R ChairsideGuide
R ChairsideGuide
R ChairsideGuide
Active cavitated caries lesions before application of SDF SDF-treated lesions with temporary gingival staining
Case selection for application of silver diamine fluoride • A protective coating may be applied to the lips and skin
Patients who may benefit from SDF include those: to prevent a temporary henna-appearing tattoo that can
• With high caries risk who have active cavitated caries occur if soft tissues come into contact with SDF.
lesions in anterior or posterior teeth; • Isolate areas to be treated with cotton rolls or other isola-
• Presenting with behavioral or medical management chal- tion methods. If applying cocoa butter or any other product
lenges and cavitated caries lesions; to protect surrounding gingival tissues, use care to not
• With multiple cavitated caries lesions that may not all inadvertently coat the surfaces of the caries lesions.
be treated in one visit; • Caution should be taken when applying SDF on primary
• With dental caries lesions that are difficult to treat; and teeth adjacent to permanent anterior teeth that may have
• Without access to or with difficulty accessing dental care. non-cavitated (white spot) lesions to avoid inadvertent
Criteria for tooth selection include: staining.
• No clinical signs of pulpal inflammation or reports of • Careful application with a microbrush should be adequate
unsolicited/spontaneous pain. to prevent intraoral and extraoral soft tissue exposure. No
• Cavitated caries lesions that are not encroaching on the more than one drop of SDF should be used for the entire
pulp. If possible, radiographs should be taken to assess appointment.
depth of caries lesions. • Dry lesion with gentle flow of compressed air.
• Cavitated caries lesions on any surface as long as they are • Bend micro sponge brush. Dip brush into SDF and dab
accessible with a brush for applying SDF. (Orthodontic on the side of the plastic dappen dish to remove excess
separators may be used to help gain access to proximal liquid before application. Apply SDF directly to only the
lesions.) affected tooth surface. Remove excess SDF with gauze,
SDF can be used prior to restoration placement and as part cotton roll, or cotton pellet to minimize systemic absorption.
of caries control therapy.4 Informed consent, particularly high- • Application time should be at least one minute if possible.
lighting expected staining of treated lesions, potential staining (Application time likely will be shorter in very young and
of skin and clothes, and need for reapplication for disease difficult to manage patients. When using shorter applica-
control, is recommended. tion periods, monitor carefully at post-operative and recall
visits to evaluate arrest and consider reapplication.)
Clinical application of silver diamine fluoride • Apply gentle flow of compressed air until medicament is
• Remove gross debris from cavitation to allow better SDF dry. Try to keep isolated for as long as three minutes.
contact with denatured dentin. • The entire dentition may be treated after SDF treatment
• Carious dentin excavation prior to SDF application is not with five percent sodium fluoride varnish to help prevent
necessary. As excavation may reduce proportion of arrested caries on the teeth and sites not treated with SDF.
caries lesions that become black, it may be considered for
esthetic purposes. * Refer to AAPD Clinical Practice Guideline: Crystal YO, Marghalani AA, Ureles SD, et
al. Use of silver diamine fluoride for dental caries management in children and
adolescents, including those with special health care needs. Pediatr Dent 2017;39
(5):E135-E145. ( Available at: http://www.aapd.org/policies/)
Follow-up 2. Gao SS, Zhang S, Mei ML, Lo EC, Chu CH. Caries
Estimations of SDF effectiveness in arresting dental caries remineralisation and arresting effect in children by pro-
lesions range from 47 to 90 percent with one-time application fessionally applied fluoride treatment – A systematic
depending on size of the cavity and tooth location.4-7 Anterior review. BMC Oral Health 2016;16:12.
teeth have higher rates of arrest than posterior teeth.5 There- 3. Duangthip D, Jiang M, Chu CH, Lo EC. Restorative
fore, follow-up for evaluation of caries arrest is advisable.2-3 approaches to treat dentin caries in preschool children:
• Follow-up at 2-4 weeks after initial treatment to check Systematic review. Eur J Paediatr Dent 2016;17(2):
the arrest of the lesions treated. 113-21.
• Reapplication of SDF may be indicated if the treated 4. Crystal YO, Niederman R. Silver diamine fluoride treat-
lesions do not appear arrested (dark and hard). Addi- ment considerations in children’s caries management:
tional SDF can be applied at recall appointments as Brief communication and commentary. Pediatr Dent
needed, based on the color and hardness of the lesion 2016;38(7):466-71.
or evidence of lesion progression. 5. Fung M, Duangthip D, Wong M, Lo E, Chu C. Arresting
• Caries lesions can be restored after treatment with SDF. dentine caries with different concentration and perio-
• When lesions are not restored after SDF therapy, bi- dicity of silver diamine fluoride. JDR Clin Transl Res
annual reapplication shows increased caries arrest rate 2016;1(2):143-52.
versus a single application. 6. Llodra JC, Rodriguez A, Ferrer B, Menardia V, Ramos T,
Morato M. Efficacy of silver diamine fluoride for caries
References reduction in primary teeth and first permanent molars
1. Dye BA, Thornton-Evans G, Li X, Iafolla TJ. Dental of schoolchildren: 36-month clinical trial. J Dent Res
caries and sealant prevalence in children and adolescents 2005;84(8):721-4.
in the United States, 2011–2012. NCHS data brief, no 7. Zhi QH, Lo ECM, Lin HC. Randomized clinical trial
191. Hyattsville, Md.: National Center for Health Stat- on effectiveness of silver diamine fluoride and glass
istics. 2015. Available at: “https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/ ionomer in arresting dentine caries in preschool children.
products/databriefs/db191.htm”. Accessed September 6, J Dent 2012;40(11):962-7.
2017. (Archived in WebCite at: “http://www.webcita