CAPE Communication Studies 2016 P1 (Examiner's Script)
CAPE Communication Studies 2016 P1 (Examiner's Script)
CAPE Communication Studies 2016 P1 (Examiner's Script)
Paper 01
30 minutes
Items 1-7 constitute Section A of this paper. They are based on a poem, which I will read
to you. You will be given two minutes to look at the items before you listen to the poem.
Then I will read the poem to you twice.
You are required to listen carefully to the poem before answering the items. You may make
notes while you listen to the reading. You must NOT begin to answer the items until you are
told to do so.
You are required to respond to the items on your answer sheet by selecting the correct
option from the four options lettered A-D.
Now listen carefully while I read this poem twice. Remember, you may make notes
as I read.
4. Read the following poem twice at normal reading pace. (DO NOT dictate the poem for candidates
to write.)
Departure Lounge
Each time
we die a little.
When we are young
These moments devastate.
Mervyn Morris
5. After you have read the poem the first time, pause for a few seconds and then say to the candidates:
6. After you have read the poem a second time, pause for a few seconds and then say to the candidates:
You have 90 minutes to answer all the items on Paper 01. When you are finished answering those
items which are based on this poem, go straight to Section B and answer Items 8-45. Do not wait
for any further instructions. The invigilator will tell you when the last 15 minutes are left.
8. Seventy-five minutes later, tell candidates that they have 15 minutes left.
9. Fifteen minutes later, at the end of the allotted 90 minutes, collect all papers and dismiss the
02114040/CAPE 2016-ES