Soal - Bahasa - Inggris - SBMPTN - 2009

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Paket Soal Tahun

Bahasa Inggris
Petunjuk A digunakan untuk menjawab soal nomor 31 sampai dengan 45.

Text I

1 Generally, by people’s own accounts, the public idea of women at home is that they are dull
and boring. The stereotype of a working woman is of hard, ambitious, selfish creatures. It is not
just that you are either gen, and dull or selfish and interesting. It is that you are either a good
mother or you are an interesting woman.
5 ‘Young women now seem to get a very clear picture that they have got a choice. If they are
going, to mothering well, they have got to pay for it by not being interesting women. If you are an
interesting working woman, you are a bad mother.’ Lyn Richards puts the blame for such notions
and for resulting family tensions the failure of people to talk enough about them. The media, too,
are guilty. ‘There is a lot of media coverage successful career women and still a lot, especially in
10 women’s magazines, on the joys of motherhood. There’s no that much about the trouble of either
role and precious little about combining the roles. Yet half the women who a married in our society
are working.’
Nor is much thought given to the task of loosening the ties entrapping men. Lyn Richards,
a working mother grateful for the privilege of genuinely choosing and being able to afford the
15 role, criticizes the systematic exclusive of men from ‘child rearing and the really pretty fabulous
aspects of having children’. She condemns as ludicrous the idea of the 9 to 5 treadmill of work as
an absolute duty for men. ‘The sheer irony to me is that the women movement has told women
the way to be liberated is to get into the 9 to 5 tied work force that men have be fighting against
for a century. Really we should be using changes in women’s values to shake up all the oppression
20 and rigidity that men have been under.’
Indeed, there has been a change. ‘The new thing since I married is that it’s normal for both
husband and wife to go on working when they marry. Now marriage isn’t a particularly big deal.
Very often it just legalizes something which has been going on anyway and it certainly doesn’t
change a women’s whole basis of life, hermotion of yin she is. The real life change is raving the first
25 child and when that happens I think that probably most couples at still reverting to something like
the traditional concept of marriage. But the longer people put off having a child more likely it is
that they won’t because they have set up a viable life style. They don’t need to have kids now to
have a good marriage.’
Not that motherhood and raising families are wholly going out of fashion but rather that
30 people are having smaller families. Consequently, the period in a woman’s life when she is not
required to devote herself to mothering is lengthening. ‘Motherhood - the mother role - just isn’t
a very good identity base today,’ Lyn Richards says ‘Motherhood is a short-terns appointment now.
It doesn’t last long.’
31. The expression combining the roles in ‘... (C) What ways are there to keep a family
precious little about combining the roles.’ harmonious?
(line 11) in the passage means .... (D) Why would the role of a woman in
(A) being either a married or a career mothering not last long?
woman (E) What requirements should working
(B) working both in an office and at home women fulfill?
(C) serving the family and doing office work
(D) enjoying motherhood and caring for the 34. Lyn argues that in rearing children in a family
family ....
(E) having a dual role of mother and career (A) women’s role should be more dominant
woman (B) both men and women are equally
32. The passage mainly deals with women’s .... (C) men’s role should be put into account
(A) alternative role (D) working women share equal work
(B) social function distribution
(C) natural interest (E) men’s role should be excluded.
(D) fundamental duty
(E) main responsibility 35. If Lyn is correct, in the future women in
families of younger generations ....
33. A relevant question that can be raised out of (A) have less children to care for
the passage would be .... (B) make up career individuals
(A) What characterizes a good working (C) will be more prosperous
woman? (D) are more individualistic
(B) How could men and women build eternal (E) share an equal responsibility

Text II

1 Sometimes experience in other countries can help people to understand their own identity
better. Mahatma Gandhi was born 1869 at Portandar in Western India, after studying in India, he
dreamt of going to England to study. He was told that his Hindu religion did not allow voyages
abroad. However, Gandhi was very determined and he filially left for England in 1887. At first
5 he tried to learn to behave like an English gentleman, but he soon learn that it was better to be
himself. He studied law in London, qualifying in 1891. He also learn about other religions.
He returned home to India and worked as a lawyer for two years. After some problems, he was
offered a job in South Africa. Here he experienced racism as a member of the Indian community.
He decided to fight for the rights of Indians using “passive resistance”. He had three main beliefs,
10 namely nonviolence, religious tolerance and truth. When he finally returned to India in 1915, he
became a great political leader. During the fight for independence he was often put in prison, but
his beliefs never changed.
Gandhi had studied in Britain, so he understood the British better than they understood him.
Gandhi’s leadership led to independence, but on Independence Day, 15 August, 1947, Gandhi
15 refused to celebrate. He was in favor of Hindu-Muslim unity but Muslims and Hindus could not
agree, so a separate Muslim state was formed in Pakistan. In 1948, Gandhi started fasting to death
as a protest against fighting between India and Pakistan. He was assassinated by a Hindu fanatic on
30th January 1948. India and Pakistan are still fighting in Kashmir today. The fight for independence
was a difficult one, but not as difficult as the fight for nonviolence, religious tolerance and truth.
36. The following statements are true about (A) he understood Hinduism and Islam
Mahatma Gandhi, except ... equally well
(A) Mahatma Gandhi is studying in Britain (B) he knew well the characteristic of English
was against Hinduism principles. people
(B) Mahatma Gandhi believed in nonviolence, (C) he had good knowledge issues
religious tolerance and truth. (D) he had the hardest time fighting for
(C) Mahatma Gandhi learned and under- independence of his nation
stood about some religions well. (E) he experienced racism when he was in
(D) Mahatma Gandhi fought hard for unity South Africa
of his nation.
(E) Mahatma Gandhi did not like the idea of 39. Mahatma Gandhi got his university degree in
Hindu-Muslim unity in India. ....
(A) 1887 (D) 1947
37. The passage above mainly deals with (B) 1915 (E) 1948
Mahatma Gandhi’s .... (C) 1891
(A) search for principles of his three main
beliefs 40. The word nonviolence in ‘He had three main
(B) fighting against racism in South Africa beliefs, nonviolence, religious tolerance and
(C) political career as an important national truth’ (line 9 10) can best be replaced by ...
leader (A) favorable conducts
(D) experience to identify his life principle (B) peaceful actions
(E) political struggle for India’s independence (C) political spirits
(D) religious prejudices
38. We can infer from the following statements (E) passive behaviors
about Mahatma Gandhi, except ....

Text III

1 Education is often viewed as school in a traditional, formal sense. Many people believe that
true learning can only take place in a formal classroom setting. Others feel education occurs in
many different forms and environments. There may not be a definitive answer to the question
of ‘What is education?’ However, we can start thinking about the purpose of education. Is it to
5 educate youth to be responsible citizens? Is it to develop individuals, as well as society, in order
to ensure a society’s economic success? Or is it to simply focus on developing individual talents
and intelligence? Perhaps it is the balance of all three that defines education? While your answers
may differ, we can perhaps agree that education is a basic human right. When that right is granted
growth and development, the society as a whole is more likely to improve in areas such as health,
10 nutrition, general income and living standards and population fertility rates.
As global citizens it is our responsibility to critically think about the issues and attempt to
come up with solutions to the problems plaguing education. In 1990 UNESCO launched EFA, the
movement to provide quality education for all children, youth, add adults by the year 2015. The
unfortunate reality is that for many countries, larger issues come before improving the quality of
15 education. How can we achieve the goals of EFA when numerous countries around the world are
faced with challenges that seem too impossible to overcome. The answer is attempting bridge
some of the gaps that prevent developing nations to complete with developed nations. The
example is that of providing greater access to technology and narrowing the ever widening digital
divide. In many ways the most basic access to technology can serve as a valuable educational tool.
20 Individuals who are afforded this access are at a disadvantage when trying to grasp opportunities
to make life better for themselves their families and their community.
41. The author’s main concern in the first para- 44. The situation the author shows in the pass
graph of the passage is that .... above is best described as follows ....
(A) there is no exact definition about (A) quality education fundamentally ensure
education quality living in all sectors
(B) education is a fundamental individual’s (B) education is essentially everyone’s right
right yet still has its challenges
(C) everyone has the right to get quality (C) there are problems in education in spite
education of significant role
(D) education occurs in any place not just (D) as long as nations compete, education
schools can progress
(E) development can be gained through (E) absence of an exact definition causes
education problem in education

42. If the author is right concerning the role of

education, the following might be predicted 45. The part following the passage above would
to take place, except …. like discuss ....
(A) longer life expectation (A) lack of access to technology in develop,
(B) lesser birth rates countries to support educational practices
(C) improved welfare (B) needs of modern digital technology
(D) better quality living to back the implementation of EFA in
(E) more job opportunities education
(C) roles of technology in providing individual
43. The following sentences reflect the author’s with cheap and accessible quality education
opinions in the passage, except ... (D) inability of developing nations to comp
(A) everyone has the right to get education with developed countries in technology
(B) education cannot be easily defined (E) government’s roles and responsibilities
(C) EFA provides quality education by 2015 managing education for their citizens.
(D) education is basic to human development
(E) the EFA goals are faced with serious

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