Bluepack Packers BR

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BluePack Production Packers

Engineered. Validated. Trusted.

A Simplified Naming Convention Tells
You What You Need at a Glance

An expanding portfolio of packers and plugs includes packers in all

major casing sizes, and every size is validated to API Spec 11D1 and
ISO 14310 standards—an industry first. Single-piece mandrels and
configurable designs enhance operational reliability and efficiency.

The new rationalized naming convention for BluePack* production

packers helps you find the optimal choice for your application,
swiftly and painlessly.

BluePack Max RH

BluePack WXYZ
Setting method MP = multiport
H = hydraulic ESP = used with ESPs
Packer type
M = mechanical DUAL = dual string
Pressure rating R = retrievable
<none> = <10,000 psi P = permanent S = hydrostatic
Max = 10,000 psi CL = control line
Ultra = 15,000 psi
Extreme = 20,000 psi
Proven Reliability
>1,000 shipments for
more than 50 operators
since 2016

■  BluePack ESP packer

■  BluePack Max RH packer
■  BluePack RH packer
■  BluePack Max PH-V3 packer
■  BluePack Ultra PH packer

Expanded Operating Envelope
BluePack production packers are developed in a Schlumberger Engineering
Center of Excellence, leveraging decades of experience and advanced stress
analysis tools. Platform-based development ensures design consistency,
robust construction, and operational efficiency, while world-class test
facilities use test types and criteria that exceed API requirements.

The packers are engineered to withstand a complete range of wellbore

operations—whether they place the packer in tension or compression
—and to maximize the operating envelope.

7 × 31⁄2 in, 4140 (80) 95⁄8 × 51⁄2 in, 13Cr (80)

250,000 600,000


–10,000 –7,500 –5,000 –2,500 0 2,500 5,000 7,500 10,000 –10,000 –7,500 –5,000 –2,500 0 2,500 5,000 7,500 10,000




–250,000 –600,000
Pressure Pressure BluePack packer Pressure Pressure BluePack packer
from above from below Other from above from below Other

Operating envelopes for the 7-in × 31/2 -in (left) and 95/8 -in × 51/2 -in (right) BluePack Max RH* high-pressure retrievable hydraulic-set
production packers compared with conventional packers. Packer bodies are made of 4140 and 13Cr steel, respectively, with yield
strength of 80,000 psi.

Finite element analysis (FEA) of all components to ensure stresses are within
acceptable limits.

Slips: Optimized distribution of gripping force to prevent damage to the casing.

Seal: Detailed stress analysis to help ensure a uniform seal.

FEA of metal and elastomer enables optimized designs, enhancing

reliability and the performance operating envelope.

BluePack packers can be used in a wide
range of completion designs to meet your
requirements. Some of the many options
available are illustrated here.

BluePack RH-MP
BluePack RH
BluePack PH
Pay zone 1
Pay zone Pay zone

BluePack RH-MP

Pay zone 2

Dual PT gauges

Flow control valve

Retrievable hydraulic-set Permanent hydraulic-set Retrievable hydraulic-set, multiport

production packer in a single- production packer in a single- production packers in a multizone
zone completion on land. zone completion on land. intelligent completion on land.
BluePack Max RH
BluePack ESP packer
packer BluePack Max RH
ESP packer

Pay zone Hydrostatic

setting trigger (HST) BluePack Ultra RH-MP
Sealbore packer packer
HST activated
Isolation valve
at 27,500-psi
Pay zone Pay zone pressure


Retrievable hydraulic-set ESP High-pressure retrievable High-pressure retrievable Ultrahigh-pressure retrievable

production packer in a single-zone hydraulic-set production packer in hydrostatic-set production packer hydrostatic-set, multiport production
offshore completion. a deepwater gravel-pack completion. in a deepwater one-trip completion. packer in very deep water.
BluePack ESP
Retrievable hydraulic-set ESP production packer

Rated up to APPLICATIONS BluePack ESP* retrievable hydraulic-set

5,000 psi ■■ ESP completions ESP production packers are designed for use
[34.5 MPa] in vertical and deviated wellbores with ESP
■■ Zonal isolation
Rated up to ■■ Vertical, deviated, and horizontal wells completions. Multiple feedthrough ports are
325 degF available and may be configured for chemical
[163 degC] BENEFITS
injection, gas vents, and ESP accessories. The
packer allows onsite feedthrough and connection
■■ Reduces rig time and cost with simple
of electric cable.
setting and retrieval operations
■■ Enables system pressure test at surface A single-piece mandrel body rated for a 5,000-psi
[34.5-MPa] pressure differential and a straight-
FEATURES pull, adjustable shear release make this compact
■■ No tubing movement while setting packer an economical choice for production
■■ Validation to ISO 14310 and applications with ESPs.
API Spec 11D1 V3
■■ Available with HNBR and Aflas® elements
■■ One-piece mandrel
■■ Adjustable, straight-pull shear release
■■ Dual bore with multiple ports
■■ Available in API quality grades Q1, Q2, and Q3
■■ API and premium end connections available

BluePack ESP Packer Specifications
Casing Size, Casing Weight Range, Tubing Size, Penetrator Types Feedthrough Diameter Max. Working Temperature, Differential Pressure
in [mm] lbm/ft [kg/m] in [mm] Options, in [mm] degF [degC] Rating, psi [MPa]
51/2 [139.7] 15.5–20 [23.1–29.8] 23/8 [60.3] 3-legged 1/4 [6.35] 325 [163] 5,000 [34.5]
3/8 [9.525]
7 [177.8] 23–32 [34.2–47.6] 27/8 [73.0] Single, 1/4 [6.35] 325 [163] 5,000 [34.5]
31/2 [88.9] 3-legged 3/8 [9.525]
75/8 [193.7] 26.4–33.7 [39.3–50.2] 27/8 [73.0] Single,dual, 1/4 [6.35] 325 [163] 5,000 [34.5]
31/2 [88.9] 3-legged 3/8 [9.525]
95/8 [244.5] 36–53.5 [53.6–79.6] 31/2 [88.9] Single,dual, 1/4 [6.35] 325 [163] 5,000 [34.5]
41/2 [114.3] 3-legged 3/8 [9.525]
103/4 [273.1] 55.5–65.7 [82.6–97.8] 41/2 [114.3] Single,dual, 1/4 [6.35] 325 [163] 5,000 [34.5]
51/2 [139.7] 3-legged 3/8 [9.525]
133/8 [339.7] 68–72 [101.2–107.1] 51/2 [139.7] Single,dual, 1/4 [6.35] 257 [125] 3,000 [20.7]
7 [177.8] 3-legged 3/8 [9.525]

Single penetrator
Single penetrator Dual penetrator
Dual penetrator 3-legged penetrator
3-leg penetrator

BluePack ESP packer penetrator configurations.

G-G G-G G-G 10

BluePack Max RH
High-pressure retrievable hydraulic-set production packer

■■ High-significance applications such 10,000 psi
as offshore and high-pressure wells [69 MPa]
■■ Vertical, deviated, and horizontal wellbores
Rated to
■■ Interventionless single-trip completions 400 degF
■■ High-rate production and injection wells [204 degC]

Hydrostatic Setting Option Enables BENEFITS

■■ Eliminates tubing movement during installation
True Single-Trip Completion and ■■ Facilitates inventory management
with configurable release mechanism
Saves 3 Days of Rig Time, Nigeria ■■ Increases application flexibility due
■■ Packer’s ability to convey heavy loads enabled running in with to broad operating envelope
lower and upper completion in one run.
■■ Precise activation pressure set packer without affecting other
components in the completion string.
■■ Validation to ISO 14310 and API Spec 11D1 V0
■■ Debris barrier to protect slips
■■ One-piece mandrel
■■ Big-bore versions
■■ Optional and configurable hydrostatic setting trigger
■■ Cut-to-release (CTR) or straight-pull-to-release†
(SPR) options
† Suitable for mild-pressure applications

BluePack Max RH Packer Specifications
Casing Casing Weight Tubing Max. Working Pressure Release
Size, in [mm] Range, lbm/ft [kg/m] Size, in [mm] Temperature, Rating,
degF [degC] psi [MPa]
133/8 [339.7] 68–72 [101.2–107.1] 95/8 [244.5] 400 [204] 7,500 [51] CTR
135/8 [346.1] 88.2 [131.3] 7 [177.8] Optional SPR
103/4 [273.1] 60.7–65.7 [90.3–97.8] 7 [177.8] 400 [204] 10,000 [69] CTR conversion kit
51/2 [139.7]
95/8 [244.5] 40–53.5 [59.5–79.6]† 7 [177.8] 400 [204] 10,000 [69] CTR or SPR‡
97/8 [250.8] 62.8 [93.5]† 51/2 [139.7]
101/8 [257.2] 75.9–79.29 [113.0–118.0] 41/2 [114.3]
75/8 [193.7] 29.7–47.1 [44.2–70.1] 41/2 [114.3] 400 [204] 10,000 [69] CTR or SPR‡
7 [177.8] 23–38 [34.2–56.6] 41/2 [114.3] 400 [204] 10,000 [69] CTR or SPR‡
31/2 [88.9]
65/8 [168.3] 24–28 [35.7–41.7] 31/2 [88.9] 400 [204] 10,000 [69] SPR‡
† Special drift 8.500 in [215.9 mm].
‡ Suitable for mild-pressure applications.


BluePack Max RH Base Packer

CTR mechanism

BluePack Max RH packer.

BluePack RH
Retrievable hydraulic-set production packer

Rated to APPLICATIONS BluePack RH* retrievable hydraulic-set

5,000 psi ■■ Single-string completions production packers are straight-pull, shear-
[34.5 MPa]
■■ Zonal isolation release packers for vertical and deviated
Rated to ■■ Vertical, deviated, and horizontal wells wellbores. A single-piece mandrel body—
325 degF ■■ Production and water injection wells designed for a 5,000-psi pressure differential—
[163 degC] combined with an adjustable shear release
value makes this compact packer cost efficient
for production and injection applications.
■■ Easily installs on the rig
■■ Reduces rig costs by simplifying operations
■■ Eliminates tubing movement
during installation

■■ Validation to ISO 14310 and API Spec 11D1 V3
■■ One-piece mandrel
■■ Slips protected from debris with packer
element or debris barrier
■■ Bidirectional caged slips
■■ Adjustable, straight-pull shear release
■■ Available in API quality grades Q1, Q2, and Q3
■■ Premium end connections available

BluePack RH Packer Specifications
Casing Size, Casing Weight Range, Tubing Size, Max. Working Differential Pressure
in [mm] lbm/ft [kg/m] in [mm] Temperature, Rating, psi [MPa]
degF [degC]
51/2 [139.7] 13–23 [19.3–34.2] 23/8 [60.3] 325 [163] 5,000 [34.5]
27/8 [73.0]
65/8 [168.3] 24–28 [35.7–41.7] 27/8 [73.0] 325 [163] 5,000 [34.5]
31/2 [88.9]
7 [177.8] 20–32 [29.8–47.6] 23/8 [60.3] 325 [163] 5,000 [34.5]
27/8 [73.0]
31/2 [88.9]
41/2 [114.3]
75/8 [193.7] 29.7–39 [44.2–58.0] 31/2 [88.9] 325 [163] 5,000 [34.5]
41/2 [114.3]
95/8 [244.5] 36–53.5 [53.6–79.6] 27/8 [73.0] 325 [163] 5,000 [34.5]
31/2 [88.9]
41/2 [114.3]
51/2 [139.7]
103/4 [273.1] 45.5–65.7 [67.7–97.8] 31/2 [88.9] 325 [163] 5,000 [34.5]
41/2 [114.3]
51/2 [139.7]

Available in conventional configuration (left)

or fullbore configuration (right) allowing a
larger tubing ID.

BluePack Max PH-V3
High-pressure permanent hydraulic-set production packer

Rated to APPLICATIONS BluePack Max PH-V3* high-pressure permanent

10,000 psi ■■ Vertical, deviated, and horizontal wells hydraulic-set production packer is a single-string
[69 MPa] device that can hold differential pressure from
■■ Permanent production or isolation requirements
Rated up to ■■ High-pressure or hostile environments or both above or below. It isolates the casing annulus
350 degF to allow production of a specified zone.
[177 degC] BENEFITS The packer can also act as an anchor for the
■■ Improves reliability with positive set tubing string. The single-piece mandrel body
of slips and element designed for up to 10,000-psi pressure differential
■■ Simplifies completion operations makes this packer an economical choice for
through ability to set on workstring production and injection applications. The packer
■■ Reduces rig costs because of streamlined is configurable for tubing-mounted, sealbore,
setting procedure and step-bore options.

BluePack Max PH-V3 packers are available

in a range of materials for a variety of service
■■ Validation to ISO 14310 and API Spec 11D1 V3 applications, including H2S and CO2 environments.
■■ One-piece mandrel
■■ Ability to pressure test the system at surface
■■ Availability in API quality grades Q1, Q2, and Q3
■■ Availability with HNBR or Aflas elements
■■ 360° dual opposing one-piece slips
■■ Full tubing bore through packer and stinger
■■ Ability to install wellhead before the packer is set

BluePack Max PH-V3 Packer Specifications
Casing Packer Sealbore Tubing Connection Max. Working Differential Pressure
Nominal Weight, Upper Sealbore, Lower Sealbore, Nominal Tubing Temperature, Rating, psi [MPa]
OD, lbm/ft [kg/m] in [mm] in [mm] Size, in [mm] degF [degC]
in [mm]
23–38 4.00 [101.6] 3.25 [82.6] 41/2, 31/2, 27/8
[34.2–56.6] [114.3, 88.9, 73.0]
7 [177.8]
23–38 4.75 [120.7] 3.25 [82.6] 41/2, 31/2, 27/8
[34.2–56.6] [114.3, 88.9, 73.0] HNBR: 325 [163] 10,000 [69]
32.3–58.4 6.00 [152.4] 4.75 [120.7] 7, 51/2 Aflas: 350 [177] Based on metallurgy
95/8 [48.1–86.9] [177.8, 139.7]
[244.5] 32.3–58.4 7.188 [182.6] 6.00 [152.4] 7, 51/2
[48.1–86.9] [177.8, 139.7]

BluePack Max PH-V3 packer.

BluePack RH-MP
Retrievable hydraulic-set, multiport production packer

Rated to APPLICATIONS BluePack RH-MP* retrievable hydraulic-set,

5,000 psi ■■ Intelligent completions multiport production packers are feedthrough
[34.5 MPa] packers for intelligent completions or any
■■ Single-trip completions
Rated up to ■■ Completions in wells with multiple other type of completion where control lines are
350 degF production zones required. V3 validation makes it a cost-effective
[177 degC] ■■ Vertical or deviated wellbores option compared with V0-validated packers.

The solid one-piece mandrel can be delivered in

BENEFITS several configurations that suit most application
■■ Increases completion flexibility with multiple requirements for feedthrough size and quantity.
feedthrough ports for control lines The absence of mandrel movement allows
■■ Reduces rig time and cost with simple setting installation of multiple units at the same time,
and retrieval options without interference.
■■ Improves sealing reliability by eliminating
tubing movement during installation
■■ Minimizes risk that debris will hinder retrieval
by featuring the sealing element above the slips

■■ One-piece mandrel
■■ No tubing movement while setting
■■ Field-adjustable shear release
■■ Availability with HNBR and Aflas elements
■■ Validation to ISO 14310 and API Spec 11D1 V3
■■ Availability in API quality grades Q1, Q2, and Q3
BluePack RH-MP Packer Specifications
Casing Size, Casing Weight Range, Max. OD, Nominal ID, Max. Working Temperature, Pressure Rating,
in [mm] lbm/ft [kg/m] in [mm] in [mm] degF [degC] psi [MPa]
103/4 [273.1] 55.5–65.7 [82.6–97.8] 9.344 [237.3] 4.892 [124.3] 325 [163] 5,000 [34.5]
95/8 [244.5] 40–47 [59.5–69.9] 8.47 [215.1] 3.86 [98.0] 325 [163] 5,000 [34.5]
7 [177.8] 23–26 [34.2–38.7] 6.09 [154.6] 2.95 [74.9] 350 [177] 5,000 [34.5]

Option to configure feedthroughs as shown or in other arrangements and

quantities to suit most application requirements.

BluePack RH-MP packer.

BluePack Ultra PH
Ultrahigh-pressure permanent hydraulic-set production packer

■■ Vertical, deviated, or horizontal wellbores 15,000 psi
■■ High-rate gas wells [103 MPa]
■■ Permanent production or isolation packing Rated to
350 degF
BENEFITS [177 degC]
■■ Reduces rig time needed to install and set the
packer because of its high running speed
■■ Eliminates tubing movement during setting
■■ Enables easier milling of the packer

■■ Dual opposing one-piece slips
■■ 360° solid-metal backup system to prevent
element extrusion
■■ Validation to ISO 14310 and API Spec 11D1 V0

BluePack Ultra PH* Packer Specifications

Casing Size, Casing Weight Tubing Size, Max. Working Differential
in [mm] Range, in [mm] Temperature, Pressure Rating,
lbm/ft [kg/m] degF [degC] psi [MPa]
7 [177.8] 32–35 [47.6–52.1] 41/2 [114.3] 350 [177] 15,000 [103]

19 BluePack Ultra PH packer.

BluePack Ultra RH-MP
Ultrahigh-pressure retrievable hydraulic-set, multiport production packer


■■ Intelligent completions ■■ Increases lower completion ■■ Hydraulic setting mechanism 15,000 psi
flexibility and intelligence with [103 MPa]
■■ Single-string production wells ■■ Optional hydrostatic
■■ Single-trip completions seven feedthrough ports for setting trigger Rated to
High-pressure production hydraulic and electric lines Validation to ISO 14310 and
■■ ■■
300 degF
or injection wells ■■ Improves sealing reliability by API Spec 11D1 V0 [149 degC]
■■ Deepwater and eliminating tubing movement
deepset completions during installation
■■ Completions in wells with
■■ Minimizes risk that debris will
low fracture gradient hinder retrieval
■■ Decreases risk of damaging
slips while running into well
■■ Minimizes milling risk with a
cut-to-release (CTR) function

BluePack Ultra RH-MP* Packer Specifications

Casing Size, Casing Weight Range, Tubing Size, Working Pressure, Working Temperature, Max. Absolute Release
in [mm] lbm/ft [kg/m] in [mm] psi [MPa] degF [degC] Pressure, psi [MPa]
101/8 [257.2] 79.29 [118.0]† 5 [127.0] 15,000 [103] 180 to 300 [82 to 149] 27,500 [190] CTR
10 [254.0] 68.7 [102.2]† 5 [127.0] 15,000 [103] 180 to 300 [82 to 149] 27,500 [190] CTR
97/8 [250.8] 62.8 to 64.9 [93.5 to 96.6]† 5 [127.0] 15,000 [103] 180 to 300 [82 to 149] 27,500 [190] CTR
93/4 [247.7] 59.2 [88.1]† 5 [127.0] 15,000 [103] 180 to 300 [82 to 149] 27,500 [190] CTR
95/8 [244.5] 53.5 [79.6]† 5 [127.0] 15,000 [103] 180 to 300 [82 to 149] 27,500 [190] CTR
† Special drift 8.5 in [215.9 mm]
BluePack Ultra RH-MP packer. 20
Manufacturing Excellence
The ISO 9001–certified Product Center is committed to superior quality
and on-time, on-budget delivery. A state-of-the-art machine shop is
equipped with more than 65 machine tools with computer numerical
control (CNC). The computer-based production systems feature
integration and automation of order entry, production planning, and
purchasing, quality, and shop floor control functions.

Purchased parts and raw materials go through a series of quality

checks, and in-house machined parts are inspected after each
process. Multiple coordinate measuring machines (CMMs) eliminate
human intervention, ensuring accurate and rapid measurements.
Nondestructive testing is performed in-house and the final assembly
undergoes secure, efficient, and reproducible functional acceptance
testing (FAT) in a digitally enabled test bay.

All inspection results are recorded in the Schlumberger Quality
Information System, ensuring traceability. With continuous improvement
a fundamental goal, any issues—should they arise—are promptly
analyzed by multifunctional teams to address the root causes and ensure
a smooth remediation.

BluePack Production Packers Engineered. Validated. Trusted.

*­ Mark of Schlumberger
Other company, product, and service names are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2019 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 19-CO-638314

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