Linguistics MCQs by Sajjad Haider (Part 1)
1. According to Hinduism, language came from
a. Sarasvati
b. Brahma
c. Vishnu
d. Ishvara
. Language might be started by the imitation of sounds which
early men and women heard around them. This describes
a. Ye-heave-ho theory
b. Bow-wow theory
c. Oral-gesture theory
d. Divine source theory
. The sounds of a person involved in physical effort could be the
source of our language describes
e. Ye-heave-ho theory
f. Bow-wow theory
g. Oral-gesture theory
h. Divine source theory
. The biological basis of formation and development of human
language is called
a. Glossogentics
b. Biogenetics
c. Physogenitcs
d. Morphology
Sajjad Haider (SSE English) Head Teacher MC Eid Gah Gojra Cell# 0313896218
03215261899 Page 1. Human beings can talk about their present, past and future.
This property of language is called
a. Duality
b. Arbitrariness
c. Displacement
d. Productivity
. There is no connection between a linguistic form and its
meaning describes
e. Duality
f. Arbitrariness
g. Displacement
h. Productivity
. We can utter new and novel words and sentences but animal
can’t. It describes which property?
i. Duality
j. Arbitrariness
k. Displacement
I. Productivity
. “A little change in the sound can change the meaning
describes which property of human language?
a. Duality
b. Displacement
c. Discreetness
d. Cultural Transmission
Sajjad Haider (SSE English) Head Teacher MC Eid Gah Gojra Cell# 0313896218
03215261899 Page 2. The general study of characteristics of speech sounds is
. Phonetics
. Phonology
. Articulatory Phonetics
. Auditory Phonetics
. Acoustic Phonetics
0. The study of movement of speech organs in articulation
of speech or the study of how the speech sounds are made
is called
f. Phonetics
g. Phonology
h, Articulatory Phonetics
i. Auditory Phonetics
j. Acoustic Phonetics
11. The study of physical properties of a language is called
k. Phonetics
I. Phonology
m.Articulatory Phonetics
n. Auditory Phonetics
0. Acoustic Phonetics
Sajjad Haider (SSE English) Head Teacher MC Eid Gah Gojra Cell# 0313896218
03215261899 Page 312. The study of perceptions of speech sounds is called
p. Phonetics
q. Phonology
r. Articulatory Phonetics
s. Auditory Phonetics
t. Acoustic Phonetics
13. The study of sounds involving speaker’ s identification
and analysis of recorded utterances is called
u. Forensic phonetics
v. Acoustic Phonetics
w. Articulatory Phonetics
x. Auditory Phonetics
14. When the vocal cords are spread apart and the air from
the lungs passes between them unimpeded(without any
stoppage) the sound is called
a. Unvoiced
b. Voiceless
c. Both
d. Voiced
15. When there is some vibration in vocal cord while
producing sound, the sound will be
a. Voiced
b. Unvoiced
c. Voiceless
d. None
Sajjad Haider (SSE English) Head Teacher MC Eid Gah Gojra Cell# 0313896218
03215261899 Page 416. There are total sounds in English Language
a. 42
b. 44
c. 46
d. 48
17. Total number of vowel and consonant sounds in English
a. 24, 20
b. 20, 24
c. 22,22
d.19, 25
18. The sounds in English language are classified as Bilabials,
Dentals, Alveolar etc it is according to their
a. Place of Articulation
b. Manner of Articulation
c. Both
d. None
19. The sounds which are formed using both upper and lower
lips (/m/, /b/,/w/) are called
a. ials
b. Labiodentals
c. Dentals
d. Alveolar
Sajjad Haider (SSE English) Head Teacher MC Eid Gah Gojra Cell# 0313896218
03215261899 Page 520. /f/ and /v/ are
e. Bilabials
f. Labiodentals
g. Dentals
h. Alveolar
21. The sounds formed with tongue tip behind(between) the
upper front teeth (6, 6] are called
i. Bilabials
j. Labiodentals
k, Dentals (interdentals)
|. Alveolar
22. /t/, /d/, /s/, /n/ ad /z/ are called because they
are pronounced with the front part of the tongue on the
alveolar ridge.
m. Bilabials
n. Labiodentals
o. Dentals
p. Alveolar
23. /k/ and /g/ are called
q. Bilabials
r. Velars
s. Dentals
t. Alveolar
Sajjad Haider (SSE English) Head Teacher MC Eid Gah Gojra Cell# 0313896218
03215261899 Page 624. There a sound that is produced without the active use of
the tongue and the other parts of the mouth. What is it
u. Bilabials
v. Velar
w. Glottal
x. Alveolar
25. IPA stands for
a. International Phonetic Association(Alphabet )
b. International Phonetic Authority
c. International Phonetic Academy
d. International Phonic Association
26. The consonants sounds resulting from a blocking effect
on air stream is called
a. Nasals
b. Affricates
c. Fricatives
d. Plosives or Stops
27. /p/, /b/, /t/, /d/,/k/ and /g/ are 6
a. Plosives
b. Nasals
c. Liquids
d. Fricatives
Sajjad Haider (SSE English) Head Teacher MC Eid Gah Gojra Cell# 0313896218
03215261899 Page 728. The consonants having the air push through the narrow
opening are called
e. Plosives
f. Nasals
g. Liquids
h. Fricatives
29. Find the examples of Affricates
a. /m/, /n/,/b/
b. /f/,/v/
c. /6/, /8/
d. Afia3!
30. /m/, /n/ and /f/ are called. _ consonants.
i. Plosive
j. Nasal
k. Liquid
|. Fricative
Sajjad Haider (SSE English) Head Teacher MC Eid Gah Gojra Cell# 0313896218
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