Dha Bahawalpur PDF

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iG AUTHORITY BAHAWALPUR ‘APPLICATION FORM All Pakistanis can apply (Pease Ti Pateular Category) Categories: [] [General Pbie | 1 [ Sering/Retd Armed Forces Persons Pauper sn Dy [ tisabied persons] 1 [ Ovrseas Pakistanis Di [ Ses Erptoyees [Senior citizens above @5 years ofaye) |) [ cans pai out of Defence Estimates Personal Informatio Name of Applicant S10, 0/0, Wo cnice = =] pate orsith [ors (Please attach copy of CNIC) Malling Address Permanent address city District Country Email Phone No. (Res) (Office) Mobile No Mext Of Kin Name Relation wih applicant (FirstName) (LastName) —_(S/0,0/0 iO) cnics TT] Date orsitn [7 ea SET PLOT / FARMHOUSE SIZE: (Pease Tick Partoulr Category) [108 Maria (200 Sq, Yards) Commercial (102 Kanal 1000 Sq. Yards) Residential (Clos Mara (100 Sq, Yards) Commercial [08 Masia 200 Sq, Yards) Residential [Tos Kanal 2000 Sq. Yards) Farmhouse Residential] 05 Mara (128 5q, Yards) Residential [Hos kanal 2000S Yards) Farmhouse Residential pplication is as under: ‘Successful applicants wil follow the under mentioned schedule: - eet) (ot Sie al Price ry | ment PtSi Total Price a canmeraay | anenone cee core ye) ee ee canmerasy | 17560000 (one Coe seen. rernaee | retansom | ne wun enrmse | 27600000 Give Gove wnt ne) renonsoo | Re arcumen enerian | 2600200 wnt Re tou re mae Re Beton I Ea DETR OST ORSTSEST Bank Receipt / Deposit Slip No PAYMENT DETAIL, ‘lets in Pakistan and abroad ean deposit Amourt in any branch of the following Barks/ Accourt Numbers Amount Re ‘Amount in Word, ‘Bank Name & Branch Code where Appeation/Amountis deposited Please attached orginal bank receipt depositsip No fermi be accepted without bank seal/ stamp DECLARATION | have read and understood the terms and conditions witen on the back ofthis form and | hereby agree to abide by these as wel as any future DHA Bahawalpur rules and regulations, Signatures Date ‘TERMS AND CONDITIONS ‘The name ofthe projec shall be DHA Bahawalpur 2 The PlotsiFaumhouse tobe offered tothe buyers inthe project shal be on awnership & allotment shall be through balloting 3. Quartet installments shall be payable by the S® of each month through demand draft! pay order. Prompt payment of installments onthe due dates as pet payments schedule the essence of ths contract, 4. The applicant shall make the payment of instalments within the period specie in the demand notice the applicant fale to pay the dues within the period inthe final notes, the appiation vil be lable to cancelation as per tetm (6) of tis frm. 5. Incase offaue, on the part ofthe applicant, to make payments within the prescribed period ot ater FINAL NOTICE. the appbeation allotment wil stand cancelled. The amount deported by the spplcant shal be efunded after the competion of the project. An amount equal to 20% of the total cast ofthe plot Farmhouse agreed willbe deducted fom the refundable amount 6. The application in respect af he alloted plat/ Farmhouse shall be executed only afer payment of allthe dues and ether charges ate made against the said plat/Faimpouse. 7. The applicant will pay transfer expenses. documentation charges and all other ancilary and miscellaneous expenses tothe DHA Bahanalpur as determined by them for fitment of formalties of vaious department agencies 25 and when asked by the DHA Bahanalpu within the prescribed peti legal time, the cost of unt does not include gfound rent, lease execution regstiation and expenses, elect, water and meter charges. 8. The atte willpayalltaxes and other charges levied by federal or provincial Govt, local bodies and Municipal Bodies or any other authors, mluding those existing at present and those, which may belevied by the above: mentioned, and/or ether authores in ftue 2. _-Regitered persons! members ate requested to make payments 25 pet schedule. A surcharge @ 18% per annum for each day of delay shall levied forthe amount in defaut as pet DHA regulations 10. Incase of comer Plot, 10% additonal charges ill be paid with final instalment 17. _DHAreserves the rights to alter the allotment or make adustment, relocation of Plots, #the needs arises, in view of escalation! othe exsential reasons, addtional development charges may be impor ed # necessary andthe same wil not be challenged at any form, 12, Formal alotment letters willbe issued ater payment of developmentimiscelancous charges. 13. hereby declare that! have read and understood the terms and conditions of allotment of the nit in the project and accept the same and further declare that | shal abide by the exeting rules, regulators, requiement, etc, of any other condtons that may be prescribed by the DHA Bahawalpur forthe leare and maintenance ofthe project from time to te PROOF OF ELIGIBILITY: Allapplicans must attach proot of eligibilty in particular category. Read & Accented. Date (Signature of Applicant)

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