5 Pruning PDF
5 Pruning PDF
5 Pruning PDF
o prune or not to prune? This is a question that often
faces gardeners. Most feel they ought to prune, but
are not sure why or how. Pruning should be an ongo-
ing process. Most gardeners annually prune hedges, but
❂ Topics in this chapter
they use pruning haphazardly elsewhere. Most often it is ❂❂ Reasons for pruning
performed on ornamentals only when a shrub or tree begins ❂❂ Tools
to encroach on its neighbors, a walkway or a building.
❂❂ Basic pruning techniques
Pruning is a way to increase flowering of shrubs and
make barren trees fruitful. If carried out correctly, it eventu- ❂❂ Espaliering
ally will. However, years of neglect cannot be corrected in ❂❂ Conifers
one season. Gardeners who don’t know how to prune, but ❂❂ Shade trees
do, often end up with no flowers at all because they either ❂❂ Fruit trees
prune excessively or prune at the wrong time of the year. ❂❂ Shrubs
And keep in mind that pruning will not compensate for lack ❂❂ Rose bushes
of fertilization, poor weed control or drought conditions.
❂❂ Vines and groundcovers
What, then, is pruning? Why, when and how should it be
done? Pruning can be described as the removal of part of a
woody plant for a specific purpose. This chapter explains
the reasons for pruning, the proper techniques and tools to
use and how to prune various types of plants.
Pruning terminology
Apex—The tip of a shoot.
Apical dominance—The influence of a growing shoot tip on the buds and shoots
below it. The shoot tip produces hormones that move with gravity toward the
earth. This chemical message prevents growth of most lateral buds below the tip
and reduces growth of lower shoots. This effect is inhibited if a branch is grow-
ing horizontally.
Bud—An undeveloped shoot, leaf or flower, or a combination of leaves and flow-
ers, formed on the sides or ends of shoots and in leaf axils (the angle formed
where a leaf joins a shoot).
Collar—A swollen area at the base of a branch where it connects to a trunk. Con-
tains special tissue that prevents decay from moving downward from the branch
into the trunk.
Crotch angle—The angle formed between the trunk and a main scaffold limb. The
best angle is 45° to 60°.
Head—The part of a tree from which the main scaffold limbs originate.
Heading—Cutting off part of a shoot or limb rather than removing it entirely where
it attaches to another branch.
Leader—The uppermost portion of a scaffold limb. The terminal is the tip (apex)
of the leader.
Root sucker—A shoot that arises from the root system.
Scaffold limb—A large limb that forms the framework of a tree.
Shoot—One season’s branch growth. The bud scale scars (ring of small ridges) on
a branch mark the start of a season’s growth.
Spur—A short shoot that bears flower buds and often fruit, either on the end (ter-
minally) or sides (laterally).
Thinning—Removal of an entire Leader
shoot or limb where it origi-
Water sprout—A long shoot
that grows in an undesirable Scaffold
location on a trunk or a
major limb. Vertical water Water
sprouts often arise on the
upper side of horizontal Secondary
limbs. scaffold
Trunk Root sucker
Chapter 5—Pruning • 93
Training a plant
Prune recently transplanted trees and
shrubs to remove dead, broken, crossing
and pest-infested branches. Contrary to
common belief, it is not necessary to prune
away one-third of a tree’s top growth to
compensate for root loss, as long as you
use properly pruned nursery-grown plants. (a) (b)
Excessive pruning at transplanting, accord- Figure 1.—Proper vertical spacing (a) and radial
ing to research, reduces plant size and does spacing (b) for scaffold branches.
not aid in survival.
Pruning should, however, begin during a apart vertically (preferably 20 to 24
tree’s first growing season. The main pur- inches). See Figure 1a. Closely spaced
pose of early pruning is to train a tree to de- scaffolds have fewer lateral branches.
velop a strong, well-balanced shape. When The result is long, thin branches with
training a new tree, follow these guidelines: poor structural strength.
• As a rule, do not prune the central • Five to seven scaffolds should fill the
leader (the uppermost portion of a circle of space around the trunk (Fig-
scaffold limb). Pruning the leader is, ure 1b). This arrangement prevents
however, appropriate for some naturally one limb from overshadowing another,
low-branched trees or if you want to de- thus reducing competition for light and
velop a multiple-stemmed plant. Some nutrients.
pruning may be necessary to maintain
desired shape and to shorten overly Maintaining plant health
vigorous shoots. In pruning to maintain plant health, first
• The height of the lowest branch can consider sanitation, which includes elimi-
range from a few inches above the nating dead, dying or diseased wood. Any
ground (for a screen or windbreak) to dying branch or stub can be an entry point
more than 12 feet above the ground or buildup chamber for insects or fungi that
(for a canopy). Lower limbs usually are could spread to other parts of the tree.
removed over a period of years, begin- When removing wood infected with dis-
ning in the nursery and continuing for ease, such as a fungal canker or blight, it is
several years after transplanting, until important to make the cut in healthy wood
the desired height is reached. beyond the infection. Sterilize pruning tools
• For greatest strength, branches selected with alcohol or a mild bleach solution after
for permanent scaffolds (the framework each cut to prevent transfer of disease to
of the tree) must have a wide angle healthy stock.
of attachment with the trunk (crotch Keeping a shrub or tree from growing too
angle). Branches with less than a 30° dense can help prevent disease. Evergreen
angle frequently break, while those with shrubs, in particular, usually benefit from oc-
angles between 60° and 70° rarely do. casional thinning. This thinning allows light
• For shade trees, choose branches for and air to penetrate throughout the shrub,
major scaffolds that are at least 8 inches resulting in even growth of healthy foliage.
94 • Pruning—Chapter 5
Improving flowers, fruit, foliage and been reduced or a poorly branched tree can
crack under its own weight. Trees fail when
the load exceeds the strength of the branch-
The more flowers and fruit a plant pro- es, stems or root systems. Trees weaken by
duces, the smaller they are, as is evident on wounding, disease and insect pests or poor
an unpruned rose bush or fruit tree. Pruning growing conditions. Some defective trees
reduces the amount of wood and diverts can be corrected, so trees should be inspect-
energy into production of larger, though ed for defects. If defects are found, pruning
possibly fewer, flowers and/or fruit. Most can be used as a tool to reduce the risk of
flowering shrubs bloom either on last year’s tree failure.
growth or on new growth. Properly timed
pruning increases the production of flower-
bearing wood. Tools
Some deciduous shrubs have colored Hand shears
bark that is attractive in winter. Because the
Hand pruning shears are good for branch-
best color is produced on young wood, hard
es up to ½ inch in diameter. If you use them
pruning produces not only longer stems, but
to cut larger branches, you risk making a
also more intensely colored ones.
poor cut and/or ruining the shears.
Other plants are grown for their foliage.
There are two styles of hand shears: scis-
Proper pruning can increase the quality and
sor-action types and anvil-cut types (Figure
quantity of foliage produced.
2a). Scissor-action shears have a thin, sharp
Restricting growth blade that slides closely past a thicker, but
also sharp, blade. This type usually costs
Over time, trees and shrubs often grow more but makes cleaner, closer cuts. Anvil-
too big for their space, and regular pruning cut shears have a sharpened blade that cuts
is necessary to keep them in bounds. Formal against a broad, flat blade.
hedges are pruned to maintain a uniform
growth rate. To reduce labor, select plants Lopping shears
that will not exceed their allotted space.
Lopping shears have long handles and
Reducing risk of tree or branch failure are operated with both hands (Figure 2b).
Even the cheapest can cut ½-inch diameter
Trees with defects can fail and become material. The better ones can slice through
hazardous. There are many ways for trees branches 2 inches or more thick, depending
to fail. An ice storm can overload branches, on species and condition.
a wind can blow down a tree if roots have
Pole pruners
Scissor-action Lopping shears
Pole pruners have a hooked
blade above and a cutting blade
beneath (Figure 3). The blades
are on a pole and are operated by
Anvil-cut pulling a long piece of cord down-
(a) (b) ward.
Figure 2.—Pruning shears (a) and lopping shears (b).
Chapter 5—Pruning • 95
Figure 7.—Proper branch selection: (a) Angle is too great. (b) Branch is too small. (c) Angle is good and
branch is large enough.
area of very strong wood, the branch falls a tree’s injury. Painting merely hides the
away. The remaining small zone of decayed wound and makes the person doing the
wood is walled off within the collar. pruning feel that he or she has done some-
If a branch’s collar is removed, the pro- thing to “help” the tree. In fact, paints or
tective zone is lost, causing a serious trunk wound dressings may trap moisture and
wound that wood-decay fungi can easily increase disease problems.
infect. Removing the collar causes injury The proper method for cutting branches
regardless of whether the pruned branch is larger than 1½ inches in diameter is shown
living or dead. in Figure 9:
For more than 50 years, the recommend- 1. Undercut the bottom of the branch about
ed method of pruning was to cut flush with one-third of the way through, 6 to 12
the trunk and paint. These recommenda- inches out from the trunk (Figure 9a). If
tions have no basis in scientific fact. The there is danger of the branch damaging
flush cut, by damaging the collar, increases lower limbs or objects on the ground,
rope it and support it.
2. Make a second cut from the top, about
Branch collar 3 inches farther out from the undercut,
until the branch falls away (Figure 9b).
If you roped the branch for support,
carefully lower it to the ground after the
(a) second cut.
(c) 3. Cut back the resulting stub to the branch
Correct collar (Figure 9c).
Incorrect Roots
Figure 8.—Remove Figure 9.—Pruning a large After several years, a tree may develop
branches flush with branch: (a) Undercut one- long roots running 15 to 25 feet or more
the collar, not flush third of the way through away from the trunk. These roots, along
with the trunk. the branch. (b) Cut through
until the branch falls away.
with many branched side roots, physically
(c) Cut back to the collar. support the tree. Most of the small feeding
98 • Pruning—Chapter 5
roots that gather nourishment branch off the should be pruned, if possible, to reduce
main roots far from the trunk. risk of stem fungal infections. Trees such
If a tree is balled and moved, most of its as chokecherry are highly susceptible to
feeding roots are cut off, so the tree may die stem fungal infections such as black knot
when transplanted. For this reason, nursery and may need to have entire major branches
growers root-prune plants to force them removed once they become infected or to
to grow new feeding roots near the trunk. prevent further damage.
These new roots are included in the balling
operation and ensure growth after trans-
planting. Espaliering
To safely move a small tree or shrub, root- Many gardeners prune for decorative
prune it a year or so before digging it. In purposes. The extreme winter temperatures
fall, sever half of the roots to 1 foot deep by in most of Alaska can limit the species of
See Chapter 11, forcing a sharp spade into the soil around the plants available for espaliering, but it is still
Woody Landscape
Plants. plant, leaving a shovel width of untouched possible. Numerous training systems are
soil between cuts. Make the circle of cuts based on the art of espalier, which origi-
slightly smaller than the size of the ball nated in France and Italy about 400 years
you’ll eventually dig. The next spring, sever ago. Some are quite elaborate and require
the other half of the roots. Move the tree that considerable time and patience, as well as
fall. Another way to accomplish the same detailed knowledge of the plant’s growth
thing is to cut all of the roots on one side in characteristics. Others are relatively simple.
the spring, cut the other side the following The easiest espalier system is a horizontal
spring and move the plant that fall. cordon (Figure 10). Apples, pears, plums and
Recent research indicates that most new some shrubs, such as silverberry (Elaeagnus
roots grow from the ends of pruned roots. commutata), adapt well to this system. The
Therefore, you must dig a root ball 4 to 6 plant usually is supported by a wall, fence
inches larger than the root-pruned area to or wire trellis. Training to a 4-tier cordon or
get the newly developed roots. 4-wire trellis is relatively easy.
Root pruning also is used to force a vig- You can construct a simple 4-wire trellis
orously growing fruit tree into bloom. Cut- using 8-foot posts. Space the posts 12 feet
ting the roots in a circle early in the spring, apart and set them 2 feet in the ground. Run
as explained above, sometimes forces a tree, wires through the posts at heights of 18,
shrub or vine to bloom the following year. 36, 54 and 72 inches. Plant two unbranched
whips of the desired plant 6 feet apart be-
Damaged trees tween the two posts.
In order to improve the overall health of a Before growth begins in the first spring,
tree and its remaining branches, it is neces- cut off each whip just above the highest
sary to carefully examine trees browsed by bud below the lowest wire. Three or more
animals and prune according to existing shoots should develop near the cut. Retain
damage so that you will promote growth the uppermost shoot and develop it as the
from healthy portions of the remaining central leader. Train the other two as main
stems. Prune back branches so that subse- scaffold branches along the lower wire, one
quent growth develops from healthy branch on each side of the central stem. Remove all
wood. Open wounds on the bark and stem other growth.
Chapter 5—Pruning • 99
Tie the two scaffold shoots loosely to About August 1 or as soon as new growth
the wire as soon as they are 10 to 12 inches reaches 10 to 12 inches in length, cut it back
long. Use twine, plastic chain link ties or to two or three buds. Repeat about a month
other suitable material. Tie the shoots so later, if necessary. This pruning encourages
they are nearly horizontal. This arrangement flower bud formation and prevents vigorous
reduces vegetative vigor and induces flower growth from getting out of bounds.
bud formation. If you tie the end of the
shoot below horizontal, however, growth at
the end will stop and vigorous shoots will Conifers
develop along the upper side. Conifers have both lateral and termi-
By the end of the first season, the lateral nal buds and can be effectively pruned,
branches should be established on the lower especially at a younger age, to improve
wire, and the central leader should have tree shape and remove damaged branches.
grown above the second wire. At the end of Conifers such as spruce are prone to heavy
the first winter, while the plant is dormant, cut sap flow from wounds caused by pruning.
the central leader back to a bud just below the Watering and fertilizing helps trees stressed
second wire. Choose two scaffold branches by pruning heal and resist attacks by insects
to tie to the second wire and allow the central and diseases.
leader to grow above the third wire. Pruning spruce trees is beneficial for
Repeat this process during the next two several reasons. Research has shown that
seasons, after which time a total of eight removing the lower branches results in
scaffolds, four on each side of the trunk, fewer spruce bark beetle attacks. For trees
should be firmly established. Bend the lead- with full-length crowns, it is recommended
er to form one of the top scaffolds, rather that no more than one-third of the length
than cutting it off at the top wire. By the of the canopy be pruned. Pruning spruce is
end of the fourth season, fruit trees should best done in the fall or early winter. If done
be producing heavily. at any other time, it may attrack spruce bark
In following years, do all pruning dur- beetles.
ing spring and summer. When new spring
growth is about 2 inches long, cut it off.
Remove about one-fourth of the previous
season’s growth. Do not prune the scaffolds’
At planting
Training begins at planting. Early pruning
forces the growth of lateral branches from
which you’ll select future scaffolds.
When planting, cut back spur-type and (a)
semi-dwarf apple trees to a height of 30 to
35 inches. Cut back standard trees to 40 (b)
• Crossed, dead, diseased or damaged ing on soil type, tree variety and your
limbs experience.
• Water sprouts, unless some are needed • The excess vigor that can result from
to develop new fruiting wood severe pruning can decrease fruit qual-
Keep the following precautions in mind ity. The effect is much the same as from
when pruning bearing trees: excessive nitrogen application. It may
• Avoid pruning terminal shoots back include excessively large, poorly col-
to horizontal branches (often called a ored, soft apples that do not store well.
bench cut, Figure 21). Such cuts result Vegetative growth competes with fruit
in weak limbs and an umbrella shape for calcium; thus, under conditions of
that encourages water sprouts. excessive vigor, cork spot or bitter pit
• Remove no more than one or two large may develop due to calcium deficiency
limbs per year. If a lot of pruning is in the fruit.
required, spread the process over a 2- or • Use heading cuts only to maintain tree
3-year period. In the 1 or 2 years be- size when trees are at or near the desired
fore and after heavy pruning, reduce or size. Such pruning often is used in an at-
eliminate nitrogen application, depend- tempt to reduce tree size, but misuse of
this technique can disrupt vigor and re-
duce yield so much that it takes several
years for the tree to recover. Heading,
especially of 1-year-old shoots, induces
masses of shoots to grow close to the
cuts. These abundant shoots can shade
and weaken inner areas of the tree.
• Invigoration from pruning is, in part,
a nitrogen response. Pruning alters the
balance between the treetop and root
system. Removing part of the treetop in-
creases the amount of nitrogen available
for the remaining growing points. Thus,
always combine a pruning program with
Figure 20.—Thin out low-hanging branches. a good fertilization program.
Table 1.—Shrubs that bloom on last season’s growth. Table 2.—Shrubs that bloom on current season’s
Botanical name Common name growth.
Daphne spp. Daphne Botanical name Common name
Forsythia spp. Forsythia Hydrangea arborescens Hills of snow
Lonicera spp. Honeysuckle Hydrangea paniculata PeeGee hydrangea
Philadelphus spp. Mockorange Rosa spp. Bush rose
Rhododendron spp. Azalea and rhododendron Spiraea bumalda Anthony Waterer spirea
Rosa spp. Rambling rose Spiraea japonica Mikado spirea
Spiraea spp. Early white spirea Symphoricarpos Coralberry and snowberry
Syringa spp. Lilac
Viburnum spp. Viburnum
Weigela florida Old-fashioned weigela
(a) Snow (b) Straight lines (c) Peaked and (d) Rounded forms,
accumulates on require more frequent rounded top which follow nature’s
broad, flat top trimming hinders snow tendency, require less
accumulation trimming
Figure 26.—Improper (a and b) and proper (c and d) hedge shapes.
Chapter 5—Pruning • 109
Rose bushes
All rose bushes need some type of prun-
ing. If they are not pruned for several
years, they deteriorate in appearance, often (a) Correct (b) Incorrect
develop more than the usual disease and
Figure 27. Proper pruning angle (a) and improper
insect problems, and produce smaller and
angles (b).
smaller flowers. Proper pruning encourages
new growth from the base, making the plant
healthy and attractive and resulting in large pends on the cultivar. The average pruning
blossoms. Tender roses will not overwinter height for Floribundas and Hybrid Teas is
outdoors in many areas of Alaska and must between 12 and 18 inches, but taller grow-
be put in a cold storage location (see Roses: ing Hybrids and most Grandifloras may be
Growing and Overwintering Tender Variet- left at 2 feet.
ies, HGA 00138). Make cuts at a 45° angle above a strong
Hybrid Tea, Grandiflora and Floribunda outer bud (Figure 27). Aim the cut upward
roses require annual pruning in the spring, from the inner side of the bush to push
after winter protection is removed or plants growth outward and promote healthy shoots
are taken out of cold storage. As a guide- and quality flowers.
line, prune roses in early spring. If you Some types of roses have special pruning
prune too early, frost injury may make a considerations as discussed below.
second pruning necessary.
For small pruning jobs, the only tools Standard or tree roses
necessary are sharp hand-pruning shears A tree rose is a Hybrid Tea, Grandiflora
and gloves. If canes are large, loppers and or Floribunda budded at the top of a tall
a small saw with pointed blade are helpful. trunk. Prune tree roses like Hybrid Teas,
Use loppers to reach in and cut out large cutting the branches to within 6 to 10 inches
dead canes. of the base of the budded top in order to
Remove all dead and diseased wood by encourage rounded, compact, vigorous new
cutting at least 1 inch below the damaged growth.
area. Remove all weak shoots and those
growing toward the center. If two branches Miniature roses
rub or are close enough that they will do so
Miniatures are 6 to 12 inches high, with
soon, remove one. On old, heavy bushes,
tiny blooms and foliage. They do not need
cut out one or two of the oldest canes each
special pruning. Cut out dead, diseased and
weak growth and remove the hips.
Cut back the remaining healthy canes.
The height to which a rose should be cut de-
110 • Pruning—Chapter 5
Rugosa roses
Rugosa roses are native to Asia and well
adapted to colder parts of Alaska. If you
do not remove the dead flowers, they will
develop into beautiful red rose hips in the
fall. Remove any thin shoots you do not
want to develop and compete for water
and nutrients. Prune the branches several
weeks before the first frost. How much you
prune depends upon how large you want
the rugosa to be. If you want the plant to be
large, do not cut the rose all the way back to
Chapter 5—Pruning • 111