Carbon Brushes, A Comprehensive Pocket Field Guide

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The document discusses carbon brushes which are used in electrical machines and their properties, types, standards and troubleshooting.

The main types of carbon brushes discussed are solid brushes and split brushes.

Standards mentioned include DIN IEC 60136-3, DIN EN 60276, DIN IEC 60413, DIN IEC 60467, DIN 43021, DIN 46224, DIN IEC 60760, DIN 46438.

Carbon Brushes

A Comprehensive Guide,
for Industrial and Railway Technology
8900 West Tower Avenue • Milwaukee, WI 53224
800.962.4851 Fax 800.365.3113
Specifications • Installation • Troubleshooting
Carbon Brushes - Very Important Functional Parts of
Carrying Current in Electrical Machines

The name “brushes” comes from

bundles of tiny copper wires, which
were used as elastic contacts at Standards for carbon brushes, material and accessories
the starting period of the electrical
Below are given the most important standards for industrial and
engineering industry. traction carbon brushes.

The term “carbon brush” appeared DIN IEC 60136-3 Dimensions of brushes and brush holders
with the change to materials made for electrical machinery.
out of graphite and carbon. Carbon
brushes have been developed for DIN EN 60276 Definitions and nomenclature for carbon
several decades: they are also brushes, brush holders, commutators and
indispensable hardware for sliprings.
electrical machines in the
DIN IEC 60413 Test procedures for determining physical
microelectronic era. properties of brush materials used for
electrical machines.
The production parameters permit
a wide variation of the physical DIN IEC 60467 Test procedures for determining physical
characteristics and the application properties of carbon brushes for electrical
possibilities. Following DIN machines.
EN60276 we subdivide our carbon
brush grades into 5 main groups: DIN 43021 Carbon brushes for traction motors.
Dimensions and tolerances.
• Electrographite brushes
• Metal graphite brushes DIN 46224 Stamped cable sockets for flexibles of
• Resin bonded graphite brushes carbon brushes.
• Carbon graphite brushes
• Graphite brushes DIN IEC 60760 Flat plug contacts.

DIN 46438 Copper flexibles.

Information in this handbook courtesy of E-Carbon Partner:

Pantrac GmbH, Berlin, Germany

2 3
Dimensions and Design of Carbon Brushes 1. Solid brushes 1 P
The simplest type of brush used on
t a t a basic machines without electrical
and/or mechanical (challenges).
2. Split brushes
Split bushes are formed by
assembling 2, 3, or more carbon
sections into one unit to create
better electrical and mechanical
commutator brush slipring brush
contact conditions.

t = tangential Brush dimension in direction of rotation of First, the (splitting) of the brush
commutator or slipring leads to a large number of
a = axial Brush dimension parallel to the axis of electrical contact points between
the brush surface and the 2a P
commutator; it also increases the cushioning
r = radial Brush dimension perpendicular to the axis of element
rotation resistance in the transverse circuit
of the brush because of the
Dimensions of carbon brushes brush and the center of the additional contact resistance
are specified according to DIN terminal (see sketch). between the brush parts. The
IEC 60136-3 in the sequence cutting of the brush causes smaller
t x a x r. In order to avoid When ordering brushes with acceleration forces over the brush
misinterpretation we suggest to special terminals (e.g. plug- parts which enables better dynamic
specify the dimensions in this contact) the length (l) of the properties.
sequence. flexible should be measured in
the accordance to the sketch. Split brushes give satisfactory
The cross section of the flexible results (mainly) on machines with
is determined according to a.m. In standard DIN 46224 are given reversing operations, since there is
norm and DIN 46438. recommendations for basic types a faster adaptation to the running 2b P
and standards for dimensioning surface. In addition, tops made of cushioning
The length (l) of the flexible is the of plug types. rubber, laminate, or both cause a
distance between the top of the uniform pressure distribution, as
well as a bigger damping ability.

- - - The tangential dimension of the

brush sections must not be less
than 4 mm for mechanical

4 5
3. Spread brushes 5. Sandwich brushes 5 P bonding
The spread brush is a special When the segments of split
type of split brush in which the brushes are bonded together,
tops of both sections are they are called sandwich brushes.
3 P chamfered at a certain angle The bonding layer can be an
towards their dividing line. insulating material. From a
Pressure to the brush is applied mechanical point of view this is
via a top piece with accordingly now a solid brush with an
chamfered bottom face. The top additional polishing effect caused
pieces are generally made from by the bonding layer. From an
brush or insulation material that electrical point of view, the brush
has a cushioning effect. has an increased cross
resistance. By using different
brush materials for the single
wafers, it is possible to influence
the commutation properties of
the carbon brush.
6. Carbon brushes with sensor cable
wear sensor
4 P P 4. Tandem brushes
Carbon brushes with wear
Tandem brushes are special pairs sensors signal when the wear
of brushes, where each brush limit is reached and enable a
has its own box within the lower maintenance supervision.
tandem brush holder, pressed An insulated sensor cable is
against the commutator by glued in the carbon brush and the
separate pressure fingers. The warning occurs when the
result is a symmetrical brush insulation of the contact is worn
pressure and current distribution. down through the wear of the
carbon brush.

The warning is electrically

evaluated and optically and
acoustically recorded.

6 7
Directions for Installation and Operation
Here are the required conditions
for perfect carrying and for black Commutators with flush mica
commutation: against the copper segments
V total
• good roundness of the require very hard brush material
commutator with the consequence of high V mechanical

brush wear
• no lamination protrusions commutator wear. For a better V electrical
0,2...0,4 • no flat points on the lifetime, it is necessary to
commutator undercut the insulation (see brush pressure
• a symmetrical undercutting of sketches).
Brush pressure
the commutator insulation, and
chamfered laminate edges A new commutator should have
The brush pressure must be
• very slight roughness of the a surface of roughness Rz
set to the operating conditions.
commutator or slipring surface between 4 and 8 µm.
It must also represent a
• uniform brush pressure
Undercut to the correct Undercut and compromise between the
width and depth beveled correctly • good seating of the brushes to
mechanical and electrical wear.
the commutator/slipring

Commutator and slipring


A new or reconditioned Recommendations for brush pressure

commutator should have an out Brush pressure in kPa
of roundness of not more than Type of machine mounting
0.02 mm. Lamination protrusions stable swing frame
between neighboring laminates
over 0.002 mm and the flat DC machines up to 1500 r.p.m. 15-20 20-30
points must be eliminated. DC machines over 1500 r.p.m. 20-25 25-35
Offset undercut Too thin an undercut Depending on the application Three-phase commutator machines 18-20 25-30
(wrong) (wrong)
conditions and the carbon brush
material, generally the rotors Slipring motors 20-25 25-35
should be reconditioned if there Turbo generators 15-25 -
is long-wave unroundness of more
Traction motors - 30-50
than 0.30 mm and short-wave
roundness of more than 0.15 mm. The tolerance of the brush should be limited to ± 10%

8 9
Seating in of the carbon

The interface of brushes to the abrasive linen pumice stone

slipring or commutator surface
occurs with the seating in the Mounting of the brush holders
brushes. Here with are several and brushes
techniques used:
To ensure correct operation of
1. The carbon brushes are Figure to 1 Figure to 3 brushes, the holders and
placed in the brush holder. A brushes must be fitted exactly
strip of abrasive linen geometrically on the commutator
(recommend garnet paper of 80- over in the operating direction Attention,
(particularly at smaller the dust must not reach the in accordance with the design of
100 granulation) is pushed armature and windings, for
between the brush and the machines). coils or the machine bearing.
instance the distance between
surface of the commutator or brushes of different polarities
slipring: This strip is then drawn 3. The machine is completely The carbon brushes have to be
equipped with carbon brushes cleaned with a clean rag (without must be equal. To make certain
in a tangential direction. that this is the case, a strip of
and it is put into operation in oil or fat) and their running
idle running (possibly with a surface have to be cleaned by paper is put around the
After the running surface has commutator under the brushes,
approximately taken the shape reduced speed of rotation). A means of a glass brush in order
pumice stone is pressed in front to avoid infiltrated grains. and the distance between the
of the commutator or slipring’s impressions of the brushes of
surface the contact mean is of the brushes on the
commutator. The dust of the each pole can then be
drawn in the direction of rotation measured correctly. This strip of
of the machine to finish the pumice stone which results
reaches the brushes and grinds paper can be used as a record
grinding. In order to withdraw the for checking the positions at a
abrasive linen, the brushes have them in.This method of grinding
is particularly suited to large DC later stage. A variation of as
to be raised. In this way, it is little as 0.5 mm between the
guaranteed that the brushes machines.
brushes of different polarities
take the same position in the can cause considerable
brush holder as in the future The seating in can be finished
when about 70% of the running problems with regard to
operation of the machine. commutation and current
surface has contacted with the
commutator/slipring. After the distribution.
2. A strip of abrasive linen is
fitted around the commutator or seating in the carbon brushes
slipring, and fixed with adhesive have to be taken away from the
tape. Then the brushes are holder and the machine has to
placed in the holder and the be cleaned by means of oilfree
rotor of the machine is turned compressed air.

10 11
of poles, the brushes will be
staggered across the
commutator axially so that there
is even wear across the
b b
If the commutator is long
enough, the best stagger
arrangement would be as


v = z = a/(p-1) v

distance piece
v = Stagger
z = Distance between brush pair
The distance between the of same polarity
commutator and the lower edge a = Axial brush dimension
of the brush box should be set p = Number of brush pole pairs,
at between 1.5 and 2.0 mm. If i.e., half the number of
the commutator has been poles of the machines
remachined, the brush holders
will have to be reset to maintain
this distance. The setting of the
brush holders should be done
with a distance piece.

If the distance between the The fitting of brushes on the

brush holder and commutator is commutator must be carried out
too high, this can lead to brush either exactly radial or at a
vibration, because the brush will certain angle, which is then
be tilted at a greater angle. On called either a trailing or a
the DC machines, brushes reaction position, according to
should be installed in the same the direction in which the
track for each pole pair. This commutator rotates.
trailing radial reaction
ensures that the patina/film The trailing and reaction position position position
being built is not adversely position are used in order to
affected by the brushes on the reduce vibrations.
plus and on the minus poles.
On machines with high number

12 13
Assessment of Performance of Carbon Brushes
Appearance of the brush sliding face

The following pictures show S1, S3 and S5 are satisfactory on the carbon material, the circulating air, fine hairlining
typical brush-sliding faces. For sliding faces, indicating that sliding surface appears dense may occur, as shown in S5.
easy identification, we suggest there are no mechanical or or porous, and shiny, dull or
you use the symbols S1, S3 etc. electrical problems. Depending matte. If there is dust in the


S1 Dense, shining sliding face Normal operation


S3 Slight porous sliding face Normal operation


S5 Fine hairlining Normal operation, slight dust influence


S7 Hairlining Causes: Underload, influence of dust, oil, or grease,

weak spring pressure


S9 Tracking with hairlining Causes: Like S7, but stronger

and grooves

14 15

S11 Ghostmarks, difficult Causes: Commutation problems, e.g., false or incorrect

commutation position of the neutral zone or interpole


Causes: Difficult commutation, heavy sparking, interruption of

S13 Burning edge of the leaving contact due to out of round of commutator or insufficient
or trailing edge
brush holder spring pressure


S15 Eroded brush face Causes: Electrical overload, interruption of contact


Causes: Burned segments of the sliding face, caused by a

S17 Lamination of sliding face
winding fault giving voltage surge during commutation


S19 Double facing here for a Causes: Tilting of the brush in dual direction machine
twin brush


S21 Copper nests Causes: Pick up of copper particles, often following copper drag


Causes: High raised lamination, commutator seriously out of

S23 Broken edges
round, brush chatter by low load and idle running

16 17
In addition to the physical P2 P4 P6 P2, P4 and P6 are examples of There may be appearance of
appearance of the surface of normal skin or patina/film greyish, blueish and reddish
the commutator, the skin or formation. When a machine hues, but of importance is the
patina/(film) is of equal runs well, the patina/film or evenness of the skin formation
importance for the good skin on a commutator will be and not its color.
running of the carbon brushes. even, slightly shiny and coppery
Each carbon brush builds a brown to black in color.
characteristic patina/(film)
which is affected by operating
and ambient conditions. The
patina/(film) consists mainly of Electrical, mechanical and
copper oxides, graphite deposits atmospheric influences on the
and absorbed water, and its patina/film appearance.
appearance is of importance for
the assessment of the running P12 P14 P16
P12 Streaky patina/film having Causes: High humidity, oil
behavior of the commutation some wide and narrow vapor, aggressive gases in the
set. The following pictures are tracks of different color. atmosphere, low electrical
used by carbon brush No commutator wear. load on the brushes
manufacturers and users of
brushes as a guide to assist in P14 Torn patina/film, general Causes: As in P12, but the
judging the operation of carbon appearance as in P12, but conditions have been
brushes. with commutator wear maintained for a longer period,
causing commutator damage

P16 Smutty patina/film, uneven Causes: Uneven commutator

skin having patchy colors or unclean operating
and random spots conditions

18 19
P22 P24 P22 Patina/film with dark areas, Causes: Out of round
regular or irregular patches commutator, vibrations of the
covering one or more motor caused by badly adjusted
commutator segments shaft or damaged bearings

P24 Dark patchy patina/film Causes: Raised segment or

having definite edges as in group of segment causing the
T12 and T14 brush to bounce

P26 P28
Commutator segments Causes: Often due to faulty
having patches in the grinding of the commutator or
middle or at the edges commutating problems

P42 P46
P42 Alternating light and dark Causes: Uneven current
bar markings distribution over two parallel
windings caused by double
windings crossing in the same

P46 Mat patches in double Causes: Usually by faulty

pole patches soldering of the risers or
segment connections

20 21
B2 B6 B8
B2, B6, B8 Causes: Sparking caused by
Burning at the edge or in commutation problems
the middle of bar

B10 B10 Perforated patina/film, Causes: Patina/film destruction

light, dense or distributed caused by too large electrical
build-up spots resistance

T10 T12 T14

T10 Dark patches at edges of Causes: Frequently caused by
bars in direction of rotation long periods with the motor
being stationary without power
or short stationary periods
under load

T12 Burning of a trailing edge Causes: Caused by protruding

and the next leading edge segment, as in L2
of a bar

T14 Dark markings Causes: Sign of a low segment,

could also be caused by a flat
spot on the commutator

22 23
T16 T18 T16 Clearly defined dark Causes: Raised mica (see L6)
markings together with
segment edges burnt

T18 Dark markings Causes: Badly undercut

segment edges (see L8)

Commutator wear

R2 R4
R2 Top view of a commutator Causes: Trackwise normal
metal abrasion after long
period of operation with
correctly positioned brushes

R4 Commutator bar showing Causes: Abnormal abrasion is

abnormal metal abrasion caused by incorrect brush
alignment, inadequate brush
material or contamination, etc.

24 25
L2 L4
L2 Protruding segment

L4 Low segment

L6 Raised mica

L8 L8 Ridge on the segment edge Causes: Faulty commutator


L10 Copper drag Causes: Bumps or vibrations
L10 with various causes

26 27
Instructions in Case of Operating Difficulties
Strong brush sparking Patches or burn marks
Cause Corrective measures Cause Corrective measures
Out of round commutator or Turning or grinding (see Producing or low segments Retighten and turn the
slipring “Directions for Installation and (L2,L4) commutator
Raised mica insulation Turning the commutator,
Insufficient brush pressure Increase brush pressure (see (T16, P24) undercut mica and possibly
page 9) retighten commutator
Carbon brushes are stuck in Carefully remove foreign bodies Out of round commutator or sliprings, Rebalance and/or remachine
holder and dust from brush holder. i.e., badly out of balance commutator or slipring
Dust grooves are recommended (P16)
Oil or dirt between segments Clean segments, filter cooling Bad soldering of risers Resolder risers
air, and possibly seal bearings (P42, P46)
Carbon brushes (not seated in) Repeat the seating in process Electrolytic deposit from brush In case of long standstill
to steel on stationary steel periods, insert insulating strip
Brush holder too far from the Adjust distance between holder
sliprings (galv. element) under the carbon brush
commutator or slipring and commutator to 2 mm
Protruding insulation segments Undercut insulation and chamfer
Machine vibrating or chattering If it is not possible to reduce
the vibration of the machine,
increase brush pressures or use
a brush design fitted with fiber
and rubber top
Wrong positioning of brush Establish neutral position and
bridge adjust brush arms accordingly
Faulty installation of brush arms Adjust brush arms correctly
Interpole too strong or too weak Machine manufacturer to correct
fault, or install another brush
grade to compensate
Incorrect brush grade Please, contact our technical

28 29
Excessive wear of commutator
and sliprings Uneven brush wear

Cause Corrective measures Cause Corrective measures

Overload on brush track due to Adjust brush pressures to the Uneven current distribution Adjust brush pressure to correct
uneven current distribution correct level. Possibly use level
brushes with a higher polishing
Bad connection of wire to brush Change carbon brushes
Mixed brush grades Use only one brush grade
Dusty environment Blow in clean air by installing a
(P14) filter Brushes stuck in holder Clean holder, brushes and
check tolerances, use dust
Aggressive gasses or vapors Blow in clean air and use
grooves eventually
(P12) brushes with a stronger
polishing effect
Grooving caused by low Reduce number of brushes per
electrical load on brushes pole or change brush grade
Grooving caused by oil film on Seal bearings and avoid oil
commutator or sliprings vapor
Material loss by anodic when Change polarity of sliprings from
using sliprings with DC current time to time

Copper drag Because of complex nature of

(L10) potential causes, please contact
our Technical Service
Development of flat spots Install starting current limits

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