BLDC Motor
BLDC Motor
BLDC Motor
Industrial Applications
Namhun Kim Hamid A. Toliyat Issa M. Panahi Min-Huei Kim
IEEE, Member IEEE, Senior Member IEEE, Member IEEE, Senior Member
Department of Electrical & Computer Eng. Department of Electrical Eng. Department of Electrical Eng.
Texas A&M University University of Texas at Dallas Yeungnam College of Sec. & Tech.
College Station, TX 77843-3128 Richardson, TX 75080 Daegu City, Korea
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] E-mail:[email protected]
Abstract - Electrical motors are an integral part of inefficient noisy motor types and the mechanical components
industrial plants with no less than 5 billion motors built with that of the more efficient brushless motors and the digital
word wide every year. The demand for low-cost brushless dc electronics/microcontrollers in home appliances and hand-held
(BLDC) motors have increased in industrial applications. power tools (with cord or cordless) would still require
This paper presents a BLDC motor control algorithm for concentrated technical support and marketing effort. Reference
low-cost motor drive applications using general purpose
microcontrollers which have only one on-chip timer. The designs, comparative cost analysis, and application notes for
papere describes how to realize pulse width modulation specific motor control end equipment will provide design
(PWM) signals with general input/output (1/0) ports to engineers with the benefits of the microcontroller-based
control a three-phase permanent magnet brushless dc motor systems shortening learning curve and their design efforts.
using the timer interrupt on MSP430F1232. A motor control system can be partitioned into 4 units:
supply line interface, digital processor, motor and sensors,
Keywords: BLDC motor, PWM, Industrial application, power converter or drive unit. Electric power is supplied to the
MSP430F1232. motor control system via supply line interface in the form of ac
or dc signal. Motors use windings on the stator parts and either
I. INTRODUCTION permanent magnet (PM) or windings on the rotor parts. Stator
Low end applications of motor control can be found windings is either separated or connected to the rotor windings
in diverse line of consumer, medical, and industrial in series or parallel configuration. Mechanical components
products. High efficiency variable speed and variable (brushes) are needed to connect electrical signal to the rotating
torque motor control is only possible using electronic part. In a motor, rotation of rotor and torque generation occur
components and microcontrollers. Low cost is still when the rotor field and stator field are not parallel, and
dominant factor in designing very low-end products using maximum torque is obtained when these fields are orthogonal
motor control. Examples are hand-held power tools and to each other. Motors with stator windings in series with that
home appliances in the market. of the rotor (using brushes) can operate with either ac or dc
Battery powered vacuum cleaner, drill, and electric signals and are known as universal motors. Despite their very
saw units were investigated. In these products, brush dc or poor efficiency and poor operations (speed versus torque/load,
universal motors were used. The torque/speed variation is noise, electric sparks, brush wear-out, size), they are still
handled roughly by switching 2-position gearbox unit widely used in household appliances, power tools, and yard
connected to motor shaft. That is, low cost design has tools.
been achieved by transferring the cost of electronic drives The brushless dc motor (BLDC) motor has been used in
into the motor type and mechanical parts (gearbox) various industrial applications and has increased demand in
sacrificing efficiency and actual performance of the diverse fields because of its high efficiency, simple control
product for the end user applications. Battery powered compared with ac motors, low EMI, and high reliability due to
tools could only operate at their nominal speed/torque for absent of brushes. Most three-phase motors, including BLDC
a short period of time before recharging the battery motor need at least six PWM channels for inverter power
became necessary. As in the case of power drill and saw, devices such as IGBTs and MOSFETs. In order to meet these
small increase of the torque reduced the rotational speed requirements, generally a special-purpose processor or a
of the motor-controlled system. It is also interesting to programmable logic device (PLD) or drive device to generate
note that the price of the battery charger is quite control signal is necessary. Using special purpose processor or
comparable with the price of the final product. device for BLDC motor drive presents several advantages such
Digital electronic control of motors would offer as small drive size and less development time. However, these
much higher efficiency and better power usage (longer processors are more expensive than the general purpose
operating period for the battery) at competitive cost. processors and eventually will increase the cost of BLDC
Despite all the obvious facts, replacing the cost of motor drive system.
1) Terminal voltage sensing, C>
2) Third harmonic back-EMF voltage sensing,
3) Freewheeling diode conduction current sensing.
When a phase is open, the back-EMF voltage
which includes the information of the rotor position can -50&
be measured at the motor terminals. Since the terminal 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360
voltage sensing is simple from the hardware point of view, Rotor Position[deg]
this approach is widely used in industry for sensorless ,YU
control of BLDC motors.
The purpose of these sensorless methods is
elimination of the position sensor, which are generally
three hall sensors mounted across from the rotor.
Sensorless techniques need extra computation time and
external circuitry to estimate the back-EMF than the L, o
phase C is left silent, which means that only two switches
(A_H and B_L) are active, while the rest (A_L, B_H, C_H, and
C_L) are inactive.
During every PWM cycle to achieve this switching
scheme, the desired duty cycle is imposed by the upper switch
(A_H) of the two involved switches (A_H and B_L) and the
Hall 3 Il lower switch (B_L) is kept on (100% duty cycle). Therefore,
there is no need for dead time to be considered for BLDC
motors. Because whenever the upper switch is turned on, the
lower switch of the same lag always is already off and vice
A ± 4 4 --o,.
B BLOC motor
Switchs on in each step
Fig. 3 Inverter configuration of BLDC motor.
All algorithms are developed in assembly language and
OFFFh Timer_A Mode: Up Mode it is using 422 bytes of flash memory. The flash memory
Overflow Interrupt address is from OxEOOO to OxFFFF, the interrupt vector from
CCRo OxFFFF to OxEFEO, and the main code memory fromOxFFFF
to OxEOOO. The developed code is residing in the main code
memory. Therefore, there is no need for connecting extra
memory and peripheral devices.
Table 1 The comparison of processors for bldc motor drive
Processor Manufacture IKU
ADC Internal Memory PWM
2.30 On-chip ADC 8k flash,
MSP430F123 TI (Ilpu) (10Obit) 256 RAM Not need
TMS320F2401A TI 3.50
(1.52 pu)
ADC 2k RAM On-chip PWM
ST7MC1K2 ST 3.30225
(1.43 pu)
On- chip ADC(10bit) 16k flash,
4k RAM
On- chip PWM
Fig. 8 shows the current waveforms, where
Channel 1 illustrates the measured dc link current,
Channel 2 represents the dc link current waveform using Fig. 9 PWM signals and current waveform
the current probe and Channel 4 indicates the phase
current waveform using the current probe. VI. CONCLUSION
Fig. 9 shows the PWM signal, where Channel 1 is In this paper, an efficient algorithm that employs the
the A-upper signal, Channel 2 is the B lower signal and I/O port for PWM signal generation for BLDC motor control
Channel 3 is the C_lower signal using the I/O port and with three hall sensors is proposed. To control bldc motor
A-phase current waveform using a current probe. As it don't need to be considered dead-time for PWM generation,
is seen in Fig.9, the upper leg and the lower leg switches which allow in proposed algorithms using one timer and
are not on simultaneously. Therefore, there is no need general I/O port. The general purpose processor, Texas
for dead-time to be included in this example. Instruments MSP430F123 without any peripheral devices is
121 -A
S.. X
used, to verify the proposed algorithm the control algorithm is
implemented on an experimental set up and several tests have
been performed. It is shown that the proposed low-cost
system has satisfactory performance for industrial applications.
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[4] N. Ertugrul and P. Acarnley, "A new algorithm for
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[5] N. Ertugrul and P. Acarnley, "Indirect rotor
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pp. 608-616, July 1998.
[6] T.H. Kim and M. Ehsani, "Sensorless control of the
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no. 6, pp. 1635-1645, Nov. 2004.
[7] J.C. Moreira, "Indirect sensing for rotor flux
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over a wide speed range," IEEE Transactions on
Industry Applications, vol. 32, no. 6, pp. 1394-
1401, Nov./Dec. 1996.
[8] S. Ogasawara and H. Akagi, "An approach to
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27, no. 5, pp. 928-933, Sept./Oct. 1991.
[9] G.J. Su and J.W. McKeever, "Low-cost sensorless
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[10] J.W. Shao, D. Nolan, M Teissier, and D. Swanson,
"A novel microcontroller-based sensorless
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[12] MSP430xlxx Family User Guide(slauO49d)
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IET-UK International Conference on Information and Communication Technology in Electrical Sciences (ICTES 2007),
Dr. M.G.R. University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. Dec. 20-22, 2007. pp.433-440.
Keywords: Modeling of BLDC Motor, Structure of the EKF, save the process of position calibration for the shaft position
EKF Tuning Algorithm. sensors, terminal voltage sensing circuits are widely
developed so as to detect and process the PWM-Mode
Abstract terminal voltage of the stator. Instead of those shaft position
sensors. The brushless DC motor has trapezoidal electro
The brushless DC motors are preferred for industrial as well motive force (EMF) and quasi-rectangular current
as domestic applications because of their high efficiency, waveforms.
quite operation, compact form etc. Efforts have been made to
make this motor cost effective and reliable by avoiding the Three Hall Effect sensors are usually used for every 60
use of position sensors and employing estimators. The BLDC degree electrical. In addition to servo drive application with
motor has trapezoidal electromotive force and quasi- high stationary accuracy of the speed and rotor position, the
rectangular current waveforms. Hall sensors are usually used brushless dc motor requires a rotor position sensor, such as a
as the position sensors to perform current commutation for revolver or an absolute encoder. All the sensors mentioned
every 60 degree electrical. For the servo drive applications above increase the cost and size of the motor and reduce its
with high stationary accuracy of the speed and rotor position, sturdiness. Because of these reasons, the brushless dc motor
the BLDC motor requires a rotor position sensor, such as without position and speed sensors has attracted wide
absolute encoder. All the sensors mentioned, increase the cost attention.
and size of the motor and reduce its sturdiness. Because of
these reasons, the BLDC motor without position and speed The rotor position is detected for every 60 degree electrical
sensors has attracted wide attention. In the proposed work, which is necessary to perform current commutation. These
Extended Kalman Filter will be employed to estimate the methods are based on using the back emf of the motor for the
motor state variables by only using measurements of the detection of the conducting state of freewheeling diodes in
stator line voltage and current. When applying the the unexcited phase and the stator third harmonic voltage
Extended Kalman Filter, it is necessary to solve some components. Since, these methods cannot provide continual
specific problems related to the voltage and current rotor position estimation, they are not applicable for the
waveforms of the BLDC motor. In the proposed work, EKF sensorless drives in which high estimation accuracy of the
will be designed and implemented for the estimation of speed and rotor positions are necessary to estimate rotor
speed and rotor position of BLDC motor through position not only for every 60 degree electrical but also
simulation, so that the motor could run at, as low speed continuously. The rotor position of the BLDC motor is
with reasonable accuracy. It is also proposed to verify the estimated continually using measured motor terminal
simulation results. voltages and currents. The accuracy of the rotor position
estimation depends on the motor parameter variation and
1 Introduction accuracy of measured voltage and currents.
The brushless DC motor drive system incorporating motors In BLDC motor, the location of the rotor position is measured
with permanent magnet excitations are being used in a by either direct or indirect position control. In direct control
rapidly expanding range of applications, including computer the actual position is measured directly. In the indirect case,
peripherals, automotive and machine tool industries. The the actual position of the rotor is determined indirectly by
shaft position sensors, such as optical or Hall Effect position transferring the measured motor position to the load side. In
sensors are usually used to detect exact rotor position. the direct position control, only the resolution of the used
However in recent years, in order to reduce motor space and sensor determines the accuracy of the position measurement
IET-UK International Conference on Information and Communication Technology in Electrical Sciences
of the load side, where as in indirect measurements the non- L aa = Lbb = L cc = L (3)
ideal characteristic of the transmission element between the
motor and the load, influences the position accuracy at the L ab = Lbc = Lca = M (4)
load. In general, indirect control requires a less precise
position sensor than the direct one, because the resolution of The stator phase current are constrained to
the sensor at the drive end is increased with regard to the
be, ias + ibs + ics = 0 , which leads to the simplification of the
resolution at the load side by using a reduction gear.
inductance matrix in the model as
An Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) is recursive optimum
state estimators which can be used for the joint state and vas Rs 0 0 ias L − M 0 0 ias eas (5)
v = 0 Rs 0 ibs + 0 L−M 0 p i + e
parameter estimation of a non-linear dynamic system in real- bs bs bs
vcs 0 0 Rs ics 0 0 L − M ics ecs
time by using noisy monitored signals that are distributed by
random noise. This assumes that the measurement noise and
disturbance noise are uncorrelated. The noise sources take The electromagnetic torque is given by
into account of measurement and modeling inaccuracies. In
the first stage of the calculations, the states are predicted by Te = [eas ias + ebs ibs + ecs ics ] (6)
using a mathematical model (which contains previous ωm
estimates) and in the second stage; the predicted states are
continuously corrected by using a feedback correction The instantaneous induced emf can be written as,
scheme. This scheme makes use of actual measured states, by
adding a term to the predicted states (which is obtained in the eas = f as (θ r ) λ p ω m (7)
first stage). The additional term contains the weighted
difference of the measured and estimated output signals. ebs = f bs (θ r ) λ p ω m (8)
Based on the deviation from the estimated value, the EKF
provides an optimum output value at the next input instant.
ecs = f cs (θ r ) λ p ω m (9)
The coupled circuit equations of the stator windings in terms f as (θ r ) = − 1 180 0 < θ ≤ 300 0 (12)
of motor electrical constants are
f a s (θ r ) =
(θ − 2 π ) + 1 300 0 < θ ≤ 360 0 (13)
vas Rs 0 0 ias Laa Lab Lac ias eas π
v = 0 (1)
bs Rs 0 ibs + Lba Lbb Lbc + ibs + ebs
The function of rotor position ( θ r ) and f as (θ r ) is defined as,
vcs 0 0 Rs ics Lca Lcb Lcc ics ecs
The stator resistance per phase is assumed to be equal for all Te = λ p [ f as (θ r ) ias + f bs (θ r ) ibs + f cs (θ r ) ics ] (14)
three phases. The induced back EMF is assumed to be
trapezoidal. Where E is the peak value, derived as,
p It is significant to observe that the phase voltage equation is
identical to the armature voltage equation of a DC machine.
E p = λ pω m (2) That is one of the reasons for naming this machine the
permanent magnet BLDC machine. The equation of motion
Estimation of Speed and Rotor Position of BLDC Motor using Extended Kalman Filter
for a simple system with inertia J , friction coefficient B , and be realized from a stored table. This completes the modeling
load torque Tl is, of the permanent magnet BLDC motor.
= AX + BU (17)
Rs λp
− 0 0 − f as (θ r ) 0
L1 L1
Figure 1: The control diagram of BLDC motor
Rs λp
0 − 0 − f bs (θ r ) 0
L1 L1
3 Extended Kalman Filter
A= R λ (19)
f cs (θ r ) 0
0 0 − s −
L1 L1 A. System configuration
λp λp λp B
J f as (θ r ) J
f bs (θ r )
f cs (θ r ) −
0 Figure.2 shows the block diagram of the system for speed and
rotor position estimation of a BLDC motor. The system can
P functionally divide into two parts: the speed control system
0 0 0 0
2 and estimation system. The first one consists of a power
circuit (dc supply, inverter, and motor) and control circuit
1 which perform two functions: current control and speed
L 0 0 0
control. The measurement speed (ωr), rotor position (θr) and
1 phase currents are used as feedback signals.
0 0 0
L1 The main block of the estimation algorithm is the EKF
B= 1 (20) defined on the basis of average line voltage at the kth-
0 0 0 sampling time, along with the measured current, a set of the
L1 EKF input variables by means of which the speed and rotor
1 position are estimated. The control signal is Vcont,k which
0 0 0 −
J turns ON/OFF the active pair of the inverter transistors. The
0 0 0 0 active pair of transistor is determined by commutation logic,
using the estimated rotor position.
u = [Vas Vbs Vcs Tl ] (21)
B. Extended kalman filter
L1 = L − M (22) The classical Kalman filter was invented for linear systems
only. Many real systems, including BLDC motor, are
The rotor position θ r , which is the state variable is required however non-linear. If the nonlinearities are of minor
importance, they can often be neglected. Non-linearities that
so as to drive the functions f as (θ r ), f bs (θ r ), and f cs (θ r ) that
can not be neglected have to be compensated for in one way
IET-UK International Conference on Information and Communication Technology in Electrical Sciences
or the other, before a Kalman filter can be applied to the C. Selection of the time domain BLDC machine model
system. One effective method to linearize non-linear
equations around a certain working point is by using Taylor It is possible to have EKF implementations using time
series. Applying the Taylor series to nonlinearities in the domain machine models expressed in the stationary reference
system equations, results in a version of the Kalman filter frame, or expressed in the rotor reference frames. Generally
called the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF). This observer is the model is expressed in stator reference frame with the
capable of handling almost any non-linear system at the cost following assumptions.
of calculating Taylor series at each time sample. The The effects of saturation of the magnetic paths of the
Extended Kalman Filter can not be proved to be optimal, but machine have been neglected,
this does not mean that the solution is bad. On the contrary, Stator inductance is assumed to be constant,
the non-linear version of the Kalman filter usually performs dω
very well. Rotor speed deviation is negligible, r = 0 .
In EKF, the rotor speed is considered as a state variable. This
makes the system matrix A nonlinear i.e. A = A( X ) .
= AX + BU (23)
Y = CX (24)
The eqns (23) and (24) describe the time domain model of the
BLDC motor and can be visualized by the block diagram
shown in Figure. 3.
Estimation of Speed and Rotor Position of BLDC Motor using Extended Kalman Filter
used, and also the system covariance matrix (Q). During the
filtering of the stage,
Q = Q0 = diag ( a, a, a, b, c ) (27) the filtered states ( Xˆ ) are obtained from the predicted
estimates by adding a correction term to the predicted value
P = P0 = diag ( e, e, e, f , g ) (28) (X), this correction term is Ke = K (Y − Yˆ ) , where
e = (Y − Yˆ ) an error term is and it uses measured values. This
R = R0 = diag ( m, m, m) (29)
error is minimized in the EKF. The structure of the Extended
Kalman Filter (EKF) is shown in figure 5.
The state estimates are obtained in the following steps:
Q11 = Q22 = Q33 = a; Q44 = b; andQ55 = c
Step 1: Initialzation of the state vector and covariance
P11 = P22 = P33 = e; P44 = f ; andP55 = g . matrices,
R11 = R22 = R33 = m Starting values of the state vector X o = X ( t o ) and the
starting values of the noise covariance matrixes Q0 and
In general, Q is a 5 by 5 matrix, R is a 3 by 3 matrix, and P is R0 are set, together with the starting value of the state
a 5 by 5 matrix. This means that in total there are 59
covariance elements to be determined. However, since the covariance matrix P0 , where P is the covariance matrix of the
noise signals are not correlated, a reduction of the required state vector.
elements results, and e.g. and R will only contain 9 unknown
diagonal elements. Step 2: Prediction of the state vector
IET-UK International Conference on Information and Communication Technology in Electrical Sciences
the kth instant. However, to simplify the notation, it has been For the realization of the EKF algorithm it is very convenient
replaced by X(k+1). Similarly, X (k/k) has been replaced X to use a signal processor because of the large number of
(k). multiplications required and also because of the fact that all
of the computations have to be performed fast with in one
Step 3: Covariance estimation of prediction. The covariance sampling interval.
matrix of prediction is estimated as,
4 Simulation Results and Discussions
P * ( k + 1) = f ( k + 1) Pˆ ( k ) f T ( k + 1) + Q (31)
The BLDC model drive with speed and current controllers is
Where P (k+1/k) has been replaced by p (k+1), P (k/k) has simulated in simulink model. The speed and torque responses
been replaced by P (k). Where f is the gradient matrix, for a step change in input and step change of load torque
condition are shown in Figures 4.1and 4.3. The motor is
loaded with a full load torque of 0.89 Nm at 0.2 sec
∂x [
f ( k + 1) = ∂ Ad X + Bd U ]x = xˆ ( k +1) (32)
K ( k + 1) = P * ( k + 1) hT ( k + 1)[ h( k + 1) P * ( k + 1) hT ( k + 1) + R ]−1
∂x [
h( k + 1) = ∂ C d X ] x = x* ( k +1) (34)
Yˆ ( k + 1) = C d X * ( k + 1) (36)
Step 6: Covariance matrix of estimation error. The error Figure 4.3: Torque response
covariance matrix can be obtained from
Pˆ ( k + 1) = P * ( k + 1) − K ( k + 1) h( k + 1) P * ( k + 1) (37)
Step 7: k = k + 1, X ( k ) = X ( k − 1) , P ( k ) = P ( k − 1) and go
Figure 4.4: Motor phase current
to step1.
Estimation of Speed and Rotor Position of BLDC Motor using Extended Kalman Filter
Figure 4.5 represents the actual and estimated speed under no Figure 4.9: Estimated speed error
load. Figures 4.6 and 4.7 are the actual and estimated speeds
of the BLDC motor. Figures 4.8 and 4.9 are the actual and
estimated error under a step wie change in speed.
IET-UK International Conference on Information and Communication Technology in Electrical Sciences
Abstract—Development of advanced motor drives has yielded Replacing these inefficient motors with more efficient brushless
increases in efficiency and reliability. Residential and commercial dc (BLDC) motors will result in substantial energy savings.
appliances such as refrigerators and air conditioning systems use A permanent-magnet synchronous machine has several ad-
conventional motor drive technology. The machines found in these
applications are characterized by low efficiency and high main- vantages over other machine types. Most notably (compared
tenance. A brushless dc (BLDC) motor drive is characterized by to other dc motors), they require lower maintenance due to
higher efficiency, lower maintenance, and higher cost. In a market the elimination of the mechanical commutator. They also have
driven by profit margins, the appliance industry is reluctant to high power density. Compared to induction machines, they have
replace the conventional motor drives with the advanced motor lower inertia, allowing for faster dynamic response to reference
drives (BLDC) due to their higher cost. Therefore, it is necessary
to have a low-cost but effective BLDC motor controller. This paper commands. In addition, they are more efficient due to the
lays the groundwork for the development of a new low-cost IC permanent magnets, which results in significantly lower rotor
for control of BLDC motors. A simple novel digital pulsewidth- losses. The major disadvantage with permanent-magnet motors
modulation control has been implemented for a trapezoidal BLDC is their higher cost and relatively greater degree of complexity
motor drive system. Due to the simplistic nature of this control, introduced by the power electronic converter used to drive them
it has the potential to be implemented in a low-cost application-
specific integrated circuit. The novel controller is modeled and [2], [3].
verified using simulations. Experimental verification is carried Hysteresis current control and pulsewidth modulation
out using field-programmable gate arrays to validate the claims (PWM) control coupled with continuous control theory have
presented. produced the most widely used BLDC motor control techniques
Index Terms—Brushless dc (BLDC) motor drives, converters, [4]. Hysteresis current control is essential toward achieving
field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), inverters, motion con- adequate servo performance, namely, instantaneous torque con-
trol, pulsewidth modulation (PWM). trol, yielding faster speed response compared to PWM control.
For most applications, proportional-integral (PI) current and
speed compensators are sufficient to establish a well-regulated
speed/torque controller. In other cases, state feedback control is
the motor winding is constant for 120◦ , before and after which
it changes linearly with rotor angle.
In order to get constant output power and, consequently, con-
stant output torque, current is driven through a motor winding
during the flat portion of the back-EMF waveform. Only two
switches are turned on at a time, one in a high side and the other
in a low side. Thus, for a star-connected motor winding, two
phases are connected in series across the dc bus, while the third
winding is open. The switches in Fig. 1 are operated such that
each phase carries current only during the 120◦ period when
Fig. 2. Back EMF and phase current variation with rotor electrical angle. the back EMF is constant. Thus, there is a commutation event
between phases for every 60◦ electrical, as shown in Fig. 2.
Effectively, it means that there is a current transition every
characteristic equations of a BLDC machine have been used to 60◦ . Appropriate commutation therefore requires knowledge of
derive the design procedure, which involves simple first-order rotor position, which can be directly detected using position
nonhomogenous differential equations. During steady-state op- sensors or estimated in sensorless manner by monitoring back
eration, the design procedure is reduced to a few simple alge- EMF in the open phase [11].
braic equations. Computer simulations and experimental results Unlike a brushed dc motor, the commutation of a BLDC
are presented for proof of concept. motor is controlled electronically [12]. To rotate the BLDC
motor, the stator windings should be energized in a sequence.
It is important to know the rotor position in order to follow
the proper energizing sequence. For the present system, rotor
For a three-phase BLDC application, the most common position is sensed using Hall effect sensors embedded into the
topology used is a three-phase buck-derived converter or a stator. By reading the Hall effect sensors, a 3-b code can be
three-phase inverter bridge [8], [9]. The typical inverter drive obtained, with values ranging from one to six. Each code value
system for a BLDC motor is shown in Fig. 1. represents a sector in which the rotor is presently located. Each
As shown in Fig. 1, the output stage consists of a three- code value therefore gives us information on which windings
phase inverter composed of switches that could be MOSFETs need to be excited to turn the rotor [13], [14]. State “0” and “7”
or insulated-gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs). If IGBTs are are considered invalid states for Hall effect sensors. A timing
used, antiparallel diodes need to be connected across them for diagram showing the relationship between the sensor outputs
carrying reverse currents, while MOSFETs use body diodes. and the required motor drive voltages is shown in Fig. 3.
MOSFETs give lower turn-off switching loss and usually lower The numbers at the top of Fig. 3 correspond to the current
diode forward drop, but that advantage may be offset by higher phases shown in Fig. 4. It is apparent from Fig. 3 that the
ON -state voltage drop and turn-on switching/diode reverse re- three sensor outputs overlap in such a way as to create six
covery loss than IGBTs. Typical waveforms for a three-phase unique 3-b codes corresponding to each of the drive phases. The
BLDC motor with trapezoidal flux distribution are shown in numbers shown around the periphery of the motor diagram in
Fig. 2 [10]. Approximately, the back EMF induced per phase of Fig. 4 represent the sensor position code. The north pole of the
Fig. 5. Conventional PWM current control.
rotor points to the code that is output at that rotor position. The
numbers are the sensor logic levels where the most significant
bit is sensor C and the least significant bit is sensor A [15]. The
input sensor state and the corresponding drive state required for
commutation can be put in the form of a state table as shown in
Table I.
Fig. 8. Block diagram for digital PWM control for a BLDC motor drive
the rated motor current. This is because motors can handle Fig. 9. Gate switching waveforms.
1.5 times the rated current for a short duration of time. The
minimum value of Ilimit decides the steady-state error. For a As long as
value equal to zero, a large steady-state error is observed in
the simulation. The minimum value of Ilimit is defined as the ωactual < ω ∗ − Δω, Ilimit = Ilimit,max . (3)
ratio of a percentage (1%) of the rated torque to the torque
constant. In addition, Ilimit α ωerror
The proportional constant K for a desired speed ripple can
be calculated as follows. In steady state, Δω ≤ |ωerr ∗ 2|. In the Ilimit = K ∗ ωerror . (4)
worst case, Δω = |ωerr ∗ 2|. For the desired speed ripple Δω,
a constant Kset can be defined as By using (1)–(3) in (4), it can be shown that
Δω 2 ∗ Ilimit,max
Kset = . (1) K= . (5)
ωrated Kset ∗ ωrated
Taking the maximum value of the speed ripple In this control strategy, both the high- and low-side switches
are switched simultaneously. Both high- and low-side diodes
ωerr ∗ 2 conduct. The waveforms for this type of switching are shown
Kset = . (2)
ωrated in Fig. 9.
IV. C ONTROLLER D ESIGN The maximum deviation from the reference speed (ω ∗ ) due
to the application of high duty DH is denoted by ΔωH , and
The value of the duty ratio D can be obtained from the
the maximum deviation from the reference speed due to the
electrical and mechanical equations. The value of D can be
application of a low duty DL is denoted by ΔωL . The speed
expressed as a function of the motor parameters.
response can be expressed as
From the torque equation, we have
Tem − TL ∗ Tem − TL b
dω ω(t) = + ω − e− J t . (12)
Tem = J + bω + TL (6) b b
where Tem , ω(t), b, J, and TL denote developed electromag- From Fig. 10, at time t = t2 + TP
netic torque, rotor angular velocity, viscous friction constant, Tem − TL Tem − TL b
(TL + ωss b) From (18), for a desired speed ripple, the sampling time can
DVdc = R + Ke ωss (10) be calculated. ωNL,max is the maximum speed under no-load
where ωss denotes the steady-state angular velocity.
Therefore, the duty ratio can be expressed in terms of the B. Steady-State Analysis
motor parameters as
For the purpose of analysis, the proposed digital controller
1 (TL + ωss b) was considered equivalent to a proportional controller with high
D= R + Ke ωss . (11)
Vdc Kt gain and saturation. This analysis was aimed at determining if
the actual motor speed reaches the reference speed at steady
A. Speed Ripple Calculation state. The transfer function for a BLDC motor is shown as
Steady-state error is a function of the speed samples. It is ω(s) JLa
= (19)
therefore necessary to find out the effect of sampling time (TP ) V (s) s2 + (JRa +BLa ) +Kt Ke )
s + (BRaJL
JLa a
on the speed ripple. Fig. 10 shows the speed response at steady
state. where V = DVin , with D being the duty cycle.
Fig. 11. Closed-loop control of the BLDC motor with the novel digital PWM
Fig. 15. Experimental results for a reference speed of 2500 r/min under no-
load condition.
Fig. 14. Simulated duty, speed, and current response for a commanded speed
of 2500 r/min for full-load operation.
Fig. 19. Experimental results for a reference speed of 2100 r/min under
full load.
Fig. 17. Experimental results for a reference speed of 1500 r/min under no-
load condition.
Fig. 20. Speed response for change in load torque and for a reference speed
of 2000 r/min.
A new digital control concept for BLDC machines has
been introduced and experimentally verified. The aim of this
paper is to develop a low-cost controller for applications where
inefficient single-phase induction motors are used. Due to the
simplistic nature of this control, it has the potential to be imple-
mented in a low-cost application-specific integrated circuit. The
controller exploits the characteristic of most electromechanical
systems. Since electrical time constants are much faster relative
to the mechanical time constants, speed regulation with an
acceptable amount of ripple is possible by rapid switching of
states. Furthermore, this control strategy does not require a
state observer. Under dynamic load conditions, the proposed
controller was found to be capable of regulating speed without
the use of an observer. This results in a considerable reduction
of size and the cost of the system.
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precision is not required. Some of the applications where this [13] F. Rodriguez, P. Desai, and A. Emadi, “A novel digital control technique
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dryers, machine tools, pumps, refrigerators, etc. [14] F. Rodriguez and A. Emadi, “A novel digital control technique for brush-
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[19] N. Keskar, M. Batello, A. Guerra, and A. Gorgerino, “Power loss Young-Joo Lee (S’07) received the B.S. degree
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International Rectifier. AN-1048. Technology and Education, Cheonan, Korea, in 1996
[20] N. Matsui“Sensorless PM brushless DC motor drives,” IEEE Trans. Ind. and the M.S. degree from Gwang-Woon University,
Electron., vol. 43, no. 2, pp. 300–308, Apr. 1996. Seoul, Korea, in 2003. Since 2006, he has been
[21] Y. Lai, F. Shyu, and Y. Chang, “Novel loss reduction pulse width modu- working toward the Ph.D. degree in the Department
lation technique for brushless dc motor drives fed by MOSFET inverter,” of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Illinois In-
IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 19, no. 6, pp. 1646–1652, Nov. 2004. stitute of Technology, Chicago. His Ph.D. research
[22] Z. Q. Zhu, Y. Liu, and D. Howe, “Comparison of performance of brushless focuses on integrated bidirectional converter for
DC drives under direct torque control and PWM current control,” in Proc. plug-in hybrid electric vehicles.
8th Int. Conf. Elect. Mach. Syst., Sep. 2005, vol. 2, pp. 1486–1491. In 1995, he joined SunStar R&C, Incheon, Korea,
[23] F. Rodriguez, “Advanced digital control techniques for brush-less where he specialized in industrial sewing machines and controllers, and motors
DC (BLDC) motor drives,” Ph.D. dissertation, Illinois Inst. Technol., and controllers for industrial sewing machines. He then joined Genoray Com-
Chicago, Dec. 2006. pany, Ltd., Seongnam, Korea. He has over ten years of industrial experience
and has developed several commercial system controllers for sewing machines
and medical X-ray fluoroscopy equipment, which require control of brushless
dc motors, induction and stepper motors, high-frequency full-bridge converters,
X-ray electron tubes, and other electric–pneumatic actuators.
Anand Sathyan (S’04) received the B.S. degree
(with distinction) in electrical engineering from
Amrita Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, India,
Mahesh Krishnamurthy (S’02–M’08) received the
in 1998, the M.S. degree (with distinction) in electri-
M.S. degree from the University of Missouri, Rolla,
cal engineering from Coimbatore Institute of Tech-
nology, Coimbatore, in 2001, and the Ph.D. degree in 2004 and the Ph.D. degree from the University of
Texas, Arlington, in 2008.
from the Department of Electrical and Computer En-
Since 2008, he has been with the Department of
gineering, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago.
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Illinois Insti-
From August 2001 to August 2004, he was a
tute of Technology, Chicago, as an Assistant Profes-
Faculty Member with the Department of Electrical
sor. His current research interests include numerical
Engineering, Amrita Institute of Technology. From
analysis of energy conversion in electric machines;
August 2004 to December 2008, he was a Research Assistant with the Grainger
Power Electronics and Motor Drives Laboratory, Illinois Institute of Technol- design, analysis, and control of power electronics
and drives in renewable energy; and hybrid and plug-
ogy. Since April 2009, he has been with Chrysler Corporation, Detroit, MI,
in hybrid vehicular applications.
working on hybrid and plug-in hybrid vehicles. His research interests include
power electronics, motor drives, and renewable energy systems.
Abstract— Brushless Direct Current (BLDC) motor with the and has good prospect[1]-[3].
high power density and the high efficiency characteristic is been At present, research on field-weakening of BLDC motor all
used to Electric Vehicle. The mathematical model of BLDC obtains the best electric current vector to control the inverter
motor under rotor flux linkage direction reference frame was
given. The chart of field-weakening vector control and basic to obtain certain effect under the different rotational speed ,
principle of field-weakening control strategy were analyzed. in the foundation of not modifying the electrical machinery
The theory of field-weakening based on reactive power with structure, resting on these characteristic curve such as the
BLDC motor was proposed. The drive system of field-weakening biggest torque/current path, the electric current and the volt-
based on reactive power using BLDC motor was designed. age limit ellipse .Vector control technology is not suitable
The experiment and result was test the validity of field-
weakening based on reactive power with BLDC for Electric for weak magnetic control of BLDC motor with trapezoidal
Vehicle Application. wave permanent magnetism, because not realizing electrical
Index Terms— BLDC motor; Electric vehicle; field- machinery complete decoupling[4]-[6]. This article proposes
weakening; reactive power; transient powerless torque theory from the basic electric and
magnet correlation, the theory is brought forward to meet
I. INTRODUCTION the phase advancing control method. Without complicated
The electric vehicle(EV) is the cleanenergy saving and vector transform, the method calculated current instruction
environmental protection transportation vehicle, which hav- and angle instruction based on the given torque and motor
ing no pollution, low heat radiation , the noise small, not speed feedback, and achieves high control precision in the
consumed the gasoline in the travel process. It applying many high speed field-weaken area.
kinds of energy, is called ”star of the tomorrow”. The drive
system is one power core of the electric vehicle, realizing the
vehicles power performance. Along with the new material II. BASIC PRINCIPLE OF FIELD - WEAKENING CONTROL
technology, the computer technology, the power electronics STRATEGY WITH BLDC MOTOR
technology and the microelectronic technology rapid de-
velopment, the electric vehicle mostly uses the alternating The permanent magnet is produced the constant excitation
current (AC) machine. It is the motive research hot spot that It magnetic field when not considering the temperature influ-
is the motive research hot spot that Brushless Direct Current ence of rotor permanent magnet. It is only can carry on
(BLDC) motor with the high power density and the high the equivalent field-weakening through the stator magnetic
efficiency characteristic is been used to EV. The motor has field to the air gap magnetic field. Basic principle of field-
inherit the predominant timing performance of the traditional weakening control strategy with BLDC motor all is uses
motor, as well the less volume, lighter weight, high efficiency the armature reactions of the stator current. Through the
less moment of inertia and without exciting wastage, and also stator magnetic potential and the rotor magnetic potential
discard the commutator and brush. Therefore it’s widely used composing, causing the air gap magnetic potential to reduce,
the induced potential of stator winding reduces. When ne-
∗ glecting the saturation effect of stator inductance parameter
Fig. 2. Chart of field-weakening vector control of BLDC motor.
The instantaneous value of three-phase electric current is of the stator current opposite the counter electromotive force,
obtained by the counter-Clark transformation according to the which are calculated by the d-axis component and q-axis
above equation. Field weakening control based on reactive component of stator current based on reactive power theory.
power with BLDC motor includes operating mode of biggest The stator current peak value serves as the electric current
torque/Current ratio control in low speed and operating mode instruction value of the stator current with closed-loop
of weak magnetic control with permanent power in high control. The control block diagram of field-weakening based
speed. The operating mode using weak magnetic control on reactive power theory using square-wave electric current
in low speed is for fully using permanent magnetism mag- control BLDC motor is shown as figure 2
netic resistance torque, enhancing electrical machinery the In the chart, torque instructions is accepted by
torque/Current ratio; The operating mode using the weak communication control unit through the CAN from
magnetic control in high speed is in order to use the stator vehicle controller. The reactive power torque is calculated
current the straight axis component to realize the air gap by the control command and the speed .The electric current
magnetic flux equivalent weak magnetism, realizing weak function table and the field-weakening control angle function
magnetic control keeping permanent power. table are calculated by torque instruction signal and speed
signal. The PWM duty factor signal is to come from the
electric current function table and field-weakening control
angle function table. The signal is also comes form the DC
The principle of field-weakening based on reactive power voltage signal, the phase current signal, the temperature
is realized by electrical current phase advance according signal, real-time trouble protect signal of drive system.
to the current torque instruction and the current rotational
speed. The angle ahead of time can be obtained by the angle
In order to test the validity of field-weakening control
based on reactive power with BLDC motor. The experiments
are carried out in an AC drive system, which parameters
of the square-wave electric current control BLDC motor are
list as: rated power is 65kW, maximum speed is 11000 rpm,
maximum torque is 125Nm. The three-dimensional chart of
stator electric current instruction calculated on reactive power
theory is shown as 3. The three-dimensional chart of angle
instruction obtained from field-weakening based on reactive
power theory is shown as 4
The rotor position signal, the corresponding PWM profiles
and the electric current profiles according to field-weakening
control based on above instructions under different speed
experiment are respectively shown as 5 and 6
It is availability to field-weakening control based on re-
active power theory. When the BLDC motor is in the low
speed with permanent torque control operating mode, Under
the same speed and same peak value torque, experimental
result is shown to obtain 5 percent higher torque under the
same electric current, more to enhance the drive system
controllability and control precision. When in high speed
operating mode, the stator current peak can be reduced 15 ∼
20 percent under same torque in the field-weakening control
region, thus the system reliability and the power module
security enhance greatly. Fig. 6. Experiment waveforms around 10000 rpm with field-weakening
The authors would like to thank Dept. of Electric Engineer-
ing, Tongji University and Ananda Drive Technology Corpo- R EFERENCES
ration for their helpful support and constant encouragement. [1] G.Henneberger, et al. Comparison of Three Different Motor Types for
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The 33rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON)
Nov. 5-8, 2007, Taipei, Taiwan
Abstract- This paper proposes a variable sampling Previous researches on the variable sampling control have
simulation method using SIMULINK for brushless DC focused on multiple but fixed sampling rate problems [1-6].
motor (BLDC) drives with low-resolution position These controls offer improved performance if one considers
sensors (Hall sensors). Variable sampling is an interesting the slow sampling rate system. More recent results have
and important topic in discrete-time robust control. considered high performance servo systems [7], [8] and have
Nevertheless, there is no suitable simulation tool for the achieved smoother system responses utilizing the fact that
BLDC motor drive to simulate variable sampling. We control efforts are updated more frequently than the
present three subsystems for variable sampling measurements. Moore et al. [9] summarized these control
simulation: the first is continuous time model of BLDC strategies into an N-delay input/output control, and there is
motors, the second is variable sampling trigger, and the also a successful implementation [10]. However, the results
next is discrete time speed with variable sampling time directly addressing variable sampling rate are very limited.
constant estimator. Based on the variable sampling In 1993, Hori published an interesting result in [11] where
simulation method using SIMULINK, the simulation and the author considered a pure integrator system, and was able
implementation of variable sampling robust control will to transform the speed-position relation into a time-invariant
become more easily. system. The result is very neat. However, it is valid only for
the case of pure integrator system. The papers [12, 13 14 and
Keyword-variable sampling, discrete-time, SIMULINK 15] have derived the control laws using variable sampling
models. All previous researches presented robust controls in
I. INTRODUCTION multi-rate or variable sampling, but they did not present a
good simulation method for variable sampling. In previous
Variable sampling systems describe a class of systems whose research [22] used finite element (FE) analysis to model the
sensor outputs are available only at some situations not operation of BLDC motors and achieve the time-stepping,
specified by the sampling mechanism. For example, the but it only considered the fixed sampling rate. However, it is
situation arises when the measured variables are depended complex for variable sampling BLDC motors.
on the marks along the trajectory. The type of systems is
encountered in Brushless DC (BLDC) motor drives with low The computer simulation plays very important roles in
resolution position sensors, because the position research and development of power electronic devices
measurements are not available at the fixed sampling because of its high maneuverability, low cost and ability to
instance. speed up system implementation [16]. The famous
Mathworks Simulink/Matlab package is becoming more
The BLDC motor usually uses three or more Hall sensors wide spread amongst academia and industry [17]. The
to obtain rotor position and speed measurements. Without SIMULINK is a model operation programmer, and the
extra hardware, it would be necessary to inverse the time simulation model can be easily developed by addition of
difference between two successive Hall sensor signals to new sub-models to cater for various control functions [1 8].
obtain reliable speed measurement.
In this paper, we propose a variable sampling simulation
Notice that there are only a few sensors available to the method using SIMULINK for BLDC motor drives with low
motor; therefore, the measurement would be available only resolution position sensors (Hall sensors), and use three
at discrete instances. Depending on the number of poles, subsystems to achieve simulation.
there may be six or twelve sensor pulses per rotation. The
sampling time thus becomes a variable according to the II. CONTINUOUS TIME MODEL OF BLDC MOTOR
motor speed. Similar applications such as the computer disk
drives and the optical drives all have to extract the motion The continuous-time model of BLDC motors is similar to
information along the motion trajectory and result in speed permanent magnet DC motor. If only focus on trapezoidal
dependent sampling. These systems have uncertainty in control (means only two phases are turn on in the same time),
discrete-time model and require a servo controller that is not the characteristic equations of BLDC motors can be rewrite
sensitive to the sampling period.
assumed controllable. The manipulated input u(k) is also Now, (sI - F)' = !S+DJ 1]. Let a DIJ and
known at every sampling instance. The Variable Structure s(st+eDlJ)t L ° ser
Controller (VSC) design for the continuous-time system take inverse Laplace transform
time constant estimator.
s(s+ a ) (i e )]
(D~(Tk) L
s+ a eL
0 1
= l¢ (D12(Tk)
L021 (22(Tk)j
Using Eq. (5), one has the control law [21]
u(k) _0 X(C =(CT_r(Tk )1 [CT x(_)
qlTkCTX(k,)+ eT. sgn(CTx (k))]
=-(clrrl(T) + F2(77)) {r(Cl 1I + 02Q1)x1k() +
(C1P1j2(T) + 22(Tk))x2(k)] - s(k)
Fig. 3. All blocks of variable sampling simulation.
q T. s (k) + eT. s gn(s (k))}
Note, In the Eq(14), the sampling time Tk is a variable. A. Continuous Time Model of BLDC Motors
However, the variable sampling variable structure
control(VSC) can guarantee stable system response, the In continuous time model of the BLDC motor, we not
simulated results for brushless DC motor are shown in Fig. 2 only create transfer functions of BLDC motors according to
[21]. The oscillation is caused by the asynchronization (1)-(3), but also consider the influence from PWM scheme.
between the controller system clock and the actual sampling The voltage command (V*) is compared triangle wave to
feedback, which is depended on the motor speed. In Fig. 2, create the gate signal. Then, the gate signal dot the voltage
the rate for the fixed sampling controller is set to 600 Hz of DC bus (320V) to produce PWM waveform of inverter.
(suitable for 3000 rpm) and 4 kHz (the same as the system The detail block is shown in below.
clock) with the speed command set to 200 rpm. Contras,
variable sampling VSC achieves a stable and fast response. 32 1 {
V. Co , > t Transftff Fcrn, 7Tans!O cRM
sampling rate of BLDC. A simulation method for variable smplng trigger mundz=j Wt
sampling rate based on time domain simulation of Fig. 5. Blocks of variable sampling trigger.
SIMULINK is proposed, as shown in Fig. 4. The simulation
tool includes three parts: the first is continuous time model C. Discrete Time Speed and Variable Sampling Time
of BLDC motors, the second is variable sampling trigger, Constant Estimator
and the next is the discrete time speed and variable sampling
The sampling trigger trigs the sample and hold block to 350
sample speed, then the variable sampling time interval can 300
Duty ratio = 10%
be calculated by sampled time speed, as shown in Fig. The
unit of speed is rpm and the included angles between 250
T(k) = (16) 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
wtk) Time (sec) x 10-,
Fig. 7. PWM waveform of the continuous time model of the BLDC motor
I u
] -44
-I~~11(300160-'l2) 1000
/ 0 0 0 0 ~~~~~~10%
Initial Condition
Fig 6. Blocks of the discrete time speed and variable sampling time E
constant estimator
In order to avoid dividing by zero, we set the initial speed
as 1 rpm, and initial time constant as the sample time in the 400
lowest controllable speed.
V. SIMULATION RESULT 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 .1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Time (sec)
° 800 800 E
Armature inductance, L 24 mH E
Terminal resistance, R 5.17 Q 600
Rated Speed 3000 rpm 40C
Sample Time
The Voltage of DC Bus 320 V
20C0 200
The continuous time model of the BLDC motor cloud - -I I I 1 I I \,
BLDC motor, as shown in Fig. 7. When we take the Fig. 9. Open loop response of the discrete time speed and variable sampling
operating voltage 32V in open loop simulation, the supply time constant estimator.
voltage becomes 10% duty ratio of the Voltage of DC bus.
In Fig. 10, the sample time of the BLDC motor is
decreasing, when the speed of the BLDC motor is increasing.
So, the discrete time speed and variable sample time are very
important in robust control for the BLDC motor drive.
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00 C02 003 004 005
Time (sec)
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[1] H.M. Al-Rahmani and G.F. Franklin, "Multirate control: a new
The 7th International Conference on Power Electronics WED1·4
October 22-26, 2007 / EXCO, Daegu, Korea
A Simple Fault Detection of the Open-Switch Damage in BLDC Motor Drive Systems
Jung-Oae Lee, Byoung-Gun Park, Tae-Sung Kim, Ji-Su Ryu, and Oong-Seok Hyun
Hanyang University
Oept. of Electrical Engineering
17 Haengdang-dong Seongdong-gu, Seoul, 133-791
E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract-This paper proposes a novel fault detection the interval of a mode because the error times of two excited
algorithm for a brushless DC (BLOC) motor drive system. phases increase identically within a mode. And this method
This proposed method is configured without the additional cannot avoid decreases of the control performance until the
sensor for fault detection and identification. The fault detection fault identification. To solve these problems, in novel
and identification are achieved by a simple algorithm using the proposed fault detection method, it is possible to detect fault
operating characteristic of the BLOC motor. The drive system
within the maximum one mode and avoid decreases in the
after the fault identification is reconfigured by four-switch
topology connecting a faulty leg to the middle point of control performance.
DC-link using bidirectional switches. This proposed method can This paper proposes a fault tolerant system that can quickly
also be embedded into existing BLOC motor drive systems as a recover the control performance by fast fault detection time
subroutine without excessive computational effort. The and reconfiguration of system topology [12]. This method is
feasibility of a novel fault detection algorithm is validated in also achieved without using additional sensor and a simple
simulation. algorithm, as it uses the operating characteristic of BLOC
motor drive. This method can be embedded into existing
I. INTRODUCTION BLOC motor drive system as a subroutine without excessive
computational effort. The proposed fault tolerant system
The brushless OC (BLOC) motor is attracting much performs the follow tasks:
interest due to its high efficiency, high power factor, high
torque, simple control, and lower maintenance requirement 1) fault detection;
[1], [2]. Moreover, the use of an automated and large drive 2) fault identification;
system of BLOC motor in industrial field is increasing with 3) fault isolation;
the development of industrial technology. The reliability of 4) reconfiguration of hardware and software.
the drive system in many applications is becoming extremely
important. When the faults in the drive system occur in The feasibility of the proposed novel fault detection
industrial field such as aerospace, military, electrical vehicle, algorithm is validated in simulation.
and robot arms, it can lead to serious consequences. For
example, when one of the faults does occur in the practical II. BLDC MOTOR DRIVE SYSTEM
applications above, the drive operation has to be stopped for a
nonprogrammed maintenance schedule. The cost of this Generally, the BLOC motor drive system can be modeled
schedule can be high and this justifies the development of as an electrical equivalent circuit that consists of a resistance,
fault tolerant control strategies for improving reliability. an inductance, and back-EMF per phase. The electrical
In recent years, several papers for faults in motor drive equivalent circuit and drive performance of this system are
systems have been published using the following schemes: shown in Fig. 1.
fault detection and identification methods [3]-[6],
reconfiguration schemes for isolating faulty power devices
[7], [8], and fault tolerant schemes [9]-[11]. However, most 8~
existing fault detection and identification methods have
problems because the fault detection time takes at least one Va
complex and/or schemes to identify faults are inadequate. In
addition, these methods use additional sensor for fault
detection. Among them, a fault tolerant strategy for BLOC
motor drive was suggested in [11]. This method introduced a
3-Phase Irwerter BWCMotor
fault detection algorithm. However, in this method, the fault
detecting time for the fault identification must be longer than Fig. 1. The electrical equivalent circuit ofBLDC motor drive system
T = eo ·io +e h ·ih +e c .( .
B. The Open Fault ofthe Lower Switch (86) in Mode 1
e (2)
(j)m As shown in Fig. 3(b), when the open fault of the lower
switch (S6) happens in Mode 1, even if the upper switch (8])
where vall' V hll ' and V m are phase voltages. R a , R h , and R c are operates normally, phase currents of phase A and B do not
phase resistances. (, iI>' and (. are phase currents. La' L h , and appear.I-bwever, \\hen the lower switch (82 ) operates normally
L e are phase inductances. ea , el>' and ec are phase back-EMFs. by switching pattern in Mode 2, currents of phase A and C can
flow despite the open fault of the lower switch (86 ), As a
(£m is rotor speed.
result, switch (8]) and (82 ) operates normally in Mode 2, even
if the open fault of the lower switch (86) occurs in Mode 1.
The BLOC motor drive system is operated by exciting two
phases among the three phases. When the open fault of a
switch happens, the current waveform appears differently As shown in Fig. 2, the operation of the BLOC motor
according to the position ofa faulty switch. In this work, only drive system is classified into the six-mode. And the current
the open circuit damage of a switch (S]) and (S6) will be waveform appears differently according to the state of each
considered. Also, the effect of this fault type in any other mode. This characteristic of the current waveform offers a
device is assumed to be symmetrical. For comprehension of simple algorithm to detect fault. The fault detection method
the open fault of the switch, Fig. 3 shows the waveform of employed each FaultJlag signal that represents the fault
two phase currents in case of the open fault of the upper detection and identification. The fault detection and
switch (S]) or lower switch (S6) in Mode 1. identification method that applies the FaultJlag signals is
shown by the flowcharts in Fig. 4.
The 7th International Conference on Power Electronics
October 22-26, 2007 / Exeo, Daegu, Korea
detection given by
Fault detectim
Yes: Flag 1 Next~ode,andaftercountb
Next mode
IF lirE;f- iactl > th THEN upper switch/ault
ELSE lower switch/ault
~ Table I shows how fault identification under open fault is
represented in the six-mode conversion. As a result, the
proposed fault detection algorithm for open faults is achieved
Yes: Flag 1 Yes: Flag 2
by FaultJlag signals without additional sensor.
~ ~
Fd deledim II Geneni opention I '1
l'--U-pper-IWl-·-tdl-fil-Dl-t Ir-Lower--IWI-'-·t-ch-faolt-----,I TABLE I
(a) (b)
Fig. 4. (a) Flowcharts for the fault detection method. (b) Flowcharts for the fault
identification. Flag 1 Flag 2 Fault
Mode Conversion
(Previous mode) (Next mode) Switch
These flowcharts are classified into two parts: Fault High Low Sj
Mode 1 -+ Mode 2
detection and identification. After the open fault of switch, High High S6
the difference between reference and actual current increases High Low S6
because the actual current cannot follow the reference current. Mode 2 -+ Mode 3
High High Sj
If current value of lirE;f - iactl is larger than the fixed threshold High Low Sj
value (th), an error is detected. The others judge by normal Mode 3 -+ Mode 4
operation. The error detection can be achieved using this
High High S2
High Low S2
difference as follows: Mode 4 -+ Mode 5
High High Sj
High Low Sj
IF lirej - iactl > th THEN error Mode 5 -+ Mode 6
High High S4
ELSE normal High Low S4
Mode 6 -+ Mode 1
High High Sj
The fault detecting time is given by
2 1
Tjault = K x---x- - . (3) This paper proposes a novel fault detection and
pXOJrej Mode identification method. To validate the reliability of this
algorithm, existing isolation and reconfiguration method is
where Ttault is the fault detecting time. K is the sensitivity for introduced into [10]. The reconfigured system by the isolation
faults. p is the number of pole. lhref is the reference speed. of the faulty phase is shown in Fig. 5.
And then if the error time detecting the error continuously
is longer than the fault detecting time, the proposed system
generates FaultJlag 1 signal. The generated FaultJlag J
signal represents fault condition. The algorithm for the fault
diagnosis given by
IF (count a> T.fault) THEN Fault.flag 1
ELSE normal Bidl1ectiona1 I
-8Witch I I
~Vdc I sJ
where count is the error time detecting the error continuously. I I
After the FaultJlag 1 signal is generated, the identification I I I
'- J
of the faulty switch is obtained from FaultJlag 2 signal.
FaultJlag 1 siganl represents only fault condition after count Fig. 5. The reconfigured system by the bidirectional switch and removing
a. And when the mode is converted to next mode, faulty the switching signal of the faulty phase.
switch is identified through FaultJlag 2 signal after count b.
This signal is decided, in accordance with value of lirej - iactl. After identification of the faulty phase is achieved by
The algorithm for this fault identification method after fault FaultJlag 2 signal, the reconfiguration scheme is achieved
The 7th International Conference on Power Electronics
October 22-26, 2007 / EXCO, Daegu, Korea
Fig. 7. Simulation results of the existing method by difference of reference
and actual current. (a) Faulty current waveforms. (d) Rotor speed.
The 7th International Conference on Power Electronics
October 22-26, 2007 I EXCO, Daegu, Korea
:~ : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : I:~: - - - - -r----------+-------
applications of the BLOC motor drives, the reliability and
robustness ofthe BLOC motor drive system is improved with
low cost.
: counta cow;tb ,
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Fig. 8. Simulation results of the proposed method by Fault_ flags. (a)
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Abstract—The direct back-electromotive-force (EMF) detection without Hall or other type position sensors. The back-EMF zero
method previously described in a sensorless brushless dc (BLDC) crossing of this third floating phase can be used to determine
motor-drive system (Proc. IEEE APEC, 2002, pp. 33–38) syn- the commutation sequence. Both Erdman [2] and Uzuka and
chronously samples the motor back EMF during the pulsewidth-
modulation (PWM) off time without the need to sense or Uzuhashi [3] originally proposed the method of sensing back
reconstruct the motor neutral. Since this direct back-EMF-sensing EMF to build a virtual neutral point that will, in theory, be
scheme requires a minimum PWM off time to sample the back- at the same potential as the center of a Y wound motor and
EMF signal, the duty cycle is limited to something less than 100%. then to sense the difference between the virtual neutral and
In this paper, an improved direct back-EMF detection scheme that the voltage at the floating terminal. However, when using a
samples the motor back EMF synchronously during either the
PWM on time or the PWM off time is proposed to overcome the chopping drive, the pulsewidth-modulation (PWM) signal is
problem. In this paper, some techniques for automotive applica- superimposed on the neutral voltage, inducing a large amount of
tions, such as motor-rotation detection, and current sensing are electrical noise on the sensed signal. Moreover, the magnitude
proposed as well. Experimental results are presented. of the signal is often outside the common mode input range
Index Terms—Back-electromotive-force (EMF) detection, cur- of the comparator used to sense the back EMF. To sense this
rent sensing, motor-rotation detection, sensorless brushless dc properly requires a lot of filtering and attenuation. The filtering
(BLDC). causes unwanted delay in the signal. The attenuation is required
to bring the signal down to the allowable common mode range
I. I NTRODUCTION of the sensing circuit. The result is a poor signal-to-noise ratio
of a very small signal, especially at startup where it is needed
T HERE ARE many motors inside a modern car with the
majority of them brushed dc motors. In recent years,
the brushless dc (BLDC) motor is receiving more interest for
most. Consequently, this method tends to have a narrow speed
range and poor startup characteristics. To reduce the switching
automotive applications. This is due to the higher reliability/ noise, the back-EMF integration [4] and third harmonic voltage
longevity, lower maintenance, and quieter operation that BLDC integration [5] were introduced. The integration approach has
has compared to its brushed dc counterpart. Over the last the advantage of reduced switching-noise sensitivity. However,
decade, continuing improvements in power semiconductors they still have a problem at low speed since attenuation cannot
and controller ICs as well as the permanent-magnet brushless be avoided.
motor production have made it possible to manufacture reliable A direct back-EMF-sensing scheme in which back-EMF
cost-effective solutions for a broad range of adjustable speed signals can be directly extracted for each phase without sensing
applications. As matter of fact, BLDC motors are being de- the motor neutral point is presented in [6]. This is done by
signed in or currently used in power steering, engine cooling synchronously detecting the back EMF of the floating phase
fan, fuel/water pump, air-conditioning compressor, and heating, during the high-side-switch PWM off time. This back-EMF-
ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) blower motors. sensing scheme has advantages over the conventional method
For three-phase BLDC motors, six-step commutation with [2]–[5]. There is no attenuation in the back-EMF signal, and
120◦ conduction time allows the current to flow in only two no high common mode voltage issue since the motor neutral
phases at any one time. This leaves the third phase available voltage is not used for zero-crossing comparison. Precise back-
for sensing back EMF, which indicates the rotor position. Since EMF zero-crossing detection can be achieved without low pass
the back EMF is directly related to the rotor position, sensing filtering. As a result, this control method has wider speed range
the back EMF will enable the controller to drive the motor and better startup performance.
This direct back-EMF-sensing scheme has been imple-
Paper IPCSD-06-055, presented at the 2005 Industry Applications Society mented into a low-cost microcontroller [6], and it has been
Annual Meeting, Hong Kong, October 2–6, and approved for publication in the used for various applications [7], [8]. Certain improvements
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS by the Industrial Drives of this method, such as reducing power loss in the MOSFETs
Committee of the IEEE Industry Applications Society. Manuscript submitted
for review October 15, 2005 and released for publication June 1, 2006. This for low-voltage applications, reducing time delaying in high-
work was supported primarily by the ERC Program of the National Science voltage applications, were reported in [8]. However, since this
Foundation under Award EEC-9731677. direct back-EMF-sensing scheme requires a minimum PWM
The author is with the STMicroelectronics Power System Applications
Laboratory, Schaumburg, IL 60173 USA (e-mail: [email protected]). “off” time, the duty cycle is limited to something less than
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIA.2006.880888 100%. In many automotive applications, the desire is to run the
0093-9994/$20.00 © 2006 IEEE
Fig. 6. Key waveforms for back-EMF sensing during PWM off time.
which is the ST7MC, is developed. Fig. 5 shows a system block
diagram of the microcontroller system that can do both back-
EMF detection schemes during the high-side-switch PWM on
or off time.
During startup and at low PWM duty cycles, the controller
is configured to detect back EMF during the PWM off time.
During PWM off time, the back-EMF zero-crossing event
voltage is at or near 0 V, so the reference voltage is set to the
fixed low internal voltage. With that, the input/output A (IOA),
input/output B (IOB), and input/output C (IOC pins are con-
figured as high-impedance inputs to prevent the attenuation
generated by the R1/R4, R2/R5, and R3/R6 resistor pairs.
This allows the controller to see the actual back-EMF voltage
without attenuation thus improving low-speed sensitivity and
startup performance.
At higher duty cycles, the controller is configured to de-
tect back EMF during the high-side-switch on time. Here,
attenuation is needed to bring the voltage within the common
Fig. 7. Key waveforms for back-EMF sensing during PWM on time.
mode range of the comparator as the back-EMF zero-crossing
event is centered on νdc /2. With that, the IOA, IOB, and during high-speed operation, the attenuation is not a problem.
IOC pins are reconfigured as outputs and set to logic low. All Please note the different back-EMF shape in Figs. 6 and 7.
back-EMF signals are then attenuated by the R1/R4, R2/R5, Fig. 8 demonstrates a running system at 100% duty cycle.
and R3/R6 resistor pairs. The microcontroller will select the The waveforms show the terminal voltage, current, and zero-
external reference, the attenuated dc bus voltage, for back-EMF crossing signal for same phase. From this waveform, it can be
zero-crossing detection. seen that the back-EMF zero crossing happens at half of the
Figs. 6 and 7 show waveforms for the improved detection dc-bus voltage.
scheme that the back EMF is sampled during PWM off time
and on time.
A. Startup
In Fig. 6, the back EMF is detected during PWM off time;
there is no attenuation of the signal, but the peak of the signal The sensorless schemes are not self-starting. In order to sense
is clamped at 5 and −0.7 V by the internal protection diodes. the back EMF, the motor must first be started and brought up to
Since only the back EMF of the floating winding is detected, a certain speed where the back-EMF voltage can be detected. In
the sensing pin of the microcontroller is tied to ground when practice, open-loop starting [10] is accomplished by providing a
the winding is conducting to reduce the noise. This is shown rotating stator field with a certain increasing frequency profile.
in Fig. 6; during the period that the winding is energized with After the speed reaches certain level, the back EMF can be
PWM, the sensing signal is low. For the zero-crossing signal, detected, providing the position information and the system
which is shown on the second trace, every toggling transition switches to synchronous commutation mode.
corresponds to one zero crossing detected. If there is no specific requirement for startup or light load,
In Fig. 7, the back EMF is detected during PWM on time, the like fan applications, this open-loop startup can be satisfactory.
signal is attenuated. Since the amplitude of the signal is high However, for some applications, e.g., automotive fuel pumps,
The author would like to thank T. Hopkins and D. Swanson
for their suggestions and efforts in editing this paper.
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D1 D3
In case of motors excited with permanent magnets magnetic La ea
flux is constant, and while supply voltage remains constant, UDC Lb eb
motor speed is also (approximately) kept constant. Lc ec
In practice, different solutions are attempted in order to
T4 T6 T2 D0
achieve increased rotating speed of brushless motors at D4 D6 D2
decreased torque. One of the methods, which make possible
PM BLDC motor operation at increased speed and
decreased torque, is use of electronic commutator with Fig.1. Diagram of variable structure electronic commutator
switchable bridge-half-bridge structure. The investigation
presented in the paper has been aimed at estimation of In practice, different solutions are attempted in order to
losses and efficiency in the drive consisting of brushless achieve increased rotating speed of brushless motors at
motor operating with variable structure commutator. decreased torque [1],[2],[3],[4],[5],[6].
Results of theoretical analysis, computer simulations and One of the methods which make possible PM BLDC
laboratory tests have shown that application of electronic
motor operation at increased speed and decreased torque
variable structure commutator, which makes possible
operation in the second speed range without increasing
is use of electronic commutator with switchable bridge-
motor power and supply source power, causes an half-bridge structure [7],[8].
insignificant decrease in overall drive efficiency. The circuit is shown in Fig.1, and analytically determined
torque-speed curves of bridge and half-bridge
commutator are shown in Fig.2.
Keywords— brushless dc motor, electronic commutator, If we look at Fig.1, then apart from transistor bridge (T1-
drive system, efficiency. T6) we may also observe a fully-controlled valve TH,
which connects motor’s neutral point with positive
I. INTRODUCTION terminal of supply source, D01 diode, which connects
negative terminal of supply source to motor’s neutral
In practice we often meet with electrical drives, where point and link (buffer) circuit consisting of diode (D) and
it is necessary to operate with higher speed, while load capacitor (C).
torque is less than rated torque. This type of operation is
called “constant power operation” and may be defined as
second range of natural motor torque-speed characteristic.
Change of speed range in electric motor is related to
change of idle run speed. In the second operation range,
as idle run speed increases, electromagnetic torque
decreases. This is usually achieved by decreasing
excitation flux. In case of motors excited with permanent
magnets magnetic flux is constant, so there is no simple
way of decreasing flux in the air gap.
c 2008 IEEE
The properties of PM BLDC motor with electronic
commutator and torque-speed curves have been discussed t s +T
in [7], [8]. 3
The acting principle and torque-speed characteristics of ITRMS = ³ iT2 dt (7)
PM BLDC motor with variable structure commutator ts
have been presented in papers [7], [8]. A significant Mixing formulas (6) and (7) together we arrive at current
factor determining suitability of using this type of form factor defined for valve conducting period as:
electronic commutator is its efficiency. Since available I
references do not provide any information on this point, kiT = TRMS (8)
IT ( AV )
we have tried ourselves to determine power losses and
efficiency of PM BLDC motor with switchable structure Introducing this factor and taking formula (5) into
commutator. Computer simulations and lab tests with a 1 account, variable losses may be determined as:
kW motor have supplemented analytical investigation. 3
PlosB var = ¦ 2( R on + Rs )k iT2 I d2 (9)
Efficiency of the converter-motor assembly is mostly for commutator operating in bridge structure supplied
influenced by motor and converter losses and it may be directly from the source or
formulated as: 3
2008 13th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (EPE-PEMC 2008) 327
Introducing switch current form factor for conducting bridge structure. If we compare equations (27) and (28)
period the following formula is obtained: and transform them a little, the following formula is
3 obtained:
PlosHB var = ¦ (R on + Rs )kiT2 I d2 (19) η ECMBv R k2 I
k =1 = 1 − on iT DC (29)
3 and it makes possible estimation of variable structure
PlosHBv var = ¦ (2R
k =1
on + Rs )kiT2 I d2 (20) impact of drive efficiency, if commutator is connected
into half-bridge.
While discussing (9), (10), (19) and (20) it must be noted Basing on these relationships, efficiency characteristics of
that distortion coefficient for valve current depends on PM BLDC motor rated at 1 kW and supplied from 24 V
motor operational conditions and may be expressed dc source have been calculated. These characteristics are
roughly as: shown in Fig.3.
kiTB = 1÷ 1.05 (21) 0,9
for converter connected into bridge structure and
0,85 1
kiTHB = 1÷ 1.35 (22)
for converter connected into half-bridge structure. 0,8
Drive user is always interested in getting the answer
to the question, how choice of structure influences 0,65
efficiency of electronic commutator-motor assembly. If
different losses are known, overall efficiency may be 0,6
defined as:
η ECMB = (23)
PMout + Plos 0,5
Mixing formulas (11), (16) and (23) together the 0 1 2 3 4 5
Torque (Nm)
following formulas are obtained:
PMout Fig. 3. Efficiency of tested PM BLDC motor with variable structure
η ECMB = (24) commutator vs. load torque for bridge structure (n = 1000 rpm (1), n =
PMout + PlosB 2000 rpm (2), n = 2600 rpm (3)) and for half-bridge structure (n = 3500
and rpm (4), n = 4500 rpm (5))
η ECMBv = (25)
They apply to electronic commutator-PM BLDC motor In order to verify the theoretical investigation, lab
assembly efficiency in case of electronic commutator and simulation tests have been run. In lab tests, prototype
connected directly to the dc voltage supply and variable PM BLDC motor has been used, rated at UDC = 24V, nn
structure electronic commutator connected into bridge = 2600 rpm, Mn = 3.7 Nm, Pn = 1 kW, fn = 130Hz.
structure. If we compare equations (24) and (25) and Motor construction allows for second range operation
transform them a little, the following formula is obtained: (half-bridge) at the maximum (limit) parameters: nn2 =
η ECMBv U 4500 rpm, Mn2 = 2 Nm, Pn2 = 950 W, . Phase
= 1 − DF (26) resistance and inductance are equal to and,
respectively. Motor has been supplied from battery with
and it makes possible estimation of variable structure
120 Ah capacitance and 24 V voltage and loaded with dc
impact of drive efficiency, if commutator is connected
generator. No-load losses have been determined from the
into bridge. Mixing formulas (16), (19), (20) and (23)
measurements. These losses change proportionately to
together the following formulas are obtained:
speed and they are equal to Pbj = 102W at n = 3000rpm.
η ECMHB = (27)
PMout + PlosB
η ECMHBr = (28)
PMout + PlosB + Ron kiT2 I d2
They apply to electronic commutator-PM BLDC motor
assembly efficiency in case of electronic commutator
connected directly to the dc voltage supply and variable
structure electronic commutator connected into half-
328 2008 13th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (EPE-PEMC 2008)
a) “RLE” block contains motor’s main circuits, “El-Mech”
IG block contains relationships describing drive’s
IDC BLDC - Motor coefficients linking mechanical and electrical properties
as well as mechanical characteristics, “Set” block is used
UDC EC G R to set angular speed ω, “EC” block contains variable
structure commutator, “B-HB” block sets commutator
structure, “Modulator” block contains PWM modulator
and speed controller, “eta” is efficiency block and “VDC”
block is used to set supply voltage.
Output terminals of “Modulator” block are used to
control appropriate transistors of electronic commutator,
“Bridge” output is responsible for bridge transistors and
“MOS” output controls TH transistor responsible for
changing commutator structure.
To verify efficiency analysis series of simulations and lab
tests have been run. Difference between simulation
results and theoretical results shown in Fig.6 has
practically amounted to nil.
Fig.4. Laboratory test stand with PM BLDC motor operating in two a) 0,9
speed ranges and loaded with dc generator
a) schema of laboratory stand 0,85
b) view of laboratory stand
During lab tests PM BLDC motor has been loaded with
dc machine operating as generator and rated at 1.2 kW. efficiency
Circuit diagram is shown in Fig.4. 0,7
Shaft power has been determined as sum of generator
output power and generator losses, in accordance with 0,65
PMout = U G I G + PGlos (30) 0,6
and generator losses have been determined basing on the 0,55
manufacturer’s data.
Three SUP/SUB75N08-09L transistors connected in 0,5
parallel have constituted one branch of the analysed 0 1 2 3 4
converter. Valve conducting resistance for one branch has Torque (Nm)
(Fig.5). 0,7
MOS-pulse i1,2,3 BEMF1
Bridge-pulse BEMF2
BEMF2 i1,2,3
BEMF3 pulse
V1 V3
RLE dw/dt
P1M omega
TL 0,55
V3 TL 3.7
Pout teta
Pout 0,5
pulse B-HB
0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5
struct 1 Scope1 Torque (Nm)
omega-m set
omega-set 209.44
Fig. 5. The 3-phase circuital model of PM BLDC motor in basic version Fig. 6. PM BLDC motor efficiency vs. load torque:
- block diagram a) for variable structure electronic commutator operating in bridge
This model is based on circuital model presented in [9 ] structure and at speed equal to rated speed n = nn = 2600 rpm
b) for variable structure electronic commutator operating in half-bridge
and contains several blocks. structure and at speed equal to n = 1,73 nn = 4500 rpm
2008 13th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (EPE-PEMC 2008) 329
In case of lab tests difference in results has been greater,
attaining several per cent or sometimes more. Some of
measurement results of efficiency vs. load torque for
typical operational conditions, i.e. for bridge structure
and at rated speed nn = 2600 rpm, load changing from 10
to 110 per cent of the rated load, and for half-bridge
structure and at speed n = 4500 rpm, load changing from
10 to 60 per cent of the rated load have been shown in
Simulations and lab tests have shown that benefits arising
from application of electronic variable structure
commutator, which makes possible operation in the
second speed range are attained at the insignificant cost
of overall drive efficiency decrease of the order of c. 1
per cent.
The investigation has shown that if source power is
limited and it is necessary to enlarge drive speed range,
drive system consisting of PM BLDC motor and
electronic commutator is an attractive and valuable
design alternative.
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brushless DC motor for traction applications 10th European
Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, 2-4
September 2003,
[2] Krishnan R., Electric Motor Drives, Modeling, Analysis and
Control, Prentice Hall, New Jersey 2001.
[3] Nipp, E.; Alternative to field-weakening of surface-mounted
permanent-magnet motors for variable-speeddrives, Industry
Applications Conference, 1995. Thirtieth IAS Annual Meeting,
IAS '95. Conference Record of the 1995 IEEE , Volume: 1 , 8-12
Oct 1995.
[4] Sakurai T, Sakurai M, Arimo M., Driving Method for Delta-
Connected Brushless- Sensorless Motor - Power Conversion
Conference - Nagaoka 1997.
[5] J. S. Lawler, J. M. Bailey, J. W. McKeever, and J. Pinto,
“Limitations of the Conventional Phase Advance Method for
Constant Power Operation of the Brushless DC Motor,” submitted
to IEEE Journal of Industry Applications, 2001.
[6] J. S. Lawler, J. M. Bailey, J. W. McKeever, and J. Pinto,
“Extending the Constant Power Speed Range of the Brushless DC
Motor Through Dual Mode Inverter Control – Part II: Laboratory
Proofof- Principle,” submitted to the IEEE Journal of Industry
Applications, 2001.
[7] Krykowski K., Bodora A.: Variable structure bridge/half-bridge
electronic commutator for PM BLDC Motor supply. ISIE2005.
[8] Krykowski K., Bodora A.: Properties of the electronic commutator
designed for two zone operation of PM BLDC motor drive.
ISIE2005. Dubrovnik
[9] Krykowski K., HetmaĔczyk J.: The circuital model of PM BLDC.
Prace Naukowe Politechniki ĝląskiej. Elektryka 2007/4 (204),
Gliwice 2007.
330 2008 13th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (EPE-PEMC 2008)
2010 Second International Conference on Communication Software and Networks
Abstract— In this paper a soft computing technique PSIM is used controlled and requires rotor position information for
for the performance simulation of the BLDC motor. With the help
proper commutations of current. The brushless DC
of its user friendly approach and some basic theories, the
corresponding PSIM models for the BLDC can easily be (BLDC) motor has been used in many applications such
constructed. The simulation results of BLDC motor performance as computer, automatic office machine, robots for
can critically evaluate under various input parameters in the PSIM automation [1], drives of many electronics and miniature
environment. The accuracy of this approach can also be verified by machine [2]. The BLDC motor has advantages of the DC
comparing the simulation results in PSIM with the response
obtained from the BLDC motor established results. motor such as simple control, high torque, high efficiency
and compactness. Also, brush maintenance is no longer
Index Terms— PMBLDC, PSIM, Simulation, Soft computing, required, and many problems resulting from mechanical
Modeling. wear of brushes and commutators are improved by
changing the position of rotor and stator in DC motor. To
I. INTRODUCTION alternate the function of brushes and commutator, the
The permanent magnet brushless dc (BLDC) motor is BLDC motor requires an inverter and a position sensor
gaining popularity being used in computer, aerospace, that detects rotor position for proper commutation of
military, automotive, industrial and household products current. The typical circuit diagram of BLDC motor with
because of its high torque, compactness, and high converter is shown in figure 1.
efficiency. The BLDC motor is inherently electronically
Each active phase in ac motor is describe by a first
order differential equation. The general voltage equation E c = k e _ c .ω m
of one of active phases is given by, The coefficients ke_a, ke_b, and ke_c are dependent
dψ kx (θ , i x ) on the rotor angle θr. In this model, an ideal trapezoidal
v x = Ri x + ∑
k =1 dt waveform profile is assumed.
The mechanical equations are:
Where vx is the active phase voltage, R is the
phase resistance, ix is the phase current, θ is the rotor
position, ψ kx (θ , ix ) is the total flux linkage of the active
phase and n is the number of phases. [6,7]. The electrical
equivalent circuit of BLDC motor is shown in figure 5.
The equations of the 3-phase brushless dc where B is a coefficient, Tload is the load torque,
machine are: and P is the no. of poles. The coefficient B is calculated
from the moment of inertia J and the mechanical time
constant τmech as below:
output nodes are all control nodes and should be Theta_0(deg.) 0
connected to the control circuit [8].
Theta_advance(deg.) 0
A hall effect position sensor consists of a set of hall
switches and a set of trigger magnets. The hall switch is a Conduction Pulse Width in degree 120
semiconductor switch (e.g. MOSFET or BJT) that opens Voltage rating in volts 300
or closes when the magnetic field is higher or lower than Current rating in A 10
a certain threshold value. It is based on the hall effect, Power rating in watts 3000
which generates an emf proportional to the flux-density Speed rating in rpm 10000
when the switch is carrying a current supplied by an
external source. It is common to detect the emf using a
signal conditioning circuit integrated with the hall switch The simulation process have three steps as shown in
or mounted very closely to it. This provides a TTL- figure 2. Complete simulation model of BLDC Motor
compatible pulse with sharp edges and high noise with converter and control circuit is shown in figure 5.
immunity for connection to the controller via a screened Simulation Model is consists of BLDC motor, six
cable. For a three-phase brushless dc motor, three hall IGBT’s, current probes, speed sensor, AND gates,
switches are spaced 120 electrical deg. apart and are Proportional Blocks, voltage probes (node to ground),
mounted on the stator frame. The set of trigger magnets comparator, Proportional-Integral Controller, 2nd order
can be a separate set of magnets, or it can use the rotor low pass filter etc.
magnets of the brushless motor. If the trigger magnets are
separate, they should have the matched pole spacing (with V. RESULTS
respect to the rotor magnets), and should be mounted on These results were obtain by running the SIMVIEW.
the shaft in close proximity to the hall switches. If the The results of other parameters like gate pulse, Hall Effect
trigger magnets use the rotor magnets of the machine, the sensor pulses also can be obtained by adding these
hall switches must be mounted close enough to the rotor parameters in SIMVIEW. The simulation waveforms
magnets, where they can be energized by the leakage flux show the start-up transient of the mechanical speed (in
at the appropriate rotor positions. rpm), developed torque Tem, and 3-phase input currents.
The figure 4 shows a brushless dc motor drive system The simulation is take place at reference speed of 7000
with speed feedback. The motor is fed by a 3-phase rpm and 0.25 Nm load torque and a DC voltage of 300V.
voltage source inverter. The outputs of the motor hall The result is shown in the figure 6, the speed starts from
effect position sensors are used as the gatings signals for 0rpm, it decreases upto t=2ms and starts increasing
the inverter, resulting a 6-pulse operation. The speed slowly. It increases upto 6500rpm at time t=8ms and then
control is achieved by modulating sensor commutation it becomes constant at 6500rpm at t=8ms. The speed
pulses (Vgs for Phase A in this case) with another high- always remains less than the reference speed of 7000rpm.
frequency pulses (Vgfb for Phase A). The high-frequency Therefore there is a error in speed of 500rpm with respect
pulse is generated from a dc current feedback loop. The to reference speed. Starting torque is almost 2.75 Nm.
DC voltage is applied to the BLDC motor which is Motor attains a constant torque of 1Nm at 5 ms.
converted into three phase AC by use of inverter. The The simulation is take place at reference speed of 7000
three phase inverter circuit consists of six IGBT’s which rpm and 0.01 Nm load torque and a DC voltage of 300V.
converts DC to AC .Three current probes are connected As shown in the figure 7, the speed starts from 0 rpm ,it
through each phase to obtain the wave form of the current decreases upto t=2ms and starts increasing slowly. It
in each phase. The outputs of the motor Hall Effect increases upto 7000 rpm at time t=8ms and then it
position sensors are used as the gatings signals for the becomes constant at 7000 rpm at t=8ms.The speed
inverter’s IGBT’s. remains the same as than of the reference speed of 7000
The table – 1 mentioned parameter of the BLDC rpm. Therefore there is no error in speed with respect to
motor [8]. reference speed.Starting torque is almost 2.65 Nm. Motor
Table - 1: BLDC MOTOR PARAMETER attains a constant torque of 0.75 Nm at 5 ms.
R(stator resistance) in ohms 11.9 The simulation is take place at reference speed of 400 rpm
L(stator self inductance) in H 0.00207 and 0.25 Nm load torque and a DC voltage of 300V. As
M(stator mutual inductance) in H 0.00069 shown in the figure 8, the speed starts from 0 rpm, it
decreases upto t=20ms and there after becomes nearly
Vpk/Krpm 32.3
constant -2000 rpm in simulation result. Switching torque
Vrpm/Krpm 22.9 is almost 0.89 Nm. At t=5ms the torque becomes 0.As the
No. of poles P 4 speed is negative and the torque is becoming zero so the
Moment of Inertia in Kg m2 7E-006 motor do not start.
Mech. Time constant in sec. 0.006
PSim software is designed to provide a debugging,
diagnostic and demonstration tool for the development of
algorithms and applications in electric drives. The
modeling and analysis of BLDC is done for Psim The
simulation results of this paper has proposed the use of a
commercially available software package to study the
performance of BLDC motor. The PSIM simulation
provides good soft computing technique. The results of
simulation model gives help in building hardware with
expected results. The simulation saves time and
manpower in making hardware models at initial stages
and reduces the costing of the research work.