The Proposal
The Proposal
The Proposal
X By Anton Chekhov
This one act play is about the tendency of wealthy Russian families or
people to seek marriage ties with other wealthy families or people to
increase their estates by encouraging marriages that make good economic
sense. Ivan Lomov comes to seek the hand of Chubukov’s 25 year old
daughter Natalya. All three are quarrelsome. They quarrel over petty
issues. The proposal is in danger of being forgotten amidst all this
quarreling. But economic good sense ensures that the proposal is made
successful, after all - although the quarreling perhaps continues.
Darling - child or son
How may you be - how are you getting on?
getting on?
My angel or my - my child or son
Spit it out - speak out
To seek the - to propose
hand of a girl
in marriage
By Jov - by god
Twitch - a sudden quick moment or feeling
To get off to sleep - to go to bed
Neglige - a women’s dressing gown
To stand - to bear dishonesty
Carafe - a glass container
Pettifogger - paying too much attention to unimportant
Embezzlement - stealing money belonging to your employer
Ashok Mehta
TGT English
NOV. 2017