Grade T (80) Chain Slings To AS3775.2-2004

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ZZ, ES MOHAMED HABSHI ELZEKKI - ALEXANDRIA #ELZEKKIWIRE Grade T(80) Chain Slings TO AS3775.2-2004 \\ WA As #ELZEKKIWIRE pA Grade T(80) Chain Slings 10 1s077s2-200 a1 [44 08 11] 45 12 08 | 15 12 08 17 15 oan Pe 15\| 2077 1.6) 14) |) 20) 4.6) 44 23 20) 20 15 20/26 21 15 | 26 21 15 3.0 32 32 | 24 | 32/41 34 24 | 44 34 24 48 53 | 53 40 2 75 53/69 56 40/69 56 40 80 80 | 80 \ 60 | 138 11.3 80/104 85 60/104 85 60 12.0 125 | 125 94 | 216 176 125/163 133 94/163 133 94 188 15.0 | 15.0 | 11.3 | 260 212 150/195 159 113 | 195 159 11.3) 225 212 212 | 159 | 367 299 212/276 225 159 |276 225 15.9 318 315 | 315 | 236 | 545 44.4 31.5 | 41.0 93.4 236 | 41.0 334 23.6 | 47.3 ALLOY GRADE T(0) CHAIN SLINGS Care and Usage instructions "Se owing eve, ha 0 Wt we ws eB Lr go ALY GRADE Tay CHAM SUNS SHOULD ONY BEUSED BY A COMPETENT PERSON ve ‘Tewrenarune coNorions tna rg Lint emf 0, etree inne cas Gadde ten vtonsrg te Gate 1) Chin Srgstah “ere pn Cheese LLL ‘nator oie Srcawe momen satewoyaatcrne tai naire* ey aroma WL *0ONOTEICEED WORKNG O40 LUT soca ado nce poo areca eg LaMar teWLL “elabarg recs eer Sonor exes ie ona ne ave 0° {ML a mot mere ee MOE aT detest cde ayohe ALANS “ML steerage apy tongue ged att. sre ao ones nating Patino pte oo ere pa age sac etree apy eane Goria The W.LL. of sling must not exceed the lowest working load limit of he components in the system. ier tieteeichealy 22 Address : No 6 El Hatmy-Street, Near Mina El Basal Police Station, Mina El Basal, Alexandria Egypt Mobile : 01154001700 - 01222173114 / Telephone 03-3907133 / Fax 03-4964916 ELZEKKWIRE.COM / [email protected] / WhatsApp 01154001701 - 01154001702

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