A Comparison Between The Wingate Anaerobic Power T
A Comparison Between The Wingate Anaerobic Power T
A Comparison Between The Wingate Anaerobic Power T
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ABSTRACT nents (i.e., speed, agility, and vertical jump height) that
The purpose of this study was to compare 2 sport-specific are anaerobic in nature (5–7). These components must
field tests common in the training programs of basketball be performed repeatedly, with minimal reductions in
players to a laboratory measure of anaerobic power. Nine 17- performance for the duration of the contest. Presently,
year-old members of the Israel National Youth Basketball there is no particular test that has gained acceptance
Team participated in this investigation. Field tests included a as a standard measure of anaerobic power in basket-
countermovement jump (CMJ), a 15-second anaerobic jump ball players.
test (APJT), and a sprint test to assess anaerobic power (line The Wingate anaerobic test (WAnT) is a laboratory-
drill). The line drill was performed 3 times (T1, T2, and T3) based cycle ergometer test designed to measure peak
with a 2-minute passive rest between each sprint. In addition, power (PP), mean power (MP), and percent fatigue. It
all subjects performed a 30-second Wingate anaerobic power
is considered the most common test of anaerobic fit-
test (WAnT) to determine peak power (PP), mean power (MP),
and fatigue index (FIWAnT). Kendall tau (t) rank correlation ness (reviewed in [1]). However, questions concerning
analysis revealed moderate positive rank correlations between muscle and activity pattern specificity and accessibility
MP and both T1 and T2 (t 5 0.61 and 0.54, respectively). No of the Wingate test to basketball players have most
significant rank correlations were observed between PP and likely impeded the widespread acceptance and use of
the line drill. Significant (p # 0.05) positive rank correlations this test for most basketball teams. A vertical jump
were noted between CMJ and both PP and MP (t 5 0.59 and power test may be a more specific test for basketball
0.76, respectively). However, only a poor relationship (p . and the ability to perform this test on the court may
0.05) was observed between APJT and both PP and MP (t 5 make it more appropriate or appealing than the WAnT
0.20 and 0.28, respectively). These results suggest that the line for a basketball player. However, technical aspects (re-
drill and jump tests may be acceptable field measures of an- quirements of a force platform) and administrative
aerobic power specific for basketball players.
concerns (only a single subject can be tested at any
Key Words: Wingate test, vertical jump, elite athletes, time) may also preclude this test from being widely
field test, conditioning adopted. The line drill is a field test that has been pro-
posed as a measure of anaerobic capacity in athletes
Reference Data: Hoffman, J.R., S. Epstein, M. Einbin- (11). It has an advantage for testing basketball players:
der, and Y. Weinstein. A comparison between the Win- the test is also a commonly used basketball condition-
gate anaerobic power test and both vertical jump and ing drill and can be used to test several athletes si-
line drill tests in basketball players. J. Strength Cond. multaneously. Thus, the purpose of this study was to
Res. 14(3):261–264. 2000. compare 2 sport-specific field tests common to the
training programs of basketball players to a laboratory
measure of anaerobic power.
I t is well acknowledged among sport scientists and
coaches that fitness and performance testing of ath-
letes is an important component in the design of train-
Subjects and Experimental Design
Nine members of the Israel National Youth basketball
ing programs and in the analysis of the athlete’s prog- team volunteered for this investigation. The subjects
ress in such programs. In basketball, successful per- had the following characteristics (mean 6 SD): age,
formance is dependent upon several fitness compo- 17.0 6 0.0 years; weight, 85.1 6 6.0 kg; height, 191.7
262 Hoffman, Epstein, Einbinder, and Weinstein
6 5.7 cm, body fat (%), 11.9 6 3.1%; and V̇O2max; 50.7 subject performed 3 jumps. The highest CMJ height
6 4.0 ml·kg21·min21). The subjects were examined dur- achieved was recorded. An anaerobic power jump test
ing the first 3 days of national team practice, which (APJT) was also measured by using a 15-second ver-
occurred 1 week following the conclusion of their reg- tical jump test on the Ergojump (4). Anaerobic power
ular basketball season. It was therefore assumed that was calculated from the sum of the flight time and the
all subjects were in good basketball condition. All test- number of jumps executed during the exercise time
ing was performed at the Wingate Institute. period (4).
The line drill is a field test common to basketball
Testing players, and is a highly intense bout of exercise that
Both laboratory (WAnT) and field measures (vertical has been suggested to be a measure of the anaerobic
jump test and the line drill) were used to assess an- capacity of the individual (11). It consists of a contin-
aerobic power. The WAnT was performed on a com- uous 143.4-m sprint with several changes of direction.
puterized (LabView, National Instruments, Austin, TX) The line drill was performed on a regulation-size bas-
cycle-ergometer (Fleish Metabo Ergostat Universal, ketball court. Specifically, the subject began from a
Lausanne, Switzerland). The seat was adjusted to a standing position at the baseline and ran at maximal
predetermined height to allow for complete knee ex- speed to 4 separate cones placed at the near free-throw
tension with the ankle flexed at 908. Toe clips were line (5.8 m), half-court line (14.3 m), far free-throw line
used and the subject was required to remain seated (22.9 m), and far baseline (28.7 m). As the subject ar-
for the duration of the test. rived at each cone, he sprinted back to the original
The subjects warmed up for 5 minutes at a pedal- baseline and proceeded as quickly as possible to the
ing rate of 60–70 rpm against a resistance equal to 20% next line. The line drill was performed 3 times (T1, T2,
of that calculated for the subsequent WAnT. Two un- and T3) with a 2-minute passive recovery between
loaded 5-second sprints were performed at the end of each sprint. A fatigue index (FILD) was developed by
the third and fifth minutes of the warm-up period. The dividing the slowest recorded time of the 3 sprints by
maximal pedaling rate (RPMmax) attained during the the fastest recorded time of the 3 sprints.
sprints was recorded. Following a 1-minute rest, the
subjects performed the WAnT against a resistance of Statistical Analysis
0.052 kg·kg·body mass21 (5.13 J·pedal revolution21·kg The subject’s performance results were converted to a
body mass21). The subjects were instructed to pedal as rank score. Kendall’s tau correlation analysis was used
fast as possible from the onset of the test. The resis- to examine selected bivariate correlations. The tau is a
tance was applied when 75% of the previously record- form of rank correlation that is considered appropriate
ed RPMmax was attained, as determined by the com- for rank distributions with samples under 10 (2). The
puter. The subjects were verbally encouraged to main- significance level was set at p # 0.05 in all the analyses.
tain as high a pedaling rate as possible throughout the
30-second test duration. Pedal revolutions were mon- Results
itored at a resolution of 0.025 revolutions and recorded
at 1-second intervals. Subjects’ PP (determined as the Individual subject performance results are presented
highest value over a 5-second period of testing), MP Table 1. The subjects with the fastest sprint times in
(determined as the average power throughout the 30 the line drill (subjects 6, 7, and 9) also had the highest
seconds of testing), and a fatigue index (FIWAnT, the mean power outputs and highest vertical jump
lowest value over a 5-second period divided by the heights. In addition, the subjects with the slowest
highest value over a 5-second period) were calculated times in the line drill (subjects 1, 3, and 4) also ap-
for each test peared to have the poorest performance scores in
Vertical jump height was measured by a maximum mean power output and vertical jump height. Kendall
vertical jump with a countermovement (CMJ). During tau (t) rank correlation analysis exhibited moderate to
the countermovement, subjects began in an erect high positive correlations (p , 0.05) between CMJ and
standing position and moved into a semisquat posi- both T1 (t 5 0.58) and T2 (t 5 0.78), and between
tion before jumping. All jumps were performed on the APJT and both T2 (t 5 0.61) and T3 (t 5 0.61). Simi-
Ergojump (Globus Inc., Treviso, Italy) (3). The subjects larly, moderate positive rank correlations were also ob-
stood on a rubber-coated contact platform (120 cm 3 served between MP and both T1 and T2 (t 5 0.61 and
80 cm) connected by a cable to a digital timer that 0.54, respectively). The correlations between PP and
recorded the flight time of all jumps. The timer was the line drill were not significant.
triggered by the release of the subject’s feet from the Significant, positive rank correlations were ob-
platform, and stopped at the moment of touchdown. served between CMJ and both PP and MP (t 5 0.59
The flight time was used to calculate the change in the and 0.76, respectively). However, only a poor relation-
height of the body’s center of gravity (4). Subjects’ ship (p . 0.05) was seen between APJT and both PP
hands remained on hips throughout all jumps. Each and MP (t 5 0.20 and 0.28, respectively). There was
Comparisons of Anaerobic Power Tests 263
* T1 5 time of sprint 1 of the line drill; T2 5 time of sprint 2 of the line drill; T3 5 time of sprint 3 of the line drill; FILD 5
fatigue index for the line drill; PP 5 peak power for the Wingate anaerobic power test; MP 5 mean power for the Wingate
anaerobic power test; FIWAnT 5 fatigue index for the Wingate anaerobic power test; CMJ 5 countermovement jump; APJT 5
anaerobic power jump test.
also a poor correlation between the rank differences of line drill is relatively low in comparison with other
the FIWAnT and FILD (t 5 0.22, p . 0.05). studies, it may be related to the shorter running dis-
tance of the line drill (143.4 m) compared with the
Discussion sprint distances of 200 m and longer reported in other
The results of this study indicate that the line drill may The moderate-to-high rank correlations (t 5 0.58–
be an appropriate field test for measuring anaerobic 0.78) observed in this investigation between both jump
fitness in basketball players. However, considering the tests (CMJ and APJT) and the line drill appear in
small sample size, interpretation of these results agreement with previous studies reporting moderate-
should be performed with caution. The use of the line to-high correlations between vertical jump height,
drill as a measure of anaerobic fitness in basketball jump power, and sprint time (10, 13). In addition,
players is quite attractive because of its widespread moderate-to-high rank correlations were also observed
use as a conditioning drill by basketball coaches. In between the CMJ and both PP and MP. However, per-
addition, it is conducive for testing several players si- formance in the APJT was not significantly related to
multaneously, making this drill both an efficient and WAnT performance. Although the WAnT and the
practical test. Surprisingly, there does not appear to be APJT measure lower-body anaerobic power, the lack
any previous study that examined the relationship of of any significant relationship in rank order of perfor-
performance in the line drill to other, more accepted mance may be explained by the differences in the
measures of anaerobic power (i.e., WAnT or a vertical mode of exercise. Differences in power produced with
jump test). the legs acting simultaneously or successively, or when
Previous studies have demonstrated strong, nega- upper-body musculature is active or passive, may have
tive correlations (r ranges from 20.67 to 20.91) be- a profound influence on power expression (12).
tween performance in the WAnT (reported as a rela- In this present study, no relationship was observed
tive value) and sprint speed (8, 9, 12). These studies between the fatigue indices of both the WAnT and the
suggested that the WAnT may be a good predictor of line drill. This finding may be primarily related to dif-
sprinting ability. However, the predictive ability of the ferences in the exercise protocol between these 2 tests.
WAnT may be related to the distance of the sprint. The WAnT protocol employed for this investigation
Sprint times for distances of 40 or 50 yards have been was a single, continuous 30-second bout of exercise,
reported to be highly correlated with PP, while longer while the line drill consisted of 3 sprints with a time
sprint distances (e.g., .200 yards) appear to be better similar to the time of the WAnT and separated by a 2-
correlated with MP. The significant rank correlation minute recovery period. Thus, the FIWAnT measured fa-
observed in this study between MP and peak sprint tigue occurring within a single bout of exercise, while
time for the line drill (t 5 0.61), and the lack of any the FILD measured the rate of recovery between sprints.
significant rank correlation between PP and the line The fatigue indexes for these 2 forms of exercise might
drill suggest that a similar pattern is also present here. have been more similar if a multibout, discontinuous
Although the rank correlation between MP and the WAnT protocol was used in this study.
264 Hoffman, Epstein, Einbinder, and Weinstein
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