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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : 8( Delapan )
Hari, tanggal : Selasa, 10 Oktober 2017
Waktu : 90 Menit
1. Berdo’a terlebih dahulu sebelum mengerjakan soal Ulangan Umum Tengah Semester Ganjil.
2. Tulis dengan jelas: Nama,Kelas, NomorPeserta, danTanggalUjian.
3. Lembar jawaban ditulis dengan menggunakan pulpen dan tidak dibenarkan menggunakan pensil.
4. Periksa danbacalahsoalsebelummenjawabpertanyaan, jawablahpertanyaan yang dianggap lebih mudah terlebih
5. Nomor jawaban boleh tidak berurutan.
6. Periksa jawaban anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas Ulangan Umum Tengah Semester Ganjil.

A. Fill in the blank with the correct answer! 5. Lions are carnivores because .....
1. Kate : We’ll have a long holiday next month. 6. Lions do the hunting in groups when ....
What are you going to do? 7. Lia : What do you think about our school ?
Yani : .... Ana : .............. it’s the best
Kate : I hope you have a nice trip
Complete the dialogue above .... Translate into Indonesian Language :
8. Aku bisa bermain piano : .....
9. Maya tidak bisa berenang : ....
2. Alex : What do you think about the film ?
Bram : I think ....................... Make a sentences using these word :
Complete the dialogue above .... 10. Study : ....
11. Play : ....
3. Eric : I think our city is very hot at the moment. 12. Read : ....
Era : I don’t think so ................ Our city is
Arrange the Jumbled words :
much cooler than other cities in this country.
13. Roots – The – Shapes – Of – Two = main – Consist
Complete the dialogue above .... 14. buying – didn’t – clothes – money – much – we–
spend – for
4. Bowo : I feel tired and I feel dizzy. Text for number 13 - 16
Sri : I think …. Don’t leave the bed if it is not Audi and I are best friends. I like being Audi’s friend
necessary. because she is honest she doesn’t tell me lies. She is
Complete the dialogue above .... smart and diligent. We often discuss school lessons
 You should lie down and have some together. She is a bit quite but sometimes she can be
rest very stubborn. It is very difficult to change her opinion.
 I am thinking of going to Bali Sorry 15. Audi’s friend is....
 I like it
16. Audi is not only smart, but also ......
 In my opinion
17. We often discuss school lessons together
Reading text for number 5 and 6 the word ‘We” refer to ......
Lions are carnivores. They eat meat only by 18. The best title for the text above is ...
hunting. They do the hunting individually or in groups. 19. To state your opinion, you can use the expression
When the prey is small and weak. They do the hunting are ....
individually. But when it is large and strong,they need
to hunt in group. Female lions do the hunting while the
males take the meat from them.
20. X : Can you play badminton? Charlie : Yes, I did.
Y : ..... I can only play soccer. Vicky : That’s amazing.
21. Santi : Can you play piano? Charlie : Hahahahha! Thank you.
Siti : ....... I can
22. A : What’s his name? B. Answer the following questions correctly!
B : Superman, but his name on earth isClark 1. Mention 3 expressions of asking for attention!
Kent. 2. Write down 3 expressions to ask for opinion!
3. Arrange these sentences into a good steps!
A : Does he come fromouter space?
1. Add a spoonful of sugar
B : Indeed. He is from a planet called Kryptonite. 2. First, boil some water in the kettle
The correct expression to show interest information 3. Finally, stir the mixture for a few moment
is ... and tea is ready to be served
23. Teacher : ..... 4. Then, put one of tea bag into a cup
Students : Yes, ma’am. 5. Fill in the cup with boiling water
The correct expression of asking for attentionn is ... 4. Can you find any expression of Checking
Complete the dialogs below using the phrases in the
5. Find other expression of giving compliment?
box :
Vicky : Hi, How are you?
Charlie : I’m very well,(24) ..................... What about
Vicky : (25)...................,Oh, by the way, I heard that
you won the singing competition last week.





Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : IX ( Sembilan )
Hari, tanggal : Selasa, 10 Oktober 2017
Waktu : 90 Menit

7. Berdo’a terlebih dahulu sebelum mengerjakan soal Ulangan Umum Tengah Semester Ganjil.
8. Tulis dengan jelas: Nama,Kelas, NomorPeserta, danTanggalUjian.
9. Lembar jawaban ditulis dengan menggunakan pulpen dan tidak dibenarkan menggunakan pensil.
10. Periksa dan bacalah soal sebelum menjawab pertanyaan, jawablah pertanyaan yang dianggap lebih
mudah terlebih dahulu.
11. Nomor jawaban boleh tidak berurutan.
12. Periksa jawaban anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas UlanganUmum Tengah Semester

 Fill in the blank with the correct answer using  Make an expression of admiration based on
expression certainty or uncertainty : the situation below :
7. You see the flowers in the garden are so
1. Johan : Hi, Yudi, the weather is cloudy. Do you beautiful. ( ...............................................)
think it will rain soon? 8. You have a smart brother or sister. (
Yudi : I think so, I am ... It will rain soon. .............................................................)
 Complete the sentences using comparative
2. Mr. James : If I don't have certificate showing degree!
ownership of property forguarantee, 9. This jacket is too small. I need a ..... size ( large )
will the bank lend me some money? 10. Let’s go by car. It’s ...............( cheap )
Mr. Chang : I can't say that for sure. 11. Text is to describe and classify information is
The underlined expression is used to express .... 12. The whole universe and every created thing in
the world such as animals, plants,
 Answer using expression for repetation : mountains,rivers and human being are called ......
Rudi : Hello, can I speak to Alghi ?  Find the meaning of these word below :
Alghi’s brother: Sorry. I didn’t catch what you 13. Earthquake : ............................
said. Would you mind 14. Flood : ............................
repeating yourwords ? 15. Landslide : ............................
Rudi : O.K. I told you that can I speak 16. General Structure of report text consist of
to Alghi ? ...........
Alghi’s brother: Oohh. Sorry he had just come 17. “What a beautiful mountain!” is the kinds of
out. expression......
3. The underlined phrase is showing….. 18. “I’m not sure “ is the kinds of expression .........
4. Aim, Materials and method are the generic 19. A procedure text is ........
structure for ....  Change into comparative degree :
5. Procedure text is ..... 20. Large : .....................................
6. The generic structure of report text are .......... 21. Beautiful : .....................................
22. Big : .....................................
23. Expensive : .....................................
24. Long : ......................................
25. Short : ......................................
II. Read the text carefully and then answer the last one. Was on December 26, 2004, which caused
question : over 100.000 deaths.
A Tsunami can have a width of 100 to 200 km
TSUNAMI and may spread far across the deep ocean, the speed
Tsunami is a Japanese word from a seismic sea is as fast as a jet plane, when the wave reaches land
wave generated by an undersea earthquake, it can be very high, about 15 m or more.
landslide or eruption.
Most tsunamis happen along the Ring of Fire. It Answer these question below !
is a zone of Volcanoes and Seismic activity. The 1. What is Tsunami?
zone encircles the Pasific Ocean. 2. What can cause tsunamis?
Historically, Tsunamis have cause much 3. Where did Tsunami happen on 1800’s?
destruction and death. Since 1819, about 40 4. How many Victims death when Tsunami
tsunamis have stuck the Hawaiian Island and Since happened in Aceh?
1883, about 20 tsunamis have struck Indonesia. The 5. How fast the speed of tsunami?

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