a high modulus of elasticity and very high strength
to weight ratio.
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