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C.S. J. M. University, Kanpur Syllabus for Pre-Ph.D. Course Work (For the candidates admitted under the faculty of Arts in Hindi Literature, English Literature, Sanskrit and Urdu Subject) 1, Each paper will carry 100 marks: 70 marks for theory paper and 30 for internal assessment. The internal assessment in Paper I will be based on Mid sem. Test, and Practical work/library work/written assignments/ presentations/own paper presentation (published in any reputed journal bearing ISSN Number). 2. The internal assessment in Paper II will be based on Mid sem. Test, and seminar presentation and report writing consisting of about 5000 words on any subject of the student’s choice dealing with the field of research in the subject of Research. 3. 5 Marks in internal assessment in both Paper I and Paper II will be assigned to attendance where 75% to 80% only 1 mark, 80% to 85% only 3 marks and above 85% 5 marks. 4. During the entire Course at least one paper published in any reputed journal bearing ISSN Number by the student is desirable and it will be the part of internal assessment. 5. The candidate will have to obtain at least 50% marks in theory as well as internal assessment in order to qualify the course. 6. 75% attendance will be compulsory in theory/practical classes. 7. The marks distribution of internal assessment (30 marks) will be: 5 marks for attendance, 15 marks for mid sem. Test and 5 marks for two written assignments (Research-1, Computer Application-1)Paper I: Research Methodology (Objectives, Hypothesis, Report writing, and Thesis writing), Quantitative methods, Computer Applications, Research ethics and reviewing of published research in the relevant field and other techniques/methods, specific for the broad subject/area: Detailed Syllabus 1, Fundamentals of Research: What is Research? Objectives of Research Characteristics of good Research Classification of Research: Pure and Applied Research Exploring or Formative Research Descriptive Research Diagnostic Research/Studies Evaluation Research’ studies Action Research Experimental Research Historical Research Analytical Research 2, Materials and Sources of Research Study: Works of the Author/Authors under study ‘The Author/Authors under study and his/their circle Manuscripts Printed Books and Journals Abstracts and Proceedings of International Seminars/ Conferences etc. ‘Audio-visual resources Web resources Interviews Observations in field visits 3. Research Methods and Techniques: 4, Selection of Research Ti Review of previous Scholarship in the field under study Analysis of Historical Records Analysis of related documents Conducting interviews and field studies where required Compilation, organisation and content analysis of the study materials Identifying the area of Research Genre Age, Period and Region under study The Author/Authors under study ‘The Texts under analysis Background studies Study of contemporary Literature5. Drafting Research Proposal and Research Thesis: eeee Framing of the Topic-statement Justifying the Topic-statement Introducing the purpose, objectives, key issues and arguments of the proposed research Framing the hypothesis Work plan and the Chapter division Notes and references Select Bibliography 6. Documentation and Mechanics of Writing: . wee ere reves Research and legal issues Originality of Research Integrity of the researcher Plagiarism Citation format for print and non-print sources MLA\Chicago Style Manual Paper margin, spacing, heading and titles Page numbers Spelling, punctuation, italics and abbreviations Electronic submission Power-point presentation Tips for question-answer session: Key concerns and central focus of the thesis under consideration New venues of further research opened by the thesis under consideration. Research Terminology: Synopsis, abstract, hypothesis, annotated bibliography, review, review article, citation, peer review, referred publication, archives (Pandulipi creation, classification and preservation) call number, corporate author, database, blog, listserv, Boolean operators, full-text search, wiki, etc. 7. Word Processing and Presentation Tools: ‘* Introduction of Computer (Hardware and Softwere) ‘* Introduction to Word processing ¢ =Ms-Word: Creation of files Arrangement of files in folders Saving documents as file Printing Formating Inserting page layout References (citation and bibliography) Review (Comments, tracking, compare) Converting to PDF * Introduction to presentation tools Features and functions © Creating presentation, Customizing presentation, Showing presentation * Tools used may be Microsoft, Power Point, Open Office or Similar tool8, Web Search: Introduction to internet Use of internet and www using search engine like Google and Yahoo etc. Using advance search techniques Use of internet in search activities Submission of paper in Archive Electronic Mail System, Cyber law. eee eee Suggested Readings: Allison, B. The Students’ Guide to Preparing Dissertations and Thesis. London: Kogan Page, mi. Altick, Richard D. and John J. Fenstermaker. The Art of Literary Research New York: Norton, 1993. Berg, B. L. Qualitative Research Methods for Social Sciences, Allyn & Bacon* 200L Booth, W.C., Colomb, G.G. & Williams, J.M. The Craft of Research. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2003. Burton, S. & Steane, Surviving Your Thesis. London: Routledge, 2004. ‘Comer, Douglas E., The Internet Book. New Delhi, PHI Leaming Private Limited,2009. George, Darren & Mallery Paul, SPSS Windows Step by Step: A Simple Guide and Reference 17.0 Update. Delhi: Allyn & Bacon, 2010. Gibaldi, Joseph. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. 7 ed. New Delhi: East- West Press, 2009 Gray, C. & Malins, J. Visualising Research: A Guide to the Research Papers in Art and Design* England: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2004. Kothari, CR. Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques. New Delhi: New Age International Ltd., 1985. Mauch, JE, & Park, N. Guide to the Successful Thesis and Dissertation: A Handbook for students and Faculty. ‘New York: Marcel Dekker Inc.,2003 Rahim, F. Abdul. Thesis Writing: A Manual for Researchers. New Delhi: New Age International Pvt Ltd., 1996. Ritchie, J. & lewis, J, (eds.) Qualitative Research Practice: A Guide for Social Science Students and Researchers. London: Sage Publications, 2003. Turbian, Kate L.A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses and Dissertations» Chicago; Chicago University Press, 1996. ‘Wayne, C. Booth, Gregory G. Colombo, Joseph, M. Williams arid William C, Booth. The Craft of Research: From Planning to Reporting, Chicago: Chicago University Press, 2008. ‘YadaVj D, S. Foundation of Information Technology«New Delhi; New Age Intemational (p) Limited, Publishers,2008. Allison, B. The Students’ Guide to Preparing Dissertation and Theses. London:Kogan Page, 1997. Print Altick, Richard D. and John J. Fenstermaker. The Art of Literary Research, 4" ed. New Delhi:East-West Press, 2009. Gibaldi, Joseph. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. 7 ed, New Delhi: East-West Press, 2009. Kothari, C.R. Research Methodology. Methods and Techniques. New Delhi: New Age International Ltd, 1985. Rahim, F. Abdul. Thesis Writing: A Manual for Researchers. New Delhi: New Age International Pvt Ltd, 1996. Turbain, Kate. A Manual for Writers of Term Ppers, Theses and Dissertation. 6° ed. Chicago: Chicago UP, 1996. ‘Wayne C. Booth, Gregory G. Colombo, Joseph M. Wiliams and William C. Booth. The Craff of Research: From Planning 10 Reporting. Chicago: Chicago University Press, 2008. | | / | | jC.S.J.M.UNIVERSITY KANPUR SYLLABUS FOR PRE PH.D. COURSE WORK PAPER II SUBJECT: URDU UNIT -1 | pois 9 yb 995! pant Loeb Aid Bast euen 1 tll E ae ot Pablo ASE LLY 6 (eS Citta Abes 9 Bo Beki Gai ule Le tle" 0 (Aye debi fuiiisttaAser 0 Bete Ls (edb A BEF AIL ot ae CONVENOR (URBU) G.8.d.04. 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