Entrepreneurship ToT New Brochure
Entrepreneurship ToT New Brochure
Entrepreneurship ToT New Brochure
Helping SMEs to be globally competitive!
Entrepreneurship Development
Training of Trainers (ToT)
Certification by CEFE International in Germany
Year 2010
BCaD‐Consulting Management
Addis Ababa
1 Introduction
– Existing and potential entrepreneurs- so that they can improve their business
This model promotes the creation of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and
upgrading of existing ones through the systematic development of entrepreneurs and
through adequate provision of techno-managerial inputs to start and operate an
2.1 Concept:
The CEFE approach of training entrepreneurs has some unique features and is
based on the following conceptual sub themes:
2.1.6 Being potential entrepreneurs, they only need certain things at the
initial stage, so give only the required initial inputs, e.g., do not give
any bookkeeping and other operational advice because it will be
premature at this stage for them. The ultimate aim is to enable the
course participants to start their businesses (regarding the CEFE
training for potential entrepreneurs).
Although there exist a number of different CEFE projects around the world, they all
fall into three basic categories, which focus on how the small entrepreneur interacts
with his environment. They are:
y The process of resource mobilisation with the main emphasis being on credit
and investment.
The process flow of enterprise creation under the CEFE model, which attempts to
create a favourable environment for enterprise, is one of the entrepreneurs passing
from competency acquisition to the testing of his ideas in the environment. When
they are verified, he then mobilises resources, then enters into the market in his
environment, and after sometime, acquires more competencies and so on through a
spiral of growth.
CEFE interventions address various target groups such as MSME development and
financing agencies, existing small entrepreneurs and potential small entrepreneurs
from varied walks of life (e.g., women, technical graduates, skilled workers,
unemployed youths, professionals, retired civilian and military personnel, urban re-
settlers, rural youths, among others).
During the ToT, after having introduced the methodology to the participants for two
days, the participants themselves will deliver training sessions with a close mentoring
Each participants who is in charge of delivering the sessions would be evaluated based
on a set of standard criteria and eventually be graded either as a trainer, assistant
trainer or non-qualified to be a CEFE Trainer. All of them will be given a certificate of
CEFE ToT participation though. See attached evaluation grid.
3.1.2 Requires participants to make actual business plans, which they aim
to implement immediately after training. These include business
creation, business expansion or diversification.
CEFE shows a high success rate in creating personal competence to deal with
entrepreneurial situations. Through a more professional awareness of one's
resources, qualities and appropriate strategies in one's real life situation, the
individual will be able to adapt oneself to the environment (e.g., through training),
to reshape the environment (e.g., through networking), or to complement his
A series of behavioural exercises are played to continue breaking the ice and to let
the participants do a self-assessment of their strengths and weaknesses, life goals,
wants and needs. The effective introspection is done by the participants themselves
with active feedback from their co-participants and the facilitators, These exercises
enable all to unlock their person and to derive new and deeper insights into their
own self. Thus, a reinforcing and warm group atmosphere is created which also
makes the participants aware of their future roles as entrepreneurs. Disclosing,
receiving feedback and self-discovery are understood to be necessary prerequisites
in the process of unlocking their entrepreneurial competencies. Here, too, the
facilitators consciously start transforming a "private" person into a "public" person.
In the process of unlocking their person, the participants identify, define and
crystallise their vision, qualities and resources and above all, their latent and
developed competencies. They experience that as future entrepreneurs they must
have mastery over changing environment through various strategy options.
Successful entrepreneurs are also invited before the class to relate their success
(and failure) stories. The participants can then gauge themselves whether they have
what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur.
Environmental and situational influences are studied and scrutinised in detail vis-
à-vis their expected favourable or unfavourable impacts on the intended business.
External resource persons are invited to deliver talks on fields of interest to the
future entrepreneurs such as tax and registration regulations, import and export
laws, health and other government regulations, possibilities to get technical and
financial assistance, etc. The ultimate objective of this module is to acquire the
"strategising" experience and competency in the use of three strategic options to
entrepreneurial challenge: namely, adopting, reshaping and complementing
strategies in the face of given macro and micro situations.
Adapting strategies refer to specific decisions and actions by the actor (future
entrepreneur requiring him to adjust himself to the given situation (e.g., training).
Reshaping strategies refer to those decisions and actions providing the actor with
certain mastery, influence and power to change the situation in his favour (e.g.,
change of business location). Complementing strategies refer to those decisions and
actions requiring the actor to enlist the help or resources of others to make up for his
deficiencies in exploiting a given situation (e.g., partnership, use of consultants,
Assuming that most of the participants - in the case of the CEFE course on new
business creation - have not yet accurately identified their specific product or service
ideas, there is ample opportunity during the training to broaden their horizon and
draw their attentions to other feasible product ideas. Through Brainteaser and
Brainstorming exercises, participants discover about one thousand product ideas.
It is often experienced that many participants drop their original products/service
ideas in favour of new ones during this stage.
Via Macro and Micro Screening techniques, individual participants learn to assess
their chosen individual projects from various relevant angles in a phased, prioritised
and systematic process using qualitative and quantitative instruments. They are
thoroughly prepared via various exercises, role plays and briefings for their first
fieldwork experience concentrating on SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses,
Opportunities, Threats) Analysis to obtain field data on the viability of their refined
and preliminarily assessed project ideas. Fieldwork findings are reported in class to
a panel of specialists for validation. Before the module on individual business
planning is entered, the individual participants decide finally on their real projects
with their products/Services using Value Analysis/Engineering, among other
analytical tools. Matching Person with Project is done by means of comparing
Personal Balance Sheet (PBS) and Project SWOT Analysis where the composite
personal competencies of the participant are matched with his chosen project's
During the two weeks, participants learn step-by-step to develop a Business Plan for
their individual projects which each of them has finally selected during the preceding
module. In a logical and sequential manner, marketing, production, organisation &
management as well as financial aspects of the project are dealt with in detail.
Relevant functional action learning games are intensively processed and additional
inputs given by the facilitators before the participants go out for their individual
The Business Plan module is considered one of the pillars of the CEFE training,
which enables the participants to understand the various components of the
business, their dynamics and inter-relationships. It also prepares the participants for
the presentation of their respective Business Plans to different banks of their choice.
Key representatives from banks, which have earlier been exposed to the CEFE
approach through a National Appreciation Workshop, are invited to evaluate the
individual Business Plans with regard to their viability and bankability. It often occurs
during these presentations that banks give their outright approval to certain
participants based on Business Plan viability and independent assessment of their
entrepreneurial competencies. Participants present their Business Plans not
necessarily for borrowing purposes but to let experts objectively evaluate the viability
of their chosen projects. In most cases, bankers give a conditional approval to the
project subject to certain amendments and to fulfillment of the bank's regulations
regarding format and collateral requirements.
5 Duration of Training
The training takes 12 days (84hrs). In addition there is always an evening coaching
time which extends for another 1-2 hours after the training to help those whose turn is
the following day to deliver session from among the participants to do a practical
exposure through action learning.
Business • Expansion
• Diversification
• Restructuring
enterprising skills • Vision
• Qualities
• Resources