Physics P6 Mock QP 2016 O-N

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Trial Examination 2016

Name : ________________________________ Year : _______

PHYSICS                                                                                                      0625/06

Paper 6 Alternative to Practical                                                

Candidates answer on the Question Paper.                                                      1 hour 

 No Additional Materials are required. 


Write your name on all the work you hand in. Write in dark blue or black pen.You may use 
an HB pencil for any diagrams, graphs or rough working.Do not use staples, paper clips, 
glue or correction fluid. 

Answer all questions.

Electronic calculators may be used.

You may lose marks if you do not show your working or if you do not use appropriate units.

At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together. The number of marks 
is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question. 

The total number of marks for this paper is 40

This document consists of 10 printed pages.

1. Some IGCSE students are investigating the cooling of water.

Fig. 1.1 shows how the apparatus is set up.

(a) A thermometer is placed on the bench so that room temperature can be

Read and record room temperature θR as shown on the thermometer in Fig.

θR...................................... [1]

(b) A student pours hot water into the beaker so that the level is as shown in Fig. [2]
In Table 1.1, he then records the temperatures θ every minute as the water
cools until time t = 6 minutes.
Complete the column headings and complete the time column in Table 1.1.

(c) State in which position of the thermometer bulb the average rate of cooling is
the greater.
Justify your answer by referring to the results.

(d) What precaution do the results suggest should be taken when measuring the
temperature of a liquid?
Explain how the results show that this is a sensible precaution.



(e) A student in a different school wants to repeat the experiment in order to

check the results.
Suggest two experimental conditions which should be kept the same.



[Total : 9]

2. The IGCSE class is investigating the oscillation of a pendulum.
The apparatus is set up as shown in Fig. 2.1.

The height h of the pendulum bob above the bench is measured and recorded.
This is repeated, to obtain a total of five different values of h, by shortening the
string of the pendulum but without changing the height of the clamp.
For each value of h, the pendulum bob is pulled to one side by a small distance, as
shown in Fig. 2.2.
The pendulum is then released and the time t for 10 complete oscillations is
measured and recorded.
(a) Describe a precaution which the IGCSE students might have taken in order
to measure h as accurately as possible. You may draw a diagram.


(b) Figs. 2.3 to 2.7 are scale diagrams showing the height h of the pendulum bob
above the bench for each of the five experiments.


(i) Measure, and record in Table 2.1, the height h in each experiment.
(ii) The diagrams are drawn to 1/5 scale.
Calculate, and record in Table 2.1, the actual heights H of the
pendulum bob above the bench. [2]

(c) (i) For each value of height h, calculate the time T for one complete
oscillation, using the equation T = t/10.
Record these values in Table 2.1.

(ii) Calculate the values of T2 and record these in the table.


(d) Plot a graph of T2/ s2 (y-axis) against H / cm (x-axis).

(e) Determine the gradient G of the graph.
Show clearly on the graph how you obtained the necessary information.

One of the students wishes to carry out the experiment again to obtain results
which are more reliable.
Describe one change she might make to the method to achieve this.

[Total : 12]

3. Some IGCSE students are investigating resistance using a set of wires.

The circuit they are using is shown in Fig. 3.1.
They measure the potential difference and current for three wires A, B and C
inserted in turn between the crocodile clips. All three wires have the same diameter
and are made from the same material.

(a) The crocodile clips are connected to the ends of wire A and the circuit is
switched on.
The readings on the voltmeter and ammeter are shown in Fig. 3.2.

Read, and record in Table 3.1, the potential difference V and the current I.

(b) The procedure is repeated for wire B and for wire C and the readings are as
shown in the table.
Complete the column headings in the table. [1]
(c) (i) Calculate and record the resistance R of each wire, using the readings [1]
from Table 3.1 and the equation R = V/I

resistance of wire A, RA = ...............................................................
resistance of wire B, RB = ...............................................................
resistance of wire C, RC = ...............................................................
(ii) One student suggests that RA should be equal to (RB + RC).
State whether the findings support this suggestion. Justify your answer
by reference to the results.



(d) One problem encountered in this type of investigation is that resistance can
be affected by a rise in temperature of the wire.
Suggest one way in which this effect could be kept to a minimum.


[Total :7 ]

4. The IGCSE students are investigating the effect of an electromagnet.

Fig. 4.1 shows part of the equipment they are using.
The current I in the coil of the electromagnet is gradually increased and the reading
m on the balance is recorded.
Fig 4.1

(a) The students are using a variable resistor (rheostat) to change the current in
the series circuit that is connected to the electromagnet.
On Fig. 4.1, use standard symbols to draw a circuit containing a variable
resistor and an ammeter connected in a way that would be suitable for the
experiment. [2]
(b) The readings are shown in Table 4.1.

(i) At each current, a value M is calculated.

M = m0 – m, where m0 = 61.37 g, the balance reading when I = 0.00 A.
Complete the table by calculating and recording M for currents of 2.00
A and 3.00 A. [1]
(ii) State whether the results suggest that M is proportional to I.
Justify your statement with reference to the results.



[Total : 5]
5. A student is carrying out an experiment with a small converging lens. The student
sets up the apparatus as shown in Fig. 5.1. The distances are shown 70% of full

She moves the screen until a sharp image of the illuminated object appears on the

(a) Using Fig. 4.1, measure and record the distance u1 between the illuminated
object and the lens, and the distance v1 between the lens and the screen. And
then write down the original distances

u1 = ....................................

v1 = ..................................... [2]

(b) Calculate a value for the focal length f of the lens, using your results from (a)
and the equation

f = .................................... [3]
(c) Describe two precautions that should be taken in order to obtain reliable
results in this type of experiment.



[Total : 7]



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