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ThiefTrap – An Anti-theft Framework for Android

Chapter · January 2018

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-78813-5_9

2 1,609

3 authors, including:

Abhishek Tiwari Christian Hammer

Universität Potsdam Universität Potsdam


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ThiefTrap – An Anti-Theft Framework for

Sascha Groß, Abhishek Tiwari, and Christian Hammer

University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany


Abstract. Smartphones store a plenitude of sensitive data. This data

together with high values of smartphones make them an attractive target
for physical theft. Clearly, the device owner would like to regain the
device in such a case. Also, the information should be protected from
illegitimate access.
In this paper, we present the first anti-theft solution that effectively
handles these issues. Our proposal is based on a novel concept of an anti-
theft honeypot account that protects the owner’s data while preventing a
thief from resetting the device. Thus, a stolen device can be regained by
the device owner with high probability, while information leakage to the
thief is prevented. We implemented the proposed scheme and evaluated
it through an empirical user study with 35 participants. In this study, the
owner’s data could be protected, recovered, and anti-theft functionality
could be performed unnoticed from the thief in all cases.

Key words: anti-theft, data protection, information hiding, privacy

1 Introduction
Smartphones play a vital role in everyone’s life. Their contribution is significant
in every day to day activity. Nowadays, smartphones are used for various activi-
ties such as capturing pictures, browsing the internet, and using online banking.
However, these great advantages come at a price. If the device gets in the wrong
hands, the device owner does not only lose the device but also a great amount
of personal data. A thief getting hold of personal data and trying to exploit it
may result in fraud or blackmailing. It is of utmost importance to provide some
mechanism to protect the theft of smartphone devices and the personal data on
them. These device protection mechanisms are called anti-theft mechanisms.
At present, the smartphone market ranges from around 50 USD to 1000 USD.
Loss or theft of a phone does not only result in financial deprivation but also of
the personal data which is stored on the device. According to a study [17], the
number of stolen smartphones rose to 3.1 million in 2013. Another study [14]
reveals that victims are willing to pay 500 to 1000 USD to regain their personal
data including photos and videos.
The Android market share is continuously increasing [13] and it dominates
the smartphone market with a share of 86.8%, by the end of Q3 2016. Taking this
2 Sascha Groß et al.

into the consideration, we targeted the Android platform for the implementation
of our approach. At present, there are two possible anti-theft mechanisms:
1. Anti-theft applications: Most of the anti-theft applications provide the func-
tionality to lock the phone, erase it or triggering an alarm from remote.
Unfortunately, anti-theft applications do not work if they do not have an ac-
tive network connection e.g., if the SIM card was removed from the device.
2. Google Device Protection: Starting from Android version 5.1, Google released
a new feature called “Device Protection” [18]. This anti-theft feature makes
it impossible for a thief to use a stolen phone after it was factory reset.
However, this feature is only available for a small number of devices, which
are capable of running Android version 5.1 or greater. More than 45% of the
Android phones use a lower Android version [11].
In the majority of these cases, device owners permanently lose their smartphone
together with their personal data, which is even worse. As a remedy, we propose
a mechanism where a device owner has the option to configure an anti-theft
honeypot account, which resembles the owner’s regular account except for some
modifications. A person that is not the device owner can never distinguish in-
teracting with the anti-theft account or the real account. The anti-theft account
hides the personal data of the device owner and performs hidden anti-theft func-
tionality while the thief uses the device. One important feature of this framework
is that when the thief performs a factory reset, our approach only gives the illu-
sion that a factory reset is being done, while in reality all of the owner’s data is
preserved. After a fake factory reset the device hides the owner’s account com-
pletely but still executes the anti-theft functionality. The thief will then start
using the smartphone as a new device, unaware of anti-theft functionality ex-
ecuting in the background. It is likely that after the fake factory reset a thief
will establish an internet connection by inserting a SIM card or establishing a
WIFI connection. At this point of time the hidden anti-theft functionality can
for example send identifying information of the thief to the device owner or start
listening for remote commands from the device owner. So the device owner likely
will be able to recover the device and the personal data. The key benefit of this
approach is that it improves chances of identifying the thief and regaining the
stolen phone as well as the personal data.

Our Contributions. In this paper we propose ThiefTrap, an anti-theft framework

that uses the Android account feature as a security measure to protect against
device thieves. We are the first to use this feature in that we set up a honey-
pot account simulating the device owner’s account. Technically, we provide the
following contributions:
1. ThiefTrap. We propose ThiefTrap, a novel concept, using a honeypot account
for the purpose of theft protection. This concept is the first anti-theft solution
that at the same time protects the confidentiality of the owner’s user data,
prevents loss of this data and provides the full functionality of every anti-
theft solution. An important benefit of the proposed approach compared to
ThiefTrap 3

Fig. 1. Android Architecture [9]

existing anti-theft solutions is that a device instrumented with our approach

is indistinguishable from an ordinary device. Our approach ensures that the
device and the personal data on it can be regained with high probability.
2. Implementation. We implemented our concept in the latest version of An-
droid (7.1_r1 Nougat) of the Android Open Source Project.
3. Evaluation. We evaluated our approach in the form of an empirical user
study. Our study with 35 participants, showed that in all cases our ap-
proach prevented loss of owner’s personal data and performed the re-
quired anti-theft functionality. In the very vast majority of cases the
potential thief was completely oblivious to our approach.

2 Background

Android. Android is the world’s most popular mobile operating system. Figure
1 depicts the internal structure of Android OS.
The Android framework can be best described in the form of different layers.
The lowest layer, a customized Linux Kernel, is used for drivers and hardware
support. The subsequent hardware abstraction layer (HAL) provides a stan-
dard interface for exposing the hardware capabilities to the higher-level Android
frameworks. HAL implementations are built into shared library modules (.so
4 Sascha Groß et al.

Android applications are compiled to a specific bytecode format (DEX) de-

signed specially for Android. The Android runtime (ART) provides a Dalvik
virtual machine, which is similar to the standard Java virtual machine, but de-
signed and optimized for Android.
The Android framework layer provides many higher-level services in the form
of an API to the Application layer. These APIs act as the building blocks to
create Android applications. Application developers utilize these APIs in their
applications. Most of our changes are implemented in this layer.
The topmost layer, the application layer, provides different applications to
be used by end users, such as alarms, browser, calculator etc. Google provides
a central store, for developers to publish their applications, called the Google
play store. As of December 2016, the Google play store included over 2.5 million
Anti-theft Mechanisms. Anti-theft mechanisms are supposed to prevent
device theft or mitigate the damage in case a device gets stolen or is lost. One
kind of anti-theft solutions tracks information of the device after it was stolen and
provides the information to the device owner. Several anti-theft solutions rely on
providing location information and remote administration functionality to the
device owner. Some of them also provide the possibility to recover personal data
or remotely wipe the device. At present, there are two options for Android owners
to protect their device against theft. The first option is to use the Android device
theft protection feature (available for devices capable of supporting Android
version greater than 5.0). The second option is to use an third party anti-theft
– Android built-in anti-theft mechanisms: Starting from Android version 5.1,
Google released a new feature called ”Android Device Protection” [26, 18].
This anti-theft feature prevents a thief from using a stolen phone that has been
wiped. However, more than 45% of the Android phones use a lower Android
version [11]. In addition, this feature will not work without a proper setup.
For example, the user needs to log into a Google account on the device. Then,
if a device supports this feature, Android Device Protection is enabled as soon
as the user enables a locking mechanism. Figure 2 explains the activation of
this feature while enabling a device locking mechanism.
After a factory reset, Android Device Protection requires the user to enter
the Google account credentials on which the device was previously configured.
This renders the device unusable to the thief even after a factory reset was
performed. However, an unlocked bootloader still allows to flash a binary on
the device, thus this feature is not available for devices with an unlocked
– Anti-theft Applications: There is a multitude of third-party anti-theft appli-
cations available in the app stores. These applications provide features like
locating the device, remotely administrating the device etc.
The anti-theft features of these applications heavily rely on a network connec-
tion. These applications are mostly not functional if the SIM card was removed
from the device. A thief is likely to remove the SIM card from a stolen de-
ThiefTrap 5

Fig. 2. The Android Device Protection feature [26]

vice and to turn it off, such that the device loses its network connections.
Later, in order to reconfigure the device as new, a thief is likely to perform a
factory reset, so the anti-theft application is removed from the device, leav-
ing it unprotected. Additionally, the personal data of the device owner is lost

3 Methodology

When a device is stolen there are two possibilities depending on whether the
device is protected by a locking mechanism or not. In case the device is not
protected by a locking mechanism, a thief immediately has unlimited access to
the device owner’s data and may result in abuse of the user data on the device
(e.g. credentials) to inflict further harm to the device owner. If the device is
locked, it is of no use to the thief as long as the locking mechanism is in place.
For this reason it is likely that the thief will factory reset the device, in which
case all user data on the device is ultimately lost. Modern smartphones store a
lot of valuable private data. Additionally, installed anti-theft applications will be
removed from the device so chances are minimal that the device can be retrieved
by the device owner. Both of these scenarios are unsatisfying. Therefore, there
exists a need for a solution that protects the confidentiality of the user data,
while it prevents the device from being factory reset illegitimately. In this work
we propose the first approach that can protect the confidentiality of the device
owner’s user data, while preventing a thief from factory resetting the device and
thus removing installed anti-theft applications.
6 Sascha Groß et al.

Fig. 3. Workflow of a device instrumented by ThiefTrap

We propose the concept of a honeypot account for theft protection. We lever-

age the Android guest account feature to implement the honeypot account. An-
droid’s multi-account feature was introduced in Android version 4.2. According
to statistics provided by Google [12] , this feature is supported by 95.8% of de-
vices. The idea of this concept is that it pretends to be the account of the device
owner, while it actually is an isolated honeypot account and prevents any access
to the user data of the device owner. A thief logging into the device using the
home button or power on button, is logged into the honeypot account, which
pretends to be the device owner’s account. Therefore the honeypot account tricks
a thief into believing that he/she is interacting with an unprotected device in
an ordinary way, while actually interacting with the honeypot account. The de-
vice owner can log into the real account using a hidden mechanism e.g., using
fingerprint lock. This mechanism can be configured by the device owner.
Using the proposed concept of a honeypot account, the privacy of the user
data is protected. At the same time, in our approach a factory reset initiated
from the honeypot account is simulated s.t. the thief believes that the factory
reset is being performed, while in reality the owner’s data is preserved. After
this simulated factory reset, the thief is presented a new account as expected.
ThiefTrap 7

However, this new account is a customized honeypot account, which runs an anti-
theft mechanism in the background hidden from the thief. The great strength
of this concept becomes notable when it is combined with existing anti-theft
solutions. As the device owner knows that a honeypot account is installed on
the phone, he/she will not log into the honeypot account of that device. For this
reason it is likely that a user interacting with the honeypot account for some
time is not authorised to do so. Therefore, in our approach an anti-theft solution
is installed and will be triggered whenever an user interacts with the honeypot
account for some time. This anti-theft solution can then for example collect data
of the thief and send them to the device owner, who can use them for regaining
the device. Figure 3 shows the described workflow.
We would like to stress that there exist numerous ways to implement the
concept of an anti-theft honeypot-account on various platforms. We choose to
implement our approach on the Android operating system. We use the uncus-
tomized version 7.1_r1 from the Android Open Source Project [10]. At the time
of this writing, Android is the most used mobile operating system with over 1.4
billion devices in usage and version 7.1_r1 is the latest version of Android.

3.1 HoneyPot Account, A Simulation of the Owner’s Account

The honeypot account is an Android’s empty guest account with some modifi-
cations. The idea of the honeypot account is to deceive the thief into the belief
that he/she is interacting on the real account. Therefore, it is important to pro-
vide the illusion of user data in the honeypot account. In principle any concept
for simulating user data can be used. In our approach, the applications in the
honeypot account are protected by an application called AppLock 1 . AppLock
is an ordinary Android application that protects other Android applications by
a locking pattern. So, every access to an app is protected by a locking pattern.
The thief is under the illusion that there is some data on the device, and it is
protected. This step is necessary to convince the thief that the owner’s account is
being used with some defense mechanism installed. Figure 4 shows the AppLock
functionality. This simulates the owner’s account, while it frustrates the thief
and tricks him/her into performing a factory reset.
It should be mentioned that the mechanism of simulating the owner’s user
data is independent of the concept of a honeypot anti-theft account. An alterna-
tive would be to define some plausible but fake data that is presented whenever
applications are opened in the honeypot account.
In the case of a theft, all interactions will inevitably be performed in the
honeypot account. In this case, the device should be modified in a way such that
it executes anti-theft functionality in the background. It is open to the users and
deployers of our techniques to customize the functionality of the anti-theft ap-
plication. Possible functionalities for an anti-theft application here would be the
collection of information of the device and the thief, remote backup functionali-
ties as well as other remote administration functionalities that can be performed
8 Sascha Groß et al.

(a) AppLock protect- (b) AppLock privacy (c) AppLock privacy

ing the Gallery appli- setting setting

Fig. 4. AppLock protection

hidden from the thief. In our scenario, we implemented the anti-theft application
as an Android application that silently tracks and logs the device location.

3.2 Instrumentations

When a device is stolen, chances are high that a factory reset is performed. This
is usually done to make the device more usable, and to destroy any evidence of
theft. A device can either be factory reset via the Android menu or by pressing a
special key combination during the boot procedure. In order to save the owner’s
data and keep track of the thief, the factory reset is faked in both cases. This
means that the device shows a realistic simulation of a factory reset and presents
an empty account after the fake factory reset. The thief is in the illusion that
all potential tracking mechanisms are removed and the device can now be use in
an ordinary manner. Use of the device now inevitably stores the thief’s personal
information, which will be forwarded by the installed anti-theft application to
the device owner.
We implemented the simulation of a factory reset for both mechanisms by
instrumenting the Android source code. For preventing the factory reset from
the Android settings menu, we instrumented the RecoverySystem2 and
RecoverySystemService3 classes in such a way that when a user triggers the
factory reset, the device shows the default factory reset animation for a re-
alistic amount of time. We instrument the rebootWipeUserData function in
RecoverySystem.java2 file. In this function, a call to the bootCommand func-
tion is made. One of the arguments of the bootCommand function, specifies the
ThiefTrap 9

intent of operation e.g., –wipe_data is used to wipe the data partition. Techni-
cally, when a factory reset is triggered from the honeypot account, we substitute
the argument –wipe_data by –wipe_cache. This prevents the removal of the user
data. Wiping the cache only removes the temporary saved files, e.g., temporary
browser files. Thus, it does not affect the device owner in a negative way. Ad-
ditionally for preventing data loss in case of a factory reset that was triggered
during the boot process, we instrumented the recovery system4 .
During the reset, we programmatically remove the AppLock application. We
instrument the setupOrClearBcb function in the RecoverySystemService.java file
to achieve this. Since the honeypot account does not have any data, an empty
account is presented to the user, that is functionally equal to a factory reset
When a thief has logged into the honeypot account and potentially "factory
reset" the device (which was simulated by our instrumentation), tracking infor-
mation should be collected and forwarded to the device owner. In our approach,
this is done by an anti-theft application. It is obvious that a thief should not
notice that an anti-theft application is gathering information or even notice that
it is installed. For this reason, in the honeypot account, the used anti-theft ap-
plication is hidden from the list of installed applications in the settings menu
as well as in the Android launcher. In Android there exist places where users
can list the installed applications e.g., the Android Launcher and the settings
menu in the category "Apps". We have instrumented these5 such that the in-
stalled anti-theft application is hidden from a potential thief, and there are no
possible traces of any installed anti-theft application anymore. For example, in
the ManageApplications.java5 file, we instrument the onRebuildComplete func-
tion such that the anti-theft application is removed from the list of displayed

4 Evaluation
4.1 Evaluation Criteria

For evaluating our approach we determined a set of evaluation criteria that each
determines the quality of one central aspect of our approach. We identified the
following set of evaluation criteria (EvCrit) that together verify our approach:
EvCrit 1 - Simulating Factory Reset The first advantage of our approach
is that it prevents a thief from performing a factory reset on the stolen device.
This has two major benefits: First, it prevents the highly valuable personal user
data from being deleted. Second, it prevents an installed anti-theft application
from being uninstalled. During the evaluation we encouraged the participants to
factory reset the device by every way they know. Each time after a participant
/bootable/recovery/device.cpp, /bootable/recovery/recovery.cpp
/packages/apps/Launcher2/src/com/android/launcher2/AllAppsList.java, /pack-
10 Sascha Groß et al.

finished the study, we checked whether any of the device owner’s data had been
deleted (e.g. by the factory reset).
EvCrit 2 - Successfully Executing the Anti-theft Application The
second advantage of our approach over every other approach is that it enables
the device owner to execute an anti-theft application while the device is used by
the thief. For each participant we checked whether an installed anti-theft solution
was successfully executed while the participant interacted with the device and
even after a "fake" factory reset.
EvCrit 3 - Indistinguishability from an Uninstrumented Device A
central property of our approach is that a thief should never notice that he/she
is interacting with an instrumented device. More precise: our device should be
indistinguishable from a regular stock device. For this reason we checked for both
of our instrumentations whether any of them was detected by the participants.
This implies the following sub-evaluation criteria:
EvCrit 3a - Hiding the Faking of the Factory Reset As mentioned,
during the study we motivated the participants to perform a factory reset. For
every participant that performed the factory reset, we checked whether he/she
was convinced that the factory reset was actually performed or experienced any
irregularities (hints on the faking of factory reset).
EvCrit 3b - Hiding the Anti-theft Application, Running in the
Background While a potential thief interacts with the device it is crucial that
there are no traces of running anti-theft applications. For this reason we mo-
tivated the participants to note every protection mechanism installed on the
device. We asked them whether the device can be used by a thief after a factory
reset (implicitly asking for the presence of an installed anti-theft application)
and motivated every participant to note every observed irregularity. As an eval-
uation for this subcriteria we inspect the number of participants that expressed
by any means the presence of an installed anti-theft application.

4.2 Evaluation Procedure

We performed the evaluation in the form of an empirical user study. In this user
study we gave each participant a Nexus 6P device that was instrumented by the
implementation of ThiefTrap. As in production, our approach would be combined
with any authentication mechanism for account switching, we could evaluate our
approach on the main account of the device without loss of validity. Additionally,
an anti-theft tracking application was installed on the device that continuously
tracked the device location. Together with this smartphone, we handed out a
questionnaire that asked several questions about the user’s opinion of the phone.
The participants were given 60 minutes time to complete the questionnaire.
In total we evaluated the answers of 35 participants. All of the participants
were either students or university graduates. The majority of the participants
were Master students, while also some PhD students and Bachelor students par-
ticipated. While the participants studied various disciplines, the biggest group
studied computer science or some computer science related studies (12 partici-
pants). One of the requirement to participate in the study was to have precise
ThiefTrap 11

knowledge of the Android OS. We verified this via oral inquiry. The survey
participant’s knowledge ranged from average to expert.

4.3 Results

For each participant, we performed the described evaluation procedure and eval-
uated the answers for the mentioned questions. We inspected the device state
as additional evaluation results. In the following we will discuss each of the
mentioned evaluation criteria:
EvCrit 1 - Simulating Factory Reset We checked for every participant
that performed the factory reset (21 out of 35) that the factory reset did not
lead to a loss of any user data. The participants triggered the factory reset via
the settings menu from within the operating system, as well as during the boot
process via a special key combination. In all inspected cases the deletion of user
data had been prevented.
EvCrit 2 - Successfully Executing the Anti-theft Application To
evaluate whether the installed anti-theft application was successfully executed in
the background, we implemented an anti-theft tracking application that tracked
the location of the device. For every participant we checked whether the anti-
theft application was executed and whether it successfully tracked the device
during the study. The installed anti-theft application was successfully executed in
every case independent of the user interaction. This result proves the robustness
of our approach. It should be stressed that our approach is independent from the
used anti-theft application. Instead of the used tracking anti-theft application
every possible anti-theft application can be silently executed using our approach.
EvCrit 3 - Indistinguishability from an Uninstrumented Device As
described, we enquired for the both places where participants could potentially
detect the instrumentation, whether we successfully hide the instrumentation
from the users.
EvCrit 3a - Hiding the Faking of the Factory Reset For evaluating
whether we could convince the participants that a factory reset was actually
performed (while in reality it is just faked) we asked the following question to
the participants: "Do you think, it is possible for this person [a malicious person
e.g. a thief ] to completely reset the phone, in order to wipe all the owner’s data,
e.g. to sell the phone?"
20 of the participants answered that they were able to perform a regular
factory reset and so the device can be used by a thief. 11 participants answered
that they were not able to factory reset the device as they did not know how to
do it, but persons with more technical knowledge can (or could potentially) reset
the device. 3 participants answered that it would not be possible to factory reset
the device. When orally asked about their answers after the study, all of the
participants answered that they did not know that the possibility of a factory
reset exists.
One participant was not convinced of the factory reset. Due to limitations
of the used AppLock application, this participant managed to access the apps
before the factory reset. Thus he detected the inconsistency after the factory
12 Sascha Groß et al.

reset and was not convinced of the factory reset. This problem was not caused
by our factory reset instrumentation but, by an implementation flaw of the used
locking application. We would like to stress that the locking application is not
part of our scientific contribution, but a tool we used in order to deceive a thief
to believe that he/she is interacting with the real user account of the device
owner. This mechanism can be replaced by every other mechanism or application
that fulfills this requirement (e.g. simply filling the honeypot account with fake
EvCrit 3b - Hiding the Anti-theft Application, Running in the
Background A core feature of our approach is to hide the existence of an
installed anti-theft solution. It is necessary that a thief is not aware that an
anti-theft application is running on the device (even after triggering the factory
reset). For this reason, we directly asked in the questionnaire whether the study
participants were able to detect any protection mechanism in the device ("Do you
think that there is a protection mechanism installed to protect the user’s data?
Please explain.") In their responses to this question the 33 out of 35 asked par-
ticipants answered that the only protection mechanism that is used in the device
is the locking application. One participant answered that there is no protection
mechanism used. Due to the mentioned limitations of the AppLock app, it was
possible for one participant to disable the AppLock app, and enter the protected
applications. This participant found these applications empty and implied that
there is a second protection mechanism present. First, it should be stressed that
he did not imply that there is an anti-theft solution running. Second, the mech-
anism that simulates the owner’s account is not part of our contribution and
can be substituted by any other mechanism (e.g. another locking application,
operating system instrumentations or simply filling the honeypot account with
fake data).
Lastly, we provided space in the questionnaire to the participants where they
could provide additional comments. We encouraged the participants to note
every unusual observation. None of the participants noted that they observed an
anti-theft application, tracking application or similar application running in the
To summarize the evaluation results, we found every evaluation criteria very
satisfactory fulfilled. Evaluation criteria 1 and 2 were fulfilled in every case.
For evaluation criteria 3a just one participant out of 35 did recognized the fake
factory reset. For evaluation criteria 3b only one out of 35 participants implied
that another protection mechanism is in use while he did not detected the anti-
theft application. Both of these cases were caused by an implementation flaw of
the used locking application. As mentioned, this locking application is not part
of our contribution and can be substituted by any other protection mechanism.

5 Discussion
The proposed concept of an anti-theft honeypot account is novel. It provides a
combination of valuable security properties that are not given by any existing
ThiefTrap 13

approach. These security properties are the maintenance of user data (preventing
user data from being deleted), the confidentiality of user data (preventing a
thief with physical access to the device from reading out user data) and the
accessibility of the device (enabling any remote access mechanism for the owner
while the device is physically under the control of the thief). While there exist
various anti-theft solutions, none of them can fulfill all of these properties.
An important benefit of the proposed approach compared to existing anti-
theft solutions is that a device instrumented with our approach is indistinguish-
able from an ordinary device. A thief can never tell whether he/she has stolen
an ordinary device or a device instrumented with the anti-theft honeypot ac-
count. Studies [6] have shown that 34 % of Android devices are not protected
by a locking mechanism, so there is no way for a thief to determine whether our
mechanism is used or not. Also a noticeable proportion of devices are protected
by the app locking mechanism that we use to protect user app data initially. So
from the existence of a locking app, a thief can never imply the existence of an
anti-theft honeypot account. Another aspect that plays a role in this matter is
the flexibility of our approach. A locking app is just one mechanism for faking
the honeypot account. An alternative for future work is the creation of fake user
data. This data will then simulate the user data of the owner, while protecting
his privacy. This data can be created either by the deployers of the anti-theft
honeypot account, the users or both of them in cooperation.
Device theft is a serious problem with a rapidly growing number of reported
cases. Studies [14] reported that in 2013 more than 3 million devices have been
stolen. For this reason Google has taken steps to mitigate damage in case of a
device theft. The two most important measures to mention here are the Android
Device Protection mechanism [8] and anti-theft functionalities within the An-
droid Device Manager [7]. The Android Device Protection mechanism requires
that after a factory reset, a user logs into the device with the credentials of his
primary Google Account. As a thief can not know these credentials, even after a
factory reset, the stolen phone is of no use. The Android Device Manager can be
used to track a phone and to remotely wipe. Compared with the combined usage
of these two native Android tools, our approach has two advantages: First, it
prevents the deletion of user data. Nowadays, a plenitude of valuable user data
is stored on modern smartphones. In the vast majority of cases, the user data
on such phones is hard to recover or even irreplaceable. In contrast to the men-
tioned Android tools, our approach can prevent the loss of this data. The second
advantage is that any anti-theft application and functionality can be executed
while the device is stolen. In contrast, the Android Device Manager just supports
tracking and wiping functionalities.
Physical access to a device enables a number of novel attacks, so called hard-
ware based attacks. In the context of Android smartphones prominent examples
of these attacks are that by Cannon and Bradford [4] and the work of Ossmann
and Osborn [16]. Cannon and Bradford used a so called white card, a special
SIM card that authorizes flashing of a custom ROM on a device. Among others,
from such a ROM it is possible to read out user data. Also Ossmann and Osborn
14 Sascha Groß et al.

proposed a hardware based attack with which it is possible to read out user data.
By connecting to the Micro USB connector via UART with TTL logic they could
connect to an integrated debugger, which enabled them to activate the Android
Debugging Bridge functionality and so gain access to the device. Relating to
our work it should be mentioned that in principle such hardware attacks might
also be possible on devices with our instrumentations in place. Still, it should be
stressed that hardware attacks like these require expert knowledge of the used
hardware technologies and an existing vulnerability in the smartphone device.
It is unlikely that both of these factors apply in the average case of a stolen
device and so the impact of hardware based attacks on our proposed approach
is negligible.
Another factor that should be discussed in the context of hardware attacks
is the confidentiality of user data saved on a SD card in the device. While the
AppLocking mechanism protects the confidentiality of user data on the SD card
from access within the smartphone, the SD card can also be extracted from the
device and read within another device. To protect the confidentiality of user data
in this scenario it is necessary to encrypt the content of the SD card. Such an
encryption of the SD card is orthogonal to our approach and can be implemented
as completion to this approach.
We implemented our changes into the AOSP (Android Open Source Project).
Additionally, our changes are portable, generic and thus can be easily integrated
with every vendor specific build.
The usability of a device instrumented with our approach may differ from
the normal device in terms of logging into the real account. For devices with
a fingerprint scanner, the usability is not affected because the login procedure
to the real account is equal to an ordinary login. Devices without a fingerprint
scanner will require users to enter a pattern in the Honeypot account. This
pattern can be configured by users. It is similar to unlocking a device using a
pattern or a PIN. Hence, the usability impact is negligible.
Lastly, we would like to stress the flexibility of this approach. The concept
of an anti-theft honeypot account can be applied orthogonally to any existing
anti-theft mechanism. The honeypot account is responsible for protecting the
user data while simultaneously any anti-theft mechanism is implemented. The
benefit of the proposed concept is that in contrast to other approaches where a
thief will quickly factory reset the device, in this approach it is likely that he/she
will even establish an internet connection and so enabling the remote access for
the installed anti-theft solution.

6 Related Work

While the idea of a honeypot account for theft protection is novel, there has been
extensive research in other theft protection mechanisms in Android. In case of a
theft it is likely that a potential thief will remove the SIM card from the device
and factory reset it. At the time of this writing, no existing anti-theft mechanism
ThiefTrap 15

can protect the user’s privacy, maintain his data and keep good chances that the
device will be found again at the same time.
Dhanu et al. [21] created a software for theft protection. After the theft
protection software was installed and configured, it waited for a replacement
of the SIM card. Once the SIM card was replaced, it started collecting video
material, location information, and sent them via MMS to a phone number
previously configured by the device owner.
Also Ajay Shetty [20] proposed an anti theft software that was triggered by
a replacement of the SIM card. Whenever this event occurred, the software sent
a notification SMS to a preconfigured number. From that point of time, it was
possible for the device owner to retrieve the current location of the device via a
SMS request.
Chouhan et al. [5] created a theft protection software in the form of a web
based remote administration tool. Over a web interface the device owner could
request the current location of the device. The software also enabled the device
owner to record voices of the thief, wipe his/her private data and read the web
history from the thief. In addition, the software notified the device owner about
replacements of the SIM card.
The work of Al Rassan and Al Sheikh [1] proposed an anti-theft system
that was supported by SMS. After being activated by a specially crafted SMS,
an application, that was previously installed on the stolen phone could either
broadcast its location or lock personal data that was stored on the phone. This
data included media and log files, as well as SMS and MMS records.
Kuppusamy et al. [15] proposed a system for theft protection that could also
be used as simple remote administration tool. Via SMS messages it was possible
to locate the device, erase critical data, trace calls, manage incoming SMS and
system access.
Yu et al. [27] proposed a system for remotely wiping stolen phones. This
system worked in a way that a device owner could register his/her phone at the
emergency call service provider. He could now from any point of time report the
phone as stolen to the emergency call service provider. Additionally a background
application was installed on the phone. Whenever the SIM card of the phone
was removed, the application sent a wipe request to the emergency call service
provider. If the device was stolen, the emergency call service provider answers
this request with a modified call declined request, after which the phone would be
wiped by the application. This scheme had the benefit that it neither requires a
WIFI connection, nor an inserted SIM card to trigger the device wiping. However,
the personal data and device was lost.
In all of the mentioned work, the thief has initial access to the user data
until the anti-theft mechanism is triggered either automatically after a certain
event occurs or manually by the device owner. The even more severe limitation
of the mentioned approaches is that none of them prevents resetting the device.
For this reason in each of this work, after the thief has triggered a factory reset,
the anti-theft mechanisms are deleted and there are no chances that the device
owner can regain his/her device.
16 Sascha Groß et al.

Apart from academic work, there exist commercial solutions for locating and
securing a lost or stolen device. Examples for these products are Apple’s "Find
My Device" [2], Avast’s "Free Mobile Security" [3] or Symantec’s "Norton Anti-
Theft" [24]. These solutions can lock the device, locate it and provide additional
functionality for mitigating damage in case of loss or theft. Additionally to the
limitations mentioned previously, these solutions suffer from permission restric-
tions that are imposed by the Android Security Model. These restrictions lead to
severe flaws. This insight is supported by the work of Simon and Anderson [22]
that have examined various mobile anti-virus solutions for Android. They discov-
ered failures in the implementation of the remote lock and wipe functionalities
of these applications. Beside the restrictions imposed by the Android Security
Model, they see the reasons for these flaws in certain vendor customizations.
Markus Schneider [19] developed a password manager that uses a similar
approach for another domain. This password manager returns fake password
information when a wrong master password is used.
Srinivasan and Wu [23] proposed a mechanism that primarily prevented the
smartphone from being turned off or being silenced in case of a theft. This
approach was implemented by protecting the called functionality with passwords.
Additionally, their proposed mechanism could wipe the device after a certain
amount of failed password guesses. They rely on a password for preventing the
thief accessing sensitive data. This measure is good for protecting the user’s
privacy but will at the same time trigger the thief to factory reset the device.
After the factory reset, the anti theft mechanism will be deleted and there will
be no chances for the owner to regain his/her device.
Another approach for protecting the privacy of user data in the case of a
device theft was proposed by Tang et al. [25]. In their approach sensitive user
data was encrypted and saved in the cloud. Their goal was to minimize the
amount of sensitive data that was stored on the phone. The access to this cloud
storage could now be restricted by any means, such as access rate limits, complete
blocking as soon as the device was reported stolen and logging access. This
approach focuses on protecting sensitive data of the user. Unfortunately, it could
not help the owner regain his/her device.

7 Conclusion and Future Work

In this work we have proposed ThiefTrap, a novel concept using a honeypot
account for the purpose of theft protection. Using this concept it is possible to
protect sensitive user data while retaining high chances to regain the device.
Our novel approach is the first that can achieve this combination of desired
properties. We implemented our approach as modifications on the latest version
of the Android operating system, the most used operating system in mobile
devices at the time of this writing. Based on this implementation we successfully
evaluated our approach in an empirical user study including 35 participants.
The results of our study show that for a user it is not possible to distinguish the
honeypot account from a regular unlocked device. Additionally we could retrieve
ThiefTrap 17

information of the participants that in a real world application could be used to

regain the device. It should be mentioned that the proposed concept is universal
and can be customized on various scenarios and platforms.
While this approach is an important step in the development of anti-theft
mechanisms, it can be further extended in the future. Potential extensions in-
clude the protection of alternative storages of private user data, such as the SIM
card and the device settings. In our approach, these storages were excluded, as
the SIM card is rarely used today for storing personal information and the device
settings do not contain highly sensitive information. Still, there are some users
that would like also to protect these places. A further point of future work is the
creation of alternative mechanisms that simulate the owner’s account data from
within the honeypot account. These mechanisms can include the automatic or
semi-automatic generation of fake data.

This work was supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and
Research (BMBF) through the project SmartPriv (16KIS0760).

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