Ap23xx V2.3 8pin Data Sheets

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Integrated Circuits Inc.

aP23682/341/170/085 8PIN


aP23682 – 682sec
aP23341 – 341sec
aP23170 – 170sec
aP23085 – 85sec
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Ver 2.3 1 September 16 2015

Integrated Circuits Inc. aP23682/341/170/085 8PIN

• Standard CMOS process.
• Embedded 16M/8M/4M/2M EPROM.
• 682/341/170/85 sec Voice Length at 6KHz sampling and 4-bits ADPCM compression.
• Maximum 1024 voice groups.
• Maximum 48KHz sample rate.
• Combination of voice blocks to extend playback duration.
• User selectable PCM16 or ULAW8 or PCM8 or ADPCM4 data compression.
• 5 triggering modes are available :
- Key Mode :
S2 ~ S3 to trigger up to 3 voice groups; Power on play function.
- SBT Mode :
SBT to trigger up to 1024 voice groups sequentially; Power on play function.
- SPI Mode : CSB , SCK , DI.
3 wire address control up to 1024 voice groups.
- I2C Mode : SCK , DI.
2 wire address control up to 1024 voice groups.
- MP3 Mode :
S2: Forward , S3:Stop.
SBT: Play/Pause Trigger up to 1024 voice groups.
• Voice Group Trigger Options: Edge / Level; Hold / Unholdable; Retrigger / Non-retrigger.
• Optional 16ms or 65us selectable debounce time.
• RST pin set HIGH to stop the playback at once.
• LVR ( Low voltage reset ).
• Programmable outputs pin out1:
(*Note: When Key Mode or I2C Mode the SBT pin as output1 use.)
for busy-H , busy-L , stop-H , stop-L , prog busy-H , prog busy-L , Loadbit,
LED flash ( LED high active ) , ~LED flash ( LED low active ).
• One kind oscillator: Internal-Rosc.
• 2V – 5V single power supply and < 5uA low stand-by current.
• 16/8/4 level volume control setting available.
• 16 bits audio out.
• PWM Vout1 and Vout2 drive speaker directly.
• D/A COUT pin drives speaker through an external BJT or audio AMP.
• Development System support for voice compilation.

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Integrated Circuits Inc. aP23682/341/170/085 8PIN

aP23682/341/170/085 series high performance Voice OTP is fabricated with Standard CMOS
process with embedded 16M/8M/4M/2M bits EPROM. It can store up to 682/341/170/85 sec voice
message with 4-bits ADPCM compression at 6KHz sampling rate. 16-bits PCM、8-bits PCM and
8-bits ULAW at (4K to 48K sample rate) is also available for user selecting.

User selectable triggering and output signal options provide maximum flexibility to various
applications. Built-in resistor controlled oscillator, 16-bits current mode DAC output and 14-bits PWM
direct speaker driving output minimize the number of external components. PC controlled programmer
and developing software are available.

PIN Playback
Program Description
(8-pin) Mode
1 VOUT1 PWM output to drive speaker directly.
PWM output to drive speaker directly. /
DAC current output.
3 VDD VDD Supply voltage.
4 VSS VSS Supply ground.
5 SBT Trigger pin (I/O pin with internal pull-down).
6 S2 S2 Trigger pin (I/O pin with internal pull-down).
7 S3 S3 Trigger pin (I/O pin with internal pull-down).
8 VPP VPP Supply ground.

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S2 ~ S3
Input Trigger Pins:
- In Key Mode :S2 and S3 is used to trigger 3 Voice groups.
- In SPI Mode :
S2 is the Serial Clock (SCK) pin which clocks the input command and data bits into the chip.
S3 is the Data In (DI) pin in which command and data bits are shifted input into the chip.
- In I2C Mode :
S2 is the Serial Clock (SCK) pin which clocks the input command and data bits into the chip.
S3 is the Data In (DI) pin in which command and data bits are shifted input into the chip.
- In MP3 Mode :
S2 :Forward. S3:Stop.

Input Trigger Pin:
- In SBT Mode : This pin is trigger pin to play Voice Groups one time or looping sequentially up to
1024 Voice Groups.
- In SPI Mode : SBT is Chip Select (CSB) pin to initiate the command input.
- In I2C Mode : SBT as output1 use.
- In MP3 Mode: SBT pin is Play / Pause.

Power Supply Pins : This pins must be connected to the positive power supply.

During voice playback, this pin and VSS must be connected together to the power ground.
In Circuit Program : This pin is connected to a separate 8.5V power supply voltage for OTP
programming. Connect resistor between power ground and VPP.
Note : Resistor is 10K Ω.

Power Ground Pins : VSS and VPP pins must be connected together to the power ground during
voice playback.
In Circuit Program : VSS and VPP pins must be separated to the power ground. Connect resistor
between power ground and VPP.


14-bits PWM output pins which can drive speaker and buzzer directly for voice playback.

16-bits current mode DAC output for voice playback.

OUT1 (When SBT pin as OUT1 use)

OUT1 can select output function as below :
1. Busy- H : When voice is playing, output high level signal.
2. Busy- L : Inverted output of Busy- H.
3. LED- Flash : When voice is playing, output LED flash pulse.
4. ~LED- Flash : Inverted output of LED- Flash.
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5. Stop- H : When voice plays finished, output stop pulse.

6. Stop- L : Inverted output of Stop- H.
7. LoadBit : After load voice data to buffer success, output logic high signal.
8. Prog-Busy - H : When voice of Prog-Busy set 1, high pulse output.
When voice of Prog-Busy set 0, low pulse output.
9. Prog-Busy - L : Inverted output of Prog-Busy - H.


Voice files created by the PC base developing system are stored in the built-in EPROM of the
aP23682/341/170/085 chip as a number of fixed length Voice Blocks. Voice Blocks are
then selected and grouped into Voice Groups for playback. Up to 1024 Voice Groups are allowed.
A Voice Blocks Table is used to store the information of combinations of Voice Blocks and then
group them together to form Voice Group.

Chip aP23682 aP23341 aP23170 aP23085

Memory size 16M bits 8M bits 4M bits 2M bits

Max no. of Voice Block 2016 2016 2016 2016

Max. no. of Voice Group 1024 1024 1024 1024

Voice Length 682 sec 341 sec 170 sec 85 sec
(@ 6KHz 4-bit ADPCM)

 Example of Voice Block Combination :

Assume here we have three voice files, they are “How are You?”, Sound Effect and Music. Each of the
voice file is divided into a number of fixed length Voice Block and stored into the memory.
Voice block :

B1 = “How” B2 = ”are” B3 = ”You”

B4 = Sound Effect B5 = Music1 B6 = Music2

Voice Blocks are grouped together using Voice Table to form Voice Group for playback:

Group no. Voice Group contents Voice Table Entries

Group 1 “How are You?” B1+B2+B3
Group 2 Sound Effect + “How are You?” B4+ B1+B2+B3
Group 3 “How are You?” + Music1 B1+B2+B3+B5
Group 4 Music2 B6

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 Voice Data Compression :

Voice File data is stored in the on-chip EPROM as either 4-bits ADPCM or 8-bits PCM/ ULAW format
or 16-bits PCM format. Voice data are stored as 16-bits PCM forma is without compression. The voice
playback quality is best. Voice data stored as 4-bits ADPCM or 8-bits PCM/ ULAW provide 4:2 data
compression to save memory space. But voice playback quality with be lower than 16-bits PCM format.

 Group Options :
User selectable options that affect each individual group are called Group Options. They are:

• Edge or Level trigger.

• Unholdable or Holdable option.
• Re-triggerable or Non-retriggerable option.
• Stop pulse disable or enable.

Fig. 1 to Fig. 6 show the voice playback with different combination of triggering mode and the
relationship between outputs and voice playback.

Fig. 1 Level, Unholdable, Non-retriggerable

Fig. 2 Level Holdable

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Fig. 3 SBT sequential trigger with Level Holdable and Unholdable

Fig. 4 Edge, Unholdable, Non-retrigger

Fig. 5 Edge, Holdable

Fig. 6 SBT sequential trigger with Edge Holdable and Unholdable

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There are five trigger modes available for aP23682/341/170/085 series.

• Key Mode.
• SBT Mode.
• SPI Mode.
• I2C Mode.
• MP3 Mode.

• Key Mode :

With this trigger mode, the beginning 3 Voice Groups are triggered by setting S2 to S3 to HIGH or
LOW in different combinations. Each Voice Group can have its only independent trigger options (See
Fig. 1,2,4 and 5 for trigger options definition).

 SBT key as key3 ( Key3 ) :

Voice Group SBT S3 S2


 SBT key as output (OUT1 ) :

The SBT pin compile must be set up [ SBT swap ] and [ SBT as OUT1 ]
SBT as OUT1 can select : busy-H/L,stop-H/L,LED flash(LED high active),
~LED flash(LED low active),prog busyH/L, LoadBit.

Voice Group S3 S2 SBT = OUT1

SBT swap
★★★ Note: NC represents open or no connection

• SBT Mode :
A maximum of 1024 Voice Groups are available. And can be triggered one by one sequentially
with the SBT key (See Fig. 3 and 6).

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CPU Serial Command Description :

CPU Serial Command include SPI Mode、 、I2C Mode.

The command support to reference Fig.7 CPU Serial Command Description.

LOAD 1. This command pre-load the next Voice Group Address into the address buffer.
2. The "Full/Load" signal will become HIHG once the Group Address is loaded.
3. The Voice Group will be played once the playing of the current Voice Group is
4. The "Full/Load" signal will become LOW once the Voice Group is played
and the address buffer is released and ready for next PREFECT action.
5. Using this command make sure there is no gap between each Voice Group.

PLAY 1. This command load the Voice Group Address into the address buffer.
2. The current Voice Group will be stopped and play the new one.

PU1 Power up the chip without ramp-up (suitable for PWM direct drive).
PU2 Power up the chip with ramp-up (suitable for COUT transistor drive).
PD1 Power down the chip without ramp-down (suitable for PWM direct drive).
PD2 Power down the chip with ramp-down (suitable for COUT transistor drive).
VOL Set Volume index of volume Table.
VOL-- Decrease the volume index of volume Table.
VOL++ Increase the volume index of volume Table.
PAUSE Pause the current Voice Group.
RESUME Resume the current Voice Group.
REWIND Play the current Voice Group from it's beginning.

Fig. 7 CPU Serial Command Description

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State Description :

State Name Description

Reset Include Power On Reset (typ 5us) and external reset (depends on the external reset circuit).
All pins are input floating.
Serial Command inhibited.
After reset, state transfer to the " Configure " state.
Configure Internal Chip Configuration.
All pins are input floating.
Serial Command inhibited. (Max configure time = 2ms)
After configuration, state transfer to the "Idle" state.
Idle State transfer to the "Play" state if "active command" received before timeout.
After time out without active command, state transition to the "Sleep" State.
Play Playing Voice Group include ramp.
State transfer to the "Wait" state if nothing to be played.
Wait Wait new Serial command and back to the play state without time limit.
State transition to the "Sleep" state if "de-active command" received.
Ramp down before transition to the sleep if the "PD2" command be accepted.
Sleep State transition to the "Wakeup" state if selected by the host CPU.
(Wait sleep to wake up state time = 20us.)
Wake up Single command be buffered and wait to execute after wakeup state!!
(Max wakeup time = 2ms).
State transition to the "Play" state if active command received else to the "Idle" state.

Fig. 8 State Description

*** Active commands are "Load", "Play", "PU1" and "PU2".

De-Active commands are "PD1" and "PD2".

In CPU Serial Command Control :

a. Using PUP1/PUP2 command first from de-active state.
Add 2ms delay after PUP1/PUP2 command is necessary.
b. Max "Output Delay of Busy/Full Signal" equal 2ms during active.
c. Output select to reference PIN DESCRIPTIONS of OUT1
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• SPI Mode :

This trigger mode is specially designed for simple CPU interface. The aP23682/341/170/085 is
controlled by command sent to it from the host CPU. S2 、 S3 and SBT used to input command word
into the chip .

 SBT acts as CSB (Chip Select) to initiate the command word input.
 S2 acts as SCK (Serial Clock) to clock-in the command word at rising edge.
 S3 acts as DI (Data-In) to input the command bits.

SPI Command Table [MSB First] : Command input into the chip 16-bits data.

Command D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D[9:0]

LOAD 1 0 0 1 0 1 Voice Group Address Number.

PLAY 1 0 0 1 1 0 Voice Group Address Number.
PU1 w/o Ramp 1 0 1 0 0 1 don't care.
PU2 with Ramp 1 0 1 0 1 0 don't care.
PD1 w/o Ramp 1 0 1 1 0 1 don't care.
PD2 with Ramp 1 0 1 1 1 0 don't care.
VOL 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 VOL[3:0]
VOL-- 0 1 0 0 1 0 don't care.
VOL++ 0 1 0 1 0 1 don't care.
PAUSE 0 1 1 0 0 1 don't care.
RESUME 0 1 1 0 1 0 don't care.
REWIND 0 1 1 1 0 1 don't care.

Fig. 9 SPI Command Table

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SPI Command Timing Diagram:

Fig.10 SPI Command timing

* Data is latched at rising edge of SCK.

* SPI Command function reference Fig. 7 CPU Serial Command Description.

Power up with RAMP-UP(PU2) or without RAMP-UP(PU1)

Fig. 11 Power-Up command timing

* Ramp up time : 160mS

Power down with RAMP-DOWN(PD2) or without RAMP-DOWN (PD1)

Fig. 12 Power-Down command timing

* Ramp down time : 160mS

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(1). Load Voice Group Address :

a. Command timing reference Fig.10 SPI Command timing.
b. D9 to D0 total 10 bits to be the Group Address.
c. The Load signal will become logic LOW once the Voice Group is played and the address buffer
is released and ready for next Play action.

(2). Play Voice Group Address :

a. Command timing reference Fig.10 SPI Command timing.
b. D9 to D0 total 10 bits to be the Group Address.
c. Playing assign group address immediately.

(3). Power up with RAMP-UP(PU2) or without RAMP-UP(PU1) :

a. Command timing reference Fig. 11 Power-Up command timing.
b. PU1 : will power-up the chip and set the VOUT to center value immediately and stay there.
c. PU2 : will power-up the chip and ramp-up COUT from bottom to center value and stay there.

(4). Power-down with RAMP-DOWN(PD2) or without RAMP-DOWN (PD1) :

a. Command timing reference Fig. 12 Power-Down command timing.
b. PDN1 will power-down the chip and set the VOUT data to bottom value immediately.
PDN1 will be executed correctly only if PU1 is executed before.
c. PDN2 will power-down the chip and ramp-down the COUT from its current to bottom value.
PDN2 will be executed correctly only if PU2 is executed before.

(5). Volume Set (VOL[3:0]) :

a. Command timing reference Fig.10 SPI Command timing.
b. D3 to D0 total 4bits(0 ~ 15) set volume level (max : 0, min : 15).

(6). Volume - - (VOL--) :

a. Command timing reference Fig.10 SPI Command timing.
b. Set volume level decrease.

(7). Volume + + (VOL++) :

a. Command timing reference Fig.10 SPI Command timing.
b. Set volume level increase.

(8). Pause and Resume (PAUSE; RESUME) :

a. Command timing reference Fig.10 SPI Command timing.
b. In Pause state, VOUT1 and VOUT2 will stay at logic LOW while the COUT will stay at
the current D/A data level. When Resume, the COUT data will continue at the current D/A data level.

(9). Rewind :
a. Command timing reference Fig.10 SPI Command timing.
b. Play the current Voice Group from it is beginning.

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• I2C Mode :

This trigger mode is specially designed for simple CPU interface. The aP23682/341/170/085 is
controlled by command sent to it from the host CPU. S2 and S3 are used to input command word into
the chip while SBT as OUT1 as output from the chip to the host CPU for feedback response.

 S2 acts as SCK (Serial Clock) to clock-in the command word at rising edge.
 S3 acts as DI (Data-In) to input the command bits.
 SBT acts as BUSY to indicate the chip is in busy state(include play and ramp).

I2C Command Table [MSB First] : Command input into the chip 16-bits data.

Command D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D[9:0]

LOAD 1 0 0 1 0 1 Voice Group Address Number.

PLAY 1 0 0 1 1 0 Voice Group Address Number.
PU1 w/o Ramp 1 0 1 0 0 1 don't care.
PU2 with Ramp 1 0 1 0 1 0 don't care.
PD1 w/o Ramp 1 0 1 1 0 1 don't care.
PD2 with Ramp 1 0 1 1 1 0 don't care.
VOL 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 VOL[3:0]
VOL-- 0 1 0 0 1 0 don't care.
VOL++ 0 1 0 1 0 1 don't care.
PAUSE 0 1 1 0 0 1 don't care.
RESUME 0 1 1 0 1 0 don't care.
REWIND 0 1 1 1 0 1 don't care.

Fig. 13 I2C Command Table

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I2C Command Timing Diagram:

Fig.14 I2C Command timing

* The data bit only can be changed in SCK low level , but it has to be latched before rising edge
of SCK.

* I2C Command function reference Fig. 7 CPU Serial Command Description.

Power up with RAMP-UP(PU2) or without RAMP-UP(PU1)

Fig. 15 Power-Up command timing

* Ramp up time : 160mS

Add stop condition after power on and internal chip configuration time finish.
In Power up command : After start condition signal, add delay time more than 300us to wake up device.

Power-down with RAMP-DOWN(PD2) or without RAMP-DOWN (PD1)

Fig. 16 Power-Down command timing

* Ramp down time : 160mS

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(1). Load Voice Group Address :

a. Command timing reference Fig.14 I2C Command timing.
b. D9 to D0 total 10 bits to be the Group Address.
c. The OUT1 output (LoadBit) will become logic high once the Group Address is successfully loaded.
d. The Load signal will become logic LOW once the Voice Group is played and the address buffer
is released and ready for next Play action.

(2). Play Voice Group Address :

a. Command timing reference Fig.14 I2C Command timing.
b. D9 to D0 total 10 bits to be the Group Address.
c. Playing assign group address immediately.

(3). Power up with RAMP-UP(PU2) or without RAMP-UP(PU1) :

a. Command timing reference Fig. 15 Power-Up command timing.
b. PU1 : will power-up the chip and set the VOUT to center value immediately and stay there.
c. PU2 : will power-up the chip and ramp-up COUT from bottom to center value and stay there.

(4). Power-down with RAMP-DOWN(PD2) or without RAMP-DOWN (PD1) :

a. Command timing reference Fig. 16 Power-Down command timing.
b. PDN1 will power-down the chip and set the VOUT data to bottom value immediately.
PDN1 will be executed correctly only if PU1 is executed before.
c. PDN2 will power-down the chip and ramp-down the COUT from its current to bottom value.
PDN2 will be executed correctly only if PU2 is executed before.

(5). Volume Set (VOL[3:0]) :

a. Command timing reference Fig.14 I2C Command timing.
b. D3 to D0 total 4bits(0 ~ 15) set volume level (max : 0, min : 15)

(6). Volume - - (VOL--) :

a. Command timing reference Fig.14 I2C Command timing.
b. Set volume level decrease.

(7). Volume + + (VOL++) :

a. Command timing reference Fig.14 I2C Command timing.
b. Set volume level increase.

(8). Pause and Resume (PAUSE; RESUME) :

a. Command timing reference Fig.14 I2C Command timing.
b. In Pause state, VOUT1 and VOUT2 will stay at logic LOW while the COUT will stay at
the current D/A data level. When Resume, the COUT data will continue at the current D/A data level.

(9). Rewind :
a. Command timing reference Fig.14 I2C Command timing.
b. Play the current Voice Group from it is beginning.

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• MP3 Mode :

This trigger mode is specially designed for simple MP3 function.

User can start to Play or Pause the voice by SBT pin, and Forward play by S2 pin, up to 1024 Voice

 SBT acts as play / pause.

 S2 act as forward.
 S3 acts as stop.


Fig. 17 Block Diagram


Symbol Rating Unit

VDD - VSS -0.5 ~ +5.0 V

VIN VSS - 0.3 < VIN < VDD + 0.3 V


T (Operating): -10 ~ +85 ℃

T (Junction) -10 ~ +85 ℃

T (Storage) -10 ~ +85 ℃

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• KEY 、SBT and MP3 Trigger Mode :

Fig. 18

• SPI Mode :

Fig. 19

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• I2C Mode :

Fig. 20

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 AC CHARACTERISTICS ℃, VDD = 3.3V, VSS = 0V, 8KHz sampling )

( TA = 0 to 70℃
Symbol Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Unit Note

tKD Key trigger debounce time (long)  16  ms 1

tKD Key trigger debounce time (long) –  24  ms

Retrigger during voice playback.

tKD Key trigger debounce time (short)  1  ms 1

tKD Key trigger debounce time (short) –  1.5  ms

Retrigger during voice playback.

tSTPW STOP pulse width (long)  128  ms 1

tSTPW STOP pulse width (short)  500  µs 1

tAS Address set-up time 300   ns

tAH Address hold time 300   ns

tSBTW SBT stroke pulse width (long) 16   ms 1

tSBTW SBT stroke pulse width (short) 1   ms 1

tBO BUSY signal output delay time(long)  24  ms 1

tBO BUSY signal output delay time(short)  1  ms 1

tCS Chip select set-up time 100   ns

tCH Chip select hold time 100   ns

tSCKW Serial clock pulse width 1   µs

tDS Data set-up time 100   ns

tDH Data hold time 100   ns

tSBO BUSY signal output delay time   2 ms

tRP Ramp Up time  160  ms

tRD Ramp Down time  160  ms

tFD Full signal output delay time   2 ms

Notes :

The long or short debounce time is selectable as whole chip option during Voice Files Compiling.

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In Circuit Program Applications :

Fig. 21

1. Between VPP and GND should add R1(10K)Ω.

2. Between Writer and Circuit connect wire less than 10cm is the better.

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Key Mode


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SPI Mode

Fig. 23

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I2C Mode

Fig. 24

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MP3 Mode

Fig. 25

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1. Between VPP and GND should add 10KΩ.
2. VDDA and VDDP should be connected to the Positive Power Supply.
3. VSSA and VSSP should be connected to the Power GND.
4. Substrate should be connected to the Power GND.

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1.Between VPP and GND should add 10KΩ.
2.VDDA and VDDP should be connected to the Positive Power Supply.
3.VSSA and VSSP should be connected to the Power GND.
4.Substrate should be connected to the Power GND.

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8-Pin 300mil P-DIP Package

8-Pin 150mil SOP Package

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aP23682_341__170_085 SPEC : Modify cpu control timing waveforms
Reduce output function from 14 to 9.

aP23682_341__170_085 SPEC : Modify ULAW5 to ULAW8
Add SBT mode independent description.
Optimize the CPU mode control.
Add In Circuit Program application on page. 22.

Ver 2.3 30 September 16 2015

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