Lli I 007
Lli I 007
Lli I 007
Abstract: Block scheduling is a system for scheduling classes characterized by longer hours but less frequent
sessions in a week. Literature supported its effectiveness in enhancing students’ academic performance since
this schedule allows students to focus on fewer subjects each day. However, local studies supporting this is
lacking. This study investigates the effects of block scheduling in the academic performance of students in
General Physics 1. A hybrid block schedule was used to compare performances of two batches of Grade 12
STEM students. One batch received instruction under the traditional four one-hour-per-day sessions while the
other, two two-hour-per-day sessions. For comparison, the participants from both batches were paired based on
their Grade 11 GWA and grades in Mathematics, and scores in the Diagnostic Test in General Physics 1. Using
t-test, it was found that students who received instruction under the block schedule scored significantly higher
than the previous batch who were taught under the traditional schedule, with the means 31 and 28 out of 50 (p
< .05).
having equal learning time. In the Philippines, meeting. Problems arise when students forget to
subjects in the basic education are taught four (4) bring again the materials needed for the experiment,
times a week, 50-60 minutes per class period. In the or students lose their experiment sheets. Worse, the
senior high school, the students share the same students might be able to attend the following
experience. Students are traveling to the six-, seven- session due to sickness or some school activities.
and an eight-period day is exposed to six to seven With these in mind, it is believed that adopting
pieces of unconnected curriculum each day. They the block schedule to the senior high school class for
rarely, if ever, have sufficient time to study Grade 12 General Physics 1 class would provide
exhaustively. (Canady, R et al., 1995). students their needed longer time per activity,
Additionally, traditional schedule provides whether it is during lecture or laboratory.
hectic, impersonal, inefficient instructional
environment that offers inadequate time in probing 1.2 Context
deeper ideas and discourages varied learning
activities (Irmsher, 1996). In addition, many According to Al-Huneidi, A., & Schreurs, J.
faculties felt that 50-minute classes three times a (2013), Constructivism theory is based on the idea
week do not allow for the same amount of teaching that people construct their knowledge through their
time since the first minutes of every class were used own personal experiences and that it prepares
for settling and making class announcements students for problem solving in complex
(Schultz & Sharp, 2006). environment.
Senior High Schools who offer Academic A change in the school schedule offers potential
Track-STEM Strand also offer General Physics 1 and for real reform to capitalize on these core creeds of
2 for the entire school year. General Physics 1 is constructivism. A block schedule could provide for
offered for two quarters during the first semester, extended learning periods leading to greater
and General Physics 2 is offered on the 3rd and 4th interaction and fewer interruptions (Roberts, 2016).
quarters during the second semester. Each subject is Moreover, in a constructivist classroom, both teacher
being taught four times a week, 40 hours per quarter and students think of knowledge not as chunk of
or 80 hours per semester. In principle, senior high information and facts to be memorized, but as a
school physics share the same difficulty level similar dynamic, ever-changing view of the world we live in
to those in college as referred to the contents, topics, and the ability to successfully stretch and explore
and the depth of the discussion to be tackled. that view. However, processing complex information,
However, physics in college are taught using block enhancing critical thinking and problem-solving
schedule; this means that students meet with their skills, and assessing their own understanding and
professors once or twice in a week (two or three hours learning would require longer working time since
per meeting). Students have longer class durations students need to digest and process the information,
but less frequent than the traditional schedule. they acquire from their classroom experiences. This
suggests that longer time is necessary to maximize
1.1 Purpose and rationale the effect of constructivist model in the classroom.
Adopting block scheduling in the class system
There are anecdotes about teachers would lengthen the class meetings to two hours. The
lamenting that having a 60-minute class period was increase in time per meeting is believed to allow
not enough to finish topic/s intended for the day. Or, ample time for doing laboratory experiments and for
it almost impossible to accomplish laboratory providing students exercises that will help enhance
experiments or outdoor activities in one meeting. their Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS).
Most of the time, lectures, outdoor activities, and
laboratory experiments are continued onto the next
Presented at the DLSU Research Congress 2019
De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines
June 19 to 21, 2019