8civil Curriculim - 0 PDF
8civil Curriculim - 0 PDF
8civil Curriculim - 0 PDF
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2. Construction Materials
2.1 Properties of building materials: physical, chemical, constituents, thermal etc.
2.2 Stones-characteristics and requirements of stones as a building materials
2.3 Ceramic materials: ceramic tiles, Mosaic Tile, brick types and testing etc.
2.4 Cementing materials: types and properties of lime and cement; cement mortar tests
2.5 Metals: Steel; types and properties; Alumunium
2.6 Timber and wood: timber trees in Nepal, types and properties of wood
2.7 Miscellaneous materials: Asphaltic materials (Asphalt, Bitumen and Tar); paints and varnishes;
2.8 Soil properties and its parameters
2.9 Alternative materials / technology
3. Concrete Technology
3.1 Constituents and properties of concrete (physical and chemical)
3.2 Water cement ratio
3.3 Grade and strength of concrete, concrete mix design, testing of concrete
3.4 Mixing, transportation pouring and curing of concrete
3.5 Admixtures
3.6 High strength concrete
3.7 Pre-stressed concrete technology
4. Construction Management
4.1 Construction scheduling and planning: network techniques, bar charts and computer aided
construction management
4.2 Contractual procedure and management: types of contract, tender and tender notice, preparation of
bidding (tender) document, contractors pre-qualification, evaluation of tenders and selection of
contractor, contract negociation, contract acceptance, condition of contract; quotation and direct order,
classifications of contractors; dispute resolution
4.3 Material management: procurement procedures and materials handling
4.4 Cost control, quality control and time control
4.5 Utility maintenance
4.6 Health, safety and insurance
4.7 Project monitoring and evaluation
4.8 Quality assurance plan
4.9 Variation and changes
4.10 Use of construction equipments
6. Drawing Techniques
6.1 Drawing sheet composition and its essential components
6.2 Suitable scales, site plans and location plans, preliminary drawings, conceptual and working
6.3 Theory of projection drawing: perspective, orthographic and axonometric projection; first and third
angle projection
6.4 Drafting tools and equipments; conventions and symbols
6.5 Topographic, electrical, plumbing and structural drawings
6.6 Techniques of free sketches drawing
7. Engineering Survey
7.1 Introduction and basic principles
7.2 Linear measurements: techniques; chain, tape, ranging rods and arrows; representation of
measurement and common scales; sources of errors; effect of slope and slope correction; correction for
chain and tape measurements; Abney level and clinometers
7.3 Compass and plane table surveying: bearings; types of compass; problems and sources of errors of
compass survey; principles and methods of plane tabling
7.4 Leveling and contouring: Principle of leveling; temporary and permanent adjustment of level; bench
marks; booking methods and their reductions; longitudinal and cross sectioning; reciprocal leveling;
trigonometric leveling; contour interval and characteristics of contours; methods of contouring
7.5 Theodolite traversing: need of traverse and its significance; computation of coordinates; adjustment
of closed traverse; closing errors
7.6 Uses of Total Station, Electronic Distance Measuring Instruments & GPS
8. Engineering Economics
8.1 Benefit cost analysis, cost classification, sensitivity analysis, internal rate of return, time value of
8.2 Economic equilibrium, demand, supply and production, net present value, financial and economic
16. Building byelaws for Kathmandu Valley 2064 and Nepali Building Code