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This text is for questions 1 to 3

An Irish-born English poet, novelist, and
playwright. His greatest success was in the theatre with his
shrewd and sparkling comedies, such as Lady
Windermere’s Fan (1892) and An Ideal Husband (1895).
The Importance of being Earnest (1895) is considered to
be his masterpiece. Based on the double meaning of the
name Ernest, it is an attack on people who take
themselves too seriously. Wilde married in 1884 and
had two sons. However, in 1895 he was imprisoned for
two years for homosexual practices. On his release in
1897 he went to live in France. He died in Paris in
(New Headway Advanced Student, p.22)

1. Penalaran
What is the most outstanding
work of Wilde?
A. Lady Windermere’s Fan.
B. An Ideal Husband.
C. The Importance of being Earnest.
D. His being imprisoned.
E. His moving to France.
2. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman
Based on the text, Wilde was put in jail because of

a. child abuse
b. copyright infringement
c. gunrunning
d. human trafficking
e. sexual orientation
3. Penalaran
Which statement is NOT true according to the
a. Wilde was born in London.
b. Wilde was more successful in theatre.
c. Wilde had got two sons from his
d. Wilde was released from the prison in 1897.
e. Wilde spent the rest of his life in France.
15. Penalaran
A. Doing his homework
B. Booking new collections
C. Taking a bath
D. Helping his parents
E. Putting the rice into the bags
Questions 19 to 21 refer to the following text. Refer to the letter below to answer questions
22 to 24.
My best friend is Deb Evans. We met on an
internet chat site in 2003. We both liked chatting Ward 7, Radcliff Hospital
about music and fashion, and then we discovered Saturday, 3rd
that we live only ten miles from each other.
We talked online all the time, and one day we April Dear
arranged to meet in a café. I felt really nervous,
because I’m shy with new people, but we liked Kasia,
each other immediately. We are very similar.
We both lived abroad when we were children, This is just a short letter to let
and we both had parents who got divorced when you know that I’m hospitalized.
we were young. We both have busy lives, but we Guess what? I’ve broken my ankle!
still talk every day on the phone and we see each It happened on Tuesday evening
other once a week. I think Deb’s a fantastic person. when I was dancing. I jumped up and
She’s very generous and a lot of fun. I’m so happy I landed on the side of my foot. I felt
met her! such an idiot – and it hurt! The
(New Inside-Out Pre-intermediate Student, p.30) doctors say it’s a complicated break,
so I have to stay here for a week for
19. Aplikasi more x-rays. It’s a real drag, I can tell
How did the writer get to know Deb? you.
A. When they went abroad. I’ve got to say that being in

B. Real face-to-face interaction. hospital is dead boring! I’m not
C. On the phone talk. allowed to leave my room, so I can’t
D. In an online chat. go for a walk and I don’t have a TV. All
E. In a discussion about fashion designer. I’ve got is a couple of school books,
so I don’t know what to do with my
20. Penalaran time!
What is similar between the writer and Deb? Anyway, what’s going on with
you? It’d be great to hear some
news. A letter would really cheer me
up. Do you think you could send me
some magazines or something? I
fancy a good read!
Hope to see you very soon.

Lots of love,
A. They live abroad currently.
B. They hate music and fashion. Anna
C. Their parents were reunited when they
were kids.
D. They are shy people.
E. Their life is busy.
22. Aplikasi

“It happened on Tuesday evening

when I was dancing.” (Paragraph 2
of the body)
The word it in the sentence refers to …
A. Tuesday
B. the evening
C. dancing
D. Anna’s breaking ankle
E. hospital
23. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman the cell, the DNA or RNA that contains
“I’ve got to say that being in hospital is dead the virus’ genetic information takes
boring!” (Paragraph 3 of the body) over the cell’s biological machinery,
The underline word can be replaced with and the cell begins to manufacture
… viral proteins rather than its own.
A. annoying D. interesting (www.cvauni.edu.vn)
B. boisterous E. wearisome
C. exciting 25. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman
24. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman What is the purpose of the text?
What i s the main idea of the last paragraph? A. To promote new developments in viral
A. Anna broke her ankle. research.
B. Anna is hospitalized. B. To explore the causes of diseases.
C. Anna is getting bored. C. To describe DNA.
D. Anna could not leave her room. D. To compare viruses and microbes.
E. Anna expects a reply from Kasia. E. To help the reader
understand viruses.
The following text is for questions 25 to 29. 26. Aplikasi
What were believed to be the cause
The term ‘virus is derived from the Latin of disease before microbes were
word for poison or slime. It was originally applied to found?
the noxious stench emanating from swamps that A. Certain strains of bacteria.
was thought to cause a variety of diseases in the B. Foul odors released from swamps.
centuries before microbes were discovered and C. Germ-carrying insects.
specifically linked to illness. But it was not until D. Biological machinery.
almost the end of the nineteenth century that a E. Slimy creatures living near swamps.
true virus was proven to be the cause of a
disease. 27. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman
The nature of viruses made them impossible to The word “proven” in the first paragrah is
detect for many years even after bacteria had been closest in meaning to …
discovered and studied. Not only are viruses too A. provided D. evident
small to be seen with a light microscope, they also B. meant E. applied
cannot be detected through their biological C. known
activity, except as it occurs in conjunction with 28. Penalaran
other organisms. In fact, viruses show no traces of What does the writer imply from the text?
biological activity by themselves. Unlike A. Bacteria are easier to detect than viruses.
bacteria, they are not living agents in the strictest B. Bacteria are harder to
sense. Viruses are very simple pieces of organic eradicate than viruses.
material composed only of nucleic acid, either C. Viruses are extremely poisonous.
DNA or RNA, enclosed in a coat of protein made D. Viruses are found only in hot climates.
up of simple structural units. (Some viruses also E. Viruses resemble microbes.
contain carbohydrates and lipids.) They are
parasites, requiring human, animal, or plant 29. Aplikasi
cells to live. The virus replicates by attaching to a Which does NOT belong to the
cell and injecting its nucleic acid.’ once inside components of a virus?
A. A coat of protein.
B. Carbohydrates.
C. Lipids.
D. Plant cells.
The following text is for questions 30 to 32. D. Check that everyone has gone to the
Mitchell College Emergency E. Return to the building when the fire
Fire Procedures alarm is on
33. Aplikasi
If you discover a fire, you should
Lisa : Why are you sad?
• Sound the fire alarm
Thomas : I miss my parents. I wish I didn’t
• Report the fire to Reception from any of the
have to go abroad.
green phones in the building
What does the dialog
• Evacuate (leave) the building and go to your
meeting point
A. Lisa is Sad.
If you hear the fire alarm
B. Thomas is an ignorant boy.
• Leave the room immediately via the nearest
C. Thomas is living in the small town.
safe exit, shutting the doors behind you
D. Thomas and his parents live separately.
• Do not use the lift
E. Lisa and Thomas are siblings.
• Do not take any personal belongings
• Assist disabled people or visitors to leave 34. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman
the building Justin … from the Olympiads.
• Go to the arranged meeting point A. has recently won three gold medals

• Do not return to the building until the fire B. has won gold three medals recently
safety officer has told you it is safe to do so C. has won three medals gold recently
(New IELTS Practice Test Full, p. 23) D. recently has three won gold medals
E. has recently won three gold medals
30. Penalaran 35. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman
According to the text, what should you do if My grandpa set the chimney up
the fire alarm goes off? fifteen years ago.
A. Ring the police. Which is the correct passive form
B. Bring all your belongings. of the sentence above?
C. Help anyone in need to get out. A. My grandpa had been set up the chimney
D. Return to the building. fifteen years ago.
E. Fight the fire alone. B. My grandpa was set the
chimney up fifteen years
31. Penalaran
It can be concluded that the building should
C. The chimney has been set up since
be … when the fire is being fought.
fifteen years ago.
A. inhibited D. attended
D. The chimney was setting up for fifteen
B. vacant E. rearranged
C. overloaded
E. The chimney was set up fifteen years
32. Penalaran ago.
Which instruction is CORRECT based on the
procedure? Read the following text for questions 36 to
A. Ring the fire brigade 41.
B. Close all doors as you leave the
building I think the Canterbury Council should construct
C. Pick up only essential personal more Activity Centers in most local area.
belongings Firstly, children can keep busy as
well as have fun in the holidays.
Secondly, they learn a lot about how
to do certain things. Finally, it
might stop children vandalizing properties that 39. Aplikasi
do not belong to them because they can go to When he came to school nobody was there.
the Activity Centers. They ... home.
During the school holidays, many children A. had gone D. have gone
who do not have much on their minds can attend B. went E. did go
the local Activity Center. It will keep them busy C. were going
and they can also learn to do lots of different
40. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman
Please, take warm clothes in case ...
Another reason is children can encourage
A. it got cold
others to attend the local Activity Center. By this
B. it gets cold
way children will not get so bored because they
C. it doesn’t get cold
can have lots of fun.
D. it get cold
Moreover, it could stop children from
E. it has got cold
vandalizing others’ property because they have
better things to do like going to the Activity Center 41. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman
and having fun and enjoying themselves. When I was a child I ... football
These are the main reasons why I think we with my friends. Now, I don’t have
should have more Activity Centers. It will be very time for it.
educational and a very good experience for lots of A. used to playing
children. B. was used to play
C. used to play
D. always played
36. Penalaran
E. usually played
How many reasons does the writer have to
propose the construction of the Activity
Read the following text for questions 42 to
A. One. D. Four.
B. Two. E. Five.
A suspected trader accused of a
C. Three.
37. Aplikasi 1.3 billion pound fraud told friends he
What kind of damage would be lessen if local needed
Activity Centers are built? ‘a miracle’ days before he was arrested.
A. Property damage. Kweku Adoboli, 31, posted a
B. Adults’ bustle. desperate last message on Facebook
C. Traumatic accident. as he tried to recover enormous
D. Child abduction. losses he had run up through illegal
E. Boring classes. trading.
Detectives detained Adoboli, who
38. Aplikasi
works for Swiss banking giant UBS,
“It will be very educational and a very good
during a 3.30 am raid yesterday at his
experience for lots of children” (The Last
luxury London flat. The Ghanaian, who
was privately educated in Britain and
The word it in the sentence refers to …
is the son of a retired United Nations
A. good experience
worker, is accused of being
B. reason
responsible for the biggest loss ever
C. children
made by a single trader based in
D. education
E. to have more activity centers
The 1.3 billion figure equates to
about the same amount UBS is
seeking to save by cutting 3,500 jobs
Speculation was mounting that he
may have been caught out after
the Swiss Central Bank
unexpectedly devalued the franc
last week, producing huge losses
on one of his currency trades.
Adoboli’s boss John Hughes is reported to 42. Penalaran
have quit his job in the aftermath of the scandal. According to the text, who is Adoboli?
Sources said he would have faced serious questions A. An impostor.
about supervision of staff. He could not be reached B. A Swedish banker.
for comment last night. C. A UN worker.
UBS is understood to have discovered the D. UBS chief executive.
loss late on Wednesday afternoon. City of London E. A German boss.
Police commander Ian Dyson said the force was
43. Penalaran
tipped off by UBS at 1 am yesterday. Within three
We learn from the text that the detectives
hours, detectives had entered the
entered the company headquarter …
UBS headquarters and had also arrested
A. late in the afternoon
Adoboli. Sources said Adoboli earned around
B. in the evening
200,000 pounds a year, plus up to 400,000 pounds
C. late night
more in bonuses.
D. after John Hughes met Ian Dyson
Adoboli was formally arrested on suspicion of
E. towards the morning
fraud by abuse of position, and was still in
custody last night. 44. Aplikasi
As police questioned Adoboli, it was unclear “Speculation was mounting that

how he was allegedly able to lose such sums he may have been caught out
without being detected by UBS’s risk management after the Swiss Central Bank
team. unexpectedly devalued the franc
In a brief statement UBS said that no client last week, producing huge losses
positions had been affected. But the company, on one of his currency trades.”
which has 6,000 staff in the UK, saw its shares (Paragraph 4)
slide 10 per cent. What does the underline word mean?
Adoboli joined UBS in 2006 as a trainee a. Lowered the value.
investment adviser. He took on a more senior b. Increased the value.
role as a trade support analyst in 2007 before c. Counted the value.
assuming his present role in trading areas. d. Summed up the value.
Last night, speaking at his home in Ghana, e. Recorded the value.
Adoboli’s father John told the Daily Mail: ‘It’s an 45. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman
unfortunate situation and we’re worried because What is the main idea of paragraph 5?
we’re a decent and hardworking family, and so is A. The effect of the loss toward Kweku’s
my son Kweku. My desire at this time is to get an family.
opportunity to speak with him. I’d like to find out B. The impact of the fraud to UBS.
from him what happened and how he found C. The retirement of Adoboli’s father.
himself in this situation.’ D. The reaction of the chief executive.
Oswald Grubel, the UBS chief executive, said E. The sanction given to the fraudster.
that he ‘would spare no effort to establish how it
happened’. In a memo to staff, the German- born
banking boss said: ‘The matter is still being
investigated, but we currently estimate the loss
on the trades to be around 2billion US dollars. It
is possible that this could lead UBS to report a
loss for the third quarter of 2011.
By Stephen Wright and Rebecca Camber
Adapted from Daily Mail
49. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman
Gita, “I learned to play guitar with
Quesitons 46 and 47 refer to this text. my brother last Monday”.
Gita said that …
Weekend 14 & 15 November A. I learned to play guitar with my brother
B. She learned to play guitar with my
Come and enjoy the fruits of the olive tree,
brother last Monday.
open air dining, and experience the music and
C. She had learned to play guitar with her
dance of the Mediterranean region at our Olive
brother the previous Monday.
D. She learned to play guitar with her
The olive, now part of Australia’s modern
brother last Monday.
multi-cultural society, is an important aspect of
E. You learned to play guitar with your
our history. Today the oldest olive tree in the
brother last Monday.
country, planted at Elizabeth Farm in 1805, is the
inspiration for the festival. 50. Aplikasi
Open daily 10am–5pm Rearrange the jumbled sentences below into
a good paragraph.
46. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman
What kind of text is it? (1) These small land percentage are
A. Memo. D. Warning. consisting of Bunaken,
B. Greeting Card. E. Sign. Manado Tua, Mantehage
C. Advertisement. (2) and Siladen Islands.
The park is a representative of Indonesia
47. Penalaran tropical water ecosystem.
How long will the festival last? (3) Established in 1991, the park
A. Around seven hours. covers the area of 890,65
B. About three days. (4) km2.
C. Approximately five hours. The Bunaken national Park is
D. About fourteen hours. (5) a marine park in the north of
E. Less than a day. Sulawesi.
A. 97 % of which is marine
habitat while the 3% others
are consisting of islands. (4)-
48. Penalaran
A lot of women decide not to accept
promotion in order to give more time to
their children.
The italicized words can be replaced with

B. (4)-(2)-(3)-(5)-(1)
C. (4)-(2)-(3)-(1)-(5)
D. (4)-(3)-(5)-(1)-(2)
E. (4)-(1)-(5)-(3)-(2)
A. turn up D. turn around
B. turn down E. turn over
C. turn away



Jumlah Soal : 40 Soal Waktu : 120 Menit

1. Aplikasi 4. Aplikasi
Dari pengukuran sebuah bidang didapatkan Sebuah peluru ditembakkan dengan
hasil pengukuran panjang 2,115 m dan kecepatan awal 20 m/s. Jika sudut
lebarnya 2,1 m maka keliling bidang tersebut elevasi 37o, posisi peluru setelah
adalah … 1 detik adalah ... (g 10 m/s2). A.
A. 8,4 m D. 4,2 m (7,16) D. (16,7)
B. 8,340 m E. 4 m B. (8,16) E. (18,7)
C. (10,12)
C. 4,4 m 5. Aplikasi
2. Aplikasi Sebuah benda yang massanya
Vektor a dan b dilukiskan seperti pada 10kg bergerak melingkar beraturan
gambar! dengan kecepatan 4 m.s-1. Jika jari-
jari lingkaran 0,5 meter, maka:
5 (1) Frekuensi putarannya 4/π
4 (2) Hz Percepatan
3 (3) sentripetalnya 32 m.s-2
2 (4) Gaya sentripetalnya 320 N
Periodenya 4π s
1 Pernyataan yang benar adalah ...
0 1 2345 6 A. (1), (2), dan (3)
Besar resultan ( a + b ) adalah ... B. (1) dan (3) saja

A. 8 satuan D. 36 satuan C. (2) dan (4) saja
B. 10 satuan E. 64 satuan D. (4) saja
C. 28 satuan E. (1), (2), (3), dan (4)
3. Aplikasi 6. Aplikasi
Dua kota A dan B berjarak 200 km. Dari A Perhatikan gambar di bawah!
2 kg 3 kg 4 kg 5 kg 6 kg
berangkat mobil dengan kecepatan tetap 30 F = 60N
km/jam ke arah kota B. Pada saat yang
bersamaan dari kota B berangkatlah mobil Jika sistem benda bergerak, dan
dengan kecepatan tetap 20 km/jam menuju koefisien gesek antara masing-
A. Kedua mobil akan bertemu setelah … masing balok dan lantai 0,1.
A. 20 jam, 600 km dari A Percepatan gravitasi 10 m.s-2,
B. 20 jam, 400 km dari B besar tegangan tali yang
C. 20 jam, 60 km dari A menghubungkan balok 2 kg dan
D. 4 jam, 120 km dari A 3 kg adalah …
E. 4 jam, 120 km dari B A. 2 N D. 8 N
B. 4 N E. 10 N
C. 6 N
7. Aplikasi 5 3
Pada batang PQ yang panjang 2 m dan A. (R, R) D. (2R, R) 3
massanya diabaikan, dikerjakan tiga gaya 5 7
B. (2R, R) E. (2R, R)
seperti pada gambar.
F2 = 10 N 3 3
F3 = 25 N 3
C. (R, R) 5
F1 = 30 N 10. Penalaran
3 Tiga benda berupa bola padat,
Panjang PO = OQ, Cos 53  0
silinder padat dan silinder
4 berongga dengan massa jenis
sama dilepas bersamaan pada
dan Sin 530  . Resultan momen gaya bidang miring (gambar). Urutan benda yang
5 mencapai dasar bidang miring lebih dahulu
yang bekerja pada batang terhadap ujung adalah ...
P sebagai porosnya adalah ...
A. 40 Nm searah putaran jam
B. 40 Nm berlawanan putaran jam
C. 50 Nm searah putaran jam
D. 50 Nm berlawanan putaran jam
E. 60 Nm searah putaran jam A. Silinder berongga, silinder
pejal, bola padat
8. Aplikasi B. silinder pejal, silinder
Pada sistem keseimbangan benda tegar berongga, bola padat
seperti gambar di bawah, batang A homogen C. silinder padat, bola padat,
dengan panjang 80 cm beratnya 18 N. Pada silinder berongga
ujung B digantung beban yang beratnya 30 D. bola padat, silinder
N. Batang ditahan oleh tali BC. Jika jarak AC berongga, silinder padat
= 60 cm, tegangan pada tali adalah ... E. bola padat, silinder padat,
C silinder berongga

11. Aplikasi
Balok yang tingginya 40 cm dan
massa jenisnya 0,75 g.cm-3
mengapung di atas zat cair yang
massa jenisnya 1,5 g.cm-3 maka
A. 36 N D. 65 N
tinggi balok yang muncul
B. 48 N E. 70 N
dipermukaan zat cair adalah …
C. 50 N
A. 20 cm D. 40 cm
B. 25 cm E. 45 cm
9. Aplikasi C. 38
Perhatikan gambar luasan berikut! c
Banu mengendarai sepeda, tiba-
tiba disalip Bus dari sisi kanan
Banu dengan kecepatan tinggi
dan Banu jatuh terpelanting ke
arah Bus. Hal ini disebabkan:

(1) Kecepatan sepeda lebih kecil

Letak titik berat dari luasan tersebut adalah dari kecepatan Bus.
... (2) Kecepatan udara di antara
Banu dan bus menjadi lebih
(3) Tekanan udara di kanan Banu lebih besar 16. Aplikasi
dibanding di kiri Banu. Sebutir peluru 20 gram bergerak
(4) Tekanan udara di kanan Banu lebih kecil dengan kecepatan 10 ms-1 arah
dari kiri Banu. mendatar menumbuk balok
bermassa 60 gram yang sedang
Yang benar adalah ... A. di atas lantai. Jika peluru
(1), (2), dan (3) tertahan di dalam balok, maka
B. (1) dan (3) kecepatan balok sekarang
C. (2) dan (4) adalah ...
D. (4) A. 1,0 ms-1 D. 2,5 ms-1
E. (1), (2), (3), dan (4) B. 1,5 ms E. 3,0 ms-1
C. 2,0 ms-1
13. Aplikasi
Sebuah bola bermassa 0,1 kg dilempar 17. Aplikasi
mendatar dengan kecepatan 6 m.s-1 dari atap Bejana gelas berisi 60 gr air yang
gedung yang tingginya 5 m kemudian jatuh. suhunya 50oC dicampur dengan
Jika percepatan gravitasi di tempat tersebut es yang suhunya 0oC sehingga
10 m.s-2, maka energi kinetik bola pada suhu akhir campuran tersebut
ketinggian 2 m adalah ... 20oC. Banyaknya es adalah …
A. 6,8 joule D. 3 joule (kalor jenis air = 1 kal.g-1 dan
B. 4,8 joule E. 2 joule kalor lebur es = 80 kal.g-1)
A. 18 gr D. 10 gr
B. 16 gr E. 8 gr
C. 14 gr
C. 3,8 joule
18. Aplikasi
14. Aplikasi Sebatang logam dipanaskan
Odi mengendarai mobil bermassa 4.000 kg di sehingga pada suhu 80oC
jalan lurus dengan kecepatan 25 m.s-1. Karena panjangnya menjadi 115 cm. Jika
melihat kemacetan dari jauh, dia mengerem koefisien muai panjang logam
mobil sehingga kecepatan mobilnya berkurang 3.10-3 oC-1 dan suhu mula-mula
secara teratur menjadi 15 m.s-1. Usaha oleh logam 30oC, maka panjang mula-
gaya pengereman adalah ... mula logam adalah …
A. 200 kJ D. 700 kJ A. 100 cm D. 202,5 cm
B. 101,5 cm E. 103 cm

C. 102 cm
B. 300 kJ E. 800 kJ 19. Aplikasi
C. 400 kJ
Perhatikan gambar berikut!
15. Aplikasi 100o 50o
Bola bermassa 200 gram jatuh bebas dari
ketinggian 20 meter dari lantai sehingga bola X Y
memantul kembali ke atas dengan ketinggian
Dua batang logam x dan y yang
11,25 meter. Jika g = 10 m/s2, maka besar
memiliki penampang sama saling
impuls yang bekerja pada bola adalah ...
direkatkan pada salah satu
A. 7 Ns D. 4 Ns
ujungnya dan pada ujung-ujungnya
B. 6 Ns E. 3 Ns
yang lain dikenakan suhu yang
C. 5 Ns
berbeda. Koefisien konduksi
logam x setengah kali koefisien
konduktivitas logam y, serta
panjang logam x dua kali logam
y. Suhu pada sambungan kedua
logam tersebut adalah …
A. 54oC D. 80oC
B. 60oC E. 90oC
C. 75oC


Neon (Ne) adalah suatu gas monoatomik. Seorang bermata normal
Energi dalam 2 gr gas neon pada suhu 50oC menggunakan mikroskop
20. …. (M = 10 gr/mol)
Aplikasi dengan mata
24. Pengetahuan berakomodasi
dan Pemahaman
A. 8,05 . 102 J D. 8,04 . 103 J maksimum. Itu berarti ...
B. 7,04 . 10 J E. 7,04 . 103 J A. bayangan lensa objektif 25 cm
C. 6,04 . 10 J di belakang lensa objektif
B. bayangan lensa objektif tak terhingga
21. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman
C. bayangan lensa okuler tak terhingga
Partikel-partikel air di suatu permukaan
D. bayangan lensa okuler 25
laut dangkal bergerak dalam lintasan
cm di depan lensa okuler
berbentuk melingkar. Yang menyebabkan
E. bayangan lensa okuler 25 cm
lintasan berbentuk lingkaran tersebut adalah
di belakang lensa okuler
gelombang ...
A. transversal 25. Aplikasi
B. longitudinal Cahaya kuning dengan panjang
C. transversal dan longitudinal gelombang 600 nm dilewatkan
D. elips pada sebuah kisi sehingga tampak
E. lingkaran gejala difraksi. Pernyataan yang
tepat tentang sudut difraksi
orde pertamanya adalah ...
(1) sin  = 0,24, jika digunakan
22. Aplikasi
Seorang pengendara mobil melaju dengan celah 400/ mm
20. Aplikasi 144 km/jam menjauhi mobil
(2) sin  = 0,30,
24. Pengetahuan danjika digunakan
ambulans yang sedang melaju dengan celah 500/ mm
(3) sin  = 0,48, jika digunakan
kecepatan 36 km/jam searah mobil. Jika
mobil ambulans membunyikan sirine dengan celah 800/ mm
frekuensi 990 Hz, cepat rambat bunyi di (4) sin  = 0,60, jika digunakan
udara 340 m/s, maka frekuensi bunyi yang celah 1000/ mm
didengar pengendara mobil adalah ... Pernyataan yang benar adalah ...
A. (1), (2), dan (3)
A. 890 Hz D. 950 Hz
20. B. (1) dan (3)
B. Aplikasi
900 Hz E. 970 Hz 24. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman
C. (2) dan (4)
C. 920 Hz
D. (4) saja
23. Aplikasi E. (1), (2), (3) dan (4)
Suatu titik berjarak 8 m dari sumber bunyi
-6 2 26. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman
20. Aplikasi intensitas 10 W/m . Jika titik
memiliki 24. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman
Gelombang elektromagnetik yang
tersebut digeser mendekati sumber bunyi
mempunyai frekuensi 1020 − 1025
sejauh 4 m, maka perbandingan taraf
Hz berguna untuk ...
intensitas setelah digeser dengan sebelum
digeser adalah ... (log4 = 0,6) A. fotografi pemetaan sumber daya alam
B. memeriksa cacat logam
A. 11 : 10 D. 3 : 5
C. mencari jejak sebuah benda
B. 10 : 11 E. 2 : 1
D. memasak makanan dengan cepat
C. 5 : 3
E. mensterilkan peralatan kedokteran
20. Aplikasi 24. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman


Tiga buah pegas A, B, dan C yang identik Pernyataan berikut ini
dirangkai seperti gambar di bawah! berhubungan dengan kapasitor
27. Aplikasi keping sejajar:dan Pemahaman
30. Pengetahuan
(1) Luas tiap keping.
A B (2) Jarak antarkeping.
27. Aplikasi (3)Pengetahuan
30. Muatan tiap-tiap keping.
dan Pemahaman
(4) Tegangan antarkeping.
C (5) Bahan dielektrik di antara keping.
Faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi nilai
kapasitas kapasitor keping sejajar
adalah ...
Jika ujung bebas pegas C digantungkan beban A. (1), (2), dan (3) D. (1), (3), dan (4)
1,2 N, maka sistem mengalami pertambahan B. (1), (2), dan (5) E. (1) dan (3)
27. Aplikasi0,6 cm, konstanta masing-masing C. (3), (4), dan
30. Pengetahuan dan(5)
pegas adalah ...
31. Aplikasi
A. 200 Nm-1 D. 360 Nm-1
Tiga muatan listrik Q1, Q2, dan Q3 masing-
B. 240 Nm E. 400 Nm-1
masing 100μC menempati titik-titik sudut
C. 300 Nm-1 segitiga sama sisi dengan panjang
28. Aplikasi sisi = 10 cm seperti pada gambar
Sebuah tali karet diberi beban 300 gram dan di bawah (k = 9.109 Nm2.C-2, 1μ =
digantung vertikal pada sebuah statif. 10-6)
Ternyata karet bertambah panjang 4 cm (g Q1
= 10 m.s-2). Energi potensial karet tersebut
adalah ...
A. 7,5.10-2 joule D. 3,0.10-2 joule
B. 6,0.10-2 joule E. 1,5.10-2 joule
Q2 Q3
C. 4,5.10 joule
Besar gaya Coulomb yang dialami
29. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman oleh muatan Q1 adalah ...
Bola konduktor berongga dimuati dengan

A. 9 × 102 N
muatan listrik positif sebesar 500μC seperti
gambar berikut. B. 9 3 × 102 N
+ +
C. 9 × 103 N
+ T
+ + D. 9 3 × 103 N
P E. 9 × 104 N
+ 10 cm +
32. Aplikasi
Q +
+ Dua muatan listrik Q1 dan Q2 terpisah pada
20 cm
27. Aplikasi 30. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman
+ R+ jarak a seperti pada gambar berikut.

27. Aplikasi 30. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman

+ Q1 = +4Q EA = 0 Q2 = +Q

27. Aplikasi 30. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman

Mana pernyataan berikut yang benar?
A b
27. Aplikasi 30. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman
A. Potensial listrik di titik P = 2 kali potensial a
listrik di titik R.
Jika kuat medan listrik total di
B. Aplikasi
27. Potensial listrik di titik Q sama dengan di 30. Pengetahuan
titik A yang dan Pemahaman
disebabkan oleh Q1
titik T.
dan Q2 adalah nol, maka
C. Potensial listrik di titik T = 2 kali potensial
hubungan a dengan b adalah ...
listrik di titik Q.
D. Potensial listrik di titik P sama dengan di A. b = a
titik T. D. b = 2a 3
E. Potensial listrik di titik P, Q, dan R sama 1
besar. B. b = a
E. b = 3a 2
C. b= a
27. Aplikasi 30. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman
Perhatikan gambar rangkaian di bawah ini! Fluks magnetik pada sebuah
Daya listrik pada resistor 2 Ω adalah ... kumparan 100 lilitan berubah
33. Aplikasi dari 0,02 Wb menjadi 0,03 Wb
36. Aplikasi
E1 = 12V
dalam waktu 0,2 s. Bila
R2 = 4 R1 = 2 perubahan fluks sebesar 0,06
Wb terjadi dalam waktu 0,1 s,
E2 = 6V maka perbandingan GGL yang
dihasilkan mula-mula dengan
akhir adalah ...
A. 5 : 6 D. 2 : 5
A. 9 W D. 36 W B. 3 : 1 E. 1 : 12
B. Aplikasi
33. 18 W E. 81 W C. 2 : 1
36. Aplikasi
C. 27 W 37. Aplikasi
34. Aplikasi Perhatikan diagram rangkaian RLC berikut
33. Aplikasi gambar!
Perhatikan 36. Aplikasi
+Y R L C

33. Aplikasi 36. Aplikasi 12 0,075 H 500 F

I = 10 A V = (26 sin 200t) Volt
2m Kuat arus maksimum dari rangkaian adalah
+Z ...
Kawat lurus panjang berarus listrik 10 A A. 1,3 A D. 2,4 A
diletakkan berimpit dengan sumbu y. (μ0 = 4π B. 1,5 A E. 2,0 2 A
33. 10-7 WbA-1m-1). Besar dan arah induksi
× Aplikasi 36. Aplikasi
C. 2,0 A
magnetik di titik A yang berjarak 2 m dari
pangkal koordinat adalah ... 38. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman
A. 10-10T ke arah sumbu +x Pada proses fusi, sebuah proton
dengan massa mp dan sebuah
B. 10-8T ke arah sumbu +y
neutron dengan massa mn
C. 10-8T ke arah sumbu +z
bergabung menjadi sebuah inti
D. 10-6T ke arah sumbu –z
deterium yang stabil. Massa
E. 10-6T ke arah sumbu +x deterium itu ...
35. Aplikasi A. selalu lebih kecil daripada (mp + mn)
Data tabel di bawah adalah nilai lilitan dan B. selalu sama dengan (mp + mn)
tegangan transformator ideal. Dari tabel, C. selalu lebih besar daripada (mp + mn)
nilai x dan y yang tepat adalah ...
D. kadang-kadang lebih kecil
dan kadang- kadang sama
dengan (mp + mn)
N1 N2 V1(volt) V2(volt) E. kadang-kadang lebih besar dan kadang-
kadang sama dengan (m + m )
50 x 12 24
100 200 y 48
p n

33. Aplikasi 36. Aplikasi

A. x = 100 lilitan dan y = 16 volt
B. x = 200 lilitan dan y = 18 volt
C. x = 100 lilitan dan y = 20 volt
D. x = 100 lilitan dan y = 24 volt
E. x = 25 lilitan dan y = 28 volt


Inti atom yang terbentuk memenuhi reaksi Logam A dan B memiliki frekuensi ambang 2
fusi berikut ini: × 1014 Hz dan 5 × 1014 Hz. Agar energi kinetik
39. Aplikasi 2 0 40. Aplikasi
H2 1 H3  He4  n1 E elektron foton logam A tersebut sama dengan

39. Aplikasi 40. Aplikasi

Diketahui: Massa 1H2 = 2,0141 sma energi kinetik elektron logam B yang diradiasi
oleh f = 7 × 1014 Hz, maka besarnya
Massa Massa 1H3 = 3,0160 sma frekuensi radiasi pada logam A
39. Aplikasi 40. Aplikasi
He4 = 4,0026 sma adalah ...
A. 1 × 1014 Hz D. 4 × 1014 Hz
Massa n1 =0 1,0086 sma B. 2 × 1014 Hz E. 5 × 1014 Hz
1 sma = 931 MeV C. 3 × 1014 Hz
Nilai E (energi
39. Aplikasi yang dibebaskan) pada reaksi 40. Aplikasi
fusi diatas adalah ...
A. 0,02 MeV D. 5,03 MeV
B. 0,04 MeV E. 17,60 MeV
C. Aplikasi
39. 5,01 MeV 40. Aplikasi


Jumlah Soal : 40 Soal Waktu : 120 Menit

1. Penalaran 4. Aplikasi
Kelompok unsur/ion berikut yang mempunyai Konfigurasi elektron ion A2-
konfigurasi elektron yang sama adalah ... (1H, adalah 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d10
3Li, 4Be, 8O, 9F, 10Ne, 11Na, 12Mg, 18Ar,
4p5 dalam tabel periodik atom
unsur A terletak pada ...
A. Periode 4, golongan II A.
A. O2-, F-, Na D. Li+, Be2+, H+ B. Periode 4, golongan V A.
B. O2-, F-, Mg2+ E. O2-, Mg+, Na+ C. Periode 4, golongan VIIIA.
C. Ne, Ar, Kr D. Periode 4, golongan IV B.
E. Periode 4, golongan VI B.
2. Penalaran
Kulit valensi dan elektron valensi berikut 5. Penalaran
yang tidak mungkin dimiliki oleh suatu atom Perhatikan grafik jari-jari atom A, B, C, D,
adalah ... dan E berikut!
jari-jari atom
200 D
Nomor Kulit Elektron
Atom 150 B
Atom Valensi Valensi (EV) 100
50 A
A. 19 4s 1 0
1 234 567 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
B. 21 4s 3 Nomor atom

C. 23 4s 3d 4
D. 24 4s 3d 6
E. 28 4s 3d 10
Dari grafik di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa
A. titik A adalah jari-jari atom Li
B. titik B adalah jari-jari atom K
3. Aplikasi C. grafik A ke B jari- jari atom
Gambaran elektron dalam orbital dari unsur unsur periode 3
dengan notasi X sebagai berikut. D. grafik B ke C jari-jari atom unsur golongan
[He]    
E. grafik B ke C jari-jari atom unsur
2s2 2p5
Kemungkinan elektron terakhir dari unsur X 6. Penalaran
berada pada ... Unsur dengan notasi7 X dapat
A. n = 2 l = 0 m = 0 s = - ½ membentuk senyawa dengan
B. n = 2 l = 0 m = -1 s = + ½ unsur 36Y. Pasangan yang tepat
C. n = 2 l = 1 m = 0 s = - ½ dari senyawa dan bentuk molekul
D. n = 4 l = 1 m = -1 s = + ½ yang kemungkinan dapat
E. n = 4 l = 0 m = 0 s = + ½ terbentuk adalah ...
Bentuk 9. Aplikasi
Senyawa Ikatan Suatu senyawa organik yang
mengandung belerang dibakar
A. XY3 Kovalen Polar sebanyak 10 gram dan
y x y menghasilkan 16,26 gram CO2; 5,52
gram H2 O; dan 7,9 gram SO2.
Massa molar zat
B. XY3 y Kovalen tersebut adalah 162 g/mol. Rumus
x Nonpolar molekul zat tersebut adalah ...
y y

C. XY3 Kovalen
y x y (Polar)

D. XY5 y Ion (Polar)

y x y

E. XY5 y Ion
y (Nonpolar)
y s y
A. C5 H6 O4 S D. C6 H10 OS2
B. C5 H6 O2 S2 E. C7 H18 OS
C. C6 H14 O2 S
10. Aplikasi
Data percobaan daya hantar listrik.
Nyala Pengamatan
No. Larutan
Lampu Lain
1. Spiritus Tidak Tidak ada
Nyala gelembung
2. Cuka Tidak Ada
Nyala gelembung
3. Garam Nyala Gelembung
Dapur banyak
4. Gula Tidak Tidak ada
Nyala gelembung
7. Aplikasi
Urea salah satu pupuk yang banyak
mengandung unsur Nitrogen. Bila dalam 10
kg pupuk urea (CO(NH2)2) terdapat 4 Kg
Nitrogen, kemurnian pupuk tersebut adalah
Larutan yang termasuk elektrolit
... (ArC = 12, O = 16, N = 14, H = 1)
kuat, elektrolit lemah dan
A. 40% D. 95,6%
nonelektrolit secara berurutan
B. 47,7% E. 100%
adalah ...
C. 85,7%
A. 1, 2, 3 D. 3, 1, 4
B. 1, 3, 4 E. 3, 2, 1
8. Aplikasi C. 2, 3, 1
Dimas menemukan suatu logam berwarna
11. Penalaran
putih dan mengilat yang belum dikenal,
Reaksi kesetimbangan dari:
untuk mengetahui logam tersebut Dimas NH + H O ↔ NH + + OH -
mereaksikan sebanyak 5,6 gram dengan 3(aq) 2 (l) 4 (aq) (aq)
asam klorida Menurut konsep asam basa Bronsted dan
2X + 6HCl → 2XCl + 3H Lowry, pernyataan yang benar adalah ...
(g) (aq) 3 (aq) 2 (g)
Volume gas hidrogen yang terjadi pada A. Air adalah asam karena dapat menerima
sebuah proton.
keadaan standar 3,36 Liter, maka massa
B. Ammoniak dan air adalah
atom relatif (Ar) dari X adalah ...
pasangan asam basa
A. 23 D. 52
B. 27 E. 56 konjugasi.
C. NH3dan NH +4adalah pasangan asam
C. 35 basa konjugasi.
D. NH 4+ dan OH - adalah asam
basa konjugasi
E. NH 4+ adalah basa karena
menerima ion H+.
12. Aplikasi 15. Aplikasi
Dilarutkan 19,6 gram asam fosfat sampai Sebanyak 34,32 gram soda kristal
volume 500 mL, ditetesi dengan indikator (Na2 CO3 x H2O) dilarutkan dalam
metil hingga warnanya merah. Bila Ka1 asam air sehingga volumenya dijadikan 1
fosfat 4.10-3, maka derajat ionisasi dan pH Liter. 25 mL larutan ini dititrasi
dengan larutan H SO 0,15 M. Jika perubahan
2 4
larutan secara berurutan adalah … (Ar H = warna indikator terjadi pada saat
1, P = 31, O = 16) volume larutan H SO 20 mL,
maka rumus air kristal
2 4
A. 4.10-2 dan 5 – log 2
soda tersebut adalah ...
B. 4.10-1 dan 2 – log 5
C. 3.10-1 dan 2 – log 4 A. Na2 CO3.10H2 O D. Na2 CO3.2H2 O
D. 1.10-1 dan 4 – log 2 B. Na2 CO3.7H2 O E. Na2 CO3.H2 O
E. 1.10-1 dan 2 – log 4 C. Na2 CO3.5H2 O
13. Aplikasi 16. Aplikasi
Perhatikan data uji larutan menggunakan Perhatikan ilustrasi gambar berikut!
indikator kertas lakmus berkut!
Larutan Yang Warna Lakmus
Diuji Merah Biru
1. P Merah Biru 1 Liter Asam asetat 0,5 M

2. Q Merah Merah Untuk membuat campuran

3. R Biru Biru penyangga dengan pH 6 , maka
4. S Biru Biru berat Natrium asetat yang
dimasukkan adalah ... (Ka asam
5. T Merah Merah
asetat 1,8. 10-5, Ar Na = 23, C
Larutan yang mengandung ion H+ lebih besar
=12, O = 16, H = 1)
dari ion OH- adalah ...
A. 4 gram D. 73,8 gram
A. P dan Q D. Q dan T
B. 4,1 gram E. 738 gram
C. 7,38 gram
B. Q dan S E. P dan S 17. Aplikasi
C. P dan T Perhatikan pasangan zat berikut ini!
14. Aplikasi (1) Senyawa CH3 COONH4 dan CH3 COOH
Direaksikan dua macam larutan berikut: (2) Ion H2PO –4 dan HPO 2-4
(3) Senyawa CH3 COONa dan NH4Cl
250 mL H2SO4 dengan pH 3
(4) Senyawa H 2CO dan
ion HCO –3
100 mL Ca(OH)2 dengan pH 12
(5) Senyawa CH3 COONa dan
CH3 COOH Pasangan senyawa/ion
Ke dalam larutan Ca(OH) 2 diteteskan yang berfungsi sebagai larutan
Fenolfatelin, pH dan warna larutan setelah penyangga yang terdapat
reaksi adalah ...
dalam tubuh manusia adalah ...
A. 11 – log 2 dan biru
A. 1 dan 2 D. 3 dan 4
B. 11 + log 2 dan merah
B. 1 dan 5 E. 4 dan 5
C. 3 – log 2 dan tidak berwarna
C. 2 dan 5
D. 2 – log 3 dan tidak berwarna 18. Aplikasi
E. 2 + log 3 dan merah Sebanyak 250 mL larutan asam
klorida 0,02 M dialirkan 112 mL
(STP) gas amoniak sehingga
terjadi reaksi:
NH3(g) + HCl(aq)→ NH4Cl (aq)
Jika harga Kb NH3 = 5 x 10–5, maka
harga pH larutan yang terjadi
sebesar ...
A. 4,5 – log 1 D. 8,0 – log 2 22. Aplikasi
B. 6,0 – log 2 E. 8,5 + log 2 Senyawa berikut yang mempunyai nama 3
C. 5,5 + log 2 etil 2,4 dimetil pentana adalah ...
19. Aplikasi A. CH2C CH3  C C2H5  C CH3 2
Pencampuran larutan sebagai berikut: B. CH3CHCH3  C C2H5  C CH3 2
1 Liter CnCl2 0,001 M C. CH  C CH  C C H  C CH 
3 2 3 2 5 3 2
D. CH3CH CH3  CH C2H5  CH CH3  2

2 2
1 Liter Na2SO4 0,001 M E. CH  C CH  CHC H  CHCH 
3 3 2 5 3
Jika Ksp CaSO4 10-8, ArCa = 40, S = 32, O 23. Aplikasi
= 16, pernyataan yang benar dari proses Dehidrasi alkohol dengan
pencampuran kedua zat tersebut adalah ... menggunakan asam sulfat pekat
A. larutan tepat jenuh pada suhu 170oC
H SO pekat berlebihan 170oC
2 4
B. terbentuk endapan CaSO sebanyak CH –CH OH X
4 3 2
136 mg Jenis reaksi dan hasil reaksi yang
C. terbentuk endapan CaSO4 sebanyak 68 benar adalah ...
mg A. eliminasi dan etana
D. tidak terbentuk endapan, karena larutan B. adisi dan dimetil eter
belum jenuh C. adisi dan etena
E. tidak terbentuk endapan karena hasil D. eliminasi dan etena
kali kelarutan kecil dari Ksp E. oksidasi dan asam etanoat
20. Aplikasi 24. Aplikasi
Perhatikan diagram P –T berikut: Pasangan yang tepat antara rumus senyawa
P (atm)
1,0 larutan x Air
dan kegunaannya adalah ...
Monomer Polimer
A. Dietil eter Disinfektan
B. Etanol Obat Bius
C. Etilen glikol Analgesik
D. Formaldehid Pengawet makanan
E. Ester Pembuatan sabun
-4,46o 100 T(oC)
Jika larutan X dibuat dengan melarutkan 32,0
gram BeCl2 dalam 500 gram air, maka harga
derajat ionisasi (α) dari BeCl2 adalah ... (Ar 25. Aplikasi
Zat X dapat terbentuk dari reaksi fenil klorida

Be = 9, Cl = 35,5, Kf air = -1,86oC/m)
A. 80,8% D. 10,4% dengan nama sistematis senyawa yang
B. 69,9% E. 1,08% memiliki struktur berikut adalah ...
C. 30,8% 3HC
21. Aplikasi CH CH3
Tujuan elektrodialisis yang dilakukan terhadap
larutan koloid untuk ... CH3 CH
A. memisahkan jenis-jenis partikel koloid
B. memperkecil diameter partikel koloid
C. mengendapkan partikel koloid
D. menggumpalkan partikel koloid
E. membuang kelebihan ion-ion elektrolit
dari larutan koloid
A. 2-isopropil-1-butana 28. Aplikasi
B. 2,3-dimetil-2-heksena Data hasil uji beberapa makanan berikut!
C. 2-metil-3-isopropil-1-butena
D. 2,3,4-trimetil-1-butena
E. 2,3,4-trimetil-1-pentena
Hasil Identifikasi
Warna ungu dengan pereaksi
26. Aplikasi Biuret.
Tabel berikut beirisi data tentang polimer. Warna jingga dengan
Monomer Polimer Reaksi
Endapan merah bata dengan
1. Asam Nilon 66 Adisi R
Adipat dan pereaksi Benedict.
Heksameti- Endapan warna hitam
lendiamina dengan timbal (II) asetat.
2. Vinil Klorida PVC Kondensasi Endapan putih kemudian
3. Stirena Polistirena Adisi T menjadi merah dengan
4. Glukosa Amilum Kondensasi
pereaksi Millon.
Makanan yang mengandung protein dengan
Pasangan data yang ketiganya berhubungan
inti benzena adalah ...
dengan tepat adalah ...
A. P D. R
A. 1 dan 2 D. 2 dan 4
B. Q E. T
B. 1 dan 4 E. 3 dan 4
C. R
C. 2 dan 3
29. Aplikasi
27. Aplikasi Berdasarkan data pada 25oC di bawah ini:
Pereaksi yang digunakan dalam persamaan
2NO(g) + O2 (g) → 2NO2 (g) ΔH0 = -113,06 kJ
reaksi berikut.
NO 2NOCl → 2 NO + Cl ΔH0 = +75,56 kJ
(g) (g) 2 (g)
1 CH 1 CH 2NO →NO ΔH0 = -58,03 kJ
3 3 2 (g) 2 4 (g)
NO2 NO3 Harga perubahan entalpi untuk reaksi
Pereaksi 1 dan 2 secara berurutan adalah N2O4 + Cl 2 (g) → 2NOCl (g) + O2 (g) pada 25oC
... adalah ...
A. CH3 Cl dalam AlCl3 dan H2 SO4 dalam A. +95,53kJ D. -186,80 kJ
HNO3 B. +299 kJ E. -85,52 kJ
B. KMnO 4 dalam H2 SO 4 pekat dan HNO3 C. -246,65 kJ
C. CH3 Cl dalam AlCl3 dan HNO3 dalam H2
30. Aplikasi
SO4 pekat
Gas asetilen (gas karbid) dapat
D. CH3 Cl dalam AlCl3 dan H2 SO4 berasap dihasilkan dari kalsium karbida
(CaC2) dalam air. Pada
pembakaran gas asetilen
dihasilkan energi
E. H2 SO4 pekat dan HNO3 sebesar 4878 kJ, dengan reaksi:
C – H 413 kJ C = O 799 kJ
C ≡ C 839 kJ O – H 463 kJ
O = O 495 kJ
Bila diketahui energi ikatan
rata-rata C2H2 (g) + 2½ O2 (g) →
2CO2 (g) + H2O(g)
volume gas asetilen yang
dibakar pada keadaan standar
adalah ...
A. 5,6 L D. 15,6 L
B. 10,6 L E. 56,6 L
C. 13,3 L
31. Penalaran 33. Penalaran
Sekelompok siswa melakukan percobaan Persamaan reaksi berikut:
reaksi penguraian hidrogen peroksida H2 2 NOCl(g) ↔ 2NO(g) + Cl2(g)
O2 (l) → H2 O(l) + O2 (g) ΔH = -105,2 kJ/mol
Pernyataan yangbenarapabilasuhu
diperbesar adalah ...
Pereaksi Pengamatan
H2 O2 + Gelembung gas A. Reaksi bergeser kearah gas
Na.K.Tartrat tidak kelihatan NOCl, harga K makin kecil.
H2 O2 + Na.K.Tartrat Terbentuk B. Reaksi bergeser kearah gas NO,
+ CoCl2 gelembung gas, harga K makin kecil.
warna larutan C. Gas NOCl makin banyak, harga K
berubah dari makin kecil.
merah, cokelat, D. Gas NO makin banyak, harga K
hijau, cokelat, dan makin besar.
kembali merah E. Gas NO makin banyak, harga K tetap.
H2 O2 + NaCl Gelembung gas 34. Aplikasi
tidak kelihatan Perhatikan reaksi setimbang berikut!
H2 O2 + FeCl3 Terbentuk 2NO2 (g) ↔ N2 O4 (g) K = 0,25
gelembung gas
NO(g) + 1/2O ↔ NO2 (g) K = 0,5
2 (g)
Pernyataan yang benar dari percobaan diatas Pada temperatur yang sama harga tetapan
tentang katalis adalah ... kesetimbangan untuk reaksi
A. CoCl2 berfungsi sebagai katalis karena N2 O 4 (g) ↔ 2NO(g) + O2 (g) adalah ...
memengaruhi hasil reaksi.
B. Na.K.Tartrat dan NaCl bertindak sebagai A. 16 D. 1/16
inhibitor. B. 4 E. 1/32
C. CoCl2 berfungsi sebagai katalis dan tidak C. 1/8
memengaruhi hasil reaksi. 35. Aplikasi
D. CoCl2 bertindak sebagai katalis karena Beberapa reaksi berikut:
dapat mengubah warna larutan. (1) IO3- + 5I- + 6 H+ → 3I2 + 3H O2
E. FeCl3 bertindak sebagai inhibitor. (2) Pb + PbO + 2H SO → 2PbSO + 2H O
2 2 4 4 2
32. Aplikasi (3) 3MnO42- + 4 H+ → MnO2 + 2 MnO4- + 2H2O
Persamaan reaksi A + 2B → 3C + 2D merupakan
reaksi yang memiliki orde reaksi 2 terhadap A (4) 2HCl + Na2S2O3 → 2NaCl + SO2 + S +
dan orde reaksi 3 terhadap B. H2O
(5) 3Cl2 + 6NaOH → 5NaCl +

No [A] M [B] M Laju (M/det)
1 1 2 10 NaClO3 + 3H2 O Reaksi
2 4 1 ..?.. disproporsionasi terdapat pada
... A. (1), (2), dan (3) D. (2), (4),
Maka, laju reaksi percobaan 2 pada tabel di
dan (5)
atas adalah ...
B. (1), (2), dan (5) E. (3), (4), dan (5)
C. (2), (3), dan (4)
A. 12,0 D. 24,0
B. 18,8 E. 30,0
C. 20,0


36. Aplikasi 39. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman
Sejumlah lelehan garam klorida, masing- Perhatikan tabel unsur-unsur periode ketiga
masing AgCl, NaCl, CaCl2, AlCl3 ,dan FeCl3 berikut.
dielektrolisis dengan kuat arus sebesar 2,5 Ion
Co2+ Co3+ Mn6+ Mn7+ Cr3+ Cr6+
A. Jumlah endapan (deposit) logam yang Unsur
memerlukan waktu elektrolisis paling lama Merah
Warna Biru Hijau Ungu Hijau Jingga
adalah ... (Ar Ag = 108, Na = 23, Ca = 40, Al
= 27, Fe = 56) Berdasarkan data di atas, warna dari
A. 23 g Na D. 50 g Fe CoCl3, KMnO4 dan K2 Cr2 O7 adalah ...
B. 40 g Ca E. 100 g Ag A. merah muda, ungu, dan hijau
C. 27 g Al B. merah muda, hijau, dan hijau
C. biru, ungu, dan hijau
37. Aplikasi
D. biru, hijau, dan jingga
Sejumlah arus listrik dialirkan melalui dua
E. biru, ungu, dan jingga
jenis larutan dalam rangkaian seri, sesuai
gambar berikut. 40. Aplikasi
+ DC – Perhatikan tabel unsur-unsur periode ketiga
Unsur Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
Titik Didih 887 1087 2517 3257 277 445 -35 -186

ZuSO4(aq) AgCl(aq) Rumus NaOH Mg(OH) Al(OH) Si(OH) P(OH) S(OH) Cl(OH) –
Hidroksida 2 3 4 5 6 7

Jika dalam sel A dihasilkan 32,5 gram seng, Potensial

-2,71 -2,37 -1,66 – – +0,14 +1,36 –

maka massa perak yang dihasilkan dalam sel (V)

B adalah ... (Ar Zn = 65 g/mol dan Ag = 108 Pernyataan yang benar tentang tabel
g/mol) tersebut adalah ...
108.32,5 65.32,5 A. Hidroksida Si bersifat amfoter.
A. D. B. S dan Cl2 lebih mudah
65.2 108.2
108.32,5.2 32,5.2 menghantarkan arus listrik.
B. E. C. Semua hidroksida unsur periode ketiga
65 108.65 bersifat basa.
C. D. Semua unsur periode ketiga berupa zat
108 padat pada suhu kamar.
38. Aplikasi E. Logam Na lebih mudah
Beberapa contoh cara yang dilakukan untuk mengalami oksidasi dari
mencegah korosi pada besi, antara lain: logam Mg.
(1) Pengecatan pagar rumah
(2) Galvanisasi
(3) Konstruksi jembatan
(4) Pipa bawah tanah
Yang termasuk proses perlindungan katodik
adalah ...
A. (1) dan (2) D. (2) dan (4)
B. (1) dan (3) E. (3) dan (4)
C. (2) dan (3)


Jumlah Soal : 50 Soal Waktu : 120 Menit

LISTENING SECTION 1. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman

In this section of the test, you will have the chance to A. A grocery store.
show how well you understand spoken English. B. A drugstore.
There are four parts to this section with special C. A stationary store.
directions for each part. D. A gas station.
E. A fruit stall.
2. Penalaran
Questions 1 to 4.
A. To go to a bus station.
B. To hang out around the T-junction.
C. To sit in the corner.
In this part of the test, you will hear some dialogues
D. To catch a train.
and questions spoken in English. The dialogues and
E. To buy a movie ticket.
the questions will be spoken twice. They will not
be printed in your test book, so you must listen 3. Aplikasi
carefully to understand what the speakers are A. He already has the application.
saying. After you listen to the dialogue and the B. He agrees with the woman.
question about it, read the five possible answers, C. He will help the woman.
and decide which one would be the best answer to D. He doesn’t think the same
the question you have heard. Now listen to a way as the woman.
sample question. E. He is ready to help the woman.
4. Penalaran
You will hear: A. He is very well.
Man : How can I help you, Mum? B. He doesn’t know Edwin.
Woman : Please buy a kilo of rice, two kilos of C. He is talking to
sugar, a half kilo of eggs and a pack of D. Edwin’s mom. He says
tea E. Edwin is clever.
Man : Do you need some chicken He teaches Mathematics.
nuggets? PART II
Woman : No, we still have some in the Questions 5 to 7.
Narrator : What shouldn’t the man buy ?
In this part of the test, you will
A. Eggs. D. Sugar.
hear some incomplete dialogues
B. Tea. E. Nuggets.
spoken in English, followed by four
C. Rice. responses, also spoken in English.
Narrator : Thebestanswertothequestion“What The dialogues and the responses
shouldn’t the man buy?” is nuggets. will be spoken twice. They will not be
Therefore you should answer (E). printed in your test book, so you must
listen carefully to understand what
the speakers are saying. You have to
choose the best response to each
Now listen to a sample question. 8. Aplikasi
Woman : Do you have any plans for next A. D.
Man : I am thinking of going mountain
climbing. B. E.
Woman : That’s interesting. Can I go with you?
Man : Sure. Do you have any suggestions for
activities there?
Woman : ...
Narrator : What does the woman probably
A. Sorry, but I don’t know much about that. 9. Aplikasi
B. Yes, we could have a barbeque there. A. D.
C. Yes, I think that mountain is too high.
D. Yes, I really love mountain climbing.
Narrator : The best answer to the question
“What does the woman probably

respond?” is “Yes, we could have a
barbeque there.” Therefore you
should choose answer (B).
5. Aplikasi B. E.
Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
6. Aplikasi
Mark your answer on your answer sheet. C.
7. Aplikasi
Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Questions: 8 to 9.

In this part of the test, you will hear some dialogues or
Questions 10 to 13.
monologues spoken in English. The dialogues or
monologues will be spoken twice. They will not
be printed in your test book, so you must listen Directions:
In the part of the test, you will hear
carefully to understand what the speakers are
several monologues. Each
saying. After you listen to the dialogue or
monologue will be spoken twice. They
monologue, look at the five pictures provided in
will not be printed in your test book, so
your test book, and decide which would be the
you must listen carefully to understand
most suitable one for the dialogue or monologue
what the speakers are saying. After you
you have heard.
hear the monologue and the question
about it, read the five possible answer
and decide which one would be the
best answer to the question you
have heard.
Questions 10 and 15 are based on the following This text is for questions 16 to 18.
I live on Satria Street. My friends
10. Aplikasi
usually come to my house through
A. Two. D. Five.
Kayangan Road. Go south towards
B. Three. E. Six.
Satria Street. You will see a Bank on
C. Four.
your left. Near the bank there are many
11. Aplikasi shops. I go there for shopping every
A. Not bad. D. Costly. day. At the corner of Kayangan and
B. Tasty. E. Sweet. Satria Street there is a Drug store
C. Expensive. which is open all day. Turn left on
12. Penalaran Satria Street until you come to a
A. It is small and cold. restaurant. Near the restaurant there
B. It is big and scary. is a police station. My house is beside
C. It is starving and greedy. the police station.
D. It is warm and big.
E. It is messy and narrow. 16. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman
What is the text about?
A. The writer’s favorite places.
B. The public places in Kayangan street.
13. Penalaran C. The landmark situated
A. Dog’s. D. Cat’s. around Satria street.
B. Horse’s. E. Mouse’s. D. The direction to the writer’s home.
C. Cow’s. E. The writer’s friends’ visit.
17. Aplikasi
Questions 14 and 15 are based on the following “I go there for shopping
monologue. every day” The
14. Penalaran underlined word refers to
A. He went to bed late. …
B. He missed the bus. A. Kayangan street D. police station
B. bank E. my house
C. many shops
C. He stopped playing games. 18. Penalaran
D. He lost his key. Which statement is TRUE
E. He didn’t sleep. according to the text?
15. Aplikasi A. The writer’s friends live on Kayangan
A. The speaker didn’t like games. Street.
B. The speaker used to walk to school. B. The bank is on the right of
C. The speaker took a school bus that day. Satria street.
D. The speaker arrived at school twenty C. The drugstore closes at the weekends.
minutes earlier. D. The police station is
E. The speaker didn’t manage to eat his distant to the restaurant.
breakfast that day. E. The writer lives next to
the police station.
This is the end of the listening section.


Questions 19 to 21 refer to the following text. Refer to the letter below to answer questions
22 to 25.
Dear Mr. Jonas,
Many artists late in the last
I am giving a party for Sean on Saturday May century were in search of a means to
20th and I know he would be very pleased if you express their individuality. Modern
could come. He is leaving us to go travelling dance was one of the ways some of
around the world, so this is an opportunity for us these people sought to free their
all to say goodbye and wish him luck. creative spirit. At the beginning there
The party is at the Hotel Dana at Slamet was no exacting technique, no
Riyadi St. No. 281, Solo and is from eight until foundation from which to build. In
ten. Food and drink are provided, and there will later years trial, error, and genius
be some live music, so it should be a good night founded the techniques and the
out. principles of the movement.
Please let me know if you can come. We look Eventually, innovators even drew from
forward to seeing you there? what they considered the dread
ballet, but first they had to discard all
Yours sincerely, Bibit that was academic so that the new

could be discovered. The beginnings
of modern dance were happening
19. Penalaran
before Isadora Duncan, but she was
Reading the letter, we know that Bibit is
the first person to bring the new
arranging a/an … party.
dance to general audiences and see
A. wedding D. birthday
it accepted and acclaimed. Her
B. graduation E. anniversary
search for a natural movement form
C. farewell
sent her to nature. She believed
20. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman movement should be as natural as the
What is the purpose of the letter? swaying of the trees and the rolling
A. To invite Mr. Jonas. waves of the sea, and should be in
B. To introduce Mr. Jonas to Sean. harmony with the movements of the
C. To inform Mr. Jonas about Sean’s Earth. Her great contributions are in
travelling. three areas.
D. To advertise Hotel Dana to Mr. Jonas. First, she began the expansion of
E. To offer Mr. Jonas some meals. the kinds of movements that could
21. Aplikasi be used in dance. Before Duncan
“We look forward to seeing you there?” danced, ballet was the only type of
What does the word you refer to? dance performed in concert. In the
A. You. D. Bibit. ballet the feet and legs were
B. The writer. E. Mr. Jonas. emphasized, with virtuosity shown
C. Sean. by complicated, codified positions
and movements. Duncan performed
dance by using all her body in the
freest possible way. Her dance
stemmed from her soul and spirit.
She was one of the pioneers who
broke tradition so others might be
able to develop the art.
Her second contribution lies
in dance costume. She discarded
corset, ballet shoes, and stiff
costumes. These were replaced with
flowing Grecian tunics, bare feet, and
unbound hair. She believed in the
natural body being allowed to
move freely, and her dress
displayed this ideal. Her third
contribution was in the use of
In her performances she used the
symphonies of great masters,
including Beethoven and Wagner,
which was not the usual custom.
She was as exciting and eccentric
in her personal life as in her


22. Penalaran Droplets and ice crystals behave
According to the passage, what did nature somewhat like dust in the air made
represent to Isadora Duncan? visible in a shaft of sunlight. To the
A. Something to conquer. casual observer, dust seems to act in
B. A place to find peace. a totally random fashion, moving
C. A model for movement. about chaotically without fixed
D. A symbol of disorder. direction. But in fact dust particles are
E. Eccentric personal life. much larger than water droplets and
they finally fall. The cloud droplet of
23. Penalaran
average size is only 1/2500 inch in
Which of the following is NOT mentioned in
diameter. It is so small that it would
the passage as an area of dance that Isadora
take sixteen hours to fall half a mile in
Duncan worked to change?
perfectly still air, and it does not fall
A. The music. D. Movements.
out of moving air at all. Only when the
B. Costumes. E. Hair style.
droplet grows to a diameter of 1/125
C. The stage sets.
inch or larger can it fall from the cloud.
24. Aplikasi The average raindrop contains a million
Compared to those of the ballet, Isadora times as much water as a tiny cloud
Duncan’s costumes were less … droplet. The growth of a cloud
A. costly D. restrictive droplet to a size large enough to fall
B. colorful E. affordable out is the cause of rain and other
C. graceful forms of precipitation. This important
25. Aplikasi growth process is called
What does the paragraph following the “coalescence.”
passage most probably discuss?
A. Isadora Duncan’s further contribution
to modem dance. 26. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman
B. The music customarily used in ballet. What is the main topic of the passage?
C. Other aspects of Isadora Duncan’s life. A. The mechanics of rain.
D. Audience acceptance of the new form B. The climate of North America.
of dance. C. How gravity affects agriculture.
E. Controversy about the changes Duncan D. Types of clouds.
brought into ballet. E. The coalescence.
27. Aplikasi
The following text is for questions 26 to 30.
“The effect of gravity on them is minute.”
(Paragraph 1)
What makes it rain? Rain falls from clouds
The word “minute” is closest in meaning
for the same reason anything falls to Earth. The
to …
Earth’s gravity pulls it. But every cloud is made of
A. Second D. Predictable
water droplets or ice crystals. Why doesn’t rain
B. Tiny E. Certain
or snow fall constantly from all clouds? The
C. Slow
droplets or ice crystals in clouds are exceedingly
small. The effect of gravity on them is minute. Air 28. Penalaran
currents move and lift droplets so that the net Why don’t all ice crystals in clouds
downward displacement is zero, even though the immediately fall to earth?
droplets are in constant motion. A. They are balanced by the
pressure of rain droplets.
B. The effect of gravity at high altitude is
C. They are kept aloft by air currents.
D. The heat from the sun’s rays melts.
E. They are considerable fragile.
29. Penalaran to buy items they do not need and
What can be inferred about drops of water cannot really afford. Ads use up a lot of
larger than 1/125 inch in diameter? space and a lot of effort has to be
A. They never occur. made to make the ads eye catching.
B. They hardly ever fall. Ads also take up a lot of room in the
C. They are not affected by the force of papers and I do not think I find some
gravity. of them interesting. In summary,
D. In still air they would fall to earth. although ads provide people with
E. In moving air they fall at a speed of information, they cost a lot of money
thirty-two miles per hour. to print. Therefore I think we should
not have printed advertisement.
30. Aplikasi
In this passage, what does the term
“coalescence” refer to? 31. Penalaran
A. The gathering of small clouds to form Which one is included into the
larger clouds. advantages of printed
B. The growth of droplets. advertisement?
C. The fall of raindrops and other A. It costs a lot of money.
precipitation. B. It makes people consumptive.
D. The containment of the rain droplets. C. It provides useful
information for shoppers.
D. It contains junk mail.

E. It is sometimes uninteresting.
E. The movement of dust particles in the 32. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman
sunlight. “Another reason is that advertisement
promotes business.”
The following text is for questions 31 to 36.
(Paragraph 2) The
underlined word is
There are many reasons for both side of the similar to …
question, “Should we have printed advertisement?”
A. boosts D. inverts
Many people have strong views and feel that ads
B. advertises E. terminates
are nothing more than useless junk mail, while
C. demolishes
other people feel they are an important source of
information. 33. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman
Here are some reasons why we should have What is the main idea of the third
advertisements in newspapers and magazines. paragraph?
One reason is ads give us information about what is A. The benefits of printed ads.
available. Looking at ads we can find out what is B. The weaknesses of printed adverti-
on sale and what is new in the market. This is an sements.
easy way of shopping. Another reason is that C. The hate of businessman towards
advertisement promotes business. When shop ads.
owners compete against each other the buyer D. The junks mails in ads.
saves money, more people come to their shops E. The costs of putting on a printed ad.
and they sell more goods. 34. Aplikasi
On the other hand, some people argue ads I wish you ... because I have had enough
should not be put in newspaper and magazines of it.
for these various reasons. Firstly, ads cost the A. don’t sing
shopkeepers a lot of money to print onto paper. B. would stop singing
Also some people do not like finding junk mail in C. must stop to sing
their letter boxes. People may also find the ads D. stop singing
not very interesting. Ads also influence people E. has stopped to sing.
35. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman C. He would like to have a newer model.
This is my neighbour ... sister left for Australia D. He is leaving for another country.
last winter. E. He needs a lot of money
A. which D. where to go overseas.
B. who E. of which
40. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman
C. whose
When he came to school nobody was there.
36. Aplikasi They ... home.
Look at the street! It ... repaired. They are A. had gone D. have gone
putting a new asphalt surface. B. went E. did go
A. is to be D. has been C. were going
B. is being E. has to be 41. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman
C. has
Bagja has received top performance reviews
… he joined the sales
Read the following text for questions 37 to department three years ago.
A. after D. since
B. before E. when
USED CAR FOR SALE—Four-year-old Toyota C. during
Avanza. Only one owner. Low mileage. Used to
commute short distance to towns. Breaks and 42. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman
tires replaced three months ago. Struts replaced In the coming weeks, we will be organizing
two weeks ago. Air conditioning works well but several training sessions for ... employees.
heater takes a while to warm up. Brand new A. to interest D. interesting
spare tire included. Priced to sell. Owner going B. interest E. interested
overseas at the end of this month and must sell C. interests
the car. Call Marzuki at (021) 9832 8732.
Read and complete the following
text for questions 43 to 46.
37. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman
What does the ad say about the car?
Cycle Guide
A. It has been on sale for four months.
This brochure is for people who
B. It is very fuel efficient. have recently 43… cycling. For
C. It has been owned by three people.
mechanical advice you should go to
D. It is never used for long distance your nearest cycle shop. They can
commuting. make sure that your bike is clean and
E. Its air conditioning is damaged. comfortable. They also have a wide
38. Penalaran range of accessories for sale, 44…
The followings of the car have been renewed, specialist gear for difficult conditions.
except … You need to be aware of the contours
A. breaks D. struts of the road, as these 45… to
B. AC E. wheel everyone, not just motorists.
C. tire Although bicycles are often allowed
to go 46… many others may not, if
39. Penalaran
you break the law, you run the risk of
According to the advertisement, why does
getting fined.
Mr. Marzuki want to sell his car?
A. He cannot repair the car’s temperature
control. 43. Aplikasi
B. He finds it difficult to maintain. ...
A. taken down D. taken after
B. taken up E. taken into
C. taken away
44. Aplikasi years ago, discovered that certain
... grasses could be harvested and their
A. as long as D. same as seeds planted for richer yields the
B. as if E. such as next season, the first great step in a
C. so long as new association of plants and humans
was taken. Grains were discovered
45. Aplikasi
and from them flowed the marvel of
agriculture: cultivated crops. From
A. apply D. appliance
then on, humans would increasingly
B. applicable E. applicative
take their living from the controlled
C. application
production of a few plants, rather
46. Aplikasi than getting a little here and a little
... there from many varieties that grew
A. what D. when wild – and the accumulated
B. who E. which knowledge’ of tens of thousands of
C. where years of experience and intimacy
with plants in the wild would begin
Quesitons 47 to 50 refer to this text. to fade away.

Botany, the study of plants, occupies a peculiar

47. Penalaran
position in the history of human knowledge. For
Which of the following
many thousands of years it was the one field of
assumptions about early humans
awareness about which humans had anything
is expressed in the passage?

more than the vaguest of insights. It is impossible to
A. They probably had extensive knowledge
know today just what our Stone Age ancestors
of plants.
knew about plants, but from what we can
B. They thought there was no
observe of pre-industrial societies that still exist, a
need to cultivate crops.
detailed learning of plants and their properties
C. They did not enjoy the
must be extremely ancient. This is logical. Plants
study of botany.
are the basis of the food pyramid for all living
things, even for other plants. They have always D. They placed great importance on the
been enormously important to the welfare of ownership of property.
peoples, not only for food, but also for clothing, E. They did not behave as
weapons, tools, dyes: medicines, shelter, and a modern human do.
great many other purposes. Tribes living today in 48. Aplikasi
the jungles of the Amazon recognize literally What does the comment “This is
hundreds of plants and know many properties of logical” in the first paragraph
each. To them botany, as such, has no name and mean?
is probably not even recognized as a special A. There is no clear way to
branch of “Knowledge” at all. determine the extent of our
Unfortunately, the more industrialized we ancestor’s knowledge of
become the farther away we move from direct plants.
contact with plants, and the less distinct our B. It is not surprising that early humans had
knowledge of botany grows. Yet everyone comes a detailed knowledge of plants.
unconsciously on an amazing amount of botanical C. It is reasonable to assume
knowledge, and few people will fail to recognize a that our ancestors behaved
rose, an apple, or an orchid. When our Neolithic very much like people in
ancestors, living in the Middle East about 10,000 preindustrial societies.
D. Human knowledge of plants is well
organized and very detailed.
E. Stone Age ancestors used to think
49. Penalaran 50. Aplikasi
According to the passage, why has general The relationship between
knowledge of botany begun to fade? botany and agriculture is similar
A. People no longer value plants as a useful to the relationship between
resource. zoology (the study of animals)
B. Botany is not recognized as a special and …
branch of science. A. deer hunting
C. Research is unable to keep up with the B. bird watching
increasing numbers of plants. C. sheep raising
D. Direct contact with a variety of plants D. horseback riding
has decreased. E. dog walking
E. Study in the areas are not supported.


Jumlah Soal : 40 Soal Waktu : 120 Menit

1. Aplikasi A. Benda A dan benda B akan bertumbukan

Roni melakukan pengukuran alas dan tinggi di detik ke-3
sebuah segitiga. Jika hasil pengukuran alas B. Percepatan benda B
9,25 cm dan tinggi 2,5 cm, luas segitiga lebih besar dibandingkan
tersebut sesuai aturan angka penting adalah percepatan benda C
… cm2. C. Percepatan benda C
A. 23,125 D. 23,1 lebih besar dibandingkan
B. 23,14 E. 23 percepatan benda B
C. 23,13 D. Jarak tempuh benda A
lebih dekat dibandingkan
2. Aplikasi
jarak tempuh benda C pada
Perhatikan gambar berikut!
detik ketiga
F3 = 130 2 N E. Jarak tempuh benda B
lebih dekat dibandingkan
45o jarak tempuh benda C pada
F1 = 30 N detik ketiga
4. Aplikasi
Perhatikan gambar berikut!
F2 = 30 N

Jari-jari roda A, B, C, dan D
Berdasarkan gambar tersebut, resultan gaya berturut-turut 4 cm, 10 cm, 3
yang dihasilkan sebesar … N. cm, dan 12 cm. Jika roda A
A. 50 D. 100 2 diputar searah jarum jam dengan
kecepatan sudut 15 rad/s,
kelajuan linear roda D adalah
B. 50 2 E. 100 3 … cm/s.
C. 100 A. 180 D. 300
3. Penalaran B. 240 E. 320
Perhatikan gambar berikut! C. 250
V (m/s) 5. Penalaran
Rudi menendang bola dengan sudut
VA elevasi 30o, sedangkan Gani
menendang bola dengan sudut
VB elevasi 37o. Diasumsikan
3 percepatan gravitasi 10 m/s2. Jika
kecepatan awal bola 15 m/s untuk
penendang, maka disimpulkan
bahwa …
A. Tendangan Rudi lebih tinggi dibandingkan
3 tendangan Gani.
Tiga benda bergerak sesuai grafik. Berdasarkan B. Tendangan
grafik tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa Rudilebihrendahdibandingkan
... tendangan Gani.
C. Waktu yang dibutuhkan bola Rudi lebih
lama dibandingkan bola Gani.
D. Waktu yang dibutuhkan bola Gani hingga

menyentuh tanah sebesar v sekon.
E. Tendangan Rudi lebih jauh dibandingkan
tendangan Gani.
A. 25 N D. 100 N
6. Aplikasi B. 50 N E. 200 N
Balok bermassa 5 kg ditarik menggunakan C. 75 N
tali seperti gambar berikut.
F = 25N 9. Aplikasi
Perhatikan benda pejal yang tersusun atas
30o kubus dan limas berikut!

Apabila percepatan gravitasi 10 m/s2 dan 18 cm

lantai licin, gaya normal dan percepatan
balok sebesar …
A. N = 12,5 N dan a = 2,5 3 m/s2
10 cm
B. N = 25 N dan a = 2,5 m/s2
Letak titik berat dari benda pejal tersebut
C. N = 37,5 N dan a = 2,5 3 m/s2
dari alas kubus adalah ...
D. N = 37,5 N dan a = 2,5 m/s2
A. 5,9 m D. 6,0 m
E. N = 50 N dan a = 2,5 m/s2
B. 5,0 m E. 6,5 m
7. Aplikasi C. 4,5 m
Perhatikan gambar berikut!
10. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman
Sebuah benda yang melakukan
gerak rotasi dengan percepatan
  sudut tetap, besar momen gayanya
akan ...
0 A. sebanding dengan momen inersianya
Berdasarkan gambar di atas, momen gaya B. lebih besar dari momen inersianya
bernilai maksimum jika θ sebesar … C. lebih kecil dari momen inersianya
A. 0o D. 60o D. berbanding terbalik dengan
B. 30 E. 90o momen inersianya
C. 45 E. dua kali lebih besar dari
8. Aplikasi momen inersianya
Sebuah batang homogen panjang 6 meter 11. Aplikasi
dengan berat 100 N ditumpu pada jarak 2 Balok gabus dengan massa jenis
meter dari ujungnya. Ujung lain ditahan 800 kg ms-3 berada di dalam air
dengan beban W melalui katrol licin seperti yang mempunyai massa jenis
pada gambar di bawah. Agar sistem dalam 1.000 kg ms-3. Gabus diikat
keadaan seimbang, maka berat beban W dengan tali dan ditambatkan pada
adalah ... dasar bejana. Apabila tegangan tali
2.000 N dan percepatan gravitasi 10
ms-2, maka volume gabus adalah
A. 1 D. 4
B. 2 E. 5
C. 3
air T
15. Aplikasi
A. 0,2 m3 D. 2,0 m3 Sebuah kelereng bermassa 20 gr
B. 0,5 m3 E. 4,0 m3 menumbuk dinding dengan
C. 1,0 m3 kelajuan 60 m/s dengan sudut
pantul 30o dan memantul dengan
dan sudut yang sama. Besar
12. Aplikasi
impuls yang terjadi pada benda
tertentu dengan kecepatan mendatar konstan. tersebut adalah ...
Kelajuan udara bagian atas dan bawah sayap A. 0,4 N.s D. 1,0 N.s
masing-masing dengan 150 ms dan 140 ms -1 B. 0,6 N.s E. 12 N.s
dan massa jenis udara 1,2 kg/m3. Jika luas C. 0,8
penampang kedua sayap 60 m2, maka massa N.s
pesawat terbang adalah ... 16.
Perhatikan gambar berikut ini!
A. 2.900 kg D. 10.440 kg mA mB
B. 4.210 kg E. 89.600 kg mB
C. 8.480 kg
13. Aplikasi
Sebuah benda bergerak dari titik A tanpa
kecepatan awal. Jika selama gerakan tidak ada Di atas kapal yang diam, anak
gesekan, kecepatan benda di titik terendah A dan B bergantian meloncat dari
adalah ... perahu. Jika massa anak sama (mA
= mB) dan kecepatan loncat juga
A sama, maka ...
20 m
A. Perahu tidak akan bergerak.
B. Kelajuan gerak perahu
saat A meloncat lebih

cepat dibanding saat B
A. 8 m.s-1 D. 24 m.s-1 meloncat.
B. 12 m.s-1 E. 30 m.s-1 C. Kelajuan gerak perahu saat A
C. 20 m.s-1 meloncat lebih lambat
dibanding saat B
14. Penalaran D. Kelajuan gerak perahu
Perhatikan gambar di bawah ini! sama saat A meloncat
F ataupun saat B meloncat.
F 30o E. Momentum total setelah anak
m m m
meloncat lebih besar
dibanding saat diam.
(1) (1) (2) 17. Aplikasi
Sebuah ruangan ber-AC memiliki
F F kaca jendela yang luasnya 2m ×
45o 60o 1,2m dan tebalnya 3,5 mm. Suhu
m (4) m
di dalam ruangan 20oC dan di
luar ruangan 30oC. Jika
konduktivitas termal
kaca 0,8 W/mK, hitung laju konduksi kalor
Lima buah balok yang bermassa sama melalui kaca ...
ditarik dengan gaya yang sama besar. Jika
A. 1.386 J D. 4.386 J
perpindahan yang dialami balok sama, maka
B. 3.386 J E. 5.486 J
usaha terbesar yang dialami balok adalah
C. 3.486 J
nomor ...
18. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman 22. Penalaran
Suatu zat yang menyerap kalor akan Frekuensi bunyi dari suatu
mengalami ... sumber bunyi oleh pendengar
akan terdengar:
A. suhu zat pasti naik (1) Bertambah jika sumber dan
B. zat akan meleleh pendengar bergerak searah,
C. zat menjadi semakin panas dengan pendengar di
D. zat bertambah suhunya atau berubah depan dan kelajuan sumber
wujudnya (2) lebih besar.
E. zat wujudnya tetap seperti semula Bertambah jika sumber diam dan
(3) pendengar mendekati sumber.
19. Penalaran
Berkurang jika pendengar diam
Beberapa ruas rel kereta sepanjang 1m
(3) dan sumber menjauhi
dipasang pada suhu 25oC dengan celah antar
ruas 1 cm. Jika koefisien muai panjang besi rel
2,1. 10-4/oC, pada saat panas besi mencapai Tetap jika sumber dan
pendengar diam tetapi
medium bergerak relatif
menuju pendengar.
45oC peristiwa yang terjadi adalah ... Pernyataan yang benar adalah ...
A. (1), (2), dan (3)
A. rel menjadi melengkung
B. (1) dan (3)
B. antarruas rel tepat saling bersentuhan
C. (2) dan (4)
C. antarruas rel belum saling bersentuhan
D. celah perlu ditambah agar rel tidak D. (4) saja
melengkung E. (1), (2), (3), dan (4)
E. tiap ruas rel memuai 23. Aplikasi
Seratus bel listrik yang identik
20. Aplikasi
dibunyikan serentak
Dalam suatu mesin diesel, pengisap
menghasilkan taraf intensitas
memampatkan udara pada 305 K sehingga
bunyi 60 dB. Jika intensitas
volumenya seperenambelas kali volume
ambang bunyi 10-12 W.m-2, maka
mula-mula dan tekanannya 550 kali tekanan
besar intensitas bunyi satu bel
mula-mula. Berapa suhu udara setelah
listrik adalah ...
A. 10-4 W.m-2 D. 10-7 W.m-2
A. 1,05.101 K D. 1,05.104 K -5 -2
B. 10 W.m E. 10-8 W.m-2
B. 1,05.102 K E. 1,05.105 K
3 C. 10-6 W.m-2
C. 1,05.10 K
24. Aplikasi
21. Aplikasi
Perhatikan gambar pembentukan bayangan
Gelombang yang merambat menurut
pada teropong bintang!
persamaan y  20sin4x  0,2t cm dengan x ob
dalam sentimeter dan t dalam sekon 3 cm ok
memiliki: fok fob

2 cm
15 cm
(1) Amplitudo 0,2 m
(2) Panjang gelombang cm Besar perbesaran bayangan adalah ...
(3) Cepat rambat 0,05 cm/s A. 1,0 kali D. 5,0 kali
(4) Frekuensi getar 0,2 Hz B. 3,5 kali E. 6,5 kali
Pernyataan yang benar adalah ... C. 4,0 kali
A. (1), (2), dan (3)
B. (1) dan (3)
C. (2) dan (4)
D. (4) saja
E. (1), (2), (3), dan (4)


25. Penalaran 28. Aplikasi
Percobaan celah ganda menggunakan Sebuah benda melakukan gerak
panjang gelombang λ, celah d, dan jarak L harmonis dengan amplitudo A
menghasilkan jarak Δy (jarak antara pita dan frekuensi sudut ω. Pada saat
terang dan pita gelap yang berdekatan) saat di 3
kecepatan benda sama dengan
udara. Jika percobaan dilakukan di dalam air, 5
pernyataan yang benar adalah … kecepatan maksimumnya,
percepatannya adalah ...
A. Orde yang terbentuk lebih sedikit karena 2 2 3
A. A D.
panjang gelombang di air lebih kecil. 5
B. Orde yang terbentuk lebih sedikit karena
2 2
A 
indeks bias air lebih besar. 3 4


C. Jarak antara pita terang dan gelap lebih 4
C. A2
pendek karena panjang gelombang 5
cahaya di air lebih kecil.
D. Jarak antara pita terang dan pita gelap 29. Aplikasi
lebih panjang karena panjang gelombang Empat buah muatan masing-masing 1
cahaya di air lebih besar. q2= -2 C, q 3= 1 C, q = -1 C, dan
E. Jarak antara pita terang dan pita gelap 4
q = 1 C terletak
di sudut-sudut suatu bujur sangkar bersisi
lebih pendek karena panjang gelombang
0,2 m. Bila diketahui0  adalah
cahaya di air lebih besar.
permitivitas vakum, maka
26. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman potensial Iistrik di titik tengah
Gelombang elektromagnetik dapat merambat bujur sangkar tersebut adalah …
5 2 V 10 V
ke segala arah tanpa zat perantara. Termasuk A. D. -
40 40
gelombang TV, radio, radar dll. Pernyataan
di bawah ini yang tidak benar dari sifat-sifat 52
B. - V E. 0V
gelombang tersebut adalah ... 40
A. mengalami pemantulan (refleksi) 25 2

B. mengalami pembelokan (refraksi) C.
C. mengalami pengkutuban (polarisasi)
D. mengalami perpaduan (interferensi) 30. Aplikasi
E. mengalami penyerapan (absorpsi) Lima kapasitor dirangkai seperti gambar.
27. Aplikasi C3
Dari percobaan menentukan C1 C2 2F
elastisitas karet dengan menggunakan C4
karet ban diperoleh data seperti tabel 2F 4F
berikut. Dapat disimpulkan nilai 6F
konstanta terbesar adalah percobaan ... C5 8 F
No. Gaya (N) Pertambahan Panjang (m) 12 V
A. 7 3,5.10-2
B. 8 2,5.10-2
Besar muatan pada kapasitor C4 adalah ...
C. 6 2,0.10-2
A. 3 coulomb D. 72 coulomb
D. 9 4,5.10-2 B. 9 coulomb E. 96 coulomb
E. 10 3,3.10-2 C. 12 coulomb


Tiga muatan lisrtik diletakkan terpisah seperti Kumparan A memiliki 200
gambar. lilitan terjadi perubahan fluks
31. Aplikasi B C 40 Wb selama 0,2 sekon dan
35. Aplikasi
+ 40 cm – 20 cm + kumparan B memiliki 500 lilitan
qA = 200mC qB = -100mC qC = 100mC terjadi perubahan fluks 20 Wb
9 2 -2 selama 0,1 sekon maka
Jika k = 9.10 Nm .C , maka gaya yang dialami
perbandingan GGL induksi pada
muatan C adalah ...
kumparan A dan B adalah …
A. 3,0 x 108 N D. 2,75 x 109 N
A. 3 : 5 D. 5 : 2
B. 2,75 x 108 N E. 2,5 x 109 N
8 B. 5 : 4 E. 2 : 5
C. 2,5 x 10 N
C. 4 : 5
36. Aplikasi
Kawat x dan y terpisah pada jarak 2 m,
32. Aplikasi
Muatan listrik +q dan +q berjarak 9 cm kawat x dialiri arus listrik 2A ke kanan seperti
31. Aplikasi 35. Aplikasi
1 2 ditunjukkan pada gambar. Jika μ = 4π10-7

31. Aplikasi 35. Aplikasi

satu sama lain dan besar muatan q2 = 4q1. Wb.A-1 m-1 dan terjadi gaya tolak-menolak

31. Aplikasi 35. Aplikasi

Letak titik P yang kuat medan listriknya nol persatuan panjang antara kedua
adalah ... kawat sebesar 2.10-7N.m-1, maka
31. 2 cm dari muatan q1 besar dan arah arus pada kawat
35. Aplikasi
B. 3 cm dari muatan q1 y adalah ...
C. 4 cm dari muatan q2 2A
D. 6 cm dari muatan q1 x
E. 7 cm dari muatan q2
33. Aplikasi
Perhatikan rangkaian listrik berikut ini! 2m y
R = 4 R = 12
A. 4 A ke kiri D. 1 A ke kanan
B. 2 A ke kanan E. 1 A ke kiri
1 4
C. 2 A ke kiri

R2= 3
31. Aplikasi
12 V 12 V 35. Aplikasi
37. Aplikasi
Suatu rangkaian seri R, L dan C
31. Aplikasi 35. Aplikasi
dihubungkan dengan tegangan
Jika hambatan dalam baterai diabaikan, maka bolak-balik. Apabila
kuat arus pada R1 adalah ... 1
induktansi H dan kapasitas kapasitor
A. 0,8 A D. 1,2 A 252
B. 0,9 A E. 1,5 A 25μF, maka resonansi rangkaian terjadi
C. 1,0 A pada frekuensi ...
A. 0,5 kHz D. 2,5 kHz
34. Aplikasi B. 1,0 kHz E. 7,5 kHz
Besar dan arah gaya magnet yang dialami C. 2,0 kHz
31. Aplikasiq = 2 mC yang bergerak dengan
muatan 35.
38. Aplikasi
kecepatan 2 x 104 m/s dalam medan magnet B Reaksi inti di bawah ini yang menghasilkan
= 8 tesla dengan arah seperti gambar radioisotop dari bahan yang direaksikan
adalah … adalah ...
+ v
x x xx A. 12
C  12 C  20 Ne  4 He

31. Aplikasi 35. Aplikasi

x x xx 6 6 10 2

31. Aplikasi 35. Aplikasi

q B. 9
Be  4 He  12 C  1n

31. Aplikasi 35. Aplikasi

4 2 6 0

31. Aplikasi 35. Aplikasi

x x xx C. 27
Al  4 He  30 P  1n

31. Aplikasi 35. Aplikasi

A. 32 N ke atas D. 320 N ke bawah 13 2 15 0

31. Aplikasi 35. Aplikasi

D. 14
N  4 He  16 O  2H

31. Aplikasi 35. Aplikasi

B. 32 N ke bawah E. 3.200 N ke atas 7 2 8 1

31. Aplikasi 35. Aplikasi

C. 320 N ke atas E. Na  1n  24 Na

31. Aplikasi 35. Aplikasi

11 0 11

31. Aplikasi 35. Aplikasi

Suatuunsurradioaktifmula-mulajumlahintinya Logam kalium memiliki fungsi
= No, setelah meluruh atau berdesintegrasi kerja 2 eV kemudian logam
1 tersebut disinari gelombang
39. Aplikasi
selama 18 jam jumlah intinya tinggal N . 40. Aplikasi
elektromagnet dengan panjang
8 4.000 Å, maka energi kinetik maksimum

39. Aplikasi 40. Aplikasi

Jika pada suatu saat jumlah intinya tinggal elektron adalah ...
1 (h = 6,6 × 10-34)Js dan c = 3 × 108m/s)
N , maka unsur radioaktif tersebut telah
o A. 1,1 eV
40. Aplikasi D. 6,4 eV
meluruh selama ... jam. B. 3,1 eV E. 3,4 eV
No C. 2,4 eV
39. Aplikasi N 40. Aplikasi

39. Aplikasi 0 18 ...? t(jam) 40. Aplikasi
A. 20 D. 23
B. 21 E. 24
C. 22

39. Aplikasi 40. Aplikasi


Jumlah Soal : 50 Soal Waktu : 120 Menit


In this section of the test, you will have the chance to A. The man is a new student.
show how well you understand spoken English. B. The woman teaches science.
There are four parts to this section with special C. The students are having a meeting.
directions for each part. D. They are going to have
physical exercise.
PART I E. The headmaster is not at school.
Questions 1 to 4.
2. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman
A. In a food court. D. In the kitchen.

B. In a coffee shop. E. In a saloon.
In the part of the test, you will hear some dialogues
C. In a bakery.
and questions spoken in English. The dialogues
and the questions will be spoken twice. They will 3. Penalaran
not be printed in your test book, so you must A. He was being punished.
listen carefully to understand what the speakers B. He played truant very often.
are saying. After you listen it the dialogue and the C. H e c o u l d a t t e n d t h e c l a
question about it, read the five possible answers, s s e s frequently.
and decide which one would be the best answer to D. He accidentally made mistakes.
the question you have heard. Now listen to a E. He was not so good at reasoning.
sample question. 4. Penalaran
A. N
You will hear: B. e
Man : How can I help you, Mum? C. x
Woman : Please buy a kilo of rice, two kilos of D. t
sugar, a half kilo of eggs and a pack of E. t
tea i
Man : Do you need some chicken PART II m
Later in the same day.
nuggets? Questions 5 to 7.
Woman : No, we still have some in the
refrigerator. Directions:
Narrator : What shouldn’t the man buy ? In this part of the test, you will
A. Eggs. D. Sugar. hear some incomplete dialogues
B. Tea. E. Nuggets. spoken in English, followe by four
C. Rice. responses, also spoken in English.
Narrator : Thebestanswertothequestion“What The dialogues and the responses
shouldn’t the man buy?” is nuggets. will be spoken twice. They will not be
Therefore you should answer (E). printed in your test book, so you must
listen carefully to understand what
the speakers are saying. You have to
choose the best response to each
Now listen to a sample question. 8. Penalaran
Woman : Do you have any plans for next A. D.
Man : I am thinking of going mountain
climbing. B. E.
Woman : That’s interesting. Can I go with you?
Man : Sure. Do you have any suggestions for
activities there?
Woman : ...
Narrator : What does the woman probably
A. Sorry, but I don’t know much about that. 9. Penalaran
B. Yes, we could have a barbeque there. A. D.
C. Yes, I think that mountain is too high.
D. Yes, I really love mountain climbing.
Narrator : The best answer to the question
“What does the woman probably B. E.
respond?” is “Yes, we could have a
barbeque there.” Therefore you
should choose answer (B). C.
5. Aplikasi
Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
6. Aplikasi 10. Penalaran
Mark your answer on your answer sheet. A. D.
7. Aplikasi
Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Questions: 8 to 11.

In this part of the test, you will hear some dialogues or C.
monologues spoken in English. The dialogues or
monologues will be spoken twice. They will not
be printed in your test book, so you must listen
carefully to understand what the speakers are
saying. After you listen to the dialogue or 11. Aplikasi
monologue, look at the five pictures provided in A. D.
your test book, and decide which would be the
most suitable one for the dialogue or monologue
you have heard. B. E.

PART IV The following text is for questions 16 and 17.
Questions 12 to 15.
SMA Bina Jaya gives a
Directions: scholarship for 100 students of
In the part of the test, you will hear several Junior High School. The following
monologues. Each monologue will be spoken requirements should be noticed:
twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so  High interest in English and Maths
you must listen carefully to understand what the  Certified for IT course,
speakers are saying. After you hear the monologue including Office. Photoshop,
and the question about it, read the five possible Coreldraw, Autocad
answer and decide which one would be the best It is also allowed for headmaster
answer to the question you have heard. of the school to give
recommendation letter to make the
Questions 12 and 13 are based on the following grantee accepted.
monologue. For further details visit our blog
site at Binajaya.com
12. Aplikasi
A. Smart. D. Cautious.
B. Wicked. E. Kind. 16. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman
C. Helpful. The purpose of the text is ...
A. to inform about english
and maths scholarship

B. to announce about a scholarship
C. to persuade the readers to
13. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman
join the scholarship
A. We can easily attack others because we
D. to entertain the readers
are strong.
about the scholarship
B. We had better not use our power to
E. to announce the requirements
disturb other people.
of english and maths
C. We are happy when we are powerful.
D. We need to be smart in making a 17. Aplikasi
revenge. “it is also allowed ...” The word “it” refers
E. We’ll win only if we are strong. to ...
A. the requirements
Questions 14 and 15 are based on the following B. the scholarship
monologue. C. the school
D. the students
14. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman
A. Six. D. Three. E. the recommendation letter
B. Five. E. Two.
C. Four. The following text is for questions 18 to 20.

15. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman Do you know what the meaning of corruption
A. Mitha and Eni. D. Eni and Dona. is?
B. Dona and Fitri. E. No one. What is the relation between money and
C. Indira and Tyas. corruption?
Well, corruption is common
This is the end of the listening section. everywhere in the world, even in the
United States. lt’sjust a matter of
However, it is quite shocking when
one reliable survey claims Jakarta as
the most corrupt place in Indonesia.
The survey has made me sad, actually. because I The following text is for questions 21 to 23.
stay and earn a living here in the capital. As most
people know. Tanjung Priok port smuggling is not a In the sequel of ‘Sherlock Holmes‘
new thing at all. Entrepreneurs who want to this time, Professor James Moriarty
minimize their tax payments tend to do such a (Jared Harris) is the most dangerous
thing more often. They even bribe the officials. enemy. Moriarty is not the kind of
Well, l think the measures taken so far to person who is hesitant to remove the
overcome the problem by punishing the corruptors is lives of many people in order to
still not far enough. We have to prevent the achieve his goals. Explosions in
younger generations from getting a bad mentality Strassbourg are one of the results of
caused by corruption. Prof. Moriarty’s creation.
l believe we should start at the earliest stages in Holmes was nosy when his friend,
school and I think everyone should be involved in Dr. Watson (Jude Law) was getting
the effort to eradicate conuption. We must not married, because the marriage would
make any distinction. automatically make Holmes lose his
Fujianto21-chikafe.blogspot.com partner in investigating the case.
A gypsy woman, Madam Sinza
18. Penalaran Heron (Naomi Rapace), helped Holmes
Where does the writer live? the adventure this time. There was also
A. In the United Slates. the Holmes brother, Mycroft Holmes
B. In Tanjung Priok. (Stephen Fry) who came to be an
C. In Bogor. accomplice of the detective this time.
D. In Jakarta. Arguably, the visual effect of ‘A
E. In his office. Game of Shadow’ is more stable
than its predecessor. A few slow-
19. Penalaran movement scenes later find in the
The writer is shocked because … cease-fire. Colors are displayed also
A. corruption happens in everywhere feels right. Farce as those made by
B. tanjung priok is one of corrupt place Holmes and several other characters in
C. corruption happens in indonesia the film 1,guaranteed to invite laughter.
D. his city is the most corrupt place The chemistry between Robert
E. entrepreneurs want to minimize the Downey Jr. and Jude Law is not be
tax payments doubted anymore.
20. Penalaran Since in the first film, the two men
How people do corruption in Tanjung Priok were able to captivate the audience
Port? and not be missed.
A. They bribe the officials. Chess compete between Holmes
B. They don’t pay their tax on time. and Prof. Moriarty became the
C. They don’t wanna pay their tax. ultimate point. They both described
D. They pay the tax late. the mind wanders respectively. Do you
E. They want to minimize the tax intrigued with the acting of the
payment. detective? The film ‘Sherlock Holmes:
A Game of Shadow’ can be an
alternative entertainment at this

21. Penalaran
The chemistry between Robert
Downey Jr. and Jude Law isn’t be
doubted because ...
A. the two men have
captivated the audience in
the first film
B. the chemistry is formed
through their friendship
in real life
C. farce made by the two men guaranteed
to invite laughter
D. the two men are partner in investigating
some eases
E. the two men
described the mind
22. Penalaran 24. Penalaran
What did the movie director do to invite If you withdraw your money
laughter in his film? from the cash dispenser the
A. He hired the clowns. amount of your money will ... as
B. He showed the cartoons. you have drawn out.
C. He acted like comedians. A. become more D. become less
D. He made jokes within the scene. B. be credited E. be doubled
C. become lost.
E. He forced the actors to be funny. 25. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman
23. Penalaran Which of the following is the
What can We conclude of “A Game of main idea of the second
Shadow”? paragraph?
A. The chess competition showed mind A. The credit card company
wanders. pays the traders.
B. The visual effect of the movie is B. The credit card company
testable. sends you a monthly
C. The movie is terribly out of standard. statement.
D. The actors did not perform well. C. Banks and other financial
E. The movie is worth watching. institutions offer us credit
cards to get goods and
The following text is for questions 24 to 26. services.

D. Other financial institutions
Many people now have a card which enables help the banks to provide
them to withdraw money from a cash dispenser. credit cards,
You feed your card into the machine and key in E. A voucher is the only way to buy
your PIN (Personnel Identification Number) and goods.
the amount of money you want If you have
26. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman
enough in your account, the money requested will
“Many people have a card which enables them
be issued to you up to a dairy limit. Your account is
...” (Paragraph. 1). “enables” means ...
automatically debited for the amount you have
A. forces D. allows
B. supports E. encourages
Provided you have a sound credit, you can
C. asks
get a credit card from a bank and other financial
institutions. To obtain goods or services, you
present your card and sign a special voucher. When it A clean and fresh city will surely
receives the voucher, the credit card company pays make the inhabitants healthy. Every
the trader (less a commission) and then sends morning especially in dry season, all
you a monthly statement. Depending on the type roads must be watered with clean
of card you have, you will cither- have to pay in water and swept by the workers of
full or be able to pay part of what is owed and pay regional government under the
interest on the balance; left outstanding. mayor’s instruction.
If you need to make fixed payments at To protect people from heavy
regular intervals, e.g. for insurance premiums, pollution caused by cars, trucks and
you can arrange a standing order (sometimes motorcycles, enough trees must be
known as a banker’s order) so that the bank will planted along the roads. Every
do this for you. building or house in the city must be
surrounded by short and small trees
which bear colorful flowers.
Bad and improper habits which
cause disadvantages, such as
smoking and throwing rubbish
anywhere should be stopped at
The city mayor will have to think
over the way to educate people, so
they realize how important cleanliness
and health are. More public lavatories
are badly needed.

It will be wise if the city mayor decides a some beautiful beans in his hand.
certain amount of fine to be paid by those who The butcher told the boy that the
break the government regulation on cleanliness beans were of great value and
matter. For example, a man who urinates not at a persuaded the silly Jack to sell the
lavatory, smokes not at a smoking room or throws cow for the beans.
rubbish at the roads should be fined. Besides Jack brought them happily. When
dirtying the environment with cigarettes’ butts, he told his mother about this, his
smoking will also cause pollution and bad lung mother became so angry that she
diseases to other people. threw the beans out of the window.
So, bad habits and impolite attitude should When Jack woke up in the
be immediately stopped, otherwise the city will morning, he felt the sun shinning
be dirty, unhealthy, badly polluted and will never into a part of his room, but all the
attract foreign and domestic tourists as well. rest was quite dark and shady.
So he jumped to the window.
What did he see? The beanstalk grew
27. Penalaran
up quite close past jack’s window. He
The writer suggests that the city inhabitants
opened the window and jumped into
… to protect people from pollution caused
the beanstalk which ran up just like a
by cars.
big ladder.
A. plant trees
He climbed and climbed until at
B. stop smoking
last he reached the sky. While
C. urinate at the lavatory
looking around, he saw a very huge
D. throw rubbish at the road
castle. He was vey amazed.
E. smoke at the smoking room
Then Jack walked along the path
28. Penalaran leading to the castle. There was a big
Which of the following helps clean the air tall woman on the doorstep. Jack
from dust? greeted her and asked for the
A. Smoking only in a smoking area. giantess’s mercy to give him breakfast,
B. Throwing rubbish anywhere. because he felt very hungry. Although
C. Urinate at someone’s fence. the giantess grumbled at first, finally
D. Planting trees along the road sides. she gave Jack a hunk of bread and
E. Watering roads especially in dry cheese and a jug of milk.
season. Jack hadn’t finished when the
29. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman house began to tremble with the
“A clean and fresh city will surely make the noise of someone’s coming.
inhabitants healthy.” (Paragraph 1) What “Oh, it’s my husband!” cried the
does the underlined word mean? giantess. “What on earth shall I do?”
A. Buildings. D. Houses. Hastily the giantess opened a very
B. Families. E. Places. big cupboard and hid Jack inside.
C. Citizens.
30. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman
What is the story about?
A. Jack and a butcher.
B. Jack and the giantess.
C. Jack and the stalk.
D. A poor widow and his son.
E. The giantess and her husband.
31. Aplikasi
“Oh, its my husband!” cried the
giantess. “What on earth shall I
Once upon a time there was a poor widow
do?” (Par 7) From the sentences
who had an only son named Jack. They were so
we know that the giantess is … her
poor that they didn’t have anything except a cow.
When the cow had grown too old, his mother
sent Jack to the market to sell it. On the way to A. afraid of D. annoyed with
the market, Jack met a butcher who had B. angry with E. displeased with
C. fed up with
32. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman 35. Aplikasi
What do we learn from the text? “There is nothing we can do (to drive away
A. Sincerity makes Jack get something the beasts).” (Paragraph 2)
precious. What does the underlined word refer to?
B. Jack’s mother was furious mother. A. Oil palm trees. D. Elephants.
C. Poverty makes people hopeless. B. Smallholders. E. Residents.
D. The giantess took pity on Jack. C. Institutions.
E. Jack was an innocent boy.
The following text is for questions 36 to 38.
Wild elephants Run amok in Jambi Marijuana is dangerous drug. It
JAMBI, Jambi: Six wild elephants have is often called “pot” and the habit of
devastated hundreds of hectares of oil palm trees smoking pot may send people to
belonging to local smallholders in Tebo regency, their graves, before their time. Pot
Jambi. smoking may damage the brain and
Most of the damage to the farms, located other organs in the body, especially
near Bukit Tigapuluh National Park in Sumay the reproduction organs. In July 1989,
district, has been done at night, residents say. at an international meeting held on
“The attacks usually start with the elephants the dangers of smoking marijuana,
‘crying’ to each other. There is nothing we can do researchers from 14 countries
(to drive away the beasts),” said Bujang. presented proof about the dangerous

He said residents had tried fire and loud effect of marijuana on the lungs, the
noises to drive off the elephants, but they always brain, and other organs of the
returned. “We expect assistance from the related body. They discovered other effect
institutions to away.” Bujang said. too: sleeplessness, heavy sweating,
The rise in the number of elephant’s attacks lack of appetite and nausea.
on residential areas and oil palm plantations is Marijuana is extracted from the
mainly the result of the destruction of the animals’ cannabis plant. The cannabinoids are
habitat as a result of illegal logging. - JP soluble in fat so they remain in the
body’s fatty organs after the smoking
party is over. One organ that contains
33. Penalaran
a large amount of fat is the human
Why were the elephants angry?
brain. The female reproductive
A. Loud noises disturbed them.
organs also have high fat content.
B. Their habitat was destroyed.
What harm does the marijuana build-
C. People burnt down their place.
up to these organs?
D. People stopped illegal logging.
Well, let us take an example, a
E. The residential areas were on fire.
handsome teenagers whose name is
34. Penalaran Steve. Formerly he was good student
We know that some irresponsible people cut who; had always received good
down trees without license from paragraph grades. But he started to smoke pot.
... He had difficulties in concentrating
on his subject at
; school and in the remembering
things. He also began to feel sick and
to get headache, especially if he did
not; smoke pot regularly. As a result,
all his pocket money; went on pot,
and when this was gone he started to
steal in order to satisfy his needs.
A. 5 D. 2
B. 4 E. 1
C. 3


36. Aplikasi For this I was shocked. My heart
What remain in the body’s fatty organs after was broken. She ended our
smoking pot? relationship just at the time when I
A. Pot. D. Nausea. was ready to marry her. When I was
B. Drug. E. Cannabinoids. with her, we were very happy. We
C. Grave. had a lot in common and there
were no conflicts. The truth was, we
37. Penalaran
separated only because of her
What were the other effects or marijuana
parents. They want her to marry her
discovered by the researchers?
cousin, her aunt’s son (this is one of
A. Sleeplessness, heavy sweating, lack of
the traditions in the Karonese).
appetite and nausea.
For the time being I am very
B. Smoking marijuana might damage
upset. When I miss her I call her. Then
reproductive program.
we can eat together, talk together for
C. Pot smoking might damage brains and
hours. We act like elating because she
loves me, too. The real problem is,
D. That people went to their graves before
she cannot refuse what her parents
their time.
E. That drugs were very dangerous for
So, should I forget my girl friend,
the only one that I truly love? Or
38. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman else, should I just wait, and dream
The main idea of the first paragraph is ... that one day she will be back to me?
A. the character of steve Rio N., Padang
B. the dangers of smoking pot
C. the habit of smoking pot
39. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman
D. steve, a handsome teenager
The main idea of the first paragraph is that
E. the advantages of smoking pot
A. the writer wants to get married
The following text is for questions 39 and 40.
B. the writer has been dating for years
C. the writer has a problem with his girl
Dear Rossa,
I am a guy, twenty-eight years old. I have a
D. the writer feels sure that they love
problem with a girl friend. She is twenty five
each other
years old. We have been dating each other for
E. the writer’s parents
years, since we were high school students. Now
disapprove of his
we have jobs. I feel very sure that we love each
other. Now it is time for me to get married.
Unfortunately, her parents never approve of our 40. Penalaran
relationship ever since the very first time. My Which of the following
family, anyhow, does not really mind. At first sentences is TRUE according to
I thought my girl friend had the power to the text?
defend our love. But then she surrendered. She A. Rio is not ready to get married.
loves, me and she loves her family, too. On the B. Rio’s parents disagree to his marriage.
one hand she said, “I’ll be happy if my family is C. Rio and his girl friend often got
happy.” It means she had to get approval from conflicts.
her parents. D. Rio’s girl friend didn’t really love Rio.
E. Rio’s girl friend couldn’t defend her
love for Rio.
The following text is for questions 41 to 44. 43. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman
The communicative purpose of the text is
Almost everyone eats bread daily, especially A. to explain how easy it is to make
for breakfast. Bread making is not a complicated bread
task. B. to inform how to bake a good loaf of
Choosing good flour is then first step in bread
making bread. There are two kinds of flour, soft C. to give information about the importance
and hard. Hard flour, made of winter wheat, is a of bread
better choice for making bread because it D. to retell why bread is served as
produces bread that has a better texture and breakfast
taste. E. to describe how to select
Then, lukewarm water, yeast sugar and salt the correct wheat
are mixed with the flour to make dough. Yeast is
44. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman
a microscopic organism that is capable of
“Then, lukewarm water, yeast
producing carbon dioxide. It can make the dough
sugar and salt are mixed with the
rise or expand. Both sugar and salt give flavor to
flour to make dough.” The
the bread so that it tastes nice. They, however,
closest meaning of the word

have different effects on yeast. After that, oil and
‘dough’ is ...
butter are added because they are essential to
A. paste D. ferment
make the bread tender. After mixing all the
B. gluten E. barm
ingredients the dough is sent to the oven.
C. batter
45. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman
41. Penalaran
Arrange these sentences to form a sequential
Why is hard flour a better choice for making
bread? Because ...
(1) Put the on a
A. it gives flavor to the bread
(2) plate or cup.
B. it is capable of producing caebon
(3) Put ice cup on
dioxide it.
C. it can make the dough rise or expand (4) Do you like tomatoes? I will
D. it can make the bread tender tell you how to make sweet
E. it can produce the bread has better (5) tomato slices.
texture and taste Leave for a while until all the sugar has
42. Aplikasi (6) dissolved.
How many kinds of flour in making bread? Second, sprinkle sugar around
A. There are many kinds of flour. (7) the sliced tomatoes.
B. There is only one kind of flour, good Now, here is how to do it. First, slice
flour. (8) each tomato into eight parts.
C. There are two kinds of flour, good and Your sweet tomato slices are ready to
bad. serve.
D. There are two kinds of flour, soft and To make it, you will need
three red tomatoes of about
the same size, sugar and ice
hard. The correct arrangement is …
E. There is only one kind that is made of A. (3)–(6)–(8)–(1)–(5)–(4)–(2)–(7)
wheat. B. (3)–(8)–(6)–(1)–(5)–(4)–(2)–(7)
C. (3)–(8)–(6)–(2)–(5)–(1)–(4)–(7)
D. (3)–(8)–(6)–(5)–(1)–(2)–(4)–(7)
E. (3)–(6)–(5)–(1)–(8)–(4)–(2)–(7)
47. Aplikasi
Welcome to the Netherlands, a tiny country ...
that only extends, at its broadest, 312 km north to A. whole D. rule
south, and 264 km east to west - (46) ... the land B. small E. result
area increases slightly each year as a (47) C. consequently
... of continuous land reclamation and drainage.
48. Aplikasi
With a lot of heart and much to offer, ‘Holland,’ as
it is (48) ... known to most of us abroad - a name
A. particularly D. commonly
stemming (49) ... its once most prominent
B. regularly E. unusually
provinces - has more going on per kilometre
C. occasionally
than most countries, and more English-speaking
natives. You’ll be impressed by its (50) ... cities 49. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman
and charmed by its countryside and villages, full of ...
contrasts. A. in D. on
B. from E. of
C. at
46. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman
... A. 50. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman
so D. although ...
B. despite E. however A. historic D. history
C. in spite of B. historical E. historian
C. historically


Jumlah Soal : 40 Soal Waktu : 120 Menit

1. Aplikasi 3. Aplikasi
Kedudukan skala sebuah mikrometer sekrup Bandi sedang mengendarai
yang digunakan untuk mengukur diameter sebuah mobil yang bergerak
sebuah bola kecil seperti gambar berikut: dengan kecepatan tetap 20 m/s.
0 5
Ketika dia melihat seorang anak
yang tiba-tiba menyeberang
jalan, diperlukan waktu 0,10s
bagi sopir untuk bereaksi dan
10 mengerem. Akibatnya, mobil
Berdasarkan gambar tersebut dapat dilaporkan melambatdengan percepatan tetap
diameter bola kecil adalah ... 4,0 m/s2 dan berhenti. Jarak total
A. 11,15 mm D. 5,75 mm yang ditempuh mobil tersebut
B. 9,17 mm E. 5,46 mm sejak Bandi melihat anak
C. 8,16 mm menyeberang hingga mobil
berhenti adalah …
A. 37,00 m D. 48,00 m
B. 11,00 m E. 50,00 m
C. 38,25 m
2. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman 4. Aplikasi
Dua buah vektor a dan b ditunjukkan gambar di Sebuah peluru ditembakkan dengan
bawah. Berdasarkan gambar tersebut kecepatan awal tertentu. Jarak
perhatikan pernyataan berikut! tembak yang sama akan

dihasilkan oleh pasangan sudut
R A. 60o dan 45o D. 15o
U B. dan 60 45 dan 30o E.
o o

S C. 15o dan 75o 30o dan 75o

V 5. Aplikasi
(1) U+V=R Tiga roda saling berhubungan
(2) V+U=R seperti gambar.
(3) V–U=S
RB Tali
(4) U – V = -S
Pernyataan di atas yang benar adalah …
A. (1), (2), dan (3)
B. (1) dan (3)
C. (2) dan (4) Jari-jari RA = 5 cm, RB =30 cm, dan
D. (4) RC = 10 cm. jika roda C berputar
E. (1), (2), (3), dan (4) pada 600 rpm, kecepatan sudut
roda B sebesar … rad/s.
A. 10π D. 30π
B. 20π E. 40π
C. 25π
6. Aplikasi 9. Aplikasi
Sistem 2 benda dinyatakan seperti gambar di Batang bermassa M dengan panjang L disusun
bawah dengan massa tali, massa katrol dan seperti gambar berikut.
gesekan pada katrol diabaikan. Jika
koefisien gesek antara benda bermassa 6 kg 
dan bidang 1/3 dan percepatan gravitasi 10
m/s2, kedua benda bergerak dengan
percepatan sebesar … Poros
6 kg
Jika posisi batang berada dalam
keseimbangan dan percepatan
gravitasi bumi sebesar g,
4 kg tegangan tali sistem dirumuskan

Mg 1
A. D. Mg tan 4
A. 1/6 m/s2 D. 1 m/s2 2tan
B. 1/4 m/s2 E. 2 m/s2 B. 2 Mg tan  E
C. 1/2 m/s2 M

7. Aplikasi C.
Sebuahbatangyangmassanya 2 kgdipengaruhi M
tiga buah gaya F1 = 20 N, F2 = 40 N, F3 = 50 N
seperti gambar! a


10. Aplikasi
Perhatikan gambar berikut!
F1 F2

12 cm
3m 2m
A B 37o C
F3 12 cm

14 cm
Maka, besar momen gaya terhadap titik B
adalah ... Titik berat gabungan silinder pejal
A. 110 Nm D. 20 Nm dan kerucut pejal pada gambar di
B. 80 Nm E. 0 Nm atas jika diukur dari alas silinder
C. 60 Nm sejauh … cm.
A. 6,75 D. 11,5
8. Penalaran B. 8,25 E. 12,75
Seorang anak kecil melompat ke atas mainan C. 11,25
yang sedang berputar secara horizontal.
11. Aplikasi
Kondisi mainan setelah anak melompat Benda bermassa 220 gram
adalah … terapung di antara lapisan air dan
A. momentum sudut sistem bertambah minyak seperti gambar berikut.
B. energi kinetik sistem bertambah
C. momen inersia sistem berkurang Minyak
D. kecepatan sudut sistem berkurang 40%

E. momen inersia sistem tetap

Sebanyak 40% volume benda
berada dalam air, sedangkan sisanya
berada dalam minyak. Apabila massa
jenis air dan minyak berturut- turut
1.000 kg/m3 dan 800 kg/m3, volume
benda sebesar … cm3.

A. 110 D. 330 A. Energi mekanik di titik A
B. 220 E. 88 lebih besar dibanding di
C. 250 titik B.
B. Energi mekanik di titik C lebih besar
12. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman dibanding di titik B.
C. Energi mekanik di titik A dan
Pernyataan yang tepat berkaitan dengan gaya
C sama dan minimal di titik
angkat pesawat terbang adalah …
A. Tekanan udara di atas sayap lebih besar
D. Energi mekanik di titik C dan
dari tekanan udara di bawah sayap.
B sama dengan di titik A.
B. Tekanan udara di bawah sayap tidak
berpengaruh terhadap gaya angkat E. Energi mekanik sama di semua titik,
pesawat. tetapi berbeda di jalur yang dilalui.
C. Kecepatan aliran udara di atas sayap 15. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman
lebih besar dari kecepatan aliran udara di Pernyataan berikut yang tepat
bawah sayap. dalam menggambarkan besaran
D. Kecepatan aliran udara di atas sayap impuls adalah …
lebih kecil dari kecepatan aliran udara di A. Impuls sangat dipengaruhi
bawah sayap. oleh nilai massa dan tidak
E. Kecepatanaliranudaratidakmemengaruhi terpengaruh dengan
gaya angkat pesawat. kecepatan benda.
B. Impuls benda merupakan
13. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman
perpaduan antara besaran
Rima menjatuhkan sebuah batu dari atas
gaya gerak dan kecepatan
balkon rumahnya. Pernyataan yang tepat
sesuai dengan aktivitas Rima dan konsep
C. Impuls yang besar
energi, yaitu …
dihasilkan oleh tumbukan
A. Energi potensial dan energi kinetik batu
lenting sempurna suatu
maksimum terjadi saat Rima masih
memegang bola.
D. Impuls tidak terkait dengan
B. Energi potensial batu maksimal terjadi
tumbukan karena murni
sesaat ketika Rima melepaskan batu.
momentum suatu benda.
C. Energi potensial batu maksimal terjadi
E. Impuls terkait erat dengan
sesaat sebelum batu sampai tanah.
kecepatan b e n d a d e n g a
D. Energi kinetik batu maksimal terjadi

n m e n g a b a i k a n
sesaat setelah Rima melepaskan batu.
E. Energi kinetik batu maksimal terjadi
setelah 2 detik batu jatuh ke tanah. 16. Aplikasi
Dua bola A dan B bermassa
14. Aplikasi
sama, masing- masing bergerak
Benda bergerak dari titik A hingga C seperti
dengan kecepatan 4 m/s ke
gambar berikut!
kanan dan 3 m/s ke kiri. Kedua
bola bertumbukan lenting
sempurna. Kecepatan kedua bola
setelah bertumbukan adalah …
A. VA = 3 m/s ke kanan, VB = 4 m/s ke kiri
B. VA = 3 m/s ke kiri, VB = 4 m/s ke kanan
C. VA = 4 m/s ke kanan, VB = 3 m/s ke kiri
D. VA = 4 m/s ke kiri, VB = 3 m/s ke kanan
A E. VA = 3,5 m/s ke kiri, VB = 3,5 m/s ke


Berdasarkan gambar tersebut,

pernyataan yang tepat sesuai
hukum Kekekalan Energi, yaitu …


17. Penalaran Lima jenis batang logam
Perhatikan grafik kalor jenis beberapa zat memiliki panjang mula-mula
berikut! sama. Kelima batang logam
Q (J) tersebut dipanaskan hingga
mengalami kenaikan suhu sama
B besar. Urutan batang logam dari
yang pemuaiannya paling besar
adalah …
T(oC) A. aluminium, kuningan, tembaga, baja,
Apabila ketiga zat memiliki massa sama besar, timbal
pernyataan yang tepat untuk menjelaskan B. aluminium, timbal,
grafik di atas adalah … tembaga, baja, kuningan
A. Pada saat diberi kalor yang sama, zat A C. timbal, kuningan, aluminium, tembaga,
mengalami pertambahan suhu lebih baja
besar dari zat C. D. timbal, aluminium, kuningan, tembaga,
B. Zat C membutuhkan kalor yang lebih baja
sedikit dari zat B untuk menaikkan E. baja, tembaga, kuningan, aluminium,
suhunya sebesar ΔT. timbal
C. Urutan kalor jenis zat dari yang terkecil 20. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman
adalah A, B, C. Perhatikan grafik berikut!
D. Zat A memiliki kalor jenis lebih kecil dari p
zat B. p2
E. Zat C memiliki kalor jenis paling besar.
T1 3
18. Aplikasi
Dua batang logam A dan B memiliki ukuran V2 V1
sama disambung pada salah satu ujungnya. Grafik di atas menunjukkan bahwa gas ideal
Diketahui suhu pada ujung bebas masing- mengalami …
masing logam A dan B secara berturut-turut A. perubahan volume pada suhu tetap
30oC dan 210oC. Jika koefisien konduksi kalor B. perubahan suhu pada volume tetap
logam A dua kali koefisien konduksi kalor B, C. perubahan suhu pada tekanan tetap
suhu pada sambungan sebesar … oC. D. perubahan tekanan pada
A. 110 D. 80 volume tetap
B. 100 E. 75 E. perubahan energi dalam
pada tekanan tetap
C. 90
19. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman 21. Aplikasi
Gelombang berikut yang memiliki
Perhatikan tabel berikut!
panjang gelombang terbesar
adalah …
Bahan Koefisien Muai Panjang A. y(x, t) = 0,2 sin π (100t – ½ x)
Aluminium 0,00024 B. y(x, t) = 0,2 sin π (100t – ¼ x)
Kuningan 0,00019 C. y(x, t) = 0,4 sin π (50t – 1/5 x)
Tembaga 0,00017 D. y(x, t) = 0,4 sin π (50t – 1/3 x)
E. y(x, t) = 0,5 sin π (200t – x)
Baja 0,00011
Timbal 0,00029


22. Aplikasi (4) Jarak terang ke terang yang
Seorang pengendara sepeda motor bergerak berdekatan 0,857 mm.
dengan kecepatan 20 m/s tidak melihat Pernyataan yang sesuai dengan
adanya marka jalan. Polisi yang sedang berjaga percobaan yang dilakukan
membunyikan peluit agar pengendara sepeda ditunjukkan oleh nomor … A.
motor berhenti. Pengendara mendengar (1) dan (2) D. (2)
bunyi peluit dengan frekuensi 680 Hz, lalu dan (4)
berhenti. Jika kecepatan bunyi di udara 340 B. (1) dan (3) E. (3) dan (4)
m/s, frekuensi peluit yang didengar C. (2) dan (3)
pengendara sepeda motor sebelum berhenti
26. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman
adalah … Hz.
Perhatikan gambar urutan
gelombang elektromagnetik
berikut ini!
1013 1012 1011 1010 109 108 107 106 105 104 103 102 101 1 101 102 103 104 105
A. 720 D. 660 
 m

B. 700 E. 640 1  3
Sinar X Gelombang mikro
C. 680
Sinar UV 2

23. Aplikasi Tampak

Sumber bunyi menghasilkan taraf intensitas Pasangan antara sinar dan cirinya
sebesar 80 dB pada jarak 2 m. Pada jarak 200 yang benar adalah …
m, intensitas bunyi akibat sumber bunyi
tersebut sebesar … W/m2.
1 2 3
A. Daya Dapat Bagian yang
A. 10-12 D. 10-4 tembus dan mendeteksi berbahaya
B. 10-8 E. 10-2 frekuensinya jarak objek diserap oleh
C. 10-6 paling besar ozon
B. Dapat Dibangkitkan Memasak
24. Aplikasi menghi- oleh makanan
Mikroskop memiliki jarak fokus tamkan pelat peluruhan dengan
objektif 2 mm dan jarak fokus okuler 5 film bahan cepat
cm. Seorang pengamat bermata radioaktif
normal mengamati sebuah benda C. Memiliki Menyem- Dapat

energi paling buhkan digunakan
menggunakan mikroskop tersebut
besar encok untuk
dengan akomodasi maksimum. Jika mengirimkan
perbesaran yang dihasilkan 72 kali, informasi
letak objek terhadap lensa objektif D. Radiasi yang Dipantulkan Memiliki
adalah … mm. (Sn = 25 cm) berbahaya oleh ionosfer daya tembus
diserap oleh paling besar
E. Panjang Digunakan Mendeteksi
gelombangnya untuk posisi suatu
paling besar memeriksa objek
6 13
A.  D.
 6
6 22
B. E.
15 6
C. 18
25. Aplikasi
Pada percobaan interferensi celah
ganda, layar terletak 1,5 m dari
celah. Panjang gelombang yang
digunakan adalah 800 nm sehingga
gelap keempat berjarak 6 mm dari
terang pusat.
(1) Jarak kedua celah 0,7 mm.
(2) Jarak kedua celah 1,1 mm.
(3) Jarak terang ke gelap
berdekatan 0,545 mm.


27. Aplikasi 30. Aplikasi
Perhatikan data konstanta pegas berikut ini! Dua partikel masing-masing +20 µC dan +45
µC terpisah pada jarak 5 cm. Jika
C adalah titik yang terletak di
antara partikel A dan B sehingga
kuat medan listrik di titik sama
dengan nol, letak C dari partikel
B adalah
… cm.
Pegas Konstanta (N/m)
P 1.000
Q 500
R 800 A. 1,5 D. 3,0
S 2.000 B. 2,0 E. 4,0
T 1.250 C. 2,5
Pegas yang paling sulit diregangkan adalah 31. Aplikasi
… Sebuah bola konduktor
A. P D. S berongga dengan jari-jari 10 cm
B. Q E. T terdapat muatan sebesar 5 µC.
C. R Besar potensial listrik pada bola
konduktor berongga yang
28. Aplikasi
terletak 8 cm dari pusat adalah
Pegas digetarkan sehingga bergerak harmonik
… volt.
dengan persamaan y = 0,05 sin 10πt, dengan y
A. 4,5 x 104 D. 5,4 x 105
dalam meter dan t dalam sekon. Kecepatan 4
B. 5,4 x 10 E. 7,2 x 105
maksimum gerak pegas tersebut adalah … 5
C. 4,5 x 10
A. 0,005π D. 5π 32. Aplikasi
B. 0,05π E. 50π Kapasitor keping sejajar memiliki kapasitas
C. 0,5π C. Jika jarak kedua keping diubah
menjadi setengahnya dan di
29. Aplikasi
antara kedua keping disisipi
Perhatikan gambar berikut!
bahan dielektrik dengan
konstanta dielektrik 2,
kapasitasnya menjadi …
+ –
+ –
q 15 cm q’ + –
Benda bermassa 20 gram dan memiliki A. C D. 4C
muatan +0,5 µC digantung dengan seutas tali 1
ringan yang massanya diabaikan. Di sebelah B. C E. 6C
kanannya diletakkan muatan q’ = C. 2C
-1 µC sehingga terjadi gaya antara kedua
muatan. Jika k = 9 x 109 Nm2/C2 dan g = 10 33. Aplikasi
m/s2, tegangan tali yang dihasilkan sebesar Beberapa baterai dan resistor dirangkai
seperti gambar.
… N. ( 2 = 1,4)
4 R
A. 0,20 D. 0,32
B. 0,24 E. 0,40
C. 0,28 12 V 3v
8 

Bila tegangan jepit pada hambatan 8 Ω adalah A. Searah sumbu X (-)
volt, maka nilai R adalah … B. Searah sumbu Y (+)
A. 2 Ω D. 5 Ω C. Searah sumbu Y (-)
B. 3 Ω E. 6 Ω D. Searah sumbu Z (+)
C. 4 Ω E. Searah sumbu Z (-)
34. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman 36. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman
Perhatikan rangkaian berikut! Pernyataanberikutberlakuuntuktran
L sformator ideal penurun
tegangan (step down):

(1) Jumlah lilitan kumparan
sekunder lebih sedikit
daripada lilitan kumparan
(2) primer.
V sin wt Arus listrik yang mengalir
Grafik tegangan dan arus yang sesuai dengan melalui kumparan primer
rangkaian di atas adalah … A. lebih besar daripada arus
(3) listrik yang mengalir
melalui kumparan
l t sekunder.
Hasil kali arus dengan
B. v (4) lilitan pada kumparan
i sekunder sama dengan hasil
kali arus dengan lilitan pada
kumparan primer.
Hasil kali tegangan dengan
lilitan pada kumparan primer
sama dengan hasil kali
tegangan dengan lilitan pada
kumparan sekunder.
Pernyataan yang benar adalah …
C. A. (1), (2), dan (3)
v B.
i (1), (2), (3), dan (4)
t C. (1) dan (3)

(2) dan (4)
E. (4) saja

37. Aplikasi
t Lima buah kapasitor dirangkai seperti
gambar. Jika tiap kapasitor besarnya
2 F, maka besar kapasitas pengganti
rangkaian adalah …
E. c
t c c c
v K M
35. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman 2 6
Perhatikan gambar muatan bergerak dalam A. F D. F
medan magnet! 5 7
Y(+) 5
B. F 7
E. F
x x x x x x x 2 4
xx x x x x x
xx x x x x x C. 7F
x x x x x x x
Arah gaya yang dialami adalah …


38. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman A. dihasilkan energy 1,20099 Mev
Perhatikan pernyataan-pernyataan tentang B. diperlukan energy 1,20099 Mev
teori atom berikut ini! C. dihasilkan energy 1,10000 Mev
(1) Elektron dalam mengelilingi inti seperti D. diperlukan energy 1,10000 Mev
planet mengelilingi matahari pada E. diperlukan energy 1,00783 Mev
40. Aplikasi
(2) Dapat menjelaskan tentang kestabilan
Perhatikan grafik peluruhan massa
suatu zat radioaktif di bawah!
(3) Massa atom terkonsentrasi pada inti No
(4) Elektron dapat bertransisi dengan
menyesuaikan tingkat energy lintasan.
Dari pernyataan di atas yang merupakan
teori atom Rutherford adalah … 2000
A. (1) dan (3) D. (1) dan (4) 1000
B. (1) dan (2) E. (3) dan (4)
C. (2) dan (4) 0 2 t(jam)
Jika pada suatu saat jumlah intinya tinggal
39. Aplikasi 125, maka unsur radioaktif tersebut telah
Jika nitrogen ditembak dengan partikel alfa, meluruh selama ... jam.
maka dihasilkan sebuah inti Oksigen dan A. 6 D. 12
sebuah proton seperti terlihat pada reaksi B. 8 E. 16
inti berikut ini: C. 10
8 1 H
2 He4  N14  O17  1
Diketahui massa inti
He24 = 4,00260 sma N147= 14,00307
O17 = 16,99913 sma 1He1 =
1,00783 sma
Jika 1 sma setara dengan energi
931 Mev, maka pada reaksi di atas




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