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Sections – Define circular shell

Command name: PCSC

Ribbon Tab: As-Built Modeler

With this command you can do a ring cut away on all visible points in a point cloud.
With this command you can edit, in particular scanned pipes and tanks as well as
towers, columns and other cylindrical objects. The circle, on which the ring should be
defined, can be defined using three points, centre point and radius as well as by
selecting an existing circle in the drawing. In the first two cases the ring is always
parallel to the view window, whereas in the last case the resulting cylindrical, ring
region is defined along the normal to the selected circle. The thickness of the ring can
be defined either by using the mouse or it can be entered by using the option
Command: PCSR
Keep points inside, outside or shell? [Inside/Outside/Shell] <Inside>: _Shell
(The option "Shell" is always selected when called from the menu)
Specify first point on circle or [Center point and radius/Select object] <Select object>:
(Pick point for selection)
Specify second point on circle: (Pick point for selection)
Specify third point on circle: (Pick point for selection)
Specify first radius of cylindrical shell or [Thickness] <Thickness>:
(Drag the inner diameter by using the mouse or
enter the thickness by choosing the option)
Specify other radius of cylindrical shell or [Finish] <Finish>:
(Drag the outer diameter by using the mouse)

Sections – Define clipping polygon

Command Name: PCSP
Ribbon Tab: As-Built Modeler

With this command you can display all visible points defined by a polygon based
prism (in perspective view: truncated pyramid). The direction of the prism or
truncated pyramid is determined by the viewing direction in the current view. You can
determine the polygon yourself by clicking points, or by using the option "Select
object" and selecting an already existing polygon in the drawing.
If you prefer you can use other section commands (slice or rectangular cut away) before this command.
The polygonal cut away can significantly reduce the display speed of the point cloud and especially those from ReCap data.

command: PCSP
Draw the clipping polygon (inside is visible) or [Select object] <Select object>:
(Pick the corners of the polygon or use the option to use an already existing polygon)

Sections – Exclude polygon

Command Name: PCSNP
Ribbon Tab: As-Built Modeler
With this command you can cut away all visible points defined by a polygon based
prism (in perspective view: truncated pyramid). The direction of the prism or
truncated pyramid is determined by the viewing direction in the current view. You can
determine the polygon yourself by clicking points, or by using the option "Select
object" and selecting an already existing polygon in the drawing.
If you prefer you can use other section commands (slice or rectangular cut away)
before this command. The polygonal cut away can significantly reduce the display
speed of the point cloud and especially those from ReCap data.
Command: PCSNP
Draw the clipping polygon (outside is visible) or [Select object] <Select object>:
(Pick the corners of the polygon or use the option to use an already existing polygon)

Sections – Previous section definition

Command Name: PCSO
Ribbon Tab: As-Built Modeler

This command works analogue to the AutoCAD command "Back". It refers only to
section definitions though. Other AutoCAD commands, which you have executed in
the meantime, will be ignored.

Sections – Section Manager [for old PTC point clouds]

Command Name: PCSECMAN
Ribbon Tab: As-Built Modeler

With this command you start the Section Manager.

In the Section Manager you can manipulate all the sections you have previously
created using several “Define sections” commands or Clash detection.
You can change a section’s color, edit its name or delete it, export sections using the
Export Wizard or merge sections.
All sections and their properties (visibility, color, and name) are persistent (i.e. they
are saved and loaded with the DWG) – with one exception: Temporary sections! You
can recognize temporary sections by the checked box in the second column. Those
sections are created by Clash Detection. For efficiency reasons they contain points
by reference. If you want to keep temporary sections you need to export them!

Show the section Copy Invert the Disjunction of AND relation

marker and start selected selected the partitions of the
AutoCAD’s 3D section. section. (OR). partitions.

Show selected
selected sections.
section by
scaling up
its marker.
Export the
Load section
from a
section file

Save selected Copies selected Creates legend for the

sections in a section sections into another selected colored
file point cloud in the sections. Useful tool
drawing for analysis.

Name of Is the Is the Point color Number of

the section section points.
section temporary? visible?

The entries can be sorted by clicking

on the column headers.

Description of features of the Section Manager

The sections list

If a section is selected, its marker (the bounding box) is displayed.
You can select more than one section using the SHIFT or CTRL keys and your
• Rename a section:
The last defined section is always named “current”. If a new section is defined
it will be overwritten. For that reason you should give each section a significant
name. By clicking on the name of a section you can edit its name. Exception:
The predefined section „All points“ cannot be renamed.
• Make a section visible:
By clicking on a check box in column „visible“, you can toggle the visibility of a

• Give a section an individual color:

By clicking on the color entry of a section, you can select an individual color
which will be applied to all points of that section. If you select “original”, every
point is drawn using its own color data.
Of course the selected color does not affect the physical point cloud data, it
just affects the appearance.
If sections overlap, the overlapping points are drawn using a merged color.

The buttons

• Show selected section enlarged

Press this button to scale up the section marker.
This is very useful especially when the sections are small, like those
eventually created by clash detection.

• Show selected section and 3D orbit

Press this button to start AutoCAD’s 3D orbit. The selected section is marked.
When you exit the 3D orbit, the section manager will be restarted.

• Create new sections – Copy:

Press this button to create copies of the selected sections.

• Create new section – Invert:

Press this button to create a new section which is the inverse of the selected
one, i.e. it contains all points which are not contained by the original section.
This button is activated only if one single section is selected.

Invert section

• Create new section – Merge (disjunction):

Press this button to merge sections into a single new section. That new
section contains points which are contained by at least one of the sections
This button is activated only if at least two sections are selected.

• Create new section – Merge (conjunction):

Press this button to merge sections into a single new section. That new
section contains only those points which are contained by all sections
This button is activated only if at least two sections are selected.

• Export section(s) as an ASCII file, PTC file or as AutoCAD points:

Press this button to export selected sections. For your convenience a wizard
guides you through the export process. Available export formats are ASCII file,
PTC file and AutoCAD points.

• Delete section(s):
Press this button to delete the selected section(s). If you delete a section by
mistake, cancel the Section Manager dialog to restore it.

• Load section definitions:

Press this button to load section definitions from a file (extension PCS) and
apply to active point cloud.

• Save section definitions:

Press this button to save selected sections in a section file (extension PCS).
No points are saved, only the geometric definition of sections. You may load
this section file later again to apply to other point cloud(s).

• Copy section definition:

Press this button to copy selected sections to another point cloud in the
current drawing.
Select a point cloud to copy the selected sections to.
Select point cloud: (Select destination point cloud.
Point cloud has not to be loaded.)

 Create legend:
Press this button to create a legend for the selected colored sections. This is
useful if you colored the point cloud sections thematically or for instance by
distances or elevation. You may then create an ortho image (Create ortho
image) and the legend and hand on the result to AutoCAD users who do not
have a FARO software or you may plot the plan with legend.
In the command line you are prompted for the insertion point of the legend and
you have an option for setting the text height. The legend will be filled with the
colors from the section manager and the section names as text. The resulting
elements can be edited with native AutoCAD tools. The legend will not be
updated automatically.

Export Wizard:
With the help of this wizard you can export the points of selected sections.
The point coordinates are exported in AutoCAD’s world coordinate system so that
currently or previously defined UCS’s do not affect the export.
You can write the points in one or more ASCII files. You can create one or more new
PTC files which can be loaded into the drawing. And you can export the points as
native AutoCAD points. In the latter case you should keep in mind that AutoCAD is
not able to manage millions of points. The limit is – dependent on your system
configuration – about 100,000 points.
Choose an export format:

Step 1: ASCII file

If you have selected more than one section to export, the following window will
appear next:

Write all points of all

sections in one single
ASCII file.

Write the points of

each section in an
individual ASCII file.

Step 2: Create a single ASCII file

Select the ASCII

file to write in.
A file selection
dialog appears.
Default filename
extension is “txt”
but any other is
also supported.

Step 2: Create an individual ASCII file for each section

Select the

Define how the

should be

Step 3: Define ASCII file format

Use the pull-down menu to
assign properties of the
points to different columns.

Define the

Define the column


Step 1: PTC file

If you have selected more than one section to export, the following dialog appears:

Write all points of all

sections in one single
point cloud (PTC file).

Write the points of

each section in an
individual point cloud
(PTC file).

Step 2: Create a single PTC file

Select the PTC file

to write in.
A file selection
dialog appears.

Step 2: Create an individual PTC file for each section

Select the
folder, where the
files should be

Define how the

should be

Step 3: Set parameters of the point cloud:

Enter the parameters

for the noise (n) and
the average point
distance (a). Use the
unit of the point cloud.
It will do to estimate
the values.

Parameters are saved in the PTC file. You always have the option to change them
using this command Point clouds – Set point cloud parameters….
The grip of the new PTC file is placed by default in the centre of the bounding box.
You may change this position using the command Point clouds – PTC format -
Set grip position.

Export AutoCAD points

Write all points
of all sections on
a single layer

…write the
points of each
section on an
individual layer.

Define how the

layer names
should be

The following table gives an overview, how the color property of the sections affects
the color of the created AutoCAD points and layers:

one layer several layers

Section has a color except Points  section’s color Points  color “by Layer”
from “original” (section’s
Layer  section’s color

Section has “original” color Points  original color Points  original color

Sections – Section Manager [for Autodesk/ReCap point clouds]

Command Name: PCSECMAN
Ribbon Tab: As-Built Modeler

With this command you can show the Section Manager for AutoCAD point clouds.
provided an AutoCAD point cloud is the current one.
For Autodesk point clouds we have developed a new section manager. It appears as
a dockable AutoCAD palette window (similar to AutoCAD's property window or layer
The buttons provide section related commands.

Activates the transparent Transparency value Sets the current point size
display of the point cloud [0...90] (Standard: 2)

Section related commands

(See description below)

Section Section Approximated Section

visible? name number of colour for
points PCG
k = thousand l
M = million

Section Marker: The selected section will by default be highlighted with an axis-aligned half-
transparent red box. To remove the box, click in the empty space of the section list.
For performance reasons the size of the box will be approximated until the number of points of the
section has been calculated.

Transparency settings
The point cloud often covers, because of its density and its photo realistic display the
geometry that has already been modelled. The point cloud will become transparent
when the transparency tick box has been ticked. You can change the transparency
value with the small arrow keys or by entering a value in the input box. The value
must lie be between 0 (no transparency) and 90 (maximum transparency) and is
saved in the drawing.
The default value for new drawings can be set by using the configuration command

Point size settings

The input box for the point size reflects the value of the AutoCAD system variable
POINTCLOUDPOINTSIZE. You can easily adjust this value with the arrow keys or
direct entry. The value can lie between 1 and 10.

Display options for the section marker. You may change the look of the
section marker. By default the sections are highlighted by a half-transparent red box.
Command: Select a style for the section marking [None/Wireframe/Transparent] <Transparent>:
(Select one of the offered styles)
The options mean:
None No section marker is displayed.

Wireframe Only the edges of the axis-aligned box are displayed.

Transparent The transparent lateral faces of the axis-aligned box are


If you select „Transparent“, you are prompted to enter a value for the transparency of
the box.
Set transparency in percent <90>: (Select a value between 0 and 100,
A value of 100 means completely transparent)

Export section(s) as an ASCII file, PTC file or as AutoCAD points:

Press this button to export selected sections. For your convenience a wizard
guides you through the export process. Available export formats are ASCII file,
PTC file and AutoCAD points. You find a detailed description of the export
command on page 97 and following.
By clicking with the right mouse button on one or several selected sections you open
the context menu which provides additional commands depending on the section

one section selected several sections selected

Commands for display

and selection.

Commands for logical


Change color…
With this command you may change the color of one or multiple sections.


1. Preset: Default color of the points (e.g. True Color, intensity)

2. Here you may select an AutoCAD color
3. Elevation map: The points of the selected sections will be colored with a red blue
spectrum dependent on their Z elevation (referring to the current UCS). Points
below the selected minimum elevation are displayed in red. Points above the
selected maximum elevation are displayed in blue. Via the [Select…] button you
may pick the values by snapping two points in the drawing.
4. No common color: If you want to change the color of multiple sections, which so
far are colored differently, at first the radio button is active. You may now either
define a common color for all selected sections (1.-3.) or close the dialog without
changes ([OK] or [Cancel]).

1. 2. 3.

Note: Due to limitations in the new API of AutoCAD colouring of ReCap point cloud
sections does not work.
For elevation colouring of a point cloud (RCP/RCS) (WCS only), please use the point
cloud context menu under “Visualization““Scan Colours““Elevation“. Read the
AutoCAD help file for details.

Commands for creating new sections from existing ones

• Create new section – Invert:

Use this command to create a new section which is the inverse of the selected
one, i.e. it contains all points which are not contained by the original section.
This button is activated only if one single section is selected.

• Create new section – Intersecting set (disjunction):

Use this command to merge sections into a single new section. That new
section contains points which are contained by at least one of the sections
(disjunction). This button is activated only if at least two sections are selected.

• Create new section – Merge (conjunction):

Use this command to merge sections into a single new section. That new
section contains only those points which are contained by all sections
(conjunction). This button is activated only if at least two sections are selected.

Creating a Smart Section

With this command you can create a so called Smart Section. A Smart Section
is a section of an AutoCAD point cloud which is temporarily converted into a point
cloud in PTC format for a better display. This point cloud is not saved in the drawing.
For a comparison of both formats and their advantages and disadvantages please
refer to chapter 3.2 of the manual.
Besides the better display, above all other advantage the proper object snap is
what makes the conversion of a section into a Smart Section sensible. A proper
object snap which only snaps points which lie in front in the current view is essential
for an accurate evaluation of details. Furthermore the conversion of sections into the
PTC format enables the utilization of features like clash detection and the 3D drawing
which so far are not working with AutoCAD point clouds.

Click on the button and following dialog box opens:

The Option “Show ‘Smart Section‘ only“ is the default option. We recommend using
this because only this display method allows for proper object snap.
The Option “Show both ‘Smart Section‘ and AutoCAD point cloud“ allows a higher-
detail section of a an point cloud while still being able to display all other points in the
native format. This way you keep the overview of the whole project.
The Option “Show only AutoCAD point cloud but use ‘Smart Section‘ for modelling“ is
beneficial during modelling when performance is essential and the object snap is not
Besides the described options you may define the number of points to be converted
into the temporary PTC file by their percentage. And you may enter a maximum
number of points. These settings are necessary since you cannot load as many
points in PTC format as you can in native AutoCAD format. (see chapter 3.2) The

maximum number of points for PTC depends on the performance and RAM of your
Note: The PTC point cloud created for the Smart Section is not saved in the drawing.
If a Smart Section exists in the drawing the section manager is disabled. You may
enable it by deleting the Smart Section. But you can also return to the original point
cloud data at any time by selecting the command Set current point cloud and
thus enable the section manager again.

Create a legend

A click on this button starts the Create Legend command

(PCDISTCOLLEGEND). With this you can create a legend for RCP/RCS point
clouds. The legend is either based on a customized As-Built color scheme
(PCDISTCOLEDIT) or on the colors of the current AutoCAD visualization according
to elevation.

ScanNav – Create ScanLabel


Ribbon Tab: As-Built Modeler

With this command you create the markers for the scanner positions (ScanLabel),
which are meant for controlling the single scan navigation (ScanNav).

Create ScanLabels for ReCap point clouds in the drawing, import from VirtuSurv scan positions
file or specify points [Recap/Virtusurv/Point] <Recap>:
(Select one of the options)

ReCap :
Please note that this option is only available for ReCap point clouds!
It will create ScanLabels for all ReCap point clouds (RCP or RCS) in the drawing, if
they do contain information about the single scans. The ScanLabels are then linked
with the ReCap scans.

VirtuSurv :
A dialog opens where you may select a scan position file, which you previously
exported from VirtuSurv (see figure below). ScanLabels will be created for all scan
positions and they will be linked with the corresponding VirtuSurv scans.

When exporting scan positions from VirtuSurve please ensure the „Measure Unit“ in
VirtuSurv matches your drawing unit As-Built.

Point :
Specify points for the scan positions (by clicking, measuring or entering coordinates).
Specify scan position: (specify the position of the first scan)
Specify scan position: (specify the position of the second scan)

(finish by ESC or ENTER)

Finally the ScanLabels are created and you get a brief message in the command line:
12 ScanLabel(s) created. 0 updated. 0 failed.
If there already exists a ScanLabel at that particular scan position it will be updated.
Thus, you may for instance create the ScanLabels for the ReCap scans that are
inserted in the drawing and then import a corresponding VirtuSurv scan position file.
The ScanLabel is then linked with the ReCap scan as well as with the VirtuSurv scan.
ScanLabels are located on a seperate layer (Default: KUBITSCANLABEL).

Fig. 1 ScanLabel with ReCap and VirtuSurv link

The layer for the ScanLabels as well as further parameters for their visualization and
the behavior of the navigation commands can be configured in the configuration
dialog (see figure below., command: PCCONFIG).

ScanNav – Scan navigation on

Command Name: PCSCANNAV

Ribbon Tab: As-Built Modeler

Select the ScanLabel for which you want to enable the scan view and navigation in
the current view port.
The previous view will be saved and restored after turning the scan navigation off
(command: ScanNav – Scan navigation off).
Select ScanLabel: (Select the ScanLabel you want to enable the
scan navigation for)
To be able to more easily select, or to make it even possible to select, the ScanLabel
the whole point cloud is made “transparent”. The more distant ScanLabels will be
otherwise hidden by the point cloud.
After selecting the ScanLabel the respective scan will be isolated, as long as it is
associated with a ReCap scan. Displaying one single (isolated) scans in a scan view
is much clearer than showing multiple scans. This is because there is no occlusion
and the colors of all displayed points are consistent.
The settings to isolate and to temporarily activate the transparency can be adapted in
the configuration dialog (PCCONFIG command, As-Built  ScanNav  “Isolate
scan“ or “Temporary point cloud transparency“).

Fig. 1 Comparison between scan view with isolated scan (left) and multiple visible scans (right)

A perspective view will be created for the current view port with the camera position
at the position of the ScanLabel. The default direction of view is the Y axis of the
Scan navigation will be enabled.

Scan navigation
In scan navigations mode you may (almost) navigate as your are used to with your
mouse or the camera navigation commands:
Mouse Command
Zoom Scroll mouse CamNav Zoom
Pan Hold down mouse CamNav Pan
wheel and move
the mouse
Twist CTRL + holding CamNav Twist
direction of down the mouse
view wheel and moving
the mouse up and
When scan navigation is active for a view port all other AutoCAD navigation
commands (like ZOOM, 3DORBIT, PAN,…) as well as commands that change the
view are disabled. Editing of all AutoCAD system variables that may change the view
in an inadmissible way is also prevented.
Scan view and scan navigation mode are stored in the drawing and are active when
opening the drawing the next time.

Hint: You may also start the scan navigation by double clicking on a ScanLabel. This
way you may also quickly go to the next scan position while you are still in scan
navigation mode. You can do the same via the context menu (right mouse button
click) of the ScanLabel.

ScanNav – Scan navigation off


Ribbon Tab: As-Built Modeler

This command turns off the scan navigation for the current viewport and restores its
last view before scan navigation.
The current parameters of the scan view are saved and will be applied when
activating ScanNav next time.
If the according scan has been isolated when activating the scan navigation, this
change will now be set back that means scans that have been visible before scan
navigation will now be visible again.

ScanNav – Open linked VirtuSurv scan


Ribbon Tab: As-Built Modeler

This command opens the linked scan in the external application VirtuSurv.
commands: PCSCANNAVVS (Select a ScanLabel that is linked with a
VirtuSurv scan.)
VirtuSurv opens and the scan linked with the selected ScanLabel is displayed.

ScanNav – Specify direction of view for ScanNav


Ribbon Tab: As-Built Modeler

You may define the direction of sight for the scan view of one or more ScanLabels
(scan positions).
Specify target point for ScanNav view. Select ScanLabels
Select objects: (Select the ScanLabels for which you
want to define the direction of sight. Confirm the selection with ENTER)
Specify target point: (Pick the desired target point
for the scan view.)
The target point has been set for 2 ScanLabel(s). 0 failed.
When activating the scan view for these ScanLabels the next time, the direction of
sight will be the direction to the specified target point.

Digitizing tools – SmartSnap

Command Name: PCSM
Ribbon Tab: As-Built Modeler

In AutoCAD objects such as lines or solids can be precisely placed by using OSNAP,
which then allows you to accurately create new construction objects. The SmartSnap
concept has been developed to allow, in the same way, the snapping to corners,
edges or planes in point clouds.
This command displays the SmartSnap palette.
The palette can always be kept open (similarly to the properties window or layer
manager in AutoCAD).
The buttons are organised in three rows.

Activates or disables the The type of point to Activate or disable

SmartSnaps be snapped automatic mode

Zoom in the

The button for the activation or disabling of the SmartSnaps is to be found in the first
The second row contains the options you can choose from to define the type of point
to be used:

• Point on a plane
• Corner point
• Corner point or a point on a straight line or an edge

• Point on a straight line or edge

• Highest point
• Lowest point

Should a command be used that expects a coordinated point (e.g. LINE) then a circle
appears around the cursor. These freely selectable drawing commands will be
hereafter referred to as a “Context command”.

The circle visualises the area in the point cloud that will be analysed. The size of the
selection area can be changed by using Shift + Scroll wheel. The drawing
command can be cancelled by pressing the <Esc> key. The selection circle then

SmartSnap works in two modes. In automatic mode the snapped point is immediately
passed to the context command. Otherwise the snapped point must be confirmed.

SmartSnap: Automatic mode activated

Search for corner A left click triggers the

or edge points SmartSnaps for the selection
area. Thereby the previously
defined selection area will be
analysed and searched for points
Automatic mode is of the selected type. Should a
active point of the selected type be
found, then it will be automatically
The computed passed to the context command
corner point is (e.g. the LINE command) without
visualised any user interaction.
together with the
straights, from In the SmartSnap window images
which it was will be shown, for a visual control,
defined that correspond to the sections of
planes used or the returned point
If the point is incorrect or the
wrong point type was inadvertently
selected, the “Undo” of the context
command can be used to reverse
Projection in the the action of the last click.
current coordinate
system for a better The images serve as a visual
interpretation of control. The “Zoom” button can
the images also be used.
In automatic mode you don’t have
the opportunity of selecting
another computed point. To
achieve this the automatic mode
must be disabled. Without the
automatic mode more user
interaction is required, that means
each point must be confirmed and
also confirmed after each

SmartSnap: Automatic mode disabled

If the automatic mode is disabled the [OK] button is displayed for confirming the
computed point. User interaction is awaited after each click. This is indicated by the
change in colour of the [OK] button and the circle.

User interaction is

Automatic mode is

If the search for selected point has not been performed, the point type can be
changed or selected again. Furthermore the user can select another point in the
images, whereby he clicks on one of the blue coloured alternative points offered (the
selected point is green), and then confirms it with [OK].
Should no point be found, that corresponds to the selection criteria, then the user can
also not select anything. In this case the user is required to click again.
The previously selected point can also be confirmed by pressing the tab key.

SmartSnap: Active/Disabled

By clicking this button the SmartSnaps can be generally disabled. The

SmartSnaps can be activated or disabled at any point in time before, during or after a
command. For example, if the start point of a line is to be selected using AutoCAD
point snaps and all further points are to be defined using SmartSnaps, then before
selecting the first point switch off SmartSnaps and afterwards turn them back on. For
faster activation and deactivation of the SmartSnap mode the shortcut [Caps Lock]
may be used.

Highest or lowest point

If SmartSnap is used together with the point option highest or lowest point then no
preview image will be displayed. The resulting point will be displayed directly in the
selection area, when the cursor is moved over the point cloud. One click confirms the
point. The highest or lowest point is determined using the Z values of the current user
coordinate system. Two options to determine the highest or lowest point are provided
within the SmartSnap user interface.

Projected highest

Real highest point

The first option offers the possibility to project the Z value of the real highest or lowest
point onto the mouse position. This results in a point containing the X and Y
coordinates of the mouse position and Z coordinate of the real highest or lowest
point. With the second mode the real highest or lowest point is evaluated.

Real highest point Projected highest


Quitting the SmartSnap mode

To just temporarily disable SmartSnaps the button can be clicked or [Caps

Lock] can be used as shortcut. To completely finish using the SmartSnaps, close the
SmartSnap window.

To exclude specific commands from using SmartSnaps

If SmartSnaps are activated, then each AutoCAD command that requires a point will
trigger a SmartSnap. Exceptions are all of the commands that are defined in the

You can find the file here:


It can happen, when you are working with SmartSnaps, that snaps are activated for
some commands that you would wish to have differently. You can add such
commands to the SMARTSNAPCONFIG.TXT file to generally disable SmartSnaps
for the command.

Digitizing tools – UCS from slice

Command Name: PCUCSSLICE
Ribbon Tab: As-Built Modeler

With this command you can define an AutoCAD user coordinate system, which is
aligned with the currently visible slice.
The UCS for slices, that are not parallel to the XY plane of the WCS, is defined as
 The Z axis points in the direction of the normal of the slice’s center plane
 The Y axis points as far as possible to the Z axis of the WCS (into the direction
that forms the smallest angle with the Z axis of the WCS)
 The X axis points preferably to the right (referring to the current AutoCAD
viewing window).
 The UCS origin is the point closest to the WCS origin on the slice’s center
plane and the XY plane of the WCS.
With slices that are parallel to the WCS XY plane only the origin of the UCS will be
moved into the center plane of the slice.

Digitizing tools – UCS from plane

Command Name: KPUCS
Ribbon Tab: As-Built Modeler

With this command you can define an AutoCAD user coordinate system which is
aligned with a kubit plane.
Select a kubit plane: (Select a plane for the UCS definition)
The UCS for planes, that are not parallel to the XY plane of the WCS, are defined as
 The Z axis points to the direction of the plane normal
 The Y axis points as far as possible to the Z axis of the WCS (into the direction
that forms the smallest angle with the Z axis of the WCS)
 The X axis points to the right (referring to the current AutoCAD viewport) as
well as possible.
 The UCS origin is the point closest to the WCS origin on the plane.
With planes that are parallel to the WCS XY plane only the origin of the UCS is
moved into the supporting plane.

Digitizing tools – Vertical UCS

Command Name: PSBVUCS
Ribbon Tab: As-Built Modeler

With this command you can define a vertical User Coordinate System (UCS) with two
points. Vertical means that the XY plane of this UCS runs parallel to Z axis of the
World Coordinate System (WCS), as needed to construct vertical sections or views.
Two points are needed for the alignment of the UCS. The direction from the first to
the second point defines the X axis of the UCS, which always runs through the XY
plane of the WCS. Thus, it is also determined from you side you ‘look’ at the plane
since the X axis always points to the right.
The coordinate origin is set to the first point of the new UCS.



Point 1 Y(WCS)


Point 2

Command: PSBVUCS
Vertical view (UCS) through 2 points
The direction from first to second point defines the X-axis.
Select first point for X-axis: (Click or enter 1st point)
Select second point for X-axis: (Click or enter 2nd point)
UCS name: View East facade (Enter name)
After the command has been ended, TachyCAD automatically changes to the top
view of the new UCS.
With the help of the default name, you can easily switch back to this UCS later. Use
the command ‘Named UCS’ from the AutoCAD menu “Tools” (or type UCSMAN in
the command line).

Digitizing tools – UCS from image

Ribbon Tab: As-Built Modeler

With this command it is possible to establish a UCS, with the XY plane matching the
image plane exactly. The coordinate origin is in the bottom left corner of the image.
Optionally it is possible, to switch to the plan view of this image, if you answer "yes"
to the following question in the command line:
Zoom to image? [Yes/No] <Yes>:

Digitizing tools – 3D orbit (with center of rotation)

Command Name: 3DORBITCTR
Ribbon Tab: As-Built Modeler

Via this button you start the native AutoCAD command 3DORBITCTR. It is a very
useful tool when working with point clouds. You can use it transparently.
In the AutoCAD help file it is described as follows:
3DORBITCTR starts 3D Orbit view and uses a center of rotation that you specify with
your pointing device. If you specify a point outside the current view, 3DORBITCTR
ignores the specified point and uses the default center of rotation.
3DORBITCTR overrides the AutoTarget option in the 3DORBIT command.

Digitizing tools – Set elevation (from point)

Ribbon Tab: As-Built Modeler

With this command you can easily set the AutoCAD system variable ELEVATION to
a value you snap from a point of the point cloud. That allows you to digitize on a
plane parallel to the XY plane of the current UCS at the depth you selected. This
helps to simplify e.g. digitizing of spatial structured facades.
Select a point. Z value of the selected point defines AutoCAD's elevation property.
Point for AutoCAD elevation property or [Reset] elevation to zero:
(Select any point or “R” for reset. OSNAP is being activated)
ELEVATION was set to <VALUE>.
After having set the ELEVATION all lines and other AutoCAD objects are drawn with
the corresponding z value. Usually the command is used to draw at a certain
elevation without OSNAP “Point”.

Digitizing tools – Align cursor

Ribbon Tab: As-Built Modeler

This command is used to give the cursor axes the same inclination as a certain line
or a polyline on the screen. This is necessary if you want to draw perpendicular to a
line or polyline using the option ORTHO in connection with AutoCAD. Thus,
manually measured additions (a small room, a recess) can easily be inserted.
When you call up the command, following prompt appears:
Command: psbaligncursor
Select object or <Return> for previous cursor state:
Now select an object at which the cursor is to be aligned.

Cursor aligned at a line.

To reset the cursor to the normal orthogonal position, just press Return.

Dimension – 3D distance dimension

Ribbon Tab: As-Built Modeler

With this command you can determine and dimension the spatial distance between
two points. The 3D dimension will always be aligned with the current view and thus
will be readable.

First point for 3D dimension:

Second point for 3D dimension:

The 3D dimension is meant for quick determination of distances and the presentation
of spatial situations.

It is always displayed in the current text style and with the current As-Built dimension
size. The latter depends on the settings for the drawing unit and the block scaling
factor under As-Built Settings  section “Drawing“.
The 3D dimension is by default put on the layer “3DDIMENSIONS”. But you may
change the layer under As-Built Settings section “Layer “.
The number of decimals depends on the setting for the AutoCAD unit.

Measure – Measure horizontal distance

Command Name: 'PSBHZDIST
Ribbon Tab: As-Built Modeler

The command is used to measure the horizontal distance between two points. This
means that the measured points are projected into the XY plane of the current UCS,
and the distance is measured there. The command is transparent i.e. you can use it
within other commands in case you have to enter such a measurement.
First point for horizontal distance: (measure or click the first point)
Second point for horizontal distance: (measure or click the second point)
4.731 (this is the calculated distance between the two points)
You can use this command to determine the horizontal distance between two points.

Measure – Measure height difference

Command Name: 'PSBHTDIFF
Ribbon Tab: As-Built Modeler

This command allows to measure the height difference of two points. It is a

transparent command, i.e. you can call it up within another command if you have to
take a vertical measurement.
First point for height difference: (measure or click the first point)
Second point for height difference: (measure or click the second point)
height difference = 2.5 (this is the calculated height difference)
The height difference always refers to the difference of the Z coordinates of the two
points in the World Coordinate System (WCS).

Measure – Measure Z difference

Command Name: 'PSBZDIFF
Ribbon Tab: As-Built Modeler

This command is used to determine the Z coordinate difference between two points.
It is a transparent command, i.e. you can call it up within another command when you
have to enter such a measurement value.
Command: 'PSBZDIFF
First point for Z difference: (Measure or click first point)
Second point for Z difference: (Measure or click second point)
Z difference = 2.5 (this is the calculated Z difference between both points)
The height difference always only refers to the difference of the Z coordinate of both
points in the User Coordinate System (UCS).

Create ortho image

Ribbon Tab: As-Built Modeler

This command creates an ortho image from a point cloud. Ortho images are parallel
projections into a plane. They differ from orthophotos. Ortho images do not use
photos as source of the colour they use the colour of the point cloud.
An Ortho image can be a useful tool for digitizing. You may use it to display scan
data inside CAD software which does not support point clouds yet.
When running the command following dialogue opens:

The creation of an ortho image always refers to the current point cloud. You have to
define the resolution of the ortho image, its position and size, the point size as well as
the x-ray percentage.

The dialogue should largely be self-explaining. If needed you may use the wizard to
assist you with the resolution settings.

The option “Half point distance“ is perfect, if the point cloud parameter a (average
point distance) is set adequate. When clicking on “Set average point distance…“ you
may directly check or edit and apply the parameters.

The option “Double screen resolution” is perfect, you orient on the screen
resolution. When clicking on “Select by zooming” all dialogues disappear temporarily
and the command line prompts you to zoom the view according to your wish and
confirm with ENTER.

Select zoom level. [Enter] to finish...

Afterwards you are back in the main dialogue with the new resolution setting.
We recommend to experiment with the resolution settings for getting the perfect
resulting image for your project and the certain point cloud.


a) Colour b) 80% X-ray c) 100% X-ray

If you leave the x-ray percentage at 0%, you will get a true colour image of the point
cloud surface that faces to the image plane.
If the x-ray percentage is set to 100%, image areas where many points lie behind
each other are displayed dark while the others are light. This way you get a kind of x-
ray image of the object.

Image plane
Here you define the image plane of the ortho image. It can lie exactly in one of the
three planes of the UCS, in a previously defined kubit plane or simply in the plane of
the current view. When selecting the “current view“ option the image plane is
automatically placed in front of all selected surfaces.
Note: We recommend to use the “current view“ option. First clip the point cloud in a
way that only the parts you like to have in the ortho image are visible. Then draw or
define an object for the alignment of the UCS (e.g. a kubit plane). Now align the UCS
with this object (e.g. with the kubit command “UCS from plane“). Finally switch to the
plan view of the new UCS and create your ortho image.

Button „Select boundary and position…“

When clicking the button the dialogue is left. The view of the drawing changes to the
selected plane with a zoom to the current point cloud. Now you draw a rectangular
window to define the frame and position of the new ortho image.
Image boundary: (first point for boundary rectangle)
Second point: (second point for boundary rectangle)

Further settings

Here you may do further settings for the image size, resolution, background colour
and image scale. The settings will help you processing the image with external image
processing software.

Button “Create ortho image“

A click on this button starts the image computing. You are prompted for a path and
name for the ortho image. You can chose between BMP, TIF, JPG and PNG for the
image format.
After the computation following message opens.

Flatten drawing…
Command Name: KFFLATTEN
Ribbon Tab: As-Built Modeler, Building Plans, Photo, TS Control

The command is used to orthogonal project line-like 3D drawing elements into a

plane. Thus, elements that have been measured in the 3D mode can be processed
to a 2D plan in AutoCAD.
The projection plane is defined parallel to the XY plane of the current UCS with the Z
value that has been entered in the field ‘Z-value’.
Following types of elements are flattened:
Points, circles, lines, all poly lines, ellipses, arcs, beams, straight lines and

All elements are projected to this Z

value of the UCS. Via the button
you can pick a value from the

Via the button you can select the

objects to be flattened in the
drawing. Furthermore you can
enable the selection of objects for
locked or frozen layers.

Tick these options if you like to

flatten text and blocks as well. Note
that control points and instrument
stations cannot be flattened.

If necessary, all elements can be

saved in an external file before the
flattening process.

If the options ‘include text’ and ‘include blocks’ are activated, texts and blocks too will
be shifted to the defined Z value. However, the inner geometry of a block is kept.
Dimensions are only flattened if measurement lines and texts are parallel to the UCS.
It makes sense to dimension the plan after having flattened the drawing.
The blocks for control points are not flattened. Flattening does not make sense here,
since the 3D positions are absolutely valuable for image rectification and image

Modeling – Fit outline plan

Command Name: PCWALLFIT
Ribbon Tab: As-Built Modeler and Building Plans

This command serves to extract straight contours from the point cloud by using an
automatic fitting algorithm.
The result is strings of 2D lines (optionally lines or polylines), that run along a point
cloud slice or the current UCS plane. The command is particularly suitable for
efficiently and precisely drawing wall polygons in building floor plans and sections.
The command is flexibly designed and supports various workflows:
• Working with point cloud slices: Precise wall forms by automatically fitting the
lines onto the point cloud track.
• Working in the planar scan view or scan navigation: Intuitive clicking in the image
without line fitting
• Constrained angularity (perpendicularity) and parallelism for architectural surveys.

Command sequence
The command works on the following basic principle:
Standard Mode “Faces”: Two points are picked on each of the line sections to be
drawn. The resulting line sections are automatically trimmed, so that the corners are
indirectly created. The command also always alternately prompts for the first and
second point of the line section.
Current settings: Fitting on, Fixed angles off
First point on wall or [CORner/Fitting off/UNDO/CONFig] <CORner>:
Last point on wall or [Fitting off/UNDO/CONFig]:
First point on wall or [CORner/ORtho/CONTinue/Fitting off/UNDO/CONFig] <CONTinue>:

Alternatively, you can switch at any time into the “Corner” mode. Here the corner
points are directly picked and the command joins them with a line section.

Current settings: Fitting on, Fixed angles off
First point on wall or [CORner/Fitting off/UNDO/CONFig] <CORner>: COR
(Switch to “Corner” mode)
Point in corner or [FAce/ORtho/CLose/Fitting off/UNDO/CONFig] <FAce>:
Point in corner or [FAce/ORtho/CLose/Fitting off/UNDO/CONFig] <FAce>:

Command line options:

You can switch between the two modes “Faces” and “Corners”.
With “Fitting on/off” you can activate/disable the automatic fitting of the line onto the
point cloud slice. If the drawing contains a point cloud and there is defined slice in it,
then the command automatically starts with “Fitting” activated.
The scan points, that lay within a corridor between the first and second picked points
of a line section, are analysed and an average straight line is computed. You don’t
need to precisely pick in the scan point track, nearby will suffice:

1st picked 2nd picked

point point

green: Point Cloud corridor The fitted wall line is precisely on the point
between the picked points. cloud track. The room corner is
automatically trimmed.

The corridor is displayed green, when it contains sufficient scan points and a line can
be fitted. It is red when there are insufficient points to allow line fitting.
When fitting is switched off the line is drawn precisely between the picked points.
Fitting can be re-activated at any time.
Switching off fitting is meaningful
• When working without any point cloud slices, e.g. when the point cloud is being
used in the planar scan view outside of AutoCAD or when you are using

In VirtuSurv two points are These then form a line in AutoCAD.

picked on each wall.

• In areas that contain just a few or no points and thereby would lead to an
inaccurate fitting.
Use Ortho when the next line section must be perpendicularly constrained to the
previous section, e.g. in small alcoves or projections.

Only a single picked point is needed.

The next segment is perpendicular to
the previous one
Previous line

With “Ortho” only a single point must be picked on the line section. The resulting line
will be kept perpendicular and will be the best fit possible.
First point on wall or [CORner/ORtho/CONTinue/CLose/Fitting off/UNDO/CONFig]
<CONTinue>: OR (select ortho option)
Last point on wall or [Fitting off/UNDO/CONFig]: (Pick the end point of
the line)
With “Continue” you can skip areas of poor scan quality in the point cloud track and
exclude them from the adjustment calculation (e.g. furniture or windows). This option
is only available when “Fitting” is activated.

The wall should be fitted. The Then pick a further point on the section on
first section should be picked on the other side of the door.
this side of the door, thereafter The result is a continuous fitted wall line.
the option “Continue” selected.

You can close the line chain at the end of the command with “Close”. It will be
attempted to intersect the first and last line with each other.
With “Configure” you open the settings dialogue box for the command, which is
described further below.
The command is ended by pressing the ESC key or by using the option “Close”.

Configuration and options

Object type to be created: You
decide whether the result should
be single lines or a connected 2D
Fixed angles: Automatic alignment
of the line segments in
accordance with a fixed angular
grid. This option will be described
in more detail below.
Automatic fitting, width of the
search area: Width of the point
cloud data corridor used for the
line fitting. A higher value allows a
less precise picking, a too high a
value introduces problems with
parallel lying contours within a
small distance of each other (e.g.
Point Cloud Parameter: The
quality of the fitting results can be
influenced by the settings of the
point cloud parameters.
Continue – Connect segments to
each other: Here you define, when using Continue, whether the fitted line segments
should be connected to each other or if single line segments should be created with
gaps between them.

Fixed angles
This option is used to draw perpendicular wall lines (or other predefined wall line
angles), as are often required in architectural plans. The lines/polylines will be
automatically aligned to a fixed angular grid, when their direction almost corresponds
with the grid (within a tolerance).
Incremental angle for snapping: Defines the angular grid for the automatic alignment
of line segments. Angular steps of 90°, 45°, 30° and 22.5° can be set.
Angular tolerance: Gives the maximum angular variance for the alignment. Should
the direction of the surveyed line vary more than this tolerance from one of the
reference lines, then it will not be aligned, but retains its surveyed direction.
If the option “Fixed angles” is activated then the following prompt comes after starting
the command:
Select reference line(s) or [UCs/CONFig] <UCs>: (Select one or more
reference lines)
As reference lines, select structural elements that have been accurately surveyed
and are very important (e.g. external walls of the building, load bearing walls, etc.). It
is imperative that they should be longer than the wall lines that are to be created.
Several reference lines can be selected.

Whilst the command is

running the reference
lines are highlighted
with blue arrows.

The three upper walls

have been aligned,
because they are almost
parallel or perpendicular
to the reference line.

This wall has not been

aligned because its
alignment does not
conform to the reference

What happened in detail?

The direction of the line is checked to see if it lies
within the angular tolerance of a reference
Dev. 2 direction. If it is then the midpoint of the line is
used as the rotation point for a slight rotation. The
deviation on both ends of the line are therefore
Dev.1 = Dev.2 equal.

Dev. 1

Modeling – Fit polygon

Command Name: PCFITCONT
Ribbon Tab: As-Built Modeler and Building Plans

With this command you can fit polygons as good as possible to a point cloud section.
The software uses a highly sophisticated algorithm to do so.
For preparation define a slice by using the command Sections – Define slice
(UCS). Thus the contours to be modelled emerge, e.g. the profile of a facade or a
layout. If previously no slice has been defined or if there are several slices visible
(Define sections – Section Manager) following message pops up when running the

An approximation has to be entered for every polygon to be fitted. This approximation

polygon can be drawn roughly along the point cloud slice. It is important that
polygon do not overlap each other. If they do an error message will open.
The approximations can be defined either during the command run by clicking single
points or by selecting an existing polyline. After starting the fitting process the
approximations are aligned with the point cloud slice within seconds. Please note
that the number of vertices of the resulting polygon always complies with the one of
the approximation polygon.
The command run is as follows.

First the software checks if the current user coordinate system is aligned with this
slice (Digitizing tools – UCS from slice) and if the plan view is enabled. If that is
not the case, it is done automatically after a brief inquiry call.

Next, you are asked to enter the points for an approximation polygon.
Specify first point of approximation or [Select objects/paraMeters]: (click a point)
Next point or [Undo/paraMeters]: (click another point)
Next point or [Finish/Undo/Another polyline/paraMeters] <Finish>: (click another point or
undo or start another polyline or start the fitting)
Next point or [Finish/Undo/Another polyline//paraMetersClose] <Finish>: (click another
point or undo or start another polyline or close or start the fitting)

After the input of the first polygon segment you may already start the fitting (default
option <Finish>). To revise the point selection use the option [Undo] which is
available during drawing. If you like to fit several polygons you may select the option
[Another polyline] to start the next polyline. After you entered at least two segments
you also have the option to [Close] the polyline. After having closed a polygon or
after having chosen the option [Another polyline] you are asked to define the first
point of the new polygon.
Specify first point for new polygon or [Finish/Undo/paraMeters] <Finish>:

Of course also here the option <Finish> for the final automatic fitting or the ESC
button for canceling the command are available.
Optional ([Select objects]) it possible to use existing polylines from the drawing as
Specify first point of approximation or [Select objects/paraMeters]: S
Selected objects: Copy
Select approximated polylines or [Toggle copy replace/Draw approximation]: (Selection of
polyline(s) by clicking)
1 found (With ENTER you confirm your selection and run the process)

By the option [Draw approximation] you get back to the direct point wise definition of
polylines. Using the option [Toggle copy replace] you may specify if the approximated
polylines shall be copied or replaced. The current state is always shown before of the
input prompt, e.g.:
Selected objects: Copy

You may use 2D or 3D polylines as approximation information. During the fitting

process 3D polylines are converted to 2D polylines which are placed on the XY plane
of the UCS of the slice.

If you for instance wish to model a tunnel from a point cloud or generate multiple
cross section profiles, you may use the Sections – Define multiple slices
command in combination with the Modeling – Fit polygon in multiple slices
command for fast automated processing.

Note: The quality of the results of fitting can be influenced by how the point cloud
parameters are set. Use the “paraMeters” option to do so. For detailed information on
the dialog that opens please refer to Point clouds – Set point cloud parameters….

Modeling – Fit a polygon with variable number of vertices

Command name: PCFITCONTVAR

Ribbon Tab: As-Built Modeler and Building Plans

With this command polygons can be best fitted to a point cloud slice, whereby in
contrast to the command "Polygon fit" new corner points are automatically added,
to nestle the best possible shape onto the slice.

The use of the command is analogue to that for the previously described command
"Polygon fit".

Tip for the approximated polygon:

Where you want to create a polyline that is as true as possible to the shape of the
point cloud you should enter a few more corner points and where it is definitely a
straight edge then as few as possible.

Note: The quality of the results of fitting can be influenced by how the point cloud
parameters are set. Use the “paraMeters” option to do so. For detailed information on
the dialog that opens please refer to Point clouds – Set point cloud parameters….

Please click the start point and the end point of the approximate polygon as close to
their true position as possible since these two points are only moved slightly
(maximum by the value you have set fort he point cloud noise (n)).

Modeling – Fit polygon in multiple slices

Command name MFIT

Ribbon Tab: As-Built Modeler and Building Plans

With this command polygons can be best fitted to several point cloud slices and –
optional – 3D surfaces or solids can be derived from them. It lends itself, for example,
to creating many cross sections or contour lines.

First cut the point cloud of your object into the desired number of slices. For this you
can best use the command Sections – Define multiple slices.

Ensure that in the section manager all slices that are to have a polygon fitted to them
are switched to visible.
Run the command MFIT.

Click the button [Select/draw approximated polygon]. The dialogue box is then
hidden, the view is changed to plan view in the current UCS and the first found slice
is displayed on its own. The following prompt appears in the command line:
Specify first point of approximation or [Select objects/parameters/First slice/Previous slice/Next
slice/Last slice]:

You can now change to another slice, for which you want to get the approximated
polygon. Then draw an approximated polygon in this slice. If at the end you want to
create a solid, then the approximated polygons must be closed, otherwise a 3D
surface will be created.

Quit with the option “Finish”. The dialogue box is once again displayed:

Select, if applicable, the available options and start the fitting with [OK].

The computation can – depending on the level of detail of the polygon – take a little
time. The automatic insertion of additional polygon nodes during the fitting can
significantly increase the computation time. Using the slider “Detailing” you can set
whether just a few or many new polygon nodes should be inserted.
The results then look something like this:

Fitted polylines

Computed 3D solids in the hidden and realistic views.


Note: The creation of solids or surfaces can sometimes fail, dependant on the fitted
polygons. That is connected with the AutoCAD algorithm.

Note: The quality of the results of fitting can be influenced by how the point cloud
parameters are set. (Point clouds – Set point cloud parameters…)

Modeling – Fit profile

Command name PCPF

Ribbon Tab: As-Built Modeler

With this command you can fit a profile onto a point cloud and thereby model such
things as balustrades, handrails, kerb edges or (steel) beams that are bent and
twisted within themselves.
The profile cross section should be constant, but can be slightly wound and bent. The
fitting algorithm automatically follows the course of the profile in the point cloud and in
both directions, forwards and backwards.
The only thing that must be entered, without fail, is a 2D or 3D polyline, that
describes as near as possible the correct profile cross section.
Hereto the example of a kerb edge:

You can see in the image above, at fixed intervals, the fitted profile cross sections in
red and a blue surface, which models the full profile (kerb edge).

Before starting the command:

Load an AutoCAD point cloud into your drawing.
At any point on the kerb line draw a 3D polyline, which models the profile cross

Now start the command.

In the drawing, select under the button [Profile (red) ...] the 3D polyline that you have
just created.

As the next step you must enter the distance between the profile sections, which
must then be individually fitted onto the point cloud. The greater is this distance, the
more robust is the procedure against interference and noise, small values can on the
other hand react better to local variations. You must find the optimal distance by trial
and error. You can accept the default value (1/3 of the polyline length of the cross
section or pick the distance out of the drawing [From drawing ...]:

A further option is to define in the point cloud both of the end points of the total
profile. If you don’t enter both of the end points, the fitting will be carried out until, for

example, no more point cloud points can be found or until the starting point has been
reached. Naturally you can cancel the fitting in both directions by pressing [ESC], but
then there remains a large number of incorrectly fitted and unused profile cross
sections, which have then to be manually deleted. For these reasons we recommend
that both of the end points should be defined.

Lastly you need to decide what the command is to create. The individually fitted
profile cross sections along the course of the profile with the distance between them
“half profile length” and/or a fitted surface. If the default profile cross section is an
open polyline then an AutoCAD surface will be created, but if the polyline is closed
then an AutoCAD solid will be created.

After the fitting process has been completed the following message will be displayed:

Now you can click on incorrectly fitted profile cross sections, so that they can be
excluded from the creation of the surface:

As the result you receive in this example fitted profile cross sections and an AutoCAD

The layers for the profile cross sections and the surfaces can, if required, be
individually set under settings:

Modeling – Draw circle (3 points)

Command name PC3DCIRCLE

Ribbon Tab: As-Built Modeler

The command ‘PC3DCIRCLE’ draws a circle through three or two points to be given.
You can choose between a real 3D circle (3D mode) and a projected circle (2D
mode). The projected circle lies in a plane parallel to the XY plane of the current UCS
with the Z coordinate of the first inserted point.
In contrast to the AutoCAD command ‘Circle’, which only accepts 2D coordinates, the
FARO command ‘PC3DCIRCLE’ accepts 2D and 3D coordinates. Therefore, always
use this command when you want to measure a circle with your instrument in the 3D
2D/3D mode
Following an example to explain the 2D and 3D modes further. A column is to be
constructed. Its base should take the shape of a circle in the ground plan. Three
points are clicked on the surface of the cylinder, (usually at different heights). The
following outline shows the difference in reaction between both modes.

The circle takes the

3D mode: shape of an ellipsis in
The circle is the ground plan.
constructed three Thus, this mode
dimensional and runs should not be used
through the three points for ground plans but
can be of use in
different situations.

2D mode: The circle takes the

The circle is shape of a circle in
constructed in a plane the ground plan.
parallel to the XY plane This mode is useful
of the current UCS for creating 2D
(parallel to the ground ground plans.
plan). The two points
clicked last are set
perpendicular to the GROUNDPLAN.DWG
height of the first point.

Construction 2points / 3points:

For 3points, any three points on the circle are clicked. With this the circle
has been well-defined.
For 2points, two points have to be clicked which are exactly oposite each
other. This option is advisable for the measurement of circular objects on
the ground like covers or post holes (archaeology). This option is only
available in the 2D mode.

The AutoCAD circle through the 3 (or 2) specified points will be created on the
current layer.

Modeling – Draw arc (3 points)

Command name PC3DARC

Ribbon Tab: As-Built Modeler

The command “PC3DARC” draws a segment of an arc through three determined

points. You can choose between a real 3D arc (3D mode) and a projected arc (2D
mode). The projected arc lies in a plane parallel to the XY plane of the current UCS
with the Z coordinate of the first determined point.
In contrast to the AutoCAD command “ARC”, which only accepts 2D coordinates, the
FARO command “PC3DARC” accepts 2D and 3D coordinates. Therefore, always use
this command when you want to measure an arc with your instrument in the 3D
Also see Modeling – Draw circle (3 points) for further explanation of the 2D and
3D modes. This command works in the same way, but instead of an arc a full circle is
drawn through the measured points.
The AutoCAD arc through the 3 specified points will be created on the current layer.

Modeling – Plane – Fit plane

Command Name: KPFIT
Ribbon Tab: As-Built Modeler

A best fit plane is calculated for a selected set of points and is inserted into the
drawing as kubit plane.
The calculation is done according to the least squares method. That means: the sum
of the squares of the orthogonal distances of all selected points of the plane are
Point cloud
Object list; contains Object selection buttons. Clicked points,
all objects selected point cloud sections and other AutoCAD
influence the
for the fitting. objects may be selected for the plane
quality of the result

Setting of
restrictions for
the plane.

Status information of Plane is inserted on

Activate/deactivate or remove objects
the best fit plane the KUBITPLANE
that are used for the plane fitting.

When clicking OK, the kubit plane is inserted into the drawing. By default it is placed
on the KUBITPLANE layer. By default the plane is indefinite and fixed in its
supporting plane. Depending on the selected objects, the plane boundary results
either from the boundary of the selected point cloud section (when exactly one point
cloud section had been selected) or from the convex shell of all points and
boundaries (for point cloud sections).

Object selection for the plane

You can use different types of objects for the plane calculation:
 Clicked points
 AutoCAD objects, lines and block references (insertion point)
 Point cloud sections
 Points from two oriented images (method spatial intersection); only available if
the image management is turned on or at least two oriented images are in the
The object selection is controlled by three object selection buttons.
The objects used for the calculation are shown in the object list. The error information
(mean and maximum distance from the plane) are displayed for each object in
AutoCAD units. The accuracy of display depends on the AutoCAD settings. (Menu:
Format  Units).
Certain objects (clicked points, AutoCAD points, block references and lines) can be
fixed on the plane to be fitted. To do so activate the object in the column “Fixed” in
the object list. The fixed objects become bases of the plane (error value=0). All other
objects are used for the fitting process. The number of points that can be fixed
depends on, among other factors, whether a restriction has been defined and if so

Here you can define certain restrictions for the plane to be fitted. To do so combine
the alignment (parallel or vertical) with a reference object (kubit plane, AutoCAD line,
UCS plane).

Restrictions for the

plane fitting.


Select reference
object (kubit plane or
AutoCAD line) from

Reference object for the

plane orientation

You find further information regarding the kubit plane in chapter 4.1 kubit Planes.
Note: The quality of the fitting result can be influenced by setting the point cloud
parameters (Point clouds – Set point cloud parameters…).

Modeling – Plane – Plane (1-click)


Ribbon Tab: As-Built Modeler

With this command you can create a kubit plane with a single click, and, for example,
use them in the later creation of façade drawings or solid models.
After starting the command:

Select one point on (point cloud-) plane or [PArameter/Increase/Decrease] <PArameter>:
(Pick a point on the plane on which you want to model)

You will be prompted to pick a point on the plane on which you want to model:

When you have done this, around this position an optimum plane will be looked for,
averaged and inserted into the drawing. For the points used in the plane fitting a
section will be inserted in the section manager with the name “Plane fit, StdDev ...”,
as long as the tick box in the parameter settings dialogue box has been activated:

Inserted kubit plane.

Region, that was used for the plane

fitting. The standard deviation of the
points to the plane are also listed.

The plane will be looked for within a search radius. The default value is set to 1.5
metre. The best value for the search radius should be approximately the size of the
structure For the example above a facade e.g. 5 m.
Run the command and select the option “Parameter”:

Select one point on (point cloud-) plane or [PArameter/Increase/Decrease] <PArameter>: p
(Select the option Parameter)

A dialogue box opens:

Search radius. Set the value for a

façade to 5 m, for example

There you can set the search radius in the “Search radius” box. Set the value to 5 m,
for example and confirm it with [OK]. You will be again prompted to pick a point on
the plane on which you want to model:
Select one point on (point cloud-) plane or [PArameter/Increase/Decrease] <PArameter>:
(Pick a point on the plane on which you want to model)

You can see that the size of the green circle representing the search radius has
changed. The result is that you become an appropriately larger kubit plane.

Another possibility to change the size of the search radius is by the command-line
options “Increase” and “Decrease”. Using this option, the search radius can be
increased or decreased in approximately 20% steps.
As well as the search radius the command also uses the set value for the point cloud
noise. This will be displayed as information in the Parameter dialogue box:

The set noise value is displayed

as information.

The point cloud noise is the deviation of the scanned plane from the ideal plane. The
noise must take into account the surface properties (e.g. a textured render with at
least 5 mm texture) and also the curvature properties of the surface (e.g. the swelling
of a parquet floor of 5 mm). For the façade above a noise of 1 cm would be used.
Your planes can deviate at the edges, within the set noise value, from the actually
scanned plane, so try to set this value only as large as is necessary.

Hereby, you determine which AutoCAD object should be created from the computed
• Unlimited plane: A user defined object of the type “KUBITPLANE” will be created.
The plane will be considered as infinitely expanded.
• Limited plane: A user defined object of the type “KUBITPLANE” will be created.
The plane is limited to the border of the plane.

You will find further information regarding the kubit plane in chapter 4.1 kubit Planes.

Modeling – Plane – Draw plane

Command Name: KPCREATE
Ribbon Tab: As-Built Modeler

With this command you can draw a plane by clicking points. The first three selected
points define the supporting plane. All further points just refine the boundary.
Select first point: (Select first point)
Select second point: (Select second point)
Select point: (Select point
and, if necessary, further points for the boundary)
The plane is then pasted into the AutoCAD drawing. By default it is put on the layer
KUBITPLANE. The plane is indefinite and locked in its supporting plane.
You will find further information regarding the kubit plane in chapter 4.1 kubit Planes.

Modeling – Plane – Intersection line (2 Planes)

Ribbon Tab: As-Built Modeler

This command creates the line of intersection between two kubit planes. For this the
planes must not be parallel.
Select first plane for intersection:
Select second plane:
You will find further information regarding the kubit plane in chapter 4.1 kubit Planes.

Modeling – Plane – Intersection point (3+ Planes)

Ribbon Tab: As-Built Modeler

This command creates the point of intersection between three or more kubit planes.
The planes must not be parallel in pairs.
Select planes for creating intersection point (at least 3, pair wise non-parallel):
If more than three planes have been selected, a mean point of intersection is
created. This point results from the center of all points of intersection of three planes
each. In this case error values are displayed:
mean distance between planes and intersection point: 0.03
longest distance between planes and intersection point: 0.12
You will find further information regarding the kubit plane in chapter 4.1 kubit Planes.

Modeling – Plane – Intersection lines (3 Planes)

Ribbon Tab: As-Built Modeler

This command creates a triad of intersection lines between three kubit planes. The
planes must not be parallel in pairs.
Select first plane:
Select second plane [UNdo]:
Select third plane [UNdo]:

The three lines for the edges are drawn on the current layer. The length of these lines
is defined by the displayed boundaries of the kubit planes. Due to this fact it may
happen that the edges of the triad do not end at the intersection point - as one might
expect. See figure below.

You find further information regarding kubit planes and advice on how to model 3D
using this command in chapter 4 of this manual.

Modeling – Plane – Perpendicular projection of points onto plane

Ribbon Tab: As-Built Modeler

With this command you may project 3D points onto a kubit plane. The result is an
AutoCAD point object.

Select projection plane:

Direction of return: (snap or measure a point)
Direction of return: *Cancel*

You find further information regarding kubit planes and advice on how to model 3D
using this command in chapter 4 of this manual.

Modeling – Plane – Extend (2 Planes)

Command Name: KPEXTEND
Ribbon Tab: As-Built Modeler

This command extends and trims two kubit planes to their common trimming edge.
The processes of extending and trimming run symmetrically so that it does not matter
which plane is selected first.
Select first plane to trim or extend:
Select second plane:
You can also use planes to extend or trim line objects (lines, arches, and polylines).
Use the AutoCAD commands Extend and Trim.
You will find further information regarding the kubit plane in chapter 4.1 kubit Planes.

Modeling – Plane – Automatic rim


Ribbon Tab: As-Built Modeler

With this command you can automatically define the border of a plane, for example to
create façade drawings or to model an object from a compound collection of planes.
To this end the command grows the plane by means of the point cloud plane. You
can grow both an already existing kubit plane and also with just a single click define a
new plane and grow it.

Alternative 1 (grow an already existing plane):

After starting the command:

Select a plane or [PArameter/Automatic plane]: (Select
The kubit plane that you want to bound)

Select the plane that you want to automatically border. Thereafter you will be
prompted to pick a point inside of the point cloud plane which should be used to
constrain the kubit plane.

Select one point on the (point cloud-) plane or [Back/PArameter]: (Select

a point on the point cloud plane)

Select here for the above façade, for example, a point anywhere on the façade.

Alternative 2 (a new grown plane with a single click)

After starting the command:

Select a plane or [PArameter/Automatic plane]: (Select
The option “Automatic plane”)
Select the option ‘’Automatic plane”. You will be prompted to pick a point on the point
cloud plane, that you want to have modelled as grown kubit plane

Select one point on (point cloud-) plane or [PArameter/Select plane/Increase/Decrease]

<PArameter>: (Select a point on the point cloud plane)

Thereupon you become the bordered kubit plane ensuing from the scanned point
cloud plane. The command looks for the best plane and then averages it out. You will
find the point data used in the fitting computation including the standard deviation
data in the section manager under the name ”Plane StdDev ...”, as long as the tick
box in the parameter settings dialogue box has been activated:

Parameters used for Alternative 2 (a new grown plane with a single click):
The command uses various parameters that can influence the quality of your results.
After starting the command select the option “Parameter”. The following parameter
dialogue box opens:

The alternative 2, which automatically creates a new plane with just a single click,
uses when searching for the plane the parameters “Deviation from the plane (noise)”
and “Search radius for automatic plane”.
Deviation from the plane (noise):
This parameter defines how large the deviation of the scanned point cloud plane can
be from the ideal plane. This value must incorporate both the surface properties (e.g.
a strongly textured rough render with 5 mm deviation) and also the curvature
properties of the surface (e.g. an additional 5 mm deviation for the swelling of a floor).
The plane that has been found can deviate at the edges by about this set value. If
this value is too large, then the ideal plane that has been found will be imprecise.
If the value is too small, then the surface can be only partially recognised and will be
fringed towards the edges.

Search radius:
This parameter defines within which radius the plane should be looked for. This value
should be approximately the size of the structure to be searched. For example for the
above façade about 5 m. As the command automatically adapts this value, it mainly
influences the speed of computation. The search radius can be can also be changed
with the command-line options “Increase” and “Decrease”. Using these options, the
search radius can be increased or decreased in approximately 20% steps.

Hereby, you determine which AutoCAD object should be created from the expanded
• 2D Polyline: The plane’s border is represented by a 2D polyline.
• Unlimited plane: A user defined object of the type “KUBITPLANE” will be created.
The plane, when displayed, is represented by the computed border, but internally
considered as infinitely expanded.
• Limited plane: A user defined object of the type “KUBITPLANE” will be created.
The plane is limited to the computed border of the plane.

Parameters used by both alternatives:

As well as the parameters that have just been explained “Deviation from the plane
(noise)” and “Search radius for automatic plane”, all of the other parameters are used
by both alternatives. You can also influence the result with the assistance of these

Point distance for plane growing:

This value defines how far points in your point cloud should be from one another so
that they can be assumed to be related.
If this value is too small, then the plane will break off too soon at the edges. The
plane will be fringed on the edges (holes will no longer be considered as being

If the value is too large, the border will be imprecise.


Grow across objects with slice thickness:

By default the points will be used to grow the plane that are above and below the
plane and within the noise value. Should you wish, for example, to contour a room up
to the walls, then you must consider that on the edges of the walls there are skirting
boards. The plane border would normally end on these skirting boards. Which points,
that lie above and below the plane, that are used to allow this object to grow
outwards, will be influenced by this parameter.

Smoothing, tolerance within which points belong to the same line segment:
This value controls by how much the resulting border should be smoothed. The larger
this value is the fewer vertices has the resulting border.
For example, on a parquet floor with a smoothing deviation of 1 cm the following
resulting border has 150 vertices:

However if you use a smoothing deviation of 3 cm, then the resulting bounding
polygon has only 63 vertices:

Output options:
You can select between a 2D polyline or a kubit plane as output. If you choose the
option 2D polyline, the holes within the surface will be displayed as red polylines.

You will find further information regarding the kubit plane in chapter 4.1 kubit Planes.

Modeling – Plane – New Rim

Command Name: KPNEWRIM
Ribbon Tab: As-Built Modeler

This command allows you to draw a new boundary (rim) for a kubit plane. The
supporting plane as well as all properties of the plane are kept when doing so.
Select a kubit plane: (Select that plane for which you want
to draw a new boundary)
Select first point:
Select second point:
Select point: (Draw the new boundary.
The clicked points will be projected onto the Supporting plane along the view ray. )
You will find further information regarding the kubit plane in chapter 4.1 kubit Planes.

Modeling – Plane – Modify Rim

Ribbon Tab: As-Built Modeler

With this command you can modify the boundary of a kubit plane; for example “cut”
an edge or enlarge the boundary on one side.
Select a kubit plane:
Click point on plane’s rim: (Click a point near the boundary)
Should the clicked point be too far away from the edge, the following error message
will appear:
The point is not on the plane’s rim!
Click point on plane’s rim: (Click closer to the edge.)
Else you can continue with changing the boundary:
Select point for plane's rim or [Finish]:
Select point for plane's rim or [Finish/Back]: (Draw the new part of the boundary.
Select Finish to finish the command.)
Should the last point already lie near the boundary, the command will be finished.
Otherwise you are prompted again to click a point on the edge (or near it
To finish click point on the rim.
Now you have to decide which part of the plane you want to keep. In order to do so
move the crosshairs inside or outside the respective boundary. Depending on where
the crosshairs is situated, one of the three possible boundaries will be displayed.
Then confirm your selection by clicking the left mouse button.

Crosshairs outside, outer Crosshairs in the lower Crosshairs in the upper

boundary selected area area

Modeling – Cylinder – Fit cylinder using 2 click points

Command Name: PCCC

Ribbon Tab: As-Built Modeler

You can generate an adjusting cylinder through a set of points using this command.
For estimating the rough position of the cylinder you click two points on the cylinder
surface. Ensure you have enabled the object snap “node”.
Command: PCCC
>> Cylinder <<
Specify point on cylinder or [paraMeters] <paraMeters>: (Snap first point on the cylinder surface)
Specify point on cylinder or [paraMeters] <paraMeters>: (Snap second point
on the cylinder surface)
The cylinder will be fitted and a kubit cylinder is inserted in the drawing.
If the fitting fails following message appears:
No cylinder detected. Please, check point cloud parameters (noise etc.)
There are different reasons for this, e.g.
• The point cloud parameters are not set correctly set point cloud
parameters, can be accessed directly via command line option
• You did not snap the points on the surface of the cylinder to be fitted. Choose
a different view or cut out a part of the cloud to help you snap the points
properly. If you work with point clouds in PCG format you may also create a
“Smart Section“ using the section manager.

1) Click two points on the cylinder surface


2) Cylinder fitted
If the cylinder fitting fails repeatedly with this command, you can use the command
"PCFITCYL2" (Modeling – Cylinder – Fit cylinder using visible points (clipped)).
This command works with an exact cut of the point cloud sections which belong to
the cylinder.

Note: The quality of the fitting result can be influenced by setting the point cloud
parameters (command line option “paraMeters” Set point cloud parameters…

Modeling – Cylinder – Fit cylinder using visible points (clipped)

Command Name: PCFITCYL2

Ribbon Tab: As-Built Modeler

You can generate an adjusting cylinder through a set of points using this command.
Cut points belonging to the cylinder using the general commands to define section
definitions. Single points that do not belong to the wanted cylinder, as for example a
valve or a fragment of an adjacent cylinder, will automatically be filtered out.
Hint: If you want to fit many cylinders one after the other, a successive approach is
recommended, e.g. beginning with the definition of a slice including many cylinders.

Name the slice in the section manager and then cut out several cylinders. Using the
section manager you may always go back to the named slice to cut out additional
cylinders. Furthermore, you may turn back to the previous section with the command
Sections – Previous section definition.

Fit the cylinders with command: PCFITCYL2. If there are more than 100.000 points in
the selection you will be warned and asked whether you want to continue the fitting
Now, the outliers will be filtered out of the visible point set and the optimal cylinder
will be calculated by minimizing the square distances.
Command: PCFITCYL2
Errors: 2.458 (mean) 18.9348 (max) (error values in AutoCAD units)
Used points: 12113, Outliers: 404 (adaptation information)
Finish (ESC or ENTER)? (ENTER key, in order to generate the cylinder,
ESC in order to abort, the cylinder will not be generated)
The result will be an AutoCAD cylinder of the "kubit cylinder" type with fixed axis on
the current layer.

You find further information according kubit cylinders in chapter 4.3 kubit Cylinders
of this manual.

Note: The quality of the fitting result can be influenced by setting the point cloud
parameters (Set point cloud parameters… ).

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