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Example of an Accident & Incident

Investigation Policy
(Topic 7)
This policy outlines the procedures that are to be adopted when any
employee, visitor or contractor experiences an accident, near-miss
or dangerous occurrence on the company's premises.

It is the policy of the company to identify and investigate

unplanned losses (accidents), their source and hence their
underlying causes.

To enable this objective to be achieved it is imperative that all

accidents, irrespective of the resulting injury or damage, be
reported according to the laid down procedures.

In order to avoid misunderstanding, the company deem an accident

and near-miss to be defined thus:-

Accident:- "any unplanned event that results in personnel injury or

damage to property, plant or equipment.

Near-miss:- "an unplanned event which does not cause injury or

damage, but could have done so." Examples include: items falling
near to personnel, incidents involving vehicles and electrical short-

Accident Books
All accidents must be recorded in the company's accident books.

These accident books will be reviewed regularly by senior

management to ascertain the nature of incidents which have
occurred in the workplace. This review will be in addition to an
individual investigation of the circumstances surrounding each

All near-misses must be reported to the Safety Manager, as soon as

possible so that action can be taken to investigate the causes and to
prevent recurrence.

Reporting Procedure:- Employees

1. ​ ll accidents must be entered in the appropriate Accident
Book either by the injured person or, if this is not practical,
someone else present at the time.

2. ​An accident Report form (Part 1 only) is also to be completed

by the same person who should then give the form to the
Immediate Supervisor of the injured person.

3. The Immediate Superior must then:-

Note that the accident has occurred.

Ensure that the Accident Book has been correctly and fully
Immediately pass the Accident Report form to the Safety
Enter on clockcard, or other such notification to the Wages
Department, the words
"Injured at Work".

4. ​The Safety Manager will then:-

Ensure that, where applicable, the requirements of the

Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences
Regulations 1995 are met.
Complete Part II of the Company Accident Report form,
recording the findings of the subsequent investigation.
Discuss the accident and the contributory factors with the
Departmental head
Report findings to the Director responsible for Health &
Safety and, if necessary, instigate any disciplinary
Ensure the Accounts Department have been informed that
the accident occurred to enable their procedures to be

5. ​The Director responsible for Health & Safety will then:-

Ensure, so far as reasonably practical, that proper action is

taken to help prevent the accident being repeated.


1. I​ nvestigation of an alleged accident does not necessarily

imply that sick pay will be paid. This will depend on the result
of the investigation.
2. ​The above is simply the administrative procedure. Clearly it
is essential for all concerned to give priority to the safety and
welfare of any injured person and anyone else involved.

Reporting Procedure - Visitors /

Any non-employee who experiences an accident or near-miss
incident whilst on the premises must report the incident
immediately to the person responsible for his or her premises on
site. If the person responsible is not available, the visitor /
contractor must obtain the assistance of a responsible person to
ensure that the company procedure is adhered to.

All injuries must be reported in the accident book, however minor.

Visitors and contractors who are unable to enter their account into
the book must arrange for another person to make an entry on their
behalf. Visitors and contractors should also notify their own
employer where applicable.
The Company takes the responsibility for notifying reportable
accidents under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous
Occurrences Regulations 1995, therefore the Company’s Safety
Manager must be informed immediately.

Reporting Procedure - Damage / Theft

All accidents / incidents which result in the loss or damage of
plant, equipment or vehicles but not necessarily personal injury
must be recorded on the “Damage or Loss Report Form” and
passed to the Safety Manager without delay.

Where this incident results in any injury to a third party the Safety
Manager must be informed immediately as it may be necessary to
report the incident by telephone to the Health and Safety Executive.
Should the Safety Manager not be available, due to annual leave,
etc this responsibility will pass to the Production Director.

Safe System of Work

All incidents and near-miss incidents must be reported, however
minor. To achieve this the following procedure should be adopted.

1. ​ nsure the appropriate report form is completed and

forwarded to the Safety Manager.
2. ​Obtain treatment for any injury from a first-aider or the local
3. ​Ensure that the area is made safe and poses no risk to other
personnel (except where the accident results in a major
injury, in which case the scene should be fenced off and left
undisturbed until advised otherwise by the enforcing
4. ​Enter details in the accident book.
5. ​Inform the injured person's manager (or a responsible person)
of the incident.
6. ​Keep the company informed of any after-effects, including
periods of incapacity for work.

All personnel on site must report accidents and near-miss incidents
whilst working on behalf of the company.

The four most important steps are:-

* e​ nsure that all relevant details are reported as soon as

possible, in accordance with established procedures.
* ​remove residual hazards that may pose a risk to others.
* ​Fence off the undisturbed scene of a serious incident pending
* ​notify management of incapacity for work that results from
an injury sustained during a work activity.

Accident & Incident Investigation
Taken from Safety Manual of E & J W Glendinning Ltd

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