Lecture1 PDF
Lecture1 PDF
Lecture1 PDF
IntroductionSpeech Recognition
to Machine (CS753)
Learning (CS419M)
Lecture 1: What and why?
Jan 5, 2018
What is Machine Learning?
• Ability of computers to “learn” from “data” or “past experience”
What is Machine Learning?
• Ability of computers to “learn” from “data” or “past experience”
1. Supervised learning
Supervised Learning
Given a labeled set of input-output pairs, D = {(xi , yi )}N
objective is to learn a function mapping the inputs x to outputs y
2. Unsupervised learning
Unsupervised Learning
i i=1 , discover some
• Given a set of inputs, D = {x }
patterns in the data
3. Reinforcement learning
When do we need ML? (I)
• For tasks that are easily performed by humans but are complex for
computer systems to emulate
weights parameters
learning fitting
• linear algebra
• multivariable calculus
• programming
Course webpage
Course logistics
All mandatory reading will be freely available online and posted
on the course website.
Textbooks (available online):
1. Understanding Machine Learning. Shai Shalev-Shwartz and
Shai Ben-David. Cambridge University Press. 2017.
2. The Elements of Statistical Learning. Trevor Hastie, Robert
Tibshirani and Jerome Friedman. Second Edition. 2009.
We will use Moodle to communicate about the course.
Strongly advised to attend all lectures. Lot of material covered
in class will not be on the slides. (Also, points for participation.)
Course TAs
1. Himanshu Agarwal, M.Tech. II
Project details:
• Apply the techniques you studied in class to any interesting
problem of your choice
• Think of a problem early and work on it throughout the
course. Project milestones will be posted on Moodle.
• Examples of project ideas: auto-complete code, generate
song lyrics, help irctc predict ticket prices, etc.
• Feel free to be creative; consult with TAs/me if it’s feasible
Datasets abound…
Kaggle: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets
Datasets abound…
Kaggle: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets
… and so do ML libraries/toolkits
scikit-learn, openCV, Keras, Tensorflow, NLTK, etc.
Some basic concepts
Typical ML approach
L-Phn T-Phn G-Phn
Word list
Word weighted by
Frame # Articulatory Features
1 G1 LP0 V0 T0 Phn
3 G1 LP1 V0 T0
L-Phn T-Phn G-Phn
4 G1 LP2 V1 T3
Lip-Op TT-Op Glot
5 G1 LP2 V1 T3
sur! sur! sur!
Lip-Op TT-Op Glot
Articulatory Features
Typical ML approach
• There is no single best model that works optimally for all kinds
of problems (Wolpert 1997)