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Indonesia is expected to have 4% GDP growth and be one of the few growing economies in the world despite current economic difficulties. Recent regulations have been passed regarding mergers, acquisitions, and pre-notification to the competition authority. The Indonesian government is also preparing new implementing regulations regarding the mining sector to provide opportunities for foreign investment.

The new regulations define areas of mining licenses and stipulate frameworks for production licenses. They allow license holders to export processed minerals and coal when domestic needs are met and require divestment of foreign mining companies over time. The regulations also cover reclamation, post-mining plans, and government oversight of the mining sector.

The new mining regulations define mining license areas and allow production and special license holders to export processed minerals and coal when domestic needs are met. They also provide opportunities for foreign investors to directly invest in mining through tender processes for license areas. The regulations establish divestment requirements for foreign mining companies over time.

410 Indonesia

Chamber of commerce: Professional body:
Jakarta Chamber of Commerce and Ikatan Advokat Indonesia
Industry Complex Duta Merlin Block B-30
Majapahit Permai Block B 21-23 J1 Gajah Mada 3-5
Majapahit 18-20 Jakarta 10130
10160 Jakarta Indonesia
Indonesia Tel: +62 21 633 1636
Tel: +62 21 380 8091 +62 21 633 5138
Fax: +62 21 384 4549 Fax: +62 21 633 3326
Email: [email protected]

Overhaul of Indonesia’s mining Pre-notification is conducted by submit- needs for mineral and coal can be satisfied in
regime ting written documentation between the con- the stipulated time period.
cerned parties, stating their plan to imple- Divestment requirements for foreign-
Oene Marseille and Freddy Karyadi ment the transaction. KPPU shall then initi- owned mining companies are also governed.
Ali Budiardjo Nugroho Reksodiputro ate a preliminary assessment of the plan in 30 At least 20% of wholly foreign-owned ven-
Jakarta days. In the event KPPU, based on the pre- tures must be divested in several stages start-
liminary assessment, deems there is a highly ing from the sixth year until the end of the
Indonesia is holding out remarkably well in concentrated level of unfair competition or ninth year of production.
the current difficult economic period. With monopoly practices, it will proceed with a
expected 4% GDP growth, it will be one of thorough assessment within 60 days. The Reclamation and post-mining
the few growing economies in the world. opinion of the KPPU resulting from the thor- This draft stipulates that the IUP and IUPK
A number of regulations that have signifi- ough assessment is non-binding for the parties holder is obliged to submit a reclamation and
cant impact on acquisitions and financing conducting the transaction. post-mining plan when applying for IUP
have been passed recently. A short synopsis of Production Operation and IUPK Production
a number of them follows below. Mining opportunities for foreign investors Operation permits.
The Indonesian government is preparing four
Pre-notification for mergers, consolidations drafts of implementing regulations of the Mining supervision
and acquisitions New Mineral and Coal Mining Law (No. This draft outlines the government’s role and
Recently the competition authority, KPPU 4/2009), which will provide significant authority in supervising mining business
(Commission for Supervision of Business opportunities for foreign investors to make activity. The minister, governor or regent/city
Competition), issued Regulation 1 of 2009 direct investments in the mining sector, as fol- mayor will oversee the mining business of IUP
on Pre-Notification for Mergers, lows: and IUPK-holders including, but not limited
Consolidations and Acquisitions. The notifi- to, mining administration, operational tech-
cation is on a voluntary basis and there is no Mineral and coal mining niques, professional competency, financial
sanction for not notifying KPPU before This draft stipulates in detail the definition of development and social impact.
undertaking a merger, consolidation, or WIUP (Wilayah Izin Usaha Pertambangan –
acquisition. Area of Mining Licence). Every enterprise New aviation law
The pre-notification would only be filed if mining metals, mineral products and coal The new 2009 Aviation Law replaces the
the merger or consolidation causes the surviv- must obtain a WIUP by way of tender prior 1992 Aviation Law and emphasises five key
ing company to have: (i) asset value of more to operations. A WIUP specifies the area or areas: namely, airports, flight navigation, air-
than two-and-a-half trillion rupiahs ($250 part of area of mining – be it coal, metal min- craft, air transport and flight safety. This law
million); or (ii) turnover of more than five tril- eral, non-metal mineral and/or stone – that should drive significant improvements in the
lion rupiahs ($500 million). For banking and has been permitted by the government in co- aviation sector and establish good corporate
financial services, the asset value threshold is ordination with the regional government. governance of aviation companies.
five trillion rupiah and the turnover value is Aircraft are covered more thoroughly
15 billion rupiah. These thresholds are not Implementation of mining business activity under the new Aviation Law. An aircraft
applicable if the merger or consolidation This draft stipulates the implementation object may be encumbered with international
results in majority control of the relevant mar- framework for IUP (domestic market obliga- interests arising as a result of security agree-
ket by the surviving company. tion mining business licence) holders and ments, title reservation agreement, and/or
With respect to acquisitions, pre-notifica- IUPK (special mining business licence) hold- leasing agreements. A debtor may issue a
tion may be filed if the above thresholds of ers. The holder of IUPs and IUPKs of pro- deregistration request to the creditor to apply
assets, turnover or market shares are exceeded duction and operation (as opposed to the pre- for a registration annulment; however aircraft
through: (i) change of effective control due to liminary exploration permits) can export min- which have obtained an Indonesian registra-
transfer of shares or assets or otherwise; (ii) ing products of mineral and coal that have tion mark and Indonesian nationality (which
transfer of shares having more than 25% vot- been processed or purified locally to the off- has been acknowledged and recorded by the
ing rights; or (iii) transfer of assets. shore market, to the extent that domestic Minister of Transport) may not be annulled 2010 EDITION

Financial and corporate | Indonesia 411

without permission from the creditor. Banking Project finance

Unfortunately, the details of the new aircraft
provisions have yet to become law. Recommended firms Recommended firms
Tier 1 Tier 1
New income tax law Ali Budiardjo Nugroho Reksodiputro Ali Budiardjo Nugroho Reksodiputro
Recently the Indonesian government intro- Hadiputranto Hadinoto & Partners Hadiputranto Hadinoto & Partners
duced a 5% capital gains tax on any disposal Hiswara Bunjamin & Tandjung Hiswara Bunjamin & Tandjung
of shares of a SPV abroad having shares of and Melli Darsa & Co Soewito Suhardiman Eddymurthy Kardono
special relationship with an Indonesian com-
pany, by non-resident shareholders of the Tier 2 Tier 2
SPV. Another new capital gains tax rule relates Assegaf Hamzah & Partners Bahar & Partners
to disposal of various luxury goods located in Bahar & Partners Hutabarat Halim & Rekan
Indonesia by non-resident taxpayers, which is DNC Law Firm Lubis Ganie Surowidjojo
subject to a 5% tax unless an applicable tax Hanafiah Ponggawa & Partners Makarim & Taira S
treaty requires otherwise. Hendra Soenardi & Rekan Soemadipradja & Taher
The controlled foreign corporation rule, Hutabarat Halim & Rekan
which requires a dividend distribution by a Makarim & Taira S Tier 3
foreign company to Indonesian shareholders Makes & Partners Assegaf Hamzah & Partners
that hold more than 50% of interests, has Mochtar Karuwin Komar Hanafiah Ponggawa & Partners
been recently revised by abolishing blacklisted Soewito Suhardiman Eddymurthy Kardono Hendra Soenardi & Rekan
countries. Corporate income tax rate reduc- Kartini Muljadi & Rekan
tions for publicly listed companies are also Tier 3 Makes & Partners
clarified by a regulation setting out details of Kartini Muljadi & Rekan Mochtar Karuwin Komar
the requirements for securing a reduction. Lubis Ganie Surowidjojo Soebagjo Jatim Djarot
The Capital Market and Financial Institution Soemadipradja & Taher Widyawan & Partners
Supervisory Board and Share Registrar of the Tumbuan Pane
public company will provide tax authorities Restructuring and insolvency
with the list of eligible taxpayers. Mergers and acquisitions
Recently, a 2.5% flat income tax has been Recommended firms
imposed on derivative transactions on a stock Recommended firms Tier 1
or commodity exchange. The tax base is the Tier 1 Ali Budiardjo Nugroho Reksodiputro
amount of initial margin, which is defined as Assegaf Hamzah & Partners Hadiputranto Hadinoto & Partners
any fund and/or securities that must be Hadiputranto Hadinoto & Partners Lubis Ganie Surowidjojo
deposited by the broker at the agency to Hiswara Bunjamin & Tandjung
secure the settlement of the contract. Melli Darsa & Co Tier 2
BT Partnership
Tier 2 Hutabarat Halim & Rekan
Ali Budiardjo Nugroho Reksodiputro Makarim & Taira S
Hanafiah Ponggawa & Partners Makes & Partners
Capital markets Hendra Soenardi & Rekan
Hutabarat Halim & Rekan Tier 3
Recommended firms Makarim & Taira S DNC Law Firm
Tier 1 Makes & Partners Hiswara Bunjamin & Tandjung
Assegaf Hamzah & Partners Mochtar Karuwin Komar Kartini Muljadi & Rekan
Bahar & Partners Soewito Suhardiman Eddymurthy Kardono Soebagjo Jatim Djarot
Hadiputranto Hadinoto & Partners Soewito Suhardiman Eddymurthy Kardono
Makes & Partners Tier 3 Tumbuan Pane
Melli Darsa & Co Bahar & Partners
DNC Law Firm The global credit crunch has not yet damp-
Tier 2 Kartini Muljadi & Rekan ened interest in Indonesia’s abundant natural
Ali Budiardjo Nugroho Reksodiputro Lubis Ganie Surowidjojo resources, such as mining, coal, oil and gas,
Hiswara Bunjamin & Tandjung Soebagjo Jatim Djarot renewable energy and power plants.
Hutabarat Halim & Rekan Soemadipradja & Taher Practitioners have witnessed continuing activ-
Lubis Ganie Surowidjojo ities in these projects as well as M&A transac-
Makarim & Taira S tions in the natural resources sector. “Because
Mochtar Karuwin Komar of the dropping price, mining exploration still
Soemadipradja & Taher shows a continuing demand,” says a lawyer.
But adoption of the country’s new mining
Tier 3 law in December 2008, with its stronger pro-
Kartini Muljadi & Rekan tection of the nation’s natural resources, has
Hendra Soenardi & Rekan brought up uncertainties. The new law has
Soewito Suhardiman Eddymurthy Kardono tightened up restrictions in mining explo-
ration – for example, mining companies will


412 Indonesia | Financial and corporate

not be able to rely on a 30-year fixed rights adds: “Their reputation for banking is high up ment’s Rule 144A/Regulation S sovereign
contract. Some lawyers describe the law as there.” This was exhibited in a $2.3 billion sukuk offerings. Other capital markets work
“against the interest of foreign investors” and financing for the expansion of Tanjun Jati B included advising the issuers on Bank
expect that mining activities will see a slow- power plant when Emir Nurmansyah advised Danamon’s Rp4 trillion ($362 million) rights
down this year. Local media also reports that Japan Bank International Cooperation issue and Trikomes Oke’s $9.2 million IPO.
one of country’s largest miners, Australia’s (JBIC). “He is always found in large projects,” As an affiliate of Baker & McKenzie, the
BHP Billiton, has abandoned a $4 billion says one competitor about Nurmansyah. firm caters to a panel of international banks.
investment plan partly due to the new regula- In October 2008, the team saw the arrival This could be reflected in the firm’s represen-
tions. of foreign counsel Philip Payne from tation of eight mandated lead arrangers on a
While mining business players are expect- Australian firm Blake Dawson. Payne acted senior facility agreement for Professional
ing more clarification in the government’s for Indovision on its $350 million acquisition Telekomunikasi Indonesia in connection with
implementation rules, the presidential elec- of satellite transponders from ProtoStar Asia its acquisition of telecoms towers. The agree-
tion has sparked a debate on whether eco- Service and related regulatory issues concern- ment consists of $360 million and Rp1.18
nomic policies should be construed to be “lib- ing orbital location. The new satellite was trillion ($116 million) tranches, totalling
eral towards foreign investment” or moving to launched in May 2009. The firm’s media $460 million.
an “economy for the people”. “With the cur- clients also include Global Mediacom group, In another acquisition financing deal, the
rent crisis, there is a desire for economic poli- a satellite operator and owner of three broad- firm represented UOB Asia on a $130 million
cies to be more careful in protecting national cast television networks, radio stations and loan also used to acquire a telecoms tower. In
interests,” says a lawyer, adding that the cur- print media as well as a CDMA mobile phone the natural resources sector the firm advised
rent government is under pressure to have network. Pam Lyonnaise Jaya on a $50 million recourse
more policies that do not rely only on the The shipping practice, led by Theodoor financing for its West Jakarta water concession
“trickle down effect” but try to make Bakker, was active this year, advising Lotte business, provided by Asian Development
Indonesian industries more independent of Shipping on its $300 million acquisition of Bank.
foreign investment. the entire share capital of Makro Indonesia. A landmark M&A deal saw the firm advise
But with President Susilo Bambang Other noteworthy representations were on the merger between two local banks, Bank
Yudhoyono seen as more open to foreign Indofood Sukses Makmur’s acquisition of the Niaga and Bank Lippo. The combined entity,
investment than his predecessors, lawyers dairy business of Indolakto and Samsung Bank CIMB Niaga, has assets valued at $10.2
expect economic activities to continue on a Corporation in its takeover of two plantation billion and is the fifth-largest bank in
“business as usual” basis. “There is still steady companies – Gandaerah Hendana and Indonesia.
work for lawyers,” says one. Ineccda. Clients singled out Mita Djajadiredja
“The effect of the global financial crisis is The firm is also busy with restructuring within the “excellent team”. Djajadiredja and
nowhere like the impact of the Asian eco- work, assisting clients on legal documentation Tuti Hadiputranto co-led the deal for HSBC
nomic crisis in the late 1990s, and thus I per- and negotiation of commercial terms. on its $614 million acquisition of 89% shares
sonally do not expect any decrease of demand in Bank Ekonomi Raharja, which made
for legal services – or at least, there will still be Leading lawyers HSBC the third-largest foreign bank in
enough work to go around all the law firms,” Theodoor Bakker Indonesia. The firm was also engaged by
the partner adds. Emir Nurmansyah Maybank on a mandatory tender offer in its
Woody Pananto $551 million acquisition of 55.6% of the
Philip Payne shares of Bank International Indonesia.
Ali Budiardjo Nugroho Outside the banking industry, the firm
Reksodiputro advised Indonesia’s largest mining company,
Peers regard Ali Budiardjo Nugroho Hadiputranto Hadinoto & Bumi Resources, on its $551 million takeover
Reksodiputro (ABNR) as an “old and strong Partners of Herald Resources, an Australian mining
firm”. “They have gained lots of legal consult- “Hadiputranto Hadinoto & Partners is company. In a recently-closed deal,
ing work since 1976 when the country known for their name, long history and good Hadiputranto Hadinoto also acted for
opened up for foreign investment,” says one reputation for complex and structured trans- Commerce International Group in the $18
peer, “and their fame lasts until now – a major actions,” says a client, who consulted the firm million sale of a 49% stake in an Indonesian
player in Jakarta.” regarding a term loan facility on security life insurance company to Sun Life.
Though capital markets dropped seriously issues. It is difficult to argue the firm’s top Highlights of projects work saw the firm
this year, ABNR managed to attract roles in position across the board in financial and cor- advise state-owned power utility PLN on the
high-value issuances, advising the government porate work. “They are almost everywhere,” continuing financing of a number of energy
of Indonesia on the $2.2 billion global bonds one peer notes. and power projects under the Fast Track
issuance listed on the Singapore Stock The firm has had an exceptionally strong Program, guaranteed by the government of
Exchange. “They have great access to regula- year in the banking, M&A and project Indonesia. Bank lenders included Barclays,
tors and knowledge of the market,” says a finance sectors. “They are among the best in China Development Bank, BNI, BRI and
client. “They also have experienced lawyers terms of response time, knowledge on local Bank Mega.
and [are] easy to communicate [with] even to regulations, solid team work and expertise of
the partner level, and good negotiation skills.” the counsellors,” comments a client. Leading lawyers
The market praises the firm’s growing In the first half of 2009 the firm has been Mita Djajadiredja
practice in the banking sector, backed up with kept busy with bond offerings and IPOs. It Daniel Ginting
its solid projects practice. “Their banking represented the joint lead managers, consist- Tuti Hadiputranto
practice is getting fairly good now and is ing of Barclays Capital, HSBC and Standard Indri Pramitaswari
active in many deals,” says a rival. Another Chartered Bank, in the Indonesian govern- Timur Sukirno 2010 EDITION

Financial and corporate | Indonesia 413

Hiswara Bunjamin & Tandjung Hutabarat Halim & Rekan Bank on a $40 million revolving facility to
As an affiliate of Herbert Smith, Hiswara Hutabarat Halim & Rekan’s strength lies in Adaro Indonesia and acted for the lead
Bunjamin & Tandjung caters to a panel of banking, projects and commercial practice. In arrangers on the restructuring of an
international clients in cross-border transac- addition to its strong activities in banking and Indonesian company’s $80 million facility.
tions, supported by the firm’s specialists in finance, the firm also climbed up a tier in Standard Chartered Bank also called on
Singapore and Japan. This year saw partner M&A, with roles in several natural resources the firm for advice on a $100 million credit
David Dawborn seconded to Jakarta and and real-estate transactions. facility to Triputra Investindo Arya and
Singapore’s addition of Richard Nelson, an The firm is busy with a number of loan Trinugraha Thohir. The deal involves a pledge
energy and infrastructure expert who focuses and restructuring mandates including repre- over shares of Adaro Energy.
on M&A in Indonesia. senting a Labuan company on a $20 million In M&A, the firm led counsel for GIC
The firm’s practice shows a strong empha- loan facility provided by Credit Suisse, and Special Investment, Goldman Sachs and
sis in oil, gas, energy and power sectors. “The advising Maritim Nusantara on a $9.2 million Noonday on the sale of 3.9% shares in Adaro
firm is very capable and offers good practical loan facility from Export-Import Bank of Energy through a block trade.
legal advice based on a solid grounding in Malaysia.
Indonesian law and a depth of knowledge of Yellow Horizon instructed the firm on its Leading lawyers
the Indonesian oil and gas industry,” com- $15 million purchase of the non-performing Ahmad Jamal Assegaf
ments a client. loans of Bank Lippo and advised on the set- Abdul Haris Rum
Having a strong connection with invest- tlement and restructuring of the loans with Mochamad Fajar Syamsualdi
ment banks, the firm has acted for Deutsche corporate debtors. The firm is also advising
Bank, Credit Suisse and UBS in two note Starworld Investment on the restructuring of
offerings by an Indonesian private oil and gas security documents in connection with the Makarim & Taira S
company and an independent power produc- proposed acquisition of 300 strata title units “Makarim & Taira S has gone into the fourth
er. of condominium buildings in the commercial generation of partners. Its biggest strength is
The firm worked for an Asian telecoms district of Jakarta, valued at $26 million. corporate commercial practice,” says a rival.
company on a proposed $65.6 million loan to In M&A, the firm represented While some in the market believe the firm’s
fund its purchase of shares in a telecoms com- Perkebunanan Nusantara II, a state-owned long-established reputation in capital markets
pany. The firm also advised Mitsubishi on a company, on a joint-operation agreement is being challenged by rivals, others note that
crude oil pre-export financing arrangement in regarding a palm oil and rubber plantation Makarim & Taira S is still a safe pair of hands.
Indonesia. area in June 2009. The firm also advised Mitra “They have been around for quite some
Peers highly recommend David Dawborn Internusa Persada, a coal mining company, on time and are still doing modest work up to the
in M&A, along with Brian Scott, who is its sale of mining assets, a joint venture agree- level where they were,” says one peer. Other
awaiting an imminent promotion to partner. ment and acquisition of a mining concession lawyers mention the firm’s project finance
The pair led the team advising Black Gold in Indonesia. work in the energy sector, which is not far
Energy and its shareholder Goldman Sachs on In real estate, the firm was lead counsel to behind the top-ranking practices in terms of
a share subscription in an Indonesian oil pro- Pikko Group on several transactions including quality.
ject, operated by a sovereign wealth fund. The a Rp28 billion ($2.7 million) acquisition and The firm has worked for a group of banks
deal also involved a buyout of member inter- development of an entertainment centre and in several financing transactions. Tasdikiah
ests. park in Jakarta, and the acquisition of proper- Siregar led the way, advising HSH Nordbank
Historically, Japanese companies form a ties from Cakrawala Dekatama and Crystal on a $4 million loan agreement for an aircraft
dominant client base for the firm’s projects Cakrawala Indah for the development of a mortgage. A syndicate of banks also mandat-
practice. Hiswara Bunjamin & Tandjung property complex in Indonesia’s north ed the firm on a $250 million working capital
counselled Mitsubishi as sponsor to a Donggi Sumatra province. facility for Smelting.
Senoro liquefied natural gas (LNG) project in One notable project finance mandate saw Additionally, Makarim & Taira S assisted
relation to a gas sale agreement. Other the firm advise Sindicatum Carbon Capital on Standard Charted Bank, Offshore Labuan,
instructions from Japanese clients include a number of clean development projects. Westlb and RHB Bank on a $333 million
proposed farm-out agreements for a share of credit facility to Titan Capital and Titan
the Pasangkayu block in Indonesia’s west Leading lawyers Kimia Nusantara. The Royal Bank of
Sulawesi, upstream oil and gas investments, Rosna Chung Scotland Group also consulted the firm on
power plant projects and engineering, pro- Peter Fanning banking regulatory issues.
curement and construction contract issues Pheo Hutabarat Reflecting the strength of its corporate
relating to LNG projects. practice, the firm advised Sun Life on its $18
“There is no good reason for me to use any million acquisition of a 49% stake in
other firm for most of the work that needs the Lubis Ganie Surowidjojo Commerce International Group, owned by
assistance of outside counsel,” a client notes. While maintaining its top position in restruc- CIMB Group. Sun Life also sought the firm’s
turing work, Lubis Ganie Surowidjojo has a counsel for the formation of a joint-venture
Leading lawyers growing momentum in capital markets and life insurance company with CIMB Group
David Dawborn an even stronger performance in banking. and Bank CIMB Miaga. In addition, the firm
Richard Nelson One highlight of the firm’s capital markets acted for Actis Capital on its acquisition of
work saw it advise Astra International on a shares in Malaysia’s Teknicast.
$50 million MTN programme. One highlight of the firm’s project finance
Owing to its strategic alliance with Norton work saw it advise the lead arrangers on a
Rose, the firm has accumulated a group of $475 million financing deal for the state-
international banking clients. It advised DBS owned electricity company PLN for three


414 Indonesia | Financial and corporate

coal-fired power plants in Indonesia number of deals, particularly in capital mar- high-profile issuance deals, particularly on the
(Indramayu) and Labuan, Malaysia. Central kets and M&A, where the firm moves up the investment banks’ side. One highlight was
Java Power also engaged the firm on the devel- rankings. acting as counsel for Morgan Stanley and
opment of this $2.3 billion project, which is Peers witnessed the firm’s active roles in Citigroup Global Markets Asia as standby
leased to PLN. public offerings, particularly in government- purchasers on a rights issue by Bank
related deals. “They are as good as the bigger Danamon Indonesia. The firm also advised
Leading lawyers and more expensive law firms,” comments a Matahari Putra Prima on a planned bond
Rahayuningsih Hoed client, who also singles out Fikri Assegaf and issuance, consisting of conventional bonds
Ratna Iskandar Bono Daru Adji: “They are innovative in and ijarah (capital leasing) bonds.
Tasdikiah Siregar advising us on the company’s daily legal mat- However peers feel that the firm’s banking
ters, which is good value for money.” practice doesn’t have quite the same reputa-
Apart from seniors, the team’s associates tion as its capital markets team due to partner
Makes & Partners also received impressive praise: “They have a losses and the overall slowdown in the sector.
Makes & Partners is renowned for its strength very good team of associates who are always Yet other competitors disagree: “They have
in capital markets and M&A transactions, but keeping abreast with the ever-changing laws,” two or three really good clients and receive
this year also earned a name in the project a client says. “[The firm is] ensuring that deal flow from them.” Much of the firm’s
finance sector. “They are small, but stable and advice given is within the time [limits], and at work is focused on helping banks solve financ-
are also seen in big deals,” says a rival. One times even immediate responses are given in ing documentation and liquidation issues.
client rated the firm’s service as “comparative- time of urgency.” In M&A, Bahar & Partners acted for
ly excellent”, adding: “They have a better One of the firm’s most notable mandates Qatar Telecom on acquisition of the majority
standard operating procedure in serving was its role advising on the country’s first of shares in Indosat, and on its tender offer on
clients.” international sovereign sukuk (Islamic bond) the Series B shares of Indosat. Peers also recog-
Name partner Yozua Makes, who is well issued in April 2009, when the firm repre- nise the firm’s presence in projects. “We do see
recognised by clients, led a number of corpo- sented the Ministry of Finance in the $650 them as very active in the mining sector in the
rate transactions. Of note was the acquisition million issuance. “Their team is dedicated and past three to four years,” says one.
of shares of Bank Ekonomi Rahardja by has in-depth knowledge on the transactions Leading lawyers: Wahyuni Bahar
HSBC Asia Pacific Holdings, where Makes handled, particularly capital market transac- DNC Law Firm’s banking practice is not
advised the purchaser in the $631 million tions,” says a client. far behind the top players, with a solid num-
deal. The firm also acted for the underwriters in ber of local banking clients. The firm worked
The firm has recently worked for Kestrel the issuance of Rp1.6 trillion ($157 million) on a $336 million financing for Bukit
Wave Investment in its Rp4 trillion ($393 of bonds by Indofood Sukses Makmur, and Makmur Mandiri Utama, a mining contrac-
million) voluntary tender offer for 15.2% of advised the underwriters on Oto Multiartha’s tor in Indonesia, advising lenders and security
Citra Tubindo. More examples include act- Rp600 billion ($59 million) public offering. agents including Sumitomo Mitsui Banking
ing for Nusantara Infrastruktur on its Rp400 The firm was involved in several high-pro- Corporation, ING Bank, DBS Bank and
billion acquisition of Jakarta Lingkar file M&A transactions, including representing Bank Sumitomo Mitsui Indonesia.
Barasatu and representing Bahana TCW Malaysian Banking (Maybank)’s acquisition Again representing a group of banks, the
Investment Management as fund manager in of the majority of shares in Bank International firm acted on a $55 million financing for
the Rp325 billion acquisition of Pelabuhan Indonesia. In mid-2008, the firm advised Unggul Indah Cahaya, and advised HSBC as
Penajam Banua Taka. In addition, the firm Sigmantara Alfindo in its sale of 35% of Alfa security agent on a $45 million financing for
acted for Saratoga Investama Sedaya on a Retialindo to Carrefour Indonesia. Essex, a subsidiary of Risjadson Group.
$30 million offshore loan facility for the The firm has recently represented a local The firm also showed it could act on the
local company’s acquisition of shares in a list- oil and gas company in the proposed acquisi- borrower side, advising Elnusa on a $99.5
ed mining company. tion of BP West Java. million financing from a consortium of banks.
HSBC Institutional Trust Services man- “They are very much involved in their DNC was active in the M&A market,
dated the firm to advise on its role as trustee legal work and practice good cohesiveness, advising OSK Investment Bank on its acquisi-
in two loan facilities, including a S$120 mil- integrity and professionalism in providing tion of securities company Nusadana Capital
lion ($83.8 million) loan facility for First Reit legal advice while indicating the laws and Indonesia. The firm also assisted coal produc-
Singapore and a S$350 million ($244.5 mil- relating it to the client’s business,” a client er Indotambang Raya Megah on a $40 mil-
lion) credit facility agreement for Lippo comments. lion corporate restructuring.
Mapletree Indonesia Retail Trust. Leading lawyers: Bono Daru Adji, Fikri Leading lawyers: Arie Armand and Ibrahim
Assegaf and Eri Hertiawan Senen
Leading lawyers The strength of Bahar & Partners lies in Hanafiah Ponggawa & Partners has
Mariko Bawi capital markets, where it has a proven track demonstrated the growing capacity of its cor-
Yozua Makes record and receives consistent acclaim – even in porate and M&A practice, especially in spin-
Iwan Setiawan a sluggish market. “Their partners provide off businesses for banks since the law relating
excellent support to us on the transactions and to demergers was introduced in 2007.
demonstrated good grasp of Indonesian legal Hanafiah Ponggawa also has a presence in
Other ranked firms issues,” comments one client. Another client bank lending deals, with one peer describing
“I would highly recommend them to anyone singled out Wahyuni Bahar, saying: “His rela- it as a “young and dynamic firm”.
looking for a reputable firm to work with in tionship with regulators and knowledge of the The firm also helped Citra Sar Makmur
Indonesia,” says a client of Assegaf Hamzah regulations was extremely helpful.” obtain a credit facility of Rp1 trillion ($98
& Partners. The firm has had an exceptional- Wahyuni Bahar demonstrated his connec- million), which consisted of a combination of
ly strong year, gaining great exposure in a tions and experience by working on several conventional and shariah loan syndications. 2010 EDITION

Financial and corporate | Indonesia 415

In addition, the firm acted for Bank OCBC mandatory exchangeable bonds issued by Delt projects, which has led to the firm’s promo-
NISP on the financing of a food and beverage Sarana Pradana. The bonds are exchangeable tion in the capital markets, M&A and project
company’s acquisition of assets. into shares in Trikomsel Oke, a distributor of finance rankings. “They are small but have
The growth of Hanafiah Ponggawa’s M&A a wireless communication and multimedia good quality,” says a peer, adding: “The deals
practice was proved this year when it advised gadgets company in Indonesia. they have done are good deals.” The firm has
Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) on the acquisi- Melli Darsa wins particular nomination expanded further this year, appointing four
tion of a local bank, followed by a spin-off of from clients: “She has incredible understand- partners in the M&A and energy projects
BRI’s shariah business units into the local ing in law, especially banking law,” says one. areas. “They provide good service and deliver
bank. The firm also represented BUMD on The firm advised Bank Mandiri on a Rp1.86 results,” says a client.
the establishment of a shariah-based commer- trillion ($183 million) investment loan facili- Despite the sluggish market, the firm
cial bank and the spin-off of the shariah busi- ty and working loan capital facility to Darmex turned in an impressive deal list in the capital
ness into a new separated shariah-based com- group for its plantation business. Bank markets sector. It advised Bank Syariah
mercial bank. Mandiri’s credit recovery group also called on Muamalat Indonesia on the issuance of
Again counselling banks, another impor- the firm in a debt restructuring deal for Rp300 billion ($29.5 million) subordinated
tant deal saw the firm advise Bank Akita on its Bosowa group, which included a Rp1.6 tril- sukuks and acted for Abbey Communications
sale of shares to Barclays Bank. lion ($157 million) syndicated loan and a as a standby buyer in the rights issue of Abdi
Leading lawyers: Al Hakim Hanafiah and bilateral loan totalling $53 million. Bangsa. ANZ Banking Group also mandated
Fabian Buddy Pascoal Clients also point to Sugianto Osman, the firm on structured financing transactions.
Hendra Soenardi & Rekan has been who is described as very practical and a good On the banking side, UOB instructed the
emerging as a strong competitor in banking negotiator. “Osman is an excellent negotiator firm on loan agreements with foreign borrow-
and M&A. Headed by Eddy Hendra, the firm and can go toe-to-toe against any US or inter- ers and Indonesian security providers and
also made its debut in the capital markets national lawyer in an M&A situation,” a guarantors. The firm also assisted Standard
ranking after scoring a role in Indonesia’s client notes. Chartered Bank and Bank Syariah Muamalat
largest IPO last year – counselling sharehold- Leading lawyers: Melli Darsa, Sugianto Indonesia on regulatory issues.
ers of Adaro Energy in the $1.3 billion offer- Osman, Elizabeth Silalahi and Zippora Soemadipradja & Taher’s corporate and
ing. Siregar M&A practice has recently been boosted by
The banking team was active this year, act- Mochtar Karuwin Komar is traditionally two newly-appointed partners – Retno
ing for Adaro Energy as the guarantor, togeth- one of the first recommendations for capital Muljosantoso and Emalia Achmadi. In addi-
er with Saptaindra Sejati as the borrower, in a markets on the underwriters’ side, but the tion to CIMB Group’s acquisition of Asuransi
$300 million secured facility from a consor- firm’s diminishing involvement in important Jiwa John Hancock Indonesia and Accette
tium of banks. The firm is also helping a dis- deals reflected peers’ observation of its decline Group’s takeover of Accette Broker Asuransi,
tressed Indonesian company in the restructur- in recent years. “They used to focus on the pair also led deals for Antam on a number
ing of its $100 million of financial obliga- finance and debt transactions, but have not of transactions including the proposed acqui-
tions. been that active for a long time,” a lawyer sition of Herald Resources.
The M&A practice is also exceptionally comments. Leading lawyers: Emalia Achmadi, Mufti
busy. Eddy Hendra led counsel for Alam Tri But the strength of the firm still lies in its Habriansyah, Fadjar Kandar, Retno
Abadi, a subsidiary of Adaro Energy, in the individual talents such as Craig Heggie, Emir Muljosantoso and Linda Widyati
acquisition of a 100% interest in Agalia Kusumaatmadja, Tiffany Boer and Miranti Soewito Suhardiman Eddymurthy
Energy Investments and Ariane Investments Ramadhani, who one client describes as “hav- Kardono’s (SSEK) overall approach to a trans-
Mezzanine, valued at $1.1 billion. The firm ing good industry knowledge and [being] action receives praise from clients, with one
additionally advised SHV Holdings in the good value for money”. saying: “They are a strong team providing
€227 million sale of Makro Indonesia to This year saw the firm advise on a bond very good and valuable advice with reasonable
Lotte Shopping, a South Korean company. issuance for Thiess Contractor, act for fees.”
Leading lawyers: Eddy Hendra International Finance Corporation on a $45 The firm has a widely-recognised reputa-
“Melli Darsa & Co is one of the best we million loan and provide advice to a govern- tion for its strength in project finance and
have worked with in Indonesia,” comments a ment-linked bank on a proposed acquisition. M&A work, particularly in the plantation and
client of the firm, which has received consis- In the shipping sector, the firm worked mining sectors. But it has also earned a name
tent praise for its well-established capital mar- with banks in Singapore on a financing in capital markets this year. “SSEK is a rep-
kets practice and solid M&A transactions, arrangement with Arpeni Pratama Ocean utable and good law firm with wide experi-
plus its strong track record in banking. “They Line and Berlian Laju Tanker, and represent- ence of most legal issues,” says a client.
are very commercially focused and are able to ed Oswal Logistics on the financing of its pur- Showcasing its growth in capital markets,
negotiate very well, as good as those interna- chase of tugs and barges. Aircraft owners this April the firm advised Gem Diamonds on
tional firms,” says a client, who regards it as a Cessna and Gecas also instructed the firm on a private placement and listing of shares on
“very high quality local firm”. leasing transactions to Indonesian airlines. the London Stock Exchange, underwritten by
This year saw Melli Darsa & Co work on Proctor & Gamble engaged the firm on JP Morgan Cazenove.
two rights issue deals – advising UBS as finan- the liquation of its cosmetics division, while Mohammad Kadri is the firm’s banking
cial advisor on United Tractors’ (a subsidiary the firm also advised Widjojo Building on the specialist, handling the restructuring of listed
of Astra International) $375 million issue, sale of its assets, which were later acquired by banks and assisting clients who plan to
and acting for Asia Financial, a subsidiary of GSK. acquire or merge with Indonesian banks. The
Temasek Holdings, in Bank Danamon’s $390 Leading lawyers: Craig Heggie and Emir firm advised Bangkok Bank in a Rp100 bil-
million rights issue in April 2009. Kusumaatmadja lion ($9.8 million) credit transaction and Axis
Northstar Pacific is also consulting the Soemadipradja & Taher is seen as increas- Bank on financing of the acquisition of a min-
firm on its subscription to $20 million ing its presence on important transactions and ing interest in Indonesia.


416 Indonesia | Financial and corporate

Ira Eddymurthy and Susandarini come in

for frequent praise from clients: “They are
professional and have strong legal back-
grounds with high quality services,” says one.
The firm advised Sarana Menara Nusantara
on the acquisition of Professional
Telekomunikasi Indonesia, one of the largest
telecoms tower operators in the country.
Djarum instructed the practice in the pro-
posed acquisition of shares in Palmindo, while
the firm also acted for Enel Trade on its pur-
chase of a 19% stake in Bayan Resources,
totalling $300 million.
Richard Emmerson and Ira Eddymurthy
were active in the private power sector, advis-
ing IFC and the state electricity utility PLN in
the central Java model private power project.
The firm is also working on a $450 million
greenfield investment by Showa Denko in a
bauxite mining and chemical-grade alumina
processing project.
Leading lawyers: Michael Carl, Ira
Eddymurthy, Richard Emmerson and
A lawyer at another firm describes
Widyawan & Partners as “an energy boutique
firm which has held a reputation for a long
time”, adding that the practice is strong in the
power and mining sector. The firm also has a
co-operation agreement with Australian firm
Allens Arthur Robinson.
One highlight of the firm’s work this year
was acting as local counsel for Medco Energi
International as one of the shareholders in the
establishment of a liquefied natural gas
(LNG) downstream company.
Leading lawyers: Widyawan 2010 EDITION

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