TEMS Pocket 20.0.3 - Release Note
TEMS Pocket 20.0.3 - Release Note
TEMS Pocket 20.0.3 - Release Note
3 Release Notes
2 Important Information
HTTP testing with the Webkit based client, which is external to TEMS Pocket, will
only work on a subset of device models. On devices that do not support this
function, a notification to that effect (“OnDeviceHttpWebkitService – Not supported
on this device.”) will appear on the Android top bar.
If you are using Sony devices and getting low AQM scores or inaccurate position
data, see the advice at the end of section 6.4.
If you get a 404 error when you try to access the online User's Manual, Quick Guide
or Release Note from TEMS Pocket, you need to clear the application cache:
1. Launch the device's Settings app
2. Tap Apps (or Applications) > TEMS Pocket UI > Storage
3. Tap the Clear Cache button
4. Close the Settings app
5. Restart TEMS Pocket
Note: Always reboot your device after installing or upgrading TEMS Pocket.