Test Prep Flyer

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ACT/SAT Test Prep Every standardized test is a

speed-reading test!
Workshops It’s a little known fact that can help you
immensely whenever you take a standardized
Offered in partnership with test—ACT, SAT, or even a driver’s license
exam. Every standardized test is really a
Motivating Tomorrow’s Minds speed-reading test. Standardized tests don’t ACT/SAT Test Prep
measure what you know as much as they
measure how well you can apply logic and Workshops
reason to different topics. When you can
read the questions and test material more
quickly, you get more time to think through
the right answers. A standardized test
measures how much time you give yourself to
think, and if you can speed read, you get more
• Course Duration: 8 weeks time for thinking!
• Instruction Hours: 26 Learn why Literacy Academy
• Cost: $ 699 methods are so much more
• Materials: Included*
effective than conventional High School and
* Each student receives
teaching. Learn... College Students
a current edition of: • How to unlearn the habits of slow
The Reader’s Edge (inefficient) readers and learn the habits Learn advanced reading
and skills of rapid readers! Reading will
speed reading software
become a pleasure—not a chore! You’ll skills that will help you
($149.95 value) and the read better and faster with improved achieve higher scores.
newly released Speed comprehension, retention and recall.
Reading for Dummies When you read
• “Read to Learn” skills. Reading
book by Richard Sutz
($16.95 value).
education in America stops at the 4th fluently, silently, efficiently
grade and students have been taught only
and effectively…
learn to read skills. Just because students
have learned to read doesn’t mean that they • You will have a better chance at getting a
THE LITERACY ACADEMY know how to Read to Learn. higher test score because you can read
is a division of The Literacy Company, Inc. faster and study more.
Jackie Olson, EdD, President • How to master the efficient reading
13901 N. 73rd Street, Suite 214 skills that are required in an information- • You will have more time to read and
Scottsdale, AZ 85260 based society where individuals understand the questions and more time
For enrollment information: ultimately are judged on their ability to to find the correct answers.
480-998-4889/3502 — Fax: 480-998-4470 read. Efficient readers have mastered Read
[email protected] to Learn skills. www.fluentreading.com/workshops
We teach what you were never taught in school…
Speed Reading is Simply Efficient Reading

Important News About You Will Prepare for

Standardized Tests... Your Tests Through a Consider Some Facts
Review of… About Reading...
• The primary issue with standardized
• 30% of 1st year students in college are
tests (ACT, SAT, etc.) is not a lack of • Reading: Four types of reading are
required to take remedial courses.
knowledge of the basic subject matter. covered in this segment—social studies,
It’s that all standardized tests are natural science, prose fiction, and • 40-45% of recent high school
basically Reading Tests as much as they humanities. graduates reported significant gaps in
their skills, both in college and the
are content tests. • English: The six elements of effective
writing are covered in this segment—
• The major problem is not the challenge of punctuation, grammar, sentence struc- • We’re all in “information overload”.
content knowledge, but the lack of time ture, strategy, organization, and style. (Source: American Diploma Project, 2005)
for the test-taker to efficiently read the • Mathematics: Five content areas are Answer Two Questions...
material and answer the questions. included in this section—pre-algebra,
• Would you like to read better and
elementary algebra, intermediate algebra,
• Ask yourself, would you have a better faster with improved comprehen-
plane geometry, and trigonometry. This
chance at getting a higher score if you sion, retention and recall?
review allows you to use reasoning skills
could read better and faster? Of course! - Of course you would!
to solve practical problems.
Your newly learned reading skills will • Would you like to learn (and daily
• Science Reasoning: The review
help you get a higher score. Why? You’ll use) more efficient Study Skills?
concentrates on the interpretation,
have more time to read the materials and analysis, evaluation, reasoning, and - Of course you would!
more time to find the answers to the problem-solving skills required in the Apply the Facts of Life For
questions. natural sciences.
Today’s World...
• In our information-based society all
individuals are ultimately judged on
Cambridge TestPrep Plus their ability to read effectively.
The Literacy Academy, in association with the Cambridge Educational Services, offers test • Becoming a lifelong learner is today’s
preparation courses for the ACT and SAT. Cambridge’s TestPrep Plus offers everything you need requirement for the information age.
to excel on an exam. Course fee includes the textbook and all materials. You will use
• There is no alternative to becoming a
simulated materials and past exams to learn the different types of questions and test strategies
better reader and a lifelong learner!
needed for correct responses. Skills covered include test-taking techniques, logical reasoning None at all!
exercises, reading comprehension, and the “how-to’s” of guessing and timesaving techniques.

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