Need of Bhagavad Gita Concepts in The PR
Need of Bhagavad Gita Concepts in The PR
Need of Bhagavad Gita Concepts in The PR
Abstract dead, and where the yogi dwells in the calm and
Our academia is familiar with the educational ceaseless contemplation, while his body and mind
theories and thoughts developed in the West. are actively employed in discharging the duties that
However, we have inadequate information about our fall to his lot in life.' The real meaning of education
own historical and cultural thoughts in relation to
is to impart knowledge. True education would
education, despite their importance and
comprehensiveness. In the Bhagavad Gita, I noticed provide children not only an intellectual
that some of the basic components of educational stimulation, but also a real purpose in life. The
philosophy are present. Among the various aspects of Bhagavad Gita is the Holy Grail of education
educational thoughts, this paper deals with the because it is the essence of all doctrines and
interpretation of the meaning of education that can be philosophies. It is providing the purest knowledge
found in the Bhagavad Gita. Interpretation of a and gives direct understanding of the self
comprehensive meaning of education consisted within realization.
the Bhagavad Gita can contribute to inspire Metaphysics of Gita
academicians to look behind the curtain of history for
The important metaphysical point of teaching in
searching valuable knowledge. It can also provide
some basis for comparative study of educational Gita is being. Gita advocates of the unreal there is
philosophy in the East and the West. From no being and of the real there is no non-being. The
methodological perspective, this paper is a product of soul is eternal, unborn, industructible,
an Arts-based hermeneutical interpretation of a undiminishing, all-pervasive, unthinkable, and
historical scripture that has established interesting immutable, unmanifest. Soul cannot be killed by
links to cultural practice, personal experiences and sword, it cannot be diminished or destroyed by fire,
feelings of the author. Bhagavad Gita is one of the air or rain. Neither soul is born nor it dies it is out
most popular books of Hindu: Holy Gita is considered and out immortal and everlasting. He, who find the
to be the greatest contributions of India to the World.
ultimate reality seated equally in all beings and un-
In the present research paper, the researcher has
attempted to find the effect and implication of perishing with the perishing bodies, see truly.
Bhagavad Gita in the present scenario of education. Devotion is defined as disinterested service to God.
Key words: - Educational Implication, Education in So it is a form of Karma. The Lord himself lifts up
India, Eastern wisdom tradition, the Bhagavad Gita, his devotees from the 'ocean of birth-and-death'. To
education. love of God becomes the divine and supreme love.
Bhagavad Gita literally means 'The Lords Song', Bhagavad Gita and Education
i.e., the philosophical discourse of Lord Krishna to Gita says, the real meaning of education is
persuade the reluctant Arjuna to fight. One of the receiving of virtual knowledge but question arise
greatest contributions of India to the world is Holy 'what is virtual knowledge'? Whenever we see or
Gita. In the battle field Arjun was strucked, when we feel the universe in diversity and God exists
he saw his relatives as the opponents. To motivate everywhere". "True knowledge is that which teach
him the Bhagavad Gita is preached in the battle us to see God in each soul". The Lord says that
field Kurushetra by Lord Krishna to Arjun as a supreme of all purest knowledge and its essence
counseling to do his duty while multitude of men that knowledge was derived from the detailed study
stood by waiting Krishna gave education to of Vedas and different kinds of Upanishads. The
perform his duty as a prince, as a warrior, as a Bhagavad Gita specially stresses on the importance
righteous man to fight against evil and restore of the soul. The Lord says that this body is
peace and order. The central teaching of the Gita perishable and the soul is not perishable. That is a
can be beautifully summarized in this sentence of confidential part of knowledge; simply knowing
Annie Besant: 'It is meant to lift the aspirant from that the pure soul is different from the body which
the lower levels of renunciation, where objects are is going to be finished, the soul remains same and
renounced, to the loftier heights where desires are becomes immortal. But actually that is not the fact,
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 10, Number 11 (2015)
© Research India Publications :::
how can the soul, which is so active after being renunciation in action. It is emphatically stated that
liberated from the body. It is always active. Samnyasa does not mean the renunciation of
Education According to Bhagavad Gita- action, but of interest, desire and attachment;
In order to formulate the principles of education the Methods of Teaching-
divine teacher Lord Krishna has not imparted his • Conversational method
wisdom to his student as mere dictation like others. • Question-Answer method
The Gita answer the 'why' of such education. The • Demonstration method
human child in the world is not a tabula rasa or an • Contemporary method (rational analysis with
empty being. He inherits the certain tendencies, proper analysis)
instincts, propensities of character, mental • Learning by doing
dispositions etc. from his past life. Parents give to Discipline-
child only his body but his physical apparatus and The moral of Bhagavad Gita entails upon the
soul's doing are his own. This explains individual discipline of the life and performance of one's duty
differences. The Bhagavad Gita reconciles without attachment to the result in sattvic way. Gita
metaphysics and physics, nivritti and pravrtti, rightly strikes at the root of the problem. Ideal
psychical entity, and hereditary and environment of personalities of teachers and deep scholarly efforts
men and gives the principles of education clearly can save the untracked indiscipline among students.
indicating that education is spiritual-social Faith on the instructions of Gita can remove the
necessity. It is a value and its edifice cannot be problem of indiscipline and anomie that are
built on sand. prevailing in Indian education.
[1][2] The teacher must teach his subject with great Enthusing about the Gita
competence but when the issue of judgement is Our professors would also provide us with ideas
involved he should let the student free as Arjun was and meaning of education through their instruction.
finally left to decide himself whether to fight or I used to find almost all the definitions and
not. The concept of the teacher in the Gita is that he meanings of education derived from the Western
must be most balanced. The true teacher not only thoughts and theories. Despite that, a question that
teaches truth but also demonstrates it. In short, the used to knock me constantly was about the Eastern
teacher is vigilant enough to keep the soul and wisdom tradition bereft of the meaning of
body of his student as well as his own together. The education. Frauwallner (1973) argue that the Vedic
student, according to the Gita, is not a disciple but a philosophical tradition is older than the Greek
learner. But the first and the last characteristic of an civilization. Many scholars in both the East and the
ideal student are to surrender before the teacher West seem to be interested in studying and
accepting his ignorance of the subject he wants to interpreting the educational aspect of the Bhagavad
know. Genuineness, humanity, obedience, faith in Gita. A Vedic scholar, Prabhupad (1986) argues
his teacher is the essential characteristics of a good that the Bhagavad Gita is a popular source of
learner. [3] He must also posses an intense urge to knowledge and wisdom for the global community.
know without which he will not be able to digest Similarly, Fosse (2007), a scholar from the West,
what the teacher gives. Humility, obedience, faith writes Bhagavad Gita still speaks by people
etc. towards the teacher imply that the student everywhere across the ocean, across the millennia,
should be virtuous. The student, according to Gita, and across the boundaries of the language religion
must shun three great vices- Kama, Krodh and and the culture. Based on these arguments, it can be
Lobha in his personality. Obedience means respect said that the Bhagavad Gita is a comprehensive
to the teacher; however, it does not mean the philosophical thought for all humankind. In its deep
foolish obedience in which everything is accepted meaning, we can get comprehensive philosophical
by the student blindly. The eager intellect of the thoughts and theories, for example, Metaphysics,
student must be satisfied. Epistemology, Axiology and Logic System.
Objectives of Education According to Bhagavad Likewise, we also can draw some educational
Gita- thoughts. Worthily saying, I found interesting
• Development of virtual knowledge educational philosophical thoughts in the verses of
• Development and modification of personality the Bhagavad Gita (e.g. aims, meaning, and
• Adjustment in individual and social aims importance of education, teaching subjects and
• Development of internal consciousness methods, ways of motivating learner, etc.). On this
• Development of intellectual and reasoning ability background, I have tried in this paper to deal with
• Establishment of importance of duties in life the meaning of education that can be found in the
Curriculum on the Basis of Bhagavad Gita- Bhagavad Gita. The study was based on the
Two types of knowledge interpretative paradigm under an Arts-based
Physical (Art, Science, Engineering etc) hermeneutic design (Thompson, 1997; Frazier,
Spiritual (Knowledge of body and soul) 2008) as the method of the study for the reason that
The bhagavad Gita teachings are stands not only I found it more appropriate for generating data
for the renunciation of action, but also for the from the text and also for creative interpretation of
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 10, Number 11 (2015)
© Research India Publications :::
the text. So, my journey began with a collection of despondency, caused by the apparent blankness of
related texts. I reviewed the main text of the his existence (Rao & Bannerji, 1912, p. 2).
Bhagavad Gita as well as its interpretation by Marsella (as cited in Bhawuk, 2011, p. 24) sees the
various scholars, and the Upanishads. I generated Bhagavad Gita as a psychology of the Eastern
data adopting several hermeneutical reading cycles. civilization. While the Bhagavad Gita is known as
My study revealed that the Bhagavad Gita can be an instructional module, the philosophy of life and
taken as an ocean of philosophical thoughts of the psychology obviously has the meaning of
Eastern wisdom tradition. It would be injustice if education.
we looked at the Bhagavad-Gita only through the According to the philosophy of the Gita, the state
lens of religious myth. We need efforts for bringing when a human is free from the three wraths (lust,
out the hidden knowledge form our scriptures and anger and fear), is the state of attainment of
use this knowledge for improving our education knowledge and wisdom (Bhagavad Gita, 2.56). the
sector. However, no serious attention has been paid Bhagavad Gita provides very useful and practicable
to this philosophy in our society and universities. ‘contents’ for education that can address the
This may be because of the fact that our education problems related with action, salvation and
system has grown on the feed of the Western wisdom. Bhagavad Gita states that the state of
thoughts. I do not mean the Western thoughts are steady wisdom is such a state when achievement
not useful; my emphasis is on the search and and failure, profit and loss, joy and sorrow can be
dissemination of our own historical knowledge. perceived in equal terms (Bhagavad Gita, 2.57),
The Bhagavad Gita: A Sublime Thought that is a state of the fullest satisfaction or the end
The Bhagavad Gita as a poetic narrative in the form state of desires. In the material world, one who is
of a conversation between Krishna and Arjuna on unaffected by whatever good or evil he may obtain,
the battlefield of Kurukshetra just prior to the start neither praising it, nor despising it, is firmly fixed
War. It is considered to be one of the greatest in perfect knowledge. Bhawuk (2011) viewed that
scriptures of the Vedic philosophy. The Bhagavad Bhagavad Gita defines the purpose of work; work
Gita shows the ways to live a spiritual cum material is to be performed for its own sake, not for its
life consequently. Although the Bhagavad Gita is outcomes (p. 148).
conceived as an essence of all Vedic philosophical In my understanding, the steady wisdom itself is
thoughts, no reference in its entire text claims that taken as motivation for right action and it can also
it is for the Hindus. So, it can be said that it is for be conceived as the concept of education.
all humankind throughout the world. In this sense, Materialistic pleasure is temporary, can be lost any
it is always of great importance to all. It is one of time but steady wisdom never drags us toward loss.
the three central texts of the Vedanta, the other two This state may be a stable emotional condition,
being the Brahma Sutras and the Upanishads. The stability in thinking and action, freedom and a self
Bhagavad Gita is appropriate for all. It is not for directed state. Stability is a component of
some specific community, caste, creed, sex, wholeness. The Bhagavad Gita states that one who
country but it is a common asset of all human performs an action with controlled mind and
beings. It is a book with sublime thoughts and wisdom is wise. On the basis of this
practical instructions on the Yoga, devotion, and Leaman (2000) argues that Gita's message to the
action. It is profound in thought and sublime in mind occupied with the pursuit of intellectual,
heights of vision. Even though the Bhagavad Gita ethical and social standards, the mind that insists on
was created on the battlefield before the salvation by the observance of established
commencement of the war, its relevance in present Dharmas, the moral law, social duty and function
context is still meaningful and considerable. or the solutions of the liberated intelligence . to live
Therefore, the battlefield represents our body a Dharmik (morality, accountability, righteousness
where an unending battle is raging between good and commitment in one’s duty) life can be
and evil forces. associated with education according to the
Meaning of Education in the Bhagavad Gita Bhagavad Gita and such an education makes
Education is the process of cultivating human Dharmik thereby developing capacity to
completeness in human being. That implies raise voice against injustice of any sort, involve in
knowledge, skill, ability and wisdom for Karmic welfare of living beings, be impartial to truth and
and Dharmik life. Perhaps, our wisdom tradition discern between what is human and what is
supports me. In the view of Radhakrishnan and inhuman. Bhagavad Gita recommends the practice
Moore (as cited in Bhawuk, 2011, p. 164), the of Karma Yoga, or the path of work (or doing one’s
Bhagavad Gita is a synthesis of all Vedic ideas and prescribed duties), as the intervention to avoid the
wisdom and it was developed through the unhappiness resulting from the pursuit of desires.
instructional process. It may be looked upon as a These statements show teaching of the Bhagavad
discourse addressed by a Guru to a Chela who has Gita gives emphasis on combination of mental,
fully determined upon the renunciation of all physical and socio-cultural paths of education
worldly desires and aspirations but yet feels certain which are very much focused aspects in the modern
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 10, Number 11 (2015)
© Research India Publications :::
psychology as well. Position of self-realization is spiritual education should not necessarily be based
the situation of Vidya that is education. So, it can on the literal reading but it may be an appropriate
be interpreted as an important principle related to remark to make that the way Arjuna was attuned to
the meaning of education. Every human in this knowledge, skills, attitudes, dharma and wisdom by
world is in need of salvation. Students in schools their gurus. However, we should not forget that we
are in need of salvation from fear, terror and are living at the age of hyper technology and a
punishment of teachers and pressure from parents. 'teacher' can become a 'guru' only after severe toil
Other people involved in different activities are in in favor of the students. On the basis of this
need of salvation from violence, conflict, pride, discussion is that the Bhagavad Gita has not called
ego, tension, poverty, ignorance, etc. The sick are only the spiritual knowledge as education instead it
in need of salvation from diseases and older people has taken both spiritual and material aspects in
from death. All these people are in need of defining education. In this way, the Bhagavad Gita
salvation from the type of experience they are has considered education as the basis for worldly
gaining. The verse (5.26) of the Bhagavad Gita and spiritual progress.
stated that "the persons who are from anger, self
disciplined and constantly searching for perfection, Conclusion
are assured of liberation." salvation can easily be Success comes only when we put all the knowledge
incorporated with the meaning of education. The to use. The Gita introduces our inner personality.
meaning of value based education might take its The intellect, which reasons and discriminates the
root in spirituality and materialistic definition mind, is the centre of emotions and impulses. After
might origin from the worldly phenomenon that reading the Bhagavad Gita, one can the
surrounds us every day. In this connection, understanding that it is our valuable historical asset
Bhawuk's (2011) argument highlights that the of knowledge, and it demands deep study and
Bhagavad Gita describes the possibility of a state in interpretation. The moral teaching, specially ethical
which we can actually rise above cognition, actions that run through the whole of the Bhagavad
emotion, and behavior and presents karma yoga as Gita is not only an emergence need of our country,
a process to achieve this state (state of salvation)” but of the world community. We can enrich our
(p. 118). This notion provides me with some ideas philosophical, sociological, anthropological and
to synthesize the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita to psychological understanding through the readings
trace the meaning of education accordingly. In a of the Bhagavad Gita. In the Bhagavad Gita, much
concise sentence, being based on my own effort has been made to equate Karma Yoga, Gyan
understanding, after (in fact perennial) reading the Yoga, and Bhakti Yoga, in which meaning of
Gita repeatedly and analyzing the scholars' notions, education fragranced. One can get fruit from the
it can be said that: Education (Vidya) is the process Bhagavad Gita according to his/her intention and
of performing one's own duties for the attainment level of understanding. Through the lens of
of peace, joy, satisfaction and salvation being rid of education, all aspects of educational philosophy,
the three wraths (lust, anger and fear) with the i.e. meaning of education, aims of education,
steady mind and wisdom. importance of education, learning materials,
The word "Vidya" has been used in the Bhagavad pedagogy, curriculum, motivational techniques,
Gita to introduce the realm of education and assessment practice, and roles of learner and
knowledge. Mainly two types of knowledge have teacher can be found and interpreted by and
been discussed in the Bhagavad Gita logical through a deeper reading of the Bhagavad Gita.
knowledge and spiritual knowledge. The logical Therefore, the Bhagavad Gita can be taken as an
knowledge has been identified as the ability to educational philosophy, because it has got all
discuss the external form of things available in the components of an educational philosophy.
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International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 10, Number 11 (2015)
© Research India Publications :::