Abyss Game Design Document V1.01
Abyss Game Design Document V1.01
Abyss Game Design Document V1.01
Version 1.01
Ryan Mendenhall
November 2010
Table of Contents
This is currently the first version of the game design document for Abyss. The game is beginning
development, so no changes will be made to the version until errors or any other assorted issues are
Version 1.01 will contain the entire initial game client which is due for Fall 2011. The version will be
Abyss is a first person shooter with certain psychological horror aspects. The goal is to produce a
realistically-based futuristic shooter with a immersive environment meant to pull the player into a
engaging but deeply immersive experience. The design aspects will be focused around the
environment/world itself, as the setting will hold priority over the objective-oriented gameplay and
amount of content.
2.02 – Features
Detailed and immersive level design will be the game's flagship, with simple objective-oriented
missions throughout the game. Since realism is a important concept behind our game, the player
should only know the major objectives of the main character, not specific places to go or important
mission items that would be needed to continue. This is to promote the exploration aspect of the game,
2.03 – Genre
Notes: The horror is not based off classic horror game qualities though, as it's less focused on the
constant threat of monsters jumping out and scaring the player, and more focused on a foreboding,
unnerving atmosphere. The psychologically based scares are brought on in a realistic way, as the
Notes: Due to the heavy adult content of the game, Abyss's target audience will be ranged in the older
ages of computer gamers. Since there are no future plans for a console release, PC first-person-shooter
The player's game play will be focused around exploring the abandoned Facility MK6 in a realistic
way. Using the large assortment of weapons the protagonist starts with, the player will descend into the
depths, gunning down enemies that have the ability to duck behind objects and return fire. The game
flow will be as fast paced as most military first-person shooters are, but will not reach the speed of
arena shooters. The player can expect to spend up to an hour in each level due to the difficulty of
killing enemies. Due to the lower quantity of enemies, they will be much harder to put down.
Essentially, the focus of the visual design is to create a decayed, post-apocalyptic feel in each level.
But each level will also have it's own unique visual style, which is detailed in Section V. Each level
will have an increasingly large amount of in-game static “hallucinations” that will be built into the
actual level but will contrast greatly with the design around it. These “hallucinations” pertain to the
main story and not only will gain in number the deeper the player goes, but will also have darker
The project will contain: the full game Abyss, and a cinematic trailer. Depending on the success of the
game, several DLC ideas may be implemented, with a possible sequel that will be much longer in
gameplay time.
The gameplay in Abyss will feature the player progressing from room to room immersed in a unnerving
atmosphere. Most rooms will have a set of enemies that will attack the player as soon as they venture
close enough, with almost all possessing ranged weapons similar to the own player's. The player will
start with up to 5 guns, each performing in a familiar way to real life guns, acting more efficiently due
to the storylines presence in a future universe. Once enemies are dispatched, the player will be free to
explore the room and learn more of the plot and strategies for future fights. Each level will have a final
boss, with some containing a extra boss about halfway through the level. The boss will have a room all
to themselves, in which they manipulate the room to present a unique and challenging experience.
Their assorted skills will rely on the level they exist in, and their gameplay strategy is detailed in
The player will be allowed to progress into the next level of the game once the bosses guarding the
door into the next level are dispatched. Rooms will be almost impossible to run through without killing
the basic enemies inside, as the player would be gunned down. Optional features will be present in
each room, allowing the player to explore the room and discover information pertaining to the story
and more.
The only mission the player knows for the majority of the game is to discover the secret behind the
insanity of the Facility MK6 inhabitants and to bring the technology found back to be used in the war
on Earth. This changes slightly when the antagonist is defeated, and the player is given the choice to
3.04 – Objectives
The basic objectives in Abyss are simplified to make the experience more of an adventure for the
player. For example, upon encountering a boss, the objective will change on the screen to “Kill: boss
monster!”. It will also change when encountering an anomaly preventing the player from continuing
Engagements with enemy AI will progress as normal first-person-shooters do, with downtime being
present at the end to allow the player to investigate the now desolate room. Once the player has spent
that time, they can progress to the next room and repeat the process. Each level will have it's own style
Since Abyss is no longer planned to be made in the Unreal 3 engine, the depth of the engine's physics
will depend fully on how fast bug/stress testing goes. For now, the engine is planned to implement
basic player/enemy falling and collision physics, but no rag doll or object physics. The movement will
be traditional to first-person-shooters, though each boss will utilize a unique type of movement. The
player will be able to interact through basic controls with certain objects throughout the game.
3.07 – Physics
A self-created physics engine in is currently being designed that will feature basic physics.
Notes: The current plan is to feature basic falling physics for players and enemies with collision
detection. Rag doll and movable object physics may be implemented at a future date, though are not
Traditional FPS Movement, using the WASD keys and aiming with the mouse.
The player will move at a realistic pace through the levels with the ability to jump on objects and
crouch behind and beneath them for cover. A large part of the game is navigating through the
abandoned facility, so smooth movement is key. A complete overview of controls in player movement
is covered in SectionVI.
Enemy AI will have similar movement to the player-controlled character, as they will crouch behind
objects for cover if fired at. Boss battles will each have their own unique design so movement will
differentiate between them, but will use similar mechanics to basic enemy AI.
No physics system is currently planned to be applied to objects, therefore they will most likely be
Certain items will be available to interact within the game, and they will primarily share information
pertaining to the storyline. They are placed in random areas throughout the game and will display a
message on the screen when found, giving the player the information associated with the item.
Combat will be similar to traditional first-person-shooter combat featuring a large range of weapons.
Most weapons will be familiar to the player as they are modeled after common guns. Basic enemy
NPC's are dispatched by lowering their health to 0, with increased damage being dealt to enemies by
hitting them in specific weak areas that the player will have to discover by themselves. Boss battles
Facility MK6, the setting for Abyss, was created by one of two warring factions on Earth; called
the Conglomerate, in the year 2350. It's primary goal was to create unique weapons for the war on
Earth, while protected by the anonymity of the vast fathom of space, far away from the Conglomerates
enemies, the Leoginhaurre. Facility MK6 is located on the dead planet Aries 426, on the outer reaches
of the Milky Way Galaxy. 24th century technology has greatly improved space flight, allowing for only
Facility MK6 was a moderately successful project, with only several of it's many sectors
actually producing useful technology. A year before it's abandonment, 5 of the Science Level sectors
were shut down, with few personal transferred to functional sectors, while the large majority was sent
back to Earth. In the year after, productivity maintained an acceptable level, but the facility was shut
down because The Conglomerate was losing too many resources in the war back on Earth, and had to
save assets. Meant to be self-sustaining, there was still operational life support in the facility after the
evacuation, though without proper upkeep the facility saw great decay. Parts of the facility, especially
the exterior, have been completely destroyed due to the hostile environment of Aries 426's surface.
Once the long 5 year journey of the evacuees to Earth was completed, Jake Vegni was arrested
for treason, as he was betrayed by fellow peers that divulged the truth of Jake refusing to execute
Harrigan and his subordinates. Jake's court session didn't last long, and he was given two choices: to
accept his execution, or to return to the facility, to catch Harrigan dead-or-alive, and to recover vital
weapon blueprints, primarily Harrigans project. While his fellow Security personal were executed for
treason, Jake was only given this choice because of his complete knowledge of the facility due to his
high ranking status. Jake returned to Facility MK6 in his personal ship, the “Kronos”, conflicted by his
Upon returning the the facility, Jake is forced to work his way through the Maintenance shafts
in the upper sections of the facility due to the destruction done to the hanger bays. All lifeforms he
encounters are twisted versions of their previous selves, modified not only in body but in psyche. They
are extremely hostile towards Jake, and he is forced to fight his way through the depths of the facility.
Throughout the game the player will be able to investigate parts of the facility and discover
more about the plot behind Abyss. The player learns that Harrigan developed a device called the The
Relic, a device that creates a electrical field within a 50 mile radius, causing hallucinations that increase
in intensity depending on the amount of time the subject is exposed to it. Whoever controls the device
can directly control the hallucinations, making it a effective mind controlling device. The inhabitants
that stayed with Harrigan have been exposed to this device for nearly 15 years, breaking their minds
Abyss has a dark, post-apocalyptic theme, coupled with the fact that Facility MK6 exists on a
dead planet, Aries 426. The exterior surface of the facility was nearly completely destroyed by a
earthquake that happened soon after the facility was evacuated. Remarkably, due to advanced
technology, and a small amount of “coincidental” luck, the interior of the facility survived nearly
unscathed. Still, the interior has a decayed, musty feel to it as it has been almost completely empty for
15 years and the few inhabitants of it's depths have done damage to areas. The world will contain static
hallucinations that seem to start random and somewhat lighthearted, but become darker and more
focused the deeper the player progresses. Each level has it's own themed appearance, which is
documented in Section V.
4.02.02 – Cinematic
A short, teaser trailer cinematic is planned to be released in January 2011 to spark interest in
Abyss. The cinematic will show much of the exterior of the world Abyss takes place in and will feature
the protagonist, Jake, returning to the facility after 15 years in his ship the “Kronos”. There will be a
voice over of the antagonist, Victor Harrigan, explaining his deep hatred of mankind, and will end with
showing a dramatic shot of Harrigan in a large machine he has created around himself.
4.03 – Characters
Jake Vegni is the protagonist in the game, and the player-controlled character. He is the former
Head of Security of Facility MK6, and has extensive experience in action, but is nearly 42 years old.
Jacks roll as Head of Security was appointed to him by The Conglomerate upon their creation in 2350,
when he was only 27 years old. Jake was a successful rebel leader for The Warlords, a group that stood
against the ASR, the former world power that split into the Conglomerate and the Leoginhaurre once
it's government collapsed. As he was the current Head of Security when The Conglomerate shut down
the Facility, he led the evacuation of the facilities and now has been sent back to discover the fate of
Victor Harrigan and the other traitors, and to find the truth behind the hidden monstrosities in the
abandoned facility.
Victor Harrigan is the mysterious antagonist of Abyss. He was the former Head Scientist of
Weapons Development in MK6. When the Conglomerate shut down the facility, Harrigan refused to
evacuate with the rest of the personal. Jake Vegni, who was conducting the evacuation, was ordered by
the Conglomerate to execute all traitors. Jake claimed to have carried out this order, but instead left
Harrigan and his fiercely loyal subordinates at the facility. Shunned by the government he worked for,
and considered deceased, Harrigan quickly got back to work on his final project, completely obsessed
with his work, and seemingly unaware of his abandonment. His peers that had also decided to stay
behind followed his orders without question, in a strange trance-like behavior. Harrigan has become
corrupted, and his semi-solitude for 15 years has driven him into madness.
Fewer than 1% of the facilities personal stayed behind with Victor Harrigan, reaching only
about 200 people. All of them worked personally with Harrigan on assorted projects, and when the
time came for them to evacuate, they all refused to, some in violent reactions. This forced Jake Vegni
to abandon his efforts to take them back to Earth, and they were left on the dead planet, deep within
Facility MK6.
5.01.01 – Synopsis
The Maintenance level of Facility MK6 sits on the 2nd floor down from the surface level. It is
placed strategically high so that Maintenance workers could be low enough to get to the bottom levels
in a timely manner, but still be able to reach the surface. Due to the destruction of the exterior, the
player finds themselves in a makeshift tunnel leading to waste processing. There are 7 rooms in the
maintenance level, each very large, with not much hallways in between.
5.01.02 – Objectives
Level 1 contains large amounts of logical, simple machinery that's been worn down by poor
upkeep both after the evacuation and before. Most of the color scheme is blue and brown, with not
much lighting. The player will rely on their flashlight greatly in navigating their way through the level.
The level contains waste processing, a series of pressure control rooms, a security checkpoint, a large
elevator, and water treatment, where the level's final confrontation takes place.
5.01.04 – Enemies
The enemies in Maintenance level have modified themselves greatly with the equipment
available to them. The weapons that they have are built into their body armor, and they aren't afraid to
The boss fight will feature an enemy that is practically invulnerable until the player figures out
a way to destroy the moving platform the boss is firing from. The room is a enormous, columned room
with a large series of pipes snaking their way through between the columns. A large track sits on the
ceiling of the room, pulling a cargo transport from a tunnel on one side of the room across into a slot in
the wall. The player will enter the room and immediately be attacked by the boss, who is firing from
the platform above the player, nearly impossible to hit. The player will have to venture through the
room, hiding between the bursts of fire from the boss, and close pipes to build pressure in the boiler
underneath the platform. When all pipes have been closed, the boiler will explode, removing the boss
from the platform, and forcing the player to finish the boss by taking cover in the remnants of the room
5.02.01 – Synopsis
Residential is a quiet series of hallways and personal rooms that almost seems frozen in time.
The enemies in this zone are nearly silent, and will get the jump on the player if they are not careful.
Residential is dark, but not enough to require a flashlight. It contrasts greatly with the first level in that
most of the exploration is done in long hallways, instead of large rooms. It also has great contrast in
the visual aesthetics, as it consists more of curved lines and soft gradients complimented by shadowed
artwork from when it housed people. The player must also avoid a large, ominous being called the
Shadowed Reaper until the end of the level, or they will be killed almost instantly. The first
hallucination is in the Residential level too, manifesting in a room full of mannequins that seem to be
5.02.02 – Objectives
Containing mostly dark and soft gradients, on curved surfaces, the Residential level is a solemn
area. Papers litter the floor and rooms seem to be trashed as if there was a rush for its inhabitants to
leave. The soft, dim emergency lights are on, causing just enough light to distinguish nearby objects,
seeming almost as if lit by moonlight. Sculptures and dead gardens sit in between hallways, neglected
5.02.04 – Enemies
The enemies in Residential are silent, and wait in rooms to ambush the player on their own
ground. They avoid the hallways due to the presence of the The Shadowed Reaper, who seems to be
hostile to whoever approaches it. They use energy weapons for their low volume and heavy power at
short ranges. They wear clothing that covers their entire body and they blend in with the walls of
The Reaper silently stalks the hallways of the Residential level until the player reaches the end
of the level. Once the final room is entered, he attacks the player. The boss fight happens in circular,
former garden-room with dead plants and broken UV lights all around. The Shadowed Reaper is
covered with a indestructible armor, slowly shambling after the player through the room. The player
must avoid the boss and activate the few functioning lights, stunning the Reaper. Once he has been
stunned a certain amount of times, he will appear dazed, and fall to the floor. The player must walk up
behind him and destroy the suit and the boss inside by rewiring the suit.
5.03.01 – Synopsis
The medical facilities are series of hospital-like floors that contain the greatest contrast in light
of the levels. Rooms range from brightly lit to almost pitch black, and the largest amount of
hallucinations happen in this level too, as it is almost devoid of enemies. The purpose of the medical
facility is to reveal to the player the final secret behind Harrigan, as he conducted tests on subjects
testing the power of The Relic and it's effectiveness in cracking the human psyche in the Medical
facilities after the abandonment of Facility MK6 by the rest of the personal.
5.03.02 – Objectives
At first the Medical facilities appear to be completely unharmed by the events of the
surrounding area. The bright cleansing white light of individual examination rooms is almost blinding
to the player. But this is only in the top level. The player will plunge into a world of darkness and
mind bending hallucinations once dropping to the floor below. The sound effects echoing to the top
level will pave the way for the foreboding and dark atmosphere of the rooms below, and once
discovering the elevators to the lower level aren't functional, the player will need to investigate the
many examination rooms of the top level before finding a grated air duct that leads to the lower level.
The bottom level is a overwhelming assortment of dark fabrications coupled with a host of disturbing
5.03.04 – Enemies
The enemies that dwell in the bottom floor of Medical are failed experiments of The Relic.
They are highly unstable, and are just as likely to fight with themselves as they are with the player.
They mostly have separated themselves to sections of the floor, protecting them territorially. Their
weapons are makeshift medical equipment that has been modified for range. These enemies are
extremely hard to kill, as injuring them only seems to make them angrier. Therefore, the player has the
When the player enters the final room and entrance to the Transportation level, the player is
attacked by a series of turrets that descend from the ceiling. The player must destroy all turrets before
the main AI system descends in the middle of the room, exposing itself but also unleashing a net of
lasers that rotate around the room. The player must avoid these and fire at the eye of the AI system,
5.04.01 – Synopsis
The laboratories of Facility MK6 sit about a mile down the underground subway transportation
system, and Harrigan has disabled any remaining trains in a attempt to prevent the player from
progressing. Therefore, the player must travel the long tunnels on foot, using primarily the tunnels
themselves while alternating through maintenance hallways that connect subway tunnels. While the
tunnels are dark, they are not impossible to travel through due to emergency lights and the lights from
disabled trains on the track. The player will come across these disabled trains quite frequently, and will
find information pertaining to the games story and useful items in them, as well as enemies. Several
different platforms lay on the track as well, providing similar items guarded by the levels inhabitants.
5.04.02 – Objectives
Objective 02: Head down the South tunnel, finding a way to Harrigan.
The Transportation tunnels are similar to today's metro systems, with large round tunnels
snaking through the ground connected by small maintenance rooms and large platforms. The player
will see more evidence of the earthquake that did damage to most of the exterior of Facility MK6, and
investigate the many separated train cars sitting on the tracks. The platforms between the tunnels will
be where to largest groups of enemies are situated, so the player can choose to avoid these stations,
though he will be forfeiting information that furthers the story,as well as vital weapons and
5.04.04 – Enemies
The enemies in Transportation are about as similar to traditional first person shooter enemies as
Abyss gets. They are essentially Harrigan's elite guards, who are stationed outside the one way
entrance to the Laboratories. They have heavy armor and heavy weapons which make them extremely
tough to kill, but they yield great rewards, such as advanced weapons. They are most effective in packs
of three or more, so they stay close together when approaching the player, and will nearly always
The boss of Transportation appears from the ground on a large circular platform in the center of
the train junction. He is sitting on a giant security gun, and is untouchable by the player until the player
can navigate the maze of trains circling the boss. The player will run through the empty trains as the
boss is constantly firing at him, shooting out windows and destroying the environment. Once getting
through the maze, the boss runs out of ammo, and starts firing at the player with a assortment of
weapons. The boss will use basic enemy mechanics and movement when this mode is reached, and the
5.05.01 – Synopsis
The Weapons Research Facilities are relatively small in scope compared to the earlier levels.
It's main purpose will serve as a confrontation with the final boss, Victor Harrigan. The few amount of
rooms before the final boss room will contain ammunition and health so the player is fully prepared for
a long boss fight. Harrigan will try to ward off the player with intimidating threats and a small series of
hallucinations brought on by The Relic. But once the player experiences these, it's a short walk to the
5.05.02 – Objectives
The most definable trait of the Laboratories are their sense of chaos. They appear to almost
have been ripped from the current reality into a world of it's own. Ceilings are collapsed, large chasms
arch through the floor, and objects appear to have been tossed around the room effortlessly. Dead
bodies litter the floor and red emergency lights flash everywhere. Transitioning from the deep, quiet
tunnels of Transportation to the chaos that is the Weapons Research Facilities will surprise the player,
and almost snap them back into reality. The final boss room will contain a large machine used for
modifying and containing The Relic, as well as enormous staging area that Harrigan's suit first
descends from.
5.05.04 – Enemies
There are no basic enemies in the final level, only the bodies of enemies that Harrigan has
dispatched himself.
When the player enters, the room will at first be pitch black except for The Relic, which is
illuminated by a single spot light in the center of the room. When the player approaches the spotlight, a
large stage will be lit behind The Relic, showing, in dramatic fashion, Harrigan's mechanized suit, that
is nearly 25 feet tall. Harrigan will break free of the constraints on the stage and charge the player. The
player then has to avoid Harrigan's powerful suit while shooting the weak points in between Harrigan's
armor. These will begin to disable the different limbs of the suit, enraging Harrigan but decreasing his
effectiveness with shooting and melee. Once all limbs have been destroyed, Harrigan will grab The
Relic and change the reality of the room, appearing to be a large unimaginable horror. The player will
then pump bullets into Harrigan until he is killed, reverting the player's reality back to real life. After
the fight the player is given two choices, to either destroy The Relic or return with it back to Earth, with
two possible endings. These endings will affect future sequels and DLC's.
6.01 – HUD
Note: The above images are the in-game HUD UI that overlays the players perspective. The health bar
will lower according to the percentage of the players health. The center UI element will feature
location information, starting with the level separated by a dash from the room name. Finally, the
lower right will feature the current weapon information including name and a miniature rendered image
of the currently equipped weapon. The weapons ammo will be displaced to the right of this image.
The entire UI will be displayed at 70% opacity, and emit a almost computer screen like glow.
The main menu will feature 4 different options, including Start Game, Load Game, Options and Exit.
Start Game will give the option to Continue the game or to start a New Game. Load Game will find the
player's save files and present them for loading. Options will cover Video, Audio, and Controls as well
The In-game menu will only feature Resume Game, Restart Level, and Exit game. If the player wants
to change his/her options, they will have to exit game and configure them in the main level. The game
Abyss will use a custom made engine, therefore the rendering system will be defined once the engine is
created. Additional information can be found in Section VIII, covering the basics of the engine.
Traditional to most shooter games, the camera view will be from the first-person-perspective. This
choice was primarily chosen to make the game a more immersive experience, and to promote realism
in the game.
PC keyboard controls:
Space – Jump
Ctrl – Crouch
E – Activate
1 – Primary Weapon
2 – Secondary Weapon
3 - Secondary Weapon
4 – Secondary Weapon
5 – Secondary Weapon
Abyss ambient audio tracks will be relevant to the area the player is in. This includes:
Level 03 Medical: Due to the hallucinations of the level, a low ringing noise will be heard, as well has
a subtle heartbeat.
6.08 – Music
No in game soundtrack is planned for the moment, though the cinematic will be featuring a trailer song
Sounds effects will primarily include individual weapon sounds as they reload and fire. Several pieces
of technology will also create simple noises, such as beeping, clicking, whirring fans, and other similar
The enemy AI will identify the player at a range of 20 yards, and begin firing immediately. If the
player returns fire within a 45 degree angle at the AI, it will respond by running to the nearest cover.
Each basic enemy will have 100 health, with headshots causing 20-30 damage and body shots causing
5-10 damage, depending on the player's current weapon. Enemies are extremely hard to kill because of
Boss AI is very similar to basic enemy AI with several unique characteristics depending on the fight.
Each boss enemy has a total of 500 health, with headshots causing 20-30 damage and body shots
causing 5-10 damage, depending on the weapon. While they can be brought down by pumping enough
lead (or lasers) into them, they will have a primary strategy of defeat that will cause mass damage to
them if completed by the player. These strategies are labeled in Section V, under the Boss Overview
7.03 – AI Coordination
Enemies will try to stay in a tightly knit group within 10 feet of each other. If a enemy is out of this 10
yard range when the player achieves their aggression, the AI will attempt to take a different route to
Recommended Hardware:
Note: Required hardware will be released after stress testing begins in September 2011.
8.03 – Engine
Note: Possible options include the Source engine and the Unreal 3 engine. We will be testing with each
engine and determining the most effective one for the cost. Due to the high cost of the Unreal 3 engine,
9.02 – Cinematic
The cinematic trailer will be modeled and textured in Autodesk Maya 2010(64-bit) and rendered in the
Maya package of Mental Ray. Textures for the cinematic will be created using Adobe Photoshop CS4,
while the editting for the cinematic will be completed in Sony Vegas.
Character design will be modeled and textured in Autodesk Maya 2010. Rigging and animation will
also be applied to the completed character in the same program. Character design will be done for the
player-controlled character, 5 unique boss enemies faced at the end of each level, with 2 unique basic
enemy characters in each level. This is a total of 16 character models that are currently planned for
Environment design will be done for 5 levels, with the size of each depending on the level
characteristics, labeled in the Section V. Environment design will also be completed in Autodesk Maya
2010, as well as texturing. The lighting and scripted events will be done in the self-created game
Weapon design will be completed in Autodesk Maya 2010, and rendered to appear as if the player is
The MKR01 is highly accurate, with the option of controlled bursts or full automatic firing. Mainly a
standard issue weapon of The Conglomerates footsoldiers, it serves the purpose of dealing high
amounts of damage at medium to long range. An optional scope can be attached to the top, replacing
The Taurus is a well hidden pistol that can deal moderate damage at close to medium range. This pistol
was used primarily by the security detail of The Conglomerates facilities, and was a personal favorite
The Pule Rifle is one of the few laser rifles in the game. It is very slow firing, but has 100% accuracy
and does mass damage at nearly any range. The Pulse Rifle is limited in quantity, with one of the few
Xenitek Firestick200
The Firestick200 is a common mercenary weapon, and is similar to a shotgun. It is very effective at
close to medium range, and it's damage depends on the amount of flak that hits the victim. Many
A game editor is currently in development for Abyss. It will be created completely from scratch in C++
and will modify specifics in the level, mainly lighting and scripted events. It will also handle the
10.02 – Installer
Currently Abyss is planned to use the basic Windows Installer, with no support for Macs.
10.03 – Updates/Patching
Upon the games completion, patches will be released under the games website, at
11.01 – Schedule
General Schedule:
fully coded level structure with 3 of the 5 levels completely modeled and textured
Extended Schedule:
January 1st 2011 – February 1st 2011: Cinematic trailer fully rendered and edited
February 1st 2011 – March 1st 2011: First level fully completed. Cinematic trailer sound
March 1st 2011 – April 1st 2011: Second level fully completed
April 1st 2011 – May 1st 2011: Third Level fully completed.
May 1st 2011 – June 1st 2011: 3 bosses and 6 general enemies fully modeled, textured and
June 1st 2011 – July 1st 2011: Fourth level fully modeled, first level completely lit in lighting
July 1st 2011 – August 1st 2011: Fourth level fully textured, second level completely lit
August 1st 2011 – September 1st 2011: Fifth Level textured and modeled
September 1st 2011 – October 1st 2011: Third and Fourth Levels completely lit, begin reviewing
October 1st 2011 – November 1st 2011: Fifth level completely lit, characters fully animated and
January 2nd 2012 - May 15th 2012 – work with game testers to improve performance and fix
Development Costs:
Computer costs:
2 computers - $3,000.00
Software costs:
Licensing Costs:
Testing Costs: