Current Relay

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g GE Consumer & Industrial

GE Appliance Controls

3ARR2, 3ARR12, 3ARR12P, 3ARR18
Current Type Motor Starting Relays

General Description out, the contacts open, de-energizing the

start winding.
GE Current Type Motor Starting Relays are
used for assisting in the starting function The relay is designed for a specific motor
of single phase AC motors of resistance and application. Curves of Motor Speed vs.
start, induction run; and capacitor start, Main Winding Current and Motor Speed vs.
induction run types. Generally, the size of Torque are utilized to determine the main
the motor is limited to approximately 1/3 winding current at zero speed with
HP, 120 Volts AC and 3/4 HP, 240 Volts AC. minimum expected supply voltage. This
The most common applications are value is the maximum allowable pickup
household refrigerator and freezer current of the relay. Also, the current at the
compressors, automatic dishwasher time the motor has sufficient torque to pull
motors, and automatic laundry motors. the motor up to full speed on the main
winding alone must be determined. The
Operation latter is the design minimum dropout
current of the relay and must be higher
The Current Type Motor Starting Relay than the main winding current at full motor
utilizes the changes in the main winding speed with maximum supply voltage.
current to actuate the relay contacts to
energize and de-energize the start
winding. Motor Starting or Running
See Figs 1 and 2. The contacts of the Conditions
relay are open when the motor is
stopped. When the motor accelerates Generally, the motors using current type
from zero to full load speed in the starting starting relays do not require start
process, the main winding has an initial capacitors. However, for applications
current, or inrush current, which is high where very high starting torque is required,
due to the low impedance of the motor at a start capacitor may be used.
low speed. The relay responds to this
inrush current and closes the circuit to the Run capacitors have not been extensively
start winding. As the motor accelerates to used in the past; however, in the moves to
full load speed, the current in the main improve motor efficiency, there are more
winding decreases as the back EMF run capacitors being used, especially on
increases, and the main winding current motors with PTCR starting devices.
falls below the dropout current of the
relay. At that point, as the relay drops
However, it is not recommended to apply
both a start and a run capacitor. This Gravity and contact spring force, acting on
may cause a relay contact failure due to the plunger as the current drops down
welding if one capacitor discharges during acceleration, re-opens the contacts.
through the contacts to the other. Because of this action, the relay must be
mounted in the vertical position in the
Typical Circuit Diagrams application.

Because the relay coil is in series with the

main winding of the motor, it sees the full
load current of the motor. Relays operate
on ampere-turns, and consequently with
relatively high currents, the number of coil
turns is very small compared to relay coils
intended for operation on voltage signals.
With the relay coil in series with the main
winding, the resistance of the relay coil
must be low so that it will not adversely
affect the performance of the motor. This
requires relatively large wire sizes to keep
the resistance low and to keep the
temperature rise of the coil low during the
motor running period. This resistance is
generally below 1/2 ohm.

Current Type Relays have an advantage

over thermal-resistive types such as
PTCR’s in that when the motor stops, it is
immediately ready for a re-start. No
Design Features cooling-off period is required before a re-
start can take place. It is an advantage,
The GE relays are air core, solenoid especially in appliances where the motor
actuated electromagnetic relays with may cycle frequently.
single-pole, single throw, double-break
contacts that are normally open. See Fig. Additionally, the Current Type Relay is
3. The contacts are actuated by a steel calibrated to respond to the speed and
plunger assembly. The line of action of torque characteristics of the specific motor
the solenoid is vertical. When the relay in the application allowing the motor
coil is energized, the plunger assembly is system to compensate for load variations
pulled up into the coil by magnetic action, that cause variations in the starting time.
closing the double-break electrical

g Basic Current Type Starting Relay
GE Consumer & Industrial
GE Appliance Controls


Materials used in the relay are corrosion

resistant or plated for long life in typical

Case and cover materials are selected

based on the application requirements.
General Purpose Phenolic is the standard
plastic. Melamine Phenolic material which
has a much higher CTI is available for more
severe application conditions.
Fig. 3
Electrical Contacts

PTCR type starting devices are essentially The electrical contacts are silver/cadmium
timing devices and do not recognize the oxide (Ag/CdO) composition for reliable
variations in the acceleration time of the making and breaking of the start winding
motor under varying load conditions. circuit.

Basic Model Types Terminal Options

There are three types of GE Current Type There are several options of terminal types,
Starting Relays available. All three are of depending on the particular basic model
the same solenoid actuated types. Each type (like 3ARR2, 3ARR12, and 3ARR18).
has special features for specific Quick-Connect terminals are the most
applications. commonly used. However, screw type
terminals are available on some models.
3ARR2 - Utilizes auxiliary terminals for See the specification sheet for the specific
wiring harness flexibility. model type.

3ARR12 – More cost effective for specific On some models, there are spare terminals
function. Has low and high contact rating for auxiliary connections.
For compressor applications, a “plug-in”
3ARR12P – Plugs onto motor connections version of the 3ARR12 relay is available
on compressor shells. Available in high which plugs directly onto the 3-pin
rating. terminals on the compressor shell.

3ARR18 – For heavier duty relay


Relay Internal Circuits Electrical Contact Ratings:

The most common basic internal circuit 3ARR2

configuration for current relays is a three- 20 Amps (max), 240 VAC, 60 Hz
terminal, common coil and contact circuit. 13 Amps (max), 250 VAC, 50 Hz
A four-terminal, isolated coil and contact 3ARR12
configuration is available for use when a 13 Amps (max), 277 VAC, 50/60 Hz
start capacitor is employed. 3ARR12K
26 Amps (max), 277 VAC, 50/60 Hz
Coils 3ARR12 P and W (Plug-in)
13 Amps (max), 277 VAC, 50/60 Hz
All coil windings are Class B insulation, 3ARR12 KP and KW (Plug-in)
and in combination with the case and 26 Amps (max), 277 VAC, 50/60 Hz
cover materials have an overall Class B 3ARR18
insulation rating with a maximum 30 Amps (max), 277VAC, 50/60 Hz
allowable coil temperature of 110° C
when measured by the thermocouple Approvals
All current relay model types have
A relay which is applied in a maximum 40° recognized component listings at U.L. and
C ambient is limited to a 70° C coil CSA. Some basic model types have listings
temperature rise, and a relay which is at VDE under the IEC 730-1 and –2.
applied to a compressor shell, where the
ambient temperature may be 70° C may 3ARR2, 12 U.L. File No. SA639
be limited to a 40° C coil temperature rise. 3ARR18 U.L. File No. E27551
CSA Included in U.L.
It is important for the relay application 3ARR2, 12, 18 VDE Approved
engineer to know the details of the
application requirements. General Application Considerations

Mounting The parameters and characteristics, which

must be evaluated for a satisfactory
A variety of mounting brackets and application, are:
mounting means are available depending
on the basic model type. See the 1. Motor Curves (Zero to Full Speed)
specification sheets for the basic model Max, Nom, Min Supply Volts
types for the application details. Motor Speed vs. Torque
(Starting and Running Conditions)
All relays must be mounted in a vertical Motor Speed vs. Main Winding Amps
position so that pick up and drop out are (Starting and Running Conditions)
not restricted due to friction of the
plunger rubbing on the case. 2. Contact Rating Required
(See individual specification sheets
for available contact ratings.)

3. Coil Ampere Rating (Maximum Full

Load Main Winding Current)
g GE Consumer & Industrial
GE Appliance Controls
should be examined to see if the shapes of
4. Relay Calibration the curves lend themselves to a good
If customer has determined the application.
Maximum Pickup and Minimum
Dropout current values, coil group See Figs. 4 and 5.
can be selected from tables.
These curves should be obtained from the
Otherwise, the Application motor manufacturer who generally is
Procedure (see Appendix A) may aware of the characteristics which facilitate
be followed using the Motor the application of current type starting
Curves. relays. See Figures 4 and 5 for typical main
winding current and torque vs. motor
5. Mechanical Form speed.
Basic Model Type
3ARR2 To make a good application, the curves
3ARR12 should exhibit a significant change in main
3ARR12P (Plug-In) winding current with a change in speed. If
3ARR18 the curves are "unusually straight", it is
difficult to make a good application. Since
6. Number and Type of Terminals the relay responds to changes in main
Quick Connect or Screws winding current, it is desirable to have a
Common or Isolated Coil significant change in current for a specific
change in speed.
7. Mounting Bracket Type
(Select from standard designs)

8. Ambient Temperature at Relay

Determines allowable coil heat
Typical Remote Mount - 40° C
Typical Compressor Mount – 70° C


100,000 to 500,000 operations depending

on relay type and load.

Motor Curves

Prior to beginning the procedure for

determining the functional characteristics
of the relay characteristics, the motor
curves for speed vs. main winding current

Supply (Line) Voltage.

Value of voltage at the input terminals of

the motor. Specified as “Nominal”,
“Maximum” (+ 10 %), “Minimum”
(- 15 %).

Main winding current with start winding in

the circuit.


Main winding current with start winding

out of the circuit. Motor in the “run”

Transfer Speed

Speed at which start winding is

disconnected from the circuit and motor
will pull up to normal running speed.

Crossover Speed

Speed above which the running torque

exceeds the starting torque.

Coil Current Rating

Maximum current which is applied

to the coil when the motor is at full
speed with maximum supply voltage.
Coil temperature must not exceed
allowable winding temperature.

Pickup Current

Value of current in the main winding

at which the relay picks up, energizing the
start winding.

Must be less than zero-speed current with

minimum supply voltage.

g GE Consumer & Industrial
GE Appliance Controls

Typical Motor Curves for Current Relay

Main Winding Current and Torque vs. Motor Speed

Dropout Current Other information required is the electrical
circuitry of the relay, mounting means,
Value of current in the main winding numbers and types of terminals, etc.
at which the relay drops out, de- The coil must withstand continuous main
energizing the start winding. winding current without exceeding the
allowable heat rise. Wire size can be
Must be higher than the main winding adjusted to meet the requirements. It must
current at full load speed with maximum also be of low enough resistance so that it
supply voltage. will not affect the motor performance.

Electrical Contact Rating Coils – General Information

The maximum start winding current with The only real control of the calibration of
maximum supply voltage and maximum the relay is the coil design, which is “wire
motor speed. size and number of turns”. There are only
minor adjustments to the plunger
Application Procedure assemblies which may be made . However,
the fact that normally, the only
General specifications are maximum pickup and
minimum dropout. A correct coil design is
There are various procedures used to relatively easy to make.
select the correct functional elements and
characteristics of the relay to be applied, Current Type Starting Relays involve
depending on the amount of information compromises to ensure that specific
available. The more operating performance requirements are not violated.
information available, the better. This means reviewing data and preliminary
calculations and refining them to provide
Key information required to make an optimum relay characteristics.
application is the basic model type;
3ARR2, 3ARR12, 3ARR12P, or 3ARR18. Coil Group Selection
Within the 3ARR12 type, a decision is
required as to whether the “K” version is If the customer has already determined
required for a higher electrical rating of what pickup and dropout currents are
the contacts. required, coil design selection may be
determined by a review of coil designs
A very important item of information is already on drawing, and selecting a coil
the Motor Curves that the relay will be which fits the customer specification
used with. These provide the main closely. The customer can verify its
winding current vs. motor speed, and acceptability.
torque vs. speed from zero to full speed
RPM. It is these curves which determine Each of the relay basic models has a
the pick up and drop out specifications for drawing listing all of the coils that have
the relay. been applied, along with the calibration
data, wire diameter and number of turns.

On current relays, coils are generally
GE Consumer & Industrial
GE Appliance Controls
“drop”, or “sag” in the supply voltage when
listed as “groups”. However, unlike the motor is started.
potential relays where the coil is a
separate component, the current relay For the dropout current, the dropout
coil is just wire wound around the body, or current of the relay must be higher than full
case of the relay which is already load current (motor running) of a “cold”
assembled with other functional motor with maximum expected supply
components. voltage.
Consequently, a coil group for a current
relay is a listing of the wire size, number of It also must not be so high as to take the
turns, and the pickup and dropout current start winding out of the circuit before the
values. motor has enough torque from the run
winding to bring the motor up to full speed
Calibration Specifications– From Motor after the start winding is de-energized.
Because of the nature of the design and
If a new coil design is required, samples the calibration requirements, the current
must be made and approved. relay has a rather small differential
between pickup and dropout. Normally,
If calibration characteristics are not the pickup calibration will be within 2% to
known, the Motor Curves must be used to 10% of the dropout value.
determine the correct calibration for the
application. Coil Design

The design procedure for current relay Once the pickup and dropout currents are
coils is somewhat different from that of determined from the Motor Curves,
the potential relay. reviewing the existing Coil Groups from
basic model types may yield a presently
On a current relay, when the motor is used coil group designation.
stopped, the relay contacts are open.
When the motor is energized, the relay Any coil which is selected from existing coil
must pick up and close its contacts in groups or as a new design from the Motor
order to have the start winding in the Curves must be evaluated for heat rise
circuit during the starting operation. This when the motor is running at full speed.
means that the pickup current must be The coil of the relay has main winding
less than the current in the main winding current flowing at all times the motor is
at zero motor speed. running.

The value selected must be for a hot Once the coil wire size and number of turns
motor with the minimum expected supply have been selected, the manufacturers full
voltage. Normally, a safety factor is load running current must not cause the
added to keep the relay from dropping temperature of the coil windings to exceed
out prematurely if there is a temporary the maximum allowable. If the rise is too

high, then the coil must be made with a
larger wire size to reduce resistance. Mounting Location
Only the necessary increase in wire size The relay should not be mounted in a
should be made, since larger wire sizes location where there is close proximity to
increase the bulk of the coil. The size of large pieces of magnetic material which
the coil must not be greater than the may link the magnetic flux of the relay and
dimensions of the relay. change the calibration If another location is
not possible, the calibration of the relay
Another consideration of wire size is that may be modified to compensate for the
the coil resistance should be maintained effect.
at ½ ohm or less so that it does not impair
the performance of the motor. The relay should not be located where it is
subject to severe vibration or shock which
Effects of Frequency (50/60 Hz) may alter the function.
In the case of current relays, the The relay must be mounted in a vertical
frequency of the supply does not have position since gravity is the means of
any significant effect on calibration or coil dropping out, or resetting the relay for the
rating as it does on potential relays. On next cycle. If the mounting position is not
potential relays, where the coils have vertical, the plunger will ride on the inside
many thousands of coil turns, the of the case where friction will affect the
inductive reactance makes substantial calibration of the relay.
effects on the electrical impedance of the
Mounting Brackets
coil and consequently, on the calibration
and rating.
Mounting means and brackets vary
depending on the basic model type. For
However, on current relays where there
the 3ARR12 and 3ARR18 type relays, some
are relatively few coil turns, usually 60 or
of the mounting brackets are
less, inductive reactive reactance is not a
significant factor. So it is ignored, and
relays can be used interchangeably on 50
See Appendix “B” for some typical
Hz or 60 Hz, assuming that the
mountings for the various model types.
calibrations are correct for both
applications and the motor currents are
There are applications where the customer
provides the mounting means, and no
bracket is supplied.
It should be noted that a 50 Hz , two-pole
motor has a synchronous speed of 3,000
If there are special mounting requirements
RPM, whereas a 60 Hz two-pole motor has
not covered by standard mounting means,
a synchronous speed of 3,600 RPM.
any special tooling will be the customer’s


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