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ARMv7 Reference

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ECE9047: Reference Material for ARMv7

John McLeod
2020 02 01

Overview of Online Simulator

The simulator is available at https://cpulator.01xz.net/?sys=arm-de1soc.

• Write assembly language code in the Editor window (the main window).
• Compile your code by pressing F5. Check the Messages window (at the bottom) for compile errors.
• If the code successfully compiles, the main window will change from the Editor to the Disassembly window.
• Press F2 to step through your code line-by-line, press F3 to continuously execute the code (and press F4 to
stop execution).
• The CPU registers are shown in the Registers window on the left side. The contents of these registers should
change as your program runs.
◦ The Program Counter (pc) register should record the line number of the current piece of code.
◦ The Link Register (lr) should record the line number of any code that is linked to after a branch.
◦ The Current Program Status Register (cpsr) should update if compare or arithmetic operations are per-
formed, since this register holds the Z, N, C, and V flags (but the register is displayed as a hexadecimal
number, so it can be tricky to figure out which flag is being shown).
• Peripheral Devices are shown to the right. These can be operated by the appropriate code. The memory-
mapped address of each device is shown at the upper right of each device window.

Language Reference
The following is a brief description of the parts of assembly that may be most useful for this lab. More complete
references can be found online. Some good ones are:
• I found the Azeria Labs tutorial very helpful. https://azeria-labs.com/writing-arm-assembly-part-1/.
• Coronac has a more detailed tutorial that compares ARMv7 to other assembly languages and to GCC. Prob-
ably more detail than is necessary for this lab. https://www.coranac.com/tonc/text/asm.htm.
• The official documentation is available on the ARM website. http://infocenter.arm.com/help/index.jsp.
ARMv7 code has a lot in common with other computer codes, particularly that it is composed of labels, keywords
(called mnemonics) and comments.

Labels are user- or compiler-defined text that is not directly related to instructions for the microprocessor.
• Labels for specific lines of code, variable names, or subroutines should end in a colon when defined in the
code (mylabel:). This colon should be omitted when using that label in the code (b mylabel).
• Labels that help the compiler start with a period. These kind of labels are called directives (like .data,
.global, or .text).

Comments can be added to code as: @ here are some comments or as: /* here are some more comments */.
Comments are not necessary, of course, but since assembly language can often be hard to read, adding comments
to your code is probably a good idea.

Some of the mnemonics that you might need to use in this lab are:
mov Moves values from one register to another, or moves a hard-coded number into a register.
Example: mov r0, #5 places the number 5 (a decimal number) in register r0.
ldr Loads a value from memory into a register. Also used to load an address (even a hard-coded address) into a
Example: ldr r0, [r1] places the number found at the memory address stored in register r1 into register
str Stores the value in a register into memory.
Example: str r0, [r1] places the number in register r0 into memory at the address stored in register r1.

cmp Compares two values by subtracting them, updating the arithmetic flags, and discarding the answer.
Example: cmp r0, #5 subtracts 5 (in decimal) from the value stored in register r0. The flags in the cpsr
register are updated, but the actual number “r0 - 5” is thrown out.
b Branch (or “goto”) to the label given.
Example: b mylabel will directly jump to the line of code with the label mylabel.
bl Branch to the label given, but store the current place in code in the link register (lr). This is a simple way to
implement a subroutine, as you can branch to this code from multiple places in your main code, and get
back to the original point using the link register.
Example: bl mylabel will directly jump to the line of code with the label mylabel, but will store the line
number of the next instruction prior to branching in lr.
bx Branch to the address in the register given. Usually this is the link register (lr), that was set up using a pre-
vious bl call. This is a simple way of getting out of your subroutine back to the original place in your main
Example: bx lr will directly jump to the line of code stored in the link register lr.

add Adds two numbers together. This mnemonic does not update the arithmetic flags. Use adds to add and
Example: adds r0, r1, r2 will add the contents of register r1 to r2 and store the result in r0, and also
update the C, V, Z, N flags.
Second example: add r0, r1 will add the contents of register r0 to r1 and store the result back in r0. This
code is equivalent to add r0, r0, r1. This will not update the C, V, Z, N flags, since we used add instead
of adds.
sub Subtracts two numbers. This mnemonic does not update the arithmetic flags. Use subs to add and update.
Example: subs r0, r1, r2 will subtract the contents of register r2 from r1 and store the result in r0, and
also update the C, V, Z, N flags.
Second example: sub r0, r1 will subtract the contents of register r1 from r0 and store the result back in
r0. This code is equivalent to sub r0, r0, r1. This will not update the C, V, Z, N flags, since we used add
instead of adds.
push Stores a number to the stack.
Example: push {r0} will store the value in r0 to the stack.

pop Loads a number from the stack.
Example: pop {r0} will remove the top value from the state and store it r0.
Generally speaking, the first argument for a mnemonic must be a register.
• The code add r0, #4 will work, but the code add #4, r0 will not.

• This is the reason why ARMv7 includes a reverse subtract mnemonic, so sub r0, #4 implements “r0 - 4”,
and rsb r0, #4 implements “4 - r0”.

The ARMv7 language allows two-letter conditions codes to be added to almost any mnemonic. This is how the
cmp mnemonic is used, after a comparison these condition codes can be used to control decision-making and
program flow. The condition codes are:

Signed Unsigned Description

eq eq Equal (x = y)
ne ne Not equal (x 6= y)
gt hi Greater than (x > y)
ge hs Greater than or equal (x ≥ y)
lt lo Less than (x < y)
le ls Less than or equal (x ≤ y)
mi mi Negative, or “minus” (x − y < 0)
pl pl Positive, or “plus” (x − y > 0)
vs vs Overflow flag is set (V = 1)
vc vc Overflow flag is clear (V = 0)

An example of using these condition codes after a comparison is:

cmp r0, r1
addle r0, #5
bne mylabel
This code compares the values in registers r0 and r1. If r0 < r1, the decimal value 5 is added to r0. If the two
registers do not have equal value, the program branches to the label mylabel. Note that because we used addle
instead of addsle, the flags are not updated after the addition so the bne condition still applies to the original

Bitwise Operations
The ARMv7 language allows simple bitwise operations to be performed during a regular mnemonic code. These
operations can be performed to the second operand in a mnemonic. Some of these bitwise operations are:

Operation Description
lsl Logical shift left
lsr Logical shift right
asl Arithmetic shift left
asr Arithmetic shift right
ror Rotate right
rrx Rotate right with extend

Each of these operations is followed by a number, indicating the number of bits for the operation. Logical and
arithmetic shifts fill in the missing bits with zeros, while rotate wraps around. The only difference between log-
ical and arithmetic shifts is that arithmetic shifts preserve the most significant bit of the number, in case that is a
sign flag.
For example, if an 8-bit register r0 holds the binary value “0110 0111”, then mov r1, r0, lsl #3 will put the
value “0011 1000” into register r1. (From the number 0110 0111, add three zeros on the right to get 011 0011 1000,
then discard the first 3 bits on the left to return to an 8-bit number.)

These bitwise operations are sometimes used to simplify math — as shifting all the bits left or right is a much
quicker way to multiply or divide by 2 than actually using the ALU to calculate it.
Another, possibly more common use for these operations is when the 32-bit ARM registers need to communicate
with peripherals that have larger or smaller memory cell sizes. For example, if a 32-bit number is recorded as two
16-bit numbers a and b (where a has the least significant bits) in some peripheral, these values can be combined
into a single 32-bit register on the CPU by:
ldr r0, a
ldr r1, b
ldr r2, [r0]
ldr r3, [r1]
add r2, r3, lsl #16

Addressing Modes
Te ARMv7 language allows several methods of addressing memory. The simplest is to just use an address stored
in a register, as we have seen: ldr r1, [r0]. We can also use the address stored in r0 as a base address an add
literal shifts.
To illustrate, assume r0 stores the address 0x4000 0000.
• Addressing with an offset means we add a shift to the base address, without changing any stored addresses.
The code ldr r1, [r0, #4] loads the value stored 4 bytes (32 bits) ahead of the address r0 (so address
0x4000 0020) into r1, without changing the value of r0.
• Pre-indexed addressing means we change the actual address stored in the register, then look up the value.
The code ldr r1, [r0, #4]! updates the address in r0 by 4 bytes (so now r0 stores the address 0x4000
0020), then loads the value at that address into r1.
• Post-indexed addressing means we look up the value according to the current address, then change the
address by the offset. The code ldr r1, [r0], #4 stores the value at r0 = 0x4000 0000 into r1, then
changes r1 to 0x4000 0020.
These forms of addressing are very useful when reading/writing arrays of data. They are also useful when deal-
ing with memory mapped peripherals. A complicated peripheral may have several control or interface addresses.
In that case we can store the base address of the peripheral in one register and use offsets to access the different
controls (instead of defining a long list of almost-identical addresses to access each part explicitly).

A Complete Example
Here is a complete example of an ARMv7 program, adapted from an example in the Azeria Labs tutorial.

var1: .word 17
var2: .word 4

.global start
ldr r0, adr var1
ldr r1, adr var2
ldr r2, adr var3
ldr r3, =0xFF200000
ldr r4, [r0]
str r5, [r1]
mov r5, #1
str r5, [r3]

adr var1: .word var1

adr var2: .word var2
adr var3: .word 0xFF200020

The first part of the code (.data) defines two variables stored in memory (var1 and var2). These are both
“words”, or 32-bit values (we can also define half-words and bytes, but there is little point in worrying about
that for this lab).
The second part of the code (.text) contains the main routine ( start) and the actual code.
At the very end (technically still in the .text part), labels (adr var1, etc.) are defined to help reference memory
addresses of some variables (var1) and peripherials (0xFF200020).
In the actual code, we load the addresses and values into various registers, and store some registers back into
memory. Copy this code into the online simulator, compile (F5), and step through the program line-by-line (F2).
Observe how the values in the registers (r0 through r5, and the program counter pc) change. Once you see
where the variable var1 is stored in memory, you can check the Memory window to see if it is there.
• Notice that something is special about memory addresses 0xFF200000 and OxFF200020. What happens
when we store the value #1 to address 0xFF200000?

Branches and Subroutines

This lab requires you to write assembly language to write the first 10 Fibonacci numbers to the seven segment
display. As such, it is not actually necessary to write reusable, general-purpose code to complete this lab.
• You can probably complete this lab just using the mnemonics mov, ldr, str, cmp, b and some condition

• If you want to write more portable code, you can write simple, unnested subroutines using bl myroutine to
branch to the labelled subroutine and bx lr to get back to the main code.
• If you want to write truly portable code that can be arbitrarily nested, you will need to push the current
state of the system (at least the pc register, possibly several other registers to preserve system data) to the
stack, and then pop that data off the stack after completing the subroutine.

Writing data to, and reading data from the stack isn’t particularly difficult, but I don’t think it is necessary for this
lab so if you want to do that, you are on your own. (Azeria labs has a tutorial for this kind of subroutine.)

The Seven-Segment Display

The ARM DE1-SoC has a six-digit seven-segment display. The lowest significant digit (right-most) of this dis-
play is memory mapped to 0xFF200020. Writing a number to this memory address will activate the display. For
ldr r0, =0xFF200020
mov r1, #6
str r1, [r0]
Will cause the display to represent the decimal number 6. The only tricky thing about the seven-segment display
is that each segment is mapped to a single bit and is triggered individually. Therefore, as you will see if you try the code
above, writing the decimal number 6 to the display does not actually cause the display to show the number “6”.
• For the 32-bit word starting at address 0xFF200020, bits 0 – 6 control the first digit of the display, bits 8 – 14
control the second digit, bits 16 – 22 control the third digit, and bits 24 – 30 control the fourth digit.

• For the 32-bit word starting at address 0xFF200030, bits 0 – 6 control the fifth digit of the display, and bits 8
– 14 control the second digit.
Therefore, to actually write the number “6” on a blank display, we would need to toggle bits 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6:
the binary number 0111 1101, equivalent to the decimal number 125.

0xFF200030 0xFF200020

8 0 24 16 8 0
13 9 5 1 29 25 21 17 13 9 5 1

14 6 30 22 14 6
12 10 4 2 28 26 20 18 12 10 4 2

11 3 27 19 11 3

• To reset, or blank out the display, it is necessary to write zeros to 0xFF200020 (and 0xFF200030 if you used
those digits as well).
• Note that bits 7, 15, 23, and 31 are unmapped — it doesn’t matter what value is written to those bits as it
will have no effect on the display.

The Timer
The ARM DE1-SoC has several timers that can be used to time the program. The timer has a clock cycle of 100 MHz,
and “ticks” once per cycle. A suitable timer is memory mapped to 0xFF202000. Working with this timer is tricky
because it has several different memory addresses for different functionalities, and it is also tricky because this
timer uses only 16-bit numbers, even though they are stored in 32-bit segments.
Name Address Offset Description
Status [base] Bit 0 is timeout flag, bit 1 is running flag.
Control [base]+4 Bit 0 is enable interrupts, bit 1 is continue, bit 2 is start, and bit 3 is stop.
Low Period [base]+8 Least significant 16 bits of the timer period, in clock cycles.
High Period [base]+12 Most significant 16 bits of the timer period, in clock cycles.
Low Counter [base]+16 Least significant 16 bits of the current timer counts.
High Counter [base]+20 Most significant 16 bits of the current timer counts.

• Notice that setting the timer period requires splitting a 32-bit number into two 16-bit numbers.
• Likewise, reading the current timer counts requires combining two 16-bit numbers into a single 32-bit
• The section above, Bitwise Operations can help you do this.

For the control word, only 4 bits of the available 32 bits are used. Setting the interrupt bit allows interrupts —
something too advanced to discuss here. Setting the continue bit tells the timer to immediately start counting
down again (and reset the timeout flag in the status word) after completing a count down. Setting the start bit to
be one (equivalent to writing decimal number 4, assuming we don’t want interrupts or continuous count downs)
will start the timer (notice the use of an offset from the timer base address):
ldr r0, =0xFF202000
mov r1, #4
str r1, [r0, #4]
Similarly, writing decimal number 8 to the control word will stop the timer.
• After starting the timer, it will normally continuously count down. However the timeout bit in the status
word will be set to one as soon as the timer completes the given period.
• It is important two write the period word first, before starting the timer!
For various (probably complicated and technical reasons), we should not try to read the period words to deter-
mine the current state of the timer. Instead, we should write anything to a counter word (the value we are writing
doesn’t matter, it is ignored) which tells the timer to update the current timer count into the counter words. Then
we can read from the counter words like a normal memory address.
A suitable algorithm for using the timer is:

1. Write the countdown period, in terms of 100 MHz clock cycles, to the period words.
2. Start the timer by setting the control word.
3. Loop while loading the status word into a register.
4. In the loop, keep checking whether the timeout bit is set.

5. Once the timeout bit is set, exit the loop and stop the timer by writing the appropriate control word.
There are a few things to note about using the timer for this lab:
• There are other ways to obtain an approximate 1 s delay without using a timer.

• For step-by-step debugging (cycling through your code using F2), you should probably disable the 1 s
delay timer — since it will involve millions (or even billions) of loops of code to complete.

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