Arogya Raksha Policy
Arogya Raksha Policy
Arogya Raksha Policy
(to be submitted in duplicate)
(If previous policies were taken from other Insurance companies, Xerox copies of such policies to be enclosed)
6.0 lakh 7.0 lakh 8.0 lakh 9.0 lakh 10.0 lakh
i) Plan A - Upto 35 Years@ ii)Plan B - Above 35 & Up to 70 iii) Plan C – Any age up to 70 years
Years @
(Family of max 1+3 (Family of max 1+ 3 (Family of max 1+ 5
Self, Spouse & 2 children) Self, Spouse & 2 children) Self, Spouse, 2 children & 2 parents)
(@ refers to the age of the eldest family member sought to be covered under this policy)
(Age restriction only for fresh policies, no upper age limit for renewal of policies)
Premium of Rs……………………… credited to IB Arogya Raksha Premium Collection (Parking) a/c no 6115857236, through
Multiutility Menu in CBS Bancs Link on …………………………………….
System generated Reference No……………………………………. dated…………………………..
Signature of Branch Manager