The Jinx Issue 030
The Jinx Issue 030
The Jinx Issue 030
MARCH 1937
MAGIC — Age cannot wither, nor custom stale her infinite variety. — William Shakespeare
E ffect: Two spectators are chosen from the
audience, and one is handed a hatfull of num-
bered cardboard squares. The performer explains
M ethod: The cardboard numbers are without
preparation, and the spectator 'B1 draws
them freely from the hat or bowl. Some may pre-
that these are numbered from one to fifty-two, fer to use wooden counters numbered from 1 to
and they can be examined freely. The assistant 52, something like those used in the gane of
is told to mix these thoroughly, and the perform- Lotto. The deck used is a Bicycle League Back
er never touches them again. deck, at the center of which is a three-wing
design that makes a perfect reverse mark, not-
A pack of cards is handed the second spectator icable to one who knows from a distance of ten
for mixing as much as he may wish, and the per- to twenty feet. However, there are decks on the
former never touches the cards again. market now with picture backs that make excel-
lent reverse designs without being too obvious.
Spectator A, with the cards, stands on one
side of a table, and spectator B, with the num- Beforehand, the deck is set with all backs
bers in hat, or perhaps a bowl, stands on the pointed one way except for one card which the
opposite side. The performer now stands about performer knows. This is the predicted card.
ten feet in back of the table and writes a pre- The only necessary gimmick is one of the now
diction on a pad or bor- popular thumb writers
rowed business card.
Modern M a g i c Programs
lir. Opel works very easily (with 35 years of ex-
NO. ONE perience he should) and mixes plenty of humor
and gags as he works. Is partial to audience as-
sistance, and gets as much out of a trick as is
JOHN laULHOLLAND possible.
which he places on Ann's head for the exit.
(Cecil Lysle Hat Trick)
Pope returns now for a quick thimble routine,
\ EaRRY OPEL | ending with the usual production of eight.
Broadway 11, E. Church, Toledo, Ohio, October 28, 5 This number was a bit of cigarette manipulat-
1936. Time: 1 hour and 30 minutes. Reviewed by ion with one cigarette, ending with its pen-
Raymond M. Staples. etration through a handkerchief and subse-
quent vanish.
1 Torn and Restored Napkin
2 The Egg Bag 6 Producing a pack of cards, the torn corner
3 Chinese Linking Rings card effect was presented, with Its final ap-
4 Multiplication of Money (Coin tray) pearance being in the cigarette case.
5 The Miser's Dream
6 Cut and Restored String Pope works very neatly. The parasol and hat bit
7 A 10 minute routine of card effects with sister Ann is perfectly set to music, and
8 The Multiplying Billiard Balls should have been the closing number as it works
9 Finale of juggling and balancing tricks, with fast, is easy to follow, and winds up with a per-
balls, knives, a lamp, and Baton spinning. fect exit to a good hand.
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ffects for this Jinx Club Program number The Flash Ribbon Restoration as an opening
E eight in all, ana the act can toe carried in
a not so large suitcaae. I say "suitcase" even
serves as a novel surprise and allows of patter
to the effect that magicians generally cut and
though without the carrying of a frame for the restore things with many passes and knots. How-
Finale Trick, on which to display the clock ever, you have found a way of h/pnotising a rib-
face, only a small doctor's grip would be nec- bon and making it do the job for itself. The lev-
essary to transport the mysteries. However, the itatlon of the ribbon before and during the cut-
Finale Trcik gives a rather flashy and strong ting will start getting attention.
finish, and is perfectly practical as well as
being a not in use effect. The ribbon for the opening effect and the
second number is taxen from one of the spools
The entire act is suitable for clubs, lodges, of colored ribbon. Use the same ribbon for the
and homes where the audience is in front. It third number, in tying the balloon, as was used
runs approximately thirty minutes without speed- for the second effect.
ing, or tv/enty-five if one keeps moving.
In the pack of cards set for the 20th Century
In setting up, you'll need only a small table trick, have a short card, the duplicate of which
and a chair. The tested time on setting up is is in the balloon. Then you can follow the 20th
not more than twelve minutes, and it can be cut Century with the balloon trick using the same
to seven and eight if you have a list of tne ar- cards. Force the short card by riffling end of
ticles and where they go. You won't need such a deck and stopping (?) on command. The torn cor-
thing if you use the act and know it as well as ner from card in balloon is in your left side
you should. However, some will arrange the rou- coat pocket where deck is dropped after the sel-
tine and use it only occasionally. ection.
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